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#xQc #sssniperwolf

This is actually the most outrageous setup. I Oh mo M it's 1 a.m. although normally I be in bed right now Co and snuggled up I'm instead having to talk about one of the biggest no NOS guys guys guys guys guys instead of watching this chat maybe guys when drama chat you guys should send to me on the ASAP So I can do drama review like that but myself a yapon man yo I have better takes, upgrade takes and guys everybody tells love when yeah man right? CH I've ever seen on the YouTube platform and to call it huge drama would be an underservice, it'd be a lie. It's more accurate to say a huge crime has been committed by one of YouTube's biggest creators and that crime is doxing which which it's a real crime in the state of California look cyber harassment statute and it was committed by Sniper Wolf again I think the like top 100 maybe most subscribed to YouTuber On the platform she doxed Jack films in OG YouTuber uh he tweeted out about it said creepy gross violating what you did was disgusting uh this this is wrong uh and and how did she dos him well she she dropped an insta story and said should I go visit at Jackfilms.

he lives 5 minutes away from my shoot and did a fun little pull. Should I do a crime or not and I guess her follower said yes do crime and she did she she did. She posted in her insta story his house it's blurred out here cuz I'm not trying to add fuel to the fire, but that is literally a picture of his house with a caption let's talk like adults which is something Guys: how does he? How does she even know where he lives Anyway, that should only exist in the confines of like a horror movie that that's not a normal thing to do. that's weird, that's creepy, and that's illegal.

That's doxing. Uh, and and there's some backstory to why it happened in the first place and we'll get to that in a moment. But first, after doing the doxing, she kind of had this weird argument saying accusing do information I have no idea how to do he L post his address on Google instead him and dos him wait he posted his address on Google Guys, how do you post your address to Google what the is that I don't know how I don't how can you do that? Me of doxing is defamation I have no idea how to dox which is crazy cuz that's like that's like somebody who just you know snorted cocaine said I don't even know how to do officer I'm not going to be a lot Andy Okay yeah, ducking is terrible should never do that. Never Yeah, this all bad.

Okay, but if his LLC is registered and his house is bought under his LLC and it's public information then if they were to go like crime mode and like that I think they would have to prove that the information is not available elsewhere and it's private and she released that. unfortunately for the crime angle, if the information is publicly available and able to get it publicly like that, then uh, that angle or case wouldn't actually make sense and that makes kind of him wrong for saying that it's a crime and doting if it's not. But I we don't know yet where I have to continue watching. it's in your note.
you already did it. We you should know how to do it because he did it. He literally posted his address on Google and said I threatened him and dox him. Obviously that's not how Google works right? You don't post on Google it's impossible to even find on Google these days.

Have you tried using it? Google's like back in the 1990s that broke everybody's on chat GPT and I promise you a YouTuber would not post their address on Google if anything, they'd probably okay. Hold up chat guys. Yeah I'm not a L but I kind of know a little bit about this. Okay, because I was kind of accused of that when I showed my own house which I own and have and is under my name that I purchased with my money that I earned POG championship and um, that argument failed.

But anyway, um yeah I I I I was accused of that man and I I had to learn about it these days. Have you tried using it? Google's like back in the 1990s that broke everybody's on chat GPT and I promise you a YouTuber would not post their address on Google If anything, they'd probably spent several hours, days, months if not years trying to remove addresses from Google I would know this and as somebody whose address has been doxed all right, not by a famous YouTuber by by a random person and then got swatted, it sucks. It's like the worst part of the job. it's not an exaggeration.

It's probably the single worst part that has made me consider not doing the job cuz it is so bad of anyway that was her argument, it wasn't it wasn't doxing. uh but for whatever reason Jack brought up a good point. If it's not doxing, why'd you delete it which she did do I looked at her inst story. she deleted that in almost every other post.

but we have to now get to what we we. Why are we here? Why Why the did she do that? It was a crazy thing to do but why why Jax films another OG YouTuber And for some backstory if you don't know, Sniper Wolf is a huge youber. YouTuber Again, 34.2 million subscribers, 24 billion with a be anyway billion Channel views and the main content that she uploads is react content. You might have seen one of these thumbnails before.

If You go to like any Airbnb and they have a YouTube channel that's not logged into, her video is likely recommended. at least that's my experience. Uh and and that's the kind of the gist. You know an 8 to 10 minute reaction video of of like o Tik toks that make me feel cozy or that unlock a new fear or that feel illegal to watch.

can't can't knock it chat guys I Can't say this is dumb guys. She adapted to the landscape okay and she Farms the out and she just guys. she Farms people like watching it. People like her, people that watch her like her and they make money off of that.

It is is what it gu, what can you do? What is there to be mad about? It's just what it is. What it is is what it is. Uh and and these reactions have been labeled by by people like Jack films and others as more uh of of just total lifts. Thefts Larsen stealing.
All right, just a re-upload of other people's actual content as opposed to a transformative react right? And and here's just like a clip of her yo Jack films Man, want to go after the thieves? You have to go after me. Okay I commit massive thiey on The Daily Bro like I watch full ass videos and reupload the whole thing. At least there a compilation of a bunch of videos right? I Don't know why he's going after so hard SC after me instead get everybody else all have that people already hate me dude. get free cookie points for going after me bro.

Just say just tell me that I suck and then you're going to get but's on your side bro I Don't know why he's going after her. Why does he care so much about her? She's just doing Tik Tok reacts. that's whatever older guys so you got to wait until you're older than her. Not simping I'm just telling you what.

Okay, pretty sure they meant to edit her to be centered there, but you get the idea, right? Yeah, generally not one of the more morally uh, correct uh YouTubers in the space in terms of how she gets her content. uh. and Jack's films this agree. has uh, been been interested in that? All right? uh and specifically trying I wholeheartedly disagree.

Keep moving on that. and if you don't know, Jack Films super OG YouTuber Known for a lot of parodies known for Yi which was stolen by PewDiePie and became guys I Have enough self-awareness to say for a fact that the react that we do as sh that love does are definitely at least a little bit to some sort of margin ethically worse than her Rea I Said it guys. You want to get after. You want to get mad at me, Get get mad at me all you want.

But the objective truth not an opinion a truth is that our reacts are are less ethically correct than hers. That's it. Why uh that that guy that's that's Jack's films. Uh and he made a video almost a year ago to the day October 26 22 about Sniper Wolf and in the video he said I saw this article about how Sniper Wolf Millions on she watches compilition of Tik toks Okay Tik Toks Tik toks are weirdly monetized viral whatever videos that low effort.

whatever the fight viewers just post out there people make compilations and she watches the compilations. it's a bunch of small clips of one ROM people of whatever the and they like their their stuff being being uh promoted I Don't think I've ever heard about Tik tokers who get mad at their sixc CLI that got taken because that's what the the whole thing is about. so nobody, nobody really gets clapped by that. they just don't Okay compared to us watching full videos full effort full videos and people took the time off stream to make it they there they're 1 hour long videos that are very high effort and we yon that.
so objectively us ying a full video is much much worse ethically than what she does. I'm not going to go guys I'm not saying like I'm not being a shrimp and defending her I'm just saying it's all bad If you want to talk about the degree of bad, we are worse I said it on a mansion He didn't post her address or a picture of it because that you know, he's got a little more awareness than her uh and then uh. Followed up by saying oh done is I've created a brand new YouTube channel called J Jack films and so far I've only uploaded one video. He's basically going to react to her reactions as a form of parody Allah Bo Burnham inside type Vibe and and and that that was the idea and he did it for like a little bit you can see here it was.

It was these reactions. he used the same thumbnail they got like more and more surreal like he reacted to the Mario trailer with like five different versions of him. It was very much an attempt at parody at at making fun of reactors as opposed to any genuine effort at reacting. uh.

and then he kind of stopped doing it. You can see for five months it didn't I don't know PE his interest, it didn't work out whatever. uh and it would probably or possibly died out there. I I think until Sniper Wolf tweeted and that's what brought us in a way to where we are today.

We have Stan loves you for real to think because he replied to Sniper Wolf and said you steal ideas referring to her videos her reacts and she said 90% of what I upload are my ideas. People copy me and then people like you get confused and she's saying that Mr Beast stole her idea. Oh, reacting to random acts of kindness. oh God I would argue and I think many other people would argue Chad Guys I'm going to go and say it okay I think everybody should say it too.

Okay, most streamers YouTubers Everybody We get like one unique idea every year out of all the YouTubers combined. It's all recycled ideas. People did everything. whether it's inspired a little bit or fully by somebody else.

Every idea Under the Sun has been done and the things are like one out of hundreds of thousands. Okay, so even if you find something, somebody did it before you, that's what it is. You're just going to do it differently because it's you doing it. That's it.

That's all that matters. Okay, this is off the rails you that they both stole just because she had the idea to find a compilation that were similar to random acts of kindness and have a producer get videos that are a random act of kindness. Guys, we is all streamers all YouTubers or at least 99.9% of them. That's we.

it's everybody. I include myself into that because that's what it is. Yeah, doesn't necessarily mean just because Mr Beast Thought that was a good idea too that what she's doing is not sealing because I don't think she's paying the creators I don't think she's getting permission from the creators to react to them. And and by the way, worth saying at this point, I've done plenty of similar reactions to what Sniper Wolf does I think yeah tell them ly you know people could say oh you the person that they like but I have I've done fair and simple I've Done You Laugh You loses to the Slime very recently.
Even that's right and so I am I am no Holier a saint than her. However, I think because she is such a big YouTuber and it is like 90% of what she does. She has basically been the target of a campaign from Jack Films others to shame her out of doing it because that is basically the only tool that we have or anyone has to stop React YouTubers is to shame them out of doing it because you don't have any tools within YouTube to like claim the monetization. All you can do is try to take their video down which is in fact the exact opposite.

A tool to stop them by shamming them is a tool to promote them. and uh, market for them. You're basically doing God's work. You're when you're Ming about somebody doing something.

you are your entire platform to Market them for free. People pay hundreds of thousands millions of dollar Millions on marketing to get their videos out there. She just sits back does nothing and Jack films us entire platform to to to market for her bro. that's bro, that's free money bro print that which can be too aggro of an option.

uh and so that worth just noting that. Just little little disclaimer. Back to it that tweet she says people copy me Jack films catches one of this and says I invented reacting to other people's Tik toks anyone else is copying me incredible mental gy gymnastics and then and then tags YouTube and Vidcon uh you know I think trying to get her removed from being boosted at those events and then Sniper Wolf says wow I can't stand that a female YouTuber is getting more views than even though I don't make this even though I make the same content life is hard and then doubles down. It says also I hate bringing gender into this but no one ever attacks the male act channels and I have to say I think this is what let us yo hello is she guys? are you me? Well I mean okay okay are of words oh my god dude something within Jack oh my.

Take that that little comment and make it a huge chip on his shoulder to get the best dish that everybody loves getting. Revenge uh and in and Jack's credit. By the way, he's been doing this for the better part of a decade and by this I mean like literally trying to shame React channels out I respect it I Respect Started seven years ago with this channel called Jinx. This is how I found out about him.

basically Jinx reacted Jack film's videos. Really? No way man. Really? Dude? Well, she's not broke my heart man in its entirety. Then Jack reacted to Jinx's reaction of Jack's video basically doing nothing but smiling and then at the end flaming him last video.
Man, that was just Hella Tight I Really like the part where you played my video in its entirety and then didn't really react to it, just kind of sat there. I Also like the part, this became super viral back in the day and Jinx deleted his YouTube channel I tried to find it, it's gone. he he basically got shamed off the platform for what he was doing for his uh, low effort reacts. uh and and and after those tweets, he dropped a video.

actually a couple videos uh, talking about Sniper Wolf Chat guys guys. I'm going to I'm going to have a outrage take. Okay, this is going to be guys. this is going to be really bad.

Okay, you're not going to like this take. but this this is a true take I Feel like if the content is like legally okay and whatever, the yeah, it's it's bad content. You might not like it. But celebrating like bullying somebody out of making videos is overall a bad practice.

So this because we don't like the content. we don't see a value there, other people do and they like doing it and going against them and like kind of celebrating somebody's just not posting anymore and L being bullied off the site. that's just kind of like come on man like I think it's just a it's just bad bad practice because then people can justify the same way towards other YouTubers for something they they don't um that they don't they don't like or agree with it that that sucks and basically just sing why he thinks this is worth doing what Sniper Wolf is doing that he considers to be wrong and the steps that he is going to take to shame her out of it. And the step was to reboot the channel Jack films but this time grading her reactions rather than doing like surreal attempts at pering her reactions.

You see this big guy, he be eating all of the little guys I don't get and that's basically the idea you know I would I would argue it's a transformative idea of trying to grade shame and even Fairplay harass her out of doing what she is doing. uh and he would stream that and then he would upload it onto the channel and the channel started popping off. You can see right here he started this about aad idea: I think that you know I I think that's decent content idea. Overall, if you were to do this seriously without being like a without showing that you're Ming about the content or whatever and you actually were to do that Pro Just it.

I'm going. Great reaction. This is pretty good idea. I Don't even mind that about two months ago and the views are doing very well because he discovered a new format called Sniper Wolf Bingo that kind of popped off.

He would do these like a few times a week. He would upload the video videos you would stream them. Get a few thousand I think live get hundreds of thousands on the Vods. Uh and and and that I think led to Sniper Wolf Not really enjoying the spot she was in.

Here's an example: Standing on the side of the road and they go like this: That's correct because they want the truck driver to honk the horn Jesus Christ You know what? I Kind of wish you were silent for this one. Sniper Wolf maybe you were on to something there by not saying anything. Uh, let's go to Oh I Have it. Yay! Summarizing video.
Let's go and and that's the idea, right? And and at this point it is worth mentioning that there is probably a very real leg that sniperwolf can stand on saying that this is harassment. Yes, maybe what I am doing is Shameless but it is up to YouTube to absolve that issue. resolve that issue. You can take me down, but this react in in re-upload thing that you're upset about exists across the platform.

I'm taking advantage of a tool that that maybe is a loophole that YouTube should close but hasn't and it is how I earn my livelihood I am Shameless blah and you are harassing me and your followers are harassing me to shame me out of doing it and it is making my life worse. She could have probably made that argument I'm not saying it would have been successful. certainly had a leg to stand for, especially with how many videos Jack films was making about her. it's a Tong it's it's like literally multiple times a week.

Look, this is all all. it's a little bit obsessive. Yeah, it's a little. uh.

but she lost all of that the moment she docked them. just threw it right out the window. Any, no, no, no, she doesn't lose it. She doesn't lose it guys guys.

I don't it's losing something if the claim is if the this is the same thing. legally, if your claim can stand on its own feet. Okay, if the claim works, even if you make mistakes and you do dumb, you can still go and make your claim and it's still as valid I Know you guys say question mark if she's wrong. For that, she's still right on the other way.

the claim still holds. She's just wrong about other semblance of an argument. Any slight credit that a human could have given her is lost when she does a a a larger ultimate evil crime uh, in in endangers him guys. If you punched me in the Jou yesterday, okay, I'm like guys, you punched me that's not very nice.

Okay, Okay, well I'm right, right. And today I See You Bing in the J right? I'm wrong for that. Does that mean that you're right yesterday? or I'm right yesterday? No. Doesn't both are wrong in their own respect in that way.

Flat out uh. and and she tried to make that argument after the doxing fact right here. This guy's entire channel is just me, me, me. Every single video for the past few months has been about me and it's just like on me and then his streams.

This dude is just like lowkey harassing me like should I Get a restraining order which doesn't make sense as a sentence when you're the one who drove to his house creepily and then took a picture of it I Feel like you should have the restraining order as opposed to get the restraining order based off of what has happened I don't think he's tried to show up to your house and in this she says don't you have a wife Yes, in fact his wife did tweet out hey dear YouTube I'm not a Creator but my husband I'm to say with the know with the knowledge I've had the law and none of this would hold up in in a court. None of it. Lally A single instance of anything in this would hold up in tonight, my house and posted it on Instagram for all to see and tried to instigate a confrontation I Now have to worry about she as one of your favorite creators. Doesn't mean that it's not ethically bad.
her fans that might harm me or my family I am a regular human who works in8 to five oh 8 to five geez corporate job that happen to fall in love with a YouTuber I'm A Creator my husband it's Tonight post Sor She might claim that she's coming after a bully, but she's actually stalking and doxing normal people. which is true. A great point and why doxing shouldn't exist in the first place. And if you're wondering, by the way, what are the rules for YouTube on doxing somebody tried to ask Clarice hey, what's your policy on doxing? We don't allow harmful Behavior like threats and doxing.

this resource has more info and Then followed up and said ah, you don't allow it then could you fix this? Please to the social media manager here who's copy and pasting all rules. Godp speed your night is going to be tough. uh and and too R Okay CH Question does YouTube enforce out of platform behavior for on platform bands? Just a question. Don't get mad, Don't do Not get mad at me.

It's a question. It's very much relevant. Twitch enforces off the platform Behavior Back onto Twitch. they ban people for stuff they do off the platform if YouTube doesn't So I to say CH So I to say it okay if you do dumb even illegal off YouTube your channel will still be up.

uh and and to wrap it up, this is Jack Film's argument for that leg that I was talking about earlier that is chopped off uh of of this is harassment from Jack Films is what he said. Okay I want to address something every once in a while because I see that like this guy's obsessed with Sniper Wolf like why is it like dude, this guy's really milking this whole Sniper Wolf thing you know this whole Sniper Wolf Feud This is why I I'm so passionate about streaming and making videos about it we're not talking about she did years ago, we're talking about. She did last week or yesterday or today would have revers the rols and he and he did that I mean he he would get yeah, you know what? CH I'm going to say how it is I'm going to go on his side now and say reversal roles If he if he dogster I mean you bet your ass people would be throwing rocks at him or some or like people have been nuts and canceled them already. This is still what she does commonly frequently repeatedly.

that's why I still do this because it's so egregious and no one's policing this at all and what? Okay chat I have to be honest CH him saying that if she were to make the claim that he's after her uh and and like doing and like kind of harassing her him saying like that it doesn't look good for him I'm I'm just saying overall it's not a great s event because then it shows like motive in which way I do because because she keeps posting he does it more or more often and he Contin to do it. Okay well that means that the goal is for her to stop posting and that's and if since that's her her livelihood. well that's that's what you would you would you would call that's pretty much harassment trying to stop her from doing her I still do that's his goal is to stop it because it's so agre I guess I'm just I'm I'm talking legally releasing this at all and what that's right I mean he is right about nobody is is policing it. It should probably be YouTube's responsibility to maybe give creators the tools to take money I've said this many times before YouTube listen to my ideas, they're good give creators I mean verified creators at the very least the tool to claim monetization on videos that have been re-uploaded of theirs.
Whether it is a bad reaction from a streamer or a bad reaction of multiple videos from a YouTuber question. the video itself is yoink. guys, people that compile Tik toks are stealing the Tik toks. Cont: had their consent, they didn't ask all of them.

She yinks the yoink. that's that's uh. Second, that's secondhand yink. So the yink in ethically isn't as bad as the tick as as the YouTube yink.

they should have that tool. It would be very helpful and then they wouldn't have to feel like their only tool is complaint on Twitter until maybe the Creator shamed out of doing it or tried to delete their whole Channel which can be a a much bigger storm that you're getting into that might not want to Anyway, that's it. That's the whole drama. uh, crazy, uh and and what? Let's see what YouTube does about it.

All right. See you later. Goodbye. have a going goodbye I'm going to bed otherwise chat you can.

You can apply this to Dily. Do I mean he's a Serial Yer bro Guys technically Bro Daily Do is a mass yoinker I like him but he's a yoner. Oh C hey X are you going to bet on Logan Paul fight I Already beted on it Fu oh no guys, this video's quality is so a fan. Followed me, someone talked to me armed the robbery yo What the is this? What the Armed robbery Jesus Man well don't do that guys And I went to jail Man stop with this fake mug shot.

Emote Yo! We need to remove that. You get the pack of cigarettes for the guys Guys What is this Fon Emote Man you guys got to stop with that Man guys it's not even real I had never been to jail. Man what the is this all right We got to remove that guys Guys people will think it's guys, people think it's real weird.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Sssniperwolf is in big trouble”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pro2 says:

    Am I on air
    Yes you are

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hokuspokus says:

    why is this guy talking like he has a cucumber in his mouth, hes swolling words, he sound like from star trek, is he kind of re*ard?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noah huraan says:

    I used to watch Jinx too, i enjoyed his content

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lazarus says:

    She’s hot so I forgive her

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fathi Izzan says:

    Wow i loveee influencer dramass 😱😱😱😨😨😨😰😰

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STRANGER THINGS says:

    FE LAWN Emote

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terabyte says:

    So youtube, Picture this: If jacksfilms doxxed SSSniperwolf, would you temporarily demonitize him? Or would you take him off the platform. See where im getting at? You completly biased her because shes your money maker.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Techuser738 says:

    When sniperwolf reacts this is how x chat reacts : my queen 😍😍😍

    When jacksfilm reacts to sniperwolf : wow dude this guy is obsessed 🤓 what a wwirdo 🤓

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rob b says:

    Wtf is he saying

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dean Philip says:

    Ofcourse another degenerate would back her up for content stealing 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ice says:

    goofy ah drama

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Davidson says:

    Xqc sucks too

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fabi Fabi says:

    Who is this stuttering goblin? Please explain why he is reacting to this video

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ꪑꪖ𝕣ⅈꪖ 𝕣ꪮડꫀ ⚘️ says:

    Im gonna be fair to x here and say his take was dogshit because lud's mogil mail missed a crucial part of why people have an issue with her reacts. The main thing is that she straight up rips the tiktoks by cropping out the original posters' watermarks. So even if you wanted to find the tiktok you couldn't. Jack was manually searching for these users and crediting them for her and alot of them said they did not want her using their tiktoks in that way. So yes, it was way worse than x just watching random tiktoks on stream cause atleast you can see who posted them when he does it.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chanye says:

    Biggest L take. Holy fuck. The delusion is unreal with this shit.

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