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Huh Wait Chad does that not make my my gun? Uh wait I thought it does not. Does that? nothing might act like red? Did you miss the answer to the chat? What kind of parts of the game? we're going past this? uh, furnace boss change Grindstone it's sharpened only but I thought I bought the new one look grinder temporary infuser with fire but it's like an oh, it's whenever you actually repair it right when it goes from not repaired to repaired. Is that right? nice? S w no that means weapon durability Grindstone Ldx. Oh oh, why is the tooltip not going away though? Foreign? Okay, well that's dumb.

that's just dumb chat. Why is my is? oh, because it's a tool tip I can't remove that at one point. It's kind of annoying isn't it? So I can only do it once. yet this is yeah.

twice. Okay, oh that's dumb. This place in the game looks really annoying. foreign.

it is so busted. Oh wait. pipe wrench? Oh oh my. God the damage on this is ridiculous Chat: I might want to use that.

This looks like it's very good for um, from my type of class. Okay, so that's slow. Um because I have us like a slow dumbass Builder that's my whole point. It's my whole appeal.

I'm full strength like like dumbass build also I think I think we can improve it right by make it go all the way to to a probably but you need to handle Maybe What am I using a crank? wait? how do I get there? Can we jump? All right? 400 . chat. This is the one Tapper that's the absolute Bonker But how do I get there? How do I get? How do I get there? look. there's like hidden items in there I don't get it? Uh yeah I don't know.

Maybe here. Cool man and your one chapter. What a yeah whatever school I Guess what about this? What is this? Oh chat. there's an upgrade.

I've been talking. oh no, not this again. I don't really want you to kill him but we kind of have to thank you. Got it? Foreign? wait? What? What? He wait? He didn't stagger chat.

Why didn't he stagger it when it was a well? I'm not bad I Guess you should have staggered it. Okay, let me try this. So this is a uh, pipe Wrench 156. that's better, but with the handle we could probably make it even better right? So we could do this.

Which is a bit of a motivity, right? How do you know how fast it is like if you put this on it right? Is that good of Anna it seems pretty good. This guy looks better. Yeah. I'm gonna have to just try it with Camapa.

It's kind of annoying actually. I love it. How much? I might have to just remember the chat to be honest because am I just turn around the chat. Why am I fat rolling? Yeah no.

Um guys. I am currently slightly heavy which I don't think is a fat roll still damage now it seems more usable Chad it seems more usable Am I wrong or right I'll just give you honor rolling as fire. Oh seven. recover this.

Really bad though Chad look at that chassis. my recovery is on stamina and how I feel about that Foreign? wow that actually I it ever. Dude Dude. dude, he's just fat man.
Okay I'm done I'm sure I'm just gonna run through him I'm over it guys. it says is this because I'm fat rolling? yeah I'm gonna now use a weapon until it's upgraded. How about that? Yeah oh my. God it's much faster.

Look at that chat. look at that. Holy that's insane. Oh it's just insane I might just be better.

No I don't I can't play better I'm already playing maxed out guys I hate to say it with the same amount of upgrades. The pipe wrench is actually just way better. but I don't know? Well, the damage is one thing, but it's just overall usability. Probably slow, but it's kind of dank though.

termites. Let's go let's see. I'm gonna I'm gonna his life up right here. Why? I Blocked but okay.

okay. cool man. Foreign blocked again, but okay. cool cool man.

cool. I block it Okay, All right I'm done I'm dead. Yeah I'm done with it, Huh? Foreign? Thank you I'm dead I'm at your dad knows crazy. Sounds really dumb I wish it was like a um, actually there is a warm-up spot.

you could use that in place. Sincerely. I'm not warmed up another one. Oh, you're gonna see when I go there I'm warmed up I I can kill him when I get a single timer I'll show you right there I'm going to completely him over I Can stick hero? Yeah, something like that I guess I don't know.

it's why I feel like it. There's a bit like a buffer zone at which you get into the comfort of the game right? and you go once you it says you in one session. By the end of it, you're progressing really fast because you're all like warmed up and then I'm always really slow at the beginning I agree or not. All right, let me agrees.

Gotcha should be good. nothing I Watch this. Max Focus All right here we go. I Can Vlog fast enough I'm actually dead I mean dude.

Okay, oh my God What it takes so alone to kill him dude. man that took forever to kill him Oh my God equip load. That means that I think if it remembers of um, wait, that's more weight actually Powers Information: uh emulator on a puppet uh, increases weight limit What? what? I don't know many of you I've imagined the memories and Carrie Moore so I could probably use the pipe now, right? Well that fat rolling it I Think we should go use the Piper. Thoughts about them.

maybe use an upgrade. The pipe is slow, but it Taps really hard. it does tap them. Okay, let's see Chat: What if I crank that and I gave it a better uh an upgraded handle.

Is it gonna go to anything or not I always wait. but how to do that? I know my way. Alter handle uh pipeline channel. oh my god it goes to a chat.

Listen, this might be a waste though, but this could start slamming. Do we risk it? I I'm going forward I did it I Feel bad. Pipe wrench and pipe. Look at the damage.

dude. that's so dumb. Upgrade: Okay, this goes from what. um Plus 15.

it's gonna be a waste. Chat: I'm scared. Oh my god. dude.
All right boys were full. Send: this is the pipe build I'm gonna change our look though because it kind of fit the build a little bit. We gotta look like some some kind of works on it. You know, like look I'm the repair guy.

Go now. Oh and then the emulator Moonlight Town huh? Let's see I know it's about amulet though. I'll say yes. a little slow actually.

maybe you're right about that I mean dude. slightly heavy. What if I put this weight load on me Slightly heavy. Is it the same thing? Oh, did puppets do this? chat I Need the level capacity? All right boys.

Well let's go that I came from I Gotta explore everything and not miss anything. you know. Oh my God. a normal hit is ready in the Japanese because you're really fluent in it.

Um I got it. Um from Quebec Man, that's all we do here. This is Yapatrana and from right here at Bell e Are you sucking me off? huh? I'm watching everybody bro who's doing this sir, what is wrong with you? Stop doing this sir. I'm gonna go up there and then what's in here I Think we could probably roll through this I think oh really? are you reverse grip? double twist I don't even know why the I read that Ah That's fun dude.

cool bro, very nice dude. Let me guess I can throw somebody at me when I'm down here. What's up? Oh Crescent could upgrade again. Foreign.

Hey, wait a minute. now this is getting heavy. Why is there a lecture though? Uh, we would probably need one more to read two times. Yo stop that please sir.

Chad What's my what's my why doing? Oh okay, just like one attack. That's it. But it could be really strong though. we don't know yet.

It's like a bit of a bunk. any uh, any bonfires I'm gonna go check for that first. Any bone fires can't go here. Well let's just oh I think the name this item.

Interesting that there's a shooter. damn that is over I mean dude I mean dude. if if you miss one strike with this bunk, it's a GG I'm like disabled entirely. dude.

my character just stops working for like a whole four seconds could have blocked. Dude, please stop that I'm gonna go hide inside the church then. Did I do it twice? Um dude I might be brain dead. What about the pipe handle with the AXA thank you foreign I Don't get it I don't get it.

Did I jump early foreign man I just farmed your life you why was not available at the time unions there corrosive resistance converter. oh wait a minute chat. This could be fantastic. Damn.

physical damage was underrated. one asset by four. but we we get mostly fire here. Chad We're gonna keep it for now, but we'll maybe use a letter.

Thoughts about that. Let me get it here. Okay now there's a train here and a lady good killer. Do you want to go up child? I'm sorry, but the train isn't in service anymore and I swear Cathedral isn't the sanctuary? Look at the blade, don't you? The people who end up there never returned? I Still don't know what happened, but I Do know this: The cathedral is off limits forever.
If you're determined to pass, you must prove your identity. Who are you? Are you a stalker? Interesting I Thought all the stalkers died when the workshop Tower collapsed. As for me: I'm as good as dead. A sinner who lost everyone I Ever loved I Have no right to stop someone who's determined as you please be safe up there.

Thank you I don't know what the hammer she has though. Please safe ass. Whatever. bro.

why can't you kill her Dude, she's useless. Okay, this does chat. 319 Damage and gentlemen, welcome aboard the Pilgrims Cable Railway Now those of you who joined us in Moonlight town, we hope your preparations for the Pilgrims Journey are well underway. Fascinating Town Moonlight Just fascinating.

Back in the day, the only way to reach the cathedral was using a rope and pulley. so thanks for building it on a cliff. Saint Frangelical I Kid I Kid Frangelica Wonderful Saint Wonderful! Anyway, there's a Subway no the bridge of atonement while you atone there. Don't miss a magnificent view of a beautiful crot.

It's been my pleasure, friends and enjoy the rest of your journey. I've been your captain on this ride Gemini Thank you sir. Well, not bad, huh? Oh I Really am good at this. When in doubt, let Germany be your guide.

you uh, you look annoyed what? I do I'm sure it's fine. Let's get a move on pal. Thank you man. something's off you said over there I Recognize dead puppets? That's to be expected, but what is that? What is that? What is that? No items I Hear a bot? Oh boss? No way.

A boss. What the is that? Clicker No idea what those things are PAL approach caution I Just ruined his life I Literally one Captain this you can't go out of bounds gotcha hidden Moonstone Gonna need that for upgrades over here. Absolutely on on. Okay Defender absolutely on.

It was an anim chat over there. otherwise you have to go back there honestly. I I don't say items over that I don't think it's worth it going there is an item chat. wow I'll go later I'll go if I die.

That's fine I was like what's their problem? Wait wait, their bodies are strangely altered. Oh what's going on to keep those eyes of yours open Jesus Christ I Just mauled him. Wait, what's up with this guy? Oh man. Jesus this Hammer is crazy.

A woman's prayer. pray you who are not an injured. uh, do we have a prayer moat? uh costume? no bag? sit, check ground fear yeah, that's not gonna cut a jet I know it's gonna cut it. There's two ways, there's front and there's back in.

more of a back end of a guy. but I don't know I'm just looking around Jesus Christ uh chat should I go forward or not? Hey bud, that's what's in here Boys old cartridge that's really good. Okay, the one the new one does. um can enhance resistance to be can effect as a resistance uh, physical damage reduction rate? That's a lot actually.
Oh no, we definitely do that way better. Yeah, let's go to think what's up bro. Mercy I beg you don't kill me I thought you were from the organization. Uh, never mind.

my name is Janju I'm an uh pharmacist? yes pharmacist. I'm looking for the legendary gold coin fruit. I was able to use an infection spread I have the petrification disease and I need a cure. sorry I ramble when I'm nervous read this.

It'll explain things faster than I can. oh bro I am not reading that. Um, you know the gold coins for the McDonald's best thing for people to work over diseases and escape and play again only night Miracles Have a price no matter how can I give me be Many substances can be poisonous. The precise dose is what separates medicine from Poison The gold coin fruit might just be a myth.

Can you let me know if you find it? I'll give you this by way of payment. Oh what the what chat do I use it well I can't use it well I don't know what the he's even talking about guys. the people of Ancient Christ He claimed special powers after distilling the wish into a cube made from a meteorite. Okay, I don't know how it works, but but it's said to react to someone who has Ergo and Grant them power if you can, help me with the gold coin tree I'll give you more of this.

Okay, you'll ride up and look after the land of God When the angel spreads its wings and embrace the saint and the coldest forgotten, seems there's a new threat I'm headed to the same Timberland stores HP Well now I Can I Can Juice It Up seems there's a new throne and then he then he gives it back to me Chad I have to go back to him every time. That sounds annoying I was starting to do too f uck what's up ass? matter what? everybody's dead foreign I just your life up you easy acid abrasive. Wait a minute. That could be kind of Hardcore chat.

Maybe it's better. We don't know yet. we have China Give it a try. First attribute even empower Ed A little ads on Kick Nope.

Let's go ahead and um, check what it does first. Huh? Oh, it's just a temporary one so it doesn't replenish it yet. Uh I Think we should go back to the crash, trimming it the hotel just to use all the that we got. and then uh, you took the grinder off.

What? No I think I think it's it's a grinder. See that? Yeah, it's temporarily. it's not forever. Uh, let's use all the ergo.

So like all those 400 5K 1K and 700. Wait, where is the lid yet? I'm up. Um now. how much? Buy how much? uh capacity? Oh wow.

Chat: Even if they put a lot of points in it, doesn't really matter. I'm always going to be heavy. it's I think it's hopeless. It all in strength It dude.

Full damage I Don't care. Chat: Does anybody know? chat? Does anybody know? Um, what's the soft cap for strength? Probably 40 right? Gold coin trees are said to Blossom when plague stalks the land. Perhaps they've already bloomed somewhere and cried the people that he? It's Maybe you'll find what's him. You have sinned, repentia to your tears, only cleanse their souls made before that.
Am I cleansing or not because they're not Bots they're just like a recent a music sheet. Why they Jam bandanas. Well, it's just kind of had to any items to pick up. your boys.

wait, it's gone. Oh yeah, the zombies think it's gone. Oh no no, we're done. One two three one two three.

Nope. not double. Can't do it. I'm not doing it.

There we go. It was good. Nothing in the pots. Then there's some weird spots with water.

Dark Souls is not like water. Overall: I Don't know. Chat: Do I drown that? Go here. Oh, it decays.

Does that mean they have to put on the juicer? Um um. shot resistant? No. uh, it's this one right? It was into the decay. Oh it's better, right? Okay, that's nice though.

No that's a nice chat because now we know what. This is not the way to go sick dude that is sick I Like that dude. all right now we're gonna find out where to go because that's not where to go. Oh that's like a junk and jump.

Uh Channel things to jump out. So I think it's just not doable right? No shot, right? Yeah, no shot. Come on. Boomer the what I said that was Boomer dumb.

Okay, wait it's not. It's not an elevator. Oh my god dude, is it not an elevator Dude? Yeah. if you wanna try something that didn't see, these guys said that.

He also believes that it was an elevator. I See there's nobody There was no one to know until you do you. You know, foreign. I'm good bro.

let's try your well that's a big one. that's a big one. Boys: Okay, we gotta be careful here boys. there's a blue there and a blue there if I go there I have to go down like I don't think I can go up for that.

Okay, so that's one blue that's just Ergo and that's what are you doing and then jump it. oh my. God at this game I'm a God now we repair this with the juicer like this. Okay I'm done Oh my God that's a one Tapper Chat that is a straight one Tapper All this far fragments.

Are you kidding me? Dude? wait I have to go here I did pretty good in this area. Oh well, that's not very nice. Scary dude. That's why they're disgusting.

There's two spots, there's ladder and no ladder. Let's try ladder first. Yeah I need more stamina but I'm doing like a really dumbass build. I'm gonna see if I can play the game with the dumbass Velda Chat I Have no faith in this at all.

Yeah I mean oh I told you there are three puzzle rooms in the game. It's three to do one. What the wait? I haven't done wait I have a 3D Keto It consumes every time you use it. Now let's remember what is that.

Okay chat for the future. It's like a stone sword. Tea fashion makes a lot of sense. Shake your corners.
it says it jumped West the operator is dead. those were still I Must sleep in the Dead Are they good? That was crazy I can fix her bro. oh my God I was very close. Oh yeah, What? Wait, where did I come from Foreign I Mean there's nothing else about it that's just straight fat cringe dude.

Shut up. I Mean the problem of these controllers. dude. is that the dude.

The amount of pressure to jump is so little you have to condition your thumb to be more light under control so you don't jump. Accidents: Laughs right? right? I Have to go all the way above to get my items back. Foreign? All right. So this.

Chat: Listen, Listen. listen to me. listen to me. Is there any items above you think we need to get by that? I mean Google it.

I don't want to go back above it. the cheese there really and she's there. What if there's a bumper here though? Wait what? all this for a key? yo? What the a vessel? I am so confused. Chat: What the is a vessel? Oh got it.

You hear this sort of device? Uh I mean dude in a cylinder storage that keeps High Secrets upper class naturally. uh okay. I'm gonna have to go back above for it. Wait there would be something down here to go with you.

right? there's still water in apparently. nice I have to bring it to it. Berlini thank you dude I can Farm it for shards Chat: Oh I dodged under him. Okay dude, this is like the God build.

thank you One two three one two three drink one two three one two three drink. Now we go to the top Foreign Thank you. No no no no no no no. it's like my orb.

Dude: GG Minus one prison rolled cancel No I Tried to work out. oh no please don't me Dude I hate jumping this game. Oh my god Dude I had to jump though. we're gonna just jump on it.

Oh no dude I'm I'm over it. Yeah I'm over Dude I'm just over it dude. you know how long it takes to get there. Dude this game due to what dude for an hour chat do I have to jump on the block or a cross? just walk.

oh my God Foreign did I really jump that poorly I thought it was pretty on time. no he did. just walk. Hey the hitbox are really bad I noticed that please stop that.

Please stop that. Please stop that. I'm over Dude All right I'm so old foreign. no more Moon Shards Okay no, you're done.

You're done. You're done. You are done. You are done.

Don't even bother with it. Okay, we're still good. How did you jump in a wrench? I mean I guess you make the edges like sharper. You know? do I hide on the corner here you think oh my God All right.

better now. die chat sorry I'm gonna use that because next stripes are going to increase my thing. Oh I Don't want to do a chat I Want to do it Dude oh my God I'm such a ass wait it gets easier once in a while I Just realized it bro. this is so janky.

It's janky. I I Okay, okay, let me see. let's see. Well then I came all the way down.
Okay, it's exactly hold up. I'm trying to measure this. it's like this long. okay, you know the other one.

okay I put my foot on the a little bit too far. Okay, it's the same. Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God I know what to do? Oh my God Thank foreign Legion magazine wait Legion manager. Isn't that the thing that we need to find like motherboard? and then we go some or something like that.

Open the door. There's three spots we could go to. Left Right middle. where's the school? more exposed one look for book and planks.

oh my God ass oh Crescent okay did we do here? What was here I forgot. yeah yeah, there's a lot of editor a little bit of Rights and then we could go in the middle I don't want to go pee yet. Well I have to go pee. but I don't want to looks like a boss huh? Yeah, we're not following that.

Sorry thank you guys. Getting here to be eight hours million hours. Okay I'm not doing it dude. I'm gonna go here.

I'm gonna go find if we get a bonfire I'm not doing it. Wait what the wait? This doesn't do anything. Oh, because now it's a shortcut. Jesus I'm so brain dead menu pal.

Let's get it man. Just kidding you loser. What an absolute loser. All right I Need to study him a little bit.

Thank you Thank you you little you little you absolute Lord Get cheesed you cheese Dawn I Don't care I Chase them. He deserves it. Garbage. Okay oh, supply box does the same thing as the as the little beads that you get um in Elden ring it and I'm guessing that that the box is like the Uh flask or whatever it's called the um the physic.

these are the equivalent items. Oh I messed up something over there. Might go. let's go.

first we go to the to the cathedral or whatever the chat. we can get one more um flask because we could go upgrade at the top but uh I could put the prism in the body, consume the Ergo then do the thing and then give the bead. I Know my way around. Not this guy.

Hmm. perfect. I Mean of course is that this is a humble invention of mine. a cipher device.

Oh a cipher. I Mean your information is locked in here, only you can get it out. Of course, once people realize the value of a truly unbreakable way to keep secrets, knockoffs flood the market. the trials and travails of true genius forever copied, never credited.

but I admit even some of these knockoffs could still hold. Secrets You're welcome to take a crack at the well. cracking it. Who knows? it could lead you to something truly valuable or at least more practical.

Oh okay, sounds kind of fun. May I be of assistance I Can decipher this in moments if you'd allow me, but it's all starting to come back to me. Oh genius never sleeps and never truly abandons the truly brilliant What? No, of course I didn't read the contents. Who has time to read anymore? But I could help you read it if you want to step.
Oh Betty Boulevards I was on the bridge address key hidden above. it's a scared of Squirt man is trying to pop it bye-bye Make it happen and score. Uh, we're gonna sit on the cathedral but if you're interested in maybe missions refugees I don't know how it does Chat: who's playing this Chopper I'll use my power down chat who's pulling up? is it hers? thanks for keeping I See oh the guy above right there. remember it is not I remember it wasn't that if a puppet.

All right. let's go ahead and put that in. Uh, we go over here and we should be able to give it a new juicer. Oh damn, wait a minute.

A new amulet or a new cell chat I Don't think it sells you I don't leave any amulet yet. enhance women. Attack on General is the maximum Um, increase the starting damage to enemies when a product goes to sex, fall wait I don't even know how that works. Do we do damage damage to a perfect strike? I Had no idea.

Oh, destruction damage which means partial damage, right? And his weapon attack when discharged? uh I guess we do this gotcha change shape. What? chat? who the is? Paulina Oh Kitty well don't be weird. the is that weird? Oh yeah, he's like this guy. You're right.

welcome. This is a supply box officially approved by the city of Christ Well now give me some stuff, open it and add it to the hotel shop. Well I mean purchase. Oh my.

God Special weapons blade up to plus three. Wait wait Chad This is good. refreshing juice. bright red apple a fable.

Careless, blah blah blah blah blah chat. Do we want that? Buy those? Do we really need that? I Don't think we need that right now either. Okay chat I Don't like my my favorite on the arm Am I Wrong Am I Wrong I think it's dog huh? What the next ball I needed I Just got spoiled by chat. Oh the quest of the bridge.

You're right. should we go now? where's the bridge though? he doesn't even remember I think it's it's not City Hall guys this city hall you went for the Donkey I think it's Boulevard yeah I'm not gonna wear the bench because it crescents are very rare and one upgrade isn't worth the risk of missing out on another upgrade that we're not could get later on or in another blade. I Don't want to risk it I think plus one is too risky. Chat is the bridge closer here I don't think it is.

What's weird Okay, so we go ship of the quest right and then Purge puppets chat I don't know what to do here? Maybe? uh, maybe this bruh address alien Boulevard 221B 221 b a key is enclosed two two one b well where is that Janet further up or not, right? Oh yeah, that's it. What the huh chat? do? We know where 221B is at the bonfire of this area mates I gotcha. Oh yeah. where the house at the top? Remember it's at the top.

There's a bunch of houses and I don't think it's here. maybe across I have to be so bad I'm about to lose it. dude it is. Thank you All right.
Charger is ABS they're crazy. Okay oh my. God I Feel like it now. Okay now what? Chad Where is it? Is it right here? Oh my.

God I did the puzzle dude, a quartz and the apparel. All this for a quartz? You are you kidding me? Well of course it's kind of broken though. I Kind of I Kind of like that my cards are chords are super much needed. Actually, courts are crazy I'll put I'll put it on later when we have two.

I'm not gonna bother going back home. it's like I I might be playing the game, you know I don't have two I only have one. A lot of places to go here. Boys left.

nothing. Books Books books books books. A lady die? Nope. I'm I'm surprised to see who's well alive and I serve the Archbishop I'm the only one left.

Everyone's dead. Oh I have two. Okay, from the petrification disease or from the monsters I didn't die but my heart breaks Mori today. Can you do me a kindness? Bring me the Holy Mark from the Archbishop's quarters? Sure.

Archbishop was a true saint. He was my savior. If I write his words into my heart, maybe it'll give me the strength to carry on. Maybe I can't die Yeah.

I'll bring it. I'll bring it. Chill out dude. I can so great sir.

A little bit of a tomb here boys. A little bit of an alleyway. First let me check the water. Yeah I have to go backwards first.

Let's see it. that's so up. Oh what's that buying? Is that shortcut? was that is that long cut? Yeah, it's a short. It's a long cut if I throw something at that and it looks like something's gonna fall out of it.

It's disgusting actually. Oh what's all that? All right? That's what I thought and you're dead ass. actually resistant and pool careless. Anything else up here? Nope.

disgusting. Let's keep going on the right garbage in the middle. Another question. Yeah, now we definitely need a red or something.

Okay, ladder thing on I Have to go all the way across. It's been annoying. Where am I going? Dude? Where am I going foreign? Oh up boys, let's get it. Oh no oh my.

God this is so broken. dude. when this thing is sharpened with the red, it's so oh my god Dude. Uh do I go up first.

Yeah. I see items up there. he tried it I think it's a award Lord Bruh. don't shoving it once a once per run I mean you can show me anything you want, but you only you can only do red shot only once I Feel like I'm missing out on a lot of the items or not and it's triggering the fudge enemy.

Yeah, I'm not reading all that. Wait, is that the lady's Quest What is it? Oh my God strengthening frame oh 20 now I'm heavy rolling oh my God I'm over it dude. can't wear it I Need two percent I needed two percent I know I need to go towards the music but I don't miss out on any items that are right here. Oh yeah, maybe there's something inside the wall.

What the fudge? What was there? Let's get out of here. I'm I'm stalling. So I think the only reason why we need to go downwards is to create a shortcut. It's the only reason it's this is not the way forward, it's the way backwards.
Oh, use the abrasier foreign okay, then item okay and then and then chat there you go done and then we do the lady and then back up or cross and then the elevator looking good. Oh oh thankfate do you want to die Reminder of the all of that for an Um pool is she? Dude, you're like the most useless item in the game that's doing one of the worst items in the game. I think president and I woke us on this line. Shut up.

Oh, someone wrote the rest of his father. Yeah, this is the sugar image. There's two thoughts we haven't gone to yet. There's above and elevator or not.

Try this boy. you're gonna be a really hard boss. So I know why we are right next to a bonfire. The run back is really small.

Oh that's the worm. Yeah that is disgusting though. Absolutely disgusting. Oh it's got ice.

Apparently this boss is fast and it's gonna be the test of my strong. ER That's about to find out bro. Oh and this game I have to do is block if you don't if your weapon sucks. Wait, what foreign foreign? I'm stuck in a corner I Can't move bro man I can't move dude I can't move I'm stuck in a corner dude I'm stuck I'm stuck.

oh that should have been in first try. Foreign thank you Foreign: I mean okay so it's not O7 this game has recovery mechanics. okay since I got if I didn't get hit there I had a I had a free a reducer on my uh on my on my flask so I was able to come back Also I need to replenish my juicer. How do you? how do you replenish the square? Also this legitimately you cannot do a heavy strike.

double for a stagger on his boss. it's too slow. foreign oh my. God Bro I had no idea foreign.

What the worm dude. The worm. Wait. what stays on the machine too? All right.

What foreign I Have to learn it. That's pretty good though. I mean it's not. It's not since.

I I don't think it's very difficult. Uh, let's go. upgrade blade and not the same. the first iteration that the boss doesn't have a quick attack like that.

It's a flamethrower, but how do you use it until there? Like, what do you do with it? Does the boss have an affinity against Centaur? Oh maybe actually. I have prism and other shits too Boss: Soul Weapon vendor up the elevator. Really interesting chat. Regains retains a certain amount of God regain when you're seeing damage is that good and then we'll Dodge him on the ground.

What are these? Oh it, Let's do this. pulse recovery cell oh my. God that's massive. What a upgrade dude.

I Mean that's huge and then we can upgrade the thing a little bit. Ah, should we even go there it? I Went there boys I don't think so I really don't think so. Thanks too much. Nope, Let's not do it.

Let's try to the other first. Should we? Jack I Want to see the the bus happens? It's pretty far now. Oh, there's probably gonna be a uh Stargazer there too, so it's fine. It's probably good that we're getting it right now.
That's what happens. My phone didn't get some Foodies Man, look at that blade though. Holy dude. Actual chat Lord material.

damn it can't find a way out. Monsters Everywhere I need to grab my share and leave. It's hot. Oh he's full of loots I Thought I was the only one with a sound mind here I'm sure I don't need to introduce myself.

Note these: Golden Wings Yes, you guessed it, you don't know who I am Preposterous has heard of me. Do you live under a rock? I'm Aledoro the Hound treasure hunter extraordinaire? Yes, yes, it's a nickname I ditched my real name in the past I'm looking for other people I don't care? Okay, um. Venini works I Didn't give that place much thought. that's where the puppets are being made of.

but I heard Taylor shelter there as well with no first-hand knowledge I suppose I have to trust you I have a lot of searching ahead of me so why don't I lighten my load. Consider this an active is you're so helpful. oof kill shot at me so gain Ergo uh or rare ergo wait wait how do I buy this I can buy this and that? No I have to choose. Oh so this is B uh that's B and that's equipped on the puppet information.

every useful uh upon a successful perfect guard, the temperature is damaging. oh my welcome back and then that's kind of dog. I think you I think this is see it's like a it's like a like a thing. It looks like the thing from the worm.

It looks like it looks like a worm sword. I think we need to get the blade but chat I'll be honest. oh maybe we can mix both. Did I use the parade.

you're with me right? dude? no shots. Okay so let's go way down right by 110 which is a lot, but it's not even that good. it's not that good. Let's go down uh huh.

maybe upgrading it would be good I don't really know chat I don't really know I always just test it I guess oh you can test it at home right in the tester. We'll have a better rule too. It's not as heavy which could deem useful if you want to use more uh amulets and then wait a minute. This could be good overall, but it's not very about it.

I don't know I don't really know and I was also I think when he cranks and we don't I don't think we have any cracks anymore. Guys operating it sounds good but I need question moons I know my way Plus 30. okay I think it might be worth using actually I can I'm not gonna buy two Chat: it would go for 230 which is a more than my my piping yo chat. This is chat.

This has got a a cat to go for it at the house we're out of motivity. Crank it's over. We can't do it. It's Gigi we cannot make the thing motivity based it.

it's GG Chat it's over. Welcome to I Can sell some garbage when there's nothing we could sell that's worth like garbage. protection is sounds terrible huh? Chat Chat: it's about 3K because it's 1.5k for a a papa. Yeah, let's just try it.
Chat: I Can't swap handles either the abilities of the sword. Let's go. so try it I guess I Don't think it's very good though. foreign Thank you man I I just his life up Foreign I Don't know the abilities that much I I Just had to go forward.

Yeah I just have to go for it I Had to be greedy because I don't have the knowledge of the fighter I Had to thank you happy foreign. What? I'm trying Thank you. See there again I had to well I I I had to. Oh man, it's it's a it's a decently tough boss.

but I think it's that tough at all. I think it's very doable with the current gear and set up. Now the first stage. if I if I can tank and lose one or two juicers for greed, it's I think it's fine I think it's an okay sacrifice to do I've locked out.

Okay, well that's just the unfortunate. oh wow I'm locked it on the wrong spot, huh? It's over now I Judge But okay. I've locked I missed my strike. Another damage that's disgusting.

Me: foreign. What a scam One stem. What a scam that is Disgusting. There is no human on earth that actually thinks there's anything of value with a mechanic of a a backstrike like whatever they pull that's so boring.

What a boring ability dude. When they pull the blade out and it does damage, that's cringe that is so cringe foreign. Thank you foreign Thank you foreign Thank you. So every spammed F bruh bro bro I will have to read the chat because if I said f but it wasn't F at all Man dude.

Fudge Dude man fudge dude let me check Uh uh no not this. not that can be with fire. You know. let's try this.

uh resistance resistance to block to blah blah blah blah blah to bling Bing And nope nope. Ldy should we try that? Let me try it. Let's find a Monsters the opposite. It's a it's a vacay monster.

Oh foreign. Thank you Foreign Foreign foreign. before she sucks and he farts on me. dude.

wait I thought it was blowing out. he was sucking in. instead it. wait that doesn't make any sense.

He sucks in and then he bops. Okay so the blade is upgraded when I do the Abby Why? and it's broken I Gotta really say Forza foreign foreign who died one of these attacking him here? Thank you No foreign when you code your game for your boss to slam it into my face I can't see you I cannot see bro I cannot see at all zero I've locked foreign I can't vote Yeah you, you're so bad. What? I can't see bruh I can't do it Dang thank you. Oh what? bro.

What? What? What? He does both. He does both. He does both the down swing and the down puke. It's both at the same time.

There's no way I could have known that dude. What a I thought he had to choose. Thank you thank you I am him yeah I'm him. You the god thank you.

Oh foreign. Wait that's the third phase. Bruh Wait that's the third phase. She comes back out and has three new abilities.
This is a busted dude. What the is this dude little brother? They're about to rename this game to Lies of Excuses I Got hit by the blue thing again too. look at that. Schnauzer it's growing.

Oh my God foreign because I am a Chad that's why I don't want to hear about it. Did it I did that because I am a Chad I don't date anyone did I am in front of a good situation I threw it away I wonder why because uh it dude I can recreate it the chat that that's right dude I don't care dude I Throw it away I Do it again. Watch this. Watch this.

Watch this. Watch this. I'm gonna smoke his ass up. Oh foreign.

yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's right dude. Chad Holy Chad Dude doesn't read any mechanics. base tanks throws the game absolute Lord Sigma grinds that juice Lord Hold up I'm not sure it's any available food at the sun of the nights there is actually object.

You mean when it's again reorder? Check out. No. thanks. Parody.

Next Tip: Place Order Confirm. Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign. Thank you. What? All right.

it's also Mass AOE Uh Bro I Can't do it anymore. Man like this thing just does something new. every tournament. Every time there's a new ass ability I don't understand it.

All right Foreign? Oh my. God I'm not dead. There's a poison. Three, two, three, What? But what? I can't see anything.

Wait every time this boss does that, he puts into your wall and there's nothing you do about it. you can't see. bro. if the boss hit you, it'd be fine.

but he moves you inside the boundaries of the wall. You can't see anything. that's so that is so boring. foreign.

Thank you Foreign. Thank you thank you Big die you. Clapton That was an absolute Master Class Brother disseminated it clapped smoked on. Oh man on the first try too.

That's what happens here all the the three. Souls Get into the machine I am the storm that is set when his father is bad. Yeah, you know. I Did y'all sucked on that suck? This suck that suck on my dick? Wait I Want to go back to the old crowd Ed Me: Wait is this.

Does the blade stay locked like that until I die that's broken? Well the boss soul is irrelevant I think um because we're not going to use the the warm up and I don't think right, we're going wrong spot I don't give it what I Miss I'm going back a little bit. gonna have to stop at the camera bro bro why is that everything we reaching again your spot. It's like you down by now like the is that it's so like what the is that man that's holy man can you play that gameplay Losing their minds? Shut up I Must I'll just started stop banging on the gyms. oh whoa what was that? wait maybe I sent him home I sent to the factory Me: where's that at in here because I lied to him he's not even here bro where is this loser I did a spot on the guy was it was like upstairs yes here I think right oh yeah and then maybe on the second floor like above the factory.
wait I think it is right spot. it's here to the left right I think brother, where did I send this guy dude I sent him in some other dimension oh my God that is absolutely cooked on oh maybe the first bonfire that you get when you get in it. it's that's like where the yeah? I Think that's the most logical one because it's like the entry with the big Gates maybe to the right or left or bro, there's no shot. Bro, don't do that.

Not the hotel. I Lied to him but if I said the right thing, he would have oh yeah, you're there bro. I'm sorry bro I Didn't think we'd ever meet again. Oh my bad.

Can't say I'm happy to see you though. sorry I Let my frustration get the better of me. This place is crawling with hostile puppets. You must have known that, but you still send me here.

Honor and Trust are everything to this. Hound You've insulted me to the core I'll never forgive you, but perhaps there's a shred of decency in you. So I'll ask again. Do you know of a safe place dude? I Think you're just gonna just gonna come over again I Actually wonder what happens if I just his life over.

but I've been there already and I know better. The puppets have already destroyed again. You spurn my trust. Oh no, but even a brave soul like me cannot afford another enemy in times like these.

I shall show you Mercy Perhaps it will inspire a noblest spirit in you, but beware. Do not fool me ever again. You tricked me with your life. You disappoint me.

Remember the hounds fangs? You tricked me with? you? remember, wait, what am I supposed to do Now You tricked tricked me with your life. I'm no stranger to beneficence, so I shall let it pass one more time. Know that even my forgiveness remember the Hound oh my God I'm soft, flocked or some dude maybe I can reset the dialogue by coming back to it I'm confused is he's gonna be here oh the last door above, probably upstairs I know where he's at? it's left, then left again I think it is not here actually. Oh man, over here.

Nope, there he is. he's a shutter Hotel oh it's you I am the trail I shall give you. however it's up to you. Okay, so this is a this is a this is for decks.

Wait no dude. Twisted has a chance of being consumed. Memories are useful. movement.

um, consumed. the time when puppets? uh you guys I don't know what it does. it go above it. information memories as a chance to be consumer using impulse cells.

Oh it gives you a chance. oh my God has a chance of none being whatever. that's just poorly written dude I don't give a I don't I I don't want to hear it that is actually probably written in English Chat I'm thinking of using this no I think I just buy the amulet actually I've read the mega sword again by buying Crescent moons Welcome Foreign Plus 30. bruh this blade is a bugging on a stack now.
how do I change it? Uh I think I want to get three amulet spots right? Chat: Do you have any presents or not? none? Maybe my equivalent will drop. Now how good is this though? You know. Oh, we can test it out right? Okay, let's go. Minute range: 539 What? Okay now when I when I remove this.

oh it's a lot my God chat. that's that's a ton too much I gotta keep it on Uh I need to get the amulet increaser slot. but for that I need to get a prison and what do they get prisms at I thought I Thought Boss dropped them. Bosses: don't drop them.

Well let's change costumes and fixed it to match the blade a little bit. That's kind of cool I guess I think that's the best fit for it actually not that's heavy as the out. All right, let's go I need prisms though I know how to get them? Uh 13 no remove R from Ergo. Oh good one.

Funny, that's funny bro got one God I got him I Guess why is there a disconnect to this set? Was there a disc? Does it mean that Like that? That was like your last went to two thing or not Foods here I think about them a little bit. which is what's up. Uh, past the spot means mission. Is that what it means? Boy, wrong spot.

It's down there. It's like a light. Let's check it out. Wait another another elevator.

What the fudge? What in Krotz name happened here? uh I haven't a clue myself. There's got to be someone at the hotel who knows something. We're pregnant again. Please get out bonfires I could go next.

Well I Mean you can ask for it. Look how cool that is. Once Crot was just a small town on the coast of little importance. Foreign.

They left the Old Town behind. It's not isolation and neglect. Kratts First Incarnation became nothing but dangerous alleys and desperate slums. On the bright side, I guess the whole city of Kratz pretty much like that now.

Okay, the Old Town caught up with the new through what they say: a receding tide, sinks all boats. Why not? Okay, fine. this game's really good though. This game is actually good.

Oh man though, I'm kind of clapping. it doesn't say what you want. Okay, I'm kind of busting it.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Xqc plays lies of p part 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skyflairl2p says:

    Im downloading this game purely because watching x play it frustrates me so much I need to verify if it really is hard (it isnt) or he's just dogshit (he is)

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thevin Arokiaraj L says:

    Blud always goes strength build everytime, even in souls games..a more variety would be nice actually…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colrez says:

    The numbers SCHIZO

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lion Soul says:

    Xqc playing like his stamina bar doesn’t exist 😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I commented this says:

    That "My n…." zombie is crazy

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Dunbar says:

    Bro, why is he running in circles before making the jumps like hes building momentum, you only have 1 run speed my dude, slow your roll..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MeatSock says:

    was I called a frog by chat? 🙁

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sparx says:

    How tf he kill the archbishop boss so quick? Still stuck on it for like 40 minutes

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Horan says:

    Everybody hating on the game play it.. it’s actually pretty good

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernesto Wien Batista says:

    Bots in the comment section

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Butter X says:

    Baton handle and wrench head. Thank me later

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sqwizzo says:

    Dante drip

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