xQc talks with chat to end his stream.
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Um yeah I I don't want to speak about that, it just I just have to move. It is what it is um and I can't go home and it really sucks I don't like it um I'm ready to like, do good again and let's get at it again and just go boom boom and do just good streams again. um last like day and a half I just going to I was just just thinking about stuff. That's all just St I CH I I don't want to take this off and I but I don't want to fold either.

like I'm like in the middle right I I really need time man I I need time I I don't want to make people feel like I'm I'm not like giving it or like go like doing stuff and D off is not not going to help. Okay also I think just been very chaotic. um it's just been not fantastic. um the living kind of sucks.

it's bad. um I got to move um and at the same time like you guys saw like the stuff online and whatnot like I had to do a bunch of stuff here and that's never like fun to do. it's going to. it's just like you can see how it have like a a pretty big impact just like going and doing stuff um and at the same time like there's other stuff happening in the background and and um stuff I didn't want to talk about either like especially last time when people were being weird about like relationships and whatever and uh I don't want to farm paay of Socials whatever.

So why I always do this like at the end of the stream because it's just people that care that know uh um I didn't want anybody to like, get like backlash and get like collap on for no reason or whatever and um and um that one time I said like like friend wasn't here anymore and I hadn't talked to her I had talked to FR about it that was that was going to say that so she kind of got caught off guard and just kind of. she tried to like. you know, um, keep the facet up. but me and here haven't been together in for long a while now.

um yeah, that's just how it is. Uh, things are just it. it just because like just things are just not favorable for anything right now. it's just bad and it's like it's like a a mutual thing.

it's it's it's a good thing. it's fine. like I think everybody's chilling on board, just um yeah there's just too many moving pieces and these days it's just it's just there's so much like I wish things were kind a little bit simpler but they're not and I don't think that they will get um super anytime soon. and um I'm just tired of having everybody having such like so much collateral damage and whatever it just seems like I'm like uh just everybody around me is just suffering a lot and it's I don't know.

It makes me feel like um I'm like radiating of just bad right now and it's just not a good spot. I I need to give it like a reset um so that's that. um it's fine I'm I'm going give it anything I just it's just like it just sometimes it's just like a lot at the same time right? and it makes me like, makes it just kind of kind of cranky and I'll lash out like chat of my friends and I'm like guys like I don't I don't I'm not even mad at them or mad at chat whatever I'm just mad at like just the C of everything and it makes me just do this and it makes me feel bad. it's not me you know and it's like I don't want to do that anymore and the past like day and a half I kind of felt like I was doing that and um that's just shitty.
um and that's not who I am so I don't like doing that. um yeah. chat was being um weird also a couple times but like I was also not like I I I'm at the Forefront of it. you know like I'm the I like I'm somewhat of the captain sometimes like I got to lead this ship better and I haven't been able to do that um lately I try not to give too much light or too much life into a bunch of things online that I see that are like said from people um that are being like said from other people as well and like you know, just like stories and dumb being said and um, it annoys me also.

I I would much rather um, talk about it cuz I told you a long time before like the way I I like to process things moving forward is B by having it out there so that it's easier to just um, every's on the same page I feel like I'm having some some stupid like like a facade almost and I have like a second left on the back of my head and I'm moving two lives at once and it's just really bad. like it's impossible to like do fun when I feel like there's two people, there's one on the screen and there's one behind it I want it to be like one. it's not really Soul it's just like a creative mindset. It's like it's just hard to do that I think is really good and and cool when I feel like I'm playing like a a role that I have to because I've never done that before I've never done that because I'm able to just say stuff but now now that I can't um I'm just kind of stuck.

um any like yeah it Farms p social oh that's like PA social and dude like um but at the same time it's like it's not to like really Farm it it's I want people to be to be par social and there are some things in the past I I shouldn't have said it entirely I was just really upset and and and really hurt. It's like um I don't want to have like narratives being thrown around and like that and I'm trying to do better with that uh what else yeah I don't even know man I don't know I don't know I I I think I think the concept the permanence is really really scary. sometimes like being like okay that's done like you you always think like okay maybe maybe it's not like especially with like a bunch of a bunch of things like that's like a bunch of things like that just because of permanence is annoying. uh I don't like it I'm always to find like ways to maybe we can do that, maybe do that but it's just sometimes it's not I it's been with me a lot.

Okay other than that yeah Jim are coming 100% I'm not I'm not getting I swear like in in in due time like it will make sense I'm not not I'm not afraid of anything. It is. It is what it is. Um just like there are some things like out there on the internet that are kind of warden in a way that looks certain way and people are like oh my God like and if people are like like it's almost like worrisome.
like there's some some really strong wording out there about some some stuff and it's just like I I I I genely wish I could just flat out say it and make me really happy. um just unleash I just can't Um, it's not fun anyway. anyway. um well it's tough because well end.

um um never I don't think um as as yeah, yeah I I I I I I actually came came TS with that one thing at a time but never I don't think I think I think as long as like I think as long as there's something to get, show me what it is. Nah, it's not. it's not like that I I see some people in chat saying some but like um yeah is what it is. Yeah, sometimes it just sucks to have like, um, almost like history rewrited sometimes I think that it's very Dev validating.

um it's very Dev validating that's all. but I know that like in due time like especially when people don't know and some things are said or whatever people have been pretty good at like holding the line and being like yeah, let's wait till we hear anything before like making some dumbass fcking conclusions and that's that is L all I could ask for that is like that is actually um that is all I could ask for cuz like I don't I don't want to be given like free passes or like free chance whatever. all all um any could ever ask for is that people like, um wait till the dust settles before they make inclusions? Yeah okay yeah eventually xqc L eventually what else that's about it it I'm I'm done denting I'm done denting and that's it. It'll be good I mean it just sucks like everything's lining up properly.

like I'm not I'm not trying to be like oh my god dude, like bad, this bad, that like it bro like things are just really good but it's it's not like all good. it's not because it's good, it's like like that comes with a with a price. always wish I didn't oh man I feel like I adulted like 10 years and about eight months I feel like I become an adult that's like so aware of everything. it's just kind of like okay I've seen it all.

it's not fantastic. wish I could have just stay the Manchild dude still am at my core but just some parts I I wasn't ready to hear it actually is xqc. It's also like at like it hints at the future that like things will probably be like that a lot. Hey man you've really made my oh sorry man think all they H that the future that hey man you've really made so much better I haven't felt too good this days but this was a nice change.

EXC L You yeah yep don't I want to stay here Texas Maybe yeah maybe um I was thinking getting a house might be like in Vegas because I have a lot of friends there and Florida and then thanks for the streams. Whenever you go live it is a nice time. Go around man go around I Found some I found two houses I really like on both ends and maybe just get both. it we bow out I Just want to be happy Okay I am out chat I chat I'll see you guys in the morning with a good stream with good energy and not this xq L Thank you for streaming.
Even though you are going through all this mess, the waters will clear soon. XC L Yes yes yes holy him something of it already cleared I mean you just he being dumb I'm about to ban him. He doesn't He doesn't know that he got lucky with the P will I'm going to his ass up man. get your dumb ass to the Bed Man Bro I Don't think you guys get it I Don't think you guys get it.

There's literally no chance that that he actually wins. You guys are being dumb as yo big love homie. Last thing, like something, life is unfair to everyone. Sometimes we have to ponder about the meaning of our existence.

No. Sor it um nothing like um like some things are really good but there are some things that like there are some things bro. I I'm speaking in code right now I'm speaking code literally um yeah I can't even oh man soon. Hopefully some that was like tried that is is a disaster All right.

I'm out chat goodbye. take it chat I'm not going I'm going to B um chat subs, subs, bits, journals um followers, Lers viewers you on Twitter Youtube Discord on X what the that is Discord Reddits chat chat not not s I this the outro I I Don't waste your time okay bye chat I'm out. You know what's King me to let go I see your face with someone I don't know.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Xqc gets emotional at the end of his stream”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simply Queenie says:

    Love u Xqc started watching after Charity match, u are too funny and cool, God bless you man ❤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars luffy____ says:

    1000th comment

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OhHiMoM says:

    x is the realest most down to earth streamer by far

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Soul says:

    My man take your time rest your mind and you got this man. stay strong

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Falox says:

    fuck it we ball out.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tabled Coda says:

    my lifes crumbling down for years but mrcow videos always makes me feel happy,not parasocial

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Moore says:

    I teared up when he said "I just want to be happy"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Certid says:

    Does anyone actually feel sorry for him?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rexa_ says:

    X : "I didn't wanna do this on stream, I didn't wanna farm parasocials and fuck, only the people who real care"

    "Editor : XQC GETS EMOTIONAL AT THE END OF HIS STREAM" where everyone can see it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spooki Rock says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the sus pop cat_roblox says:

    As you are here for us, we are here for you bro❤ make the best of everything. You are so strong dude That always keeps on going!💯 please more gta ❤️❤️💯 best regards from Sweden

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MagickSlowdive says:

    No lie he should really date someone in their 30’s, put the ex trash in her place js

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lurtzy says:

    Thumbnail has to be edited right? That gagdaddy right there!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobbbbbyhigh says:

    It’s probably time to find your own place, by yourself and take control big bro!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elegante val says:


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