xQc Reacts to Black Conservatives vs White Liberals | Middle Ground
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This is the 112th episode of Money Round and we want you to help us decide what the next 112 episodes will be. Join our MoneyGram Patreon community and make money ground with us. Wait, it's actually him I See him I was chosen to read the following: prompt White Americans have way more advantages than black Americans So yeah, chat If you like him, think I'm a rarity here. it would white Americans have way more advantages than black Americans Now I think I'm a rarity here it would seem.

So do white Americans have more advantages because they're white or do just white Americans have What a good answer. Okay, yeah, he crushed it. That is. That is the answer.

Yep, yep, he's gonna I'm pretty sure he's gonna talk about a spawn zones and the advantages or disadvantages of those bad spawn zones because of that. Because of the system and the systemic racism, that's the problem, have advantages because of historic factors. Um I Think that people want to argue at the end of the day over whether it's because you're white or not I think that the answer is because you're white in the past and that's how it kind of carries over to today. You know, even in times of the United States history where black people try to build wealth you know with uh the Tulsa rights and everything where yeah they that this wealth has been destroyed and something that's upsetting to me is when conservatives talk about how that we can't blame the past, what's happening in the present that is true to some extent.

but then the next breath they'll talk about how important it is to have dual parent households, how important it has. it is to have a strong family to have responsibility passed on from parent to child. and we've seen in the past that because of racial issues, that process has been severely disrupted. The funny thing is is that agreeing with all these things is when I did my research when I was younger which arrived me to my standpoint of being a conservative because I believed it was racist Democrat liberal ideologies and Paul policies dating all the way back to the 1800s, all the way up to the 1960s and then you the purported big switch.

But I think it was more so when Democrats decided to be a bit more Cloak and Dagger about their true opinions of black people and be more uh, secretive and more. Oh, we want to help you by you know, doing these things and seeing them as they're doing things a vax rebel uh, affirmative action, welfare, all sorts of ways so ruin our culture in places where we are now. So but I want to get back to the history of it because we're talking I just want to make sure we're clear. giving them money hurt them, right? Is that what you're saying? Well, yes, giving them because if your father's out of the home, that's when we give you the money because she thought they were weeds.

So yeah, we can literally talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. That's what. Margaret Stanger That's what Democrat Policies wanted to do to my people. So that's why I feel so strongly about it because it is these policies that date back centuries that were built off of the death and poverty.
Did these videos usually this part of video? Uh, they these days are agree together for like about a minute or like less than 10 seconds and the video continues with the next people coming over and then they debate because these are supposed to be uh, agreeing with another. That's the whole prompt is that these guys are supposed to agree with one another because it is these policies that date back centuries that were built off of this Poverty of my people, let's take a breath. So I'm breathing. Okay, so a lot of babies aren't I don't know what that means When I say Thriller baby out with the bathwater, you want to completely get rid of welfare.

Okay or at least the concern I don't want to put that on you. You haven't said that, but the conservative apparatus does clearly. so giving money to a group of people does not hurt them. I Mean you're talking about a lottery.

Literally take money. But they're They're strange to that. Money take all their strings, Millions make them all millionaires I Don't care. Giving money to black people does not hurt.

That's not a good take that uh in an umbrella term like if you say it's everybody that's just interesting. Correct Then if somebody's developing financial literacy and a lot of things around money and just give them money without any structure or how it works, then yes, you're causing an actual failure in development around financial literacy and you're damaging their growth. 100 Yeah Hurt them. And that that has not happened though that has not happened.

What do you mean that has not happened. It hasn't been arrested Off of the idea of hey, we get these families split up we get these children I mean I guess so but I guarantee you I guess So why would you not advocate for that? So in your I guess research of like history of this country and everything um do you find like the Reconstruction Era and like the failures of like what it wanted to be and then what it ended up being um and then which led into you know which? You know how down effects to enter into the Jim Crow era and you know you have policies like redlining that influence you know how schools are funded, the downstream effects of slavery. Do you think? Um, that was a good point there put black people as generally in a worse off position than a white American I think Generation By generation the effects of slavery have been diluted. but Generation by generation the effects of racism, welfare based policies, and things of that nature became even more great.

So in the 1880s or so when we had this guy's not what he's talking about I don't know, we're indeed Republicans I think that was a great start for things, but obviously we had terrible things that happened like the Tulsa Massacre uh among you know, black people being chased out of their homes? Okay, sure, all funded by the Democrats all supported by the Democrats I I mean I need to stop you there. Uh, can you attribute not to the party but to the ideology because I think when you think regardless of what whatever the party switch was, traditionally conservative values did not like that's more aligned with um, you know, uh, uh, more racist policies. Their 2020 is conservatism to 1880s conservatism. Wait this guy.
this gets disagree with himself I was loving the 1v4. So personally I feel like there's really only one thing that white people have a true advantage over black people with. and it's that white people are less likely to be forced into a box. It happens with black people onto other black people.

But it especially happens with white liberals Onto Black Conservatives where we are told that we were supposed to think a certain way be a certain way. and if we're not, then we're called all these names like Etc And the worst of all is bootlicker because I hate when a white liberal tells me as a black man that I'm a boot licker because then I ask who's boot am I licking because you're telling me as a white person, that me as a black person that I'm licking your boot because I don't think in this box that you want me to frame my mentality in that to me is real racism and that's what we need to stop allowing to happen to us because black people are so quick now to not Branch out and to have new ways of thinking or to go into careers like Agriculture and these other career paths that black people don't typically get into. It's not because of racism stopping them from getting in there, it's because we're told for so long that you have to follow this path and you have to think a certain way. I think America is a great place for because I thought overall there there's less births um of black people in farming areas am I am I wrong guys.

Well where I'm from where I'm from there's a sponsor, all the farmers, whatever chat. There are some people that interact with where I'm from that they had never seen a black person ever until like a a later age. Oh maybe this is a Canadian thing. Yeah I think I'm an American Anything that's available to you is available to me and mine.

I've personally never experienced white people having way more privileges than me like I'm sure you could find certain institutions where black people are treated differently, but in general I Don't think that I've passed out on anything because of being black and if anything, it's going to be more of a voice because people will want to hear what I say now because I'm black. So if anything it I have more of a platform now just on the basis of being a black conservative and saying what's not popular than I would if I was just a white person who was also conservative. Yeah, yeah, but I I it seems like um, she disregards the the she disregards entirely the point that you can get a really really bad spawn and and uh, it's it's under my understanding with the certain data that um, uh that black people are more likely to get a bad spot in it I agree. maybe she's just like sheltered and to end affirmative action I think wait, what was that I agree with Supreme Court and affirmative action you guys I don't know what that is I guess are you guys with me last time? What is that It says it is intended to alleviate unrepresented and to promote the opportunities of the find minority groups within a society to give access to a majority population.
Uh, sorry I think affirmative action has served its purpose I think that it was necessary for a particular time and I think that every black person knows how to get into college, Not every type of inclusion is bad. Chat I Think you guys, you guys need to understand this very very quickly. Okay, in certain jobs, especially in like law enforcement, whatever quotas are pretty much needed. Uh, I'm sorry to tell you Chad Okay, maybe this is not something you're used to and you've seen in the past.

Okay, especially there's a lot of police quotas around. Yes, yes they are. They're important. Okay, in my opinion they can be anyway.

if if there's a an area. okay, that's mostly black. mostly black people in it, right? Um, it can. It can be nice to have a a relatable face.

Uh, come up to you when things happen instead of just again. it's gonna help. I Think these things matter a lot in practice in the field out there. That's just how it is.

Like what is even talking about. like yes, absolutely 100 what is one thing is with none Agreement with this College Everybody I mean the Oprah The oh President Obama you can pull up Jack even if you're like in a in a poor black neighborhood. Do you think? do you think people will want to listen and relate to some guy who's on some wife, cop, some some yo dude like I get to struggle? Whatever. What do things that pass better if these things matter a lot? like what are you talking about a lot.

the the head of Time Warner was black man. the Forbes was black man, We know what to do. Now we don't need affirmative action anymore. And to me, affirmative action is offensive sometimes.

Especially nowadays because um, I have six children and uh, two boys, four girls and uh, all of them went to Harvard and Columbia and this one and that one and it would. It breaks my heart to think that they uh, accomplished their that goal of getting to into these institutions just because of the color of their skin. I Can definitely say that it creates a lot of tension when you have affirmative action. I Remember my first week at the University of Illinois I was sitting with some classmates and a white student turned to me and jokingly like hey, Xavier like did you just attach a smiley face when you applied for this college and I started asking what he meant and he said to me that he was like you're black I'm assuming you had decent grades, you could have just attached a smiley face and you would have gotten into the university.
So I was livid by that and I went off. I started naming all my accomplishments and I felt so confident only for about an hour because then an hour later I started saying to myself like wow, like did I actually earn my way in here I started to have this insecurity and I started wondering to myself, did I earn this position myself or did my ancestors suffering earn this for me and two I've seen it in the action taking away from other people who are minorities like I Had a friend who was Asian and he in high school and he really wanted to go to MIT that was his dream school he interned there. He was super like prepared to go there and he didn't get in and you can only assume that it was because of affirmative action because they have such a large Asian population that they want to know other people. um yeah, oh man, the Copelium dude, these people on pure Copa bro excluded that some people lose an opportunity and it'll immediately blame minorities and Asians and Bible oh oh dude I didn't get the college dude black people dude Jesus Christ what the they argue that is I think I think you think you're vastly under uh uh, you're I think you're definitely over playing it the these amounts like we're racist now because it excludes so many Asian Americans from getting into universities who do deserve a spot and they can't get in because of affirmative affirmative action which again, like you were saying was necessary at the time.

Yeah, but now it's like anybody. if you have the skills to do it and you're in America you can't you can get in I Don't think affirmative action is the worst thing considering all the different types or aspects of a background you might take into account when somebody's gone. maybe I'm them and I miss it. What is this? Fair Administration um that's a lot of words bro, this is so many words.

I'm Gonna Keep it about I don't think I'm gonna read all that um I'm trying to see numbers Chad GPT this is like a Hassan thing. this is like I wish I wish chat I had like a chat Hassan form like chechi PT it says give me the cat like a like a Azan review of this and just boom it just snap and give me it recently. what at the top? uh discriminating, blah blah blah yeah I guess I guess I'm just ignorant I don't know the amounts at which that was uh, being used or people could feel it because I feel like uh, it'd be a pretty big cop-out if if yeah, getting into college and you're in America you can't you can get in I Don't think affirmative action is the worst thing considering all the different types or aspects of a background. you might take into account when somebody's getting into college whether they were in certain clubs yeah I didn't understand what it means they took that might not be available to everybody I Don't think that factoring in the affirmative action is necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like because of everything you guys have said, the Optics behind it are so horrible today that even if it is slightly beneficial in the long run for certain people I Think we can probably refocus most of that into figuring out like the class that people come from, the neighborhoods, the backgrounds or whatever about it having to necessarily Target race The only thing that I kind of wanted instead of fighting a problem with a problem.
If if it's a problem with a solution and there's a way to do it under now that it's gone, is instead of a black person being in school thinking like man am I here because I'm an affirmative action pick. Is it going to be a kid that is poor or a kid that's from a different zip code? we should do away with all of it. It's just like submit an application. no demographics.

Why do they ask your sexuality like why do they ask All this? So if affirmative action accomplished its purpose, why do we still see the disparities that we do in the professional workplace? If you average white wealth and compare it to Blackwell totals White people as a whole have about 50 times greater wealth than uh, it's the average Black and Hispanic and Latino household that we're about to have as much as Average White House sold and it's only about 15 to 20 as much um, black people as a whole. uh, per capita. So I Just don't understand why you think affirmative action has accomplished its purpose. I don't serious.

Um, why do you assume that just because there is a disparity? mean I would assume In here, a lot of it comes from inheritance and bad spawns. It's because of a racial issue. What else would it be from? I mean upbringing, economic abilities, desire to go, Desire to I Mean it does play a lot. If you grow up in a neighborhood that experiences a lot of trauma, you're not as likely to do as well in school.

Which means why did they grow up in a neighborhood that experiences a lot of trauma? I Mean lots of people do? Yes, But why specifically do more Black people? Government assistance programs, Government assistance programs like what? Try redlining I Mean you can go into that if you'd like to. But let's take a look at the Great Societies Act, which was created to kick black fathers out of the home and get black mothers on welfare assistance. These things aren't beneficial for economics. These things aren't beneficial for actually Paving away for success for black children and black families.

I Mean Taking you know, reducing a two-family household to a one-family household isn't going to make them the richest man in the world. It isn't even going to get them out of high school. Nonetheless, Maybe the ability to get to College The child? Yes, But a two-parent household. In comparison to a one-parent household, that child is not going to be nearly as successful.
That child. is more disposed to being sent into prison by doing crimes, or not doing very well in school. So how are they even supposed to get that? You know that wealth disparity every time. It's kind of hard to keep track of what he's saying something.

I Think that this conversation illustrates is that like affirmative action is literally the very end of the line of a lot of different parts of a person's life. and by that point trying to rectify all of the inequities that have existed. To try to remedy any of that out with affirmative action, it might just be better served. Focusing on the earlier issues than trying to throw a kid who maybe you know can barely read at a sixth grade level into a college to hope that that's the thing.

I'm not blazing. That's actually very smart though. I Think affirmative action wasn't really supposed to like send kids chat I Think it makes sense because it will exercise that end game. Whatever happened.

okay, it did a world chunk it and then we'll get we're giving you guys this part of all this. What we're saying is that uh, instead of doing that and Elijah fix whatever gets there right I think Harvard that's just very smart. Go to Harvard I Think that's quite a myth in fact I Think those that have the qualities to get to Harvard were before affirmative action work could just completely overlooked. You know.

I Clarence Thomas is like the perfect example. Um, you know regardless of what you uh think about him. um he was able to get done of affirmative action because you know it was. it focused on um, finding people that were again like just overlooked but things in skill issues, it morphed into something else.

So what started out as a good program from of giving all black people or people um with a lesser chance or less opportunity. It started out as that and then it morphed it and I'm not sure who morphed it but it morphed into okay. so now we have that one black one Hispanic one This one. That's how that works.

But hey, talk to the corporations, Talk to the people who hire, Talk to the board members who say we need to have a woman on a board, We need to have a black on the board. We need to have a Latina a Latinx whatever on the board. So so it morphed from from helping us into now tokenization. Yes, so you have to have one of this a take on this literally.

Uh, collapse all of the other texts he's already talking. He'll talk about this. What then he said is that said fix and and give some opportunity early on in development through all the same stuff and fix the early game program so that people when they're older they are in a Meritocracy system where they are good enough, smart, enough, knowledgeable, enough skilled enough in order to get that job. And they're not just getting it because of their skin color because of the problems that that they probably had way down at the beginning.
That's what he's saying it. Yeah, when you start with a country, they hire you. If you're white, that's necessary. And I know that you said that it started.

Meritoxin works. But in life, there's no Meritocracy I Don't know why because we're human. unfortunately. Okay, if you go to the interview and you are as smart or even even smarter than somebody else and they look better and they're just more, there's a good chance that they get hired over you because of certain human factors okay, of attractiveness, height.

There's a lot of There's a lot of ways that these things play psychologically. They you are underplaying it severely. and that's just kind of how it goes. That's just how the world works good and then ended.

Whatever. You'll get this: I Don't think no, Yes. But we still see really, really bad inequality. So if you're going to get rid of affirmative action yes, Yes, yes.

you could look at some stats like people who get hired in certain jobs whatever and see their height average. Okay, A Lot of times people are taller lit quite literally. What's the replacement Meritocracy? It's people being there's. no Maritime Look at this.

he's destroying Twitter There's no air Maritago. See? That's ridiculous. Well first thing I want to bounce back to is it's not a myth that there are like minorities that are being put into colleges that they're not ready for. If you look at a lot of these top universities including Harvard Yale Etc, you're going to be sure a lot of minorities on academic probation because they are being placed in universities that they are not ready for.

They are not cut out for that just yet and it even just makes sense if you look at how much they have to achieve in order to get there. Asian Students on Rich have to score 450 points higher than a black student in order to get in the same. University So if you think of the uni uh, Asian will need one for the Sap points higher than the whites 3 20. and 450 points ahead and every Americans uh, 2009 self-identifies Wait self-identifies Wait.

What does that mean self-identifying it? Universities that have courses et cetera that that great on a curve. You can only have so many people with an A So many people with a B Etc So that means that the bottom percentile is going to fail Who is most likely just no. I'm logic going to be the ones failing. It's going to be the family who didn't have the credentials to get there in the first place.

and then I have to bounce back to I Want to I want to get I want to get you on that point because I would pause it that the people who are at least likely to have good outcomes in an academic setting are those who have to work two jobs. Are those who have to drive there from home because they can't afford a dorm? Are those who have to go into crippling financial debt. These are and have other stresses in their life. They can't afford a doctor, They can't afford a dentist.
They can't afford anything. So those are the things. It's not just black people. it's not just, but it's overwhelming with numbers.

There are more white people in poverty than black people if you look at the wrong numbers. But if you actually don't understand. In general though, I don't think it's like who's in poverty. It's like poverty sucks.

Maybe we should make College If you have a program that says you are under If you are under a certain income level, this is how we'll help you that will overwhelmingly help black people and go to far greater percentage. And it will help white man. That was really funny Trump Supports Black lives. What kind of questions? Who comes? all these prompts Dude who has come up with these questions, How is this even relevant in any in any way to perform? Yeah.

I Think that President Trump supports all lives I Think that he looks. What does it mean President Trump Broke is. this was two hours ago. bro.

Trump is closer to be a being convict than he isn't being president. It is our waffle about what year man. I'm confused this equal I Don't see him doing anything that would make you feel like he does not support Black lives. Um, that's of course going to lead into the conversation of Black Lives Matter, which was a movement and an organization with so much corruption.

Donald Trump Not supporting that organization doesn't mean that he doesn't support Black lives. It just means that he doesn't support the fraudulent organization that's stealing so much money from so many people to do absolutely nothing with it. nor does he support a destructive movement that is destroying cities communities lives. Etc So I Don't see why someone would think that President Trump doesn't support Black lives.

I've heard him say he knows all the best black people. He has all the best black friends. I I do support black people all the time. Uh, so sorry.

that was a very bad impression. but um I don't think that I don't think Donald Trump wants bad things to happen to black people. So in that respect, I think he does support black lives. but the other side of that is he's not really doing anything.

He didn't do anything as President, certainly to uplift black people. The economy affects black people. Yeah, I certainly disagree with that point. One of the biggest things we'll get into that one later.

One of the biggest things he did is he secured permanent funding for Hbcus. one of the largest increases we ever saw for Hbcus personally done by his administration, among many other things. the first Step act Which you know there's a lot of debate about whether it was really the best thing to do, but that was definitely a A Kiss of love to black to the black race. freeing Alice Johnson for menial drug crimes she committed in the past that had her locked up.
She did not get to see her family for years. Yeah, but that's not like okay, but I agree in a sense. Donald Trump doesn't literally want bad things to happen. bro bro Bro, this is talking about one guy in the entire country that isn't.

that is. Yeah, that is the craziest instance you're gonna hear about somebody being one guide like people like guys. I Think the teacher says the most part. yeah I do think that I think the uh, the mo he says elected So I don't think that he has any personal grudges against.

uh, cert, you know most people. Uh, he just says the most popular thing. So I I think like Ron DeSantis would be yeah Rhonda Santos would be somebody that I think actually wants black people to be hurt. So by that standard, yeah, Donald Trump supports black lives by Leaps and Bounds do you think Donald Trump says the most popular thing Yeah, really yes, Why do so many people hate him? He got elected as president.

Yes, he did. Yeah, didn't win the popular vote neither time. that's a liberal. That's a liberal talking.

I'm helping you here I I'm trying to see the logic in this. Obviously, he says things to you to be elected as a politician very similarly to how Joe Biden did. except Joe Biden actually has a history of racism. If he said things that people didn't like, he wouldn't have been our president.

So you like everything that Donald Trump says you think everything he says is popular I Love a lot of the things he says I think he's hilarious when he said big water. That was one of my favorite quotes. What are big water? Ocean water? Uh, this. Impressions he has the funniest one-liners.

so I love a lot of the things he says as far as policy sucks. but I'm just Dr wearing a hunter Biden hat he likes a different kind of one line. bro loving one-liners shouldn't be why you vote for somebody I'm just gonna say how this, you guys I I you guys I don't give up about presidents or I don't even know what they stand for because I don't know but one liner shouldn't be like a oh he's I I know conservatives love talking about his no I don't I don't know why it matters Trump is less of the issue and more so the people that support him like die hard. They facilitate that kind of like hate I think for a lot of people, not just black people but like I mean this man put took out like a full page in a newspaper calling for the public execution of five black kids.

his hotels. All of his businesses have rampant uh, history of denying black people apartments or whatever. So I forgot about that look I mean Donald Trump cares about Donald Trump um so I don't think he really cares about anyone I guess unless you're like Jack I guess yeah this could be my boyfriend when I wore steaks. If people they make a big deal out of like the Maga hat and the whatever right dude, nobody would give a nothing would happen, it would go nobody would nobody would give a I feel like I I don't know.
Whatever it was like when you look at his history on racial issues. Dude, even though it's not the popular vote, an insane amount of people voted for that person. Literally almost almost the majority of people almost voted for that person. So why is it so bad to to support somebody that that one almost popular vote? that's like dude, it's insane.

Like when do you people not get this? Choose whether it's the country's comment the plethora of comments we made about Mexican people I understand it? Um I just the comments. The idea that Trump cares at all about some particular racial minority and it gets a little bit silly I think Trump will say whatever he needs to say to rile up his base and get elected I don't necessarily think those statements come from a place of hatred I don't think he was ever saying specifically oh, if if you pray five times a day towards the east or towards Mega based on wherever you are, you're a bad person I think he was saying if you like to fly planes into Towers or behead people or throw people off the buildings, maybe you're not the most virtuous person out there I I supported Trump because um, are okay, there's there's 10 people. Okay, you can assume there's probably four of them that are Trump supporters. You think it's a bad people or whatever.

Uh no. but if they were the Hat whatever then then you're gonna March the the other hand or the other whatever I don't think that makes sense I'll think I think logically that doesn't make sense. um uh. he.

he made all of the he made it impacted black people, white people Latino people. it impacted everybody. but Trump he did things specifically I don't think about black people. he thought about himself and he thought about how can I make America great for me and and making them and and I thought you know what? I'ma go with this guy and the reason I'm gonna go with this guy is because if he can make America great for it and he can make that rise for everybody, I'm going to benefit from that.

So that's why I went and that's why I voted for him. that's why I supported him again. he has. He's a businessman but he's also a racist businessman.

like well logic isn't terrible. So like I just and Biden's not Biden's not. Yes he is. he created the crime bill so that's but that's that's regardless of the point.

that's the central part five. That's what you brought up right? How do you feel about that? Okay so so he wanted them to be killed well executed just because they were black story and he he bars people from attending his businesses or like renting apartments from all his like stupid Trump Towers I just like I think Trump at that point was like many people in this room particularly liberals, a victim of the media I think he was scared I think he was ashamed of the things that he heard in the news and wanted to take action himself. As a businessman, why are you infantilizing him I Also I don't like also real quick because people keep bringing up this comparison to the 93 crime bill from Biden that crime bill. this was at the height of like violent crime and the crack epidemic in the United States the Congressional Black Caucus supported that crime.
Bill Everybody in the United States supported that crime. Bill The idea that that crime bill was like some racist piece of legislation. that Biden was just Wheeling out because he hates black people and that's somehow comparable to the the Donald Trump Yeah that is the classics. This is a classic concept of people forgetting the meta.

It there are Metas in the past. Okay people always forget the meta when it's later down. it's like people say oh dude like um I can't believe that in in 2003 you said you said it's on Twitter Yeah but at the time things were different and you weren't there. You forget to forget the meta Dude, they forget the patches that were already exonerated that wasn't a victim of the media.

The media said they were. They were done. They were exonerated in quarter they weren't there. You send it the prosecutor of the the the five.

they actually he was a black guy and so in being a black guy he went in. he looked at all the evidence and said these guys are guilty. Black people can also be racist against other blacks. or let's make mistakes.

So if anybody does anything yeah, even if they themselves are a black person then oh, they're just a self-loathing black person. They're just a racist black person. If they disagree, that's that's my policy. If they disagree with me, they're racist.

I I think Trump I think Trump has shown a history of of ignorant at worst. Behavior I Didn't vote for him or Hillary because I just don't see him as a conservative hero I Don't even think he's a conservative. Very conservative I Voted Trump in 2016. Just so you all know.

so I'm just saying so I need to expect I need you to elaborate on if people disagree with you, they're racist just in general I was just. he's just yeah. you never know. just like the house.

Sorry if I triggered you I'm sorry you made a point a couple minutes back where you said um, he just kind of says these things to rile up his base. um, why does he need to do that at the expense of black people? Then he doesn't do that at the I am a member of his base and I'm sitting there like oh man, this is amazing and I don't know, you can call me. so call me. So you're saying you're calling for the public execution of five black men that were exonerated during the campaign Trail He didn't do that when he was a policeman again in New York It's everything Steve said about the comments about Muslims The comments about uh, Mexican immigrants number about Mexican Immigrants Never about Muslims about terrorists and about criminals and rapists.
These are very important delineations to make and if you believe that you understand oh I think it's immigrants I think it's more of you being oh man, oh these poor Mexicans they need to be supported. It's more of that savior complex. Wow behind acting or trying to act DACA Where those these people were registered with the federal government they were in school. they were doing everything that they needed to do.

They had no home elsewhere. They were brought into this country as minors. like. What's the explanation I think that requires more Nuance like I mentioned before their education I think there were some people feeding.

Yeah, this is why I voted for Kanye but like bringing him bad policy advice. So if I so if I take responsibility for something, if I say he has responsibility for something, well then you're right. But if I'm saying well, maybe there's some people around him advising him falsely. It's infantilized.

He was the president. There's no good way he called the shots. What are you talking about? The only path forward to solving illegal immigration starts with amnesty for everybody here. The reality is, there's some 10 to 15 million illegal immigrants here.

We're not deporting them all with the people who are already here it. That's a lot more of a messy, nuanced conversation. Um, but as far as people coming in I do think we need stronger borders and actual like vetting happening and I just want to say um in Ronald Reagan's day he was given the promise he was. He said look if if you go ahead and you pass this particular Bill we'll give these people amnesty and we're done.

And it didn't happen, We didn't uh illegal immigration continued even after Reagan already said we would give these people amnesty. So that's why we get to burn up our butt because um, he had already done it. Hopefully the devil is giving him amnesty. True, that's terrible.

no that's no, that's base. Thank you Tasteless I know what it means. Wow Ninth Circle baby yeah everyone bothers have all their like political memes. I'm I'm not getting any of them.

uh I don't I don't I don't want to know either. My political beliefs have changed in the past. Political beliefs? yeah I might have a past because I was dumb I'm still dumb though I grew up in a conservative household actually in Ohio and uh, my parents were always pretty political so I'm I always stayed political I was very religious as a teenager uh, sometime during college and then afterwards especially during covet. Um, my sister actually indoctrinated me into a more leftist uh position and uh I overcorrected a little bit I started becoming pretty cringy as far as like you know, sit down and let you know.
let the minorities I know the Pr team I want to come out to big things that happened in my career? okay me knowing what to do okay based off of my thing I'm an expert in my own life. Okay, and you know what dude. I've always done the right thing out blind and if I had a PR team I would have done much worse Overall, whatever I would have. Don't say anything, don't speak over them Etc they would you know? it was like the whole you can't speak over Candace Owens even if she's literally a Nazi kind of thing.

So um I I stand by that. so um yeah I kind of leveled out thankfully and I'm less cringe now did you are you? I cringed. Let's just leave it out. imagine if we would have been here a year ago yeah I mean maybe maybe I am being cringe? Who cares? I I um so I grew up conservative but I did have more left-leaning ideas about like black lives matter and critical race Theory and I was kind of I was watching a lot of YouTube and you know I did agree that black people were oppressed and all of these different things and that we were kind of got the short end of the stick and um during 2020 when there was you know everything crazy was happening and I started uh, organizing rallies against uh, the mandates totally unconstitutional and Un-American and then George Floyd dies and initially I was like enraged like everybody else and then it started to become this weird like um, political like agenda masquerading or behind his face.

like it just the face of what was actually happening started to peel off and I was like oh I mean I would counter protest BLM activists at My Town Square when I lived in Texas and they were some of the most just bitter, vile horrible people you could ever meet. Meanwhile, like the Confederate group that would protest there against them also they were like the nicest people ever to me. Ironically I grew up in a democratic not a democratic but kind of apolitical but everybody was Democrat and then I I got a job and when I yeah, who's gonna tell her who's gonna tell her got a job and I saw all the taxes come out and I started looking to the left and to the right and going oh my money's whittling away over here and I said, you know what after Reagan I'm just going to go ahead and declare myself a Republican and I've been a republican ever since. My mom is pretty liberal my she married my stepdad when I was like 15 16 in high school and he was super conservative like love Trump Die Hard Trump fan and they had a lot of like back and forth hearing the two the fact that she's called him not black I feel like it a lot of times Maybe I'm Wrong about this okay I'm not getting a chance for this again I feel like a lot of times if somebody it's the classic like oh dude I can't be racist I have a black friend type then right if you have like an ally that that's black when you're being anti-life lives matter I mean it.

It bodes well. right in that in this scenario, right whose size? Polar Opposites Just like argue all the time about because then they can. They can send a message and say yo, this is our message but it's not against black people because look we have a black supporter. We have a black friend we're chilling out and that that like gives them a foot to the door.
Let's say how it is seeing that there's a lot of similarities in both far radical left. in the far Radical right, they have a lot of similarities. They just don't want to come and like see us started off actually kind of similar to you I went to a Jesuit High School I grew up very conservative my mom is Cuban so ride or die Bush supporter who is now a ride or die um Trump Supporter I Think the point in my life when I was the most like Libertarian was probably the lowest point in my life financially and I think it's because something that conservatives do really well is they make you feel like you can always like succeed as long as you work hard enough. Now, something that progresses in liberals suck at that.

You're a victim of systemic racism. Your blacks are going to be discriminated against. You're a woman, so nobody's going to care about your feelings et cetera et cetera et cetera. Whereas Republicans will tell you listen, if you work hard, you can do whatever you want, like just as long as you're willing to put in the work.

and I felt that way up to the moment where I was losing my house, where I had an ex-girlfriend that was pregnant, where I had been fired from my previous job. there was a whole bunch of horrible stuff going on in my life and I very very luckily got into online content creation and from there as I started to make more money I started to pay more taxes when I get older and I look at taxes that come out of my paycheck I just I mean I care a little bit but it was just so funny to me that back when I was making fifteen twenty thousand a year, I'm like I gotta vote for the lower tax bracket, blah blah blah like I'm barely paying any taxes anyways and you know now that I'm older like if the government wants to take you know a few you know, 10, 20, whatever. Have any more thousand dollars worked hard? I did. but I got very, very lucky doing so.

very lucky. It's not just luck, but the difference is that born into a wealthier family, you can make so many more mistakes in life. And when you're born poor, you get that's right. That's right, a liberal.

Ultra Mega Basin Real dude people people gen that had like eight times eight shots at making their small business or their leap to their dream right. and they had some some family member help them out or like a bunch of they get up. they get a loan, they get whatever, they get something forgiven and it'll tell you dude. follow your dreams bro.

if all your dream that's what I did right. Not anybody can fold their dreams and some people do can take in like five years, have enough of a cushion to take a small leap towards what they want in their dream. dude and that's it. That's all they get right? Of course they only have 10 free shots in one year.
You said that somebody did with like one shelf of their entire life like dude, please bro I Voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016. As much as I regret that now my family was pretty left-wing Some of the people in my family were like radically left like would refer to White people as blue-eyed redheaded Devils things of that nature and as I got it. don't say you, it only took me one shot. It took me one shot.

Boom. I cluster goddamn because everybody launched right I actually started being really outspoken for BLM I was supposed to be on a reality show teaching people how to be a BLM activist at the time on BLM and I started to realize all of these lies. So then I took a step back I'm like, okay, what else am I being lied to about and I started looking at the Democratic party and questioning my own loyalty to being on the left I Personally think both sides tend to be racist in different ways. um I Don't think the government is on the side of the people in general and that's just me being you know, a radical.

uh when I was young Obama black president? that's so amazing. he's the same color as me. But when I started to do more research, one of the biggest things I was confused about is well, why is he a Democrat what is a Democrat I Did more research about the Democrat Party and sure you guys are going to pop off about the head saying oh, there's a party switch in the southern strategy and all these things which is true which you may say is true I don't believe it is true at all I Understand, you know you may think I'm wrong. However, one of the biggest questions I had was why is Obama in the same party as the people that started the KKK The same people that voted against the Civil Rights Act The same people that are on the news talking about how black people aren't able to accomplish anything and need to be on welfare and need to be promoted a lot of affirmative action and things of that nature.

I Also as in terms of I guess of my political Journey um I was raised conservative actually. um and then um High School became I thought and essentially there's only like two squads, right? and they've both done really bad in the past. If you say oh dude, aren't you just one of this, Aren't you the squad? Are they this? This is this. Well yeah, so what it is what it is like, what what else are gonna do? Aim: I guess sort of I mean I think the book of ads throughout my life since then um I think I've I guess you can call me you know, socialist, whatever you? um but um I guess that's I guess in the area of where I fall Um, you said that you were for um a Bernie fan in 2016 and then you transitioned to being I guess more conservative Bernie fans delusion I guess I don't know to me Bernie Sanders um from what he said to what you think, now what was the the shift for me with socialism? because back, who's that? Tell them, chat, who's gonna tell how much Caden I Just had this mentality that everything should be free and I was feeling a bit entitled like everything should be handed to me because I was black because I was very much in that mentality as I learned more about free markets as I learned more about capitalism I started to appreciate that much more.
I started to appreciate small business. Yeah, exactly. Sure. So far is this much more limited.

Government regulations I I have two Chrome icons I Just started to like that, but I would say just more when it comes to economics. I Don't agree with him. Operations are necessary. foreign that a lot of people think of it.

Oh, chat. Who's gonna say the basketball court next Here Comes Where we just give it to black people? I'm not an expert on this, but I think it would be more income based in that? Yeah, it's a meme from Channel Five. Okay, watch a video way back about reparations. Okay, and and it's like the whole point: they just did like a basketball court.

and it's just really, it's a stupid video black people because if you recognize that they are disproportionately uh, That's a classic uh by a systemic Injustice than doing it on like a class level would uplift proportionally more black people than white people or any other races. Yeah, I think like, um, mostly like black GIS that were left out of like the new deal for instance. um, that to be able to come back and um, as a white American as a white veteran to get a home loan and then build that generational wealth. Um, you could not get that as a black American Um so there needs to be I think reparations I don't care really what form it comes from I think free healthcare uh free college so that everyone has like an equal opportunity to um, uh to educate themselves to Build a Better Lives for themselves.

Um so it's sort of like uh and I think um Germany is also a perfect model to follow. Um, you know this guy cannot put up issue together an apology uh which we haven't even done that. um but also just like uh um, donating to like different. This is the kind of like me and you know, but I think a more Equitable Society striving for that is uh, reparations guys.

uh this, uh uh, this, uh uh, Germany uh United States uh I have no problems with reparations if they had happened initially during this like slavery or the civil Rights movement or any of that. but to try and do that now logistically, it just doesn't really make any sense and like, where would this money come from? like we're in so much debt as a nation when I get this money I'm biracial or tri-racial like do mixed people get it? and like do Irish people get reparations when they were indentured servants I think for reparations if you can find specific instances of somebody being like, actually deprived of something whether specific instances of like the 40 acres in a meal process uh, promise or whether you can find specific entrance uh, cases of like Chinese people building railroads or Irish people whatever people being deprived of things. That's okay, but otherwise yeah, it's a logistical nightmare. There's no possible way that we'd be able to do it well.
yeah America is unique. Also, it also creates a bunch of like weird jealousy and then people will. people will start doing cross-eye with one another. one wait, one display that uh that it's happened.

people that get like homes built for them like the TV show where they get somebody and they build them a house. Anybody around them gets mauled at them and give them the cold shoulder because they wish it was them or that becomes so destructive. It's really bad because we have very bad backwards for decades now putting minorities in a position of privilege I feel like we have done so much to give back to the communities that were obviously wronged and I agree with both of you like had this happened a long time ago, I would understand it if we had specific incidences that we could trace where people were just completely screwed over I would respect it. but right now I don't deserve a payment for something my great great great grandparents went through and I don't think that white people are responsible for paying that to me either.

I Know we don't want to use the Verge the word Virtue signaling but it's sort of like a bribe for a vote in a way at least in my opinion. In States like California where they've been throwing around the idea of oh, we want to pay out this much money to every black Citizen in there in this state it's like or are you serious because this is kind of like a joke in my opinion. I Think that if you if we impose or yeah, impose reparations now I think it would rip America apart I Think that we're already separated enough as it is and now you're going to have people walk walking around going. You owe me money, You owe me I'm not paying you any money, It would just really rip us apart.

Giving somebody money doesn't mean anything if they don't know what to do with the money or how to handle the money. So if the primary issue in Black Culture or with black people is generational trauma, then maybe they need more therapy than they need money honestly which conservatives are also against. Well, that's kind of my argument. like if there is like that like okay, she's right in.

like big amounts where it goes past your needs most. Americans most people money that they would they would get at at the lower echelons would be just survival and normal needs and food and shelter and sugar. The are you talking about dude Like you think somebody that has a zero dollars that can barely eat Give them a hundred bucks and they go like holy what do I do with this Jesus Christ I'm not financially littered enough to buy a house bro, it's a hundred bucks. Chill out bro like a generational promise that like I think examples of like free health care um they could see a therapist and not be you know fall into debt and I think the argument of like the logistical nightmares of it I think if we want to pay for something in this country we usually find okay then just buy crack then Christ I think by crack I guess I don't give a whatever makes happen that comes to the military.
So um I mean we pay for multi-billion dollars. Yeah not to attack progressors but that is like the most Progressive idea in the world is like I can see the headlines like I'm joking I'm doing it to be paid in the form of free therapy for people in the hood. That just sounds like the funniest thing. It's like the most Progressive idea in the world is like I can see the headlines like reparations voted on in Congress to be paid in the form of free therapy for people in the hood.

That just sounds like the funniest thing in the world. but well I Also don't think it's going to come directly from like you know, white person to black person like oh you you um, your lineage uh, affected his lineage. It is though. like in San Francisco they were going to raise the average family or the average household in San Francisco was expected to pay six hundred thousand dollars each with the five million dollar per black person proposal that they had and I used to live in the San Francisco Bay area and I was repulsed by that because you have so many homeless veterans on the streets and they were going to give black people a home for as little as one dollar just for being black.

Mind you, slavery wasn't even in California So why that was going to be the case like I don't understand. But it's extremely unrealistic to think that the average family in San Francisco can afford that. That's because Newsome wants to get reelected. Okay, but you don't really care about homeless veterans, right? right? You don't know, like you're all your argue, But you're literally conservative.

So so what policies do you support for homeless veterans? There's ways to address I mean specifically for homeless in general. That's a whole different conversation. Okay, let's say that we didn't find a middle ground in there. Yeah, Oh yeah, good one lady.

Dude, this thing's been a disaster. This episode is so stupid. These these guys haven't agreed on one thing across the border. Whether it's before depression, afterwards, Whatever, they group in the middle.

It's just been a brawl the whole time. That's a great ending. No white liberals have a savior complex, everybody. everybody.

Well, I Gotta say, this is a shock. I Never expected all four of you to just come forward and admit it. but you know what? I'm happy with these results. I Just think it's uh, a lot of people.
A lot of I guess uh, people you know of the left. whatever. Um, can kind of fall into that trap of uh, thinking that you know black people as a monolith need to be saved as like as a whole I Have no shame about it I have a savior complex as an older brother and I will save you whether you like it or not. So that's just me.

Well, it's definitely not because a lot of us are really just exhausted of being viewed as ourselves. I I Don't know much about public every prompt. I Can't agree with them because it's always white liberals. Black liberal.

Um, why conservative, bro? What the I don't dude. what the it's just conservative or or liberal I don't know why he's about to put a label it, dude. but I'm a black liberal. It's a whole different brother I Don't know what the difference.

Geology is still the same. we're just doing here, minding our own business and living Our Lives the way we want to I Don't know why guys guys, if I'm thinking I'm a thinker, okay, I'm not a white thinker If you're blocking up, you're thinkers. What are you talking about? This immense pressure to be so apologetic and just always trying to cater and coddle to black people when we just want to be treated like everybody else. we're equal for a reason I think especially recently with a lot of Riot stuff that's gone on or protest stuff that's gone on.

People on the left tend to infantilize a lot of different types of protesters and especially even talking to you know, some of the other black content creators I Do content with when you hear a lot of progressives come out and say well, they don't have a choice but to Riot or break into the store or while they're stealing. You know these Electronics but for the reasons you just don't realize it I think a lot of people kind of like thought as that both ways and it's a little bit weird that there's such a complex on the left to excuse like every single possible negative behavior from somebody as long as they're a skin color that you're kind of in charger protected I Find it extremely. It upsets me. um to hear that because um, we're just like you.

We just have a different skin color and to hear that you have have to you have to help me is offensive to me. I can do my I can do it on my own. Well, we have to break down sometimes. Why these riots happen? You know Mlk1 said that riots are the voice of the Unheard So yeah, if you are too, that's not totally wrong with that.

It's it's like when you see somebody in the a wheelchair or some like that, right? You see people like they're like saying oh dude, dude, why treating them differently Well, It's like a just. it's just weird problems. Stop the riots who have to address the underlying inequality that has historically been pervasive. You know, even if you as individual people are doing fine and you don't want anybody else to get in the way of that, that's cool.
And I'm not going to get it. I'm I'm not going to be the one to get in the way. but the disparities are undeniable. So if you take pride in having like wheelchair ramp complex, if the mother suckers see a wheelchair ramp, they're gonna drift that up all the way up.

They don't need your sorry sir. And if you've seen it before, by the way, there's a ramp at over there. take the jump Ford yo. they will go up that ramp man.

they don't need your out for anything. They want to save black people. and what is it that you think you think they're saving black people from I am trying to make the world a better place through whatever means I can and but you're doing it on the backs of us I I can say so yeah? I I Actually do I Feel like like you want to be a savior for and you're using me to make yourself feel good? That's no, that's what. How am I hurting you? You're but you're not letting me have my own voice.

You're not letting me how you're speaking now. No, you're cutting it off. Well I Feel like I have to? Yeah, well, what's happening I mean you're speaking right now. You're speaking right now in this particular setting.

but what you're saying is like um, you. You took it back to riots and so forth and it makes it seem like the only way that we as black people can voice our have a voice is by rights and then you need to come along and you need to say okay, poor little black child, let me help you. Let me help you that's offensive to me and and I feel like you're making yourself feel good about trying to tame help us in it I Also think that like when we talk time I think especially when it comes to a lot of the shoplifting stuff is going on in certain cities. You get a lot of white people that live in nice suburbs saying things like shoplifting is no big deal.

that's fine and then you'll catch YouTube videos of them later on. being in a Walgreens in like a shoddy neighborhood and like man, why is the deodorant behind a locked case? It's very easy to sit behind a gated community and say oh well, you know it's not a big deal. You know they steal because they have to, right? So the language of the Unheard I Think people haven't read the full context of that quote when MLK was saying Rise To the Language of the Unheard you need to address the underlying condition. He wasn't condoning the writing, he was just understanding it.

Obviously there are a bunch of white people that feel they need to be a savior, but I think there's a difference between helping and saving. like I don't think I need to save black people, but I would tremendously love to help and make sure everyone has like, uh, equal outcome or not equal outcome but at least equal opportunity which in my opinion I feel we do not have in this country. This is awkward. Hi guys.

Um, so I didn't step forward just because I don't want to break all white liberals is having a white savior complex I Have experienced white liberals who do have that and um, they're very unpleasant people. but I don't think every single white person who's a liberal or who is an activist for BLM or any of those things necessarily has a White Savior complex I Think that there's a lot of white people who genuinely think that black people are oppressed and they want to help and that's what they're told. What it seems like to me when most people have Savior Complex regardless of who whom they're trying to save, It's not such a real pain and real trauma and using that as a way to push this political agenda, but also to alleviate themselves of whatever guilt that they feel unnecessarily like. I Don't know why a white person today would feel guilty for things that happen decades ago, let alone something that happened centuries ago.
I've never broke. It shouldn't have been flooded like dude, chill out man with all the well she's not blasting on this bro. I Don't know how that works. just stop dude.

just just talk about other man. you know, white person. I Personally feel guilty for slavery. Maybe they're out there, but I've never heard that.

yeah in second grade when they taught us about slavery, almost every kid in my classroom would spend their entire time looking at black kids in that classroom. How was I supposed to not think wow, these people are feeling guilty for something that they have no involvement in and I have no. Every kid in my classroom understood the context. People hate feeling uncomfortable and obviously you don't want to feel like the bad guy on so they I feel like it comes from a place of like oh well.

like let me make sure that I'm different and like I'm showing you that I want to like help you but it comes across like I think it can land very poorly I'll tell you what. Stop it. Stop it Because what happens is when you put yourself as the white savior. What you do is you elevate yourself above the black person because you feel then like you have to save us.

So just stop it. just treat everybody regular normal just like if just yeah guys. What she's saying. it's something that that people do a lot.

I think she's doing a pretty good job at voicing like that pattern of behavior. It's not I think you're mistaking like what she's saying it for the the actual thought tha

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Destiny infiltrated jubilee”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marissa says:

    🙌please save me, donald trump🙌

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marissa says:

    I'm unfamiliar with what they are talking about so I'm just gonna act like they're saying something stupid so I don't look stupid

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars veeembee says:

    xaviaer spittin

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vex Nightmare says:

    i like the part where xqc pauses to tell us the exact same thing destiny said, just in different words

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caprese says:

    bro needs to think before talking, x listens to two seconds then misrepresents the point and molds jezust

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJ says:

    Chat trollin' x but honestly I gained a lot of respect for him in this. He explains some stuff like absolute dogshit but most of the time he's just kinda correct (I can't say right because I don't care or remember which is left or right and I guess it matters in this context) 🤷‍♂

    His take on money specifically was very nuanced and objectively good & well intentioned (at least from the perspective of myself who is neither wealthy nor poor monetarily, interested in hearing from others tho).

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Storeshearman1 says:

    Blud even speaks like a white savior, step down big bro.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deda As says:

    a lot of people who are poor are poor because they made the wrong choices and yea its hard once u get in there but if u been there for 5-10 years consistently its you im sorry

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peyton Faulkner says:

    In the us black people were traditionally not allowed to own any type of farming land and such from the slave era it’s rare to see a black farm family because it’s a multigenerational thing to build up the land and equipment and capital

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bodyonwire says:

    Spawn zone

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ImmortalBP says:

    this man knows how to turn something into nothing

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Gaming Ivan says:

    Not white people saying “you don’t know what’s best for you” and trying to argue about what would help someone else’s race

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Togunstotango says:

    Of course he’s wearing a one piece shirt

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars toz says:


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