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#xQc #moonlanding #science

I want talk about look at? but I want see this. If you don't believe that humans ever landed on the moon, you'd probably think that on July 16th, 1969, a select group of government officials, a crew of filmmakers sworn to secrecy, and a famed Hollywood director named Stanley Kurick all gathered on a sound stage in a military base deep in the Nevada desert better known as Area 51 And here they pulled off the greatest hoax in history. You'd probably think that astronauts or should I say actors Buzz Aldren Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins fled this rocket through a secret passageway just before it. Guys: I I don't I don't actually think that guys, Guys, Guys, guys I a moonlanding denier denier.

So I'm two PES I deny that there's Den there's no I don't even believe that there that people deny the moon liting I Don't think the real people CU I don't think they people I a Den's denier. no shot. Any believe that that will didn't happen I I don't I don't off for space totally empty and you would have to believe that the estimated 400,000 people who were involved in this Mission all all promising to take this secret to their grave was GF I% of Americans either don't believe that we landed on the moon or Harbor some doubt to advance 22% We looked at the tapes and the countless photos. We talked to astrophysicists, meteorologists, and NASA historians to better understand the moonlanding conspiracy, how it started, what hoaxers use as their evidence, and what this belief teaches us about why some conspiracies are so enduring.

we are forch. Oh my. God Seag are guys guys. it's not even the one.

Landing They went to the moon like like seven times or some. Imagine to this guy, they do a moon a bunch of times. it's not one Landing or four. What The final number they went.

Do a moon multiple times. Look oh my. God Look at this chat. Wait okay, um, real quick.

One of the big Revolutions in science in recent decades. How many times have we landed on the moon? Um, six says Apollo 11 was first. there were six crude us. Landings Between 1969 and 1972, fake news is an understanding of our minds.

We have learned more and more that our minds are actually just an organ called our brain that are like any other muscle. They can be trained and retrained and redirected and that doing so dramatically changes how we see the world and how I I I couldn't read because I don't know, dumb ass is are like any other muscle. They can be trained and retrained and redirected and that doing so dramatically changes how we see the world and how we experience the world. This has led to the whole field of mental health which is honestly not much.

Oh oh it's it's it's an read chat guys I In chat guys, stop acting like you know better I Just proved you all wrong that people that said chush Mark We went to the moon a bunch of times. Dude, there's no. there's no point going back. At one point they did everything they did.

Everything to be done was done there. Dude, you can question Mark: okay yo okay yo. What the is wrong with this chat? How they come back they didn't It's whole point. it's a a Lunar mission is is in the name you can Google The lunar Mission means that you go and just to die.
You send the data back and then all right. So to give you some context on the moonlanding I need to briefly explain World War II and the Cold War which is something I've kind of done a lot on this channel, so instead of me doing it again, we hired someone with an old timey like radio Transatlantic accent to do it instead. buckle up for this one. In a world on the brink of Destruction, the United States of America joined the Allied Forces in the Second World War in 1941 The Big Three the Soviet Union Great Britain and now the USA versus the Axis powers Italy Japan and Nazi Germany.

They sure did put up a fight, but the Allied Powers came out on top, you see. But then America and the USSR got real cold with each other. a tragic reversal of the old Tales of enemies turned lovers. The found the United States to be exceedingly aggressive and quite trigger happy with all their new military power meddling in things they ought to be keeping their noses out of.

across the pond, the capitalist United States was fearful that the USSR was hankering to spread their communism across the whole globe. The war remained cold only because both Powers had thousands of the CH Guys guys, guys, maybe I I I Don't want understand politics? Why Why do? Why did the United States always like is I don't get this concept. They don't. They don't like another system so they go and stop its growth somewhere else because it's not theirs I I Don't really get that like I I Just don't get it dude.

The most deadly weapons Humanity had ever seen and wouldn't dare. Why does? why don't they just do their own thing. They they like they like guys. They like the the capitalism.

just do it. Do it and with the squad. and then I don't get it, us them against each other. It was something of a horrifying stal.

Am I missing up? Am I missing something Soon the Empire's turn to other Feats of Strength psychological warfare spying. Let me pause Guys guys. If if communism according to them is is the war system and is bad, then why don't they let them do it and let them fail and let their country fail that. that makes that makes them more powerful if they let people fail with their system.

So why do they stop its growth? If it's if it's dog, then just get the free Advantage yo and a race to advance their Technologies. And to top it all, a race like no other. A race to space. This was a little bit.

uh, poorly explained. Clear that the Soviets are winning the race. They're launching dogs and plants into space and bringing them back alive. They send up satellites that orbit the Moon and take photos of The Far Side that no one had seen before.
They even put a human up into space. Last last pause guys, the reason why it's fully explained is it didn't explain the why. What is the actual reason why SP Why is there race to space? Why It's very important to understand why is important to land on the Moon Why is it so important? Around the entire Earth the first space flight would be made by a Soviet Man, The US needs to catch up. So President Howard creates a brand new government agency dedicated entirely to space.

It's called high Ground. It's a Dis. Yeah, you're right. It's a display.

a display of power. Not only ego it, it shows. You have high ground. You? you if you if you can.

If you can do that, you have superiority. You can control space. You you're you're better. Boom, It means that you have.

You literally have high ground. And yes, I see BM potential because in order to launch a Intercontinental Ballistic missile or whatnot, you have to go to space. Yes, you have to go to space. That rocket has to go into the into space and they eventually to send up satellites and even that's right people.

But they don't get someone to orbit the entire Earth like the Russians did. Wamp Wamp. The US is losing the space race and this is where JFK gets up in front of the nation and declares that the US is setting a goal. In this decade, we shall make up and move ahead.

He's declaring what would surely be the ultimate Finish Line in This Global race for power. We choose to go to the moon. In this decade, an American astronaut eventually orbits the earth. Not because they easy Russia then puts the first woman in space while also getting the first person to walk in space, but because they are hard.

The NASA teams are pulling allnighters year after year trying to figure out how they're going to make good on JFK's big promise to somehow get a man on the Moon. By the end of the decade, things are heating up, time is running out. What a speech though? Then sequence engaged. we are fire you.

NASA's disaster was a major setback, but the stakes were too high to give up. The Space Race had become much more than a technological rivalry. Winning the race to the moon would mean winning the ideological war for the world would it be communism or capitalism? They couldn't give up now so they kept going In 1968. NASA finally gets a spaceship the Apollo 8 to orbit the Moon with astronauts aboard.

There's Hope Russia is able to exchange a crew in space for both sides. A moon trip suddenly seems. Within Reach Hold Up Chat guys. You know, chat guys guys.

Apollo 8 Whatever. I think maybe I'm right about this. Maybe I'm wrong. I think they had multiple lines of of of construction and they were doing it simultaneously.

At one point they were so far behind that they they had to skip and Skip ahead. right? They like jump some certain iterations of the program and go to the No. Am I Wrong Oh, that's wrong. Okay, but who I heard that somewh in the documentary somewhere I Richard Bill House next to Solom Squar.
and then after of millions of dollars and countless focused hours by the country's brightest, Minds comes a morning on a day in. Houston Texas In 1969, three men buckle up. Hundreds of millions of people around the world find themselves glued to their television sets because the greatest achievement of mankind might happen. Then starts the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero, all engine run I Saw the green screen by the way.

lift off. We have a liftoff 32 minutes past the hour. Lift off on Apollo 11 Tower Clear we got a roll program Neil Armstrong reporting The rolling pitch program which puts Apollo 11 on proper heading. rolls complete and a pitch is program I Mean that is cool though that looks like a SI towards the finish line.

that pearly orb that humans had stared at and mythologized about fixated on and they're finally going to touch it. Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around and pull it down just for you. 4 days and 200,000 mil later, it's July 20th. 1969 months before JFK's deadline was up, two of the three astronauts disconnect from the orbiting ship and descend onto the moon's surface.

and then there you go. Oh, it's beautiful. Mike Really is these fumes? The race had clearly been won. A line had been crossed, not just for the global superpower who did this, but for all humans who had just taken their Obsession for exploration to new heights, but right away.

After this event, even though it was broadcast on live television for the whole world to see, there were Rumblings of doubt about a year after The Landing You start to see newspaper articles casting doubt that any of this actually happened. 2 years after the landing, we see James Bond running away from a bunch of security guards through the Nevada desert when he somehow stumbles upon a secret moonlanding film set, resulting in this moon buggy car chase thing through the desert. Dude, it was all a tongue and cheek reference to this budding conspiracy that the whole thing was faked. A few years later, a former US Navy officer and Apollo Rocket technical writer comes out with this book.

I Think it was an intuitive feeling that what was being shown was not real. The book is a long evaluation of evidence that claims that we never actually went to the moon. This book makes the case that the moon landing was so political that the Us having failed to develop a feasible plan to get to the moon pulled off this secretive staging of the event all as a propaganda play to get ahead of. But all that makes sense though we have to prove it though.

The point that you know the Cold War It's not that far-fetched that the US government would come up with some deception campaign in the name of beating communism. that's saying. so. this guy really needs money because his family is dying, he's getting foreclosed.
guys. This guy really, really really needs money. Therefore, if he got money, he robbed the bank. Now he did.

Though he did because he really needed it though. he really really really needed it. And that's how he got there. Dude.

And that it I mean dude like Ju Just a display of need doesn't mean that that that it proves the pathway there. Dude. What the totally fair actually. But that's not evidence, that's just speculation.

He does go on present a bunch of photos and explanations that turn into the foundation of what would become a widespread theory that the moon landing was faked. The Lunar Landings were more than likely fabricated. Why wouldn't the moon landing be F You know, why wouldn't we fake that? We did not. Oh My.

God. dude. The moon. Yeah, it's fake and I would bet life on it.

this is actually Theon I Wanted to make this video is I Wanted to understand what the foundation of this conspiracy theory actually was. The people who truly earnestly believe it. What did they think happened here? I'm not going to go through all of the evidence and theories here because they're kind of all over the place. but let me show you some of the major ones.

The first major one starts here. How come there aren't any stars in this photo? There's no atmosphere or light pollution on the moon. Shouldn't this photo look like this? Well, it turns out that if you want to capture the Stars even on the moon, you have to open up your camera for a very long time and let a bunch of light in. Trust me.

I Know this because I spent months of my life trying to photograph a Galaxy and I learned a lot about how not to photograph stars and let me just tell you, it's it's a lot harder than it looks when I was doing that I was opening up my shutter for 30 seconds and I took hundreds of images just to get this one shot. So when you're on the bright moon and you're trying to photograph a bunch of guys in bright white, reflective suits, you're not opening up your shutter for a very long time. You're not letting in a bunch of light. There's basically no chance of getting a decent shot of the stars in this environment, but you get something.

I Mean if you take the photo and blast up the brightness, you can kind of see some traces of the Stars if you really need to do that. Okay, but what about these? Shadows Some of these Shadows go this way and some go this way. shouldn't Shadow parallel if they're all coming from One Source Guys I Just thought, if the moon is bright, isn't the brightness of the Moon reflecting back into the shutter and then then you're getting light I Don't get it if you're the yo just saying. oh dude, dude.

Um, I'm not getting any light because we're far because the sun. Well, if you're on the sun, you're going to get light cuz you're on it. mother sucker. What the the? If you're on it, you're going to have light, right? I Mean you're probably going to right the sun.
Yes, the only light source in this photo is the Sun but you have to remember that light bounces off things, especially white things. So you have light bouncing off of lots of different surfaces. which is one reason the Shadows look a little weird. Oh, and remember that you're looking at light that was filtered through a lens.

A camera lens distorts the direction of things depending on how wide or tight it is. Okay, but what about this flag? This flag is waving but there's no wind on the Moon. Yes, the flag is kind of waving. That's because of the material.

A normal flag. NASA Had to make a custom flag for the Apollo missions that had a horizontal Rod right up here so that the flag wouldn't look like this. It had to look nice and American and patriotic. You had to be able to see it.

So when the astronauts were sticking the flag in the L the motion of that movement caused the material to move and it kind of looks like it's wavy. Okay, but look how they're moving. this is so unnatural. it's almost like they're being pulled up by a wire.

Oh and look, did you catch that? That looks a wire? Okay, wait, just confession here. I Was watching all of these conspiracy documentaries like while we're doing this story and they're like incredibly tantalizing. This is the one that actually kind of got me. I was like wait a minute, they are moving.

Really weird. The motion is so off-kilter it looks like they're being like dragged by a wire. So to figure this out, we actually talked to a physicist and a meteorologist who helpfully explained just how different life in 16 Earth's gravity is. I Mean, think about it.

Our intuition for everything we know is calibrated to Earth's gravity. It's everything we've ever known. It's how our brains interpret the world. It's how our muscles calibrate to the world.

So when you're watching these videos of these astronauts in suits that weigh 180 lb clunking around with their Earth gravity trained muscles on the moon, you see some really weird movements. But I mean who knows? Maybe the two scientists we talk to are actually in on it. Maybe some of the half million Americans who were paid by the government. The hopes alive.

I Ask also that we could feel like America is better guys. What about the balls? What do the balls do? Think about it. then. there's no gravity and like that, like they just floats in the Soviet Union in 1969 Maybe Could be okay.

Listen, I'm not going to go through every single one of these theories. There's a lot of evidence out there like why isn't there exhaust on this Flame or why did the Eagle Lander not leave a crater? What about the radiation exposure that these astronauts would have gotten? What about Neil Armstrong's bootprint? Or the Lost Tapes Don't get me started on the Lost tap tapes. We actually had a whole section in the script about the Lost Tapes and ultimately it didn't make the cut. Now listen: I Wanted to be clear that you should not be ashamed if you actually want answers to these questions, especially in a time where all of us are kind of renegotiating our relationship with trust in governmental institutions.
But I Will tell you that after earnestly looking into this stuff, none of the presented evidence comes anywhere close to the burden of proof and evidence. I Would need to see to believe that the moonlanding was a hoax. I Will put resources in our source doc. Of the many instances of astrophysicists and scientists walking you through all this stuff, CH You would only need one thing the burden of proof would be One Singular discrepancy I Think it's useful to look at before we move on with our story of The Conspiracy Theory Let me use this moment to say a word about human neurology and visual information.

something. I Think about a lot for me when I sit through the evidence-based debunk on these theories, which is something we did for this story. It helps me understand the limits of human senses, our eyes and ears, and logical thinking brains optimized for very different problems than evaluating the physics of our fellow. Homo Sapiens jumping around on a baby Planet 200,000 Mi away like we're not set up for this stuff.

Going through the conspiracy theory and then going through the debunks reminds me why we as a species developed other other ways of sensing other ways of measuring and knowing things about the world. other tools that aren't as intuitive to us, but that extend our power to know things that are real that are true if you don't lean on these tools. In other words, if you don't look to science in your evaluation and instead rely on your optic nerve feeding grainy pixels into your great AP brain. I Think we can all agree that you'll take for truth things that are not true.

Okay, Neurology section is over. Let's get back to it. If you're going to go down this rabbit hole and indulge your conspiracy mind like I did for this story. let's talk about what people think actually happened here: I Mean dude.

All this dude. Dude. Dude. Dude: don't people trust like medicine and stuff like that, the very small molecular level and like and like vaccines and shots or syringes and a bunch of things that are very small.

A bunch a million things that are small. Everybody trusts that. but they trust the other thing I Don't get it, is that the same type of a barrier to visual like that? This footage and all of these photos the the One of the most common explanations is that the US afraid that they would be embarrassed in front of the global stage because they would fail on JFK's Big Promise hired a famed Hollywood director Stanley Kurick, who had just released a groundbreaking Space movie and they used his visual skills to deceive the world filming the moonlanding on a sound stage in the middle of the desert. I Mean look, this rock has a perfect sea on it.
Is that a prop these misaligned Shadows they explain as studio lights. the flag was waving because there was air conditioning in the studio and these photos were actually taken by Stanley Kuri. So these guys are saying that there's Mastermind insane crazy. Hired specialist experts to make all these sets happen and they would for get the AC on the set.

Oh please man, come on man. St Come on bro. All of these movements they say were done with wires and slow motion and that black starless sky is just a black cloth backdrop. In 1977, The Conspiracy Theory had spread enough that NASA had to come out and issue a fact sheet responding to the claims.

The the first sentence of which is just yes, astronauts did land on the moon. but then a movie comes out in 1977 about the government faking a space mission this time to Mars to save face to the American people. But the space race was over. It wasn't the focus anymore and eventually so was the Cold.

War This moonlanding Theory became more and more Fringe But inevitably, like any other good, tantalizing conspiracy theory, it was eventually repackaged and put into one of these really spooky, cheesy cable news documentaries in 2001. Fox News Aired this documentary on conspiracy theory did land on the Moon. It was basically just a repackaging of all the old theories, but for a new audience. But now it was the dawn of the internet age and NASA had to respond to this Fox news by reissuing the fact sheet that they issued in 1977, but this time on a website.

an innocent foreshadow to combating information on the internet. They had no idea what was coming. The Doc gave the conspiracy new Energy new followers and soon a conspiracy theorist was following Buzz Aldren around a hotel, pestering him and demanding him to swear on the Bible that he landed on the moon and Buzz punched him in the face. Shortly after that, a French mockumentary came out laying out evidence that Stanley Kubrick did filmed the moonlanding.

The problem is, people thought it was real. There's a fake documentary, not a real documentary, but a fake. Like a mockumentary where he's admitting and people are talking about. have you seen that one? No, but that Okay, okay, CH you know guys.

I kind of fell for that last time. Chat guys. we watched an actual fake U fake debunk, right? And the whole video at at least the whole three quarters of it, is that they did the same thing they Mock and I fell for it dude I was like no one, they're that dumb dude and I I was like these are brain dead. The whole was ironic.

Know: there's an actual real interview with him where he admits that he faked the moon landing. but it's not, it's just it's fake. So today, the conspiracy lives on in a world of increasing science, skepticism, and on an Internet that fuels pretend information and to a demographic that is more and more mistrusting of institutional knowledge. One poll found that in 2019, 11% of American Millennials believed that the moon landing was staged.
It's become a particularly durable conspiracy theory because it has all of the ingredients of a good conspiracy theory. It's shadowy question chat guys. Here's the way they could have debunked it. Then they put a telescope, goes to the moon, right, looks at it, and when they go to the Moon they put a bomb on it right? they leave.

Moon they give a timer, they say guys every all all all all people the of the earth thing. look with your telescopes at the moon at this spot we're gonna detonate a bomb on it and then boom. And then it proves that they actually put the bomb physically because every country can see it now. Boom.

They now prove that they were on the Mo mother sucker. B Punk Government antagonist with political motives. It leans on the human eye and brain as the primary measuring tool for the evidence. and when you believe in stuff like this, it feels good like you're in on a secret.

So let me just end this video by telling you why I Know we landed on the moon? Yeah, how do you know that? Did he go there? Was he there? Was he with them? You are looking at a very thin section of moon rock magnified 500 times. First off, we brought back 900 lb of rocks during the Apollo missions. The Soviets who were our technological and geopolitical enemies eventually sent a robot to the Moon to collect samples of their own. These precious rocks are sent out to scientists and Educators 400 times a year to be studied and examined and it has been verified by a lot of different people who have no motive to lie that these rocks were developed in an environment completely rid of oxygen.

Also, the Soviets themselves corroborated the moon landing and acknowledged that it happened. I mean the Soviet leader kind of begrudgingly complimented the US and they published like a tiny little blurb in one of their newspapers. but like they lost and they admitted they lost. Also if I'm going to rely on just my human brain Logic for a second.

yeah, chat, chat. The people who really want to win right? Of course that all the all the things to fake it, but the people who lost, why would they give them the win at that point? If their whole point is to win themselves right I think I Think that's that's proof itself right? Kind, of. think about it. There were hundreds of thousands of people who were involved in the Apollo missions.

scientists, engineers, physicists, policy makers, mathematicians all working day and night towards this goal, obsessing over every detail and then monitoring every step of the way from Houston Texas to the surface of the Moon and back, communicating with the astronauts the whole time. So imagine two Texas Motor Speedway stadiums full of the brightest Minds in the country, all in on the bigest deception: left left turn without a single leap. And finally, if you insist on using your eyeballs as your only sensors that you will accept as proof, just look at this. This photo was taken by a telescope orbiting the moon.
These are astronaut and buggy tracks here on the surface of the Moon. You can even see the Buggy's parking spot right here or or or since you're zooming in with the telescope. These are literally microfibers on the telescope's lenses, creating an overlay over the picture you're looking at. And if you think that this photo that yes was originally taken by NASA, but many other photos have come out by other space stations that show physical evidence of humans on the moon.

If you think that this is still the government, like 40 years later, the kids and grandkids of the Apollo people still photoshopping pictures to keep up this elaborate ruse. I don't know what would convince you And then next video they said that this was air generated and then Checkmate cuz you believe the whole video and the whole thing was fake cuz it was AI the whole time Boom actual Checkmate Enjoy the video though. it was PR good. You should check this one out.

Interesting crazy 3 billion views excuse everyone Thanks for watching! um what's this? This was a fun video to work on. we have so guys Angel was really good chat l in the chat.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Was the moon landing fake? xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus says:

    Fake news CNN

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RD Mountford says:

    Don't understand a fucking word he's saying

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Kriel says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheDavyJones says:

    There’s so much evidence you can pull up but my number one argument is if we did fake it, don’t you think the USSR would’ve exposed it? They had more motive than anyone, not to mention countless spies within our government and they congratulated us on the landing.
    Not a single person I’ve talked to who believes it’s a hoax can even come up with a stretch of a reason to counter that singular point.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cave Johnson says:

    Mole Ocular

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PizzaChef says:

    the first time could of been fake to beat russia , but sure they went to the moon and died lmao

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WOLFIGANS says:

    I think this is it. They cant be dumber than this . But man Americans keep proving me wrong. There should be a serious study into american brains. is it the lead?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! CoolOrphans says:

    Great virtue signalling

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cookieface80 says:

    If it was fake, wouldn't the Russians have pointed it out?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gummy says:

    if your wondering why the united states gets involved in these wars then just look up south Korea and north Korea from space and you'll understand why

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YoidRage says:

    bruh aint no way Chat gotta be dumb or from eu cause they only went to the moon once.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars boltspeedman35 says:

    i genuinely thought all the moon landing deniers were satirical, WTF is wrong with people

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars doggofv says:

    To xqcs question. The united states interferes with communist russia because they dont want them to expand, take over europe, then take over the world, taking away our freedom.

    Also the space race started based on fear that the soviets could set up bases in space and on the moon to launch missiles that couldnt be countered

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Co Coy says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JesusMyLord HeGaveItAll says:

    A bunch of people said its true so it must be true 👍

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