A few weeks ago xQc watched a news video about a bombing in Gaza. Twitter is very upset about it.
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I'm out of bed okay I'm not asleep on the couch Okay I Wake up to this Okay I Look at this guy. okay and this guy. no TTS N V Guys I'm not going to guys I don't like roing people based on their name because I don't know it because there's so many Crea these days I don't know their names Okay I don't know what he does I don't I don't know what and honestly I don't really care I care is that this is 88,000 likes. At the point it had like 82,000 which is insane right? So this guy's probably like doing like a like Banger uh hunting or whatever trying to get like a a good tweet going.

and when I think about what scum degenerate content parasite look like I don't think to create a parody more on the nose than this and then and and he posts this right and I don't even know what this is. Is this my own video? It's it's from excc Clips So so this is literally it's a it's It's not even a video. It's A. It's literally a clip.

So it's a screenshot of a live broadcast posted on clips of two minutes. And and this. this is the response, right? Um guys guys, not only do I I not care okay about this. Okay I I'm not mad at the editor for posing this I commend him for posing I commend him I Generally do I don't know why cuz ex clipse doesn't make money, it doesn't.

Um, short clips don't make a lot of money. It's not very well monetized. Um, It's not an effort to make money, it it gives traction. it's it's kind of cool.

It keeps it, keeps the thing fresh and just just in general. Guys, everybody knows that uh to make a lot of money on YouTube videos at like the 11 minute Mark or like 16 they th they're thresholds the the clips. Channel doesn't make money, it just it's just kind of trash for money. We this? that's Bes the point.

Okay, that's the point you guys saying lie. Okay, it's cringe that you're literally still reporting that you know absolutely nothing about either. YouTube monetization algorithms, ads. You just don't know anything about the topic.

That's just what you're proving to me right now. anyway. so now now we're out of that, Don't worry, check guys. I I'll I'll get to the also part in a minute which I I got it all lined up.

Okay, this. Okay, so this is not a a thumbnail or whatever. This is literally this is a a clip from a live broadcast. You know what's cool about live broadcast, right? is that things happen in real time.

Okay, just like you when you're on your phone or you when you're on your own or whatever, right? And then this just a screenshot of the video. Okay, so the think that there's like a a plan like a nefarious idea. To think that there's like some evil scheme at hand is insane. It's just it's just insane.

Okay, and not only that, not only that, okay, this is this is. This is like a common everyday thing. Everybody does that. everybody just watches videos and reacts right? So I got roasted for reacting not enough.

Well if I if I open my mouth and I'm like Jesus Christ that's a that's a massive thing happened on this on the screen. This is terrible. Oh my God if I do this now I'm reacting too much so then what you want is you want me to do what instead and the solution that is is done. People just don't.
People don't want a solution and what they want is problems. People just want to outrage and create problems. And they don't care about a solution because they want to be upset instead, right? So why would I respond to somebody who tries just hard to simply be upset, right? The fan is on sorry I'm I'm I'm going I'm I'm going to put some music on Why would I try my hardest to make somebody not upset when their only goal is to be upset on purpose and to make everybody else upset. Well, I'm not doing that okay because this is a uh I've learned over the years is what we call a lost battle.

You can't You can't. You literally cannot argue with people like that. Their only goal is to be upset. And it's these days it's the easiest thing on the internet is to be upset.

it's a lost cause. Okay, so um, as a response to this, um I decided to um post a uh Flex on this guy. So the official response is just um a straight Flex I Don't know why this is the the cringiest flex possible Can you if somebody? if somebody's goal is to be upset, well I will give them everything that he needs to be upset. That's what I did.

That's the only reasoning double. The reason is simple: If cringe makes him upset and he know doesn't like me so everything is already cringe, right? He wants to be upset. Well, I mean might as well might as well give him what he wants because that's what he wants because he's hiding his motives. He just wants to create outrage.

So I'm going to feed it to him. So I what I did and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Okay, the topic at hand. the CL the war, the politics or whatever.

Okay, bro. just ignor I ignored all of it. This is not about this. This is about that.

What people are missing the point Tom It is not about this. It is about that. And to this to this I Respond I respond with that that behavior. That behavior.

The response we get is this okay, Is it? Oh, don't don't worry I don't need to show replies I'll show you in a minute say I'm cringe but that's the whole Point that's the bro I I Just said it bro. you upset you're upset in chat. Okay, say I'm cringe. Okay, that makes you upset and that is the literal goal.

You're proving me right in real time that it makes you upset cuz this person deserves to be upset cuz he wants to be upset. so I'm just giving it to him. It's that simple I don't Why I hate is so hard. Understand Anyway, I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to argue against it because I mean I reached my goals so I I can't I'm just cashing in my win.

Okay, why do I care? Because these people are, um, these people are. they're kind of how would you call this these people? They they feed on the bottom of the barrel right? and I think they should feel fulfilled in that and it should double down on this dumb this this stupidity right so that later on they will trip and they will fall from from from higher cuz if you think this is this is this is logical reasoning or whatever well I mean yeah yeah it is then sure man, keep keep it going I don't know I don't I don't care. Uh, what is this is about Win is the biggest stream of all time Guys: I Don't give a guys guys I'm right so doesn't matter, it doesn't matter So responded with this and then everybody got so mad. Here are some of the replies: Everybody got so mad at this reply cuz they didn't get it.
They think that this is about war. This is about this. Everybody's is just victimizing and whatever guys, people that watch the stream know exactly what this is from. Okay I came to a topic that had no education on and people say you have a responsibility with your platform to know about this.

whatever I was like okay, let's let's learn about this and I was literally doing a segment where I was getting educated on the topic while hopefully educating others as they learn with me because that's what I do on stream I spend my entire day on stream. Okay I my entire day when I wake up consists of doing stream and being exhausted and doing bre Rock after stream and going to bed. The only thing I have to learn is on stream and what I do. Pay attention to what I do is that I like to learn on stream because I think it's a process that that can be documented and that people, uh, can enjoy watching because it educates them at the same time so we can do that at the same time.

it's it's a real time thing I'm not trying to tell I'm not trying to educate you I'm educating myself at the same time. hopefully um, it educates you at this. We're kind of. and if doesn't reach the goal well I don't give a because um, the whole point is from my experience, right? and um, that's just kind of how it goes.

And I think that's that's not a process that that that it's It's never been a problem. It is not a problem perf. Okay, it's a very normal natural human behavior and people mad about this. Uh, I will never stop doing it because it because it hurts you.

Um, if it hurts you. um, that makes me happy. Uh, because you deserve to be hurt and to, um, start becoming numb to that because you are wrong. That's how that's how you kind of get out of these patterns is by becoming numb to the things that shouldn't hurt you because you are wrong.

You understand, you are wrong. All right. All right. move on up that.

Okay, so that was the whole point of this. Okay, so yeah, I reacted in real time such as did everybody else. the mainstream media, the the commentators YouTube twitch whoever you want. Everybody reacted um, in some ways, right and I I eded the react and there's nothing evil about that.
it just it's just what it is. And if you want to know the truth about this, okay, um, people made much more money with this. People have been milking the out of that right? I wasn't even watching the news I was watching a video that was educ educational not breaking news, not the news. This was literally watching an educational video about this.

So I think in in in degrees of harm I'm on the very lower scale of it cuz everybody's miling the out of it and I just watched it right yet I'm being cooked for a two minutes I don't know if this is monetized or not. two minute clip when everybody's making full length 20 minute video juice of on ads about it. So out of all people to go against of course they choose me because I'm the easiest stug these days which is honest I don't really give a be honest just gives me Twitter Impressions and you know what? dude, you know what? dude. One thing I made a point.

Okay I I will die on I will die on this hill and make less money from it. Okay, my Twitter is purposefully not monetized currently. Okay so that whenever I tweet some dumb I'm not farming a PR for money, it makes 0 It's just not monetized. Okay Um so I get to be dumb and and have the argument I'm not making mment uh proof U Sure I I could prove it Sure Um I Think you have to go to what you have to go to monetization Boom Monetization available programs subscriptions eligible ad Revenue Sharing incomplete So I just I just I don't have any Mon it's just not there.

Um okay. so after after posting it um after kind of like Xq kind of giving in to his stupidity right? which again has nothing to do with this. Well the what they do best is, um just be outraged and um kind of warms my heart. How here here's some of the here's some of the natural flies that we got from that: I got a couple I got a couple.

We probably start from the end I Think this guy. um this guy. this guy's inciting violence. um Can someone curb stomp his head in in cheers.

So this guy and sigic violence just casually this guy just go straight for it. blending out there. it is what it is. All right this Gu says I hope you exp a long painful death.

All right. So so wishing a painful death that's not very nice but okay I'll take it. Next up what we got. um kill this guy with hammers right here.

okay this guy wants me to get wants me to get killed somehow from for for posting a video of a of a VOD gotcha. moving on, hope you break every bone in your body okay can of wishing me some some bad luck and some some some hurt. Got it? Okay it is what it is I mean I I've actually never broken a bone before I've only freshed one but maybe I'll I'll be in in pain when I break all my bones from this guy. Someone really just need to beat your ass Echo Huang says it.

someone who really needs to beat your ass I need a beating for um posting on the internet Okay moving on this guy I guys now we have a very rare case a very Advanced schizophrenia Okay so they shouldn't be laughing at this. Should be probably sad. this is just sad. Okay I remember when OverWatch was huge and had a had a rep in several comp Discord servers I was in for being a major adal them to the point where people would avoid him so he see him bring about cash he high as a cat isn't surpris to me Behavior so I don't even know what a rep is in this instance and I don't know what? um several comp discords is a reputation so that didn't happen by the way.
So this by the way that that never happened there's only at there's only onee there's there's only one. uh this s time it's called um comp OverWatch okay and believe it or not, um Not only would I not be avoided I was invited to the pro Discord to the to the Pro Part even though we were not pro yet just because um I was entertaining everybody and they liked they lik the jokes and they like the memes and the B I would go in there and just type some. Everybody loved it And they would invite me exclusively um to laugh and get good jokes and it is what it is I mean it's it's actually how we initially gone through the tournaments because the time we were not a pro and all the all the tournaments were were invite only. This is actually a good story The tournaments at time were were invite only right and we could not get into the tournaments we're not Pro it was only Pro people and I would get invited um to the to the to the pro part of the of that Discord because I was typing some of the time and making banter and like that people love that and then I was able to DM somebody because I was in there and we finally got invited to Alien Wear Monthly Melee for the first time off the fact that we would cause a storm and we would um create a storm at the time and we did um and from that we getting invited and we ended up winning so that was going to our Kickstart the pro.

Yeah um this guy has 19,000 tweets well that's a problem all right. move it up. What else we got? Use the money to buy some nice high quality rope and turn yourself into content for Logan Paul you crack addicted Ken doll looking sack of that's a good one Chat: I Gota be honest chat. This is a compounded joke.

There's multiple good ones in this chat guys. A lot of reference here. reference to Suicide to the Logan the Logan Paul Suicide Forest event Ken Doll classic CL Four three jok into one this gu 39,000 tweets 30 many only that's a good one. Uh, crack addict too is kind of chill.

well for wondering. drugs. Overall okay when you have like a when you have like more money, you just crack isn't like your drug of choice. not currently mine anyway.

so I don't do crack but I'm I'm glad that I you still kind of consider me U possible crack addict anyway. um um I don't know why that that was for context. Oh yeah, Oh yeah yeah yeah, that's what that's what I was going to get at. Hold up, Hold up, Where's he at? Where's he at I need the one from Austin I think I got it somewhere in here.
Where's he at? Where is my brother AA Knox I'll pick it up from um I will pick it up from the thing itself I got you chat. Don't worry about it, do not worry about this I got it right here. Can can you cannot run over me? can't run Oh here it comes this going to get his own little segment. So for context um this is I think H's editor atino I Don't know if he still edits for he foran can we get some? uh it's his boyfriend no, not I don't know why I read that um does he still for he say guess what this is in reply to and this guy doesn't realize the irony of this cuz even though even though for me me, um as I already explained, this was not about like war and death, it was about just dumbass.

Behavior regress what the context is this guy says guess what this do apply to maybe he completely forgot that his beloved streamer um reacted to 9911 and saying um, you know that that that, um that the people deserved it um so this guy just kind of maybe kind of blurred and just completely forgot that his streamer kind of celebrated the death of thousands of people um to innocence on on on on. yeah, straight up. is that that happen I may I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure there's a tweet.

there's a there's a clip of a son saying America deserved 911 is what I'm pretty sure is what happened last time and then once he got banned I think tweeted um and double down and said he's not going to back down and he truly believes that. So I thought it would be kind of ironic that this guy shows up and does this at the same time while editing videos about the exact same topic such as this did Israel bombo and Gaza question mark So This of course is ahead of time breaking. No guys, no breaking news policy guys. no breaking news question mark and it's this: React Andy even with a bigger thumbnail with explosion in fire Boom um boom boom right here SRA up I mean it's it doesn't it? It doesn't stop Bing reacting Andy to to to Boom bombs and cuz that's not only is this something common for them, this is something that he does.

Is it? He is somebody who does that. He's the one who creates it. So for him to go at me about this and try to try to dog pile on the hate because he's going to get free points it. It's pretty rich.

It is pretty rich and somebody could say it's ironic he's in the editor I Don't give a oh my God have I just spread misinformation. Oh no I can't believe this guys I must hold myself to a higher standard I Don't give a do I care why the would I care about misformation This this entire thing exists of the back and information. What? Oh here's another one here. America Oh my God you say 911 Dude it I'm saying it Jesus Christ Anyway um son reactions um boom this is thing with a with a with a with a big um face on the screen.
Guys chat. This is not about the issue or the politics of it or the or the war or death or none of it. None of it. Please I will remind you constantly in this little segment.

Chat that none of this. oh it's not. it's not his channel. Oh my God.

Well that make chat That makes it much better. It's almost as if right. Almost as if this is a clip from his stream. Which coincidentally, isn't that the what? Pretty much what? EXC Clips Posted a clip of my stream.

Oh, so the behavior is the same, but somehow it's being treated differently. Okay, it's because you're going with the narrative in mind and you're navigating this through a narrative in your head because you're a skitso. Andy Outrage Andy Behavior is the same. The behavior is the exact same thing.

It's just being treated differently. Oh oh oh oh oh, he transforms it. So now this is about react. So I should have reacted more or less is what you're saying.

Oh, it's about react. My bad. I'm sorry I wasn't following the plot I Thought this was about death or something like that or politics. but it's about react.

So we're going to go in and out of this gotcha. Well anyway. I mean because of the current standings or what public opinion is is that people can get away with saying things that are pretty outrageous. I don't think see like guys I'm going give it a B I Mean we guys, this is this is.

Iconic clip. This is nothing guys I'm not making it I'm not. This is not a dig at Hanan itself. This is more a dig at the culture entirely right? Because they will greenl one thing and not another just because of what is currently accepted and is the current public narrative America deserve 911 dude it I'm saying it.

We're there to partner with them. We're not there doing our own I'm personally not in the in the in the school of thought of of kind of um saying like that ever but seems like people think they can get away with it u based on what the Cent public opinion is. it is what it is. What can I say um we can move on there.

okay um, let's keep it up. Let's keep it up. Let's keep it up. Let's keep going.

Donald Trump Please Kill XC That's a good okay. gotta give it to him. That's a good meme. that's a good reference.

I Chat I Gota love this one I Gota love this one I Can't lie that one's funny. so I you know I think the behavior is still. um, the meme does hit. That's a plus one for this one.

Okay, um yeah. Kill this guy with hammers again with the same format. That's pretty insane, but it is what it is. Domain expansion.

Kill. This guy says okay, well this this guy okay, uh another one of these guys just trying to inight Suicide this is a little bit little crazy, but what can you? What can you really expect? a oh W this one's a good one that CH that's a spicy one that's pretty spicy. um a sea always SE a double slur combo. Dude, no no, no chat.
that's like almost a three ply fold that that that's intended. that there's a behavior behind that on the second one. Yeah, that's like a three strike attack. This kind of Gu went straight for it.

I think it's a slur. okay I think I think if you use um, somebody's skin color straight up with a word to diminish and have a negative connotation regardless of what the color of that skin is I think that's a slur. That's my school of thought. If you don't agree with that, it is what it is I don't I'm not going to get offended by it I'm showing on screen this guy just d double seed me up and I'm still out here okay and I'm still laughing because I think it's still stupid and I don't care I'm not offended by it I'm just telling you that if if I were to put a state a stamp on it I think that's a slurp okay and he he dibl up Okay, no um well I think guys I think overall this is my thoughts I want people agree this or not if you use somebody's skin color flat out where what it is right in a negative connotation to try to diminish or uh, to diminish their behavior or themselves.

That's just a slur. that's just a bad thing I Feel like if as Society we green light everybody that it's okay to do that. The people in general are not smart enough to self- police themselves and self-re themselves to not do it to other races and other skin colors when a time comes. I Just generally think that your average Joe is too stupid just like me.

If you tell him hey man, you can make fun of this race or this skin color, Do it bang bang bang and do it. And when they do it to like uh, let's say a black person whoa whoa whoa whoa. So I don't think they'll be able to understand and stop the behavior. um because you've reinforced them that it's okay to diminish based off their skin color.

That's just how I process that. Okay, because what will be your argument for somebody to not um di of You by skin color uh to a black person or an Asian if they've been doing it over and over again to white to white people and you say yo, you should do that, This is fine. What? what? What's argument you'll have to explain a bunch of I'm sure some historical context are going to cope on it or some, or some uh cultural reference or some sort of uh oppression Bullit some some some scheme right? and I don't I think you're going to be met with uh, deaf ears I Don't think that people will be able to process that entirely and they'll just meet you with a push back. That's my thoughts though.

Moving on. this is drown kind of cold can I can of can of raw can of to directly to the point I'm scared of water like I'm got of drowning. so I'm not probably not going to do this one. but hold on.

um oh yeah guys guys, this is not this. not all that violence. Okay, won't that certainly uh, the worst way to respond. Where's your PRD when it should drop you? So this is just to I just post I just kep this one CH the um can I give everybody kind of a little bit of a zoom out on this zoom out right? This guy thinks I have a PR team that's tough that is, that's tough.
Okay I don't have a PR team? Okay and um, if I did have one Okay, they don't fire me I Fire them. Okay, if you have a PR team you employ them. Okay, they don't employ me. They don't give me money I would give them I would give them money I employ them.

Therefore, if they don't do a good job I Fire them. This guy's got life on its head. This guy. this guy's I don't know what's going on with this guy.

This backwards. All right. Moving on. ever since you got that ass bust down Cuban chain you're becom more by the day, right guys.

This one is kind of lame I Just thought I don't know what this means A bust down C that doesn't really that doesn't really exist. Okay uh this is guys I'm trying to be Ed about this one. A bust down is when you take an object right, you take a a let's say a watch that that's factory made and you bust it down. You break it down to put diamonds on it and like that you you you break down an an original.

that's a bust down I Don't think you can have a bust down the Cuban it's not really they're they're made to have diamonds on them. You get it. Anyway, this is just a bit of Education a bit of a little bit of nerd Ronnie says um this guy should actually kill a um like the whole world would be way happier if he was just dead one day. like I Don't think anyone would care enough to celebrate or anything but everyone's lives uh, would clearly be better.

All right. I Think that life would be a raw win without me? That's unlucky anyway I Want this man gone clean shot. see some people kind of wish harm right? can I wish like that I died like in suffering over time And and this guy. it wants a clean shot.

Okay, at least. Uh, here's another one of these guys. Same thing. Um, you could have used this as a chance to show how most twitch streamers did the same thing as you by covering it, but you decided to be Petty off.

So I The reason why I screenshotted this guy okay is just to show overall that this guy was almost there. Chat: This was about one step away from the correct answer. he was so close is he's got a point, right? He don't have a he doesn't have a full point. He was almost there.

He's really close though. he's really close because he's the point that the whole point of this is that if somebody is wrong I don't have it's not. It's not up to me to debunk them. They are just wrong.

right? It's not up to me to defend myself right Because the initial attack is just wrong itself. In that regard, it's not up to me to do it. Why is it up to me? Why? Why would it be up to me to defend myself if the whole Space is wrong somebody? Somebody picks me out of the field. How? I I Don't get this notion if everybody does something and I'm cly being look at, this guy is doing this right.
Oh I mean you're wrong. That's what the space is like. That's what people are doing. You're not GNA make me feel worse for it.

Uh I'm not going to it I'm not going to bother with that. This guy says poison this white demon. This guy's a com. This guy went this, went straight to it.

Chat raw. four words, one two that's four words. Just went straight for the stay for the racism plus ins signing violence combo. It is what it is INS to get poison.

Unfortunately that I please don't do that I would really not like that. um D kind of doubled up. imagine growing up being one of the most admired and then become an who only cares about money Stick on that. So this you know I only show this guy to to get a reminder nobody.

Nobody ever really admired me. There was no admiration in that sense. Okay, if you go on the internet to admire people okay, you should turn the computer off, turn internet off okay and do something of yourself. Okay, stop stop admiring people like that.

and and and people putting people on a pedestal. um I don't think I' I was I don't think I was ever in a state where I was in a admire me position. It it wasn't never like that another guy inciting for me to get killed of course I think one of your Maids should throw acid in your face you white demon. All right.

This kind of a combo. Again, there's seems to be chat. There seems to be a trend of combo with the the with the white demon and acid poison. there's something to it I've noticed.

um yeah. Also this white I didn't really look into white Dem um yeah. anyway yeah says it. Someone needs to kiss him I would really much like that.

Thank you. Please kiss me. Please kiss me. also.

Also also the kiss if the kiss lasts a good amount of time. Okay, just know I don't I don't mind tongue so at least give me a give me a good whole lot of it I would really appreciate that anyway. um yeah, this is something I caught right before when the stream started I was like uh I don't know why why this person is going to why out like that. um yeah I don't even know I think she's just farming to be honest actually chat you want be hon do I didn't read it I just screenshotted it and I I posted it I was like it's probably going to be wrong.

so I'm just going to put it on Discord and uh post it for stream. uh and yeah this XC is so gross and things world revolves around money. It's the only thing he uses as a comeback Anytime someone criticizes him. Money is the only thing has since he can't maintain anyal relationship in his life.

True me, that's I like at least partially through true. um yeah yeah. I was about I was about to say um, this person is not the fastest I've seen it in one of the clips recently of something she was talking about on um on reddits. Uh, one of her Clips um she seemed to have like negative, um like like reasoning skills and like the negatives and I thought it it.
It'd be probably unfair to go to too hard at for a take. um when there's not, there's nothing there. oh it's a day. oh my bad.

Well I have no idea. Um. Anyway, my true take these days is that um, people people hate me for this. Okay, people hate me for this I I I go very often on the internet and I call anybody it I think it's pretty inclusive right? Um, for like anybody anybody.

but I don't know I think maybe that's brand dead I don't know. For me, it's like this person it. you know this person. oh twed here it comes.

When was this? This was about 8 minutes ago. Actually take Chism for your own actions without pivoting toan challenge. Very difficult What? I didn't pivoted his son I pivot wait I pivoted to your own behavior Guys guys wait wait hold on. Hold on Hold on hold on hold on I didn't put a mirror on the son I put a mirror on how he edits Hassan and how he portrays Hassan Um, against me, it's kind of like uh, that's the whole point because the video is edited.

that's my editor right then I just put a mirror back at him. not at Hassan What the I use Assan because that's his way of communicating to the world. He uses a sound clipse and whatnot. right? Is he an editor? Yeah, Man, you should apologize for reacting to current events because a lot of people said that um I had a platform and I should I should use that platform for good I Should Ed get on the topic right? and when I do I get cooked for making money off of it? Um so I don't really know what to do anymore dude, like it's kind of insane I I should I don't know what to do anymore I Try my best to navigate this, but I think the people just want to get upset.

So I think that's where we're having now.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “I made twitter mad”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maple says:

    At least hes talking a bit better ig but it might be too late now

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smitty Boy the boi says:

    Bro i wish i could understand a word you say you speak like a child

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erasure says:

    37 mins of yapping

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gjisahappy toad says:

    your reaction was hype tho

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Junkmations says:

    “Your a bad person”
    “Yea but I’m rich”

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Bower says:

    88k likes lmao please 80% of those are bots

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Time says:

    Like to watch ratio for me rolling

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Xeno says:

    Thousands of years have passed and these people are still fighting over that shit hole… Absolutely insane. . Also Allah forbid anyone talks bad about Palestine because you definitely maybe might have heads starting to roll 😑

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Scimemi says:

    Smooth brain guy with smooth brain followers.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bannless says:

    Xqc has really been filtering the comment section

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OfirWasHere says:

    I like xQc keep it up man!. these are very mad mostly arab people living in their imagery would and attack whoever is breaking the reality they created and refusing to leave.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PurplePunch says:

    Xqc fell off frfr

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A88 says:

    Show the tweets of kwite smoking you 😂😂😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrei says:

    Show kwite cooking you

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