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23 an officer was on P when he heard the sound of object being dragged through the street in North fondel. Wisconsin Subsequently, he observed a black vehicle traveling with its front passenger side Tire missing in the rim, making direct contact with the road. It's kind of cool to watch when it does that like a bunch of Sparks and approach. the 26-year-old female driver named Samara appeared to be lethargic and Her speech was slurred.

There was also an open bottle of Budweiser in the center console. Oh damn. okay. Hi there hey can I Have you do me a favor, turn off the car for me? You got some safety issues.

What? exactly what exactly you got? No. I Know my side is having issues. trust me. I Just realize that recently, oh no, she's busted just down the road I was about to like pull in her parking lot.

Tell her what. Let her figure it out. Yeah, you got no tire. What? Hold on, Stay in the car.

You got your driver's license with you I don't have a tire? Yeah, you're missing a tire. Sounds drunk as way farther than drunk though. like super drunk. Sorry cuz this is my boyfriend's mom's Garden she should never be doing that.

Uhoh well, she's going to be upset she got insurance. Yeah, you got insurance. No got an insurance Carter at least no, yeah, she looks more than drunk. actually it's almost there.

I'm sorry officer, no you're okay I had no idea that it was like that. No no, you didn't hear the any kind of dragon or anything. I Noti 2 months isn't what I just told you this one is like little with the metal in in between. Oh that.

other than that, no okay well I swear. Okay, well you I wish I did so I would have known better right? Well what? I didn't When when you when you passed when you passed me there were Sparks coming off your yeah that that's not pretty I mean it's pretty Fourth of July Well yeah Fourth of July that's great but you want them up in the sky, not under your car? Yeah no. So I had no idea that I am sorry when conducting a driver's license check. It showed her status was revoked due to an OWI conviction in December 2022.

Well, just a second here. I'm just going. I'm just going to have you keep the car off for a second for me. Okay and I'm going to I'm just going to check.

Is your driver's license good? Yeah, you're not wanted. No, not what do you mean? Well starting February I Get feu my see Tire bro Well what are you doing driving then? what the get drinks. quick stop to go get drinks and this happen. Did you at least get a quick stop to get the drinks? Yes yeah, all right I'll just leave it right there.

Okay all right hey I can see my PC for the stop. Oh she I mean dude I can hear her voice. She's very very sart. Another officer then observes Samara trying to place the bottle behind the CH I feel like she got like like a free pass.

It's like it's like uh since her Tower's all up. if if she was drunk then he's like oh oh I can't drive because it's up right She could have saved herself because it's like dude you know like it's obviously get pulled over. if you have a missing tire and you can hear it and what not it's like a reminder passenger seat they should be they should be. You should be driving it like the I am not get it.
none of them are open. How do you not get that? I'm going to have you do me a favor. step out of the vehicle for me. I am a little yes.

Okay, that all right do I I'm going to have you step over here. How did she not know ter was missing it? You can hear that? Then we're going to do some field sobriety tests. Make sure you're okay to drive All right. Trust me.

I Have seen sadly more than enough outside my house. Okay so what I'm going to do is have you stand heels, toes together, arms down at your side. Okay, all a thing it's hard you see the tip my pen there. All right.

Do you have any problems with your eyes? Do you wear contacts or glasses at all? technically? Yes. I am supposed to. Okay. Do you have any being I am jobless and without insurance I and fued okay with your eyes and your eyes only.

Do you understand? Yes sir. All right. Um, love you. Excell Remember just with your eyes juice, it's bad.

it's not terrible. Oh I Forget she prefired it. Oh my Go. Okay, forget it.

My bad. She pre-fired like oh my hello M We would like to notify you that your order for a life size has sound now. I'm going to move the pen up. Okay.

follow it with your eyes and your eyes only til your chin down just a little bit. Oh, not that far. there you go. Take my pen.

I mean she's pre-firing She's falling asleep. and is there anything else okay other than the ABC What? No she said what? Is there anything else okay other than the ABC no offense. if I'm on the real nobody can do that. Not wrong.

I mean true. More test it's not I mean she's right. okay I can't ABC my life out of it guys I Cannot ABC backwards ever to. you're going to pretend there's a line coming out of your left foot.

Okay, a straight line. Can you imagine that? Place your left foot line for me. place your right foot in front of it v u I'm a lefty so my right to left aren normal TS was coloring brother. This is impossible.

It's sad. I you have to use a ruler to make a straight line all right and I still don't even make that straight line Okay The reason why they do more than the only breathalizer I think breathalizer on its own as a main and only piece of evidence is is it's strong. It's not fantastic and things can still get thrown out because of a bunch of. but if you do all the sobriety test or whatever the right then it Stacks up and then makes a much stronger case.

If something were to happen I Tell you to, you're going to take nine Heel To Toe Steps Okay, you're going to hold on. That's how I tell you to I'm wrong. You're going to look down at your feet, keep your arms down at your side, and count out loud when you take that last step. You're going to keep your front foot planted on the ground.
using a series of small steps. You're going to turn around and walk nine. Heel To Toe steps back on the line. Okay, I did three.

You'll take nine. Okay, hold on. That's how I tell you to start. Do you understand the test I think I I mean she just scrimmed.

Follow through it I mean I know you did it yourself. Follow through. but can you watch me follow follow through? Yep. I'm going to be watching you do the test.

Okay, so one already fail at your side. Count out loud Two? No, absolutely not. Oh hell no. she's Crossing Oh me on a normal day.

So I'm not kidding I have no balance in general. continue the test please. Any what? Okay, that is eight, nine? You said nine or 10 I did 10? Okay, that's fine. Keep going.

Two: Okay, oh that's a dance bro. she she's getting sturdy. Do you see that? All right? Step over here for me. I'm sorry I don't know if it has anything to do with the type of boots I'm wearing either.

No, you're fine. like I am not as buzzed as I could we're going to have one more test. Okay, no, he's the one leg stand test. That one is really hard.

Arm down at your side. There you go and don't move till I tell you to start. When I tell you to with the leg of your choosing, raise it 6 in above the ground and look down at your foot out loud. 1001 1002 If you have any questions about the test, no stand straight as I can and come to six ready until I until I tell you to stop, you can begin two.

Going to count 34 I'm left8 10091 2012, 2013, 20145, 2016 2017 I'm not as drunk as it's easy. Okay one, two wait. what is she doing? it All right? That's right I don't trust myself. Wait bro.

what the is all that's right now. What I' like you to do is we're going to grab a PBT and we're going to do a PBT test. Okay, what that me? huh? We'll show you what's your name before you show anything. Okay, what's your name? I'm is my name if I don't do this right I Just had a question to ask you real quick.

where were you drinking? What? I'm just trying to figure out what you hit friend's mom's house. That's it. Where did you crash? Do you remember where I didn't crash anywhere? Oh yeah, you did. Your tire is running on the rim.

No no no okay I get what you're saying. Mhm. But that's not how it happened. No what happened.

somehow the metal stay back here. chill out impant the what? the implant. Okay yeah. I didn't crash into anything.

Can I have you blowing in this tube for me? Me: go ahead and take a deep breath and blow like it's a balloon. Okay, is this my boyfriend? That's my boyfriend. Oh my can you blow into that for me? Keep going. Keep going.

keep going. keep going. keep going. keep going.

She: she's sucking in. Okay, you got to blow out off. You got to blow out like your out. Okay, this is this your vehicle.
That's your mother's vehicle. All right. if you want to pull up ahead of it and just take a I mean holy bro that isim breath test was conducted which resulted in 0.19 like blow out. Okay, nice and steady.

There you go. There you go. Keep going. All right.

You know that's really bad. Two like two 138 you think you're above or below that below. I only bring 2.4 time5 for me. Okay, so that's normal right? twice in legal minutes? Take that there for me.

Can you grab that All right? and then what I got to have you do is turn around, place your hands behind your back. you're going to be under arrest for OWI Okay, turn around me. bring your arms to your back. What did you say? The point is8 why the I'm you're almost at triple.

but I'm a small person. do you guys not interact that and well then you should probably drink glass right? Not. yes, no, you're right. But like, do not put that in an perspective.

No, all we care about is how intoxicated someone else. No, you just care about the LI story of my life. Is my boyfriend right there with you? I'm going to take you back this squad over here so you can get warm. Okay, okay I don't give a no offense, but who the is with your other dude? You said that was your boyfriend? We don't know who that is I'm a piece of and no wonder he wants to leave me.

I'm going to be C single if I wasn't single already. So thank you men! You're wonderful. The back of my squad here. Okay I appreciate all the you do.

Thank you for making women single. As Samara was being placed into the squad car, she made a kicking motion at the officer. your are zero. Just leave me alone and have a nice life.

Shut the door I Can't do that. Hold on. hey, don't kick me. Just shut the door I Going to buckle you in.

You really don't though. Dispatch also stated that she was limited to a 0.02 BAC level and was required to drive with an ignition interlock device yet there was not one installed. Oh Fu Paperwork for the arrest Samara became disruptive in the back of the squad car. How how do they even not install anything? What do you want me to do? That just sounds like you're moving around a lot back there I have to pee if anything.

Okay, we can arrange though. You guys want to be like this when criminals are out there like crackheads and pizza like Rob cuz guess what? I wait how are crackheads worse than drunk drivers bro I I I would take 10 crackheads over one drunk driver used to be a crackhead but I changed my life. That's good cuz you're a good cop in my wrong cops. Well officer, what's name? hold on Samar he's trying to enter some stuff.

Do you have a question? I Kind of do. What's the question? If you guys want to change the system, why not go after the co criminals that are doing extreme danger? We do but a lot was I doing extreme danger I Was literally about to pull into a parking lot, go inside and live my life. Nobody loves anybody so just get used to it I don't even love the M that was literally sitting out I Worried about me, she unbuckled her seat Bel and was able to slip out of the handcuffs. Oh hell no oh my God scared me So this we got to put you back in those handcuffs.
Okay on. N no no. take these step out, step out. why did you do that cuz they're easy and they off face the car face the car.

Nope right here there you go. Yeah she could. she could have went for it there I have to PE Okay well you can wait after a stunt like that. Not really.

I'm going to peed right here. No you are not going to peed right here. We will charge you with a crime if you peed right here. Do Not peed right here.

Let me go to the bath. No I already cooperated wait like an adult. No you didn't, You just got out of your handcuffs. What do you mean I've been cooperating with every single question.

Don't be an you're an thank you for being a good person. All right. Hold on you. Stop it.

Stop resisting. Is that? Go. Really? Give me your other hand I'm sorry. What What if you're in the back of the car and then they're stalling and you can't hold it? I Mean what can you do the just stop.

He's being a douche. Give me your hand, let go of your other hand. He's happy to be the 25y old. He is right.

you're 25. No. Give me. stop holding your other hand now.

I'm going to have to make these tighter so that you don't get out of them. Okay, stop some. please stop. Okay I need to.

Can you shut the up? Stop I need to being ridiculous. they being ridiculous. Shut the up I Like you? Okay I'm glad. shut the up and leave me alone and let him.

Well then you need to let me do that. Stop pulling your hands and moving around. Let go on me so he can have me like d me. so he the one I like she slipped her CS but we're okay.

The one I Like Samara chill you. this is just me on I Got you now. Okay but my cuffs aren't on all the way so just cooperate with me real quick. You have small wrists that makes it tough.

okay I just got to get this done once these are on I don't want to see you take them off again D I'm not going in jail am I You are going to jail. Yes, you mean you want check that you're I saw You're all right. Step back in there. You're going to jail.

Step back in there for me. Thank you Oh my God Yeah IM What dude I don't care about you. Please don't take those off. Stop No you stop.

Jesus Bro I want my appointment I hate you I have mental health fing um the beer will just take but I'll probably end up dumping it I'm going to like inventory it or anything. Drink it Do you? No you? She says she wants woman, she doesn't want to. You Tomarrow we're trying to be nice to you. Please cooperate Okay, whatever.
you go to hell. help you and your cop life. The pro Normally yes, but it'll be all right. Stop kicking that you.

You're going to get more charges if you don't stop. Knock it off you. not like anything ever matters I Don't matter to my boyfriend I Don't matter to my own life. Nobody cares about me.

No, don't matter. But guess who matters me I Matter y'all don't matter to save your own damn life I matter I Have a life you don't have No lives. You have lives to save I Just have to fill out some paperwork and we get going. Okay, Am I wrong? You do not have anything to live for I'm asking you, Do you? Is that C Behavior or what? Yes I do child? Nope, No, You just have a I have to read this to you Okay Miranda right? No, it's something different.

but I'm going to read it to you. Okay, under Wisconsin's implied Consent law I am required to read this notice to you. You have either been arrested for an offense that involves driving or operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both. If you refuse to take any test that this agency requests, your operating privileges will be revoked and you will be subject to other penalties.

Will you submit to an evidentiary chemical test of your blood? No. But my serious question is he I'm going through one DUI already? Are you going to? Are you going to submit to the blood test? Yes or no? Yeah. Okay, I have to, but not tonight. Well, it's going to be What: I'm not going down the hospital.

Well Samar we have to go to the hospital No. Is that going to change your answer? It is because I don't have insurance or I'm not going to put myself in debt. Okay, so so here's the thing is: we're going go tomorrow. No, we're going either way.

So is that my boyfriend for not right now? Even her boy doesn't want her I Don't think what the why can't I do it tomorrow when I wake up like this is disrespectful as and I wish you understood disrespect but guess what? you're a cop. you don't understand that traffic related I think this is do you have your handcuffs off again I'm sadly stuck. Yes, you even hear me dude I put a storm cam the St looks kind of cool then acknowledge me I'm only human I'm young, human and most and what are you nice? are you? hello cute boy What are you cute boy that I really rather not hit on because I'd rather be with my boyfriend. What what is wrong with her boyfriend I don't know.

don't letting me the Mustang just up. Okay, thank you. don't letting me the Mustang hold up I didn't know that was your boyfriend that was. so where the is he? yeah no kidding, we left.

where can you please go see where he is? She then removed her seat belt once more and began assaulting the squad car's plexiglass with rage. Seriously, please dude, sing the glass stop tomorrow Jesus you I asked nicely you're in custody I don't give a I asked nicely. you piece of. Stop doing that please.
that's demon Behavior Just tell her she's the cage that this is child behavior of Deon I Watch enough, you're just the hi. You're right. Thank you. That's Deon I mean demon I mean wait demon.

How about it. While on route to the hospital, she started salivating which descended upon the back of the officer's head. e she spit at the back of my head I don't know if you oh e f that's cooked up. that is disgusting.

Stand by be a female if they got one. I'm your car. don't do that. you're going to get charged with something else.

Just kidding I would turn around, open my mouth and caught it. How is it? My fault is my I have good peeing. You're not letting me. Okay you can pee in like 5 minutes.

Okay how foral draw for for legal? Oh mean not from you guys want to do wheel or do you? We'll see. that was so nice to her too I'm just I'm just a Target CH some CH some of the lightning bolts are looking insane I'm I'm putting a cam up. it was like okay, hold up CH this has one more minute I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to lift up the blinds I'm going to put a back cam. It's going to be really small but you'll be able to see it it 46 months.

Still handsome, right? I'm going to in this time. Please don't unbuckle yourself again. How can I help you one adult female new charges Ari Door One. Just so you know she is not in the system yet.

Yeah, I'm working on it. Thank you Samara Was charged with misdemeanor counts of OWI second offense, disorderly conduct, resisting obstructing an officer, and operating while revoked in May 2023. She pleaded guilty to a no contest, plea for her Ow and res in charges, and was consequently given a 90day sentence in jail. Her remaining charges were dismissed, but read in: I Want my boy man I Hate you? Head over to Code and check out our great selection of quality-made merch that won't disappoint.

Glad the move. Well man. excuse L okaying down can seem to shake it wait on my chest I can't fake it my so sometimes it feels just like a TR I keep pushing what's up here. We go now.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “When you re too drunk to realize you re driving without a front tire xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yella hagerty says:

    Your a great commentor I get lost watching your videos I'd comment more but you say what we are all thinking

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan C says:

    I love xqc but he has the attention span of a gnat

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars doinky says:

    field sobriety i think is used cause alchol can be detected even if you didnt drink , cause you might’ve eaten food that was made with abit of alchol aswell

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lRufflez says:

    No one who is that drunk should be alone, at that level of drunk you can be taken advantage of very easily, both men and women … like she's so drunk that her prefontal cortex is just GONE (the part that allows you to make decisions)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zoey Boxx says:

    The way felix looted his bedroom to get some advil💀💀💀

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Smith says:

    Even while drunk she still knows health insurance is awful😭😭

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theconnor89 says:

    "I'm fucked is my name, if I don't get this right" made me chuckle out loud

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red says:

    Again it’s impressive how functional that teacher was that got caught drunk at .24. This girl is obliterated at .19!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shrimp says:

    x makes shit so much funnier just adding the 'HUH' 'WHAT SHE SAY' in every so often LMAO

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars petemeister says:

    Quretion for NA frogs. Is it normal to perform sobriety test on someone who's nuclearly blasted out of their mind? Shes obviously DUI, just cuff her up and get a proper blood test etc.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GothASMR says:

    These police officers are so nice to her. She starts to call them an asshole and then she immediately is like “you’re so nice.” Haha.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessy says:

    "Trust me i have Saadly seen more then enough outside my house" im guessing shadow people 😌

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ham0nRy says:

    “I used to be a crackhead but then I changed my life”

    Crackhead is the best base for safe driving.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GoreyOwO says:

    I can never understand this shit of driving drunk. There are so many accessible services to help you get to point A and B nowadays. Don’t drive if you wanna go drink at a party people !

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