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Al this is JCS I'm going L it in chat before we watch and after we watch. just so people know where we're watching long video but they're worth watching. they're really good. wait wait hold up I think soup's here.

You say you did want water didn't you? Oh it's okay gra some water. get some stuff here. that's my card I know I introduced myself to you at your house but my name is Lisa Reeves Okay and I am a detective here at the Charell Police Department. Okay, so before I can I want to talk to you I want to make sure you do understand your rights.

Okay that way I can explain to you what's going on and all that good stuff. You understand, You understand that. Okay, today's date is May 3rd 20110 The current time is all right. your first name is George yes g E I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't There's no way I didn't do it no way.

can't see skids on chat. Why did you guys say why did you guys come in and say you were searching for an assault I Never said anything about someone came in I Never mentioned to you anything, just told you we're investigating something investigating you hav call anybody before your door. It's an interesting concept to think of how you might respond to what would normally be an easy question, especially during a circumstance where it becomes a terrifying dilemma. We ask that you contemplate the this question while you put yourself in George's position, but not before you grasp the context of what brought him to this moment.

It begins with 22-year-old sports scholar Yardley Love a star Lacrosse player at the University of Virginia She is captured in this Photograph playing in the second to last game of the season, clearly aware of the obstacles that lie in front of her, yet continuing to move forward, which is the circumstantial detail that turned this picture into a symbol for the globally recognized organization that would be founded in her memory. This would be the last photograph taken that day capturing Yardley's last Embrace with her head coach. Julie Meyers Both were unaware this exact moment would soon be on the National front pages. on May 3rd, 2010 At roughly 2:15 A.m.

Yardley's roommate returned from a night out to their off-campus apartment. Upon entering, she saw that Yardley's bedroom had been broken into, at which point she rushed inside to find her unresponsive on the mattress. She had blood coming out of her nose and severe bruising across the right side of her face. But the most alarming thing Hold Up Chat guys I Guess see my emotes How? why was it bugged? I Don't see any emotes in chat.

My chat was lagging so I Refreshed it's bugging. What was was that she wasn't waking up. Her friend called 911 who instantly guided her through the steps of CPR which was then taken over by paramedics who arrived on the scene 4 minutes later. but their attempts at Revival were unsuccessful and Yardley was pronounced dead at exactly 2:47 A.m.

At 2:53 that same morning, Criminal investigator Lisa Reeves woke up to a phone call from the Sheriff's Office By 259, she had arrived at Yardley's apartment leading the investigation. Guys: I'm going to panic sorry I I can't do it I can't do it I I can't not have emotes. It's going to make me panic 4 minutes later. But their attempts at Revival were unsuccessful and Yardley was pronounced dead at exactly 2:47 A.m.
At 2:53 that same morning, Criminal investigator Lisa Reeves woke up to a phone call from the Sheriff's office. By 259, she had arrived at Yardley's apartment leading the investigation and by 350 confirmed that she had her First Person of Interest which was 22-year-old George Hugley V Yardley's ex-boyfriend and the next several hours were spent gathering information. Before she knocked at his front door, she found out that George was a fifth generation heir to a very wealthy American Family whose Roots lay in Lumber Dating back to the 1900s, he was educated at Landon Prep, a prestigious all boys private school in Bethesda Maryland with annual tuition fees of up to $50,000 George was the star player of the Lacrosse team and became an All-American athlete. This led to a full scholarship at the University of Virginia where he remained a key player in the starting lineup and where he would also meet then spark a Rance with fellow Lacrosse player Yardley Love! They dated for almost 2 years.

Hugi and Love's relationship was an on again, off again one where they cheated on each other throughout and that tempers flared both ways. What was going on with these two young people? What may have led someone to do what happened? These are just a completely unbelievable set of facts. Everybody watched the relationship, people were really troubled by it. They were scared for her.

Nobody knew what to do. Yardley Ended the relationship in 2010 just 2 weeks before graduation. 9 days later, she was found dead in her bedroom and that same morning George Hugley would hear a knock at its front door he opened to detective Lisa Reeves who was dressed in civilian clothing. She introduced herself as a police officer, but mentioned nothing of the crime.

She simply stated that she was conducting an investigation that could benefit from his presence at the Sheriff's Office George's response was to lethargically put on his flip-flops, then walk over to the passenger side door of her unmarked police car and let himself in. somewhat bewildered. Lisa Got in and drove them to the police station a few minutes away without talking. It was around then when she noticed bruising on his knuckles and cuts on his forearm at which point George was no longer a person of interest, he was the Prime Suspect All right, did you say you did want water? Didn't you I know I introduced myself to you're at your house but my name is Lisa Reeves today's date is May 3rd 2010.

the current time is can't tell on that 752 I Draw with papers Still? What's that? My draw with papers still right now. All right, your first name is George Yes, right away, you'll come to notice that George is oblivious to the gravity of his situation and it would be very safe to assume that he at this moment is unaware that Yardley has died. He seems to believe that he's in as much trouble as he would be sitting in a principal's office, perhaps for getting in a fight at class or on the Lacrosse field. And the sooner he provides a sanitized version of the truth, the sooner he'll get to go home.
This, of course, ties in perfectly with the interrogator opening strategy, which we've labeled warmth for the sake of this video. She will downplay the severity of his situation to a considerable degree, while maintaining a friendly temperament with a sympathetic undertone. She needs the suspect to feel safe and secure for the time being as the less cautious he is, the more information he's likely to give away. Then, as soon as he locks himself into one particular story line, the pressure can commence, which often leads to a suspect being Laden with panic and contradictions before we ask any questions.

Chad Sorry for pausing chat, but out for those who watch us. uh with us sometimes here. Okay I Think this is the first time we've ever seen an intervision where the guy doesn't know that the victim is dead. he actually actually doesn't know which is kind of crazy.

I Think I Guess we the difference? You have the right to remain solid. Anything you say against you in court, you have the right to talk to a lawyer before questioning and have one present during questioning. If you cannot afford lawyer, one will be provided for you. and if now you have the right to stop talking to any.

Tong George has two options here. Option one is to remain silent, then allow his father to get him the most expensive attorneys in the country. He would then have years to examine the evidence, evaluate the many options available ailable, and then construct the most self-preserving story line with world-renowned experts in criminal defense before they present it to a jury. Unfortunately for George, he takes option two, but before he does rewatch.

The flawlessly reassuring manner in which he's given the final piece of the Miranda warning. And if you're willing to talk to us now, you have the right to stop talking any time. Got it? Yep, awesome. Just need your sing for there that you understand your rights and are willing to talk to us and calm Now is 7:53 All right, let's kind of start.

I'm going to kind of ask you some questions and explain things a little bit later. Um, tell them about your day yesterday. played golf with um our parents is a a father son. um good event I Went to dinner with my dad and my two buddies and then uh, went home.

went to the bar for like a little while. um then I went over to talk to Yardley and who's Yardley Yardley what is my former girlfriend? Okay, it's just holding about which I understand, but George has now initiated the investigative subject matter himself. It's the perfect opening scenario for the interrogator because she's given nothing away, making it more likely for him to reveal details that will contradict the evidence. When I went over to talk to YY I I like was like YY and she was like already like totally freaked out because of what she did this past like a few days ago and she we haden't talked since and I was just going to go talk to her mhm Yardley slept with another lacrosse player from North Carolina the week before which is what he just referred to and she was already like uh, like freaking out like you know you can't come, you can't and I was like I'm like just trying to talk to you.
The investigation team obviously had no way of knowing this and George has now confessed to the crime of second deegree trespass. More importantly, however, he's just confessed to initiating the supposed confrontation. He now can't say that he was somehow tricked or misled into that situation. He knowingly stepped into it and the critical fact he can actually recognize and remember this will be used against him repeatedly in the future.

and like she like started being like getting like all like you know like really like defensive she was already like on the defensive Edge and like I was like listen I'm not here to like I'm just here to talk to you and she like got all like like sat up her bed's against the wall like if it was in this corner, she was like up against the wall and I was like like we were sitting there talking and like she started being like like you know like getting like all like aggressive after this and so I was like all like chill out like choke her a little bit. So just to recount what George said over the last 47 seconds Yardley was Defensive while being in a defensive State she backed up against the wall she then became aggressive George's response to this supposed aggression was to initiate physical contact and she started being like like freaking out and I was like listen I'm not like do anything I'm here to talk to you about everything that's ensued in the past week and and she was like and like sort of like being like no no no like hidden her head like like stop when I was on the bed I was like stop like I was like like what the hell like we were just going to talk so let's go back half a minute and dissect what actually just happened there I don't want to laugh but I mean he's banging his own head on the show her a little bit. He will now say the words and she started being like then simultaneously mimic a body colliding with the wall. He will then stop himself midth thought and subtly modify the detail and she started being like like freaking out and I was like listen and she started being like like freaking out He goes from illustrating yardly hitting the wall to as he States freaking out.
He seems to realize mid sentence this isn't the best way to explain her injuries so he changes the detail to buy himself time and she started being like like freaking out and I was like listen I'm not like here to do anything I'm sure talk to you He carefully shifts the topic from Yardley to himself and keeps it there for 8 seconds before attempting to re-explain what occurred in a more self-preserving Manner and she was like and like sort of like being like no no no like hid in her head like no jury on the planet will believe that Yardley was voluntarily slamming her head against the wall with enough Force to cause fatal brain damage. All George has done here is give away the fact that he knows Yardley has sustained some type of head injury and now lied on record about how it was inflicted I was like YY like what the hell like we were just going to talk and like it was not at all like a good conversation because that's like she was already like freaking out with just even seeing me just even seeing me there. What happened next wait what happened next and she kept hitting her head against the against the wall when she was sitting on the bed and I was like I grabbed her and I like shook her I was like stop wait no wait she said not to come in like we need to like and looked at her I was like we need to like talk about this like I mean I was holding her arms and stuff but like I I never struck her I never like hit her hit her like in the face or anything I was just like we talk and she was so like she was so like I mean what's the word like you know like flopp a fish out of the water like like so like all this and I was like listen like I'm not here to like, fight with you or like do anything like here to talk to you and like and she's like no no like get away from me you have to leave, You have to leave, You have to leave, You have to leave, you have to leave, like all this stuff I was like all right, like fine, like but like I want to talk to you after all this and and like I I was like a a little bit persistent because of the situation you know my former girlfriend who something happened last week you know and I was like all right like well so we were like talking over there and yeah, somehow we ended up somehow I was resting her own floor and I was just like stop I just like and I was holding her I was holding her I was a little bit persistent I was wrestling her on the floor. All further evidence that designates George as the aggressor.

he's completely shut down his ability to argue any sort of self-defense claim and then the conversation I could tell was just like it was not going anywhere and nothing was happening and uh, she like went back to bed and I and I laugh and I went back home. Okay, phase one is now complete. The suspect has unknowingly locked himself into a storyline that will put him away for a very long time. The risk of him shutting down or requesting a lawyer is no longer a primary concern, so the interrogator will now increase the pressure.
She will confront him on certain elements that she pretended. You know what? That's not even entirely true, especially for on this channel. We've seen some girl get away with her saying a story line and her chaining twice especially in court and still got away with it. Still got away with it to overlook before and the ideal scenario is to cause just enough Panic so that he backpedals on previous statements and contradicts himself.

All right. So you go over there, knock on the the door. her front door is open. her room door was closed I knocked like like y they like.

She heard me open the door and and went in. All right. went in. where to her room.

See crazy I mean how'd you get through the door, her door or the front door? her door. actually it might have been locked mhm. it was. Yeah, yeah actually yeah.

just be honest. Yeah, it was actually it was locked. yeah cuz I think I put a hole Yeah you punched a hole through the door. pretty sure.

Actually, now youed said that. Yeah, All right, why did you do that? Guess yeah when I once I was in her room Jesus this pun very like. you know, like not I don't want to talk to you like all this stuff and she was very like, you know, very on edge. like I don't want to talk like I don't want to talk like you know I was like listen like you.

What you pulled last week was outrageous like I just want to talk to you. What? What? You punch the door That a very unusual time to interrupt a suspect in such a contentious manner. He was giving away self-incriminating information that could be used to establish a motive. He was doing exactly what the lead investigator wanted, but Detective Ed has now stopped him in his tracks.

It's a reckless maneuver at this point in the interrogation which Detective Reeves is no doubt conveying at this moment through non-verbal communication. She now has to let the suspect respond as to not undermine their position because I want to talk to her. Detective Reeves will now bring his guard back down through a reassuring tone and gently guide his train of thought back through his grievances with the victim. She pulls this off in three questions.

All right. continue on just fine. Continue on. So you're you're talking to her and she doesn't want to talk to you.

Not really I mean and I mean we talk though like there was Parts where we were talking and then like do you know what you're talking about I mean about so many different things okay like what like like what she did last week mhm like went to like Carolina she went to Carolina and hooked up with someone Sunday when we were still trying to figure out things and I was over there like like to talk like I was like this is like this is outrageous because I was trying to make everything better and and then like you know she was very defensive because she knew like how upset I was cuz I've told her like through email like how upset I was like about what she did and so I was like and I sat on the edge of I was like listen like I want to talk to you like like what you did was like that was that's not like okay and I was just like I like and and she's like like not like like you know she's like like lik sort of Jesus pushing everything that she did to the back burner and like talking about like like you know like trying to like put everything that she did like wasn't important. it kept going to the point where she like I was like listen like you're like we have to figure like out what's going on on and she was like I'm not I'm I'm about talking to you then she like push me like get out of here like like go and I was like No And like I was like be like we have to talk like like get like when when you're doing that what what are you holding on her on her arms on her arms like maybe up here like shoulders yeah like like like come on like you know and see that's when she was like wiggle and like get away and then like you know like hide in the get in the corner like really like aggress like defensively almost and and then I was and then she ended I think she was back in bed and I was and I left I was like this is the not going anywhere how'd she get back in bed? uh we were like wrestling and we stood up and I I tossed her I pushed her onto the bed I was like go to bed like I'll talk to you lat her did you touch her neck area all did you choke her at one point um I what may have grabbed her a little bit by the neck when we were like but I never like strangled her okay um but I yeah I mean during the whole like commotion you know like I we may have I might have grabbed her neck but I never was. never was like strangling her. Okay, more detail that was unknown to the investigation.
The fact that he grabbed her neck can now be used as evidence. It paints a more frightening picture of the incident with relation to the suspect's aggression toward the victim. This was an extremely damaging. Revelation For George's defense, the discussion moves to the moment he left and George admits that he took Yardley's laptop.

why'd you grab your laptop because I was so pissed that she wouldn't talk to me I was like talk I don't know I like took it almost as like collateral I guess I don't know it's it's not reasonable logic, but right. Okay I don't know. Did you take anything else besides your laptop? No nothing No I mean all right. So when um, when you left out of there I mean you saw that she was bleeding on her nose, she's now about to ask a question with the same implication for a second time.

Notice what occurred the first time? Did you go back and check on her at any point? No I did not. Did you try to call rescue or anything to make sure she was all right? No I did not. No. Why the face of bewilderment? If there ever was one.
It's very strange that he's so taken aback by such a question, especially when you take into account the possible outcome. If he had actually called for help, one medical expert revealed in the courtroom for the very first time that following Yardly Love's brutal beating had George Hugley or anyone else called for help, she might have survived I didn't think it was like I didn't think that she was like in need of like going to the emergency room I we she just got I me play. What do you think that I don't know I mean I did you say when you were and correct me if I'm wrong when you were shaking her, her head was hitting the wall. Well that was in the beginning.

That was initially when I walked in like she was like up in the corner like get like get out of here like you know, like this Mhm. At any time when you were shaking her, did her head bang the the wall, put yourself in George's position and imagine Yardley had in fact self-inflicted her injuries. you would perhaps say something along the lines of absolutely not I wasn't dude. Some of you guys are saying like like oh dude dud like uh like he's so dumb.

what a dumbass What a dude dude is anything dumb about this? The guy knew the damage he inflicted. dude he D he knew exactly what was going on. You guys misunderstand that this guy is like just a terrible just evil who did something terrible like he's not. He's not quot dumb for not knowing he knew very well what the was going on.

like what the against the wall but like when she's like sitting they called it a a brutal beating bro like stop getting trolled by his dumbass story intervie if it like like this and I'm like like you know and I I like like like like what the was that about like that did such that you like do that like it's such a like move like would would like you know like every like he like what are you like doing like like that like she she has a pretty good knot on her head. that's why I'm asking how that how how you can explain how that would have happened I mean I don't even know when that a Notd mhm I mean like on on the side of her head she's been hit pretty good right there. So I'm just trying to figure out did you hit her with something no Was that never never touched her or struck her or anything. Well you touched her, you had your hands on.

no yeah no I said never struck her Okay so you you I'm going go through this one more time. make sure we're on the same page. so you're you're pretty pissed at her from a week ago or send you text messages. Do you have those text messages where she said she as you put it somebody I actually might have those.

Yeah. All right, you got your phone with you. Yeah. let's let's pull it out.

Go through it. let's see if we can see those. the next moment is fascinating because it symbolizes how drastically George's life is about to change. The interrogator will invade his personal space to make sure he's not deleting anything from his phone.
Soon after that, she will take the phone out of his hand and place it on the table. Actions that would be completely unacceptable in almost any other circumstance. We didn't say there there were like I guess what you call like a like a ongoing conversation, an ongoing like inst message and it's gone. They just seate that Anyway, it doesn't matter right now.

All right let's talk about how you you entered entered yeah yeah I mean cuz to put your to have put your fist through the door leg I'm pretty sure because that's why my legs like this. yeah you're right was your leg Yeah how' you get all the bruising on your hand then this is all from Acros. This is all that's pretty fresh right there. looks.

This is all for my look for all scheme on Saturday sat my arm. you can see where my arm pads are right here and my gloves even right there I thought you you wore those padded gloves this is. this is all the difference. This is all from Lacrosse and that's I got whacked here I Remember 100% got whacked during the game when I was trying to like kill the clock mhm when when you had her in your Shaker did she scratchy anywhere? no no no she's a little girl.

she's tiny. yeah she not know she didn't she didn't she try to hit you or anything like that no okay so you you kick in the door, go in. that's so that that that's how I yeah okay and then I stuck my hand through and unlocked it and went in there Jes this guy okay everything else is will the detectives leave the room for roughly 3 minutes when when they return it appears Ed has given the chance to lead with a few of his own questions. I I Know we we touched about what what happened last night, but set it up for me.

Lead it up to me a little bit here. Why did you guys break up? Exactly Why? Why Yeah, well, we are not. We are not from the same area right? and I'm going or she wants to me to New York and I'm not exactly sure where what I'm doing yet, but I'd like to move to San Francisco Why'd you take her computer I don't know I have no idea there. Maybe maybe because there's evidence on the computer emails that you sent.

No, there's no. I mean you you can find you can read all the emails and everything back and forth. Detective: Ed now asks George if he held Yardley down on the bed. He's trying to subtly set the grounds for an argument of smothering, which isn't a terrible idea, but would be disproven by the autopsy.

Regardless, no, no, Did you fall down on top of her you know, wrestl wrestling on the ground for like aest on the bed at all. No I never like, no, never like, mean I show her no I mean like just kind of hold her down until she calmed down on the bed. No, if anything, that, if anything, that would have been like on the floor when we were on the floor when her nose started bleeding. like wrestling around and that's what her no start was it pretty noisy when you were wrestling around? no I mean she screaming no no no she no she was not screaming actually mean if I'm cracking my head in the wall I'm going to be saying out yeah no I mean she was not screaming she should have been probably I mean maybe she should have been probably I mebe I don't know why do you think she should I don't know I mean well she was screaming when I first like came into the room and she was like no like I'm not talking to you like get the out of here all that but like at any point before you said you you and this was your words you said you tossed her on the bed and then you left.
yeah all right at any point before that did she lose Consciousness no okay what happened after you tossed her on the bed, did she move something with Dum in chat I didn't say I didn't say that he wasn't dumb I said earlier what he said wasn't dumb in that what it when it in regard to her wounds or whatever is that the guy knew what he was talking about and he wasn't He wasn't being being dumb, he knew for a fact he had caused injury or injury to a certain degree and his story was just dumb I'm not one guy like most like a lot of people talk say something just I mean I literally to her turn around and tossed her on the ground or toss on the bed walked out the door. Okay so when you tossed her back on the bed in in your mind she's she was bleeding but you said she was bleeding out her nose and and you didn't you didn't feel like you needed to call rescue. No after that after banging her head and no she shaking her blood coming out her nose on the floor no there's nothing about like you missed anything that no want Ask him right now there's nothing about going, going to get anything or going you know I don't know I took the computer George Rambles about why there was no reason for taking the laptop for another 20 seconds during which time detective Reeves decides that enough information has been attained Phase 2 is now complete and the fate of Yardley is about to be revealed. These moments and interrogations are considered important for the purpose of engaging a suspect's response.

It's believed that a sharp and sudden Revelation can make it difficult to fabricate emotion So In theory, this will cause a suspect to provide either a genuine response or a relatively obvious disingenuous response, which often comes in the pretense of shock or remorse. I mean I Guess that's where my logic was at, but that which is. well I have to tell you I think I know why you took the computer in the midst of what would have been a flawlessly executed moment. Detective Ed jumps back into the laptop mystery.

The suspect has essentially confessed to murder. This really wasn't the time for regurgitated conjecture over a petty theft misdemeanor which Ed was clearly being advised of once again through non-verbal communication. you she's dead Kill George Killed her, She's dead I Think you knew that already. No, I did not.
In our opinion, George is being truthful here and we believe the interrogator feels the same way in this moment. She's dead. How the is she dead cuz you killed her George How the is she dead because you killed her George Appears to be going through a delayed response. It's so foreign, a revelation that it's yet to sink in.

Once the shock settles, he refuses to accept it, and this denial appears to be a momentary coping mechanism before the reality of the situation truly hits him. which will happen at this time in the footage. Oh my. God She's dead.

Yes, she's dead. Yes, she's dead. She's dead. How how I Already told you how? you already told us how it's well, How she do you just told us Oh my.

God You went in there to talk with her but I got out a controled right? yours. The detectives will now add further pressure to keep him talking. Suspects will often divulge information in these moments in the Panic attempt to save themselves and in doing so, can shut down a more credible storyline they haven't thought up yet. The alcohol got a hold of you.

You kicked in her door, she started to fight with you. You punched her in the head or you crack. She's not dead. You cracked her head.

Not you cracked her head in the window or in in the wall. She is. She's not I ain't bsing you right now. It's serious I Want to see I want to see her George at me George She is dead.

You were not here to dance with us. You're here because she's dead. The alcohol I Don't believe it I don't believe it true I Do I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't I I Don't believe that she's dead. How did you How I Don't believe that she's dead I Don't believe that she's dead.

Did you punch her? Did you hit her? She? There's no way she's dead. There's she's not dead I Did I never did anything I didn't I didn't I did not I did not. Let's let's calm down I did not like hurt her like she's she's not dead. Let him come down just out a protocol.

What we got to do. Stand up for: Do: Put your hands behind your back, turn around. relax Rel You be right. Tell me she's not dead.

Tell me she's not dead though. Please please will You Tell me she's not dead. Relax Please will you tell me She? you know what? I wish I could tell you that George 22y old 202 and her life is done. She's not I can not do anything like that Oh my God There's no way there's no way there's no way I Do not believe it I Do not believe it.

There's no way There's no way she could be dead e. either the head trauma or fixation it there was no fixation. Okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what was she doing? What was she doing? The last time you saw her she was like she was like standing up with me. She was standing up with me.
She was standing up with me looking at me. Was she standing her? You were holding her. She standing up looking at me. okay she's not dead I know she's not dead I know 100 million she's not dead I did you canot be dead I know I know we got out of H know we did.

it didn't it didn't it didn't it didn't it did not, It didn't it didn't and she's like no, no get away from me. You have to leave. You have to leave. You have to leave you I was like a little bit persistent.

she screaming she should have been I didn't kill her and leave I didn't just oh my God I didn't kill her I did not kill her I did not something that they usually say also right here. but I I think they didn't say it is that. Also they usually get sad at a certain delay or whatever because now it kicks in. They're not sad because of what they did or the repercussions.

They're sad because the repercussion that's coming towards them. So because the consequences they now see the com towards them. Now they're sad about their own uh results. whatever that's what in I did.

There's no way I get do it No way no way I want a lawyer I don't believe this. This sh so fing annoying I don't believe this there no BR bro I'm I'm because we watch those all the time. we we watch all of these okay and they don't repeat certain Concepts because it give redundant I'm just repeating it because some people don't watch them all the time. So I just I'm just telling you stop saying like oh dud you're not a proo bro We just know this.

We know it. like it. just you know what? there's no so can I talk to someone Who do you want to talk to anyone? A lawyer? One we get appointed to you. Okay what do I do now go to jail? Yeah, All right George Right now I know you're you? You no long I'm talk to us.

that's fine I'm just let you know something. We're working on the search point right now and what it is is we're going to have to collect some stuff from you. like what's called a buckle swab. Okay, why did you guys say why did you guys come in and say you were searching for an assault I Never said anything about an assault so he did you want? Call anybody for you.

At the start of this video, you were asked to think of what you would do in this situation. Really, try and imagine what would be going through your mind in this moment as you might just gain a restorative Outlook from both knowing the answer while not having to answer this particular question. but there is of course no possible way you will gain anything close to the Newfound perspective George has acquired In This Moment which un fortunately for him is no longer of use. Want me? call your dad? Is you call it mom? Your mom? So who you like me to call guy I don't know about that.

What's your mom's name? Oh my. God What's her number? 30196 How did you want me call your dad or just her? She will tell her she can tell her everything. Okay how I Don't believe it. Strange, not strange at all.
Be dead. There's no way. Calm down. There's no way There's no way there's no.

Go ahead. put your foot down. Oh my God y These next few moments are a turning point. The leg iron seemed to initiate a shift in his Constitution and his denial will completely cease from this point forward.

He will continue to ask why and how, but he will no longer reject the severity of what is happening. Oh my God oh my God he's balding H heck of a day Bud Hey fellas I didn't here the rest of my life I'm sorry I didn't here the rest of my life in this room. No. Jil I don't know.

Oh bad. God Man never said you were. but you call my mom. Wait, you call my mom, not bro.

Is there even still a point in in conserving Raor here and trying to be chill with him? Yeah. Is there anything at all that can gain out of this from that point on? I don't think so. I think they're way past that. they're like they were like an hour past that.

You're like what you think you think he's going to. he's going to spread out even. George was taken to the Regional Jail Soon after the this moment, he would go on to plead not guilty to murder and was held without bond for almost 2 years awaiting trial. It began on February 6, 2012.

Well, testimony is now underway in the murder trial of the former UVA Lacrosse player accused of killing his ex-girlfriend for the first time. We have video of Hugley as he was led into The courtroom contrary to his appearance. In the days that followed his arrest for the murder of 22-year-old Yardly Love, he appeared pale, frail, and gaunt. The prosecution presented a case that Hugley went to Lo's apartment that night, busted through her bedroom door and in some way struck her, causing blunt force trauma which led to her death.

We've also learned that on that night George Hugley was exchanging what were described as playful text messages with three other women. Those messages continued late into the night, and even after the alleged attack. Throughout this trial, Hugle has sat expressionless, almost stoic at the defense table. All of that changed today.

as this police interview was airing, Hugle began crying, was often pinching the bridge of his nose with his hands and looking down as he listened to the sound of his own hysterical voice. I Did not kill her I did not killer I did not I did not in court Tuesday Hug Ley's defense faced an uphill climb. The most riveting testimony came from former UNCC Lacrosse player Michael Burns who testified that one time while visiting. UVA He heard some yelling for help from Hug Ley's apartment.

When he opened the door, he said he found Hugley with his arm wrapped around Love's neck, choking her. Hugley then let her go and she ran out of the room crying. A variety of medical experts took the stand this Wednesday and they all seemed to agree that Love's death was a result of blood force trauma to the Head. This was followed by highly distressing witness testimony from Yardley's Neighbors.
The noise was so loud this was such a violent death that they heard it downstairs two separate Witnesses and it sounded like a I don't want to be a Good Samaritan Andy but dud never you think that I don't know, like maybe maybe reached out a report that's like hello stereo crashing to the ground. And it certainly didn't help that the jury knew that she was alive for 2 hours before she died, indicating that if George Hugley had come to his senses, he could have gone back there, called 911 and possibly saved her life. Still, the driving argument for the defense is that George Hugley never intended to kill. They say this was all a tragic accident, that he does not deserve a life sentence, but instead a lesser charge and a second chance.

Guilty of second deegree murder and you will hear the sentence momentarily. A 26-year prison term came down. George Hugley was brought to court to hear his lawyers plead for the judge to cut in half the 26-year sentence recommended by the jury judge. Edward Hogshire did trim it back, but by just three years, the jury in this case recommended 26 years.

The judge changed it to 23. Probably a small difference, but but why would he do that? It's surprising, isn't it considering this is a woman who was beaten to death in her own bed. We think that George was convicted of a crime inconsistent with the facts and he received a penalty inconsistent with what the evidence would require. There are no winners.

Uh, in this case with credit for the time that George Hugley has already served in jail and if he gets time off for good behavior, he could be out in 18 years And the family for yardly Love has put out this statement saying we find no joy in other sorrow, We are relieved to put this chapter behind us. Dude, Dude said consistent with what the evidence would require, there are no winners. Uh, in this case with credit for that's slame. As though I I like give it a buck though I Think that's slim as that.

um that somebody in her in their position, lawyers in their position, right? Um, which They've probably seen victims throughout the entire career and they know they know what it's like to get like to get closure and whatnot and for them to lose, Right? for them to for them to lose and then go in front of the news and say oh, doesn't fit the crime that's so stupid George was it's convicted of a crime What? Me through a job bro they lost They lost Bro bro bro they lost. it's over. You act like like the Press here like they get like a bonus minus two years plus three rep plus four gangster or some after that like there like like a bonus three $3,000 Like Bro, there's no bonus. It's the trial is over.
It's done inconsistent with the facts are you done and he received a penalty inconsistent with what the evidence would require. There are no winners. Uh, in this case with credit for the time that George Hugley has already served in jail and if he gets time off for good behavior, he could be out in 18 years and the family for Yardly Love has put out this statement saying we find no joy in other sorrow. We are relieved to put this chapter behind us.

As for George he was incarcerated at the Maximum Security Augusta They keep their options open for a retrial for Re F Directional Center for 10 years and has since been transferred to a prison Work Camp in Richmond where he's expected to serve out the rest of his sentence. The present consensus in the media is that George had no intention of killing Yardley but that his 23-year sentence is still appropriate if not lenient, and that him being drunk to any degree at the time of the murder is not an excuse, nor does lessen the cability of his actions. to any extent. he'll be released at the age of 45, meaning he will have the second chance at life Yardley was never afforded.

You can decide for yourself whether he deserves it or not. Yeah, don't I mean a comforting Prospect to this Tra brother brother I don't even give a okay listen I know I know my opinion is worth nothing in this okay but listen list the way the way: I see like this simple concept: don't ever commit physical violence regardless. Okay, okay unless it's in like desperate, desperate measures of of self-defense Last Resort type right? It is so stupid. Oh my Dude I I didn't mean to kill Bro Bro Bro You never know what can happen when you do physical violence.

You can never know. Somebody hits their neck on on on the side of something, somebody hits their head somewhere, cracks their SK head, somebody's brain go sideways. You never know what can happen. just don't do it man.

it's why I have no sympathy People who say oh my god dude I physical violence and they died I should I should get a lesser sentence dude because I didn't mean to kill bro. Shut the up man. Especially when you're against somebody who's way smaller in size. What is up with the dog luck and seeds to when when you when you do a big act for physical violence bro, you're exploring these options at that point.

That's that's just it. End of story de Holy. So annoying. Um inent matters Well I mean in this scenario then the intent is is to do uh, physical violence right to somebody to somebody's uh Cranium which is you know you know that's just that's your life right here.

So I mean I have no sympathy yo this is X x on the be yo okay you he my voice as well that is anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so sry.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to yeardley’s ex-boyfriend jcs – criminal psychology”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isabella Paspalovski says:

    Dude is the clear definition of Frat Bro

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elegante val says:

    this chat is so troll i love it😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YT Yt says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShySoup says:

    "im here to TALK to you" lol

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jax says:

    It was my understanding that the judge took into account the 2 years he already spent in jail, and that this wasn't a planned murder so it wasn't a life sentence, although personally I don't really agree with only 23 years for beating a woman to death.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Finkbohner says:

    My sister is a lawyer and she says no matter what always elect for a lawyer and say nothing

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Wen says:

    Bros lawyer reviewing the interrogation footage: DUDE YOU DID NOT AT ONE POINT THINK OF TELLING ME ABOUT THIS????

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bones says:

    Don't feel bad for the guy or the girl lol.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bigfloppa says:

    To be fair, she DID cheat…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M5~ says:

    That buzzing thing in the background or whatever made this unmatchable for me😥 Feels so uncomfortable 😭

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShinseiRandy says:

    that college is 30 minutes away from me….

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fyre says:

    xqc chat has the most sensitive ears

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Auri Smelser says:

    Ed throwing hard

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevin says:

    I'm pretty sure he's in prison because he's just that much of a buffoon that he can't control himself or know what's appropriate, and he doesn't know what constitutes twaulking to someone or even how to say that word

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChickenBeFROSTY says:


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