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Cryptoz Zo. Co I Am so excited about this project. It's it's it's so fun. It's a really fun game that makes you money.

A fun game that earns you money. How much did you guys make from Crypto Zoo? I Lost around $50,000 in Cryptos I Lost $40,000 and I lost around $15,000 I Lost $25,000 $122,000 $500,000 Australian Which is half a million in Crypto? Shut up! No, you haven't Yeah, 500k. Oh no. Today we're investigating Logan Paul's Kryptoo, a blockchain game that made Millions but never worked.

Some of you guys think you know the story, but it goes so much deeper. I've uncovered sociopaths, billionaires, fake orphans. did I mention fake orphans? And of course, at the center of it we have Logan Paul himself who has abandoned this thing, leaving thousands of fake orphans in his wake. Wait a second.

Thousands of victims in his wake. Now you'll be hearing from some of those people because their stories are heartbreaking. This is the first in a three-part series that's been a year in the making and if you like high effort investigations like this one, please consider supporting this channel on Patreon. I Don't take sponsors.

We are viewer supported so if you want a massive team behind it and are probably out of pocket like a million just because we believe it's going to work September 1st F No shot Cryptoz Zo. We don't scam. I've never scammed anyone before Logan cares extremely deeply about his audience. loves his audience, loves his brand, Doesn't have to scam to make money.

Million Doll mystery. That's it. Welcome to part one: The Million Dooll mystery that began this whole story like many people. I First heard about Crypto Zou from a podcast Logan runs called Impulsive which was the experience of a lot of people that I spoke to.

So I first heard about it on the Logan Pool podcast Impulsive I think it was off the one of the Impulsive episodes. The thing that I'm most excited for and this is the first time I've ever said anything about this for the last 6 months I've been working on my own Nft project I think there need I think there needs to be a fresh take in this project that I have uh is that fresh? Take now look at first I was just as surprised at this pitch as anyone else because I just got finished roasting Logan for a different coin called Dink Doink which is f lost money on I'm a fan ever seen? that's why I'm all in. it's comedic, it's fun, it's comedy Now look I know Logan and his friends tried to make it look like Dink Dwiink was all about the memes, but it turns out they secretly were tied to the project and Logan created the dingo character himself and subsequently abandoned that project. So if you invested in it, you got blasted and Logan rightfully took a lot of heat.

It's not an SEC violation for think doing which is why I Was surprised when he seemingly immediately jumped into another crypto project, but Logan insisted cryptozoo. It was different. It wasn't his friend's project this time, it was his. and it wasn't even a project at all.
It was a game that could earn you money. I'm excited to launch. Uh to launch my game. You keep using A and you just did it again.

you keep using a word. There game you're not using like a project. It's a game. It's a game.

It's a fun. It's a really fun game that makes you money. Now you might be wondering, how's it possible to earn money from a game? That's let me try to break it down for you. This is how it was supposed to work.

You started by buying this crypto token called Zoo which is their in-game currency and you use Zoo coins to then buy egg nfts which you can then hatch to become animals. You then can breed those two animals to become hybrid animals. For example, if you breed a gorilla and a kitten, you get a gor Kitty and the more rare the nft the higher the daily yield of zoo tokens. That animal earns you every day.

Theoretically, it works like almost like passive income. You can then burn your animal nfts to release the zoo they earned back to you and from there you can invest it into eggs or just cash out. Now some of you of the Egyptian persuasion might notice some wait a minute. Yeah, triangular qualities to this game description.

But let's not be too quick to judge because remember, there are a lot of Nft games built on this model. It's called Play to Earn Now Logan Admits that there are other games like his, but what's going to really make his stand out is that other games have randomly. his game has handmade art was quick just so the record has it. I've said it on Twitter I said it here I said it everywhere.

Okay, Pay to Earn is the most overhyped fake dog I have ever seen and is only garbage. Anybody who believes that is a dumbass. Okay, some top. Executives CEOs Big people in the world billionaires believe in that that is dog and will always be it.

It will never change. You make a digital asset with you know, unique randomly generated characteristics. We handmade art for the past 6 months bro approval. Very specific notes: 10 different artists making art for our project Now I'll admit this all sounds very enticing.

Handmade art. A fun game that can earn you money and one of the biggest influencers in the world backing it you might think how can I lose which is why when people were told all you had to do to play was buy an egg, people spent Millions just on the first launch between Eth and Zoo People bought $ 2.5 million worth of eggs in the first day and did I mention the game hadn't even been launched yet. All people were buying was the marketing and the promises. And it wasn't just the Nfts they bought either.

The Zoo token also also skyrocketed in value, reaching a $2 billion market cap pregame launch, right? The trading volume was in the tens of millions of dollars per day, which kind of is like fortnite not coming out, but people trading tens of millions of dollars in V-bucks every day. That's what this was like. and I know it sounds stupid to buy an influencer project, but you have to understand. People saw Logan as different it was Logan Paul at the end of the day, an internet personality that I actually trusted that I actually kind of believed in.
Obviously, when someone so influential releases something, everyone wants to be a part of it. I still believed in this. Well, there's your problem. false FY that everyone else I believe in that Lan P's a changed man I Thought it was a safe place having a a guy like that you identify like Logan Paul Being the head of the project, they had seen this story.

He had been telling everyone that, uh, he was this reformed influencer right that he was no longer a reckless clout Goblin just in it for the money, they thought, this time it's different Logan Paul couldn't possibly scam us. Nope, right. But as the game got closer to release the crypto Zoo team started releasing the first ever photos of these animals and come to find out this handmade art story wasn't really true actually. Adobe stock photos mashed together.

This was the sort of first red flag of this project and I made a video about it at the time. um but it was kind of surface level and something didn't add up beneath the surface. something where I just couldn't shut this case down. In my head it was actually part of the announcement video that they something they said see if you can spot it.

we have a massive team behind it and are probably out of pocket. like a million just because we believe it's going to work. Yeah, that's the line but developing what though that started this whole mystery. We spent a million dollars on development I Couldn't get this out of my head.

you know, is he lying? There's no way he expects people to believe he spent it on. Art So wait, maybe he spent it on blockchain stuff, right? That's what I thought. But then I audited the smart contract and it's not handmade at all. It's not even original.

it's what's called a fork. a copy of, you know, some other code that exists out there. One of them is called Flaky Shib X which launched before it. So where' this million dollar go I I Didn't understand and Logan just kept repeating this claim.

We' put hundreds of thousands of doll in it. Uh, personally the whole team a million plus Now at the time I'm looking into this. There's a teaser going around for hatch day, which is the day you can hatch your egg nfts and it kind of symbolized the true launch of crypto. So I thought maybe this is it.

Maybe this is where they spent all the money on their game. Even their Community manager Ben Roth promised people after hatch day things will take a turn for the 180. So I put Finn Roth on the board too I needed to know all the characters in Crypto zoo and I waited. and finally on November 3rd, 2021 Ben Roth turned out to be right.
Things did take a turn on Hatch day only for the worse. Let's meet one of the victims. helicopter. Bob to explain more, my name is Rob helicopter Bob Lost just under $77,000 with Crypto Zo and the first thing I asked Bob was about his animals, if he was making money with Kryptoo, how much he made and if the passive yield work.

Oh, it never did. From the beginning there, it wasn't even written into the contract where it showed that you could that you were actually yielding Zoo but there was nothing that was actually you know, backing that up. there was no way to claim your yield. There never was.

wait wait wait play that again. Did you hear that there was no way to claim your yield. There never was. Hold on the core mechanic of Kryptoo that you can make money with these stupid animals.

Didn't even work on launch date and still to this day a year later still does not work is what the investors are saying which this is just crazy people spent millions of dollars on these eggs. but it even gets worse because I kept talking to people and I discovered something cuz remember I told you you could buy eggs with those Zoo coins. Well apparently they also made it so you could buy them with Ethereum and on the day of selling, about half of these purchases took place with Ethereum only. It turns out for the people who spent, not only did the yield part of it not work, did the Nfts not pay you.

You also couldn't even hatch them. So I acquired a bunch of eggs and and I actually want to play the game I didn't acquire the eggs with the intent of keeping them I actually wanted to hatch him and see what I got out of him and and play in this ecosystem been advertised or whatever PR spoiler I'm I'm I I'm trying to predict was going to happen in the video spiler and there's not even a game and then I can't do anything. it's not sh up on the website when I connect my wallet etc etc so I'm a little baffled. I'm like is I must be doing something wrong.

So I open up I open up a support ticket I open up a support ticket with crypto Z Ben Roth is actually the person answering my support ticket. Oh yeah no no, it's it's down for the moment. but we're working on it. Let me tell you, it's it's it's never been, it's never been up.

Wait, you can't even hatch. no, it's I'm telling it's just a picture. There's nothing I can do with it. You're kidding.

you can't hatch. There's nothing I can do with it I you could ask. you could ask any of those Community guys. That's basically worth nothing whatsoever.

Wow! So on launch day, basically nothing worked and a year later that's still true. Now after this was discovered, the price of Zoo fell 63% in just 24 hours and at this point Logan Paul basically goes silent on Crypto. No more podcast mentions, no more saying he handmade art crypto Zoo already got millions in Investments but Logan only speaks in the Discord twice over the next year to say quote sober currently shaking my head and yo that was his contribution to this project. Meanwhile, his community manager Ben Roth was actively claiming that Logan was going to be marketing crypto Zoo any day now.
He told people things like Logan is an uncontrollable marketing Guru It's over when we launch and when we have a product to Market it'll get marketed and marketing will crush I Promise you. and this disconnect between Logan abandoning the project and his team on crypto saying that he hadn't saying that it was going to be any day now left investors feeling like they were being led on. All he had to do was go on and tell us. look there's something going on with this project.

I'm I'm abandoning it or whatever before people got more and more trapped and promising and promising. Yeah this is going to be great, but when it came to actually doing anything he he just hid away from it. Have some decency come out, talk to the people. So these guys bought some dog they newest dog in hope that they would pump it and they're mad that he didn't pump the dog that was already said to be dog.

They invested initially, they invested along the way on all of the fake and false promises and all of the false. Hy In crypto terms these guys are hoping he's going to Market it Market it as in pump it right so they could they could repr profit off the dog literally sorry I'm not victim blaming everybody involv this is a every singular person and be honest with people cuz surely Logan Paul who's got this billion doll hydration company and and WWE star is got enough money it doesn't need to to Rog us lot And it's because of these false promises about marketing that these poor investors believed in. crypto. Zoo So long they sat and watched every Logan Paul episode trying to guess and decipher when this so-called marketing push would happen and Logan and his team really fed into this with a lot of C Yes, the product should actually work.

You're not wrong, but at the same time I Don't think it matters. Cryptic messages only a month after Crypto Zoo's launch. Uh, actually the hatch day they started teasing this. not too much out but he he's been working last pause does a matter way.

Nobody buys this in hopes that things will actually work. It's a game. It's a everybody's going to this wanting to make money everybody. Everybody always says it's a project, it's a art.

It's a this. People have these this mental delusion over a billion of sort of mental gymnastics of but it's this. but it's that. But it's this over Crypto.

NFD You want know what? Stop deluding yourself. You are a garbage man buying garbage and you know you're buying garbage and you hope that the people at the top bump that so you can be on the winning side of the dog. But the reality is you will never be Why cuz it's dog garbage to begin with. Stop deluding yourself.
It's so annoying working on a massive project and the one one of them will be the biggest thing I ever. Do It'll be. It's like my my life and soul is put into this project is where which is where most of my time these days goes. Wow Surely this.

SEC What about the kids who buy it them I Don't give a dude like like what what the you talking about what are what are you talking about project that Logan put his soul into his crypto zo right? You know the project he launched a month ago. If your child has money to spend online at Great Lengths that they shouldn't even have, they shouldn't they shouldn't be working with. Okay, you shouldn't have child labor kids with hundreds of dollars if you do. If they do have money right, you want a parent scam them for all I give a about you are a parent if your kid goes wild with thousands of dollars to spend on the internet on pixels you are a dumb okay idiot.

Well his fans certainly thought so. I'm like holy cow it makes so much sense he's talking about crypto Zoo Ben and the dudes are like like putting smiley faces and and egging the rest of the community like this is it Guys you know this is what we've been working towards I mean this is it, This This this it's finally happening Logan's going to market the project and they kept saying that Logan's going to market the project and it's going to change everything. So now imagine their surprise when another clip surfaces of Logan finally admitting this secret project isn't crypto zooo at all. it's something else entirely.

I'll tell you about this project when uh, we get closer to launch this project. Why is going? Is that the thing with the A like this one one, this one's going to be yeah, this. Be this. Be the crazi ever done.

Oh man, can you imagine if you're one of these investors and Logan Paul's going pitching this new secret project and you're thinking thinking it's Kryptoo and someone's like oh, is it that is it that thing with the eggs and he's like no, no, no no no definitely definitely not. That was the last project. This is the real chat. Let me remind you chat guys I don't want to be rude.

Okay, let me remind you I have a sponsor I did okay for a company for it was for a League of Legends in VR Okay with Stei the guy in the video over there stei IED a sponsorship and I was on I think I was on his team or something and we won money at the end right? Um, and we could choose a charity at which we're going to donate with the money we would win the money and we donate all the way to a charity right? And then he gets in the interview booth and they ask him what charity do you choose and I'm not kidding. Okay, this a guy shows up, he says says oh yeah man, oh Al Really happy to be doning this to the a key charity. Whatever. I'm like what the guy wins the prize to Don to charity and donates to his own charity.
What the was that about Man project that I'm working on? Thankfully people didn't just let this slide because as he went around making the rounds on his new project called 99 Originals people were like, hey, didn't you just abandon your last one And unsurprisingly, it's not his fault, it's the Bad actors who ruined the project. I Think people giving multiple explanations for why these haven't worked and you know there's accusations out there. How does it make you feel when people are doing these takeown videos about your Nft projects previously? Uh, it's it's sad because of what I just said. There's so much going on behind the scenes like dog I'm not the bad guy here.

Yeah, yeah, there's some actual out there and I'm it's not me like I'm here to build. This is a space where a lot of people do see dollar signs. like any burgeoning industry. If there's money to be made, there's going to be both good and bad people.

Um, there's a lot of shady characters in The crypto space. I'm learning all of it. We had a issue with um, Crypto Zooo where our our lead developer uh took the code that he made fled to Switzerland actually fled to Switzerland and like held it hostage for a million dollars like behind the scenes drama that like like took took uh took a stick and stuck it in the spokes of my wheels. Oh well, that wasn't expected.

There's a shady developer who held up Logan's code hostage in Switzerland that the million dollar code wa I thought the code was ripped from another, a similar token or some. I thought there was no coding any. I thought it was a copypaste. that's why this hasn't worked the whole time.

he held it hostage for a million dollars. Well let's add that to the board. I mean isn't the mystery solved now? Obviously the first thing I wanted to do was hunt down this developer who will be calling Z here and find out the truth of what happened. Why did he steal Logan's code for a million dollar? However, I finally got a hold of him and when I did he admitted he took the code hostage but he says the reason for it was nothing like what Logan had said.

He never literally never paid me anything at all ever I never paid and uh you. We got to a point when I was working on it where I just realized they were just going to try to steal all of my work and not P me. So I took the consource code private and I I just kind of like we spent like a month just trying to negotiate and U get something figured out where I would finally get paid like I'm on my end I se 30 Engineers I'm earning $50,000 a week on building this building, this thing and um the only thing they brought the table were bu of so Z claims he wasn't blackmailing anyone, he had to hire a team to develop this whole thing and he just wanted to be paid for the work they did according to him. no I'm thinking the truth is probably somewhere in the middle but closer towards the second guy I would assume they negotiated a $1 million Payday for this whole project and from the second I heard that I thought oh that's interesting because Logan claims he spent a million do on this whole thing and this developer saying he's owed a million dollar on this project now I didn't want to just take one person's word for it.
so I later confirmed with another developer he double dipped. he was waiting for the thing to get released to make money off of the off of the Busters and then pay him backwards with the profit that he's getting from releasing he tried to a double dip. It's a classic who worked for something called the blockchain center that he also hadn't been paid. uh result based pay love to have Zoo but I don't have any so that's multiple sources working on the Crypto Zoo team project who were not paid now.

Obviously these are Big accusations, which is why I wanted to confront Logan Paul on them, but unfortunately we're not exactly on speaking terms. so I wondered how could I speak to Logan without speaking to Logan And that's when I found out there was someone who might know just as much about this whole story and I will explain everything one day with my manager who's like in charge now Logan Paul's manager a guy named Jeff Levan he might be just what we need to settle this whole thing. So I gave him a call hello hey Jeff hey uh, sorry to bother you. this is Steven with Coffeezilla I'm calling because I've heard reports that Crypto Zoo hasn't paid their development team and I'm just reaching out for comment before I do this story.

Um I got your number from one of the development team and uh, they just wanted to I just want to follow up on that. um I have no comment for it. Okay, you're are you guys denying it? Are you saying it's not true? Just no comment I don't think that the information is true. Okay, cuz they're saying a million dollars hasn't been development for cryp and Logan Paul said publicly that it has been paid.

Um, so I mean it's pretty serious accusation and obviously I don't want to just run a story if you guys have a whole side to your story. here. you your job your job as a as a Um journalist as someone that is reporting news is to actually verify correct news, right? That's why I'm calling you I know and that's legal grounds for that stuff. So I'm just telling you legally you have to report correct news with verifiable that that is incorrect.

That that is absolutely 100% incorrect in every possible way. That is just incorrect information, right? That's why I'm calling you. They've given me a lot of things. lot of evidence.

Okay, well okay, you can. You can have the evidence you want, but I'm just letting you know if you report anything on us. I I Appreciate your business I appreciate you as a person and I'm just telling you you know from legal standpoint as we've been advised, always is, if anybody reports fake news, that's where we won't You know? Yeah, this call was a mess. Jeff Logan's manager seems to be implying that I'm not allowed to repeat allegations his own development team made even though Logan can go on podcasts and publicly accuse those developers of stealing his code.
Not only that, he's the one who refuses to provide any evidence, but seems to sort of be implying that maybe we'll sue you if you tell this to anyone, which he then denies doing when I ask him if that's what he's doing told you I no comment to it Telling you Once again, from a legal standpoint, you have to report truth. If you do not verify truths, then you're just allegations and those then will be handled the way that we handle it. Wait, so you're saying you're saying you refuse to give me proof that the allegations aren't true. But if I report on the allegations, you guys might Sue No No I did not say that I did not say that I'm just I'm trying to read comments.

don't read between the lines, listen to the exact words that I'm saying. Okay, listen to the exact words I'm saying I'm listening I have no comment on the situation. Okay, then hang up. Then your job legally is to report facts.

Oh my. God If you don't report facts on the information you're given, it is illegal. Yes, that was a real conversation with a real that. Okay, I'm not I'm no lawyer.

but I don't think it's a crime to say that multiple developers say they haven't been paid and Logan's team refuses to provide any evidence or like statements or wire transfers that they have. which by the way, seems incredibly ironic given just how much Logan whines about not being paid by Floyd weather. Where's my money Floyd never paid me for our fight. Who am I the IRS Nope, but you might be the crypto Zoo Dev Te Now in all seriousness, I do want to acknowledge something which actually kind of looks bad a bit on the developers because it turns out very few written contracts were actually done.

So much of this were verbal deals like oh, we'll take care of you, We'll give you 350k, We'll give you a million, We'll give you whatever. But then when it was time to actually sign the deals, there's just always delays. what kind of promises were made to you? Uh, verbal promises basically So uh, verbal promises. And then we followed up with like a physical paper agreement.

But that's when communication broke down. This is where I think the Dev guys screwed up and led to this whole situation of like okay, we're just going to take the code private until you pay us for our work. And to be clear, I'm not justifying not paying someone for what they did I'm just playing Devil's Advocate and saying this could have all been avoided by just getting every detail in writing. and I think it's just a good General lesson.

But if you're thinking that that's the million dooll mystery solved verbal contracts can be fine, especially if they have witnesses or whatnot. but I don't know? Well, no, because this still doesn't make sense. Why not just pay the Dev team what you publicly said you kind of already paid them. Why not pay for a game that now isn't launched and now investors are so angry about why not pay when you already made? Millions From minting the eggs on this game? Well this is where things get even stranger because right when I was ready to pin everything on Logan and believe me, he is at fault of course I'm right of course I'm right.
What you on about I was speaking to the Z developer and I heard a name that I hadn't heard before. I Basically um came to Eddie and Eddie Eddie promised me. You know 5% of the tokens and a million dollar. Never never wait a second.

Who's Eddie I thought all of this was Logan Paul I Only put it together when the blockchain center guys also said a similar thing about their deal. They said they were promised 350k and it was ianz They say they had no Communications with Logan but we know they weren't talking about different people. They both dealt with the same guy. So the guy's name I put it together must be Eddie Ivanz turns out he was managing the developers.

What's this random guy doing in Logan Paul's project and who is he? who is Eddie Ivanz? He's good. He's good. This a different guy. yes hi, my name is Eddie Ivanz lead developer here at crypto Zoo Okay that okay that is not Eddie from steak my name is Eddie Ivanz developer here.

that's notto zo this reporter says Eddie's entire story is fake. Wait, what to continuously lie? Lead people on hype people up to put more money In all the all the while in the background things are going down, things are hitting the fan and he left us holding the bag. Logan You stole 40 million in tokens from me. You are a scam artist.

You are a liar and you betrayed your own. Community You aren't that guy Logan replies oh trust me bro I Am that guy? Damn. Tell him. Brh Damn Holy holy Chad yo this is X x on the video.

Okay my voice as well that anyone knows that boy I Don't know. he's just so anyone knows that boy I Don't know. he's just so.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Investigating logan paul’s biggest scam xqc reacts to coffeezilla”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlmosT AlmosT says:

    Your annoying

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Kid Kyle says:

    How tf did this goblin just blame the parents of the children??? Wtf?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Whipert says:

    Honestly don’t agree with xqc a lot but totally agree with him on this… Logan has no experience in development at all, wasn’t backed by anything other than his lying ass word… people have to be retarded to spend money on this guys business… wouldn’t even drink prime if someone paid me to drink it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChemicalW6 says:

    Felix is right. People buying in to this shit expecting money are going into a baseless crypto land where you could get scammed, it’s idiotic. Logan Paul or any other influencer, for example, getting caught up in some scam project themselves etc etc. or even when they don’t hide away from the fact it’s a crypto nft project or game is one thing and if you’re stupid enough to invest money in the ridiculous baseless crypto nft world, you ARE stupid or they need someone minding their money. Seriously

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xbulelo - Profound Punk (Gamer) says:

    🎶 DINK DOINK it’s my favourite coin 🎶

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pickashoe says:

    Logan is heading to jail arc

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chess monarchy says:

    Dont be BOB

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ultra_man82 says:

    As a viewer I'm disgusted how do you upload a reaction to Coffeezillas video and then skip the part where he's promoting his channel. People put there hearts into these videos then you get XQC to just react with "content" by eating popcorn.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatFatGuy says:

    Xqc don't mind kids spending thousands on him though the fucking hypocrite

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dwayne Cole says:

    I gotta come youtube x now he content live starting to be ass😢

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 448 chiefOG says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars after it's all said and done I still don't care says:

    The only victims are the few old people that probably got tricked by their shitty grandchildren.
    Everyone else involved in these scams deserved the horrible shit ( financially) that happens to them.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boomiest Bomb says:

    How is this even legal? I thought people were exaggerating, but he is literally just eating in the corner while coffeezilla's full video is playing in the background. This is blatant theft.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francis fw wells says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randomguy says:

    idk why anybody would ever trust a YouTuber/eceleb and put money into their crypto. they likely know absolutely nothing about crypto and you're always bound to lose your money. can anybody even name an eceleb that created their own crypto that your average person made a profit off of?

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