xQc Reacts to Neurodivergent People Speed Date on The Button (Part 2) | Cut
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To the Champions Club No I In my Sof Welcome to the Button Speed Dating show. When the button lights up red, either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person. Get out of here. If two people can last on a date for 10 minutes, they win an all expenses paid second date.

Today's episode of The Button is focus on folks who are neurod. Divergent and on the Spectrum How you going good I'm Leo Nice to meet you, nice to meet you if you could be a piece of Furniture What you? what would you be? What? bro, What are you talking about? Man: feel like I'd like to be a lamp, put me in a corner, just illuminate the space. you know? Oh yeah, Oh yeah, how about you neurod Divergent yeah why they're just so comfy and I feel like true I don't know. it's my Chill Spot fact about Leo they love Justin Bieber I love Justin Do you like I do like him like a little like his old stuff I prefer his old stuff yeah I Also like the Christmas songs how old am I I'm 20 yeah yeah I'm 25 yeah that's nice I Like older women not going to lie do you yeah? I Have advice, throw some balls and find a new partner F to next real Oh honey I'm a freak.

You don't got to worry about that. That's perfect. You ain't got to worry about that. That's perfect Yeah yeah.

I've dated a lot of people and they're vanilla. They're so vanilla boring I Feel like it's okay? To start off: guess: I'm too shy. You're too. You're too young.

I'm too young. You're too young for me. I'm probably more experienced than you isn't isn't the spectrum of neuro Divergent like really big. It could be from like really really, not a lot to not okay.

Okay I love your bees thank you. It's very cute I Feel like we're almost I have a little all somewhat Divergent By definition X this is not individual diagnosis. You have a strong of autism. sh.

shut your dumb ass up who the is talking though. Congrats Chat! Your fearless leader is confirmed potato. Now we know why he was looking for buried treasure in trees. Yeah, what's your name Lily what's yours Em is that your chosen name? Yes I Love it.

Is it based off of the bird? Of course. awesome. but I spell it the Spanish way and put an accent on the you. The accent just makes it Spanish yeah of course.

love that bro I'm out man my tripping nice I'm sorry What the are these people? Thank you. You're welcome I Feel bad about that one. Well because they seem like a very sweet person but I am not attracted to them I like the earrings thank you snakes. why shouldn't someone date you I'm very comfortable being alone I Was single for a very long time and it was perfectly fine being that way.

But I do of course like make time for the people I'm seeing or somebody going be in your life they have to add something to it. took me a long time to learn I'm not introverted per se I am a very picky extrovert yeah I Feel like I'm kind of a introverted extrovert a little bit I need time to recharge my battery definitely and that insists of Just Like Home Alone in my bed reading a ton of fan fiction fiction. the main one is Game of Thrones I was in Lay m when I was younger done my share of fanfit reading. how attractive do you find each other I would say like I want to do averages I would with guys I will never get any fan fiction I think it's I think guys I guys it's like it's like a knockoff.
it's it's like a knockoff shoe or t-shirt like dude did you. Even if it's bad I'm going get the original average I think you're very cute. thank you I Appreciate yeah you're welcome I Would say you are pretty above average yourself I will also throw out there I am on the ace Spectrum so like any attract action is mostly Vibes I'm picking up but um I consider myself more gray Ace I don't ever see someone I'm like oh I want to get in their pants. it's more like guys oh a oh I thought on the a spectrum like autism spectrum disagree that mean they good I'm not artist no Tenes oh hell no CU I feel like these there's so many labels there's so many boxes to check and like think it's almost like a it's almost like you're you know Chad when guys it's almost when you're you're going to like like the filters this that this this that this there like a like a billion titles and whatever it's like dude it's so overwhelming to individual I feel like that just opened up Avenues of like more genuine connection for I'm going to get to know you and this will be it a little bit I'm of a little bit just kind of put it out there I was immediately after high school guys it's going to come a point where when you meet somebody you do they're going to have to give you a a code right? like on the blockchain a big ass hash code.

okay in, in, in in heximal with a bunch of things he's like oh dude what kind of person are you Let let me put that into the system he says okay this gu it's like dude kind how it feels no ho I feel like everyone should have a hoe face I'm sorry I feel like we wouldn't be good as partners I feel like it would be more of a friendship that I would want with you so buzzed the off already? Man what? All right Um do you have any questions you know I ask the button to help us. Sure yeah button. Do you want to give us something Lilan? ask Angelina when she lost her virginity Angelina when did you lose your virginity I lost it at 19 to a man a man? yeah Mhm. well we didn't really have like the whole discussion about we didn't What? I what I am and stuff like that.

Okay so I'm a lesbian. a very very proud lesbian. The favorite thing about me. that's why my reaction was a man, a man a man.

so like. how did that come about? um I think I was just curious I was the one to make sure and I hated it. Yeah the first time's never fun I think I lost M's at 18 Okay so I picked a random man off Tinder just went window shopping. was like that one will do Love it.

Can you two rate each other on a scale one of 10 I would say that are a seven I would say d right back at you. Yeah that is something cuz it's a good number. it is a good number I feel like an eight is a knockout. not that you're not a knockout but like a eight is somebody I'm breaking my neck for not that I wouldn't break my neck for you but like somebody that's yeah.
we videos about like Tinder and like that like like for dudes I meanon d if you were window shopping as a dude I mean the chances are, dude, if you're window shopping, it'll take you like six years before getting a match. Yeah! I Get it. yeah. I'm saying so.

uh, what do you do? Oh cool I work in marketing? Okay, yeah. so I moved out here a year ago. Okay, cool. New York from New York Yeah, that's where I'm from originally.

No way. What part? Yeah I'm Staten Island Oh okay. okay, yeah. I got out uh, pretty early though.

Luckily want to get out of yeah? Are both of you looking for something romantic? Yeah? I think I'm fragile right now I just went okay. Got out of a situationship. so a situation. yeah I mean they could say it's a relationship, but it wasn't a relationship in my eyes.

Um, okay. I I don't think I've been in a situationship. Good for you? Yeah. I Most of the time if I'm in something I try to know I'm in it.

yeah, doesn't work sometimes. What are these Buzz words I Know that is. Yeah, Yeah, true, you're you're awesome. I'm going to say that.

First off, I just don't think that you'd be my type. but okay, hi I'm Grace Angie Angie how old are you? Oh, that's a great question Question: I'm 35? Okay, yeah yeah I'm 22. Oh wow okay I feel I Feel like the the top portion of her body is like larger than the than anything else going downwards. It's like It's like a top the bottom build that's crazy.

Okay, you are. That's all right. So Grace is really really picky about eyebrows. oh your eyebrows I feel like are amazing Thank you no Fe um yeah, what are some you're dating deal breakers I would never date someone who like wouldn't let me like slap them in the face yeah but is that like scenarios yeah like I want someone who's like open to trying things and like I'm more of like a stst than a masus.

all man guys guys guys here comes some. TMI Okay I've been asked okay in the past multiple times to do that I I can't do it I don't know how people do that I can't do it. It's not like just walking down the street and you Yeah? I I Don't get it. It's not possible you're just too young for me.

That's the only thing. I'm like 12 years older than you or 13 but it was great meeting you. nice meeting you. Thank you, Take care I Don't mind being slapped by the way me up I Don't know I dare you to ask the next person if they like to be slapped in bed I'm not asking them scaredy cat hi hello the button just called me a scaredy cat.

Well why why the hell do you do that cuz it's it. It dared me to ask you a question but let me introduce myself first. um I'm Angie I'm kit kit nice to meet you, nice to meet you. Uh, go right to him Cat Savage uh yeah, do you like being slapped? No.
I am in my soft era so I I do not like being slapped. No more of a oh my God I can to take turns talking about how either being neurod Divergent on the Spectrum has affected your dating life. A lot of a lot of people get embarrassed in public. If if you're just like gooping off while they're like walking around and they're just like no, just act, act normal.

we're in a library. Yeah, so like I have a cute ADHD and when my doctor said that I was like what's cute about it nothing but I dancing and and acting funny? Yeah I guess I just don't care as much. but that's like a superpower of not care. Honestly, it's a superpower of not caring because the more we care, the more we cap ourselves.

What are your special interests if it helps? mine's literally just like I like dogs and organizing things I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not going to react guys because this one time out of all videos I'm be a monitor. walks, walks. okay cool that that. That definitely helped.

No. I did um 10 miles yesterday I'm crazy Oh my St streaming on Twitch solos I'm sorry that's good. It's great meeting you though. What are you looking for in a relationship I Just want somebody that's like comfortable going out and like Adventure little adventures together, not like a 10mile walk.

It's nice to meet you. Okay, it's nice to meet you. Uh, it's just uh so uh. what brings you here? Um well.

they called in for the weirdos and I guess we're all just here today. Um, do you have any hobbies? Yeah, um I I'm really into just like training and walking my dogs a lot. Um. and I also I do video games and draing just don't react randomize.

Submit: sorry you're cancelled I do some video games myself. but I haven't been playing as much as I used to because I kind of miss like the older version of games and I kind of do like some computer art myself Timothy what's your typ? Probably someone who's like chill like me and uh just someone who matches my energy and accept me for who I am. No, that's valid. Some people are good with opposit the trct thing but sometimes there's like a an energy limit Pepe and PC I'm sorry it's the energy thing I think I think I'm a little more bubble bubbly is I guess Energetic? No worries.

Yeah! Hi there hey I'm kid I'm Matt I mean yo I was literally about to say I love your fit oh thank you Yeah my uh my dog did some modifications. the type combination I mean dude oh my God Funnily enough, so my Shepherd actually destroyed something last night but an expensive something. um I'm missing a front tooth right now. No, it was my retainer that has the the tooth on it right before this was supposed to happen.

But yeah so I was like yeah okay go go to do the button with a with a tooth missing thanks Wendy yeah would just send me a red flag Miss Mis interrupting but I'm um okay okay I'm going to ask a question CH Is this just a question? It's just a question. Okay this CU all the girls and guys that could tell me about like makeup and guys, how come these eyebrows are painted on right? but they don't look very thick. mean does it mean that you have to shave the eyebrows and then and then paint new ones on? I Don't even get it. How do you even achieve this so you you take them off entirely and then you paint them right? Yeah damn.
I guess I have trust issues but it's just cuz I I've had a lot of cheaters get on me you know in the past. Yeah, that's the tough part. This message all the girls out there. okay I Love eyebrows.

Okay I think eyebrows a big part of your personality. Okay when you when you put features that give you an extra like attitude it's dumb I can never tell what you're looking at or if you're upset or not You you do like this like this. You're always like this right because of your ey Yeah guys guys today like dude, dude, you you look oh you're always a mad I Don't get it, why do that? I like enhancing the color of the eyebrows right uh um and and and maybe how dark it is or how full it is whenever you're extending each other, it just gets weird. And also it looks fake.

It looks like you're putting on a sticker. Makes want to go Scrat and see dude can I Can IAT is definitely like getting out of those trust issues is like it's coming from real life experience. it's not coming. Thanks for entertaining us fixs! Love you and love might sleep a lot.

Welcome me because I have narcolepsy. People make fun of guys that are balding, trying tattoo hairline and fixed hairlines. and people make fun of balding guys and make fun of baling guys. But you're not going to make fun of painted on eyebrows bro.

what are you the? Mona Lisa Holy manice is it. but it is kind of a flag cuz I've had uh, friends on or dates. Uh, get frustrated that I'm just like I want to sleep I'm sorry no I get that I'm like I'm chronically ill in multiple fashions. so I feel that for sure.

So what are what are your flaggies? You might button click me for this one, but I had an alcohol problem a while back that did lead to a lot of cheating on a lot of my partners and that was like over 5 years ago now. I'm much in a much healthier place with alcohol in general I Believe in people being able to change uh over stuff like that I don't know I was like I guess it's not as big of a deal. Was a cheater. Oh, was a cheater.

This is good to hear that. uh I feel like you two getting along really well? Oh are we yeah? I've been listening the whole time as you mentioned I think the convers I'm going to light up one more time. If you don't press me then I'm going to consider this a match. Okay, sounds good.
I'm very sorry I'm going to press it I Feel Like We Vibe more as friends than anything else to meet, hang out, or anything outside of this, let me know. Oh yeah, we're going to have to end today because we got no matches. I I Feel like I get along with a lot of people and when it comes to relationships or like anything more than friendships, it's yeah. well.

CH Here's here's a hot take. Okay, if um, if your girlfriend's not also your best friend H it's a problem I think I that's a problem if you can't get along and do things that are like very like friendly and fun and like that a girlfriend's not going to work. that's that's that's my super Molten daily take.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “The best episode of the button”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sister wifi says:

    No, of course not, It can't just be normal Neurodivergent people.

    For example: 'Carlos here has Bi-polar type 2 or Sarah has Anti-Social Personality Disorder".

    Btw, how many of them even said what makes them Neurodivergent, lol.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chihuahua in a cone says:

    The worst part about this video is that this kind of shit isn't even exclusive to neurodivergent people.
    I've met plenty of neurotypical people who were just as awkward if not WORSE.
    Had a "normal" guy ask me to marry him after going on two dates. Who the fuck does that shit?! ☺☺☺

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _GG_ says:

    Broo 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zFlexy says:

    bro if i got invited to this with no context of who id be meeting it would be a disaster. either uncontrollable laughter or violation, walk in a ginger "girl" with a "beard" no way i would die laughing and probably offer her/him/they/that/thing/monster/nightmare/human/helicopter/tank a shaver to sort it out

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beah says:

    Surprises me that mr cow wasnt on that episode

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fredewric godbout says:

    When she said training 😂😂😂😂 cappppp

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anemoia says:

    Why do they all look like rare boss spawns

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alec Moen says:

    when you click randomize in character creation

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars X says:

    What the fuck😨

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pejgn says:

    Aw, they had episode of the button in mental Asylum

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lauritonas says:

    For anyone confused, the ace-spectrum is on the topic of asexuality (experiencing no sexual feelings or desires; not feeling sexual attraction to anyone). Research has shown that neurodivergent people do tend to identify as asexual more often than neurotypical people 🙂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mo says:

    bruh stop with the additional memes n shi

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