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Wanna say it All The reaction streamers and YouTubers are only going over other videos where I get oh I'm under Fire and they say nothing in nobody Says because they know that it would put them in the line of fire right when they are as bad if not much. much worse than I am is that kind of crazy? Isn't that crazy you buy? Squarespace I've noticed they say nothing. Everybody stays quiet, they're saying nothing. It's dank every time.

I Go on. YouTube shorts these days I'm inundated with Good Samaritan Content If you give me five bucks, I'll give you whatever is under his cowboy hat, you got five bucks. Oh you got a five cringe. You just won five hundred dollars.

Typically they might ask them for a dollar and then if they give them the dollar then they'll give them five hundred dollars back. Some sad music plays They ask them, why did you do it man, why why did you help me To which they'll reply, you know life's about it's our fake yes, give me some, spill, it makes you feel good and then you swipe onto the next video of Andrew Tate shouting at you Today We're going to explore this phenomena and work out why does it sometimes feel wrong to watch people do good things? Hey guys Today I'm going to show you how to give. Here's the only way. I Do it.

It's only records I'm doing that. Pop somebody. You just get them something straight up right and after that you ask it if it's okay if you post it and if not, GG that's that's about it. That's about it.

That's that's as good as you can make it. I Think that's it. There's no other way to do it People like. YouTubers cue the music.

And the point of this is not to promote ourselves. mostly manipulative camera too in someone's life. Around 2013 on YouTube YouTube was evolving massively. People were starting to make real money from it and one of the main forms of content was cool Social Experiment Social experiments.

especially. Oh no. Colby Do me a favor. the more videos they could churn out the more money that they were going to make.

And as these ideas for social experiments, it's a joke. Bro Diggers in L.A you can go up to we're exposing gold diggers cringe dude. Say hi to your husband and there's only so many Walmarts you can get banned from and that was homeless people. he's 100 bucks.

Oh thank you brother. you're welcome I have someone playing with my feet. That's pretty cool. He's pretty tricky trying to track down who was the first person to harass a homeless person with a camera, but one of the first I could find was Vitali On July 30th 2013, he released a video called Extreme Homeless Man Makeover.

Obviously it wouldn't be a YouTube title if it didn't have the word extreme in there. You need work? Whatever. What do you like? Anything Bro? anything? It's your day. Anything.

Anything. but. I'm so happy. So what's up Man, how does it feel to get a nice haircut? It feels so great.

It was a bit corny, it was a bit cheesy, but oh, that wasn't that bad. He did a pretty nice thing for this guy. You know, watching, you know I remember watching a video chat and that I'm not I'm not against that video. Give back.
it's definitely I gave a hundred dollars to homeless I don't think it's wrong as an exchange. my God it doesn't really matter. The guy was kind of awkward and that when he was given the hundred dollars he made it very clear for the camera's sake but he forgot to do it in the hood. gone sexual police called gun pulled which is his main mistake but maybe next time it knew it was a hundred dollars.

Hey buddy, would you like a hundred dollars? That aside, at 3am, yes, they filmed it spread positivity. It was a good thing as well. In 2013, there was getting a homeless man home by the channel. Whatever.

It was pretty interesting seeing whatever going from making content where they helped the homeless to nine years later making a podcast where they just berate only fans because I have an opinion that differs from yours. We'd see early videos from the channel Loth who would tip waitresses large amounts as well. We would also see the mystery envelope Trope begin in this video too. So what do you think? Hundred dollar bill or envelope two years Lego You're gonna go with the envelope.

Okay, open it up. Which creators now have literally built their entire lives upon this premise chap. So I think really disgusting Jay To be able to have a lot of a lot of baits built in right where it's like it. There's a choice and they get scanned and they make it more like it than getting scanned like oh sorry dude low W Yeah in some of these videos, something was off.

I Would point to this video from Fouseytube in 2013 which was titled in true YouTube style all caps Homeless man gets Fresh Start exclamation mark. So this is a video by Fouseytube and in the very beginning he even mentions that he doesn't like the idea of filming homeless people. How's it going? Let's go. You need a job Yes Actually I Do.

Um. I Want to take you through a full makeover? How do you like your haircut? I Like when you watch this video, it just feels very hammy. Any moment that someone does something nice, instantly some emotional music starts playing. There's very little delicacy to the editing and storytelling.

It's really just pretty much. oh, you're gonna feel sad now. Yeah, I mean this is the YouTube Christopher Nolan this is FouseyTUBE He's just going out doing something nice but throughout the whole video it just felt a little crude. It felt like he was really trying to show that the guy and him were friends and they would do this weird awkward handshake which was just it was like the Enigma code.

we can be buddies because we can do this handshake thing and it was lovely sort of now. I Don't know Fouseytube I'm sure he's a fantastic gentleman. Yeah, how do I do this and you chose to ask me about drama? This is gonna go viral for you. Either way, no, let the away get the away so you might be wondering what was the response to this contest.
Mostly people loved it. Every comment was you're a great person, you're fantastic What? I Just Guys I Don't know if it would come up and say hey man, how do you get out of depression I like balloons like that's I I Don't know why anybody would do that. just take a moment. It can happen for sure because my son is a crackhead.

In fact, you actually gave him a hundred dollars and he spent it all on drugs I Love you Susie But and there is a bar. It did get some criticism and when I say a bit of criticism, it got quite a lot of criticism. is that it on the 24th of April 2015 Vice wrote an article Feckless YouTubers The Homeless The homeless person in these videos is effectively a prop. The Friendship shown to these people is pretty much paper thin.

It feels a little weird because The YouTuber is playing massively off of this video. That's all. That's not the problem though. If he gives away 100 bucks, then likely the YouTuber is getting talents.

And the underlying question that I think a lot of people wondered was would you still be doing these nice acts if the cameras were 27 and the criticism kept mounting and mounting. it was building up and it led to a video from H3h3 Productions With this video I Want to do a massive shout out to Squarespace Squarespace is the number one platform feeding the homeless H3h3 reaction video views And this was really shown with Daniel Fernandez who just absolutely tried to make himself look like Jesus when he gave a guy one dollar and he was behaving like in that single act, he just ended homelessness. Look at that just because of that oh my God doll, you're gonna slow-mo and dramatic music. Me for One dollars just got absolutely brutalized by H3h3 Leading them to removing these videos.

the criticism kept piling up. It was coming in thick and fast and some of the craters would even respond. The whatever. Channel responded to this criticism in a comment.

They claimed that they would be happy if they even recouped expenses. it wasn't a low budget thing, they had to pay for flights, hotels food Etc And they said ultimately, even if it is on a small scale, they did something nice for this one person and maybe that person will pay it forward one day. But anyway, you know what? That chat guys. there's my initial thing about this without even thinking about it, might as well take was actually correct about this and I think it's all about the exchange itself and the intention behind it.

That's what matters of YouTube content along with Minecraft Let's Plays and people doing really shitty music video parodies. But just as we thought the homeless content was coming to an end, one man would come along and completely shake up the entire game. Mr Beast with his video how much you get versus how much they get right and and I think sometimes you can find some sort of middle ground somewhere right A lot of people like to do the 99-1 that I call which is like I'll give you like 10 bucks and I know for a fact I'm gonna make like thousands off of it and it's like it's intentional giving a random homeless person ten thousand dollars. You wanna take it? it's about ten thousand dollars.
I'm not joking out of the blue for no reason. That was it. That was the premise and he did it. And it's interesting when we reflect on Mr Beast Knowing what he is now he is a human algorithm.

He just understands the YouTube algorithm. It is his brain. I Was offered five grand for a video, but this is when I was like 19. I I Was like double it and I'll walk out saying I'll give it to homeless person and they're like no, you won't that's like double and it's like pacing around my neighbor for three hours convincing this guy like on the phone.

Just double the money I Promise the video will go viral and it wasn't ten thousand because ten thousand would buy him I don't know a home for a year or whatever. No, it was 10 000 because it would look good in a YouTube title and he was right. The video got 10 million views and he went super viral and was able to do more content like this in future. But it's interesting watching this because you can see in the filming that Mr Beast is a little aware there is something off about filming homeless people.

Yeah, I mean they even said later in the video they didn't want to shove the camera in his face and ask him loads of personal questions. how did he become homeless all that stuff because they knew that it would kind of be inappropriate I don't have much more footage because I didn't want to be like hey, so tell me about living in a tent. you know, shoving a camera in his face the whole time just didn't seem genuine and you know I just wanted to treat him like a normal person. I Said in the video that there'd be a follow-up to this video and I don't think there ever was.

and Mr Beast received obviously lots of views. lots of Praise lots of rewards but as you're probably starting to understand, he also received criticism to which he responded in a very honest way: homeless people don't care if I use them for you use I mean well I mean dude. people criticize anything I think I think in the current day and age I think it's not even worth mentioning. People get choices I'm usually Christian for anything dude.

you could show up anywhere for whatever reason you're gonna get Crystal on one another. It's I think now giving it attention is that's the bad move at this point. I'm not gonna lie I Love Mr Beast I think he's great. He seems like a great person.

That statement was crazy. It was a crazy thing to say. but does he have a point? Well, in order to answer that question, let's delve into the psychology of: Charity Why do we give? Why do people do charity strapping Lads Because this one is a bit of a rabbit hole. Uh uh, this this might be so Char is I Feel like there's gonna be a bunch of I'll let it play in around about every major religions for the age of Greeks Jewish people Christians Muslims Pretty much every religion requires you to do nice things for those in need, and it appears to be a relatively unique characteristic.
Yes, it tax cuts, but you need to understand it. You need you need to have you need to have like a receipt of donating to either a church or a charity that has a charity. ID and whatever. please.

And all the people are behind it. That's crazy. So if you're gonna say yo guys, it's for tax cuts. You need to make sure that that what they're doing is actually can.

they can get tax cuts from it I mean humans? If you look at the Animal Kingdom, it's pretty brutal. You know if you've got a Gammy leg and you're slowing down the pack. I'm sorry to say mate I'm not pointing a camera at you and giving you a hundred dollars in a haircut I'm Gonna Leave You to die. But that's not always true.

There are some animals that do show empathy for those in need. There's the vampire bat. If Barry's had a great day out and he's got tons of blood, he's been drinking it, but then he sees Pete and Pete's looking anemic. He hasn't had a drop of blood all day.

Barry might actually donate some of the blood over to Pete Very nice. but generally speaking is pretty unique to humans. So one of the theories as to why we do charity is called the social exchange theory and this is the idea that social behavior is often this kind of exchange. You know it's like settle as a Catan Okay, so I guess I'll play that Zach wins the game.

What? We'll go into Varrock Bank on World 2. we weigh up the balance of whether I do something good for someone does that give me more good in return? And if that balance is in your favor, typically people will do charitable things. There's also a scene, even though you say it's not, sharing is detectable as a business expense. Even then, the business expense is not going to give you a lot back Like people people often say, dude, that's a tax deductible from a business expense.

Well, you don't get all of it back. It's a small portion like you're not a concept called. That is basically that everything we do is inherently selfish. The only reason we do anything nice is because it makes us feel good.

Or maybe I'm a terrible person I know I'm a terrible person I just killed someone. So I might do some charitable acts to relieve the feelings of guilt that I carry around with me all day. or it might just give me some feeling of personal satisfaction I Feel good and so therefore it's still selfish because it's about me more so than someone else. But the last view we're going to look at is the empathy.
You know what's happening Hypothesis: This one's a nice one. True True chat I I Felt like I got lucky when I went when I grew up um at school, right? I've been able to be able to go to school and I know some people weren't able to go to school because they didn't have enough money or whatever or at certain schools. So one of one of the things that I went into was uh for people to have money to go to school if they're um if they're good but they don't have money right and I thought that was like I was given a hand or I was given something growing up that made me go to places and I want other people that would be in a bad position and that would they would get that. I think it's almost like I'm indebted by and by some kinds and I'm on it.

like even a battle. a little bit the law that makes sense. you feel bad you can go with this one, which is that when we empathize with someone, when we feel and see their suffering, we are much more likely to want to help them. if you're staring into the crying eyes of a poor child while you're eating a massive Big Mac That strange feeling that happens is called empathy.

So all these different theories can. kind of. Express Um, I'm not going to join content and not react. Is that crazy? Oh my God Dude it is.

I'm far less likely to give 20p to the bathroom goat crisis when I'm using my credit card then I am giving 10 or 20 pounds to a homeless man when I'm drunk on a Friday night. So as we absorb all of that information, we can now move on to 2020.. Well I think we're 2023. No, let me check in.

Yeah, that's the second wave of homeless content. The old school social experiment YouTube style of content and homeless content was kind of dying on. YouTube However, the second wave would come with the rise of short form contact. Oh yeah, reels YouTube shorts started popping off.

We would see creators like Jimmy dots I got a gift for you Alvin 500. good Lord to be with you an MD motivator. Would you give it to me? Yeah, why would you help me? Because it's the right thing to do money Dude, that's worth like 40 bucks Ass, You're a kid. A thousand dollars One of these guys.

instead of just one-off homeless videos that were filmed from afar, they had now made entire channels by walking around with a GoPro strapped to their chest looking to do nice things for people. Hey man, can I get a dollar? I Guess man I only got the one, but you can have it. Oh thanks man. I Don't need this dollar though.

Here have five hundred dollars. cue sad music. Why'd you do it? man? Well, you know life is struggling. Everyone's struggling.

We all got to try to help each other out. Man, that's beautiful Man, you're a great guy. unseen and that's pretty much all of them. They're the same.

but look I'm much better for sure. The Creator actually takes a back seat in these videos. It isn't all about them doing something nice. The camera is only on the homeless person.
Or it's not always homeless people. Sometimes it's just people actually give you an opportunity to empathize and hear the person's story. Understand homelessness, understand why they got in that situation. Don't make him pick it up.

Buster. What the was that? I can't lie every time they come up on my damn shorts when I'm gonna be working I Can't help but smile and feel really good. Thank you. Maybe I can look back and bless people like you.

Bless me bro, That's all that's about. And when you listen to Jimmy darts an MD motivator when they talk in podcasts I Want to truly bring Heaven to Earth I Want to bring a Revival to people no matter what religion they are, no matter what they believed. Whoa. Radically love that they literally see Jesus with open arms trying to give him a hug.

Coolest thing, and you say what? people come up to me like in Windsor anywhere it could be an eight-year-old kid or an 80 year old black. I Mean white could be Asian In fact, it impacts people everywhere. not even my language or just it's It's mind-boggling and you have to ask yourself the question, why is it wrong to benefit from helping people I know just inherently we feel it's wrong but why is it wrong if at the end of the day you can go no I'm actually disagree with that I'm gonna go fly out and say I don't care if there's people get mad at me for the steak, it's not wrong. Benefit if I'm helping is just not wrong I don't think it is at all time as a Creator giving people money and helping people and doing because if you're in, if you're in tension, if if the whole point is to actually give, you can and it's one of your main uh uh like like calling, you can continue to give and to gain and continue to give and to gain.

Not only does it does it create some sort of a movement or something like that, right? your your uh, you're increasing your means to and then while you're doing it and it's like exponential right? I Don't think that's I Don't think that's a problem I Don't think it's a problem. This is content is enabling you to do that full time. Loads of people are receiving money that might help them. Maybe they've missed rent or something like that and they need that money And perhaps it makes people think about giving money to charity or giving money to a homeless person and so all of that sounds really about you.

Why don't you always try to donate benefit because I don't because I feel like it. Um, it's not my kotlin' yet I I Told you it was in the past before I Think a lot of chairs are scummy I think a lot of it is right. A lot of things that I donate to are things that I believe in that I'll tell you guys about, right? Because overall I'm not I'm not gonna make money off of feeling Guys that I donate I'm not. It's like increase my means to keep donating it and making it a whole thing.
Yeah, I just do it because I want to and it just stops right there. It doesn't go anywhere else and a lot of times I don't donate and the story be great. But there is one final kicker and that is does this style of Charity actually help people to answer that? We need to go back to the very first wave of homeless content and go through some of the darker moments. Starting off with: Josh Taylor Lin What happens if you give a homeless guy a hundred dollars? Well, you give homeless people money.

Do you ever wonder how they spent it? Could this video be too good to be true? This isn't right. It's all a scam. I Mean, yeah, they didn't follow him. they drove him there.

Well, since the hardwarming video appeared last week, it's been watched nearly 30 ml million times. Tragic ending to this viral video. Kenny Nickel was found in an alley dead I'm gonna sue the pale off of it. The story is not what it appears.

There's plenty of videos you can watch on that I'll link them below. There was another very similar I Kind of wish that they helped them like go make a bank account or whatever right and then make it like put the money in the bank account at least otherwise you wouldn't think it's gonna happen when they get items and money and all physically and they go back to their homeless spot where you have to do all the other almost guys they're gonna see. oh this guy's getting items. how is he I was getting that oh he's paying for it.

how does it pay for it? Okay I'm just gonna look in his standard look at his shin as I might just Rob him or and they might just kill him. a story with Magic of Rahat Magic of Rahat again was a very big YouTuber back in the day he went on to inspire people like Mr Beast and he dropped this video where he gave a thousand dollars to a homeless person I Do have this winning lottery ticket. That's cool my friend. They head for a nearby Deli to cash in the ticket as the clerk counts out ten hundreds I Want to share it Fred Rahat Set up a fundraising site for Eric The fundraiser that set up for Eric eventually totaled just over sixty thousand dollars.

But in order to give this money to Eric who was the homeless person Magic of Rahat had a few conditions. After Eric failed to meet these conditions, they had disputes over the money. apparently Eric was spending it on fancy clothes and limousine rides where he didn't even have a job. Um, Magic of Rahat's YouTube career was completely destroyed over this because Eric made all these allegations that he was withholding the money from him blah blah blah.

Again, there's another video on it and it turned out years later that he disappeared because he went into a deep depression. He was being completely witch-hunted by the internet Eric was harassing him. He showed that he gave all the money to Eric and effectively, what happened in this situation is that Magic of Her had become this guy's dad in a way. But because of this video and all the money, he didn't want the guy to go and spend it stupidly and maybe end up killing himself by accident.
So he had been forced into this position that he wasn't equipped to do. And this leads us on to a very hard truth. Oh, and that is that very often in many situations of homelessness, giving an individual homeless person a massive wad of cash probably isn't going to fix all of the problems in their life and probably will make things worse. Look, the reasons for homelessness is: I'm not going to be able to cover it in this video These YouTubers aren't gonna end up and that isn't their Duty No one should expect that of them and these acts of kindness are great and they should keep doing them.

And you can see that Jimmy Darts is aware of this problem. that's why he tends to limit it to about 500 that he gives and it's a good thing. Like it gives him a small bit of help in the short term. It's not going to transform their life, but the real benefit is that are involved in those circles and locally and whatever will give them structure.

but places sleep, food, a sort of bed bedding Foundation to build from that's what they actually need is a foundation that's cemented to go from and getting him all the things that are at the top. You can't build a Foundation of full of things without a strong bottom. You know a bit to these types of videos is Raising awareness for these people and telling their stories. So what? I Just a random YouTuber from England thinks that we should do with this style of content is have legitimate Charities Try and back these creators.

These creators tend to receive lots of money through their fans through donations which they will give to homeless people. But if maybe a charity teamed up with these creators and maybe a fraction of it went yeah but that would what would be the content then then it's no content bruh. And it's not a give a about it's content. So what pays for the money? It's content.

If this removes the content, they're not gonna get paid and then they're not gonna get money. That's what they think that's that's a metal. I Guess ambulance is a cold hard truth. You want to ignore it.

you know if you want to. but that's the court. The cooler truth is they're doing it for content, content versus money. and then it pays for this.

right? If you do this, remove the content they have no money to give, then the whole thing falls apart. So the whole thing is dog. From the beginning Some of the deeper issues when it comes to homeless people. but I'll be curious to hear your opinions on this topic in the comments below.

If you enjoyed this video, be sure to tune into the After this podcast. Unfortunately, nobody would watch you say Disney is guys. I'm about to give 50k to a homeless organization. You could walk in with a camera into a homeless a spot.
say hey man here is this kitchen gotcha. Um thank you man. we appreciate you Donation No problem man. um thanks for watching chat Paul POG Like that's not sustainable because the the content isn't like milk.

Nobody will give a unfortunately. Anyway um yeah.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “The dark side of charity youtubers xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivaylo Mironov says:

    meme all you want about our Juicer reactions, BUT it really shows he gives a fck and now he does all he can to promote the OG video creator.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Bro says:

    Charity is a scam

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lennox Fitchett says:

    You’re really doing good for the community, spreading hate to people giving out money… imagine hating seeing homeless people getting money

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devin Bivens says:

    Kinda ironic hes talking about how it's bad for them to make views off of helping homeless people when hes making money off of watching someone else's video of other people's videos of helping homeless people granted its xqc so he will only make about 12$ off this video but still at least they are giving them something and not just making money off them

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HentsSauce says:

    Just give the homeless food or something…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Permanent says:

    funny how people shit on xqc for not providing anything to the reaction content but as soon as he actually starts speaking people start saying "yap, yap, yap, yap" like make up your mind man..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IchWeissNichtMehrBescheid says:

    People really saw Mrbest heal like 1000 blind people and decided to hate him for it

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kalum says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaleb says:

    3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bardudel says:

    Am I the only one that hears the fan?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheJimmyplant says:

    A starving person who is donated food to help them survive, or a person who cannot afford surgery to give them eyesight couldn't care LESS what the motivation was to help them. They care about the fact that they were helped and their lives improved. It's so stupid and privileged to care about such a thing. People that need, need.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panik says:

    The argument that you have to sacrifice in order for it to be a "genuine act" is ridiculous. That's like saying if Jeff Bezos spent 100Billion to end world hunger, but if he made 1 trillion because of that act, it's no longer genuine. Absolutely ridiculous.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LemonPoppyMuffin says:

    That's Eli Vance

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lislio says:

    the tax thing works more in the sense they own it or their friend or family owns the charity

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JimmyTheGiant says:

    Thanks for watching X! Check out my channel for more💪💪

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