xQc vs Moistcr1tikal in the Rocket League tournament of the century.
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#xQc #rocketleague #moistcr1tikal

You know? uh, you know I Honestly, I'm kind of feeling Xqc I I haven't seen Big Bo play I'm sorry Rizzo I Feel like I've seen I've been I've been seeing Xqc grind I've been seeing him play. he's putting in the hours so I'm going to have to go with a known product I'm going with Xqc. Oh all right Rizzo Before you answer real quick chat, we're getting both those players ready in the lobby right now. the moment they're ready, we're jumping in.

Rizzo you um I feel like there's going to be no bias in your prediction right now xcc and and the moist Squad who you got baby? There's going to be absolutely no bias here. look I Will say Xcc has been grinding and he's been grinding quite a bit I Feel like he's got that like slight addiction to players get when they first start playing and he's he's just been grinding. he's been playing a bunch. uh Charlie not as much.

but he did play last night on stream and that's enough for me. So I got to make my prediction with Charlie Did you see it? did I see what? did I see what the games that he was playing the I didn't see the games no but I knew he was playing. Oh oh goodness is X just blasting this music I think he is. It's epic music.

xqc it's an open net X going give it to you oh what what is he doing? He's getting pumped up. He's keeping quiet, he's keeping his composure, no warm up little taste. He knows the task that is is he going for it? He's going for it. The look of pure determination on his face.

He has boost now though. didn't get that boost either I do love that moist decal though. you can pick up those in the esport shop. He got it though.

Like that corner boost? no bum, just little entree. No problem little AO Okay, they're just getting warmed up. They're getting used to each other a little bit Charlie wasn't too ready for that ball to hit off the backboard X just absolutely slotting it. That was a great shot I Got to give him credit.

it was and you know it's really I tried so hard to do that to him. Okay, it's not. it's not I'm not sure. Do you know what he tried to do cuz I'm not sure what he tried to do Chad where is he Chad Where is he I was going to comment on the fact that Xqc has Alpha Boost that's dedication game I Heard that he was given it right before this game? No way.

Oh my god he was. What a disaster. Just just a bad startop there Charlie this is not going well totally Pixel Perfect Right Charlie Big Mo You can do it I'm still a Believer XC is off to a roaring start I Cannot deny it. but Char we can get back into this excuse.

He looks, he looks, he wants it. You can. He's got the music. You can.

tell his focus is there. He's here to win. Charlie's actually saying words. xqc He is the fenic.

The ball. He can see it in front of him in real life. He smells the fumes from the alpha boost. He can feel the explosion from the goal.

He is in the zone. there is yeah, just one word. That's all he needs. He just says holy and we know that means he means business once again.
Now possession. No for critical Charlie that's a great touch it up the wall. This could be a chance. That was the best chance we've seen yet.

Good snag on the corner boost. That's a really big save there. That's a great touch again. X you seen a weird spot.

He does get a touch but it's a chance for Charlie and he goes wide God I Couldn't turn and he's frustrated. You can feel it the frustration coming out of Charlie's ears. It's basically steam but it's you know he has started to stabilize a bit. Xqc cannot land the shot.

oh it's a race back to the ball. slight Xqc trying to to get his bearings hit to the corner. Now boost for Charlie he has boost but he just went back for more. A clinical play for him many times.

today. No put 200 in his tank. there's a little stop and E you know at despite the slow start Charlie has been able to stop the bleeding. Oh nope, way off but not for long he's giving the ball to and he almost Snipes it got to get back down to the ground.

yeah teammate there forgot it was a one V one for just a second missing the mid boost. It's all right. have the corner you see trying to dribble it. This is the best chance for Moist.

Critical lining it up and misses the shot. The ball was bounc bouncing around. oh the recovery is so crucial. He finally gets back.

It takes just a little bit of extra seconds ex. but again he's left his net open. My God he's got the Boost racing back. Nice little stop there and oh it's on a break, just needs to get control if he could just maintain The Possession Charlie double jumped I'm so to set himself up Rizzo in some good moments.

It's just that final shot that's been a struggle. XC has had some freebies given to him at the beginning. He's essentially a tap in Merchant, but Charlie has been struggling to create his opportunities. Only has a minute left here, not much time left to go.

He is going to need one if he wants a chance. xqc Stand up. Xqc now is going to have the corner boost driving up the wall. this madman misses.

Contact Moist critical trying to get that one goal but EXC gets back in the nick of time Mr Squirrel just has to wind down the clock here I Missed again. 20 to go. Holy what is what is wrong with me today? Charlie Having a crisis. It's the one Game mode: xqc So calm, so cool, so collected, even beckoning the attack.

but it was the wrong decision. Cracks are starting to form. you can see even him smirking at that one. Not my best move.

it's all he is thinking. Yep, yeah, it happens though. it happens. You can't go wrong with it.

It was worth a shot. Chad it's it's B F right I I get three Chan to do it I don't know what he said but it is Bo5 I heard that part. he said yeah, he was asking Chad if it's best to five he still has a chance to do it and Moy Critical: Refusing to go a fight. you can see even Xqc having to relock in because Moist Critical is starting to make a comeback.
9 seconds left. Four goals. It's not possible. No, it won't be possible.

This will be it. X Will be taken. Game Number One here Charley Oneit chat call it a sneak peek a snapshot. this is is small Dos: running Away with game A sampler com James I don't know I was the only one that was laughing think trying to get that last go score on him.

He's like oh man that sucks and if we switch to XC and the epic music is playing and he's locked in I Don't think Xcc is gonna lose it all today di man I Think one of my weaknesses right now is that um I'm over committing to the balls that are pass the middle line leag I I got I I got a it worked this time. that determination it worked this time. but if you have better attacks I it would have scor more often I I got to be careful I got I got let go the balls and in that first game xqc locked in ready to go and and Moist not leave the lobby. it's really good looks.

There were like Rizo We saw so many opportunities where all that needed to happen was the final hit. Just the final hit but just a little tapping just got away from all he needed. It did and he was so close every single time it seemed like he you know I don't have to join any team but I feel like with the amount of opportunities that Charlie did have, he probably could have tied it. He probably could have gotten that one OT or something yo Rizzo What do you want to see from Moist? Critical right now to pick it up in Game Two? Lay it on us.

Oh dude, let let's hear some orchestral music and let's not say a word. Let's just lock in and get the job done here. All right Ladies and gentlemen, Game number two is underway. Let's see if that man Charlie could strike back All right.

the kickoffs I feel like really let moist critical down Oh has to be careful. that's a good touch though. it was and got the Boost oh this that pretty nice but nicely hitting it to the corner I feel like maybe Charlie a bit of nerves? yeah but he's doing it again. he's just booming the ball X has a chance to shoot it's going to be wide.

Oh X almost own go in this one he's going to take. take it back to his Corner wants some boost On The Backs side and he does get it Charlie What a great shot there. see if he can keep up the pressure. Will he go for the aerial? Xqc is up.

Xqc hits it down and it bounces over Charlie Yikes! Tragedy unfolds before our very eyes. Mard flip at the flip catch, mustard flip at the ball. Yeah man man of few words all he says is yikes Well he just said a little bit after that but he says yikes, it's all he can think. Just a crucial mistake there from.

Big Charlie Let's see what he can do. He can get this boost in the corner he has X on the back foot PS a 360. oh he missed. oh he's going all around a turn.
oh that could been nice God damn it he got so much power on that Exra cleared that all the way down he did. He's not going to man hit the ball bro he going to bounce off go really high. Want to for any tens? Oh Charlie calm it down Cal it down that risky too crazy. Here you have time.

This is a big play here. Well thank you. Lining up Xqc will take it to the corner boost Mo Critical Now with Boost it's a race to the ball. Excuse: It's demoed just the D XC will be back Charli Does Xqc score this? Rizzo doesn't look like it plays a big block.

oh he's he's saying that for extra speed that aiel was so close. Now a chance to Boom it the boom will be wide. xqc Miss misses the ball though. it's a wrap around ex you see.

Oh and there's a miss and open net and it's good. Xqc has just been playing the goalkeeper Str and he's doing it to Perfection waiting for Big Man Monster to make a mistake. go either way. cap just the parallel there shink you got to focus on Charlie Don't get too crazy I like that kickoff though.

but Charlie instead of going for the mid boost goes all the way back to the corner. Nice 50. This is setting up a scoring opportunity, but that is a heavy-handed first touch off the corner and now moist. critical will have to retreat xqc trying to move up but also losing the ball there.

this might bounce the wall, It does excuse with the 50 this one could possibly. it's back to the middle that a lucky ball that was a lucky ball that was such a lucky ball. Oh my. Here gets this one off the corner.

What? That's just a lucky ball. That's a beautiful read too. That ball is going pretty darn fast there and Charlie reads it to Perfection That is what he needs more of and that looked good on the replay too. Didn't it the that look pretty gel boost the gel boost on the moist Sports decal getting elevated on the aerial.

but now Xqc just has to get around that ball. That's the problem with ones I Don't know when to go and when not to go CU Every 50 is going to be a goal if it's not perfect for me. Yeah, that is the nature of the game. The unforgiving nature of One V ones boosting straight at it didn't even want to flip.

Who needs to flip o Trying something else? Get around the ball and it's going to be another that was just dumb I Just keep B I Just need to shoot and then get back. That's no rushing, no camping, just clean, concise, basic game mechanics. No problem. Yeah, he has.

He has learned quite a bit here. Decent kick off there. Xqc now on the assault. picks up that corner boost Mo Critical will be running on fumes here for a little bit, doing well, picking up small pads, great small pad pathing will get the corner.

There's a little lob oh he going for the shot but a nice save out a Moist Critical. He's not trying to get around the ball up the wall. oh that's a great touch. It's going to end up in the corner though.
Charlie is going back here going to give X the ball and this a chance to shoot. just has to tap it in and it's good I thought he Wasing puts it away I'm be honest with you I thought he was camping I thought he was camping what happened there Charlie gets back, lets the play develop and then goes in for the shot. Amazing work from Charlie there and he said it himself that he just needs to not leave so many. Oh the fake did not expect him to miss.

That doesn't quite work out, but Xqc will be making the same mistakes as well so he just has to keep that in mind. Oh this is a nice play. pushing it out needs to get around the ball and can't get around and this is another challenging situation. We've seen it so many times for Moist Critical does all the hard part the work to get open but just can't finish the shot is that shot on target looks like it's saved anyway I missed crucial moment there Charlie Get bumped again.

Ah, that should put in a fifth one for X car is so upsetting y that is that I think that's part two in one V ones is the Tilt Oh yeah after you just get randomly bumped I I mean I feel that I I feel like we've all been there I I feel like the mostly what I suffer from is blinding rage X Little chuckle from Xqc. Oh yeah, and there's another one for Xqc. More more is is is it possible that Xqc can actually win the the goal? the goal scoring one. He got six in the first game.

that's going to be pretty tough I'm I'm I'm attack right attack. he's he's going to need like 14 goals in the last game to have a chance. Got a nice look? He's he's more strategic than Charlie He's talking about counterattacks. He's talking about kickoffs.

He's talking about winning. We talking about winning baby. There you have an Xqc looking absolutely dominant and by the way, James we might be looking at a sweep right now. man the xqu brackets after this or is this my only game.

Is it? What is it? There's more this. just a certified gamer. There's no doubt about it. gotcha.

You know you. You look at the the competitive history of Xqc, a professional, a professional gamer and you can tell with the way that he's playing out. what's that face Rizzo What are you? What? Are you making a how many goals I need for top scorer? no I was agreeing with you I was not giving you it looked more like you a toal 14 has 14 more to be. The game ain't over.

go ahead over it's still going but also Charlie's been learning for the first two games and he's been adapting X is getting nervous I can feel it he didn't look nervous to me. I'll be honest, well you'll you'll see it locked in. ready shot. xqc on the dribble oh that flick Got Away The race is on Moist Critical trying to stay behind the ball will Retreat now but xqc the ball is a little bit tough to control for him but still flicked it by Moist.
critical and now going for a 50. The 50 it's high Mo Critical: needs to get back to net and a strong strong save out to the corner and now the fast break is on and a huge 50 coming through Charlie Can he read it? xqc's up first it's going off the backboard. Uh oh, this is a huge touch. It's way too heavy.

He should be able to get back to it though. Charlie killing it to the corner. A great save at that. Yikes going to fake this.

Go for the Bo I Love that play go across when you get really bad. Whenever you get really really bad scoring goals and finishing them off, you get really good at, you know, doing on purpose your own goal so that it's a defense inste. you know Charlie that's a good read. still on empty.

This is could be dangerous. Very smart. Hit out to the Midfield and now will get the Boost pass off the corner EXC will hit it straight up the gut. Oh no.

I like that pinch. it's going to put this ball in a dangerous spot. Xqc driving along the wall gets beat, almost bouncing in. He did go for the wrong boost there.

we'll give time for Charlie Look at he's just sitting in that oh what a shot from Charlie was so close but a better save from X and it's going to go straight to the corner. This is the chance again for X to counter, it's going to roll out. He's got the Boost just has to tap it in and Charlie can't get back again. xqc Getting the lead here early.

fully locked in and loaded, locked and loaded. Little brother forgot he's not spectating his Bros playing. it's actually him playing the game busted, locked and loaded it calling out Charlie Get on the grind buddy, you don't have joyo here to save you. That's a pretty good shot.

Oh X Miss mess us up just a bit but Charlie can't control it. What am I doing? Need a boost from the corner? like these little fakes little nudges from Charlie Oh a little fake there I Like that. again playing very patient. oh little aerial play trying to get the ball bouncing.

That's always a good Strat In ones is to get that ball bouncing. That's what they say. This is an important play. Got to make this stop in Reverse makes the save that's hug but that gets away from critical.

Oh but luckily X is camp in the net again. Will it roll up or will it bounce out? It does. It's a tough one. No flip you ass, all the wall play chance to pounce.

xqc will get back in time to keep that out of net. A little bit more than a minute left to go here. x slips on a banana it seems and he needs to get back to this. and that he does.

He rolls it up theall the weirdest times. you got to be ready for those. Oh and there's another one Charlie Has to put this one away. There you go free.

it's all tied up. Guess who's locked and loaded it as well? It's the monster. Moist. Critical.

big moist himself. windo faking out bro. The win is bad. Bad being a lot more patient this time around, but he needs to be careful because he has done a few times where he's given x a free chance at the net.
Needs to make sure he doesn't give him that many opportunities because we know X will take every single one. Charlie This is his moment down 02 in the series and a massive save from XC But the hustle? Where did Charlie come from and now a whip just out of nowhere Charlie comes out and gets the save. There's like a miracle X Still like an angel. a big Moist Angel This is an awkward spot for Xqc to be in.

Still barely beats out Charlie Charlie has possession the 50 off the sidewalk and Charlie score it 0 seconds away. Oh it was close. overtime important kickoff. fantastic kickoff it was.

And now on the dribble the shot. it's good Charlie takes the game in overtime. Master class from Big Moist himself the monster give Xqc nightmares. We're heading to Game four I'm trying I'm starting figure out how it works big himself running away with his first wi another day and as we heard fellas at the end of that right there he says I'm starting to pick things up and see how they work yo All right with that big smile right there Rizzo you know your homie, your boy critical right now he's feeling it I think he's tapped in right now I'm telling you he is absolutely locked in.

He is dialed Xqc. He knows every single one of his moves and wared up ready to go and take on the reverse sweep and take the entire series. And James I think the most important fact about this match up now which is crazy. Xqc was scoring at will and as we jump into game four right now, look at how many goals he was led to in that last one, the defense stepped up moist critical.

Ian we saw one play in particular Rizo maybe you recall it but Xqc was marching down field. It looked like a wide open net out of nowhere. oh my. God that wet little de flashes through and makes the save I got this I got yeah Xqc maybe was a bit too confident after the first two games he let off the gas just a bit I did still hear the orchestral music and the max motivation this one's going to be off Target from Charlie another opportunity seems of seems that it has gone to waste once again and here we go.

He's locked in. he's got some Hype music now you can feel the blood boiling from Xqc I didn't get the boost stop there from Charlie Charlie and a dribble I the sh down by Xqc but X the dichotomy of the streams, the juer position of tou Jesus Christ and let's see how X is feeling here. he's going to get a great touch off the backboard. oh that's a pretty good shot's there to save it.

It's a low amount of boost though. an X looking deadly look at that stare, he knew he had an opportunity. On that clear, the window is small but not too small for Xqc. The Precision that this man plays with the determination and the confidence, you cannot underestimate him in any situ situation saved.
But this is going to be the biggest challenge and it's countered by Big Moist. that's lucky you can see him. absolutely his mind. that's so lucky.

So much joy spewing out of his veins. How can you not lose it? Back up Big Play Here Charlie Collecting that full Boost Deciding when to strike goes. Now that's a big challenge. Win! This one might wrap around, but there's the demo.

Smart demo from Xqc. Great play from him. This one's on target Charlie has to get there and this is a weird ball to deal with for both players. You know they haven't seen many, many lobs like that in their time.

This one going to the side now to get back. Oh that was ambitious Going for the demo, we'll hit it to the corner to try to collect the corner boost in order to stay on attack. There's a long shot can Charlie save it no Xqc absolutely gassed for that one ho from his side of the field Charlie can't contain it. That was a bazooka Xqc bringing out the big guns.

now see if we wonder what will their response be? Oh a Miss But another Miss from Xqc oh my God Already back and Charlie connect by him. He needs some boost, gain that composure. he needs to go now and it's just in. It has found its way in.

Unfortunately, Big Charlie was not ready for the lob. What What You can see? The surprise. the unbelief. Is this where the going gets tough.

Rizzo is Charlie tough enough to get going made? Oh Charlie's tough I heard he had a bowl of nails for without any milk does sound too tasty I Thought thing was about getting wet. what are you using instead of milk, nails and gasoline that more time be Ready for today's Big Showdown he's been prepping all morning for this. Oh that's a great touch. That's got to be in and it is.

Charlie pulls off a miracle off the sidewall. Look at this flick guys. Yeah guys. I'm tell you some tricks I'm telling you some tricks man.

I'm telling you some tricks man I'm freestyling man. Chill. Chill out man. xqc tricked himself.

His game is not secure just yet. Xcc, we'll need a couple more to secure this Charlie needs one for the comeback. Oh that's good though. He gets his boost back big.

BM The ceiling. This is where you hold your breath. It's coming down to this final minute of game play. a one-goal game that is quite an ambitious shot from Xqc.

The Net's vulnerable now X Racing back trying to defend the shot but you can see how passive Charlie is. But now that 50 will win it out to the corner, xcc can't make contact. Oh that was a chance for Charlie but the pressure still on X needs to get this out of his side. needs to keep his boost count TI that's a greaten touch and it might be the finisher.

Yep, Yep. Show that confidence baby. You will that be enough. Holy is that done.

Is it done? It's not done yet. Huge win. Off the kickoff there Charlie Now gets the corner boost as well. Exus is in a really bad spot without any boost whatsoever.
Now is the time to strike. Charlie's revving up a big one. He had that and X saves it. It's going to be tough for Charlie to recover with only five to go.

That's not going to be enough. Xqc takes it in four. Boom Ex: it's done, secures the bag. Boom boom, chat, chat, chat.

What was that? Two 3-1 G Man G man you got is more gam is that ITC One of the greatest entertainers in digital we ever seen in our lives runs away with a big 3-1 win over Moist. critical Rizzo Big Daddy Moist. He wasn't able to run away with the win right there, but he did a good job trying to keep it close. Yeah, he did a pretty good job.

He he couldn't maintain his composure I Feel like he was getting a little bit nervous. Excus was cheesing him a little bit. he was just playing a goalkeeper Strat but Charlie at the same time couldn't keep that ball close and that was his biggest weakness there. CH The curse is done.

The curse is done. You might have the six moves. That's all right in the end I win e e XC I thought that boom that I mean that was really the moment for me was that Giga Boom Shot full look in the camera it might have been GG Easy Took a look at all of the plays that we had rightfully so we got to give it to the king himself. xqc With the four quick goals that he was able to get, he took complete control and domination at the game at hand.

Confident man XC Chadad the true Gauntlet Chat the true Gauntlet is is a rematch in in the next chess event and then a rematch in the the In this event if it's all tied up knew than for the I look like a chess I just need a bit more practice power the W a little more comfortable on the wall as well. So Xqc deservedly in this state how can you keep I think said you said it yourself he's a grinder he's been grinding but also that was it was it I me have interview he got he the uh the music just absolutely blaring as well. So he came in the series just ready to win and ready to all right ladies and gentlemen thank you so much and after we took a while to take g a good I I mean I could just barge in I could just barge in to be honest or real life Al like a good neighbor everyone knows this State Farm is there shout out to Jake by the way but he get this out of his side chat. Was this my or is that is that like like like a prize thing that okay need to keep his boost counts High that's A and it might be the finisher? What the? And it might be the finisher? Yep yep.

show that confidence baby. You All right? All right? Okay dude. all right chat. that was funny.

Oh man. sad A Now Xqc is probably the worst rocket League player I've ever seen in my life. but he knows how to play ones and it's it's working really well. I've given up like nine or I'm terrible at one ones.

sad holy holy the NP went out of his line of dialogue. Now Xqc is probably the worst rocket League player I've ever seen in my life but he knows how to play ones. it's working really well I've given up like nine or H I'm not wrong.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Xqc vs charlie rocket league battle of the century”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rana says:

    Damn, I'm surprised xQc had enough brain cells for this game.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Winkiedinkie says:

    Charlie was def in the wrong for calling xQc bad, but Tbf Charlie doesn’t rly even play rocket league while xQc has been playing significantly longer, xQc still won fair and square

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prince Lobo says:

    L commen-traitors

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Melon says:

    There’s something so entertaining about professional casting over plat gameplay

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Puyu says:

    so bad :DD

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CripWalked says:

    the commentary ruins this whole event for me, Rizzo is legit riding Charlies meat so hard, Don't get me wrong I love both of them but as a commentator I don't think you're supposed to take sides cause it gets annoying.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Murillo says:

    Man, the commentators showed real skill here.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PatrickFtw says:

    Is velly one of the dudes casting? Voice sounds super familiar lol he used to cast in the cdl if so

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Hunt says:

    Whoever said excuse c in the chat is smart af

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lonely WolfJ says:

    I wonder what rank is X. He looks like a solid gold

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeromepkr says:

    The mid off of the century

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khy says:

    from 6 moves to 6 shots

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Connell says:

    If I had access to pharmaceutical grade meth like Felix I’d be great at every game too.

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