DAVE THE DIVER is a casual, singleplayer adventure RPG featuring deep-sea exploration and fishing during the day and sushi restaurant management at night. Join Dave and his quirky friends as they seek to uncover the secrets of the mysterious Blue Hole.
Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick!
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Yep, Chat. Look at that clock. Yep, what's the time? chat. Yep, that clock has the time on it.

Cat Kiss can I get a Welcome to the Jungle xqcl I can now dis emble items on the Fly Al Do I get yeah I got the Bo already right? Appreciate. All right Activity feed is back on easy. Okay I have to get the um some weird oh there there he is Chad look at this gun now see that is that crazy. CH I'm going to get a couple fish cuz I think the menu is looking pretty.

uh pretty bad. I don't think we have a lot of fish at home right? let's get some shark. he's tanky. What the 37 months that as long as I have been in a relationship with your mother? 77777777 7,000 Interesting, we don't I don't think we need the bunk.

let's keep going down Chat: Maybe we can kill the big one down. Wait copper for for good upgrades all consider it I mean why is chising me? How are you? X yeah we kill the big big one. uh it's like 40 lb. my sprinkler goes like this.

get some this and disembl it. Oh three fragments that's actually really good even though I'm heavy here I could just get this chat now that we're like far to the game I can be a bit Reckless with uh the Maneuvers um not going about def this fish is garbage trying to lose 30 lb this week. Good job man. good luck All right there he is.

Ooh yeah, that's pretty big you see him Sor What? I was chat like I could have died right? What was that? Oh I'm out of ammo. uh I'm rare. knif does one damage I can just with that D that I think it's two damage up so garbage Yeah food to come guys don't worry when the stream goes offline it's reset schedule early tomorrow long Sky Block not cranky not skitso happy mood stream Pacman oh we going make it right yo. 63 kg dude yo we take those.

Love this game X it's going to sick wait CH we didn't have the copper. wait we didn't have the copper one. SE Qcl wait that's massive. It's a night shark that's actually insan.

Yeah yeah they want they want the mor or whatever there. can you just mying some? Blowfish yeah I think we have some Blowfish actually wait Chad do we hire somebody in you or not? It's expensive I'm going to get car I'll give a TR to Carolina ball out with xqc L man that's expensive dude. All right let's do the menu chat for the nights. Okay First, the Moray we are not going to enhance.

this is that worth it. Chat three for 10 7 if I enhance I lose another four. Is that worth it yet? Chat: it's a night fish I'm not going to I'm not going to ask. No point.

Six is a lot. We'll lose all of it I think we're doing this one cuz we chat I think this one we see them all the time. when we go down right, we always going to get them. I think we enhance and we just lose all of it.

Yeah I'm I'm I'm I Don't get losing it. Three is three is enough. Oh that was a tiger shark 15 I'm going for it it of the rest I'm doing all of it all full Gamma mode. Well how much is this should? we would have three left.

Is that worth it? All right? I'm I think we're ready to go. We're going to some puffers tonight because the lady wants it right. CH Then we'll definitely do the um the mo. I Think we only do five of this.
It's kind of expensive and then what the that is that's not worth a lot of money. Let's go with this. We already had the Moran there. you can't see price.

it's way to go. Just start it. What? What's Auto Supply wait we don't have those help. Wait yeah I ruined it already.

Yeah, he's already ruined. Is anyone else hearing the floating Dragon noise Gber 7 Sean 777 777 Quan 7 It's about the toy. yeah he chat slxc Quick question. Recently hired a employe my work that I've been at for 6 months.

We work same total hours each week and do the same work he got hired on for 14 hour I make 12 per hours. Still should I say something to my boss about it. This gu want some um some juice I got you brother Watch this. Watch this I don't have to look her yeah I kind of look but what? 29 months? Absolutely love the content xqcl Chat: This going to be really bad This going to be like three star tonight Yeah that was pretty bad s though.

Finish all the quests though. What is want? Wait upgrade the what autos gift Fish farm Fish farm okay fish farm need to have the right environment Fish a density reach is 100% okay Expand them ha you all okay Select fish eggs can multiply. cool man. So as have a wait that's been get a little uh the guys they get main quest game oh glove no we get urchins so we get urchins now and whatnot.

uh go near them. pile of rocks shopping on them. okay grab a rock What? wait CH way down I Remember there's a spot with with planks and sure X Cow Conus St I'm so happy you're playing David Diver I've 12 whole hours for you to play I'm so happy this for one of the many reasons I'm very hungry and would like to eat a cupcake now. Wide people happy sparkling heart Yippe Okay thank you man um chat.

We got to stop spending so we can upgrade some stuff. Chat: we are poor. Let's do a tank this is this is like Horis uh cargo box. uh why not this? Get both dude.

just in case things get weird thoughts. a r Staff: I Feel like we spent all the money though. we have nothing left. Man got to sve a bit of money.

Can't believe it's been 34 months I'm not much of a chatter so I just wanted to say thanks Sex for all the streams I have to go all the way down right? Oh was the what was the quest? um soy sauce and what? Let's disable that St level up. let's get some of this chat. Should I bother? uh always keep like getting materials and whatnot. like early game level uh materials or is it useless Playing this game for the first time.

a whole new adventure. The year was 2011 my God I wish I could go back I was 10 enjoying this Brave New World that Minecraft opened for me now should save um space for other classic don't know. glass seafish. um who else likeit these guys? Please stop.
Oh wow CH I didn't really want to kill him. To be honest. it's a little bit heavy too. That was kind of useless of course.

xcusy I think I will get a girlfriend it's been 19 years and I think it's about time I have so many hot women on my dick so I guess it wouldn't hurt to finally see a real one. not just nice sense. yeah CH miss the punch lineer some bolt, some nuts when I can it I always get some nuts Oh May some bones some that's really fun I really I really like this. This fish is makes the interesting and fun.

the fish that's attacking me Rel That Gu is really fun to play against for the first time. A whole new adventure. The year was 2011 my God I wish I could go back I was 10 enjoying this Brave New World that Minecraft opened for me now I'm 21 just trying to live level three Harpoon oh we get those every day I done before. that's a good one.

Chat cat, kiss some palm tree if you want to get some of that I hoping for some sword sauce. Jackpot got run so far, chat some bolts, some nuts I open up the uh, the cargo and the guy that I kill that I hate. You know what? man you are free man you're free to go die hi smile, tired sesame seed okay I'm a spe I mean brother. The actual important part is down here.

The top part Wow oh my uh CH You know what? I think we use the Box uh are sh the what? wait the box I didn't use it. that was automatic. It's not automatic I mean ah this good right? Wait, did it work? Yeah it worked there. Got to go to the quest.

Ah ow yo X Would you ever go scuba diving seems Punk H kind of I don't like like pressure and what not you know like the the water pressure. Is it a opa? oh is it a um a sun? It's a sun fish. it's a sunfish. you know what? I think we just use it.

do disassemble that for mats and Juice up. Oh Quest pile of rocks. Oh the squid guy again okay don't worry man, we know to do man. come on now PES we've CAU by now is the is the big um the big squid or the big uh super shark? Really dude.

okay could have clammed up but it spraying twice. we we get away with this. Well another gift. wait a minute.

looks like an arm. why didn't you get to read it I didn't get to read it Chat: Did we kill this guy last time or not. yeah did kill him crabs man 31 all the love Chat: Do we want the shovel X Qcl yeah what if I drop a Rong on his head 41 months and still no Welcome to the Jungle s sup actual loser Parts bones is z you a SE to ass I need I need the net gun to get the some of these this how you get them. So what's in here? Some bombs we take those.

climb up xqc xcc X cxq cxq cxq cxq cxq CX uh Diamond gloves spoiled the what? up top right right here. so easy dude it's a steak oh I I have to go up top first though you see it. the Notch was above it. Probably need that rock this game so wicked let Prett f it's a secret passage oh I think I'm dumb wait yeah I have to go all the way left, right, not under I think it's above, it's not under I'm telling you I'm going to show you but it's not under right here.
yeah maybe maybe from left. CH we need to get some crystals chat Bo Booga oh my God that was close. holy that was close CH I think I'm going drop the old fish CH I'm thinking I dropped some some of the big one like I don't think this is worth it there we go up. okay I actually I actually might be dead here I didn't see it I was looking elsewhere.

no what the CH we need to get the out of here dude. a path mer you look the village very close. come through the hole bro. I'm fat as man.

let me go home. she has another request of course she does. 49 months Big Love Excuse and chat shall we? Well I'm going down Oh very spooky Vibes yeah no oh come on I'm fully loaded dude it's a catfish. so dark let's see so de no okay CH we can hold on to this.

Remember all right GG All right this is actual seven. he going send a lot of like Wier currents What wolf fell heix? almost 30 months perhaps? I can get an Welcome to the yel what just happened there chat I'm putting for later. Wait it worked. The the bombs worked dude I brutalized it this that tail meat.

Thank you for streaming so consistently love SLO much man she has the key. Wait what do you mean? Let me what's inside? See people yo chill out man. Getting here you waking up? Yeah yeah brother. whatever man.

tzen house Miss gun is only a part. Fine don't you guys just love it When you wake up and do the leg shaking thing that causes a 9.5 earthquake on the RoR scale. that is a literal drug. Of course technology awaits technology.

The hum can be trusted. Still guys I'm reading you Just a small reader Atlanta another huge tror something will happen. Don't do anything. The giant squid they the waters help me out.

Jassic not all humans are bad. Can they a human? They one will find it hard to believe. Can I please get a Welcome to the Jungle The village trusts all right Then we'll have to get the trust by killing the whatever's doing the trism. A request from the C people my people and know your needs.

Use this orinary mirror install to this Village That's good. Use it. Use it during the day. a Village map.

Gotta thank you man. What is it huh? extra gun base damage can I see something? Opa it's a warm-blooded Sunfish Man 100 gold All right Chat Chat: I got to go over to kick it Um guys I Stream here like literally all day. Okay chat guys I'm a bit shy. Chat: please don't make fun of me.

it's face reveal hi I took the mask off just for this. so please yo hi am C Chat: let me let me turn on 7 TV wait one second Myer is already ruined. so okay I should be good now allow refresh I'm ugly. okay whatever.

maybe your stand are too high. Man: All right ready. Okay hi chat. We're just going to seamlessly continue on.
Dave The diver finish this up. oh she wants a beer? Sure huh? Wait CH was that good. A glass of beer after work wa that was good moment CH What the oh most yeah What the F is happening for 12 12 years ago Hotel Actress: long time ago okay I Clicked the same dialogue eight times. Cool man Chat: I Read the same dialog eight times and I feel like every time I was reading something new.

Is that a problem with my brain? Let just this is very picky. How many prizes have a look at this? This famous is Chef Okay dude. sure bro the reservation we also like way to satisfy Um I'm supposed you're right with the strength of the longest Jesus Christ The way we can satisfy will involve making good use of these things. So sweet.

All right Bro please. Man time. Oh my God. Get on with it Dude brother guys this is a side quest type this this Banner the rzl Lord I Going check on a status of manager request what's Yoshi my bad that's Beno VIP is Lois Crawford is is an actress and Famous artist please I'm going try Speak Woman Yeah okay please Chad Guys I'm going be honest with you chat I hate dialogue heavy side quests I Hate I hate them.

What is it? What is kaisaki my God Logical Choice gotta shark. we a bunch of shark already. oh my goodness oh my what's for dinner Japanese um let's do um whatever that is Japanese soup interesting yeah Tora shria I love that. Just kidding I hate that for your Beno someone to tell me but she didn't like it I just think Seafood should stay in the sea I don't like seafood? yeah we're pretty good at doing that.

Me all right? Okay, all right, all right. wait she left I supp stub side of hey bud work for a bits The Village y I See I you what look Experience: Cool man. okay Chat: Is that like dive down all the way down or what? Oh my. God these tutorials are driving me crazy.

Okay I'll probably use this one cell so I have to come back later CH and see if they have eggs right? Mak sense here. that makes a lot sense H Wait I can talk to him Fish party jellyfishes. All right. we get some of these one up.

Oh my God. Dude. Okay Upgrade: I unlocked this upgrade? We don't. we don't need it though.

Chat: How do we get the rifle? Two rifle three. oh there you go. All we need is um a little bit of everything. Okay yeah these are the cards.

Trank rifle should be pretty good. Yeah for now I'm going to like full cookie cutter cuz I feel like we waste a lot of money on everything and we're just going to be poor you know. Also, we need to use a mirror chat. the mirror makes me go over there right? but also it's faster to go down all the way to the bottom because I spawn there right? Workshop Arcade: Okay there's a lot of here.

Chat: build the trust with them. I'm Dave okay the lunch boxes. um she wants me too there some then um got him. wait is a y I'm going to the arcade then get the out the way man.
Good place to go. come back here later. right here. okay then boom Oh my God Decoration people.

hard work now I'm need up with the seahorse races. all these swords will run off huh? I'll catch him Yeah yo I've been gaming a lot to blow a some steam I should skip a few meals. Okay, it's the game of shark which we play. Uh junak.

Remember the shark cavity. You sometimes get a glimpse of number one and three selected and touches the first will lose. What? How do I get coins? Are you with me dude? Okay so I guess in this right here. so I guess just doing the quest will give us some coins for free This guy.

he offers nothing. whatever. Dude. so no Gamba oh man.

this Village can suck it that flading dragons right there. We'll do it on the way back. it's fine. The thing is is that oh hold up.

Need a tool? maybe a basket? What is that? chat? What do have basket to the guards I don't remember what that is this guy hey Bud right? oh what is it? It's a lunch boxes what? Give it your work I suppose there you go. Are they happy? Okay let's pick up this Quest right here and then we'll finish that I'm not human. you look interesting. flowers of King Kong sh flowers.

thank you man I cannot pick him up. Chat probably here. we get it at after the first. Quest maybe she gives me like a bucket.

Wait a minute GMA tokens okay chat How do I do the quest of the girl I I have to go send I I Have to do like a shift oh wait a minute. No no I need to go back to the the other girl right? Yeah with the bouet flowers to the Statue of the of the is theine Yeah, wish you could Dash here. Oh yeah on that Gambo's right side too so we're saving time. This is a good skip Lords of King Kong H.

Let's see, does he like that? Yeah I mean Gambo's right side H it's halfway through. We'll go on the way back on phone. Yeah, the the phone K is a completely redone. It's like a full rehaul.

I I There's too many problems with it that they're trying to like fix. Um, they decid to do the whole thing and they're pretty advanced in the process too, so should be done very soon. Quit it. How do I serve food that she wants CH chat in the restaurant for one night? Um yeah.

doesn't like actually tell me yeah, Doesn't that tell me? All right let's go get fck it. Ride dolphins faster I can't mean ride dolphins wait is right there at the gate okay I'll I'll go the get after again but then yo I can't ride the dolphin. see also that I think that's a beluga whale could be wrong though. Let's get it.

What? huh? f I do three and there's three. We still have two. I I still go for three here. He lost.

wait he lost. What? Up baby I mean bro. What a buster. Oh easy uper right? What? All right? All right B right CH up left sure Chad don't troll man.

stop trolling man I guess I lose all my co if I lose man Chad Stop man CH just trolling chat. Come on stop I l just my way. Come on come on troll face Army back at it again Trollface Army on my back for no reason out from Left Field Hidden in the darkness coming out of the Woodworks to me up man why we can do now that was not my fault I called it I instantly called where was where it was at I instantly called it I didn't say I not say bottom right I said bottom left CH what am I going where am I go for I need a tool chat Where do I get the tool to get the thing in All right Chad is talking gotcha I Get it dud bottom right tool, bottom left tool I Got it Man that's really funny Man that's like actually Visionary of humor. that is insane I I L I LED it by the way.
okay we can't even get out mind. we could just go topper Lo Oxygen We have infinite uh white travali and kill CH What is white Trav CH What is white Trav Are you sucking? No, it's blocked right? How am I How am I trolling you I haven't troll a singular time today like zero. Oh my goodness. I'm actually I'm almost dead I'm trolling.

How am I trolling it? Wait the Rocks block my my my exit. oh left side is nothing I have to go all the way up to the right. Yeah so so we have to go all the way up, then left and we Circle back down. Well the Wiki of the TRV but I don't my Wiki I'm just going to break it I think this is a correct way to go.

Thoughts about that. Okay purple starfishes Bock Ooh we need that. um two for Trel want around and he found out. Ammo Brittle Starfish you are uh um this up a flask.

A shell. This is some good loot CH another shell here that's a brown shell. Oh picture picture time CH How do how how did I take a picture? exactly? No that's crazy. What the is a blue plank ton? Oh like this in the back I See it? What good that's crazy? Oh amethysts that is gigantic Chat garbage.

Proba: shouldn't bothered with all this garbage. To be honest, there's a subnotica better. I No I mean it's kind of different type of game though. Chat: Is this what we need? We looking for this I turn off the screen Why? I like it on the screen? check and see it I played some like four times.

man I played like literally I did like four playthroughs I finished game four times. You're right. the game will tell me when it's it's the right fish. Forgot about that.

That's a good one but I didn't enjoy as much I it wasn't as polished and good at the time I didn't I wish I I didn't play it so I had more time to play later on. I'm pretty sad about the whole oral to be honest. which game I Subo: it's one of the best games out there. Literally it's like somehow all water games are garbage in my opinion and that game pulls off a good water game which is like really impressive cuz usually uh, water games just kind of suck.

Okay we still have not found the garbage. um everybody would agree like like water levels um breathing mechanics I think all it kind of sucks to be it's not like a but if it's done right it can. it can be good chat. Where is the fish I'm looking for still up.
This is it. Well, but it's not. It's not. It's not like an FPS or like it's more like I don't know.

maybe a bit higher. Wait, it's deep water. ch ch it wasn't This guy is always so he's so hungry for me. dude.

Oh you get more juice if you if you mine it with a pickaxe. Do we need to buy a pickaxe? or finally finally get one. It's so good. No that's K why Trava I'm fat as now ass do not do not do not I might as well use the container right? Ah, probably not.

I just I'll just get a walk ATT right here like this and then like that and we out any more Myy nope chat I Don't have any idea how much fish we got at home. It's like a bazillion yeah. how much for that? That's it. 20 bucks? Whatever.

bro. no I Mis them. If you finished Subnautica then why is there no video of you finishing it on? YouTube For example, on YouTube you just play a couple playthroughs on Hardcore then Die 3 hours in maybe give both subnauticas another shot in the future. Just kidding.

xqcl I finish it twice on normal and one on on on Hardcore I'm not lying, we going to enhance that. um four out of seven which should leave us three extra. Just send it. Um, jelly fishies? No.

I we needed it for the quest. I'm pretty sure right? Oh let's see clown fish? That's garbage. Okay to the man, when you need to add some Travi right? right? was was that the quest? and then that was a dish. Bro? no shots.

Uh White Trav KP Soy sauce Why? Trav Chat: Is this not it? What? So I it then I need to research this. There's no shot. You're kidding me right? Oh no. and I need to add ingredients I can't do it I can't do it I'm going back out there boys I Don't give a you cannot delete it.

Chat it it it it. it breaks the food. no can't do it. Chat grateful say thanks Raid Thanks Raid Man Thanks Thanks much chat.

when you swap it kills the fish. it's dead cuz they they prep it and then it's dead. It's dead. It's it's okay.

Oh no. Go and this some Travelia CH it wasn't that deep was it I have the wrong gun too I fight myself really hard with this one. We haven't had that in a long time. Iar my brother.

where's the trelli chat is the travelli die n it's 45 m. it's lower. okay I'll go right side though. First please stop I'm not the move for this one now.

come on guys. stop it. this way below Ni right here deeper deeper. oh we already have it for the quest right? Oh good chat that was really good cuz we need we need more more heill because I it up remember so it's a good thing I went down because I need more kill cuz I used it already.

that's good. uh flask there those deeper deeper uh not here I'm not I'm not going to be yet. only far Unbelievable chat I have the wrong gun I have the wrong gun not fighting it I'm only for traveli man we're supposed to get out we need Quest we have quest to do man chat some Buster yed all the trelli chat it's not there I think I already I already fished it I think this dive counts as the same other dive think it's like same inventory in in the sea it's a plants a fishy like this. it's like it's like a normal fish.
it's like a carpa. 24 hours time out for 50% J Mega feel SP gu you can unband him my bad mod I'm going give B A Buck if it's that it's fine. If it's like some like hateful towards other people that's like a different story. but if it's just that I don't give a yeah I can care.

Okay chat. The traveli is supposed to be where maybe here now I'm extremely annoyed. oh isn't that right there? I think I fished all of them. they're extinct.

half chest, half a chest is down. it's right there I see it TR okay Jesse this guy man bro this gu Del like over 150 bucks of Don know that just says Jesse in um Optimus Prime okay can we just get a walk talking at please thank you I typen some but not hateful. Could I get an unban on Kick felt like a bit much. also no unban request feature just yet.

um not really I feel like people were giving like a like a blank slate? um over here and people have been using it like in the in the most dogit ways to be honest. I I keep it a bck lot of people like a long like Sub sub streak I've seen him in chat with the same names and they they type like absolute dog I'm going to keep it straight up H this just odd this odd behavior. um I have to call her I don't really want to. yeah that's a well.

the young ones cry okay wait chat is my gun gone since I upgrade the other one. no it's not. it's right here. Look um who knows what we're taking Dash no okay, let's have a good night at the club.

The real legend who is this bum Lord VIP appeared Michael Bang the master up Michael Bang The stone. Give me prepare food uh make AE explore what expiration gotcha three days he needs okay tce day tining trigger fish harle Quin oh yeah dude this guy man okay we need to add to the to the yeah this one okay CH if I enhance n I'm not going to bother that I'm just going to sell Isis not going to RIS it flavors maxed out oh my God CH tonight maybe maybe the nights oh no what is it's 15 I'm so stupid it's 10 portions wait I just ruined everything. Advertisement is for step only I think oh bro he's cooking so fast today this wait he dabbed bro. they removed the 24hour band and now in stuck on a 5 minute timeout.

That Never Ends is the modding that bad on kick or what any fixes Bowser helps s also kick.com all this guy man this guy is pushing it man just wa a refreshment probably final theet boom chat. all the the wasted food is insane. Ridiculous because the big portions. the big cool stuff splits into multiple portions so if you only have that on the menu and other stuff that's all they buy.
otherwise it gets left to die. So if you do a massive split up of portions you need to put like that and only one. Two other things: rice bro, more game mechanics. Holy that farm now gotcha.

I'm watering you. um actually just bugged it am I Good growing horable P Damage Zero there 100% We're all good guys. It's already watering, it's raining I'll get um a box okay chat Diver gear thoughts: I'm think we save it Staff: I'll do that when we come back then it unless we do it before we go training Oh my God wait this it can become a God oh my 140 No way can go higher Chad Do you really get invest on your money with that or not? Thank youx for the help. The unlimited timeout is a real thing Omega Low Kick.com Kick.com kick.com kick.com kick.com add 400 bucks I Just wasted all the money Chat: I Just blew the load.

There you go little bud CH I think we use mirror and we just go balls deep crazy Also gambling thoughts: new available Quest Emojicon I'm going to go right then left all the hippocampus that's one buddy. uh check what does he want? oh the mega mou Sharks Only appeared the ball. oh no yeah I'll get the ball for money the poor Rich Another mission Okay I Get it now. The game gives you a lot of tutorials early in the game cuz it's not because the game doesn't have a lot and it's like they're pacing it because they after that they unleash the out of the quest and like the whole is like all tutorial pretty much they make me go to the Gazo and I'm poor like that's just torture man Beluga Whistle Oh okay, that's hard.

Get to me y I Give it back game I'm poor bro. What is wrong with this loser man. He tempts me. Stop tempting me dude bro.

I'm poor. The quest up top. How do you go up top? Did you just sail? Oh you need to. Good First let me get all of the Um hippocampus.

oh he dtp up. yeah. I'm not doing that now. CH I Saw all four of them earlier.

that's me. What do you need? Yeah. I Can get that. Everybody wants something.

Nobody has anything to offer. Leeches man it's unbelievable. They all take and take and take and nobody gives cool chat. I'm telling you.

I Saw four of them earlier I Don't know where they are. Wait right there. Chat: Where's the last one p Think let's go check it out. Um, maybe perhaps over here? Nope.

Chat: Where's the last little hippocampus in the building? Could be king long Stone Slate see record Chamber see record chamber first. check the slab. wait the laab chat from uh when we learned the language and jelly fish of the event. you're right, hippocampus don't it's done TP Now we go full gam mode.

Absolute full Gamba Mode: It's addiction time baby. I Think we do the cards first. no horse race 20 Brian thanks for the amazing streams Mr Cal Try to see horse right off to the race. Uh sure stamina.

you go past green, you go slowly. Be careful h he I Played perfectly Oh my horse is my horse is sorry I got this is I this is garbage. You're fired. How do I fire it? I I can't fire it It's garbage Star Ray e Ray e Sun heat wait I was I was I wait hey X can you watch the video from when you he help me he help he help me Okay gotcha son yeah he he say here yeah I got it I got I I got it I got it I got it then Bing Bonk oh no it's this one right chopp here this this going to cheat this name I Win Bomb left Bom B that bom right? I'm not allowed to bet 20 it's 10 50 oh than big already man I'm not I'm not a loser uper left.
he operat boom all right. Give me out this Done for the Whistle the whistle play the Beluga I'm all right. let's get out of here. Oh off who the do I look like man the juicer I don't spend bro I could win a billion dollars I ain't spending seven bucks on a Beluga to carry me around man I don't give a okay.

Next Quest is um we have a bunch of quests. Oh there, there's just too many of them. Okay I need to get uh this garbage. All these are all easy to get, all easy to get and then some rice.

um oh wow this this is from way down deep and we have to go to the the plate with the plate and then um get the the big Mega M with the ball and we're garbage at the bottom of the sea and some tubal rail. That's really easy there. sleep not yet. no SL Lord that's me.

What's up? Yes no no we we have to go way down deep down. Is this part of my quest? It it might be. No, it's not that one. It's the one one.

It's the one that that's at like 70 M deep. about about 70 M he has he has a hat. it's a very orangey, nice slim hated fish. Yep aha Chad we can get small Critters Now small small.

it's the white mouth Buster What's up W on the Block That's what I thought Absolutely demolished. We need we need to do more than that. Answer me bum when soon. Look call me bum ass.

It's being worked on Long the and so where am I going in? I Have to go here. Oh that's what we're going to do today. Okay okay I need a clam? I need a big big big clam the uper left but I don't think I want to go back to it. Thanks for the whole son chat I'm going to box down right here going drop all the garbage in it I can't that's too big? Oh I myself then quite unfortunate.

I'll use that pick it back up. wait what? I there's a CL right there I don't know why I used that I'm so stupid. Let's get out. Remember Tube: Coral they a bunch of fishies.

Nope wrong one wrong one tuna. Not this. not that. Oh CH we're going to the we're going to the slit anyway.

right? we're going to the to the Rune slit. We're doing two at once. Wait, it's blocked. Enjoy your rock olive oil.

There you go. there it is. Lily Coral Boom Tube: Coral There you go. Oh nice blueprints.

dead Buster Okay, other stuff right? Maybe here. Chat: I don't remember what s chat oh I can't even get that either. Nah. Give Pickax right here.
Watch this. Look at the luck. Pickax in three, two one I maybe not. We need theage this 100% employees to get ingredients all right.

CH I'm way too fat. This is getting really bad. no that's Opal I me this is the purple one. no I'm super mega fat right now 48 you chat do I just drop some some garbage off and finish the quest or what there a first star fish spider crab is bad ah it.

Chad I think I go home I'll come back later. it's fine. Yeah I get two times a day right? he 61 that's crazy op po or oh I got some row I need some pink Buster okay let me check real fast. um CH what did I want to do? we go back right? Chad Chad do I go down by by mirror or not I think we should go down Not Mirror that be F the farm isn't ready yet.

it says nothing really to harvest GRE are always good to have pick him up so we need some shells. Oh also CH far left remember CH far left the rocks would be a sea turtle. What a what a photograph Dude that was insane. That's insane.

Very nice. okay some of these some of that. some of this don't really need wood. it's really cheap I'll get some copper for but I don't think we use it that much anymore right? We really need to get some anst and some opal.

I'm going to save that I'm not going to use it, just going to break. We need to use those they ingredients keep going down. Pass these dumb asses comeback will huh? Oh I can pick it up yeah boom I can save it chat baby Wells Cav it's a small one. oh no, it's stuck in here.

we can p it. oh that's nice little scared. Is it happy now? Oh it's happy now. And the Whisperer oh I hate these.

Come on bub and G some oxygen. sorry man. see I can get a launcher here. third blueprint.

probably not cuz not deep enough right? Yeah, that's what I thought that's a lot of fishies for home. Come on Bub Sen P Woo sen P Woo sen P woo come on bub look out the face man I Got all day dude oh big shark. absolutely viciously insta tap should be too much more right? One one more breather. Just maybe maybe there be some Pirates Oh it's happy that dous sa for wait a minute.

Oh oh come on man that one's massive. That is nice. What do I get? Oh okay gotcha got it. Thank you man.

Oh wait a minute. What does it want? What is it doing I should call her sash probably not how much? 250 bucks for that 200? uh let me go see my fishes. Oh my hi CH should we bother? it's it's a lot of money for now. Let's just chill.

let's see how much how much we get at the juicer rice in about two days. Gotcha! Oh the quest was was for 3 days I Remember I went to the wrong spot. All right chat. Let's get the most lucrative night of all time.

This Gu can learn something for 400 bucks I Don't think it's worth it. Let's just wait. First, let's do research. nothing research, add menu that's worth it.
So most very Jesus All right man. Go bu this one. Um is this request? It's not what this, oh that's request Is it Chat? That's that's a lot that's so expensive. Oh not worth it.

Okay, all this is really cheap. This is aesome really cheap. All right. let's go balls deeper.

I'm thinking six of this. that's seven o. That might be too much chat. One makes five wait autofill.

What's that? wait? It makes it for you. How? where may I be welcomed to the Jungle smile? Um, let's go with this chat. I'm thinking this is enough for the night. Enough of the night 13 I'm looking at some garbage but it might it might take away from other.

No, it's fine. I'm going for a don't care my St bro. they're both on duty Man let's get it okay. Beer goes first.

Always people get impendent for their beer. Oh wow oh damn she's good. Oh no, this are getting patience s man. Dude, we need some help Man what a service dude.

Holy that went crazy. Chat chat don't comp to Night 10 that night I had a bunch of crazy for the quest. That's crazy and we're gold now. The ad only kicks in for the next night.

We're not there yet. it's why I didn't hire new Stu there's nobody that's that's that that's offering the work. Now we have one mant raise. Yeah sure we can do that at night if the Lord amounts.

Okay first let's go brag on the rank up like this. like that like this. like that Bot post bot post B post garbage Gotcha done with that? okay um. chat.

the farm is not ready I don't think is it growing five or visable? zero Nope. Shop ink bomb ink area. uh can't the detect Dave inside the Yankee area. ooh Chad that could save us biger Chad that's a Savor right there that that's a Savor cook the rank up yeah I don't think you have to click it I think it just happens right? Oh missing five tasters? Hey I I was enjoying that.

Okay for the quests we needed. Uh I don't know how to get those chat Yeah, we're done with that. Oh I forgot they're giving their ball back. How to get feather Corral at 200 m G50 all of that I can do that chat I think we do this on the way down and then we're good thoughts I don't think we use the mirror I I I think we do main quest on the way down and then we're and then we can do the rest of it I wish we could go faster Also I should probably uped my suit or what not but I think sa money is also good.

It's fine CH We can always explore here and then go back up cuz we get two times a day and then upgrade and then go back down. Yeah it's a young oh oh chatter I can enslave it for uh for uh, racing right? Oh my God I got you now. wait, it's gone where Theus wait it's gone I got it. Another one yink, what's up buster Remember Me Oh another one boink a pafic seahorse.

That one's got to be rare Chad that's going to be a rare one I wasn't looking I wonder if we could do more? There it is sorry BB it is what it is I mean you don't want to get caught. You get clapped. it is. There's only two choices here man.
Jesus Christ Can you please play Dave the diver I Really enjoy that game Oh I'm not really I don't play right now no I feel like it? Yeah yeah we l oh oh where wait what happened the fish I pop hippocampus one Tapper the Slate I mean you look at me like that I want Tapp it sorry man the can you please play Dave The Diver I Really enjoy that game I'm not playing that man. chill uh we're good on Quest right now. speed running the quests and now can you please play Dave the I I really enjoy that game bro I'm playing that stop it glass bullets I have bullets. Aha okay some rice too.

Would you play it for a? Scooby Snack no A Scooby Snack I don't know what the that even is Captain Can you please play Dave the Diver I Really enjoyed that game Jesus Bro you? yeah there a lot of ke of bots in the chat Bots Chad what else is needed now? uh table Corral and also the bottom of the thing uh y yeah not like that. Can you please play Dave the Diver I Really enjoyed that game no can you please play Dave The Diver I Really enjoy that game Jesus Brother a Cleon oh my it's it's all here. Chat all the quest item. it's all here.

Chat maybe pickax please. All right I'm I'm tired of him CH I'm sorry I'm tired of him. It is what it is. Sometimes sometimes you're the one who does.

Sometimes you get done for an ultimate juicer against war huh? hey man ter another new game called Dave The Diver. Really fun and chill. Would be cool to play for the Stream oh we ain't playing that brother. can you download a skin for Dave There are a ton of them on Nexus mods and I think you'll like the many Kumas Cocka cocka I'm Wasing like one Coral right? I don't think it's going to be in here Chat: Yeah I knew it.

There's nothing in here that's that's a Tom chat. What you even buy with the credits though? Oh probably some stuff that we could buy when we get gain their trust and upgrades like super upgrades stuff like that at the at the Armory guy. he that'd be good just getting heavy right now. Hey X can you welcome me to the ocean? Also, can you please play Dave the Diver? No.

I really enjoy that game done. So two gr's done. Now we need one more chat. one more um Leaf red coral and it's actually done Four quests.

instant instant completed. o Oow now we're talking. Come on, give me one more. give me one more day.

Chav about to think about this chat I don't know about this one chat I Heard Adam Driver started playing Dave the diver and changed his name and identity to Dave diver Can you please play Dave the diver? no that isn't what if I go up chat can I still find the one I'm looking for Pro: Probably right all right now I'm getting super fat found it oh my God Okay now all we have to do now is go home. Oh no we need some Cleon oh no chat if I get three Cleon that's five quests instant I got to Res the biscuit your ex what's your favorite fish? uh salmon only salmon tuna. that's about it. Chat: I don't think we get any more Cleon salmon and tuno would play Da the dive a weird chap.
we got to go chat yeah they're further up I'm not going to go with like 40 breathing and heaviest fudge. it's not worth it. like the hair. Thanks son.

and Caro yep you're wrong. these the hes are hard. oh no no watch I don't use them as ingredient I want to use them as race horses? okay okay chat. do we go make him cook it right now or not for the quests.

look we we didn't to make him cook at wait okay chat. should we do down? Cleon clear all the missions, go back up. where's Cleon then what's um what's the depth of it? 130 Beno First oh yeah we we can go. just go there right without without taking a slots for the cooking corals I imagine that's good.

um we get new Stu or not having progress, we wait until tomorrow. Watch out Cook: St yeah I know I know know um okay boats well good at that one more Rich uh also what did I want to just do right then chat how I something important upgrade chat I'm think carbo box 63 is a big deal 94 after that was crazy too too much money CH if we get good lucky on hiring people I I want to be I want to be ready for it. The important thing you were thinking of is playing Dave the Diver I really enjoy that game I think mirror is faster oh CH for the event I forgot about that I forgot to call Ellie too I'm not going to turn in any of the quests cuz I we can get them all them right now. it's it's like in a wow you know you like.

It's like when you go close to the Village like three quests completed. ah all that dude I going to go back with like the whole stack load and then go. it's like you know feels better ni get it boys yeah I'm giving the horses we'll H down when we get there. Problem What we should be to see Clon for now I think there were some last time I went here a long time ago in the background.

yeah no I for to feed the cat no cleon's weird Chad What that was it that 13 to 50 probably go back up at this one then? yeah, definitely just press a button. oh big one right there chat. Did this guy sell for a lot of money? The big fish right there today I Have to euthanize my cat called Cockin. she was 17 years old.

she got blood clot yesterday while she was at my laps. she's my sister since made. she was my conf one that I grow with I love so much it's so h hard I'm crying so much it's not in you Morana it's not CH it's it's um it's a French word I think means like playful. it's cooking is man chat.

Where's the Cleon wait didn't we already went here right? They should be here yet somewhere. Oh oh yoink that's yink. That's a that's a that's a massive yink chat that's a world class super yoink Oh there. Cleon two more I Have to risk it I Have to risk it I Have to risk it Oh wow, what is that deep sea ocean transparent ghost whale? That's a classic huh? it's a big Cleon wait it's The Cleon God Cleon Queen Dad too strong chat sorry I'm just too strong.
What? That absolutely smoked on it still stings. Let me see there's anything useful to pick up a tentacle. Wait a minute. What the f I should have a look here.

What is that a picture frame Macky why he's going to go up that wasn't part of the planet chat look at all my hor horses chat rank four three star crowned seahorse um oh Yoni yo I could go for a Yoni 155 that's cooking it. Wait is the right or not? No Yi oh there's weeds photo of her and yeah that's not weird at all. it's your father found my Expedition my GRE for Words turn his responsible father true I'll keep watching from Far well that was out of left field. Want to work here? Oh hell no What? I can't even train her Chat Dy Area Oh I can trainer actually? Oh wait she's good at cooking but she's not even a cook.

What? what? Oh cuz we need another another um we need gold lava like this sh 240 285 for 300 bucks. She learned a new recipe for us. Okay okay that yeah that works. yeah two Cooks yeah that that's good.

We kind need her to be on pointed chat today. we go harder. not worth it. You research 550 wait I don't have enough fire okay chat here comes ready.

Let's like the menu. okay chat. This is 10 servings chat I think I think we said tonight 10 servings CH What is auto? What do what do you mean by by by Auto do it what it means okay and then um let me check in but the rest is all cheap garbage. Wait what the okay that's good CH I chat is 30 enough for a night or not I don't think it is right I don't care if it Wast doesn't matter much I don't think 21 press z a I think I I think we're ready to go Ra CH n this n place look really nice.

Chat: does that give anything CH if you buy stuff or not Bru's ratings oh that's kind of cute. Okay try little brick thoughts was nice with brick. Ooh that's going to hard oh that's nice that's on brand. No yeah, we go for this.

Let's go all right, let's be on point today. Yeah, we're poor now. 0 up man. Shark done Shrim done wo come on 7K Gold oh my God 7K gold.

Oh you can add more of the menu as you go in the middle of service. Oh no I just sold all my jellyfishes. Wait, it's five rice per juicer. Sorry about the weeds, man.

it is what it is. Half a day you'll be able to plant more rice. Thank you man bugs man. Oh I need to also call Ellie Remember Gotcha! Okay let's go ahead are in the app.

Yeah in the app you're right. Hold. That's why I thought Buster one staff, one amount, one menu slot Interior 13 Holy chat. we're balling out CH We are rich rich right now.

Let just go crazy with it. Oh chck I like the green with the blue. It's a lot of money though. Chat thoughts: look we good chair I mean that is nice maybe red I think we? I think we we wait.
probably for the next um next pillars spe going wait as well to be honest. um little guitar little lamp? maybe? Can you please add the lucky cat to your B fish is nice I really like them smile seven Yeah Jo get S minute Oh that's kind of cool though. Oh that's nice Chat: Is it actually worth the CH to get this or not doesn't do much wait I can't hire staff Chat: I didn't I didn't pick him up from the ad? No I did pick him up the ad yeah I did I I did I did we're good? okay Chat: What what we need it? CH We need another cook right? let's get Yoni Um oh she learns fast. This is good.

Hold up Ooh cooking plus plus cooking ability increases permanently by a great margin. 320 for for 20 bucks. What an investment Dude what an investment dude. um 39 is even worth it I think we keep it like that for now Chad cuz I don't know how much we're going to spend on on the body suit and ch ch the margins.

We can't even use the margins right now. Okay okay K yeah okay chat we we go to Mir we go mirror also Chat: get a Time chat I have six racing horses I have the Forbidden crowned level four three star horse of the depths. We don't slack on that. Okay quests, all right.

Here's your ball back man. Oh 20 bucks from children Oh my. God Hold up, that's easy. 35 Plus The king Squiz is over CH Should I go see him now C Go Shiny jellyfish.

A shiny register. oh my. look at the stats. That's My Boy Race that's yo.

Is there any other contestants? Is there any other contestants in the room? Holy dude they didn't finish they. they gave up. Dude. Holy let's combine.

What is this bot? Hello w I know how it works. Chat chat. What does the downtrend thing means? What the I go back out there man, you're not going to give up like that. It's over I lost already he's tired at I Give a this the wrong race.

you're better ala unwinable. Nah I Can't win that? you slide the end Chad These all suck. Oh he holy this to easy. Absolutely crunched on it I I Can't beat that Chad they're way too good.

What? Come on, What are they doing? What was they doing all on the ground I Buy Power hes looking ass 240 Oh no. I'm not going to try it there. No point. No I missclicked on 10 Stark Lam Stark Lam Stark Lam Star Clam Crab Rain star Clam Crab Rain star clam Stark Clam Crab way star Clam crab Ray Angler I Miss I had to though I haded to hello EXC My name is Gary Gensler I Work for the Securities and Exchange commis and wanted to let you know we will be investigating you Gulant.

match fixing and match manipulation. Get your lawyers ready Buddy Crab R What? How would you? How would think that one earlier? I'm so stupid dude. Clam clam He's going to yoink right? What crab Ray Crab Ray Crab Ray Okay, might add battery one 2, 3, one two three I still have three. We still go three here.
Is he dumb? So bad? All right. come back later. They probably have more games there too. You know what? bro I can afford it I'm Bing the out.

Now look at that dude. I Got the whip. Uh, where the quest at one then top? what? I Lose the whip? That's it. Wait no.

Oh I'm already maxed out on repetition. Does that mean that it's wasted? Oh no I guess we're going to find out. CH Quite a lot for our village. It seems friendlier than I thought.

See the tree at center of the village. huge cover ice the vine tree, the energy source sea bottom ice Lo increases more and The Villages are falling. ill Che the glit below the surface te down. Embarrassing as it is.

so there's a piece of Isis that's bugging out I'll fix it. no more pepper straws. Get the K the little passage one been in the 100 centuries. Okay okay wa what about my credit though CH we still can you know use the work shop CH it's it's cost money you said come back tomor morning.

oh cuz we need to do main quest right ass Nautilus y oh shining jellfish okay dude oh move move move come on bro I need to start getting Nets and whatnot. there's a small hole I don't see nothing. it's a little squidy saw Legends pet squid well where is it the I'm sure it's inside should I check up on it. Sure there you are.

let's try leing it outside now. start putting some high quality food after leging JIS now gun it she a bug net oh a SP bar y sry he dud now we need some K wait CH you want me to go away with that? Lyn Chen Is that the boss boss? What mosted? K CH What should we do see I See emth right there though. Oh no pickaxe dude. don't be like that man.

I'm just going to tap man like oh, that is a super duper loot. Yeah, lucky is what it is. Sal So catch these ones cuz it, it's rank five. It's three stars.

It's worth a lot of money for how little effort it is to pick up some bolts. Chad I Don't think we get kill at this deep right? Kill is at the top. Is it not olive oil? Yeah we get like double coral and like that down here. I think um CH Should we go and go back to go back to mister Should? Should I get Jil and Stu first or what? oh oh should picked that up I think chat.

yeah cuz we could always just go down right? always just go to the boat and Mir Mir back down no problem. Uh okay. how many jellies I need yet I need five kelp and that's and some jellies to the party rank four Seahorse not bad Crown Seahorse rank four is not bad at all either. Ouch Oh spotted it's garbage.

it's it's it's really bad. Chat: which J Do we want? the one down here and the one above I Have no idea Above right? That's what I thought oh did, is that a waste or not? I mean it's rank six? Yeah, that's guy thaning though. Uh let's see some Ke right here. Only one brother.

Let's see. let's see some bombs I'll pick some Bombs Up on not some bones I think resarch is kind of useless in this game. to be honest. it's kind of garbage.
any. um, kill. oh there. let see it.

that's three kill. Oh hippocampus don't Oh spinny seahorse. that's got to be harder. uh too deep for K now right? Yep, let's see so one more and we are chill.

There's bullets here I only need that CH I wonder if those jellies count though. didn't look really great. Been here, done that. uh we should in Kaa now May was was just seen it by now.

oh that? no it's not kful it's fine. we'll make it out alive. The problem? oh wait a minute, right? Yeah. oh2 here.

What's that b ball club? I'm good jellyfish and kill where the is it? okay I'll check down here otherwise we get out of here. Over right here. Found it Bang bang done Iy we're all the quests now. uh maybe a couple jelly Maybe uh jelly.

when? what these? Busters man there you go. All right that's garbage. We had we that a long time ago. Terrible should probably disintegrate.

That chat. Is that enough jelly? You think or not? Feel like we got a bunch of a bunch of like poy jellies. So many hippoc campuses all let's get up there. let's finish up.

Wait wait ingredients. These always good to have. Good All right, we're good. This should be good.

Pushing 30 aare Squad Cruelty Squad Cruelty Squad Ra hasn't been night time yet. Oh my, look at all these ones chat. they're go crazy. It's a lot of fishies I Cook any of those the um, there's some weeds but it's not bad.

Could leave it like that for now. Research points: I Feel like we work way too hard for these res and they don't. They don't give. They're so useless when going to upgrade my weapon.

Thoughts: Um, three giant Trali fin? Where do we get that? It's probably probably a new boss we haven't seen yet, right? Please take chat off screen. It's literal garbage that takes up 20% of the screen. How HD do you have to be? And how much glue did you consume as a child to enjoy people self- projecting in chat and people game complaining with cringy modes. take chat off I Think it's mostly because um, some people are full screened in, you know? uh okay, why did they even go here? Chat: Chad do we even do a night? or do we go down there I think we go down there yeah as well I should have went and bought more.

uh, water land? oh you know, no upgrade CH I say um Diamond suit 100% We're have to go wa chat I Think definitely Diamond suits and we need to sell some garbage to this guy. Uh, let's see so much garbage to sell dude. actually not not that much chat. What do you do with those tiger? uh I don't even know what question here.

What's the point of the game? The point of the game is to um fish and then fish some more and then dive and then fish some more. No customers. Why not the kids. she's house the restaurant.

very large pet turtle. All right. give me that. Okay, let's go to the King right? Wait, three new quests all I'm calling the Beluga look at that see that can Sprint I was wining bro.
Oh I have a billion of those. the we want some fruit now. Magnificent! um Divine Tri baskets why is he moveing brother? Are you dumb? What a loser? Unbelievable This guy oh pleas anything oh damn well I mean can I get some upgr now please I have to wait dude. come on man.

hold I'll finish one Quest oh wait, maybe more gamble games. This my pet again a portrait. Cool. no new games I have a bunch of new horses.

let it 41 across the board. the spinny one. oh that's fast dud. these are all insane.

Okay, we start the game up with this guy. follow it up with this guy, then that then should be good right? Oh okay. all right. this is the horse are broken.

There's something going on here I don't like it? huh? I can't remember with that right? I Played perfectly. Yeah, oh my, there's more. Oh this is Wable. What are these stats? So why are they all tired? They're all tired.

Rest for multiple days. That's whack. Pick the quest and go see the boss. Let's see what we get.

Hear what's all that? I mean I'll accept the mission but it's chat. Why would I give them Amethyst for that off start bug out and then it's kind of weird chat also. um I'll send a request for the day to have it. so I can, um, swab over this Cloud I think that it ready I just got to actually put it on.

that's that you ever NF that's like Global F I'm pretty sure just lit. What do you think about the channels that play rerun streams? Are you going to do that in the future? Going to do that? I don't give a what's that? I'm going do it I just B all them What happen, What happened? Need a protection I Thought they just humans. Yeah I'm not going to give for money that that's not worth it. That's just compl to garbage I'm not doing that though.

Oh wait, where's the quest? It said she's house Choice A jellyfish. uh I don't know what to do here. talk to COBRA Who's Cobra is not the guy at the workshop I'm confused. wait that Chad has Dua that's Cobra I where Cobra is that they G top I think it's G there though it's the boat guy.

yeah I think we go back to the surface. then a good chatter so hasn't just I think like ban is fun all day. it just would like people aren't like only negative andies I think that's like the only thing a lot of people will like. literally never, ever ever be around or never participate or say anything.

When things are like good, neutral, or decent or like doing good, they'll the only input when it's like complete dog, it's cancer I Don't the people say some dumb but like um, not being a complete Lord is fair enough I think I don't think these are worth catching I've ever gotten one of these before. What is this? T Yes Pokemon Salmon snailfish. So we go. service Now by example brother you you act like it's like only bad all day.
like what it could be. It could be literally one good thing. It could be like one one positive or like one energ moment that isn't like, just completely negative. just like one thing.

I think you get it. Well we do Unb requests and I'll go through people's logs and they'll have like thousands of messages without a singular, not even one like non- negative emotes it. It's just all absolute radioactive cancer. like.

The bar is not really high. It's like it's like one thing. Let we just get a walkie talkie and we get the out walkie talkie right here to the right. Three Two: you know what? Chat: I Think I think we get some more meat off this guy.

What the is this glitch up Dude I Lost nothing. That's pretty good actually. Chat: Is that going to better than oh was that that? oh we can fix a statue with that one more dud. We have more s customers now.

Oh what do they want? Research: What the is that it's going to be good Michael Bang is happy about this one now. Robot: Samurai Th gold. uh do we have anything? Chat: oh my God it's six portions. We probably enhance it too, right? Oh my.

For two yellow fish we could wait. Is that the best in the game? Chat: I Could probably go and get yellow fish in a minute. Chat: Don't want to have some at the at the at the pool Dude: I do have some at the pool Dude What a that saved it. Let me see wait wrong spot.

wait it. need one more I Thought: I thought one meant three No shot right? What does it want? Man: Vegetable: Sushi what do they mean? What? Tuna Hot Pepper Tuna tuna tuna What the is happening? Another 3 Andy CH I think I can fish some more right? vegetable okay yeah he's he's some potato some okay got it. Wait menu CH I can do it wait CH will I have enough to make it though after that or not I won't let just make it this fun. Um what's that? Wait this.

this is all really really low value food. Wait we're going to make 0 oh no we that's 7 8, 9 oh no can add like can to be auto fill I know how to do that. that's s for five. just send it watch CH oh it's all that I have I thought that like the whole game.

who's who's yo bro? Well we're struggling. is it to clean the last PL nobody ate wait not lot people got the other thing as well either. oh no what a terrible party that was Jesus man oh what the is that? wait wait wait hold up I didn't I didn't I didn't listen to speee fore that hard yeah dude I thought to click every time. same thing what the cool the abandoned t oh the Farm again dude brother got him okay eggplant okay and then I need to get some water.

So much weed in here though. well let me think of that first. that's kind of chill. The thing will make me go crazy.

by the way. Thank you man. What is that more fine? thank you Chad just take the um the mirror now. Oh unless I think cargo box for sure.

Gun's not worth it. It's not a lot 24 it's only seven damage extra. Uh let's just keep it like that. Thank you.
All right it kind of looks cool. so fck I D the air is not that bad. you can manage. um a full fish run actually Nots What if she wants? oh this again there's a Mighty Putty Looks fine.

yeah, not perfect. It's a little scuffed for sure. undamaged. Yeah I fixed it up.

That's pretty nice. What's on here? oh I can give him that. That's fine I don't know why I'm doing this if I could just gamble instead. These kids are rich.

they have a lot of money on the Water Lake guide sign. gotcha and then we go up to the boss. Is it worth the price? It actually is. Yeah this this dude you be surprised how much cun this game has.

It's kind of crazy brother. There's like like four mini games on on the on the phone. Yeah there's a good am gun for this for sure. Some # ad is just a good game Like it's it's like just.

it's just like a lot of play time to actually play the game. Glacier Passage Key: Oh yeah. okay. thanks man.

we going need to go to the mural. The mural. Yes, let's go uhoh find Glaz Passage Key: What's on the roof here? What a cute seab bream do a small crack? what the okay like C Demons bro I want to get tapped? That's what I Thought: Goblets can you please play Dave the DI I really enjoy that game. He excusi is the real Jewish Felix is the absolutely main god of this entire.

Felix is just the most perfect example of how Theover works and started. it's actually insane. It's also an insane journey and of lotion. Nails Nails Nails Nails Nails wait o Square o Square x o Square x wait can you go to the I Am conf confused? am I blind? Oh yeah.

I blind actually. dude, it's it's sunny outside I Can't see. Oh wait a minute. need to put some rocks down first right? What the that works? I Guess yeah, wait a minute.

Is that the key? A device? Glacier Passage Key the MU was not that great though. All right. Oh, they're all going to open. yeah.

deliver the key alive or what? I just start blasting. Oh they're going to Blind Kadon is the name of what. Well there goes that. a stealth Mission we could just blast too I Can pass here behind a statue.

go noticed but he's f as that a little late huh? oh no here. some breath breathe I'm dead. That should be more punishing. There should be way more punishing I failed all the skill checks L Now What?

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Exploring the depths! xqc plays dave the diver part 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mysterious Shadow says:

    Didn't finish the game…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glitched says:

    thought he was playing deepwoken

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ynne Cö says:

    holy shit this dude isn't the brightest

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DreckigerKanisterkopf says:

    these losers in chat never had anything besides burgers in their life they shouldn't talk bad about seafood cuisine if they don't know it

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars young boogs says:

    This was such a pain to watch him play this but it's so funny

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! CoolOrphans says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SimplyX says:

    Please stop going in the red when ur horse racing u easily could of won cuz u had a good start but failed cuz u smashed the keys way to fast, even 1 bar into the red slows u down a lot

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SimplyX says:

    You’re trolling by not dropping rocks on crabs and not by liking the jelly fish and fish attacking you, makes 0 sense to let them keep attacking u

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! CoolOrphans says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! CoolOrphans says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghosty says:

    Really hope he finishes the game. AWARE

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SumiSumi says:

    Manually breathing

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kingg FN says:

    Play through was good until he started gambling and not reading story or paying attention. Bro would get a quest and be like “what do I do” 5 sec later. ADHD brain

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SAU says:

    I know for a fact he will never beat this game xQc is weak and unable to finish games like this.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clementine says:

    I want Part 3

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Matheus da Silva says:



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