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Tik Tok star Marie Tamara Their heights are 7'5 7' 9, 6'3 7' 10, and 7' flat. Only these numbers are a complete and utter lie. None of them are actually this tall and everybody has begun to notice it. Let me show you how Marie began on social media by detailing her life as a very tall woman.

She posted video such as this one talking about the struggles of finding dresses which fit before concluding with a self-confident message showing that she was comfortable in her own skin in other videos. Marie J About Dancing with the short King cuz he's the only one at the club not intimidated by her height. So exactly how tall was she? Check Can people just look at these videos and make proportions? Like look at, look at, look at the screen and look at at at the of the furniture and just make proportions. And and even if it doesn't hold like well, considering she could hold her feet above doorways and refrigerators, it seems she was close to 7 ft.

However, she'd reveal in a different video that she was actually 6'1 Marie then reated that she was 6'1 in a different Tik Tok video. However, only one day after after claiming this, she'd post a new video in which it appeared she'd grown another inch. Wait, you're 6'2 now, did you grow? You had. The likelihood that she'd had some unexpected overnight growth spurt was low given she was already 27 at the time of posting the video.

What seemed more likely was that Marie's height was being embellished to make her situation seem more interesting. With a sudden change instantly reducing how much the audience trusted what is your actual height? Each of your Tik toks seemed to say something different yet Marie stood strong with her previous in an I'm 6'2 and dating is almost impossible. tired of being called a man? Some clarity was then provided when Marie introduced her even taller 6'5 mother to the videos. Although what Marie failed to disclose was that her mother is a little more famous than the audience might have realized.

in a previous video, it had been mentioned that the mom was a former professional basketball player and therefore by gole her name. Christine Tamara It's not difficult to find a bunch of public information. An article from April 2016 CH at 6'2 like me, could I ever dunk cuz I feel insecure about myself and my my future the when I went to to a basketball court maybe maybe that it was taller and I couldn't dunk guys I have very very good jumping skills like way way way above average I d my entire life I have good vertical but I couldn't dunk that she played University basketball in 1981 which exposed another lie that the mother was a WNBA player considering the W wasn't even founded until 15 years later in 1996. although in possibly the first truth, yo yo, this sh so stupid dude dude, I I a I a gymnastics competitor Medal Winner trampoline Champion okay tumbling God Okay I can jump like a like a grasshopper dude.

but I can't dunk tomorrow's channel. The article confirmed that the mother was in fact 6'5 five. Yet it' be pretty dumb to lie about this considering its public record. What? Marie failed to realize is that there are also public sporting records confirming her height.
but we'll get to that later. with the videos between Marie and her mother going viral. The rest of the family was then introduced as the tallest family on T that's so high. Look, the ceiling is like dude, that's a mega High I dude how did I hide Chad that's Mega High tail down okay see that CH I can almost touch the ceiling now I'm out of breath.

that wasn't worth it. What's that? What's that dude? You're being deceptive. not even look at you even looking at the arm I can jump high I can touch something you guys Tik Tok Where Marie established her brother Shane at 6'9 her second brother Troy at 6'10 and her father Mike at 6'3 bro tell me that's not high. Tell me that's not high In terms of actual jump, the actual jum is pretty high yo on carpet with no shoes and no grip, no speed, no jump on car with my with my toes Guys, it's all about energy transfer.

Okay, if you're on, if you're on the wood and you're wearing shoes, the energy you're putting sideways you can use it upwards. When you're you're losing all that on your on carpet. With Fit fit, it's energy transfer three. Well, that's assuming they were all telling the truth.

The video of the family exploded, gaining over 4 million views, incentivizing them to continue making cont content. They do a bunch of unique videos like showing their shoe sizes and talking about their weight at Birth yet it was there. how tall are the kids and the things we make look small videos which perform the best, gaining over 20 million views each. The family then made a dedicated Instagram called Team Tomorrow Before Marie Shane and even the mother began doing paid content with Marie stating in a WFAN interview that she made more than six figures in her very first month.

This was Then followed by a New York Post article 2 months later reading Tamara says now rakes in an average of $189,000 per month and once bang $295,000 in a single 30-day period. This gave the family a very strong incentive to not only keep going, but to perhaps embellish their height even further. Although, since they' already posted multiple videos each claiming that Marie was the shortest at 6'2 and Troy was the tallest at 6'1 it felt as though the truth had finally been established Until all of a sudden Marie had grown another inch and was now 6'3 dude I swear I can't with this stuff. At first you're 6'1 then 62 and now you're 63.

Come on now, weren't you 62 A couple of weeks ago, can we get a 6'3 measurement to prove although the family was off video instead? Marie continued chat I I was short until like um until I was uh, like 16, 17 or 27 forget she led in chat I was still getting a pretty good uh High increments by the end of my of of like 18 CH I I gain a almost like this much in like two and whatever amount of years like actually I was short all the way to the end end of high school to claim that she was now 6'3 with a trend so far already hinting at what was about to happen instead Marie skipped seven whole in to make the claim that she was now 6'10 at which point the audience simply didn't know what was true. 62 or 63 or 610 What? 610 63 What's the real height OMG bro you change your height in every video first 63, then 62, now 610. Yet the backlash against her lies seemed to have no impact on her follow account and if anything, continuing to lie only boosted the family's presence further. 3 months after claiming that she'd magically gone from 62 to 610 Marie and the family had their best month ever gaining over 400,000 Tik Tok followers.
And it was only after her unexplained 6'10 growth spurt that Marie began to see any growth over on. YouTube On top of this, Marie would post a Tik Tok stating that the family was now making 800,00 per month, leading her to buy a $245,000 Aston Martin although she then state that she was apparently too big to fit inside it, which was a shame given she and the family, as unbelievable as it might sound, were about to get even taller on the 14th of April 201 Mar Tamara uploaded a Tik Tok now claiming to be 7t tall bro. she started at 61. now she's 7 ft bro.

However, in order to make it believable, she'd also need to scale up everybody else in the family. so her brother Troy became 7' 7, her other brother Shane became 7' 5, while the mother became 7'2 The only person whose height hadn't changed was the dad who stayed put at 6'3 Yet this was only a plot to get more views, but we'll explain that in just a second. In the meantime, Marie gained over 50 million views on one single Tik Tok stating I'm not that tall when I'm with my mom, but her M had been embellished yet again from 7'2 to 7. Okay, her mom is a time though In the next video, mother grow another inch to 76.

Yet at this point, someone in the comments pointed out a fatal flaw in the family story. Now that's crazy because the Guinness World Record holder for the tallest woman is 215 cm and it's a very good point at a height of 229 CM or 7' 6. Marie Tamara's mom would be the second tallest woman currently alive, the second tallest woman in American history, and the 11th tallest woman ever recorded. Yet, she's nowhere to be seen on Wikipedia's list of tallest people.

On top of this, if Marie Tamara herself was really 7ot, she should also be on this list right next to 7ot Jan Sjova, although again, she's suspiciously nowhere to be seen when called out for the lie. In a comment reading bro, you are not 7t, you are 6'2 Marie responded by pulling out a tape measure to some arbitrary length before holding it up against her shoulder and claiming that it was 6' too long. She then doubled down in the comment section by stating if I was 6'2 would I be able to grab the fan so easily yet she'd then get destroyed in the reply by someone who simp wrote I'm 62 and have no problem doing it. The only evidence Marie had to prove she was actually this fan like that foot was that she stood about a head taller than her dad.
However, even this was a lie as Marie had simply gotten sneakier with her. My mine is a very very tall guys. this is the super tall ceiling look super T I'm I'm the of this look look at that. look at that chat I can I can touch it chat I can like I can kind of hover around it.

but this is a very tall ceiling here though. it's this is really Too Tall So obviously the p is a bit higher. Her camera angles in videos such as this one where the brothers had grown yet again to 7' 9 and 7' 10, the dad is standing at the back while the bottom of the frame is cut off at the feet where it's obvious Marie is wearing heels and is possibly even standing on something when your ankles are midar on the person next to you. H The only time Maray showed herself standing on flat ground was in the videos where her father isn't present.

although as highlighted by this comment reading, she's standing in front of the door and the camera is low. It's an illusion to make them taller. What? What they do in adult videos, right? They get a fish eye and they point the camera from down up at the juicer and looks way big. Okay, there are even more tricks at play here.

For example, in this video, Marie claimed that she couldn't fit inside a shower, yet her ankles are almost as high as the onoff. Tab While in this video, it's obvious that she's simply standing on the edge of the bath and she's not the only person in the family using this trick over on Shane's personal Instagram His 7'5 in height places him head and shoulders above a door frame, yet the camera cuts off well above his knees. And this isn't even the worst part. bro.

this guy's legs are like giraffe likee brother. This the proportions here make if you were to zoom out. let's say hypothetically, you were to zoom out of this picture this he would have like two pair of legs. Second one, what this is like Jengo Man, and this isn't even the worst part in a pinned post Shane has his basketball stats listed in which it confirms that he's 2 m and 6 cm or 6'9 in.

and he's not the only person in the family to have their sporting records online. Troy Apparently the tallest in the family seems as though he's just going with the flow of the family's Antics However, that's not to say his displayed height is accurate in a George Mason University basketball profile. Troy's height is listed not as 7' 10, but rather as 6'8 while websites list his height at 6'9 meaning that he's not only the same height as the other brother, but he's at least 1 foot one in shorter than what's being shown on Tik Tok Meanwhile, Shane's apparent height of 79 is a foot taller than his actual height. while the mother's Tik Tok height of 7'5 is also a than her.
cuz if you say the truth, everybody looks and blinks and move on to it with their lives. But if you lie about it, then people watch the video. for. for what it is, they get impressed.

They share. People that want to can argue. they share and they can't argue. Make videos about it.

Talk about it and now you're You're eight 16 times the amount of growth that you're getting normally. So I mean actual, Don't get mad people lying people are the ones that are making this popular and I'm the one doing it too. But what about Marie The Mastermind Of the whole operation whose social media presence is so untruthful, she even lies about what kind of men she's into just to make more money, stating that she's attracted to 5'9 short Kings while simultaneously claiming that dating at my height is almost impossible as it is extremely difficult to find a guy taller than me. Well, according to an old CrossCountry running profile, she's not 7 foot, not 6' 10, not 6'3 or even 6'2 She's rather 6t and 1 in tall.

As was stated in She Than videos, the only person whose height hasn't been lied about at any point is the dads at 6'3 Yet again, this was only done to make the others seem taller. But I Guess posting a real family photo like this one without manipulated camera angles just wouldn't receive the same kind of exposure. Despite this, the family continued to claim that they're a group of 7ft tall Giants Earning millions of views and dollars by doing so, while irritating the entire world in the process is what it is yo this is X x on the video okay you he my voice as well that is anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Awful tiktok family makes millions lying about height xqc reacts to sunnyv2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z for Zhaox says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Catterpitter says:

    Dude he jumped a couple of times and he is out of breath, but he is worried about dunking. HEART ATTACK INCOMING

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars First name Last name says:

    At least she has a good onlyfans

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ELCheatos says:

    boosting is ego on chat. damn that's what I call a chad

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unitile duty says:

    I didnt know xqc was tall

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Compound2011 says:

    NGL i would lie too for that amount of money, and then just come out and say they got played once i got irrelevant.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EpikMurk says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lory T says:

    why not just using the only decent high unit? I mean the metric system

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kensei Shiro says:

    "This guy makes millions lying about his jump hight"

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sc1Fi says:

    sunnyv2 has run out of ideas bro

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Annoying Dogx3 says:

    I love her point about being able to grab her fan. My fan is like 5 feet in the air lmaoooo💀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Kinkaid says:

    I think there are 2 reasons why most people don't care about the lying….
    1-If the lowest height possible is still taller than the person watching them, then the specific height difference (whether 6'2 or 7ft) becomes irrelevant since both choices are taller than the viewer.
    2-…………………..Marie being so damn fine helps distract people from the lying.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo says:

    "So it was an OnlyFans scheme?"
    "Always was" 🔫

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars piløt says:

    i love when xqc pauses the video 34 times to complain about how insecure he is about his height.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slim T says:

    That ceiling fan is 8 feet 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slim T says:

    How the fuck you 6'2 and have great vertical but can't dunk on 10' 😂
    Omg as I'm typing this this dude just jumped vertical like 2 feet. 😂😂😂😂😂
    Boy stop

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rakibul Hasan says:

    Xqc flexing his height mid vid

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