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Most catastrophic amas in Reddit history and coming in at number five is Morgan Freeman's which nobody expected would become such a nightmare. it simply red hi I'm Morgan Freeman and my new movie Oblivion is in theaters in IMAX April 19th. Ask me anything? although given it was posted from an account called you slash Oblivion movie it was obvious that the post was nothing more than an advertisement which irritated the audience immediately. The press agent Vibe is strong with this one.

This is almost definitely a marketing team. I mean come on. The username is Oblivion Movie only made worse when Morgan Freeman began to answer questions, missing no chance to insincerely promote the film. What is the best movie ever in your opinion? there are three in my opinion the original Moulin Rouge Anna Life of Pi an oblivion which was downvoted by over Chad couldn't they just get him to like? You could take like three or four pictures with like a with like a question on this on a size like that.

So I prove that it's him and you just continue with the with their bulletin marketing and it would still it's still working. When I was to different question rating I feel like you're more than usual in Oblivion Is that fair to say and is it fun to play the bad guys sometimes Morgan Freeman Ignored the question altogether and simply wrote see the movie which would Mark the first of many answers that didn't really make sense. If you could have had any role in a movie that went to a different actor, what would it be and why I do not have a favorite actor I've worked with the best in the business and don't pick favorites of that. playing God is like falling off a log.

There's nothing to follow but the script, which for obvious reasons confused. The person who'd asked Freeman was then questioned. You've played all sorts of contrasting roles from a lowly prisoner together itself. which roles are Asia are which ones are more fun to which you'd respond.

They are all easy. The most fun are the ones that pay the most, which was then reinforced during another question reading. what kind of rules do you enjoy playing the most and favorite one yet where it again respond with ones that hey, there's a good chance that these were simple garbage, but even then they were still more interesting than some of his other terrible responses. What has been your goal in life to be in the movies? How do you prepare for the powerful roles you play in your films? I Just learned the script.

What's going out in public like for you? Like what do people ask you when they see you on the street? A chore. With his responses being so generic, people began to speculate on whether or not it was even him answering. am I really the only person that doesn't think this is Morgan Freeman His answers are short, understood, accurate, and full of grammatical errors. Plus, he hasn't given any proof I Looked through all the comments and I don't see anyone giving a am I Really the only one here leading Morgan Freeman to prove that it was in fact him by uploading a photo of him sleeping on a couch with what seemed to have been a Photoshop piece of paper lying on his chest.
This is not proof. The photo looks incredibly photoshopped. There is no way this rudimentary image could act as any form of proof. While a YouTuber named Southern Graphics Guru uploaded a video titled Morgan Freeman's it's photoshopped and this ain't really Morgan Freeman I can prove it all right.

We'll invert it that look like part of the same image. Look at all this stuff here and look at that look how different. All right. So that's fake.

The basic video received almost a million views, although it failed to convince those who had a more realistic approach. I think Reddit has always had an unwarranted high regard for Morgan Freeman and now you would all prefer to call this a fake then realize he's just boring. While another comment highlighted why Morgan Freeman was uninteresting in every interview he did for example, the Guardian Game Morgan Freeman the nickname Mr monosyllabic and explained Morgan Freeman doesn't want to talk about money, drugs, the war, his friend Colin Powell or even his new movie. In fact, he may be the most difficult subject our interviewer has ever come across, with the hysteria becoming so intense that the AMA admins had to intervene that state this was set up by the publicity team from the film studio for Oblivion We were told Morgan Freeman will be answering the questions for the AMA himself with someone in the room to typing what he said and we believe this to be the case.

This was Then followed by an updated page reading I've spoken to Mr Freeman Oblivion's PR team and they have stated in no uncertain terms that all of the answers in the AMA were his words and that the picture was legitimate and not doctored. Although it's not like this fixed what had already gone down, this was the most disappointing AMA I've ever seen. The person couldn't scripted and Bland either Morgan Freeman is not who he thought he was or this is a huge PR move which is ridiculously unnecessary. although at least Morgan Freeman escaped with some of his reputation left as Steven Seagal's AMA damn near buried him.

For a better context, Steven Seagal has been called the most hated man in Hollywood and therefore doing an AMA was a bit of a Death Wish Sagal took the risk anyway with the goal of promoting a movie. Although it's same, this person was much more fascinated by Seagal's upbringing. Hey there! I went to the same Junior High School as year in Fullerton CA Many years later heard some stories. The one I would like to ask you about is when your social Studies teacher caught you stealing lunch money from a kid in a wheelchair.

True I didn't make this up while a different user wanted to know more about Seagal's filming process. Is it true you insist on blocking many scenes so you can be sitting the whole time because you're too lazy to stand up. Is it true you insist that Productions hire someone to hold a car to properly? Shadow your horrific neck fat. Is it true? You're an unbearable dick who bullies everyone on set and acts like you're an A-list star even though you're starring in a shitty seedless movie.
The comments continue to run through every controversy you can think of, although for obvious reasons, he answered none of them and instead provided brief answers to a couple of less popular questions such as how many pets he has. Meanwhile, he was asked how long did it take you to realize this was a mistake with the answer being approximately 20 minutes give any quote, answered 12 preschool level questions, then ran out of time without a Tip-Top Public Image although it's Safe was posted with the goal of promoting carpool karaoke, although it instead did the exact opposite as almost every single question completely massacred Gordon's show. My brother's girlfriend played one of your videos on my YouTube account and now it keeps recommending more of them to me. Do you know how to get it to stop doing that? James Are you aware that everyone thinks you're a hack and a talentless asshat have you ever considered being funny or likable then turning into paragraphs about him treating fans terribly? Hey, James you won't remember me, but me and my friends sat at the table next to you.

and Harry Styles plus some others in Manchurian Legends in London's Chinatown about six years ago years ago. But you're a massively entitled dick who yelled and treated white stuff like and when one of my party politely suggested you calm down, you got really aggressive and threatening. So my question is this: why did Harry seem so cool while you were such a massive throbbing bell end The comment received 10 times more upvotes than James Corden's original post made worse when someone shared the comment to the rare insults where it became one of the top posts of all time, gaining over a hundred thousand upvotes. With this in mind, it's no surprise that people began to question the AMA in the wrong subreddit, the whole deal being so brutal that people who hadn't heard of James Corden previously had no hope of ever becoming a fan.

Although at least he wasn't asking himself questions on Alternate accounts of Jared Leto his AMA was so stupid you might lose up to 10 IQ points just by listening. However, like all others, it began with a single sentence reading: I am Jared Leto and on the 4th of July I'm filming a massive portrait of America ask me Anything Although as the questions began to roll in, some of the ones Jared replied to just felt a little too robotic happy. Fourth of July Jared I submitted my videos how do you choose the videos to include in your project? Great question. We will choose the videos based on how compelling they are.
Hello! Jared when is your next album coming out? You will have some new music this year. People then begin to notice that some of the accounts posing questions have been created only 20 hours prior, while another noticed that a different one was only 10 hours old and had posted a test comment in a subreddit for Joe letters band a different user wrote is every question here planted and answered by a PR person? I'll go ahead and answer that yes and there was a reason behind why They were so confident. People decided to go through the post history of these potentially fake accounts and found a thread simply titled test posts for new Reddit users in which the comments and letters replies had been planned out completely. This Thread Must be as embarrassing as the Pr you had to do for suicide.

This is glorious, you magnificent idiot. Well, apparently not as dumb as Woody Harrelson whose AMA was so notably catastrophic. his picture is used for the thumbnail of AMA disasters when he did the AMA with the goal of promoting film called Rampart yet with 9200 comments and not a single up. Why don't they just do a anime natural instead of doing it to some PR team or some or some movie production or some marketing scheme.

Why don't they just do a normal one and they could get away ahead of this boat. It's obviously didn't quite go to plan, especially given this was the first question he decided to respond to: I swear this is allegedly a true story I Went to a high school in LA and you allegedly crashed out prom after party Universal Hilton You allegedly ended up taking the virginity of a girl named Roseanne You allegedly didn't call her afterwards. she allegedly cried a lot. Do you remember any of this and can confirm or have you allegedly been Sony deep in Hollywood for so long that this qualifies as a mere Blair I'm wait, who the what what? But who cares? allegedly not kidding with Woody House and then first off, it's not true and second off, I don't want to answer questions about that.

Let's focus on the film, people, you said. AMA That means ask me anything, Not ask me. wait what? I mean it will be a high school? What if somebody's in high school and have consensual interaction with somebody else that is in high school and then and then there's a ghosting and then a heartbreak. Who the gives? Who cares what happened with the first off it's not true and second off I'm because I'm confused I Don't want to answer questions about that? Let's focus on the film page.

He was 103 years old. It's a Benjamin button. Is he going backwards in time? bro, you said AMA That means ask me anything, not ask me anything With regards to this movie I'm pushing. This is not getting off to a very good start.

From the second that Woody stated let's focus on film, the people began to comment this: AMA is insulting. We're being treated as cogs celebrities using Reddit as just another marketing platform IMO Everyone on Reddit should boycott Rampart but that's just me I'm Woody Harrelson and I don't have time to deal with your questions Commenters: PS Watch my new movie Reddit isn't a good venue to pitch your movie. It's a venue to pitch yourself. although Woody only continued to dig himself deeper when a user wrote should change this AMA to amaar ask me anything about Rampart Harrelson responded by stating we gotta be I consider my time valuable and just like the Morgan Freeman AMA Harrelson Took every single chance to shamelessly promote the film.
What has been your most difficult role to prepare for and why this character in Rampart was the most difficult out of all the roles you played which has been the most awarding most difficult and most I will never understand why some some companies choose to find the way that the most the most genuine way to interact with people and turn it into the exact opposite. I Don't get it. can I say ramp up for a while I wouldn't say fun is the operative word to make matters worse Woody gave the audience only 15 minutes of time answering 15 questions in total of which only two had more upvotes than downvotes. In the meantime, Rampart's director was doing his own AMA where all of the top questions reference the actors such as has Woody lost his mind you might want to do some damage control you seem like a pretty normal down to earth guy, but Woody or his PR bimbo really screwed the pooch on this one might have cost you a lot of money due to Lost fans.

Yet this isn't the only place that Woody Harrelson's AMA has been mentioned in. In fact, in every single AMA we've talked about in this video, there are comments referencing Rampart it's a word snuck into every bad AMA as according to whatever the person is reading, is now officially a failure. However, that's to say that Woody Harrelson meant for any of this to happen. When asked, did you know about Reddit before today Woody responded by stating I know our movement did an interview here I did just learn about it So I'm trying with Woody's blindness to the platform and format, likely playing a role in accidentally producing the worst AMA of all time.

Well that was complete dog. That was absolute dog. Okay, another video, just just other Ammons that was really bad yo this is X x on the video I'm going through my voice as well. that is anyone knows that boy I don't know.

he's just so soy. anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so soy.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Reddit ama’s that ended in total disaster xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KobeGoat248 says:

    ohh noo!!! a bunch of lo$ers on the internet got mad at some celebrities for not answering their questions.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TorchLight17 says:

    Reddit is the place where people exaggerate and make up fake stories for attention/reddit gold.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lohca says:

    Can this guy in the low left corner stfu¿ I want to watch the video ¡

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fook off says:

    woody harrelson is the best

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DKC says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kusari Psycho says:

    XQC's AMA would actually be just XQC reacting to the comments left in his AMA

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lem on9 says:

    "what?" "Jesus" is the only answer xqc gives in his own AMA

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guanjyn says:

    Morgan Freeman has to be up there as one of the most overrated actors.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MagickP00dle says:

    Do debates that ended in disaster. Coward.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linus Andersson says:

    These people should do a twitch stream AMA, twitch chat would absolutely destroy them lmao

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laprasle12 says:

    Reddit is such a headache to use. I only use it nowadays for game advice

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gunsp0t says:

    Now react harder

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Gin says:

    Reddit is so shit

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scrim says:

    reddit users are the pond scum of the internet

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salve ASMR says:

    Oh you thought that was bad? Wait until you see xQc's subreddit…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dhcjduendncudjsbdcjdjsnjdjdjdhebddhhdhdbebdfhbdebe says:

    Reddit users are so fucking fucking

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E Ryan says:

    if you don't know already, the celebrities themselves are never the ones answering the questions

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