Embark on an emotional first-person narrative adventure where you control the story—and affect its outcomes—with your real-life blinks. With this innovative technique you will fully immerse yourself in a world of memories, both joyous and heartbreaking, as your whole life flashes before your eyes.
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xQc (Félix Lengyel) is a French-Canadian Twitch streamer and content creator. He is 25 years old and lives in Texas with his roommate Adept. He enjoys streaming. He also enjoys playing and uploading a variety of games, such as Overwatch, Chess, Minecraft, Fortnite, Warzone, and all the hot new game releases. He is also very well known for his entertaining reactions. His favorites include Unusual Memes, Daily Dose of Internet, Jubilee, Comparisons, memes made by viewers on his reddit, and trending.
#xQc #BeforeYourEyes #Blinking

Wait, i'm so confused make a new virtual camera and obs on top of your stream and put it in game dude the what this is not going to work. It wouldn't show right there. It would have shown right there, but it's not. This has to do with the lights as the delights there see now it's different boom boom boom.

Okay, as i go to obs and i deactivate the camera boom activate. Okay, now i'm here, i'm in the game now help me, i'm stuck in the game guys. I have to find my way back into obs. I'm stuck here guys, i'm in the game now, but i have to go to obs.

How do i go back to obs? Please help me help. Maybe like this, oh guys, how do i get? How do i duplicate this into obs, i'm a little stuck inside the video game. Oh boy read my massage okay hold up. You guys are almost there my menu, it says, show given gamer okay, oh my god, i'm fading away.

If i close the game, i disappear forever. Oh my god help. Oh i'm here! Okay, we'll play the game like this. Oh my god help help.

Ah this is scuffed. So oh, it's mine! Well, hello! There, stranger, real bright and shiny one. Aren't you yeah! I asked you for your name, but sadly, you got no mouth to speak with or hands to shake with or nose to look down with, so we're going to find another way see what you'll find is, even though you're no longer in your body, your body's still Inside of you, if that makes any sense, so if you understand what i'm saying and blink over my hand here, look at that you're, a blinking genius yeah, i knew you were special. You see all them poor souls down there lost in the waves.

I didn't choose any of them. Oh okay, i chose you see. I i just sometimes get a sort of a a hunch or a premonition when a soul's worth pulling up. Now you see that tower out there, big scary, one, that's yeah, that's where i'm taking you to see the gatekeeper tell them to be judged.

Twitch chat, i'm gon na present your case tell her the whole story of your entire life from prow to stern. Now, if she's impressed, i get paid the big coin and you get yourself a spot in her magnificent city. If she ain't well, i eat seagull for dinner again and uh you well. We don't have to worry about that, because i am the best orator you'll find on these sickly waters class.

A storyteller believe me no shut up trash birds. You had your chances, it wasn't my fault, you were no good layabouts unsatisfactory clock. Watchers. I got some words.

Sorry, you had to hear that little friend so sure, maybe i'm not the most verbose storyteller out there, but i know how to spin a yard if i'm given something to work with and that's where you come in your life you're going to show it to me. I want to see exactly what made you so absolutely great, so just think back to the very beginning, the first thing that you can remember, i'm gon na, send you there but understand, no matter how much you like it. You're not gon na be able to stay all right. Oh okay, every time you blink you're going to jump forward in time it could be a second could be five years.
That's just how this thing works. I hope he's ready for this now. The next time that you blink i'm gon na, send you back now, don't be afraid and don't try to fight it. The thing to remember about blinking is well it's only a matter of time.

I'm touched you enjoy my company. I really am, but i'll have to ask you to have some respect for the process here. There is a dry eye in the house, two of them and they belong to this guy right here. No, i try to enjoy it.

This time i had to scratch my nose man. Look at that sun we've got a long beautiful day ahead of us. Why are you smiling like that? Smiling dude? You must breathe. I mean i didn't know, lady.

Let's go get you some seashells. What do you say? Boring you see that big spiky plastic, that's called an agave the day, really slipped away. Didn't it oh well, these have a tendency to do that. I guess wait.

What okay! I need to stop thinking then where's, the first page of my piece. I can't find it anywhere it's the way. Did i put it in here? No, no, okay, go ahead! Kid look at that. There's your little hand.

We have to make him do this every birthday, that's a great idea. The family grows man. The zoom on this thing is fantastic, this one, oh you want to play along with mommy. Don't you give it time? I'm sure you'll be better than me soon enough.

Now, where was i? What i didn't blink sounds good honey, i'm sending it to my mentor next week. It has to be perfect. Well sounds pretty perfect to me. I like the music.

That's very specific! I also like the person playing it yeah good answer. I mean dude in my look at his little face. What do you think he's thinking about? I i can't i can't i didn't get enough sleep. My eyes are blurry, i i i can't do it on the problems of the universe.

So did i it's not at least i didn't think it was. Do you think you could tell the other members of the selection committee? What i just told you right? No i'm sorry! I guess i just put a lot of expectation on this call. Okay, i understand thank you for considering my piece john. It really means a lot, that's sure, a little mess of color.

You know if you keep working at it one day, you'll be able to paint exactly what's in your head, you'll be a real artist, unlike your poor mom. What about my mom tell me about my mom. Tell me about it dude. What can i do see that used to be my piano shoot? My dad gave it to me.

He loved music fled his home country just to have a chance to pursue it god he made me practice so much. I hated it at first. Okay, benny. Are you ready to see something really special? I just don't want him to get attached richard.

What what's the cutest thing, i've ever seen, yeah, what's wrong with that, we can't keep him. Can we i didn't blink now play the c major chord. I taught you remember there you go. Doesn't that make you feel happy like you just want to jump up and down now what about c minor? You remember how to play that.
One very good, just one note different, but that one sounds sad. Doesn't it no amazing what a difference one little change can make on how a person feels that's, not a sneeze sort of like me and your little friend on your piano there. She was in grad school, studying composition. I never met anyone like her.

I just prayed to god. I could somehow keep up. I think she liked that i was a professor gave me a certain gravitas in her eyes. You know which i very quickly lost.

She dragged me to so many places. It was wonderful. Where would you want to go if you can only go to one, none stay home too hot, just remember to put on sunscreen man. I gave you some unfortunate jeans.

Didn't i luckily mom gave you some good ones: oh yeah. Let's hope they balance each other out. We go now. Oh, my turn wait.

Is that that's my piece: how did you figure out how to play that richard? Are you hearing this he's playing my piece? He must have figured it out by ear. I mean i was a gifted kid, but he's brilliant. We need to get him into serious piano lessons sure you know anyone who might be a good teacher for him. What i mean in the city sure not out here.

I don't i mean i know someone who might be up to the task she's very gifted richard. No one in this town knows anything. Maybe i'll just have to do it myself, good idea! Oh, oh god, i have my interview in five minutes and i completely forgot to feed him. Don't worry! I already did.

Oh thank god for a moment. I forgot what a great father you are focused on the interview honey. I got this looking for a java. Excuse me, of course, sir.

It's all organized into folders sitting ready on my kitchen table. They will literally be on your desk when you get in what could possibly happen to the files between now and tomorrow morning. We are fine when's. He coming i'm flying him out in february.

Remember you know, i think he was pretty surprised that i could actually afford to do that. Hey, why not you're a working woman? Now, i guess that's true, don't let it go to your head yeah, please. Let cat know it's time to use the litter box, though baby steps he's got one eye. This is called a metronome.

We use it to measure time, so we don't get lost in the music. I want you to start using it before grandpa comes to visit. You know my father once told me when i was about your age. The only way to fight against time is to create a work of genius which might live on after you're gone okay.

So i asked him what about your children thinking? You know i might be a work of genius, just as i was he said. Yes, i suppose, if you made a work of genius, i could live on through that as well. No, such i haven't seen him in over 10 years. Can you believe that i wonder if he'll even recognize me? Probably not? Oh, no, you really need to stay in time with the metronome.
Okay, subdivide the time one knee and a two e and a three and a four eight and a one e and a two e and a three and a four e you're off you're off ben. You can't hear that there you go buddy. Okay, now keep a firm grip on. I don't play the vamp yeah.

I know i'm not going to do that. Oh my! Well, i don't think you like that pal sorry buddy turn around l, so we can photograph you i'm just really behind right now. Why don't you take photos in the backyard? It may not be interesting at first, but if you keep going back out there every day, you'll be surprised by how much it changes shut up, she's kind of annoying dude she's, just sucking all the positive energy out, ernie buddy ernie, bernie ernie. We need you, god, elle.

What if you got ta eat my coyote, my sinuses would be eternally indebted. What did you just say? No, i i said i'm really worried here. Can i get it kitty? Oh god, honey. I'm worried too ernie cat's.

I know you're mad about last night, but this is ridiculous. What happened last night? Oh god, what well, if he survived that, i don't know how worried we have to be okay. Well, let's take this seriously. Okay, here's one eye, then the predator's coming from one side of me doesn't even know.

Okay, let's take this seriously ernie come on dude, it's gone so you're saying it's a coincidence that it disappears for weeks and then comes back with a huge belly, but ernie's a boy and you're sure about that. I thought it was uh-huh and that was based on say that one more time p-hole distance from the butt. If it's further away or something, then it's one or the other. It's still not understanding how you let this happen.

I don't know i think about it. It just just happened. You just happened to find a stray cat in the alley we keep it. Even though i hate cats - and now it just happens to pop, are they all gon na have one eye only he keeps coloring the grass blue, the ocean, green and then the sky red and what's wrong with that? No are you kidding, i love italian.

I mean camp, i know it seems impossible that you could ever play something so complex, but just take it one day at a time. Trust me you're, really getting there honey next week, we'll start working. On your other hand, listen to him richard, i'm enlisting him in that competition. I thought you said: competitions took the joy out of playing music.

Not if you win musical genius huh two brackets on each side, the quiz said find the zero and he just drew an arrow pointing to it what's wrong. With that i mean everything is wrong. With that, that's genius! I want that box full by the time i come in there if you don't play with it anymore, we're getting rid of it. Congratulations b, for so many i'd assume and smoking weed.

This isn't my house, it's not my house right, it's my house, i'll feed them to the cats. Hey you yeah! You come over here. Yes, mr camera boy, i'm talking to you punch it. Why are you always out here taking photos? You know if you really want to take a photo of something cool.
You should take a photo of this chloe. Oh shoot. I think i got ta go but um try to take a photo of me running into my house, i'm pretty fast. So i don't think you'll be able to, but you can try quiet everyone then he's about to play for us.

Wow l he's unbelievable, my god i didn't realize our head of accounting was raising a musical prodigy. Didn't he used to be a composer yourself? L. I don't know if i'd say that, but you used to write your own music right yeah, but i haven't done that in years, not since he was four or five years old, and what do you do? Richard he's a professor? Well, no one really knows no. I mean what's his field: the class is world history.

My name is mr isaac. The class will be broken up. Well, when that's cool, they don't know each other. No time ever.

I want each of you to write it down, not doodle on the sidelines, not stare off into space. Okay. Now those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat, tell me what did the quote say: um right. I definitely know this chloe we're all waiting.

So those who do not remember the past repeat the past - that's right right. Indeed, it is, though, i prefer you to answer without the help of your boyfriend next time. If we do not accurate embarrass ourselves in all sorts of on to ways you've all been waiting for great assessments, 60 huh, i tried to convince your father not to buy you that thing, but he insisted half suspect he bought it for himself. The little guys are pretty cute, though i will admit that oh i want the job of whoever gets paid to think of that crap consters huh.

I've definitely seen you next door, but i didn't realize you guys to become friends. Oh sure we sit together in history class. I don't know what i do without benny very sweet. Thank you for playing his game with him.

Your dad just thanked me for hanging out with you yeah. That's a very interesting detail. This is on my loser. Shut up.

I really want this one, maybe i'll use it's called a magnet school, no more blinking. Whenever, when i was just talking it's about an hour away in a town called burton, i know the change can be scary, but i just want you to go in and meet the dean i spoke with. You know. Life can take you to some incredible places.

If you're really really good at something, he says, you've had so much trouble making friends at planko. I want you at a place where people really get you like what. So? What do you think benjamin are schools suck sell in that sort of an environment? No sorry, he gets very shy. Oh not to worry.

If he's as gifted as you say, he is shyness is no problem. Why don't you two come back closer to the end of the year for an audition, we'll get a few pieces that you can have him start learning i'm eager to hear what your son is capable of cool bro? So i understand you were a musician yourself. Where did you study oh berkeley, but i was in the composition, department, uh and who did you study under donald? I understand he's very difficult. Yes, taciturn is the word i used taciturn.
Oh yes, i've had people have described me that way. If you can believe it. Oh, i would never say that about don't recalibrate, as you can see, there are some very fast runs in there and a lot of stuff. I've not taught you properly yet so, no pressure.

I just want you to try and we can see if you start enjoying it just like to see you really rise to the occasion. Just this once i wish i had the option of going to a school like that. When i was your age, i wouldn't be working this boring job or living in this boring town. I'll.

Tell you that what was that was that the piece what is going on with you these days, i barely know whose kid you're supposed to be don't answer that ben you can talk to your friend after you practice. I mean it's just just busting, so i'm getting much better. Now that i didn't pick up the phone because i'm focused, oh, my god, is she really calling you again? What is she obsessed with you? So listen. I found a costume.

What are you doing? I explicitly asked you not to pick up the phone. Oh, what do you know about anything? That's going on right now, okay, you know i'd appreciate it. If you wouldn't raise your voice like that. Well, then, don't stick your nose into things that you're completely checked out of okay.

Did i just cause a fight with your parents? I'm sorry dude, but you should also care my mom and dad used to fight and i would always hate it, but now i actually miss it a lot what, anyway, so basically across the board crustacean types perform well against smallest types, so we got to be leaning On lobstar a lot more in these reef battles, then once we get to the trench we'll be facing what they call craniate types, so chondric types will be what we need, but we haven't even gotten any of those. Yet anyway, it's all pretty complicated. So we can go over in history class tomorrow, but listen. I definitely don't want you to play without me, but if you do end up playing without me, spend as much time as possible in the red wreath, because that's supposedly where you can find these congress types which we're for sure gon na need.

But we'll talk more tomorrow: okay, okay! I got ta go! Oh yes, she wants me to grind off stream anubis in the presence of my eye, who you remember is the goddess of truth and justice would weigh the deceased soul against the feather determining whether it was worthy of entering into her land of the dead. Thank you. Man and what, if they are deemed unworthy, they died. Well, you can see that ugly fur ball under the scale that is armament and she's got, and yes, that's a she hey.
The head of the crap over here. Look at it in the body of a hippopotamus. I would not say that look at what on my face now, as you can see, she is ready to devour any of the deceased who do not pass judgment. Sort isaac.

Oh, why is he so scared? Oh he's gon na pick it up. Okay, i'll call you, when i'm leaving my house, you better pick up my call dude slightly worried about having him change schools just as he's starting to make friends yeah, i'm pretty sure. The only reason she keeps coming here is to play that game you bought for him. Okay.

Well, listen! I don't claim to understand the motives of shoulders. Benny has a chance here, a real chance to be really good at something i mean this is no offense at all, but i don't think you actually really understand what that is huh. No, i suppose you're right, oh wicked, please. Why is it like that, like what? Oh lights out, you need to be rested for tomorrow, memory consolidates when you're asleep.

So if you go to sleep now, you will awaken a master trust me. Okay, thank you, lady close, the damn door bro. What is that strategy? I say turn the lights off, not just mom. Sorry, lady.

I got parties in your own time, benjamin we are very excited to hear. What's up, we don't have any ass. What do you want buster do? How did you ever train such a young boy to play like that? When does this song end? If he doesn't let you in after that, i'm not even sure i'd want you at that school and i could tell you were having so sounds like you really nailed it kiddo, it's not a matter of him nailing it. He sounded like a professional musician at 11 years old.

That's your mother, saying that you know she doesn't consider kids to be professional musicians because they're not what are you talking about performers musicians? No, they are not. Musicians, destroyer, tour, anaheim july 81. I'm telling you ace freely was conjuring spirits. You should have seen the look on that old jerk's face when he realized what he had on his hands.

You think he was impressed richard his dentures nearly fell out. His mouth was open, so why i can open a notepad. I must be a monitor to get more lighting. This should help.

So what are kids a prodigy? I don't like that. He sounded pretty good. That's all i'll say sounds pretty goddamn prodigal to me. How many beers have you had richard just enjoy the beautiful night? Will you oh, i am believe me.

I am. We should do this more often. Oh trust me. I know with summers like this.

We should be doing this every night. Why don't we do this every night? You don't have to open it right. I didn't know, i didn't know it was gon na make me blink. I mean, of course he wants to.

I just don't want him to feel pressure. Sure open it whenever you want sweetie, what does it say, give him time to read it? Why are you being silent ben? What's it say, don't pressure him he'll tell us once he's ready to tell us that's the main thing: it's just a school: it's nothing life or death. Yeah! That's true! I mean it would have been a great opportunity, but it's nothing life or death. At the end of the day, we want him home from school for a while.
Just until this nasty thing clears hey l, would you mind taking a quick walk with me down to my office? There's a small clerical thing. I need you to look at before. I can let you two go. Oh yes, of course, i'll be right! Back benny, okay, just maybe five minutes, kiddo, okay, hmm a if i don't blink it they're gon na come back.

He shouldn't be confined to his room, having him home for all means. I can spend more time with him. You know, forget it dude. This isn't video game time.

I want you to figure out something actually productive to do while you're home from school, so cheeseburger, uh, american cheese or the pepper cheese, the yellow cheese or the pepper cheese. The like the pepper jack, is it grated? No, oh, if it's sliced your pepper jack, can i have an onion yeah anything else, ketchup mustard. Please bring this sammy sammy, two slices, please cheese! Thank you! Dinner's ready b, you hear me: what's he doing he's drawing he's become it's an artist, but it's not a pianist. It's a painter and mr benjamin brynn has been awarded first place.

I really got ta. Thank you for this benny emma bills is so pissed that weird camera kid won over her multiple horse portrait that she literally just left with her dad and tears. Ugly, no perspective dog, low quality ass crack compared to my sick, ass boat. Oh certification, in two short periods describe what makes you want to pursue career in the arts.

Oh damn, that is sick. Actually, you are not here to learn to be painters. You are here to learn to be artists and, although i was hired to teach you, i call this piece: the lone scorer. There is no teaching art, so don't just sit there.

Slack jawed make art you ponies. Ah, you see the piece huh, oh, how very wacky and fun these are it's very zany, very cute lucky for you. The world is always in. Thank you.

You better eat it. Hear me uh, i'm eating! I put a bunch of onions. Thank you. There you go! Mr brynn feel each oh, you feed, so it's called overpriced, pretentious dog.

I want you all to take a long look at what mr brynn has done here. You see he has reached down deep within himself and created a masterpiece. I pray you have a strong hold on yourself, mr prin, for i fear the talent like these you may soon be swept away by a world, becomes difficult, putting one foot in front of the other when they are no longer touching the ground. I'm stunned the ironic sincerity of this piece is so sincerely ironic, he's flipped the discourse so thoroughly, i'm actually dizzy batches chills.
I know that lots of agents gave you lots of cards and it all probably feels weird and alienating and the opposite of what being a starving artist is supposed to feel like. But if i can teach you one thing: it's that as opportunity knocks you open the door making a living isn't selling out. I wish i had thought of it that way. Preston hoover gave you her card now.

I want you to cut that card into little pieces and feed it to an alley. Cat elba is not in the business of the arts. Herbert i know that's a portrait of words. Don't worry, you're, not selling your soul chat.

What whatever well look at that you've crumbled, my contract, uh, whatever you want kid, what you got? Okay, that's it get out of my office. You know i'd call security. If i thought you were actually a threat. Well, what are you going to do? Paint me to death shut up to being a difficult artist.

The best of us are. Ah, this is divine. So now that you've grown your wings, tell me young master: where will you fly? I won't. May i suggest somewhere abroad, this american air can be stifling.

Ah, now what you eat, if we both only get appetizers, i can afford to go dutch otherwise, i thank you for the dinner broke. This is pretty good, though i'm enjoying this a lot. I call this the only path. Oh my god.

I think it is all places i bet you're happy. You threw that contract in her face now you didn't sell out and you still got rich, oh, but listen to me. Benjamin now is the single most important moment in your entire career collectors. Curators.

How we all love a rising star and how bored we become once it's settled? Oh, please, hey ben! Don't even pick up this call! Okay, i mean it. I'm just calling to inform you that i went to the doctor today and well. I'm i'm gon na be a little sick for a while, but really i i don't want you worrying about it at all. You're such an important moment in your career and i'm just so proud of you.

This is nothing but a little bump in the road. For me, i'm going to be fine; okay, so don't even worry about calling me back just letting you know, okay betty! I love you, but that's enough for me now you'll hear from the person who i believe was the single thing in the world. My wife was most proud of her magnum opus, so to speak. Huh i think you all know who i'm talking about benny you ready to come up here.

Huh go on b, say something. Oh i mean what's wrong. Why aren't you talking? I could draw it. I could draw my feelings: hey you.

As you know, i talk to big, very important people every day and there's one thing that everybody is asking me what's going on with benjamin grinn and what am i supposed to say that i haven't heard from my star pupil in six months: shut up. You are a snake, you are a fraud, but worst of all, benjamin you are a little tease. I have told the world that benjamin brain is a genius. I have told the world that benjamin brain is silent, because benjamin queen is hard at work, creating his greatest work yet, but you are doing nothing.
The world has forgotten you benjamin. They have moved on and i i wonder if the present west is gon na show up soon, hey b, just calling to tell you, i think, i'm selling the house she's everywhere here son. I can't move without bumping into her. Take whatever you want with your mother gone, i'm hoping to finally live without all the clutter yeah.

I think he did the right thing by the way she didn't want you to see her like that. She just wanted you to focus on your work. That was the only thing that mattered. What's that, what's so fascinating son, hello, so look it's unbelievable benny! It's like she's standing in the room with us like! I can see her in the paint.

I can feel her if the player starts crying. How do they expect them to continue with the story if they're gon na blink, all all the time, they're gon na miss the rest of the story passing day? Is that is that really you it? It's chloe shut up. Gold digger get the out of my face. Man, my god, i can't believe this just wants money.

I just walked through the entire show, shut up i'd love to walk through it again with you, i mean, if you were down for that. I just can't believe that my entire childhood, i was living next to a bona fide genius. Well, wait! My mom died and your mom. I always heard her playing piano from next door, but i didn't know she wrote the actual music.

She was a genius like mother, like son - i guess hey so not to be forward, but what are you doing after this? No, maybe we could get a drink or something no i'd really love to catch up. I can't believe everything that's happened to you. I want to hear all about it now. Would you look at that? I cannot believe my luck.

I can't do it. You finally hit the jackpot, flapjack, all the nobody nothing's dying every day. You finally sink your hook into oh well there. You are well hello, sir, if i realized, i would have cleaned that.

Sorry, though, i'm just used to fishing up a different class of soul. I mean sure i've had scientists a couple college athletes here there, but an internationally renowned painter, the gatekeeper's gon na eat. You up hey speaking of that. Why don't we give your story a test run.

Maybe help me out the word choice since you know i'm still working on that see if i'm getting all the strokes right, the proper composition, if you catch my drift forget about it all right here we go gatekeeper before you stands: the soul of a great man. Man now would you describe yourself as a happy kid or a lonely one. Oh only happy together, look what happened. His childhood was a happy one growing up in a loving home raised by loving parents in a quaint village by the sea.

What'd, you say your mom was a composer, no daddy or an accountant dad. His mother was a composer who, with the need to support her family, took a job as an accountant. How would you describe her as a teacher more encouraging, demanding i'm kind of like, therefore, as his piano teacher, she was over demanding forcing him to practice day in and day out, hoping that he might one day achieve that greatness, that she never could. Okay, dude chill out and how about that neighbor girl? What was she to you? Was she your best friend or your first love? Neither man opportunistic! No, no! I'm gon na wait here.
Dude, don't be bashful man, you can tell me better choice. Is it i'm gon na troll? Hmm music became the only thing he truly cared about even more than his first love chloe, and although he gave it everything he had, he was still rejected from the conservatory. His mother desperately wanted him to attend. Now, from that moment forward, his mother gave up on him.

She knew he didn't have what it took to be a truly great musician, but little did she know she just picked the wrong medium right. Oh he's that see when he was 12 years old. He got sick and he had to stay inside for an entire year and in that year he rediscovered a talent, he'd forgotten, painting, sure he loved finger painting as a child color and shape were the first languages he learned to speak, but for the first time he Saw it in a more serious life, he was accepted into an exclusive art school where he caught the eye of an esteemed professor who launched his work into the national spotlight. He'll be quiet with expectations on his career mounting.

He stalled himself into bankruptcy, which turned out to be a blessing for it wasn't until he returned home to the house. He grew up in that he began work on what would ultimately be considered his. I said masterpiece up, you, you stumble you rock. It back slap him.

This is pretty good all right, i get it. I hear what you're saying, but i just can't make a sound. Tell me that you need me i'd assume as much anyway. I should probably tell you those things: they're, not regular, gulls they're, liar birds: oh no they're.

What becomes of souls who tried to lie to the gatekeeper once they try that oh they're never allowed near her city again, the doubters i get to feel them bad for not defending them right, so they just stay on with me living reminders of my oratory shortcomings. Good thinking i'll be back to get you once i'm done with this one. Hopefully you won't be seeing him again in, for when did i lie now? Don't think that i haven't dealt with people like you, you're ashamed of something something so terrible, you're trying to blink right past it, because if the gatekeeper knew she'd have to dream up fresh new hells to punish someone as worthless as you and i'm sure, you're right. I'm sure you're the rottnest soul that i ever fished out of that black muck and i should have thrown you back and sanitized my paw as soon as i laid eyes on you.
But it's too late for that. We're in this together and the gatekeeper she'll see right through your fake lies. Yeah i mean i missed literally, so i'm gon na ask you again to start from the very beginning, and this time i want the truth. This ain't a schoolyard staring contest.

Buddy! Oh not this now play the c major chord. I taught you no remember come on keep blinking. I i haven't found it yet. Doesn't that make you feel happy? You know.

My father once told me this stay here. Keep your eyes open. I need to see. Let's try this again, i'm getting it hello.

Yes, of course this is elle his daughter. Oh, she knew she hadn't yet lived up to her father's expectations, and now she never could. Let's keep going. What did you just say? This? Isn't a trip down memory lane? Yes, i understand about the cat: let's keep okay dude! I remember missing this.

Stop taking me to chat man, oh so annoying! Oh, no! The death of those cats must have taught you a terrifying lesson that simply being alive wasn't enough. So then, you went to work to make yourself sensational, listen to him richard when we get back, let's make dad up and go down to the beach. What do you say? I want to celebrate now that air is such a beautiful night. I get all this.

We need to move come on man and i'd find you adorable. If only you didn't piss me off, hey elle, would you mind taking a quick walk with me down to my office? Dessert come on keep blinking, i i i haven't found it yet. Did i get cancer? Is that the story? I got cancer i'll, be right back! No, no he's debating him in five minutes. Kiddo! Okay, hey tell me what i got man, i'm gon na wait this time.

I need to tell me if i get cancer or not. Ah, focus staying engaged, i mean i mean, what's the i mean, what's that, what do you mean? What's the point, what does that mean? What's the point of any of it man, it's all just really well done. It's never gon na get any better. Okay, let's not say that: okay, we know, we don't mean it.

I know i don't. I know i mean what if he heard one of us saying something like that: i'd, never forgive myself! I it's okay, he's asleep, it's okay. What was it i see. You got sick, sick of what you howled at the moon, the top of your lungs, don't tell me you were sick for a long time.

Weren't you sicker than healthy kids, are supposed to get well, no matter how painful it gets. I need you to remember we're almost at the end of this. I promise you know what to do. Go ahead and blink.

No, this isn't video game time. I want you to figure out something actually productive to do while you're home from school. Oh, try writing with it. Well, hello, benny! It was your grandfather's, but i used it in college to write lyrics exactly.

It was very artsy. Actually i was just good at fooling your dad made him think i was some kind of genius. Why don't you write the story of your life so far and then what you're going to do once you get better, that's the story. I want to hear okay story of who you're going to become okay, the great life of talking about living homeless by lying parents and not going to village.
Let's see his mother was a composer who, with the need to support her family, took job as an accountant. Music became the only thing he truly cared about even more than his first love. Chloe. First love.

Okay, benny! Is that why you didn't sneak out with me? Why not just tell me you do realize i waited for you out in the alley for like an hour right so anyway, back to the story, i guess he'd love finger, painting as a child color and shape were the first languages. He learned to speak man. You take your doodle seriously. I did not realize, but i respect it.

I respect it. I do you are going to be in there for about 30 minutes, so try to get comfortable. Oh no! Not this again knock knock you're gon na, be so annoyed with me, but i couldn't help but overhear chloe reading loud from what i think was your story, the other night. I know i know i promised myself, i wouldn't eavesdrop, but i would really love to read it.

If you'd, let me what do you say? You know i'm such a big fan of anything. You do uh the strawberry mom is a bummer mama's, a failure. Mama's a sellout go in there and tell me i'm sorry. I just can't i just not right now: okay, don't worry! Just go to bed i'll talk to you, hey b! Just want you to know that mom loved your story, she's just yeah.

I think it was just very emotional for her to read. I thought it was great look at this. His childhood was a happy one. Growing up in a loving home, raised by loving parents in a quaint village by the sea, certainly glad you feel that way.

But what i want to know is where'd. You learn to write so well. All those cool words reads: like dickens, really, just very cool stuff kiddo. You should be very proud: okay, okay, love! You buddy, hmm time to write even more then now comes the good parts.

Mom could have impressed grandpa, but she was a disappointment. Mom was a bum. She could have done so much better in her life. For us president was a loser.

He was the worst right worst brand to ever live in. He didn't even try to fight the disease inside him. She just laid down and died. Oh god, can you hear me richard stand back stand.

I think back unconscious. Call the paramedics. Now, okay, okay, i'm doing it, i'm finding the disease. It's not like the story.

I'm telling you chat so, if he's ever in pain, all he needs to do is press that red button and the drug will administer itself. Thank you so much you know. I know my wife would normally want to. Thank you herself.

No, i understand it hits mothers. The hardest, this sort of thing, thank you for understanding. It's been, it's been a rough one, hey yeah pills is her juice, come on just one more hit. What hey eddie, yeah, hey man, it's richard, listen! I know elle's been missing in action, but i just want you to understand.
Things have taken a really bad turn here: yeah! No, that's not going to be possible. To be honest, your whole tone is pissing me off right now. Yes, i understand you have a business to run. It's a very cliche thing to say to me in a time like this hey well.

Well, then, i guess all i can say is screw you too, i said screw you too, damn yeah man, that's all! I got more men, sweat me, another juicer, no hey this isn't funny. You know what you're too scared to talk to me. Well, just so you know, i know you're faking, because if you were really sick, like actually sick you'd have told me already. I happen to actually know shut up, hey baby, i'm a hit buddy.

Did you just throw? I don't care, i remember when you were just four years old mom was going through a pretty tough time. I mean not as tough as now but yeah. Her music had been rejected and she's having trouble adjusting to her quiet little life out here, and i feared that i was losing her. But then you played this on the piano and it's your little heads reaching up for the keys.

She just couldn't believe how gifted you were once she heard that well, it was like you brought her right back to me, so i was wondering, if maybe you could do that trick again. Try closing your eyes, see if you can remember wait. Is that that's my piece, how did you figure out how to play that keep playing b, she's listening, i'm not again getting out of here: juice, juice, juice, juice, juice, my cutie, so sorry, buddy man, i got ta move on. What are you doing now? She's gon na make you sick? Oh it's, okay, i'm just so happy she's! Here we've got to show this cat, some real love.

Why is the mindset? Life was a lie. I didn't do anything, i'm a bummer, oh her poor fur, richard. We have to give ernie a haircut: okay, man, juice, juice, juice, juice, juice, juice, juice juice hasn't been over like she didn't even care to visit. No, i mean, i don't think he's told her and you're just letting that be.

I don't know her step. You know how benny is she lost her mother a year ago. You knew that right. No, but what does that have to do with? Do we have our dad's number? I don't know, i'm not very honest.

I can't be there's talking about her by now. Okay, i'm calling now honey, i'm a world-class artist. I can't i no time for women not now anyway: juice, juice, juice, juice, juice, juice, juice, oh my god, you're an idiot! You do realize this is really nothing special to me. I've seen this all before i um.

I was thinking about what you said in the story the other day and how i reacted to it. I feel kind of bad. I shouldn't have done that, but hey what are you looking at? Don't look up there. Look at me, i'm talking to you.
Okay, i want to give you something, but i think i don't want to be in the room when you see what it is. So maybe if you close your eyes, i can give it to you and i'm going to leave. Oh wow close your eyes now. Okay, no, the problem is, is that i told her i loved her earlier and she said no and now now i got cancer.

Now i got cancer. She comes back. Oh i love you. No, i don't want it anymore, get out of my room.

Oh boo, hoo! No shot now you, my juice juice, juice, juice juice. What is that it's something new, i'm working on, so you're writing again. Yeah. It's just a melody that came to me.

It feels good to play juice. Hey stand back juice juice! Wait! Am i not starting after the juice anymore, juice, juice, juice, juice, juice, ah, juice, juice, juice, juice, juice, juice? I can't breathe. I know i know it's. Okay, benny.

I understand there's no need to show me anymore. You know for a while now i've wondered if i'm just not a good enough storyteller. If i just don't have grand enough words can't tell grand enough stories but grand words and stories, i think they may be overrated. I know just what to tell her watch for her now.

I've seen the gatekeeper take many forms depending on the soul. I bring some mama, but once you see her, oh no you'll know i get it. Believe me. It's gon na be the girl chloe.

I should go, get ready, let me thank you, don't worry, we got this, i think in reality she only came back when i got cancer and in my dreams she only came back when i had money. So, what's the point, chloe is the most hollow character ever seen my life, you go down. No, i don't it don't go down it, don't it don't there. She is wish me luck.

Oh gatekeeper before you sits the soul of a child who died before he could grow old means she's ready to hear your story. You know, i never told you how much i loved your story. It's really so imaginative and the person you wrote about is such an interesting and intense guy. My only issue was well.

I didn't like him very much well. That goes both ways, so i wanted to read you something i wrote for you, which is about the benny. I've known for 11 years now it's called the great life of benjamin branch. She always thinks you can do it better, though benjamin brynn was born into an ordinary home to an ordinary mother and father in a small town by the sea.

His mother was a composer, or at least that's what she dreamed she'd be so when her own dreams didn't pan out, she began to dream for him, but then, when he was just 11 years old, he got sick and was forced to stay inside for an entire Year and in that year he began to worry that he hadn't lived enough, so he made up a story of the great life he thought he wanted to live, which only made him forget the great life he already had how he had filled a new home. With light and joy and promise how he met a girl, his neighbor, who felt all alone in the world and made her feel okay again and how? Even when he was sick, he still gave his parents hope how he reminded them of exactly who they were after. They had almost forgotten so when he was going to go, he was open. Okay, because he'd already lived a great life, a full life, and he was everything he needed to be just as he was.
She accepts close your eyes now and keep them closed. She's gon na, let you in go on. You know what to do with that. Big fat butt we're good.

Why is he smiling like that? He must be somewhere that he likes that's a good game, though i wan na, be somebody me too. That was actually really you know what that is. That was actually a very creative way of creating immersion, and i was actually immersed to be honest with you. How well the audio was very good audio, mastering or whatever i'm actually stuck here when the game ends.

So do i just wait? There's a couple of pictures. I've got memories, i'm sure for this camera you'll be thinking tickets. I've got memories, how many kickstarter backers dude dude, please so r s t? U v a t v, w x, y and z, w x, y and z, w x, y and z, w x, y and z, bye, i'm still here, i'm still here what happens if i um? If i i.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “A Game Controlled By Blinking — Before Your Eyes”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghtf says:

    Didn't cry, I was laughing my ass off the entire playthrough and the ending was the best OMEFALUL

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BabaEro says:

    My grandmother's funeral was yesterday. It still doesn't seem real. Spend time with your loved ones. You may not have a chance to do so later. Rest in peace Grandma.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hellghast Playz says:

    Is it me, or does xqc have the attention spam of an unborn fetus? Because JESUS CHRIST he didn't even begin to understand that he ignored Chloe in the first place

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADG_Games says:

    Hearing him say "2 slices please!" was the most heart warming thing i've heard in a while, thanks xQcOW.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Morgan Cooper says:

    Fuck dude I was literally full crying and then he pulls out fucking "wiggle wiggle wiggle". First Time I've ever both been crying from laughter and emotionally simultaniously

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J4R3L says:

    I havent cried like this in a while. I was crying so hsrd until felix said that thing at the end and i laughed for like 5 minutes

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars god says:

    nice job arthium/dailydoseofxqc by making the thumbnail the exact fucking same as pewdiepies thumbnail

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grym Gaming says:

    lost my wife of 23 years to cancer, we met when we were 16.. this hit way to close to home man. way to close….

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RuinedHaikyo says:

    Fuck this chat sometimes man, laughing and calling the game cringe because it's not a shooter or some shit

    Thanks for playing this fantastic game X

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Callme says:

    "I want you to do something productive that you're at home from school." – Mom
    i don't know if she notice that he is sick or have some heavy diagnosis.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikos Vertis says:

    i saw someone in chat at the end saying "I enjoyed my last stay xqcL" and it broke my heart

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