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Hasbullah is a 20-year-old 3' 3 in Internet Sensation that seemingly Rose to super stardom overnight. His hilarious viral videos have G all over the world. Today he has over 8 million followers on Instagram and just secured a massive contract with the UFC Wait what? Asbah is humble, but he is no fool. He knew exactly the right people he needed to become friends with to accelerate to the next level of Fame.

He left some old friends in the dust and made new friends in high places. There has been a lot of Suspicion surrounding his Fame Coming from a tiny village in Russia to meetings with royalty. How exactly did Hasbullah do it? Well, the secret behind his success is crazier than we thought. Hasbullah, who also goes by Hasbe was born in the small village of Akusha Russia which is inside the Republic of Dagistan.

You probably have heard of Dagistan because it is the home of the UFC Lightweight Champion Khabib Martial Arts. I'm about guys I didn't really get all the hype I didn't it was. there was a lot of I actually enjoyed so I kind of ignored all of it. Then I saw the Cat video and I was like you know I I don't give a I think this just trash and at that point I just go it.

I don't I don't get anymore. A huge part of Hasb story. We'll get to that at some point has moved to the largest city in Dagistan, Mahachkala. Although the reason for the move is unknown, it's possible he moved there to get access to better medical facilities to learn more information about his illness.

Hasbullah has the facial features and body structure of a toddler despite him being 20 years of age. It's likely caused by him being born with a growth hormone deficiency where the brain's pituitary gland can't produce the necessary hormones for a growing human. However, technically his condition is undiagnosed. Hasbullah said that doctors told him they did not know specifically what is wrong with him.

Very little is known about Has Bu's upbringing. No, it's not because I'm a lazy researcher, but if you understand more about his culture, like this guy. One Clip equals abuser when he cuddles his cat 24 hour I Don't care Dude, this is like I don't know what is something that happens a lot on Twitter These days people justify one wrong action because of a lot of good ones. Nobody cares I don't get one clip is all it takes to say somebody is being a dumb dude.

He L abuses his cat. There's no, you should never do that. What is wrong with you? The lack of information makes of sense. Firstly, Dagistan as a whole is known for being a very poor Republic of Russia It's possible that his family had limited access to technology computer.

You never made a mistake. e oh my God what the is it I'm I don't think I want dude abuse is strong word cancel culture you you know you done cancelable BR It's not even one guy this like this. like 20% of chat What the what the is, what the is wrong with chat, what the is wrong with you guys yo don't abuse animals man what is wrong with you in smartphones growing up So he wasn't uploading YouTube videos in 2008 like me. He did go to Islamic school for 4 years before he dropped out.
He did not like the way his teachers treated him and because of his condition, classmates were not always the nicest. Despite aband in school, he still spent most of his days practicing his religion and spending time with the family. but that's pretty much all we know about his upbringing. As Americans We often have this expectation that humans have to live this spectacular life.

We have to travel, experience different cultures, and Lifestyles have lofty goals, make a lot of money, and constantly chase this better life that is sold to us on a daily basis. Many people what. We often have this expectation that humans have to live this spacular life. We have to travel, experience different cultures, and Lifestyles have lofty goals.

Money constantly chase this better life that is sold to us on a daily basis. Many people from Dagistan and all over the world live almost the opposite. They have a job to help their Community They spend a lot of time practicing their religion. They spend a lot of time with family and usually practice a sport which for many daghestanian their sport of choice is wrestling which has led to producing some of the most dangerous fighters in the world.

Their region may be poor in terms of of GDP and other economic factors, however, their culture is Rich and their PE stupid Video rward Creator Bro you think about me. What did I say bro all all I said is that is that I Get people want this right People say millionaire. Take it dude I always tell CH I don't want to travel I don't know I don't care about any of this I find fulfillment in other ways. You you should Chase fulfillment and whatever whatever that means for you.

not whatever Society tells you or other people think that how they get their own fulfillment, people chase, people, chase other people, travel that fulfillment and see that like dude. I'm I'm going to do that and I'm going to feel fulfilled. That's stupid. Your your, your, your meaning, your your calling is whatever you find that's your, that is your thing.

Whatever they do has nothing to do with yours and should you chase that are admirable. Their life is valued by their relationships with others and their dedication to God has. Buah says he never planned to be famous. It just kind of happened.

It all started in June of 2020 when he posted a Tik Tok video of him eating his favorite fruit strawberries. This simple Tik Tok changed Hezbollah's life. The video went super viral on the Russian side of Tik Tok People were saying he's cute, saying he looks somewhere between 6 and 40 years old and questioning his condition. The mystery of Hasbullah began.

Hasb continued to upload videos of him eating strawberries and saying this phrase who make which translates to Strawberry Okay, I'm going to go I'm going tell you now I watch a video. It ain't people spank dogs all the time and teach them it's not abuse Okay, listen, you need to understand. Listen, that cats don't know why you're you're hitting them. They don't know the margin of time I What you get, You shouldn't ever discipline them that way, right? And if you even if you were to do it okay, it would have to be almost instantaneous.
The cat have no idea why it's happening. They have no idea the cat. maybe maybe they'll maybe they pee on the ground and they go hide and you go to hit them. They don't know why it's happening.

you're just abusing it. You don't do that shites our bomb. To be honest, this phrase was turned into a Tik Tok meme. Just a couple of weeks later, the virality caught the attention of Muhammad Moraz Leev owner of the Chef Cooks YouTube Channel Muhammad owns a restaurant called M Toio in Dagistan and invited Hasb to try some food and do an interview.

This was the first time the internet got to learn a little bit about him. The video got well over 2 million views and from there has buo realized he could start to finally profit from his condition he started. Char Also, every cat owner should understand that a cat is going to be a cat and they won't understand why. Uh bro care more about animals than he does about actual humans.

Yeah, because humans humans have have um, we can make choices. We can. We can do stuff we can think we can. We can do All this We're we're somewhat rational animals.

don't. Um, you shouldn't abuse animals Just Sh up. Just should. There's there's no.

There's no. you should abuse an animal. That's it. You're just being a.

you're just being a like what is WR charging about 25,000 rubles or $300 for a video collaboration. The next video, they made a chocolate fondue fountain, dipped strawberries and bananas and did a taste test. The audience could not get enough of Hezbollah so they continued to collaborate on food reviews and other Hasbullah lifestyle content for the next couple of months. Hasb was also contacted by Cubic, a children's department store in Mahachkala, to do a commercial.

At the end of the commercial, he used his iconic catchphrase, but instead of strawberries are bomb he said Cubic is Bomb Within a month hasbe raised his rate to I Can't do it today I Can't I mean he made a mistake No. can spread hate, spread hate. It's called holy Somebody accountable for what they say and what they do. And how have I done anything worse than abusing animal on on the piece of media? What 100,000 rules? $1,200 and realized he could make an actual living from social media.

He focused on growing his Instagram and Tik Tok following by reposting clips of the content he made with Muhammad These clips would make the rounds on Russian social media algorithms. He was even featured on the news in Dagistan where the hosts reacted to to his viral videos in just a couple of months. Hasbullah was a rising star in Dagistan, However, one man was about to take his Fame to a whole new level. In late 2020, Hasbullah was discovered by a much larger Russian YouTuber Aab Tamev Tamev is known as the Chin Hulk because of his massive neck and bodyb build.
He is from the Republic of Chia, which is about 100 miles away from Mahachkala. Tamev was a mixed martial artist growing up and would make Vlogs of his fitness journey and training sessions, each of them generating millions of views. He only had One Professional fight in which he won, but he got so popular on YouTube through his fighting lifestyle videos that he became a Chian star. Tev saw the potential in Hasbullah so he paid him for a video collaboration.

The video was basically just a vlog where Tev and his fans got to know Hasek but there was one pivotal moment that changed everything. Basically Tev ask has if he wants to hit the gym he says you're weak right and Hasb says no I'm not and punches him in the face the way we see animals to be eaten okay into into eating industry SL Whatever The Okay: It's completely different with with with culture deems some animals domesticated and and it's a completely different Ball Game Stop Mixing chickens. Stop mixing chickens Okay who are who are killed through somewhat normal good means to be consumed than hitting a cat for because of Rage or pleasure? What the how the are you going to compare that man a little more and have a laugh while Hasbe throws some more hands? They left the restaurant and hit the gym. Hasb strapped on the boxing gloves and struck fear into the souls of anyone who dared to test him.

The clips of Hasbullah fighting were beloved by the community. How could you not laugh at a tiny man punching someone with all his might but it does zero damage. Tamev asked Hasbullah if he would like to fight anyone and he said yes, but there is no opponent for him since he is so small. At that moment a light bulb went off into M's head.

He started planning something that would change both of the their lives forever. Hasbo became a regular guest on Tev's channel as well as other Daghestanian YouTubers. He was a cheat code for millions of views. Kill Stacking him has be had already accumulated 500,000 followers on Instagram by the end of 2020 before anyone in the Western World knew about him.

but the comments kept begging to see Hasbullah fight and Tev had the perfect opponent. On January 20th, a video that now has 11 million views was uploaded announcing a fight between Hezbollah and Abdu. Rosek Abdu is a 19-year-old singer from Tajikstan who appears to have the same same genetic condition as Hezbollah making him the perfect opponent. This video was their first press conference where they are shouting at each other through a TV screen stating how they were going to knock each other out.
Tamev also became Hb's manager. At this point, he was using his Network to help Hasb get more business and obviously sponsorship money for all of 2021. Tev's most viewed videos were the ones that Hasbullah was in, which peaked when he finally got Hasbe and Abdu in the same room together in May. This pause last pause Okay, stop saying you should never be able to have an bro.

Listen: I Feel bad for you You s reported you shouldn't be allowed to have an animal. okay if if you think that's disciplining a cat, I'll show the video afterwards you. You need to get everyone know that this fight was indeed scheduled and they planned on making it a legit televised bout. The Ridiculousness of these two tiny men getting in the ring together was enough to keep people waiting.

Their social media accounts were skyrocketing. This was about to be bigger than Mcregor Vers Khabib. The fight was being hyped up a lot by Tev. He was posting his training Clips Meanwhile, Hasbullah was going going super viral in the USA and getting a lot of new followers.

Some of his most famous videos were the ones where he was imitating Khabib. His USA audience still didn't know who Hasek was so they gave him the nickname mini Khabib. It's tough to know how serious this fight was at this point. In the back of everyone's minds they thought it had to be just a big joke.

Hasbo became a mastermind of social media at this point, fully understanding what types of things people wanted to see from him, entertaining Millions with his Antics. However, behind the scenes things were not so good. Between Tev and Hasbullah, close friends of Hasbe were saying that Tev was taking advantage of him and mocking him publicly. On top of that, has huh Bull was demanding more money, which at this point Tev was paying him 100,000 rubles per videoed.

Hasb said he was not being paid enough by Tev and because of the disagreement they would no longer be working together. Tev made a response video where he told his side of the story. Tev says that Hezbollah wanted 300,000 rubles or $33,700 per video. He also said that the people around Hezbollah are truly wait.

what the? That's like nothing for the vid. Wait what the wait I thought he said 100K and I thought it was 100K USD So that was like a th000 bucks per video Yeah He was getting scammed for sure at that point worth $3,700 per video. He also said that the people around Hasbullah are truly the ones who are deceiving him and taking advantage of him. A divide started to occur.

Some viewers were saying Hasbullah was greedy, that he is ungrateful for all that Tev did for him and that Tev is the one who made him so popular. Has Bua supporters said the exact opposite that most of Tev's popularity came from Hasb being featured on the channel and that he deserved the money he demanded since Tev could easily afford it from here. It made a lot of people wonder if Hezbollah was being taken advantage of. After all, he's extremely vulnerable I Don't know how good the monetization is for YouTube uh in Russia but it can't be that bad that like a th000 bucks per video was good enough I'm sorry but these are getting 10 10 million views of Papa like even if you're CPM is dog and you're not making it's should.
it's way more than that. Like what to abuse and mistreatment due to his size. Luckily, Hasb didn't even need friend Tev anymore because he made a new super famous friend Khabib Namam Medov. Khabib and his men took Hasbe under their wing and I believe this was the key relationship for Hasbullah to make friends in high places.

Khabib is Rush chat if his does get 10 million views and it's predictable. If he got a sponsor right from any company that's reputable he could. He could have been getting 30 200k, 250k for just one video right? 250k for for one speci video right? If the guys's get paid 1,000 bucks bro we're trying. this is like 3% Russian and UFC royalty.

He is The Undefeated champion who has never had a controversy and is beloved by the world. Khabib doesn't cosign or uplift anyone other than the people that are closest to him. With Khabib's support and connections, Hezbollah was set for life. They brought Hezbollah to UFC 267 where is Islam Makev defeated Dan Hooker then celebrated with him in the ring.

He even got into an altercation with Abdu Rosek while he was there. As far as Hasek's fight with Abdu, it was now October 2021 and nothing really progressed. Tev posted screenshots of a private Dm with Dana White where Dana said he was interested in making their bout official with the UFC. However, Hasbullah later confirmed that this was a fake DM There was no contract and this was just a troll from Tev.

Make sure you're drinking water. Oh, Hasby just kept posting hilarious memes of himself. People doubted that it was actually him running his own page, but it was. He knows that he is a meme.

He knows that people love to see him act like a menace. and the more ridiculous, the better. He would jump on trending moments like a picture of him defeating Deontay Wilder or he would just find himself making the perfect face that would fit the reaction of any weird thing you saw on. Twitter His memes got the attention of Caleb Presley from bar stool Sports who took his USA Fame to new heights.

You ever seen the movie Huh? Cars? You're too big for cartoons I'm an adult I Like Cars The movie Hasb strikes love and fear through me at the same time. It's hard to put into words why Hasbullah is so loved. He is just packed with Charisma and positivity in his tiny body. I Think adults just naturally look at children and see Bliss naivity and almost feel jealous of their youth.
Hasbullah has that, but he's a fully grown adult even though some people like Mike Tyson treat him like a toddler. No, no, that clip is hard to watch. If it isn't obvious, Hasbullah hates being treated like a toddler, but him running around doing completely normal things like driving a car, laughing, smiling, running, existing are just interesting to us. He represents the innocence and joy we all had at one point.

Plus, his life goals are very humble. I'll show you the video afterwards if you want I'll show after not I mean you're Hasb did in fact start a booming business. His popularity and affiliation with Khabib landed him a 5year contract with UFC has Buah leaned into the idea that he would be fighting since that would get more attention. However, he says he doesn't like fighting despite him going viral for constantly hitting and punching people.

That's just what they demand from him. Most people ask Hasbullah if he can hit them, he doesn't actually want to do it. We would later find out that he is just an ambassador for the UFC brand so he will go to events and help promote, but he's not going to fight. How much he made from this deal is still unclear, but Dana White probably paid him more than he pays his.

Fighters Conor McGregor even chimed in with how he feels about Hezbollah He was pretty much the first person to ever say anything negative about him, which seemed incredibly out of pocket, but we wouldn't expect much different from the former champion and and rival to Khabib. Plus, this allowed Hasbe to engage in a hilarious ongoing beef with Connor for all of our entertainment. As far as other business ventures, we do know he has an Nft project which we all know aren't technically scams, but they always seem to fall short of what they promise as the world has no idea how Nfts are going to. which is the definition of a which is the definition of a scam I mean if something that doesn't reach what its promises I mean that's that's a scam.

Real value to our lives. He also sells merchandise and gets paid for interviews and collaborations. I Don't think Hasbullah is Filthy Rich by any means, but he's probably doing just fine. His travel expenses are paid by the people he organizes collaborations with, and he says a lot of the nice things he owns are actually gifts from other people as gifting is very common amongst rich people in other cultures.

His deal with the UFC also allowed the nek boys to secure an interview with him because Hasbullah does not work with just anyone. not because he's close-minded but because he doesn't really know who would be worth his time. For example, he didn't know nor care to meet. Drake youve talked to Drake on Instagram has bua, what are they messaging you? What did Drake say to you on Instagram you left Drake on red Wow! Hasb truly does not fancy anyone he looks up to God and that's it.
Which makes him even more special because people think he is this kid in the candy store, just happy to be chauffered around the world. but he would be perfectly content in his small home in Dagistan, relaxing his family. He constantly says, wait, what what is that dude I don't think that's true though. Well I don't know I'm not guys I'm not I'm not jealous I'm just saying I'm pretty sure somebody else rolls it uh, manages his social media.

Um, I'm pretty convince of it just like I Don't know. The whole purpose of making money is to give it away to others who are in need. His values are centered around his family and friends, but just like anyone else, if you are given the opportunity to travel the world, experience all these exciting Adventures just because people want to talk to you, who wouldn't capitalize on that? The boys also allowed us to see the best side of Hezbollah He showed them around his country and gave them an insight to who he really is. Then the NK boys invited him to the USA and gave him some incredible memories.

These videos felt very personal. Of course we got some iconic hasola Antics but it felt like we were experiencing a deeper insight to his life that just made fans love him even more. But sadly, just when the world thought hasb could do no wrong guys guys guys, he sent me a DM but I don't I don't think it's him I think somebody else managing social media on Twitter I I just I Just don't think it is. There's just too much to do.

There's no way he actually does that there. He slipped up and one video changed. Has Bu's reputation forever. Hasb decided to film himself disciplining his cat which consisted of him tugging on its ear and hitting it on the top of the cat's head.

Hold up, Hold up, Hold up. Go back. and one video changed has Bu's reputation forever. Hasb decided to film himself disciplining his cat which consisted of him tugging on its ear and and hitting it on the top of the cat's head.

One shot with a closed Fist and one open hand slap and the cat also looks like it's afraid of Hasbullah. The internet got set on fire. His comment sections are flooded with him being called an abuser, a terrible person, and that he doesn't deserve to have custody of his cat. Has Beak responded with this video.

Okay, okay you are saying hitting animals, discipline them is wrong. If someone doesn't know, does that make them mistake being cancelable? Okay, okay if you don't know that you should not be hitting an animal, you shouldn't be owning an animal. These are things that in almost most of the cultures, most of your upbringing and and growing up. you know not to hit animals and hurt them physically.

You know this. You know this. Okay, that's just how it is. and unless you are a scientist in in in animal behavior okay you know exct exactly how to do it.

you probably shouldn't be doing it, Okay Why? Because you don't know how the animals you don't know what how their psychology works and what what will count for them as trauma or what what what will be uh um discipline or conditioning? You don't know these things. You're not an expert so don't abuse animals like what the how is this that that hard they not protecting Prot: I don't get it. Yeah mean what? Yes because a human. okay if if they in the middle of the of of the room you can bring it up and says yo dude you in the room theb ass theb ass you did that last last hour I saw it bing and then then for them it it it in their heads as as humans we get that we understand that right? right? For an animal okay it won't understand it doesn't If you go an hour later or even or even sometimes even seconds later right? and you go and you go to the animal does not know why.
it's why it's being why it's being hit it it has no idea. So for them it's just being hit for to be to be hit and it it just causes trauma. How hard is that to understand it? They do not know. No it doesn't read about it, read about it, read about it.

You are ignorant. They do not know why it's happening where he says he L disciplined it and that he love this. Just say oh my God he say dogs do it's a cat oh my God yo dude dude today today yesterday I had to fight pedophiles in chat today I have to fight animal abusers What the is society people then I Don't get it. It was misbehaving where he says he lightly disciplined it and that he loves his cat more than anyone and he thinks people are overreacting.

A few days later, he's receiving so much hate from the internet that he said he is considering giving up his animal. Basically everyone agrees that filming himself hitting the cat was definitely weird and totally unnecessary, but some people were making it seem like he was going to be on. Netflix is don't with cats Part two: Cats are mostly gentle creatures who probably don't need to be disciplined and even if they did, hitting them is not the solution like look at this man bro like cats each other for to discipline cat hat bro. What the because of this hasb found out that in the western world and on social media one mistake can Define how the world sees you forever Some people saw the video of the cat and now they think he spends all of his free time abusing animals.

He didn't apologize and because he didn't apologize and he just kind of told his side of the story. Most people didn't accept it and it kind of made it even worse for him. At the same time, Hasbullah likely doesn't care how the world sees him. He doesn't have the same values or morals that people in the bro.

No, he didn't apologize he bro, he knows what he did Apologize he one he doesn't know he did wrong and two he didn't apolog. Don't on about that. You give an an explanation. Isn't an apology them.

Western World Do he likely doesn't fear being cancelled? nor is he going to let the masses judge him. He has been attacked his whole life and he knows at the end. God is the only one whose judgment matters. The real secret to Hasbullah success is knowing that if he lost everything and had to live the rest of his life in the mountains of Dagistan with his family, he probably wouldn't care.
Okay Okay Negative reinforcement past couple years Negative: You don't know the signs behind it okay I don't know most of the signs behind it I know a little bit okay because of some psychology that that that it's it's not like that. Okay um um conditioning to animals is very complicated topic and you don't you do not know hasb is you do not know yo this is X x on the be yo okay my voice as well that anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s.

By xQcOW

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