0:00 Linus Responds to the Allegations
10:20 Linus Is In Huge Trouble
20:30 Leaked Linus Meeting
27:00 Employee Harassment Allegations
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Put it best at the Roast a few years ago when he said why the are you here That's a two-part answer I Speak today because of the recent Community outed demanding change I'm here 100K Dislikes: Oh my God dude. because I agree with the community. we do have a lot of work to do before we talk about that. while I wish was on better terms I Just want to say I'm very glad to meet you all I have spent the last couple decades on the corporate Side by my educational background is in computer science.

My first role in the tech industry was as the writer at Secer my history building gaming. PCs goes even further back to when I build like, sell on okay chat guys I know you guys don't care about my PR Okay, but whenever there's a big controversy like that again, you have to approach it the big one my my major one number one tip for PR statements is to not do jump Cuts Cuts are really really really bad at looking genuine. If you are being genuine, there's been already like eight cuts and we're 30 seconds in. That's insane on 300 a r because everyone assured me it was guaranteed to over clock to 450 MZ I Guess my trip didn't really get the memo.

In any case, it feels really good to back on most days I'm only 6 weeks into the job but in that time I've seen a lot. I Looked at some budgeting, some team building and operations but my main focus going to be fly on the wall and understanding what's going right and what's going wrong. There's a lot of both. I've asked a team to unly address both the concerns that happen been raised and how we in to fix them.

What the money we'll make from our sponsor. Just kidding I was asked for un flinching and here it is: L is a human gas molecule you've been telling him for years and I've been telling him for years. Staying relevant on YouTube is hard for everyone, but we aren't fighting for Survival anymore and we don't need to run at this pace. In fact, in some ways it's our efforts to keep doing more and keep doing better that have created our current situation what's happening.

My background is in managing a pharmacy where the small details matter a lot and basically I agree with the community. So I'm putting my foot down effective immediately. All YouTube video production is on pause and our teams are going to be spending this entire next week focusing on long-term workflow changes to make our content better in a lasting way. This means for the first time in in over 12 years, LTT will be missing not just one daily upload, but many, but improving to the degree that we want and need is going to take more than a week.

So I'll be working with Taran and Colton to manage our sponsor commitments and the financial hit of both. Chat I'm I'm going to keep it a buck. This is just my take. My bad take about to say I feel like they could have gotten um, possibly ahead of this by just correcting the small mistakes that they did right um and hiring maybe a couple more employees to fill the Gap that and keep the pace up? Um, yeah.
literally I don't know why they're re they're rebuilding the wheel I Think it's more of a a PR move that might actually hurt the product way more than it should. both this housekeeping week and a reduction in our LTT upload schedule at least for now while we get our house in order. But before anyone gets concerned that we're going to cut investments into the well-being of our personnel and our future capabilities, I Can assure you that I've read the criticisms that we weren't willing to spend $500 to test a product and as the one that manages the finance I can tell you that couldn't be further from the truth. Lonus made a clear and egregious judgment error regarding retesting a product he felt was Impractical that was wrong and I've told him so.

He allowed his personal feelings on the matter to Cloud his judgment and I want to stress that our organization is committed to our ongoing investments in making our content better and we will do better as a team. Why don't I let our chief money spender take it from here Hi I'm Gary head of labs First off, we've made some mistakes too many. We're hoping that it's how we deal with them moving forward that will Define who we are And regardless, it's clear that we need to serve you better. So our team will be spending our week publishing living documents for our testing standards and opening them up to feedback from the community and our peers in the industry.

Should they wish to participate, we will also task part of the team with going back through should they wish to participate. CH What's the buzzer CH What? What's the buzzer does? He have a prompter and and he's is or is that a vapor. We will also test part of the team with going back through every video with lab's data to ensure accuracy. make full Corrections Wait, Why didn't they just give him the T prompter Then that's that Scrolls through Or like, Why aren't they giving him that? Why he doing himself on on camera? And if there are any fundamental issues with the workflow, designer results, pull or replace that video outright I Don't agree with every criticism that's been leveled at my team, but for my part, we've done wrong and lay out our action plan for how to move forward before I do that.

One point I do need to address here is that Lonus misspoke When he said we retest for every video, we retest for every project when we use the same data for our RX 7600 and RTX 46ti videos, we knew in advance that these cards would release 2 days apart and designed a broad test Suite that accounted for all the numbers we would need to make those two videos and ran everything at once with no bios or driver changes. In fairness, Lus, the project video ratio is normally one to one, but the devil's in the details. Now let's talk about what's coming. We will release our current mark bench harnesses as open source items so that the community can audit the code around our test.
Integrations We will do a vlog Style video CH Are tests that long to run that they don't redo them? I'm confused CH I'm It's pretty easy FL Plan about our testing for so you can see sausage is actually made. We will open a new community Forum post asking for transparency suggestions and more importantly, we will follow up. We will start placing our testing project number in the credit so we are always open about the data set that was used for The Benchmark results and there is a lot more. SK From test variation percentages per workbench to each Benchmark we utilized in videos among others, it's going to be a busy week of not making videos.

Same goes for us I'm James head of the writing Department We are extremely grateful for everything the lab has done and continues to do to make our jobs easier. but the actual testing is not The biggest source of our recent struggles. it's the human factor. There have been times when an internal video review caught an incre graph, resulting in new versions of the graph being created only for those new graphs to not be put in the video from one half of the Wow team that brought you.

Trust me, bring incident others, but we need to be better about our communication now. I Have no intention to like kill the silly humor or be less open with people I Don't want anything to be less fun, but we do need to be respectful and conscious of the impact of our words. We should be proud of the work that we do, but we shouldn't negatively compare ourselves to our fellow Tech reviewers when issuing Corrections We need to apologize. We need to respect people's time and their money.

I Said after the last round of this that you don't win by screaming loudly or drama hard. You win by fixing problems, improving and becoming a hard target. We're still up a lot. We need to own that, fix it and move on, not be defensive or sh CH Just why every is liking this so much they went from.

We're not going to talk about it on when to full-blown video. Is that a bad thing? What is this guy talking? How is that a bad thing there? I'm confused. That being said, I'm not really on the production side of things these days. What my teams and I are working hard on is to support the other teams.

In other ways, reintegrating into Lmg has been somewhat terrifying. One of my team's jobs is to take over management of the infrastructure and while I have brought an experienced team member into the fold allegations, so far, we've mostly just been focused on documenting what we even have and a number of times. And let's face it, he's going to fail again. Hey, it's me.

I'm Chief Vision officer now. But realistically, I'm not going to be able to hide behind my recent demotion here. I was the one at the head of the company for each and every mistake that our community has rightly brought to our attention. and once again, I made things worse by allowing my to respond emotionally.
It is hard when people take an internal process error and then they run that all the way to. Lus is a thief and wants to auction someone else's intellectual property to the highest bidder or accuses me of trying to brush something under the rug just because I do think it's important to get all the details before declaring me to be a low down liar. Straight up piece of: we were slow shipping back the GPU that Billet lab sent us. There's no way around it, that's our bad, but the delay in communication the one that prompted the post that you guys just saw it was less than two business days.

the second that I was made aware of the situation on the 14 I emailed labs and I explained what happen I even included Colton's attempt at apologizing and offering questions asked. full compensation for their St value of the product which happened on the 10th before we were under any pressure to do so and without Colton even bothering to check with me Ivon before just I Don't think this is Cap he wouldn't risk a cap like that like that guys, he wouldn't Guys, he would not. he would never risk a cap. Okay if you got if you got caught in this lie, that would be the end cuz that would that would be their third.

or I think that's like their fourth attempt to communicate about this. if they lied again, he would never risk that saying go for it. He knows that our internal policy is to do the right thing, so he tried. Bless him.

I guess his job is safe for another day and I sorry I guess I've actually gotten a little bit I Stop there. Um, because whatever's being said about me and whatever's being said about the team should never have allowed my feelings to distract from any valid criticism of our work. My decision, for example, to not bother retesting the monoblock that was obviously wrong and my lame response on the Forum was a huge and unnecessary of. Interest guys I have nothing to gain from from blindness.

Okay, me and him interact on a very like normal basis on human to human. Okay and I in it again. he talks about me I Talk about him. If you have something to talk about, it's it's it's valid criticism.

Why people think that? I Don't call out people. Um CH You know what's crazy? Chat: You guys say you're biased when it's a friend and if I and when I have a normal take and it's against them, you I'm Burning Bridges you can have it both ways. Chat R Criticism does not burn. Bridges If you're not interacting with and you're going to really this the more you interact and have strong friends, aren't a bunch of losers.

Very blunder. I owe you guys better and I'm sorry for my part. First, I'm going to be working through the other members of the EXA team for any crisis communication moving forward. and second, I'm going to spend my week working with the other teams to develop a system of processes that will help our company fulfill my vision of being a World Class Tech media organization.
I'm also going to be spending my week just refocusing guys on what matters most, which is bringing you guys the best damn content that we can make. It's been over 10 years. good lord it's been almost 15. Um, but I Still love Tech I Love my team and even though our relationship a little rocky right now I Love this community and everything that it stands for, none of that has changed and none of it.

interview. One that stood out to me was I need somebody to come in who I know will be respectful in my life work. that's one the gravity. Who was asking me for the first time I'm by no means influencer social media guy, but suddenly I'm over the last.

There's three. There's three big links. Right now there's a massive I don't know what chat is I know what that is I know what this is like bro. couple of days some pretty bad things have been coming out about what is quite possibly the biggest.

Hardware Channel on YouTube Lonus Tech Tips and let's just say a number of brand new things have brought yo chat still down. Chat guys guys. we're doing a drama segment chat. This is drama.

Okay I'm going through it. chat and I don't the I'm watching I'm watch I'm watching man you you want do don't have that will seriously shock you including new accusations from a past employee. but first with new CPUs and Gpus coming out. make sure you're ready with meld alerts the completely free sign up that send you an email y yo yo yo This is drama really dude.

Welcome everyone to Gamer Lus Tech tips in it. He reviewed a mono block by Billet Labs that was unique and that it was made to watercool both the CPU and GPU with one block. So a neat concept and something that hasn't really been done before. The issue is that in the video Lus vied it with an RTX 490 instead of the 398.

TI That guys not monetizing. Okay you, you do it very rarely in my opinion. In I been in chat it monetize everything okay no yo, you know chat I don't give a people should normalize monetizing everything well know why. Because it makes an environment where the people that don't do it that don't mze have a a a a big advancement or have a The High Ground in anything that they do in a video or a statement and they can act above on the simple basis that this video will not make money and that is differentiates that other people.

that maybe that maybe they have more money, less money employees cut offs. it's weird I don't this is my worst take and I don't give a monetize everything it it was made for the company said that they could try it but couldn't guarantee that it would work and I have to say that it is wild. Lmg did this because GPU water blocks are specific to a certain GP for a reason. there are cutouts for specific components of an exact GPU so using a different one really doesn't make a lot of sense yet.
Lus based the review off of that and really, they bashed the part throughout the review. I Mean what was the point of this? It's content. monetize it. There content has no boundaries.

Okay, your local your News Network Okay, literally monetizes and has ads during segments of people dying and mass shooting shootings. and like that they monetize the whole thing out the wazu and they even make it that everything worse because they know people, more people are going to tune in. That's how it works. Dude, that is the life you live in.

Stop being a Ver signer dude. Holy this though some of it may have been warranted, but all of it together just really isn't a good look. To make matters worse: LT Promised to return the mono block because because it was actually a prototype and when they didn't like it. Billet Labs asked for it back yet Lus Tech Tip: Sold it Now Gamers Nexus is the one who originally brought all of this to life and in their original video.

They also went over a ton of issues with accuracy over the course of multiple videos from Lus. Tech Tips: Problems ranging from errors and representing specs to massive benchmarking issues that completely affect the conclusion of the video. Not to mention the fact that an employee during an LT lab tour bashed Hardware unboxed and Gamers Nexus saying this. The difference between us and somebody like Gamers Nexus or Hardware unbox is we test new components, new tests every time.

Every project that we do has new data, yet they literally provve that Chad Did they literally know about the email or the asset back? or was there like an agreement ahead of time I Feel like this is only bad in my opinion. if there was an agreement ahead of time and a knowledge of it uh, being known that they want it back. Otherwise, it's kind of like uh, and his SEC Tips does reuse benchmarks, then Lina said some absurd comments during the Wi show. In response, it's pretty clear that not everyone Creator space handled that super professionally.

um I I I Don't obviously agree with some of the takes that were out there. I I Don't think that it's particularly um journalistic. For example, to ignore facts. um, to ignore personal relationships.

Really, it's been a complete crap show all around. But the main issue people had is how LT traded the Billet lab's monoblock and on that, quite a few things have happened. For one, Lus Seps made a response on their Forum that expresses disappointment with the way Gamers Nexus handled their story and I will say that you usually do get a statement from the person you're discussing. but I don't know I mean I don't have Lus Tech Tips number so I couldn't get a statement I just had to wait and see.

but he then goes on to state that he would have learned that L didn't sell the block. they auctioned it for charity which is a pretty weird statement. Auctioning something and selling something or the same thing though I Guess his point is that it's for charity and that it was allegedly an accident. Next states that he already agreed to compensate Billet Labs for the produce.
Okay, it's bad, but you can understand it could soften the blow in most scenarios. settle down guys Guys guys, let's talk about the worst and the best. Okay, let's say give giving the proceeds to children in need that are dying right or saying guys I sold it to buy my new Lambo I Think you can see that there's a big gap in both reaction that people're going to get and precising. It isn't necessarily a problem.

Settle down. The issue is that Billet Labs later made it clear didn't receive anything on compensation until 2 hours after the gamer Nexus video the Lonus Media Group Didn't apologize or anything like that until after that video. and this brings me to some of the very new stuff going on. For starters, after Linus claimed that they wouldn't do a long video about the whole situation, they did a long video about everything during it.

They made some apologies and claimed to be working on procedures to better act. That's stupid. That's if you say you're not going to make a video about it right. And then there's a massive outcry.

and there's a big thing. Well, you react to big things with big things yourself. Dude, guys, I'm not glazing. it's just how it works.

Like you say guys, we're not going to make a big thing about this right. It's like, okay, you know what this is escalating it. Let's make a big thing I Think that's fair enough? Being adaptive is not a problem. Accuracy moving forward, which Lus Tech Tips did mention in that Forum post as well.

but during this part of the video, they actually claimed that there was an email written asking for an invoice to reimburse Billet labs for their mono block, but that it didn't get sent to which I don't know. That sounds pretty fishy to me, but I really just can't know for sure. Then Lmg ended up finding out who won the monoblock to try and get it back to Billet laps, but they didn't want it for some very understandable reasons. What wild is? The emails were sent out to all of their auction winners requesting to know what they bought, claiming that it was for tax purposes and in that new video.

Wait, What? you? Please let me know the item you won during your LT auction. We mly lost that sheet and needed for T purposes IU One wait. What? Requesting to know what they bought claiming that it was for tax purposes and in that new video he says this side note that same team God bless him didn't ask our event team who won the silent auction items and proceeded to email everyone asking we don't need any of that certainly not for tax purposes I Clearly need to spend some of my week training the team unless I actually get fired for real this time. So he's basically saying that they just flat lied about it being for tax purposes or it was for tax purposes and he's lying Now either way, someone's lying here.
But things have gotten even worse for because brand new allegations from a previous employee have just been posted on Twitter And as you can see, a lot of these accusations are very serious. I'm talking things from sexual harassments and name calling. It really is a lot and she claims to have posted this review years ago. Please keep looking into the MH370 video.

it is looking pretty real. No one can debunk it. Social Media Cordinator disappointment. Would not recommend it.

Recommend SE Approval Business Outlook A lot of talent people employees Bond Activities no proper explain system Jesus One glass door so this may not have come from nowhere like it seems. With that said, as guys, what is coded language because I don't know what that is I'm sorry, many of discussed. It's certainly odd that she would choose to post this now though it could be because she was afraid of being dog piled by fans before. But now that people see some issues with Lina's Tech tips, she thought it would be a good time.

Ultimately, though, at this point, I don't really have a clue. There are definitely some pretty big accusations. Some of these I can't even show here because it'll likely get flagged by YouTube Basically, this story is a work in progress and I'll keep you updated as more information comes out, but so far it's definitely not looking good for the Lus tech tips. So while that does it for today, what do you think about all of this, let me know.

Oh man, guys, an actual real take about this that isn't sensible. Do this. Music quiz is instant cancel. Okay, um I will hold my tongue on that one.

And um, yeah yeah guys, as a concept at conceptually okay, not this scenario or another, I've always been mostly against dog piling and opportunism when it comes down to actual real life problems with a wide variety or wide uh, ranging. uh, variety of severity. Okay, um I think being opportunistic sometimes is is a little weird and uh, that's just my. that's always been my view and I've always Voice to my chat for a decade now.

Okay, I've always said it. I've always said this: Mandatory Meeting Mandatory Meeting The after Guys Who wrote this man. Yes, Mandatory meeting The After medicine departure from Lmg. So we called this meeting because it's come to our attention that we need to have a quick chat about the best way to handle HR related feedback and bro who's recording this.

Rumors: we won't be giving any names for what I Hope are extraordinarily obvious reasons, but what we can do is give you the following guidelines for problem solving and conflict res. Oh Manor CH I Have a lot of problems with this I'm sorry chat guys H Guys it doesn't matter who it is because I always have a problem with this type of lier video. There's always reason why. Dude: Whenever somebody's recording and they know they recording, there's an expectations of.
There are some expectations of privacy and when you know you're being recorded, other people don't. You're going to act in a way that they're not going to act and it's like it's it's a little bit. It's guys, there's there's a lot of reasons. Okay, that's just how it is.

man like. So I'm I'm not saying I will completely say that this is bad I'll watch it I'm telling you like let's go with caution is all I'm going to ask. This is all boring in corporate like here we are. How's that ironic? Number One always stand up for what's right.

Uh, we're only a team. As long as we're all working together and looking for each other. That's the most important. Number two Always reflect on your own personal experiences and use your common sense.

Few things in life are truly black and white. Number three: Always wait to hear both sides of a before passing. Oh, this just being D Guys guys, it's the reasonable expectation of privacy You are. You guys are dumb.

Okay The Miz call should not have been recorded or leaked like that. It ended up the way it is okay. and I I'm still telling you that there are things that that look a certain way. I'm sorry to say it.

chat. That's just. it's the same thing applies to that. I didn't say oh my goodness, this is so bad.

I'm saying proceed with caution. That's I'm saying it. Proceed with caution your own judgment. Be cautious when you know that one side is bound by legal and ethical disclosure guidelines.

When the other is not, carefully consider what it says about the character of someone who would engage in that type of Gossip against someone who has no power to defend themselves. Number four always encourage openness and transparency. If you have a problem, you need to speak up. We want to fix it.

If you receive feedback about somebody else at this company, the first response is, have you spoken with this person followed closely by you need to speak with this person. We don't solve interpersonal issues here or really anywhere in your life. If you wish to live in a drama free zone by engaging in water cooler politicking. So if for any, Reas I think the only problem here chat is that they don't have do do they have HR Why is Lonus giving like like HR Breakdowns to employ Bro: they need to have just HR HR That dude, that individual is not comfortable approaching the person they're having a conflict with.

We have a chain that they're supposed to follow. So first, you advise them to take the problem to their manager, followed by me or Ion, followed by our third party. HR Firm I Hope that you all trust that we're here to make this a safe, fun, and productive workplace and we won't tolerate mistreatment of any of our team members. If you have any reason to believe otherwise, then I refer you again to point number four which is to address the issue with the individual directly or bring it to me or Ion or bring it to our third party HR Firm: Since I'm not at Liberty to share any details about what occurred, um, all I can do is ask that you trust me and Ivon Um, some of you know us very well.
I've been here a very long time. Um, some of you have not been here for as long. but I Like to think that whether you've been here for nine years or nine days, you're here for a reason and you believe that we do our utmost to run this company with integrity and compassion. I'm not.

Um, we can't solve problems we don't know about though. So on that note, I'd like to invite anyone who has concerns about a fellow team member or about a manager to submit their feedback either by speaking with their manager with M Bon directly or if you would prefer to provide your feedback anonymously, we have an option for that as well. Okay, I mean that that makes sense. Um I Don't sit Problem: What was just said.

Um, that's Chad This is the that. That is the bait that is the foundation of problem solving. Okay, you cannot fix a problem you don't know exists. That is the basis of it.

It's the manager and coworker feedback form. Uhon. If you're not aware of it, show hands who is not aware of it. Okay, a lot of people aren't aware of it.

Good. So now we all know there's an anonymous form. If for whatever reason you're not comfortable, you been talking to me Ron directly about it and that's fine. We understand.

that's why we have these options. Uh, Yvon's going to post it in the general chat. In the general chat, it's a just safe space to provide us ideas for improvement. Or if you're consumed by the holiday spirit and you want to say nice things, you can do that too.

Does anybody else have any questions? Okay, uh, not a single question. Wow, that must been a really good speech. You gonna dance on that table or just stand on it? That's it. So um Von did you have anything you wanted to add? you? yeah, that was actually just totally random timing it came up the stairs a moment ago.

Denis is on it all right. Thank you Everyone have a wonderful and we I'm going to go on a Lim and say that L wasn't as surprised as was um gu. Am I missing something? Maybe I didn't read this actual thread itself right? Oh I'm trying not to leple my phone on DMS man I'm good. Okay, um, well let me just go take a look at it.

Am I not allowed. Um to stop the speculation and DMS I'm receiving I chose to quit my stop the speculation in DMS I'm receiving it I chose to quit my RO Ed because and uh, because it and the Wor environment I was facing were ruining my mental health. Okay, fair enough. Uh, the number of daily items the social media roll at the time was expected to was incredibly High Okay I Was expecting to post three tweets, two Instagram posts and two t to minimum per day.
Was expecting to plan film edit and post two float play exclusives per week. Guys Guys: I'm going to give it a about chat guys I'm going to guys I'm going to keep reading chat because otherwise I'm going to get mold I'm guys I'm guys I I'm going to keep reading it I'm going to keep going this including wrangling people to be in them when they were also showing to get the work done. That could be annoying I Agree I agree with that. I Also also expected to manage plan, come up with execute, get approval for, and schedule out all the spawn cont on socials YouTube That seems pretty easy actually.

Okay, hold up. Okay, okay. I'm guys I'm going to be honest with you. Sorry guys, let me read it guys.

I have a little bit experience in the field. Okay, give me some slack here. Okay, manage plan, and come with execute, get approval for and schedule out all sponsored content on socials Chat: This looks hard and it's very it's w in a way that sounds colossal. From my experience, that is like really easy and short.

not trying to be rude. Okay, because sponsors on socials are super simple. It's either a small video, a tweet with the correct hasht ads correct, whatever, it's a send in through approval and then the company goes back to you guys when I when I do small chat I send it to the manager they G they gave me. they gave me a a Bas on what it should like look like I send it to them they send it to the company they send it back I look at it if they I need to fix I send it back back to the company goes back to me comes back to me Boom done done after I put a hashtag add at the end send it.

This is on socials chat we're talking about like a TW a Twitter post or Instagram post. This is not like oh my god did you have to build a house today I'm not dumb I know how that works okay I've V for companies before all the time Jesus Christ All being told not to complain with my was the fun job so far I mean sure annoying I guess I'm trying Dev true I canot speak on the what it's like now but they have an entire team working on simly what I was expected to accomplish alone they have an entire team working on Sly what I was expected seemingly I misspoke originally when I said it I had sign NDA I thought the employee handbook act as one I'm not a lawyer okay well I I guys I could be wrong I think that depend depending on when she left, the workload could have also increased um with time which is of course you're I look at more manpower. these are all possibility and speculations But there again she also speculating correct I miss SM when I said it I had signed an NDA I thought the employee handbook acted as one I'm not a lawyer cuz I thought if you sign an NDA you don't say you signed an NDA right? even in a in a case where you did sign one I Don't think you would have said you signed one um to employee handbook as one I'm not a lawyer. Well I mean that's okay.
Fair enough. I Never publicly made any statements regarding my time there because I feared even more backlash from a community that was already attacking defaming and sending me death to also fear for my future in this career given Ldd is a large and has in connections guys. I I Feel like okay? Hold on chat guys guys. if they have an HR department right and and there internal problems, can you not voice the problems to HR Um and certain departments in the in the the Uh in the company try to get things resolved I Think I Think going public is usually like the In In I Think in in the Cor world, in the corporate world or it usually it's like you kind of go in in order and public is like when things don't work out.

Read it. Okay, my time in this company brought my mental health at an alltime low. You could talk to anyone who was around me during my employment and they would confirm. I Would not have recommended anyone I Knew to work there, especially with my experiences as a woman in the office.

Okay, I was consistently belittled by certain members of upper management. My work was called dog I was called incompetent when I would reach out to my managers try to get help with these situation I would be told to put on my big girl pants and be more assertive. Okay, that's terrible. Um, okay guys there again.

Chck guys guys. I I will never defend a bad behavior. Shut up. Okay I'm not going to do that.

Okay I won't do that. Not today. Not any day. I Feel like a lot of the problems stated usually in A in A in a big company, corporate environments can be and are usually handled by a Humans resources uh department where you can make even Anonymous uh uh, feedback and claims, whatever and things will be double checked and down the line.

Um resolved in the best that that they can um reach out. The managers have these situations. If if your work is called dog in component by people, you're being belittled I Feel like you talk to HR about it I mean they will school people that are doing it HR Sucks. You should know they are their protective company.

the employees. Yeah. I've worked in a big Environ before I worked at a big beer company before HR Yeah, but regardless. um still though I would guys Okay, I'm trying to approach this the best way I can.

Okay, in the most calm way possible. it is under my it's under. It's my understanding there a problem like this, right? and you go to HR right and HR fails you and HR is being a if you say in a tweet that you went to HR and they up and HR sucks it's a much bigger hit then if you say you went to the managers for this and it didn't get any help because because unless it's like a CH of command and it's the up the managers go to the HR uh let's just keep reading. love you in chat that I haven't work at any company before so it's kind of hard to really get through this.
To be honest, let's keep going. It doesn't matter if you think I am or not stupid, this behavior is not appropriate. True After enough complaints from me, I was pulling into a meeting gotcha. Um in that meeting the writer's room was appointed to and I was asked do you think any of these people would have a hard time getting a job Huh? Do you think any people would have a hard time getting a job I said no.

Keep in mind this was about a month into working there I was pointed to and asked what about you I was scared I remember asking are you going to fire me I was laughed at and told the stubbing pessimistic as if my job and ability hadn't just been vaguely threatened. Yeah, I wasn't there I wasn't there in that convo that seems like a pretty uh I let's just keep going I was an asked to to agree to verbal no drama contract. the verbal part is important but what What guys guys guys, what did I say? What the did I say guys? I'm I wasn't there in that room. It's hard to draw a conclusion on on how that on how that goes like and the interpretation of it just.

Christ Oh not me Them: Okay, okay, um in this moment I realized I was no longer okay I I was no longer considered part of the team I was now a threat because I was putting up a fuss when I believed I was being treated unfairly inappropriately. The verbal agreement wasn't right, it was behind the scenes Waring with no record. Okay, okay, okay, a warning that came very shortly after I had come forward saying I had been in oh my God multiple times in the office amongst other Jesus Christ I was bared from being video bar me when asked what happened, why wasn't she more content this Jesus Christ Okay, that's super. that's incredibly serious.

Jesus Um, there is this perplexing fear that people will leave l to start their own thing if given a platform. There's this perplexing fear that people will leave LT and start their own thing given if given a platform chat is there not like non-competes CU you guys guys I Thought employment contracts in in Cor like that would have non- competes and like that no non-binding Well that's a disaster. I mean that that that that's completely inappropriate and should never happen in especially in the workplace. But of all all like Jesus Christ I Keep I'll I'll beats.

Um my was a belief that everything you accomplish. um so if that platform could thre negative things coming out about your company or you, you'd probably want to squash it too. My experience, there is a belief that everything you accomplish no matter how much it is by your own effort. it's actually due to Lus giving you a platform.

This was what I was told when I moved from Arizona to take this job. Um, that's irrelevant. sorry chat that I'm to you chat that's irrelevant Sor about that it's allant that part is relevant. uh why? because um I don't I I Generally don't think that um the that opinion or that kind of feedback is relevant because people are wrong.
If I if I hang out with Moxy people say yo dude Moxy Excy made you be nothing without him. Okay, um, your comment is a comment that exists. It's wrong, It's stupid and you are wrong. Therefore, therefore it's irrelevant that this comment exists.

That's that is a flat out where. I I See it right? All right? right? it was. It was publicly announced by Lennus that he was hiring without my knowledge or consent to that situation. and also before I was even offered the job or shown the salary I agreed and signed the employment contract.

What? After I was publicly announced by Lonus that he was hiring me without my knowledge or consent to that situation and also before I was even offered the job or shown salary I Agreed and signed a contract. Okay, that seems like a problem. It seems like a lack of professionalism. seems like a problem seems like jumping the gun, but at the same time I don't believe that to be A M A major issue.

but I keep going. Um guys, the reason why guys, this happens pretty often in the in the social media. World Wait minute. I Can't read guys.

there's been guys in in my life even in Esports I've seen a lot of signings of players that were announced on social media. um that they were now transferred to to a new team without having signed the player contract because they knew was going to happen. This happens Fair commonly in at least some of my worlds that but I Get it. It's not a good practice and it's unprofessional.

Get it? What? What? Um I had asked and been told during my interviews I would be allowed to monetize my YouTube channel and be allowed to join float plane in exchange for shutting down my patreon once I moved. I was presented with an entirely new contract handbook that I was not told existed. Okay, yeah, this seems like a little like just this is B bad bad practice overall. detailed that it detailed that I was given incorrect information and I would actually to make changes to my plans if I wanted to continue and be employ LTT because after I had moved my entire countries and given up my Visa status I couldn't just go back.

Some corrections were made as apologies for the misunderstanding, but I was still upset I Ladder Went to Lus about this and stated that the effort to remediate the sitation wasn't s right with me. He told me perhaps I should change my parodies. Okay, what guys guys, today guys would doing a reading session today. Okay, chat.

Okay, What? I'm reading? Um, he was in this instance referring to the fact that my brother had suddenly passed away not even a week before I moved to this job and that perhaps I should just ignore that I had been misled because that was more important I canot tell you how upset I felt in these moments. Uh, perhap. Okay, the opportunities L presented me were nothing in comparison. The day-to-day isssues I faced.
The opportunities L presented to me were nothing in comparison to the day-to-day issues I faced. It did not matter if I spoke to someone with evidence of abuse of power or inappropriate workplace Behavior it was considered tattling. tattling. Yeah! I'm going to have to read the handbook for this one.

Boys tattle taling. it's not even a Google thing. Bro Tattle Tattling yo man. Okay, a small child or sometimes adult that tells when others are doing something bad much to the annoyance of everyone around them often earn themselves unflattering titles.

Okay, okay, I was actually called a tattle tailor I was told I was bossy when I was trying to be assertive like I was asked to do I was so I was arguing it when I was trying to discuss my point of view I was told to calm my tits and stop being such a and other comments a similar effect Jesus that's not right Uh, you don't say B this is not right guys guys. I will not speak to the effect okay of the things that people are should should hint at this right guys. I'm trying to be as as neutral as I can with this Okay, I'm being impartial. Okay, okay I am trying to play not those Advocate I'm playing every Advocate at the same time.

Okay, insults at the workplace should be a no no Okay, of course there are ways to yourself in in a working environment and professionalism and it should be strong no to insults right? Yes, these are feel I feel like are things that people say to anybody un unfortunately un unfortunately Devil's Advocate the I feel like these are things you will say to um both male and females. Am I wrong about this or not Am I Wrong Come tits I Hear this all the time In in, in, in my in my games of uh on my Okay guys guys, guys, listen to me. very careful This This is super important. Okay if I tell you 50 insults okay, and one or two of them have this wording in it right? it can be sexism or cannot be it.

It very much depends. Um about a lot of factors. That's just how that works. Chat: Okay If I tell if I tell everybody all the time you're a stop being a to male male male male male male.

Okay I should not beting anybody I should be scolded and I should be reprehended for being unprofessional and insul people. But that doesn't automatically make me a sexist. If I say the same wording to a woman, that is my, that's how I see the world. Okay, that is how I see the world.

If you don't agree, that's fine. If we don't agree, we don't agree. Okay, so that matters a lot. Why I Understand it's the professional setting.

Don't insult Okay, but an insult. That's the word. bitching. It doesn't automatically mean that it is sexism because it was hinted at earlier.

Okay, please. Otherwise, it's hard man. Otherwise, guess Other: it's very difficult. Like dude, dude, man, guys, whatever.
I'm gonna keep going because this's too young and too stupid. This guy is brain dead. um the num instances of Mis information being given to me purposely a negative impact my work uh, only know this because my co-workers would tell me they overheard the actual information I should have been given. wait is it Mion being given to me on purposefully Jes Christ feel like able Teenage Drama movie.

Well that's dis Okay, well that is disastrous. That is up. Okay, work from home was a whole issue. If you work three minutes to answer the personal email, you could get into trouble.

Happened to me. if you took 3 minutes to answer a personal email, you could get into trouble. To me. um, there's a system of micromanaging a level of distrust because the amount of content they have to push daily is so insane no one gets a break.

Gotcha? It's bad. I Remember getting told off for taking sick days as the days you're entitled to. Okay, there's no days off. Grind set culminated in the real moment I Realized I had to leave Guys my stre is in a corporate Okay, it's not corporate.

it's very different. Okay says see bro my employees okay are Jesse and whoever the I'm playing with in the game I squeeze the out of them in the content sweat shop because I don't give a okay them they're in my in my sweat shop. Okay and that's how it is I deal with it. Can we continue? Now it's a complet different world.

it it doesn't equate with one another. Be quiet. um I purposefully cut my leg open so badly I would have to go to the ER to get it stapled back together Jes wait I purposefully cut my leg open so badly I would have to go to the AR to get it stap back together. What the is just is what the is happening.

It was genually the only way in my mind to take a day off without being harassed for a reason. Why I Had spoken to managers about how I was struggling and how the workload was too much for one person but I was Bel little but told you you just have bad time and management skills. What a Twist well that's that's disastrous. Um okay guys, this is terrible guys guys.

I don't want to diminish somebody's experience. Okay guys I want to be I I don't to be a rude guy streamer Andy dumbass okay I am. but and diminish your experience Okay, it just comes to my attention that that I feel like there might be some other um, ways to go about this than um, a severe self harm way like that and I feel sad that this I'm sorry about that I'm sorry that they have to go through that. oh um, the many instances that L up to that moment some of them I replied over as myself what I do wrong or could iion but I don't think I could have okay I was not treated fairly and in a moment I couldn't even see that because I was told as was a problem that people had looked up for years and co-workers going to say I didn't like how you were treated glad you got out and then I then did I realize it wasn't me I haven't sh any I haven't sh any besides my closest friends and family because I couldn't at the time.
um take any more hits from my mental health I couldn't deal with house small and worthless. the job made me feel all the push-up Med posts I couldn't deal with how small and worthless the job had made me feel all to push out some mediocre posts what the brother what I can read it what I'm still sked L what response will be since I am a woman and have already been called dramatic I not stating what happened to me because I'm seeking clout I'm saying it because it's been eating away at me for two years. Two years, two years. Oh my God What? I'm chat is proving her right.

Guys, it's very difficult I don't know how this works in this work environment. Dude I don't know if they have recourses like HR and like that I I I Haven't heard about HR once in this entire text. It's very difficult Dude, There are ways to handle problems at at the company. Okay and I I feel like if if a dude dude, dude, um they are generally amazing, compassionate, and incredible intelligent people that work at the company driven share the Cool Tech they love it.

Sucks that ego at the bottom line slowly destroying some of them and hurting their return of the company. I Didn't ever want to say anything in fear of hurting those people and their employment. but at this point I'm hurting myself by keeping this all in while being constantly bombarded with question about L and jokes at my expense. You don't understand how HR really works in the real world I mean I probably I have more probably than you Um, she did it to management multiple times.

Management: HR is Lus wife Guys if HR is is Lon's wife it it's still HR automatically assuming that that's wrong I think is bad unless that's like something that doesn't happen in a lot of companies. Is that like a a shun the pawn thing a com of interest? you think true actually true yeah uh I Just thought that in the um this meeting is they said that HR was a third uh person a third uh Party Guys is by impression in this video that they had a um third party External: HR is my birthday today Can I get a Welcome to the Jungle xqcl Okay HR exists to protect the company not employees. Okay dude. I don't I don't want to go through this if you if you haven't been in the workplace before and you don't haven't work at companies.

um, it's going to be super hard for for me to explain that. That is somewhat true. Um, and it's usually true if if you can find a better option and a lot of times better options in the real working world I mean what else than HR if there's an external third party HR that's as good as it gets. That's literally as good as it gets.

It's it's as good as even though it's bad, it's as good as it gets unfortunately. and that's the real working world man. where's the rest of the tweets I don't see it Where Me? No see Let The Click Oh my God. I've been trying to ignore these comments but don't understand the mental anguish and nights of crying feeling like I did something wrong and ruin my life and I have to go through is this was my dream job.
It's my dream job and they spoke like I was nothing I can't express you how this I felt. They seem to hire young people who don't know any better for roles and then get away with this over and over again. Uh, not again I made that up. This wasn't just my dream job, it is a dream job.

Okay, there's so many more stories or horrible things and show ego that I would well work in there. but I just needed to get out of at least some what I experienc because it was been two years and every day I See people speculate is another day I'm forced to feel small. sorry about that Also I meant to add that Glass Door review was me. it was at the time the way I felt I could express safely Express Anything that had happened since anytime I previously tried it would be crucified by fans sticking up to who who they loved gotcha.

Um, the the things said by Lonus about talking to management in HR and promises about how things are handled internally were a gross misos. actually goes on the doors I Remember he posted this in response to people spe think something wrong had happened to me. If you read it pretty much says hey watch the stream for the last 3 months. Can you give me a quick tldr on what's been happening? Uh, absolutely not for obvious reasons I won't be won't be off Details: former staff you can stop asking on Note no idea you prevent Canadian from reporting work mistreatment including not limited to harassment, discrimination, unlawful termination They can post it publicly, submit a statement and authorities and a both good measure as long as it's true and won't be defamatory I'm ever accus of any crime Mis demeanor uh including any law I'm sure you'll be able to read it all on.

VI Sorry guys I Guys I Only laughed because I made the xorto guys guys I only laughed because I made the xorto Okay, their brand was talking about me for like five or six seven8 years. Okay, they be nothing without me allowed my fair sh for the whole breand why me a check now then then Also my dad was their biggest reader and guys every five or six days I'd get a in from my dad saying yo dude, are you okay I've seemed like you're losing your life out there dude, the Zodo said it I'm like shut up man, shut up Anyway, continue continue to read this. Um, okay. the way I read this is a little bit like what she's saying a little bit.

At the same time, it seems like he's encouraging people um, to, uh, call their asses out if they do something bad. uh, and I I Feel like if you ride the wave of this sentiment and you do I Think you get a lot of backing from from people that are going to take your side because you've been, um, actively encouraged to do so. Um, when I read this I was fing with upset because what a dick thing to post when you were at least partially aware of the treatment your employee was getting from your higher ups. Wait, did you know when I read this fing Oh sorry about that I was asked about my sexual history.
my brother s uh oh look Jesus Christ sexual tension and I should just take the coworker out. it oh my God Jesus Christ yo okay yo okay this this got really heavy Jesus Christ man what the is happening over there Ask to twerk for get one point. That is insane Sto I was chunky fat ugly stupid Al was C guys if you if you me chat, see guys in chat don't make fun of this chat. you guys attack me.

he saying twerk you're done Do Not do not ass I will not work for you ass um I'm not going to do the warm either I'm not do the warm either. It's weird that Ethan asked me to do the worm right when we are co-workers at Twitch.tv Anyway, I'm going to hold that in for now but I'll bring it up later. um yep I was told to do the worm. Okay, yep.

I I'm sorry Jo guys bad timing I'm I'm being brand dead. my bad I being brain dead s that okay because this is really serious Man actually is though I'm being stupid. the day I handed my notice was when this is okay. this is absolutely cooked up okay and um I genely hope if this happened um I mean she's a victim of like workplace harassment and a bunch of other and I hope that other employees uh come out and and back it up and um materialize the claims that were made.

Um so that uh the proper people are held accountable for that. That is not all right. Okay um the date I had my not notice was when someone who constantly overstepped me, misled what I was working on and who I was said to me. I think the reason you try to be funny is because you lack any other skills smiled and walked away I Quit 15 minutes later Jesus Christ Wait what the wait.

As a social media manager though, it's your. it's kind of your skills to be funny though. No, this is just a stupid comment because if you handle social media posts, you have to be funny. You have to make funny jokes.

So by extension like the person who said this is just stupid because that's the why they were hired in the first place or a big part of it. What a what a dumb comment guys. it's like it's like if you have a show and the first introduction is a guy making funny jokes. okay and then you hire says yo dude you you only hear it because you're funny.

uh are you dumb? Well no I'm the I'm the doing the funny jokes guy like. that's why I was hired What? So stupid Anyway, um okay it hurts when people compare where I am now to where I was then because I had a I had a bigger audience Yeah I made more money on Twitch but I don't know if I wanted to even exist If the person I had looked up to could treat me and other I respected like pawns. wait wait how the was she able to keep up with the workload and stream at the same time? What? What am I done? oh it was before I I made more money on Twitch I didn't know if I want looking up to treat people like like pawns? Yeah okay it sucks because that was what I had worked for for years and I tried to get noticed by this big company and this cool guy respected because of that I was willing to get on for that job. yelled that and degraded Jesus Christ I was also the one task with managing the only fans account.
something said that would they want to do I had to read comments from people talk about how they wanted oh my God oh my Jesus Christ yo I what the I saw people's D and V and I said no I was told yo y I was told only a little longer um um um um I'm me. just say it to it l of sex tips okay this is brain dead what is WR this chat what the okay Okay okay okay so one guys managing the only account of who and also also what is the content of set only fans and why are people saying weird ass comments on a on a tech company's only fans? They did an April's full tech only uh o it's a joke account. okay um chat. This is very guys.

This is a dynamic that would probably take about an hour for for me to really get a hold of and understand how that works because I'll be honest with you chat. Any so if the work being done isn't sexual by Nature right and you're getting sexual comments, these people are all wrong and stupid and dumb. Okay so if the if the content on their only F isn't S by Nature like dude you the internet is cruel and they will make comments on any social social media of comments of like that right? CU I'm trying my best man to dude I don't think this is a bad take. Dude the internet is brain dead.

People will make stupid ass comments right? And if there's nothing sexual about any of it right, Sexual comments can appear on any social media platform. Okay hold guys, how much is what? the is that man banging on the bathroom? How could I foret that I Given yo what the is L this is this a Ser segment? What is wrong with you Oh my God is this AI yo Okay dude I Cannot believe I that play for that long I Cannot believe that they did play for that long I I Don't even know Oh my. God Okay okay, everyone knows the worst thing you can do if you're running an internet business is become overly reliant on a single platform. That's why as much as I'm a YouTuber I'm also on Twitter float plane twitch Facebook heck my employees even convince me to get Tik Tok But you oh my God Oh my God Oh my God oh my God from the Bo we just finished.

oh my god dude I clicked too fast yo why is he doing this? Oh he has a fullon dildo yo chat. Okay, so they made an account. Okay, if you want to say that I'm just hopping on the bandwagon, that's fine. It doesn't take away the very true exactly.

That's what I said earlier. That is true. That is true opportunism. Um, to strike doesn't mean that what is said is untrue.
That will always remain true. it doesn't. It doesn't, um, lose credibility, right? Um, if done properly or that sharing these things current events would have gotten me persecuted. For a tech in a company most of you until a few days ago thought was perfect so forced me to have them as my representation if I wanted to make any SP sponsor for my twitch.

YouTube CH Well, that's not all right, that is that. that is never okay by the way. I Hope you guys know this That is actually never okay. Um, you should never mix um, management and employment into one thing.

ever. Wait this force me. yeah originally I' been told make sure non-competes Okay gotcha. Um clear this meant I couldn't seek any companies to represent me to brand and sponsorships.

uh opponent make it Liv on Twitch and YouTube Also the was wasn't doing this before me, they were just getting any traffic I gain for myself. Make a deal and take a cut. Uh yeah yeah. um I'm going be honest with you.

most times you can negotiate that in your contract and say no CU it's not illegal, it's not great but if that happens you uh, usually you have to be like nah I'm good I'm not doing that I I have to do that I have it multiple times before. uh okay. got all the money back that they would have taken when uh I called that their uh, their calculation of the cuts they should have been taking were being made before any sort of supply and Reim boost uh Gone drunk with them before was all right Chad there's a lot chat. There's a lot there chat I think I come all it to be honest um most of I think I'm going to guys I didn't know that I I know there was more I thought I thought I thought there would be like five tweets there's like 60 yeah I don't think it's my my guys.

a lot of the after that aren't my really my place to to to um my P to edits with management I could handle myself blah blah blah um I Incident requested 50 Notebook Purchas on my entire company um I was upset Respond: Bam Bam real Imagine telling someone in21 social media isn't a real job yeah yo that goes that goes back to you. Chat if you guys want agree how guys don't tell me this is not a real job guys. this is the office yo. this is the office I'm sure.

remember uh mentioned thre thread hours But for now, please don't attack any individuals and any power at the company. Most of them are BL and Powerless whoa whoa whoa okay guys I'm be honest with you I don't like the way this is worded out at all. Please don't attack individuals who don't actually have power at the company and are blameless and Powerless what cuz it means like oh yeah, if you think somebody has power, attack them I don't think you should attack anybody I Think you what? what? What? What do you mean? attacking isn't is don't attack people What? There's a way to proceed What guys, please don't individuals who don't have any power at the company most bless Okay, why take legal action I Had to just quit my job I was SK of this company felt like I was worthless and personally I don't have millions of dollars to through legal fees. Um in I'm not going to get there I left announce a part of ways the company on the W show blah blah blah I've heard that HR meetings recorded.
Please note that all the allegations in that management heard as referred to as drama. imagine how you feel trying to say that exact response would be given. Um. Also in that recording you will also hear someone making a jokes.

You will hear the being being belittled. Um. and we also hear that an internal want directly to whoever is wrong. remove any sort of HR interference call do response you get to talk to about it.

Okay next next one but it keeps happening and there's no record of it because you were instructed to go talk to them not HR who also just happened to be own. That is a conf of Interest I The work. In the coule cou world that seems like it's a conflict of interest and seems like a problem. um I would have liked to see a paper trail maybe perhaps of attempting that and see where it went if it didn't work or if it worked or not.

um that be that would be guys. this would be a Smoking Gun in lot of arguments or in this situation when there's really actual wrong wrongdoing if you try something with HR even though there a of interest, you try your best and it doesn't work out. I mean de create a Smoking Gun paper trail that will them up in the end in many ways and it sucks that I'm not blaming her for not having it sucks but that would have been insane to have on hand anyway to hear that the shock isation did not Shock it happened. You're shock that someone that said something probably shocked because evidence most of these issues are scarce and would anyone risk the image we got.

okay um x x acting like he's worked through many corporate struggles. uh, struggle red jobs I've had three corporate jobs before. Janitor does count in one of the most effective ways you could think about. What is wrong with you Bro: Janitor is one of the most bro.

What the you have superiors people talking with you? Uh you. You go everywhere in the workplace in a lot of places. Dude like, what are you talking about That janitor janit

By xQcOW

10 thoughts on “Linus tech tips is in trouble”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars johntony says:

    "manage, plan, come up with, execute, get approval for, and schedule"
    jesus lady, I wouldn't want you managing shit. 5 of those things mean the same thing!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frenposter says:

    Holy shit. I've never felt so confounded by a video. What is going on? This is worse than those Subway Surfers-Family Guy videos.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xryanv says:

    I like linus watched his videos for a long time. I love how everyone jumps on someone when they do something wrong now a days as if the people doing so don't do anything wrong.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe says:

    Chinese funded misinformation

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ludwig Horsecock says:

    More content thievery with barely intelligible reactions. but what would I know, I'm just a paid actor?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 4N5W3R5 says:

    Sink Plain in full effect… Looking forward to the solo show Luke Tech Tips!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brohei Flowtani says:

    This linus drama is so boring

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zertuz says:

    Oof he is hard to listen too, either its ADHD or drugs. But he is erratic and has the worst kind of "mouth water" cant get the words out quickly enough.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicuukk says:

    Can someone explain

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mediamonster says:

    i love how X says "anything for content" but then tries to defend channels piling on to get views…

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