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Yo Mr Cow Hope you're doing well. Can I get a Welcome to the Jungle I Don't like you a terrible person is crazy and my plan for the video I'm going to put the text on screen right now that I texted my homie. This was my plan for what I wanted for the video. it was going to be a chill video already hands now that I texted my home I don't give a what she said talk first so she said what she wants I want a soft AF for trying to make me a victim.

um I'm him I'm him. she's another problem. she's in structure. uh leave her alone.

Never hit a trick shot. Sure homie. This was my plan for what I wanted for the video. it was going to be a chill video you already handled it on Discord so you mess me saying all you're funny AF I'm excited to make this video like she was showing love.

we were cool I was showing her my dog. she was showing me her dog like we were chilling. thought everything was cool. then she pulls up whatever I apologized to her multiple times but this is where I went.

Let's watch the video look F good to meet you off rip I'm so chill all right. So then we get to my apartment and I'm honestly just going to leave it uncut you to see everything There is a certain part I'm going to have to cut out because she says something crazy. This is it. This is the only recording that we had.

um, it wasn't exactly how I wanted it filmed I never really got to film my part but here we are. Let's watch clear isn't girl for sure for sure. and honestly I just kind of went more internet trolling route. that's why I said like everything I don't know I'm at this point I'm just trolling because it's like what else can I do with that situation other going to speak out about it like I can't control anything legally so all I can do is just keep talking about and being looking.

you kind of just got caught. Unfortun this such bad timing for you me Fair Using me as a poster child for your hate sucks using you as a poster child I can see how you feel that way I fully understand but that's not my intentions at all. no matter, no matter who it was, whoever they decided to use as a token for that recruit I would have said the same thing. Doesn't matter who there's no that you hate because there's no face.

there's a logo because there's no face. Your fans see that and they see my face and they're like okay well we'll direct all our hate that he had as at her. this is my thing. They already knew what my position at face was I was exposing everything from numbers.

They didn't have a face to hate for sure. but like why would they even put you in that position? Why would they put you in a position knowing what would happen? You think they thought there's not 1% chance that they thought it was going to go well for you but they did deserved me for sure. but that's why I said it's never about you if you watch my original video I said but I'm getting death threats and people have found my number yeah I mean I don't know how they found my number. that's something obviously I don't want and I never directed hate towards you when the only reason I said what I said was because of the kitchen like why is she even do that face bro if you watch my original video I did not direct hate towards her that's so annoying I was being so nice like I don't get it, get it com like I thought we were trolling at that point I said don't get barbecued in the process you said you can handle I don't want to rant but for now about the uh I I disagree with both stances I I disagree with both that before the barbecue comment yeah but I if you watch my initial video I do not say anything bad about you I'm like it's not about you but you took it that way I guess because of the troll stranger things people were meaning to me about because of you before I said anything before I responded pardon I was getting hate because of you before I even responded I mean you can't necessarily say because of me they would If I didn't say anything, you would have got hit.
You know that right? If I didn't open my mouth, people would still disagree with the recruit. It's not really. Okay, Okay, okay okay I I Okay see now now people. why you disagree I'll say why because he now he doubles on.

Just take it because it's not because there's a bunch of oil and there's a crazy amount of oil right that you can say oh, I'm going to inflame all of it and say well, the oil was there bro I mean this was this, was going to catch on fire Regardless, yeah, but dude I mean bro, bro, you lit that on fire that I mean if you want to do that, that's fine but still you have to take you still have to say like yeah I did that I I I I cause a fire I just kind of VO everyone's opinion because people feel that way and again it's not against you. You don't have to feel like you aren't capable of certain things just because it isn't necessarily phas in what matches with our history. It's like not against you but that's why I was always because present this present the reality where he did the opposite and said yo guys chill the out man, it's not like that man, it's just because this is that and he was not. He was chill about it was with the response is to hate a tiny bit it was small fire and then they wouldn't different.

So I think it's it's not a good dat that's all. Let me just rewind this. You aren't capable of certain things just because it isn't necessarily phas and what matches with our history. It's like not against you but that's why I was always confused with the choice because you didn't really have friends in PH you had more friends outside of pH H 100 thieves people like that but instead ofus recruit you just hated on it immediately.

Well because I know what the recruit is for I know the meaning behind what they do. It's not for fun and for what they actually think is good for the brand. They could have gone with people with more viewers, it's not. but then they have more leverage over them.
They need people that will listen to them more now. but I'm not listening I'm doing well I mean you kind of still did what they wanted you to with the recruit and stuff. What? like you still agreed to join and do all that they they wanted that because of everything I wanted in the meeting I had meetings with multiple orgs and in each meeting I set out my game plan for what I want to do in this industry and if no one signed on and no one agreed to the things I wanted to do, then I wouldn't sign with or I can do that on my own I have a platform then. So why do the choice if you knew all these things about even when you brought up the stuff that obviously I have no part in the M stuff I don't know why you're attaching to that, but I feel it.

Um, why would you join knowing that as well and why would you join knowing it's being exposed And why would you agree to that knowing that? that's not even what the community would want. especially when I show that there was no interaction between your name and faas on Twitter in its whole right, there's not a single sec. I mean I mean I mean bro at that at that point then you could just say flat out that um I mean that she doesn't fit in any or in any of gaming I mean at that point I feel that's kind of the message he's trying to send like that like that it's not a good fit for anybody which you you can debate whether that's true or not and you who cares? look let me look at you guys, look at you guys like oh my God she doesn't oh my God she doesn't guys you don't even have to was a few years you don't even have to go to these links because now he's getting offended on the behalf of Faze or whatever right? It's if you don't agree across across the board, what doesn't matter if it's Faze or anybody else like what nameing phas on Twitter in it's whole right? there's not a single there was a few years ago I deleted it. year ago they did a tweet that said like we want more wom in phas and I responded to it but then I deleted it when we when I started having meetings because again it's no offense against you but it's like we are in a position where we have to give they want they haven't had.

Okay CH you guys a question mark. Okay then then tell me tell me how how Snoop Dog has more ties to any of this than her H how how is Snoop Dog more inra or better fit than she is and what was the outrage for that and what was the moding about that? What was the where was the the and where was the Fa video when com to Sno like that. had it in years and it's like if it's just cuz more Cloud So now now you're now you're basing your um your your choice based on pure pure clout. It's like you move the go.

This is called moving the goalpost. So what you're doing is that you're people are M about something and there's hate that it first for a certain reason and people want to avoid what that reason is and instead they create a ghost chase of goals and if you reach that goal they move the goal post You show. another example, move the go and you're just goal posting and that's cringe as as an argumented strategy, it's it's cringe. You've never been talked with cring have a connection with people and again it's not against you.
It's like I shouldn't be a Laker right now like I have no parts. why would they make me a Laker I have no parts with that it's like certain things you just I'm not even to say I don't want to me like put you down or say like you're not worthy this that of course but it's this was pulled too early right? It was tooo early. It should have actually made sure you knew everybody connected with everybody but you. Snoop Dog has played have you ever seen Snoop Dog play COD brother I don't I no one told me right, nobody ever said hey Grace I asked if I could meet everyone I would have and they never hit any of us to do that.

No, it's like you act like I knew they told me this happen, join me or I said no, never happen They never hit you up anything entirely political corporate move and that's what I'm saying. It's deeper than what you think it is and that's what people get caught up in I I'll speak for one minute I I Understand that. but how is that her fault though? I Guys I Guys I don't want to be a Defender Andy like outrage it that that is. That is not her fault, That's not fault.

she wants to be engaged with something okay. she goes into an industry not knowing a lot. okay and then she just navigates it that way and then to have all of the industry problem crushed on her and like I think that's kind of odd I generally think it's it's It's an odd way to to navigate s and it's just not the way to do it I'm sorry, it's not the way to do it to you I'm not I'm not a normal phase recruit I don't make sense. um and why would I join phase because of that? I think for me in my meetings with them and what I really went home and I it was like a lot of I hear something crazy little spoiler alert I'm better to lose $10 million to her.

Seriously, is that you bad back and forth with my home at my with my friends like I just she said she didn't want it though. So I'm clear a big decision because FaZe is known for being like I said like it's it's the GU Orc it's there. Have been like I know that maybe things have upgraded and changed a bit but since the beginning you guys make pretty sexist comments. Pretty degrading comments.

example example: I mean I've seen I've seen your tweets where you're joking about okay I have to pause it here because I have to say something. She's about to pull out a terrible tweet of mine from 2013 that was bad and there's probably even worse tweets out there. I'm not going to lie like I've deleted a lot of them. I've SE I'm like oh my God I can't believe I tweeted that you were there back in the community.
We all tweeted really really bad things and I don't know if you guys want to demonize me for the tweet. it was me responding to Tensor and I said the RW and I said it about Emma Watson for whatever reason I don't know why but I did I don't even know Emma Watson like that he must have like loved Emma Watson I just responded with some crazy troll. So I'm just saying I'm being honest about what I tweeted because I don't want him to try to use it against me. make it seem like I'm something I'm not I don't even know why I'm like over defending a 2013 tweet but it's just I know how these twist bro.

You're AFE to have any opinion you want over my 16-year-old tweet. but I I do apologize for that I did tweet some crazy I mean I can link I will give you $10 million if you can give me that tweet. Seriously, I will owe you $10 million. You can find a tweet of me talking about doing that I will give you $10 million 10 million I don't have 10 million I will owe you for the rest of my life 201 I Don't care if it's from 2003, Find it okay I will I Was so confident I was so confident cuz I've never seen that tweet resurface or anything, post it at 2013 and never saw it again.

A link and it's not my tweet I've never had a crush on Emma Watson That's So Random I barely wait a minute, No, you said Emma Watson I'll find I'll see if I can find it right now but someone responded to one of my tweets with it, that's insane. There's no way I would ever tweet that on my likeup. Okay, that is crazy that is. You guys are known for very sexist things.

Do you want me to link? Delete? No Absolutely. I Think cuz I think no. Actually, that's so crazy bro. What the how you $10 million now? Yeah I Guys I think Banor is guys I think Banor is fine I think sometimes some things can come across as like being a hater of of of women.

it I think sometimes some things. If you want to put it that way, it does it. I'm not talking about that. I'm even the current year when you're B with somebody it if I'm with somebody and I call I call him a okay when it's a guy, it's a girl You can say dude, you call this girl a yeah but I call this guy a too like sometimes there are behaviors that people will say oh, you're a woman hating when it's like you don't have to go there I don't think you have to unless you can establish a pattern of somebody doing that I think I think that's fine calling somebody a ass a right and and people come I come out and say yo dude that's that's anti-woman settle the down you need to, you need to chill out and take a brether brother.

okay I also do think though that like saying oh guys guys I do think that like genely though I'm not trying to be woke but am in the inial video saying like oh dude I wouldn't let her touch me I think that was like it just got a out of pockets I'm not I'm not going to say oh my God I'm offended I think that was out of pockets it's just not something I'm really thinking like all right, how am I going to pay her back now like I'm really thinking that I'm like wow I'm just lost $10 million at a half I say sexist I'm just saying it's just it's just going I like I was like if I have to like figure out some sort of payment plan, let's do it. You sure you don't want it? No on the record I do not want because I was that confident that I've never said anything like that. it must have been some God that's so it was really scary for me to walk into organization know that's not like that's so czy I'm actually mind blown I'm actually mind blown and when you responded to me and said I wouldn't let you touch me on my drunkest night I immediately blocked you I was like I want nothing to do with this guy I just want to keep doing what my mission is in this industry and if that means I have to leave phas because it's not working out then that's it. But I'm going to keep doing what I want to do and then I sat on it more and everyone was saying like I'm no youing what is right for by me I'm always going to do what's honest to me but then I was sitting with it more and my entire life in in the gaming industry has been receiving comments like this.
and the reporting system on these video games is. and even though it's trolls, even though it's always trolling, it doesn't feel good. No. and I get that and that's why I told you I understand it was supposed to be a special day and like the way you could have felt.

So I've been understanding all this from your point of view. everything you said I'm like bro like she's Li she sees all this hate like how's anybody get respond so that's why like I took everything with the greatest all like she's just the most respond but that's why I unblocked you because I was like how many times I don't say like cap or like that say has no validity I'm not going to go all in on it. Okay, but that's that's that's kind of true. and when somebody that isn't a troll or a random viewer or a random person, somebody who's like a figure right, like like somebody's somebody who levels out of there goes there.

It inflames everybody else behind it and it makes everybody that has these thoughts to like. It's the it's a green flag. it's like the leader and says you know what guys you know what guys, all this dog everybody says no today guys go for it. Boom that sucks I'm going to say that's just going to get like the chance in my life to have like a face to face with an Internet troll that talks to me in the the great I mean it's not an Internet troll sure met you before canay how you want for sure but you also asked for it.

Did you not? did you or not? did you or did you not? ask for it I didn't ask for sexism. you asked for whatever comments you said and I didn't honestly see it as sexism h I mean sure I would have said something else to a guy but it's like it's different things but okay it's like if you want to talk said something SE to a guy, you can't I mean yeah cuz I'm a guy so you have to be the opposite sex to say that so it's like it's unfair I'm not going to come after you that way. Yeah, sure, but you obviously know I don't mean that I came after you a totally different wrong way and I don't care about that I'm going to go aad and flat out disagree about with this take if you're something you can still hate on it and it be labeled as like being that way I mean if if I I I still think that if you're bro, that's just that's that's my just my thought because I realized like who you need say anything bad you said I'm proud of you like who cares like I'm not and I am I I I also talked in the video about how my mom yeah drugs my dad is 28 years sober and he hates your guts right now. that's fine but he also um if you're a girl and you do you do and say things that are like anti-woman you're still woman hater if you're if you're if you're if you're white and you do like a bunch of or you're black and you do a bunch of racism whatever just just it's still racist.
like whatever doesn't disappear because you're you're of the same of the same. That's that how works I appreciate that. um no I appreciate that for real he's available because he's been a sponsor for multiple people and I appreciate that. um, she was saying stuff after she didn't want in the video.

So I cut it nothing into the story. Yeah, no I appreciate that for real? um but no I just never took it that way. You know what I mean I was in like a wheelchair for 2 years and I got hurt a lot like I promise you no on internet can hurt my feelings. it's actually impossible they can try.

please try. It's crazy how much she's laughing and smiling and looking at me like that. and I where it ends. You guys are going to be mindblowing I just can't believe this happened I can't like you're your time I don't care, it doesn't bother me cuz I know things for what they are and I know you don't mean that I know if we spoke face to face, if Weever had a genu conversation, we would not feel no type of way against each other.

It was just you got caught up in the crossfire of an ongoing war with face. They should never have put you up to that knew was going to say something. They knew people were going to criticize it, but they put you up to it whether you agree to it or not. Yeah, they never told you there was going to be a wary get a ton of Hate by the way told me oh no, did you tell them you were going to do that I don't have to, they know I'm making a video about everything I just leaked all their numbers I have a book that exposes all their numbers and I'm leaking everything to show Yeah no I had um, they warned me that FaZe fans would not take a particular liking of me but I was like I'm used to that I just got off the stranger things and I received more hate from that f than like anything.
Those haters are a lot more creative than they're also not feel that way, not act that way I was such a you see clearly that was a toxic kid I would that's why I couldn't even fathom that I tweeted that I'm 27 now like I don't that's impossible for I don't even think that way. but whatever. kids shock value. They say crazy things.

That's why I never trip on kids this whatever. Guess they're going to grow up and not be that way. For the most part some might some might be trolls forever, but generally I've seen so many kids like you probably said crazy things too. When we were 13 we all did all the Cod kids like yeah, used to the com like you made I think I just wasn't I wasn't prepared for joining an org and one of the founders of the org giving me the same reaction that I get in gaming but also know that that never came before I was being so polite I was I SAR you should have trolled me in a more creative way.

Why are I was trying to insult but I'm not I don't know but like I didn't even say anything I mean other till after but in the beginning in the first I said nothing bad I kep say you're a wholesome person. you do the humous thing I trolled the T but that's fun. Oh come on man, come on no CH I'm going to say chat guys that is a classic addin addin fan based apologetic way to say like when you do oh dude I some dumb but I some nice things I I call nice I he ugly as broke Yandy but I said that was a nice shot. you look nice like I dude dude that's how it is.

It has no, has no vality. come on man, what the is that like? It's just it's like a child but it is like when you said it's home like come on is it really home to you? It the employees. the EMP The reason why I said Aden fan Bas dude dude you know chat last month when addin was went on the stream and went crazy mode right? They're like wait he said fat fat fat fat whale right? But he also he gave a a guy a th000 bucks that night and he gave that guy 5,000 bucks that night and it's like dude, that's not how it works dude like they come and go every week I never got to meet. they come and go every week but that's the St that's that's the fundamental problem I'm trying to break down is that you don't join pH or you sign with an agency and it's wrong.

But they're the people I work with. They're the people helping me create my content. They're the people who are helping. Yeah, but that's not Phas.

That's like signing to it for their resources, not for the team. So maybe that's what I'm saying. If they want to help other talent and like build them up like why join they wanted to Rebrand and start by signing. People need to have a mess with members so people know you're part of the Phas ecosystem right? That's the point of Phas.

It's some sort of probably G than you do. that's gate ping SL being shortsighted and how business is conducted. sorry I don't want to be anti phase or anti- Ren This is how it is. Oh, you're right, the guy that they keep forgetting to put on the roster list when we talk about rosters I got you? Wow.
Yeah, that's the truth, right? It's like there's people that don't really have a connection to the Phas ecosystem and it's the truth. Like there's no mesh, no brand, no memorable moments with disrespect. Bro. it's just like it is what it is.

Go to the brand and what actually gives bro. Most of FaZe the vast majority of FaZe these days have nothing to do with the FaZe brand and doesn't conduct themselves as FaZe used to. Back in the days all the Esports teams and the whatever. all these guys bro you think that this this this random small dude that doesn't speak English and play some League game or oh guys guys F phase up I know they about, no, they don't and who cares.

Oh nobody. nobody gives a who like. that's how they decided to go with the brand. and I mean so be it Like right? The brand is a logo that represents us, me and my homies.

and no, no, you don't get it that they're now the minority in this I don't think you understand it. The the the, the amount of outrage and mildness at these things was like zero. Almost nothing compared to this. It's it's about if you're going to get muled about a certain concept that people are eling the brand because of expansion.

You need to attribute your energy equally across the topics. You don't just hold back and chill. And whenever some girl go go crazy like yo guys I'm not doing because it's a I'm do because it's an anti-brand bro. Things have been anti-phased for a decade.

What about it? It's just how it is. So are you just not going to back any recruit in? I'm going to back every recruit that makes sense. Yeah, everyone that makes sense makes I will back and everyone that doesn't I will never. So because I can't do a trick shot I Don't make sense.

No, it's not because that's a troll. I stream I make content. A lot of people stream and make content right. Like it's not about streaming and making content, it's about where you fit in.

And it's not like a bad thing about you. It's not saying you're not capable. That's what I said. You could easily be 100 thieves M that makes sense.

Your friends with all them. when I checked your following no face people other than replays followed you a lot more fa people. part of the E didn't know who you are. No disrespect.

You probably didn't know who I was until a drug thing. but that's fine. that's fine. I'm cool with that.

I'm not tripping on that. It's no disrespect. You got to kind of like take your emotions out of it and just look at it. look at the way she's looking bro.

I thought everything was good I'm okay, she's understanding and then what it is right? I'm extremely logical and I only base everything I do off logic, not off em. maybe the trolling, but that was just like for you. Who cares, right? I don't mean it and you like again I that's why I'm here to express to you that I genuinely do not mean it I do not mean any of the mean comments I was just trolling. he he missing the you seem like a very nice energy.
you're a good human, don't care, you're fine. but basically it's like who fits in phase is like old school trickshot edgy Andy from way back when playing Cod playing whatever game trick shot cool guy Montage YouTube That era had has died. Nobody that you can hire these days fits that brand. It's just not possible nobody can carry that brand and that that recognition ever it's gone.

it is gone. whether you like it or not. It is not possible to carry that anymore. So anything else from that point on it will be whatever the that's how it is as long and if if you're mad about that, you have a point you you.

You were right getting mad about that. But you have to. you have to. You have to attribute it at least somewhat equally across the board.

Otherwise, it makes you look like a hypocrite. I wanted to bring more of the energy of like me ja. They also told me they weren't going to steal my company but you know the same things right? People be saying stuff I know you say a lot of I say real things I say truthful things. that's kind of what.

that's kind of my thing. je I don't lie I tell the trth some tweets before you say that. Well I was also a child. how old was I there 20 13 I don't know I was a child too and I didn't say that.

Yeah okay okay. I'm I okay now I got to cook her done. Now now she's getting cooked. What she just said is dumb.

That is dumb. Of course you need say those things because you weren't in those spaces at those ages. In in in those space she she wasn't she wasn't therefore there. sorry.

sorry to say sorry to say guess I'm not going to I'm not going to sugar coat it okay but but what she says has a small amount of validity and then it fall out on her face because she wasn't there didn't know is jab in the chat people said the crazy thing pretty much same age I hear you I hear you but you know different world on Internet that time too Were you on MW2 cuz I W were you on MAR for 2 2009 I Don't play Call of Duty that's I'm saying it's like it's it's something is like a requirement for phase. yeah but it's kind of. No, it's not a requirement for phase, but it's just like it kind of gives you an understanding of like where we came up from. it was not a good place.

You're right, it was the most a rqu oh I'm FL bit I just SP um oh my god dude why is it that one? I Flash somebody. it's like I just slapped them in the face with a napkin from a little kid's birthday party. but when I get flash it it's like some big bra with black dude named laque PS a bed sheit over on my head and disp the skull Me: Jesus I just I spawn die SP spawn die spawn die spawn die spawn die spawn die spawn die spawn die what the it was gone. that is classic after and you might say bro this is like 12-year-old humor.
This is bro. this is this is old Yeah so what? That's what it. That's what it was like. So when you come in and you come in like this and you say well this didn't exist well I didn't do that well of course you didn't You weren't there.

You don't know what it was like brother, it's just it is toxic place on the internet but we're not all really like that. Everyone gets that there's not a white person you can find me from 2011. Say hard R They all did and they know they did. It's true, but they said it anyways and now they're probably cool.

They don't say that and they're probably respectful people that aren't ignorant, but that's reality. You're a kid, you're around, that's your environment. You say crazy. You have to understand things for what they are.

even if somebody just randomly says a very racist word. do they really mean it? What is their inent behind? Sure, Why do you say things for shock value if it's not honest to who you are? Because I feel like I've Other than that one side comment where I said you're mid like the world's going to be okay, the world's not crumbling because life's not over. Okay I Guys I got to say it again. Sorry I hate to stop chat guys.

It's not for shock value I Don't think. listen guys guys. whenever you're Ming and you're you're you're doing banter mode. Okay bro bro, you're not seing for shock value.

You're just going. You're going full out man. you're It's not for shock value. It causes shock value.

Sure right. But most people that do it isn't for shock value. like what the feel like I'm only saying factual things and my what I said got more views than what you said. Yeah, because you T because they couldn't believe that that's what you resp views I don't give a I'm not looking at that you think I'm like looking through the drama post I don't give a I'm just I'm on I have one Mission delete the Boomers I have one mission is to them up.

that is my only Mission I don't care about you I not care about son human along the way you asked for it dog, you asked for it. you genuinely ask for it. say things no you said uh like don't get barbecued or whatever whatever me and you were like I just wish you didn't respond to that I just wish you didn't Me: yeah that's what you said to me yeah why did you respond why you should have just left it or what it is because you started talking on that's want to do they want woman to just not react yeah she called me a loser and on stream. By the way there was more that she was saying about me so I was like bro I I'm going to let her have her comments but I'm a Warner her stop talking about me, don't get barbecued in the process and she continued to talk about me so okay like but then react and be okay with the consequences.
That's life reactor is a consequence. You can't just react and nothing happen. Can't go someone. Expect him not to beat the out of you.

You get disect, wasn't threatening I mean you say he's right, but then he's hypocritical about it. So how does it make sense? by the way there in case somebody flips it cuz you weirdos are so weird I was just saying in life in general out in the street anywhere you know what I mean say you open that door wa context I Don't play the whole professional PR I'm a human human first. everything before I'm a Creator you have honest reactions. Why do you do? Hon, it's not really shock value what you said the last line I shouldn't have put in here I'll just Troll and ask for forgiveness after cuz I really don't mean it.

It's like whatever. Yeah, cuz I don't mean it. You know what I mean it's just I'm joking. You can take it how you want of course I mean I'm trolling.

That's what I'm trying. That's what I've been trying to tell you the whole time I'm trolling I do not mean it like I genely guess I'll just operate differently than you I mean it's the internet, right? It's not. We're not on a political debate talking about what we're doing for the world. We're talking about a phase recuit over M Are we really yeah? Okay, then we have two different goals.

I'm talking about two. Wait, what you say? yeah? I mean it's the internet, right? We're not on a political debate talking about what we're doing for the world. We're talking about a Phas recuit. Over M Are we really yeah? Okay, then we have two different goals are: talk about two different things.

What's your goal I Want to stop sexism in the gaming industry? Okay, but I mean I if you feel what I said was necessarily sexist I Don't Person: I do you wouldn't have said it if I Guy I mean guys call guys ugly as all the time you wouldn't have said that. you wouldn't let me touch you on your drunk as night. Well guys have different you just say different five I I'm I'm going to say I I disagree with this entire segment. uh I just do where this conversation is going right now.

it's just so Random Straight male. If I was a gay male, a gay male would say something about that. It's not about sexism, it's just about what your preference is as a man For me personally, dude, it got weird at this point it just started talking about weird stuff. So ignore that part.

Um, it's because at because at that point you can allow yourself to go harder and you do like crazier on the basis that you're doing something or doing part of a movement and then people will justify it and then it's like okay then I can justify doing this then and then then do and then things get crazy. dude I don't I don't agree I don't really agree with that. sorry I just don't agree with it like it's I mean you can see it how you want to see it. Obviously that's a whole different conversation but again, I meant no sexism and I had no intention to hurt your feelings and that's why I felt really bad.
People think it's cuz of a backlash I don't give a I didn't even see any to be honest cuz I didn't check all stuff I only saw my interactions I don't really see backlash to be honest I mean there was intention to hurt my feelings. no there wasn't There wasn't You asked for a barbecue and I delivered. That's George foran and that's still feeling okay because I don't okay because because sexism is one thing. okay, out of pocket is one.

What he said was out of pocket. do I think it's inherently sexist I don't really think so. So saying that you did all that. all that because you're going You're Going anti in the gaming industry doesn't really make sense.

it just it just seems like a it's it's like a a bit of a cup out I don't agree with that I don't agree with with with the pathing of of the thinking, the path doesn't make sense. sorry I know I know and I understand and that's why I apologize So you just said that you knew that that was too far and that you should have I know but the video didn't hit. Whatever. whatever I understand.

that's why I'm apologize I Don't know what else she would want. Please somebody do like a apology. Count of how many times I've apologized to her already for the same thing over and over and over and over and over again. Please including the one on Twitter too.

Don't don't leave that one out. Want me to? Do you want to be demonized horrible human for calling you mid that? I Letou my drunkest Like: what do you want you want me to forever just like who gives a cuz it's like you want to Super victimize yourself with that. Okay then I guess I'm hurt. How dare you? How How dare you bring up the worst time of my life I'm hurt.

How dare you. It's like what are we talking about I'm hurt I almost died and I called you m and you respond I almost took my life that almost left my mom without a son and support. see I can play that game all day I'm an actor too that game I Don't give a that's it's like how could you let other people hurt your feelings. Do you not believe in yourself? Do you? Are you not confident woman? You should be? You should be.

You've accomplished great things. You should feel confident in yourself. Am I not Confident Woman You don't know me. How is this? How's this hurting your feelings? If I called you mid, you should be like him.

Who cares what I say And if you bring up my drug pass, Are you getting emotional? Yeah Well I'm just speaking the truth I don't want you get I don't like you Okay, that's fine. I'm just being very logical I understand how you feel but you brought things up against me. How do you expect me? Terrible person? Really? Yeah. Oh, she's pulling the AC out now because I said that I pulling the acting out.
Now how am I a terrible person for what? pulling the acting How am I terrible person? explain I don't owe you an explanation actually and I owe you an explanation. Um Macho tell Vera that I'm not doing this video and if they release anything that I'm leaving, please get wrecked. Okay, that was odd. Um, there's a bit of a lack of finesse at the end I feel like I mean I don't know when things going on that route I mean well, cuz you had kind of like two options there.

this happens. You can either like, you know, like like finish him type right or you can kind of like go hands off and give it a breather right? Me is like oh dude, dude, she's playing the victim. Whatever, You don't know what it's like you don't know like, the nature of why why the person was was feeling that or just playing emotion you don't know. so it's like uh, doubling down and going harder is like opportunistic I think it's it's going of I mean say whatever you want I just think that's kind of how it is what you you say I mean you're all chat and I'm such a chat bro.

Well bro when some some when somebody starts crying because they might feel such way I'm going to triple down and clap their ass D I'm going to go crazy on because now they're weak and I'm going for the kill. like come on man. Actual good take like I don't know Shake It wait on my chest I can't fake it life so sometimes it feels just like a I keep pushing up here now.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “This got awkward! xqc reacts to faze rain meeting grace”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trivonika Q. Demary says:

    I need subtitles when watching xqc

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JKproductionsLouwBro says:

    Well because of this i am watching Grace lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Basti says:

    theyre like all wrong and a little bit right lol.. xqc was at least like 75% right about is takes i think

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! CastBound says:

    They complained about snoop too😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khly Alda says:

    Sounds like he's still 24

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vbnzinc says:

    Andrew tate had an effect on felix 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Night says:

    xQc trying to analyse an argument is like Joe Biden trying to translate english

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tristin Verret says:

    Ion think she knows what she's even reading in the contract nd understanding it?? She seems clueless, coming from a woman

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DW says:

    She just joined at the wrong time, Rain has just come public a few months ago about exposing the FaZe Corporation because nothing was working off camera, in the heat of his attacks the Corporation threw her in the fire. The problem is neither but the corporation. FaZe OGS was young and dumb for going corporate. Anyone who has a brain would know that, we've all made mistakes; some even blinded with money(like FaZe). But they're finally fighting back, Rain being the main guy because he's been against it since signing celebrities. Hope all ends well because they were my childhood man.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tj gh says:

    But He do BE Kind of the pathetic Liar, but i mean theyre both Garage😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tj gh says:

    Im trying to be honest and Base my stuff on fact based Logic without self Interest, but there is 0% Chance anyone would Take my Word for that with doods Like him Walking around😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tj gh says:

    Bro that dood makes me Look Like a retard😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tj gh says:

    Idk bout that snoopdog comparison, your saying empty words 24/7

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tj gh says:

    True tho x

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BUSINESS says:

    xqc missing the point fr he ain’t rlly uderstandin cause he ain’t rlly a fan n he don’t got no information on du topic

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pown says:

    I mean, everyone moves the goalpost but noone wants to admit it. I think this "drama" is complete retardation from both sides. Its also pretty funny how he reacts to this video without her haha

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