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#xQc #Boxing #Botez

Lwig stands. Lwig stands is lo shoulder during LG's chess box event and here we go. stands getting a standing a count. Looks like he's injured.

Fight: we may have a broken hand. Oh no I can see I can see what it is is a dislocated shoulder for the first time. See it. Oh hell no oh hell no dude EJ oh oh that's it.

That's the fight. Have a broken hand? Oh no no I believe what it is is a dislocated shoulder for the first time. Yeah. I'm gonna fight Ruus I'm gonna snap him like a stick.

okay Stadler Wooden stick Bop put him in a coffin. dead ass, put him in a coughin SE before anyway Ali Myth Kebabi in the ring. Let's see it. Oh right over the guard of Jley mid oh uppercut now I'm excited to see the damage done because here's the thing moment.

nice counter. another furry balance my just in a oh look at the feet, look at her feet Shuffle he's cooking Big right hand lands above the Temple of chle might be a little stunned. nice right over the guard ofle mid now. I'm excited to see the damage done because here's Chad did anybody connect like the actual good punches? if like like like knock somebody the out and now M just a oh look at the feet, look at the feet he's cooking Big right hand lands above the temple.

might be a little stunned. Oh nice jab right over the. that was fun. Okay Point Crow Low blows Toast and low Xbox event for Point Crow and uh, Toast is trying to implement something.

His coach told him the oh, a low blow there Point Crow a little below the belt on that. uh, we got a nut shot. Oh my gosh. I will have as much time as he needs to recover, pull himself together and be ready.

Yeah, we just took a replay. The crowd not happen that that might have been two low blows. the first in finance Mark the second did crowd is up boit Why that's so lame? Oh hell no bro, that's a nut cracker. Instant blows that might two lowow second is upset at that.

They're booing point for Point Crow And uh, Toast is trying to implement something. His coach told him nah, that's busted I Don't get it, Scrambled egg S Surprise event: How's the new Pc doing? Bit of a slap boxing? slap boxing? No, a little whack, a little whack. I'm not. Russian I'm not built for that.

Just stay right here. What is about to happen? Is this Is this really happening? Is this really about to go down? Germa, Pick me. Germa Germa. You don't have to do this.

You don't have to do this. You don't have to do this. No. you guys don't want to fight me.

You don't want to fight me. I I I'm very strong. hey I'm very I think I might have found somebody right over here. is that? Sea Dog What are you chat guys? Listen I think it's time to embarrass you in your own event.

Wow. Big fighting words from SE from listen oh man iess. Listen, listen listen Okay, Listen, here's the thing. Nuclear bombs.

guess of course it's scripted. Okay, it's guys. it's for it's for an event. Okay, the thing is is that it was supposed to be me.
Okay, you should get an UPS just in case of power spikes. and if you have a computer that expensive. Okay, it was guys. I'm not kidding, it was actually supposed to be me.

okay and yesterday some BW in my face. okay and I went to sleep at 8:00 a.m. and I had to wake up at 10: a.m. for the for the Um for the for the rehearsals for it.

okay and I didn't wake up okay I did not wake up I felt so bad when I woke up that when I woke up it was a time that I had to be on stage. So I went back to sleep so desperately wants to not happen. Yeah, this is tough. This is one of the things.

like boxing is very Primal right? I mean punches and kicks are very very Primal Sacrif she can every move she can a fighter to the end 6 seconds Andrea Waiting out the clock. She knows what's about to happen and she resigns. She has resigned the game with Checkmate incoming ladies and Gentlemen let's hear it for your winner by Checkmate Dina B Bishop Ban Crowd so desperately wants to. Why don't get it? Why don't get it? Wait, she lost in chess.

How isn't she like some like woman's Grand's master or some Jesus Christ What happened? The winner of Point Cow Toast. Oh damn no spoiler. He's going to walk his King to the edge of the board with the rook and the queen. Yeah! Rook B2 All right he does it with the que.

wait for it crowd's murmuring Maiden one on the board. There it is. toast. That's our first Checkmate of the night.

Toast wins. a amazing Main Event So much love to these two fighters. Toast, chat, chat. Did anybody get busted like like knocked out out P straight up like an ice block or no ending to LOE Check.

Oh no, it's not. Check again. Here come the knights. Here come the knights.

SE Dog making 4 seconds 3 seconds for Seog KN Pawn Knight takes Pawn again. Seog is going to run out of time. He's going to run out of time at this rate. L We 5 seconds I Believe on the clock Four 3, 2, 1 Oh my gosh and L has lost on time.

Way two hands. Hey yo oh my do we have an instant replay of that. We need a replay. Lwi loses on the game by like half a second.

Is it on Lwig? No no way. Wow. Dog takes the first ever slap chest boxing match n guys his last move he did with both hands though you can't be Do that, You can't be. That has to be one hand at a time.

Check. Oh no it's not. Check again. Here come the Knights Here come the knights SE Dog Mak Come 4 seconds 3 seconds Knight Pawn Knight takes Pawn again.

Now you can't do that. Okay dude. Okay dude. going to run out of time.

he's going to run out of time at this rate. L We 5 seconds I Believe on the clock 4, 3, 2, 1 Oh my gosh and has lost on time. Oh my do we have an instant replay of that. We need a replay.

Lwig loses on the game by like half a second. Ah whatever if Kirby sucked you in what would power power become strong on his feet throwing steady punches I really like hugs' head movement. he is slipping side to side working his way inside of To's reach. A nice bully of a jab coming in O to the body as well.
Past the guard of to to this got Tce MUSC Jack Keeping a nice slip and Lead hook oh rocked oh he him stoppage first stoppage for Hugo What a freaking land! Two crosses come right over the top of the lead hand for to and land the chin Andrew Steps in to give a stoppage and we're back to the action. Oh my go just to fill everybody in. watching at home you get Max three stoppages in a round. If they have three stoppages, it's a technical knockout.

Oh four in the total. Big right hand lands over top Jus Second stoppage. Yep, the second stoppage of the round he has one more to go before the round is over. I Love the pacing I love the pacing.

Oh the fight is over and there it is is W it off strong on his feet throwing yo yo yo yo yo yo! what's up with this match up Anyway, yo what was the weight difference Ain't No Way L bro they're about the same height. This guys got twice the arms and the body muscle and this guys got no fat going that slipping side to side working his way inside of To's reach. Nice bully of a jab coming in O to the body as well. past the guard of to to good with his nice quick jab.

keeping check the comments stare bro it's not fair though. The wrong with that the long heart. Look at the board first on the boxing I Hope you Ser that memory Thea Punches are so hard for 86y old man B atically appropriate. um he was looking like to fight someone else after he won the great event so far an awful makes the stop talking.

The mismatch in the boxing Hugo is obviously taking advantage. He's a natural at the sports bro bro bro a n at the sport yo Lil Bros Got Dude L BR got twice the muscle hello the first fight after a rocky St We love it. We love it guys guys guys show me Andreia's fight SP on his back foot constantly goes down one time. What is this lag? You're A but we love you.

What is this lag like What that's Ling me that's not even me, that's not me. We love it. We love it. SP on his back foot constantly goes down, one time goes down down goes Frasier who think that is nothing caught off guard by that by that jab and and this is the FD We love it.

We love it but on his back foot constantly goes down down. go from that dog D CPU K this call the this whole stadium packed out Stadium Everyone is waiting for the next like 30 seconds when that first punch lands. Oh my god let's let the referee take it away for over the rules we going to each other from here we went over the rules. We're going to hit each other from here until here.

If I say break, take a step back say stop. Along the way touch hands if you want We're going to have a good have a good clean fight. We're going go back to your corner. Touch hands touch hands, touch hands.
Ref to touch. They refuseed to Touch back to your Corners Finally they to your Corners back to your Corners. They're so laser focused they can't even hear the ref. Ready time ready.

Our first round of boxing. 90 seconds are you ready, Ref's ready to call it. Fight here we go. First round underway Dina and Andrea Andrea Coming out big Jab throws a big overhand right whff and some punches Landes Jesus Jesus for Andre Nice and busy with the jab is Dina using her Advantage a strong overhand right from Andrea this not too bad early swings.

Remember both these competitors very new to the sport of boxing. A Max of six week of experience Strong right hand land for din right down the middle timing her OPP turn around and wind that is not allowed is this UFC that was uh it is an O wow damn CRA 25 guys can I get a welcome to the no disrespect. Okay I'm just aning the fight okay as every time this lady okay at the top she's letting a very slow punch just kind of slowly. just punch every time.

look look it is an octagon lby. Wow look you see that you see that every time she just tanks it and she leaves it there whole time. U look look look it is an octagon ly. Wow Oh big hook Lance lead hook for Andrea one to the body starting set dab snaps the head back of Dina Oh I'm not seeing that broken nose coming out.

how do you feel Matt Still oh Dam I see the gas tank of a lot of connections yo Andrea Super high energy. Yeah it seems like Andrea has not slowed down her stamina. One of her greatest traits because before boxing she into fitness content and she seems to have no signs of slowing down. Good job Andrea A big sweeping hook goes just wide.

15 seconds to go. Oh seems like Dean is just hoping for the 10 seconds to wrap up. Oh and there it is. 10 seconds left.

Final seconds of the round coming up. three bang two one. Oh surviving that boxing round is Dea clear Advantage Andrea Not even breathing heavy as she goes back to her Corner Dina Rested on the top rope she has a red In Her Eyes By this round head over to if you go. they got 48 301,000 That's it.

It took really hard to beat dream face reveal. All right it took Bro, bro, bro, look at me Chad look at me, look at me I am not watching no chess bro I am not watching no chess Bro took a lot to beat that face for. Oh okay the ref calling it back to Center Back to the corers and seconds out time's ready L Gentlem Let's hear some noise for the beginning of the second boxing round bouncing on her toes. Oh Andrea's looking for a knockout I Feel as though he looking for a big punch Dina Nice and busy with a jab oh damn big over full cranker the Jesus full crankers yo constantly keeping up the pressure, getting same hugin' energy that Tyson back and forth this Bob and weaving peekaboo style for Andrea working.

it's the tale of two sports for for Dena right over the top oh man I think they're I think they're both getting a bit tired now. Bit of a feel. Oh Jesus says it and swing a on the of the cheek yo continue man forward. Go fight.
Okay and here we go. We're back on one stoppage and in it. Oh another big grapple. some big hooks land could have been lethal.

really gas defense. otherwise the ref some of these really dangerous shots are just barely missing helmet. I mean like one of those lands, we could have see another. Oh wow on the Ker Boom Dena is still keeping it together.

still being busy with that, keeping her opponent away, intelligently defending. good stuff. She's got to keep the gloves up good though. This is good.

Big hook lands on the ear of Dina Dina's looking pushing into the corner. 15 seconds lefta wait. Why did she go all the way there? chat? Why didn't she go all in? She had an opportunity for no defense, go all out, bust up into the corner against the ropes. boom kill seconds left.

Andrea Pressure Seconds and time. Man what a boxing round Andrea Relentless in her Pursuit Landing Big shots, especially that overhand right that ear stoppage. What did you guys think of that round? I I I saw some punches that if landed I Don't think we would be talking about the match continuing. we would not be talking about Chess we'd be talking about our next car.

No. Andrea threw like her soul into some of those overhand rights and they missed by inches. Which just goes to show how impressive it was that Aman was connecting. It's so miss checkm in one move Andrea he going to make a move Andrea there another boxing round we're going to see them go out of again.

B Ladies and gentlemen, Oh my goodness the beauty of Chch boxing A move away Andrea Knows it all comes down to this. she literally had made because she had two checkmating ideas: Knight takes Pawn his Checkmate she literally missed. she missed. So that means Andrea wins by technical knockout or Dina wins by Checkmate someone's getting finished.

Oh this this is definitely going to to end of this round. We're going to know who wins at the end of this boxing round if it goes that distance. honestly. I I Can't sit down for this.

Why? Why is everyone sitting the heart racing going to a lost in chest ref starts the round 90 seconds of the clock. Final box round she's moving. Wow! Bob and we getting in tight. Know there's that over right? right? There's that over.

Oh connect connect Chasing her around the ring, stayed away being smart playing. She's running away. She's running away. What is this? He Our first count we got stand again, two in the that's two in the fight.

Now that's two in the What was that? What was that? What was that Around the ring stayed away being smart playing. What is that? What? Is that? What? They stopping? What? They stopping? Dude dude. dude, she's giving her the head bind like that's kind of her fault. I Get it.
I Get it. The next punch is going to be behind the head but she's also running backwards like a gazelli. Like, what else. What else? Oh the temp.

Our first count. we got a standing and two in the two in the fight. Now that's two in the fight, but it doesn't matter. She needs to get three in this round or a knockdown.

So three standing counts in the fight is called. Otherwise the ref might call TKO if he thinks can't participate. 30 seconds down, one minute left. Back to the action.

30 seconds another big right hand lands. She has to defend herself. Dina has to prove that she can keep her gloves up to defend herself. Otherwise the ref has to call it Yeah, and she is intelligently defending.

She's putting up her arm, she's preparing. Oh, she throws a counter pun. she does. Oh, Looking like she might collapse here though, there's another.

just breaks it up, breaking it up and back to it. 40 seconds, 40 seconds, 40 seconds Andrea Has to make something happen. She's throwing swings out Dina Running around, right? That's it. There's a St No, this is the second one.

the third of the match. If she gets three stoppages in the fight, it's over. One more stoppage and it's done. 20 seconds to the side, 20 seconds 18 17 Andrea Has to deliver the killing blow Andrea 10 seconds Will she deliver the killing blow and win? Or will she lose to Checkmate Separate.

There's 5 seconds left. 5 Seconds 5 seconds. and in the same way that Andrea waited out time. Wait wait wait you dude.

dude. Dude. Dude. dude.

Dude, you can't stall out the time if there's stop. If there's stoppage for time, do that make sense? Am I crazy Cuz I Thought you can only stall for time if you got stopped for time because of stoppage, right? Get to stop for time because you want to or what not because that's five stoppages. Man, it's like that's more than half the round of of stoppage. Yo! Oh, there's the Bell you waited out time, survive the round and we're going back.

The CH Oh my Gosh. Wow. The crowd is okay. You can't.

You can. Okay. you can use stoppage as stalling, right? But at the end of the day, if you have three three stoppages, right? your total Max is like 20 what seconds of stoppage. but if this, since they stopped five times, she spent the whole round recovering her stamina from the fake stoppages or whatever it's just abusing I Don't get it Furious Now it is a good point Matt That you said the same way.

Andrea stall the oh, that's a boooo for sure Boo What the hug gra. We've seen this in many fights. The Logan Paul fights of she stalled out the boxing. that's right using her Advantage the same way that Andrea knew she was spent on the can't stall that you can't stall that I can make him separate if I can eat up some of this time even with standing eight counts I can survive the round I can get back to the board and finish this keep you can't I've I've done boxing before.
Listen, you cannot stall or play for time. If you can't defend yourself, that's when the stoppages come to play. Yo You can't stall for time. You cannot stall for time.

If you can't defend yourself literally, you can't yo. That's why there's there stages. How am I wrong? The first two rounds, if she got four total which she got three of two in that last fight, she would be a winner. Right now, we would not be playing the chest could notos y this shouldn't May m Okay, signs point to a Los in chess.

Press starts the round 90 seconds the clock. The round is 1 minute. 30 seconds. Okay, 1 3 seconds.

If there's three toes, how much is it? Count to eight or whatever. The that's like 25 seconds at most. one third of the round of stoppages. right? right? Final: They sto five times.

Wow. Bob and we getting in tight. He know there's that over right? There's that over. Oh connect.

Look at that. Look at that. look at that. look at that look at that watch.

This stayed away being smart playing. Def boom good. Oh our first count, we got a standing and two in the two in the fight. Now that's two in the fight, but it doesn't matter.

She needs to get three in this round or a knock right? So three standing counts in the fight is called. Under nearly 12 seconds of no fighting. seconds down seconds. Another big right hand land.

She has to defend herself Tina has to prove that she can keep her gloves up to defend herself. Don't You'll see, You'll see, You'll see, you'll see is intelligently defending. She's putting up her arm, she's preparing. Oh, she throws a counter pun.

She does looking like she might collapse here though there's another. just breaks it up. Break up count. 40 seconds.

40 seconds. 40 seconds has to make something happen. She's throwing swings out Dina Running around, she's more gas. That's it.

Second one. the third of the match. if she gets three in the fight over and it's 9, 10, 11, 12 13 seconds Killing blow Andrea Two seconds will she deliver the killing blow and win or will she lose to Checkmate 1 2 seconds seconds way Andre Waited Bro Bro Bro Chad Who counted all CH All the time stopped. How much time did they actually stop fighting it? That was insane bro.

Like 40 seconds. That's more than dude. that's insane. Oh there's the belt.

you waited out time, survive the round and we're going back to just oh my gosh Bro Am. I So dumb dude. That means that that the fighter can't defend himself efficiently enough and they lose. If the fighter cannot defend themselves efficiently enough to where it's dangerous for them, then they just lose outright.

Otherwise, let him fight and let him die for all I care cuz that that what me is not that serious. It is serious man yo this is X x on the be yo. Okay you he my voice as well that s anyone knows that boy I Don't know, he's just so anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so s.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Streamers boxing each other is pure entertainment”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars illus says:

    bro watching these ppl box is too funny i'm dying

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ġabrīēl says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Murphy says:

    Someone breathalyzer the ref for the botez fight. My god

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SGT says:

    what ever happen to the gym x? you should have been there swinging

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars It's Akile says:

    Scamming Andrea 😢 she was pretty accurate with the punches

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mccarraa says:

    xQc was scared to do it. he didnt sleep in. lol coward

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars revotron says:

    Who tf wrote Myth VS Meth 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Krepps says:

    lmao, i didn't notice he started counting at the last second. yeah, I mean andrea should've won, but i think its fine that they both get belts

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Jones says:

    Why wasn't he in the tournament fighting rubius bro that wouldve been funny af

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timbo Deckler says:

    bro why must you be such a goblin

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nothing Important says:

    They said one more stoppage and the fight is over while the ref stopped it 10 more times, it’s still going tf?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xAdek says:

    Its good he did not attend the slapping, he would have died in round 1

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Momogi says:

    we need adept vs xqc boxing match

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mavi says:

    This located shoulder

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