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#xQc #Firewatch #Gameplay

Okay, yeah chad is anything you have to add to this game or not. Yeah spread it right. Okay, chad, you guys! This is guys. This is one of these, like kind of linear play through everything.

It's like a story. Game um, it's kind of like immersive kind of chill so um. It is what it is. Should i just get immersed and just you know, watch the game.

So, okay, i have defensive well, this is just crazy. You see julia. Why is that clicking? Oh about your age, um late, twenties laughing with well just professor grad students from nearby i see you boulder you henry are out drinking with your pals. You approach her.

You are drunk you're, pretty you're, pretty uh. She says coley, you are not. You are a future hangover. What you're about confused someone should buy you a cheeseburger.

She says she likes it, a waiter and one week later you are julia's boyfriend dip over a year. She shows you absolutely not it's great. I move in you show an apartment near school with a view of the mountains. You two drink beers on the deck you drink, beers - it's just about anywhere.

Life is good. Judy wants to get a dog there's a scuffy undersized beagle. She doesn't love it. She wants to bring it in with her class uh there's also an intermitting, but gentle eye.

The german shepherd nothing bad. It could have julia while walking in his dog. It's so badass. You dub the shepherd and name mayhem, think of the beagle and she names them buckets.

Oh bucket, look, it's not bad bug is a good dog and a wooden litter. You have to leave forgotten about the other, one loves them too nice, and then you talk out on the deck it's summer, 9, 30 and the heat still radiates off the highest desert time. When about kids, she asks kids they're, not very smart or good at much. I'm saying if you and i have some a couple of idiots one day, why rush this away towards mountains with plenty of time right speak for yourself? Mister, don't worry you a sir tell her.

She has the body of an undergrad, but if i re didn't get the memo, she says laughing it off one day: okay, okay, one day, she says six months later, you get engaged lying in bed on sunday sunday morning, toro, fair tailhead through the night and julia Is four hours late? She doesn't call you're, worried and getting angry by the minute she walks in after you're gone to bed, she's, not quite drunk, but she's clearly been having a fun time you fight when she gets between the sheets. Oh, you ignore you, don't touch it all night, the next day you feel guilty for being so angry and ask about the evening. It was great you hold on to a tiny pillow resentment. They make some coffee to go to work.

Jesus likes to draw. She draws a planet for a research. She draws the places you go. She draws you pose like a flex like he-man chad.

You look awesome. Should i have to lower the um guys this. This thing is insane motion blur. None uh sneak off should be good.

Now this is much better guys. This is like a million times better two forks space bar example obstructions. Okay, too, during your summers, you and julia enjoy walking bucket at nights this one down. It brings the folks from around the wave places one of them tries to mug you with a knife.
She gets flustered and has trouble speaking when she gets stressed you confront the attacker, you beat his gun and face in them. Arm gets cut up, but you beat the guy to a pulp, but don't feel very tough. You cry your eyes up before the cup show up, but really actually take a different path from that day forward and say: okay, you don't want to go that that way, either from then on. You walk by the river 34 planet.

Earth kids get way laid by work, so you guys have a job at yale. Yale is in connecticut uh 2000 miles away. It's a great job associate department chair who wants to move agree. If you commute back and forth after she'll commute back and forth, you don't want to move the connected kit.

She says that that'll be hard, but she'll do it. If you don't move, if you don't move, it tell her not to pass it up. If that's what she wants, she agrees. She flies back to boulder three times each semester.

Julia is sent home from yale on pay leave. After an episode, she lost it on a college on a colleague for borrowing books that were important to her research. She didn't remember. She had happily loaned them to him just through this prayer.

She was found korean state well make a macaroni and drink wine and forget about it. You watch dallas on tv and sleep together on the couch, he-man bucket's. Getting older julia comments. Is it kind of nice because, let's travel around the house a week later, she goes back to university.

Julia's affliction gets worse. She can't remember things in class. Her research is in shambles. She drives her car to the next town over no particular reason and as to be brought home by the police she's devastated she's at home on permanent medical leave someday.

Sometimes some days you get the julia who calls you a dope and your unborn children little idiots. Other days you get a stranger, she pulls you into bed to make love after five minutes. She goes into panic, believing her dad's at the door. You tell her family they're crushed and begin to make trips um and from their home in australia to visit her for a while.

You, your friends, come by with little things to burn. Today she gets worse the following day: um following julia around the house. You count the seconds uh between the two weekly visit from daniel the nurse. He suggests that julia uh could live somewhere else somewhere with 24 hour.

I care a home, it sits with you for a couple months. Oh, it's not a mover and it's a full phone call. What man i'm just playing the game? Man, that's not rude. She doesn't remember a man come on bro, you have a gun.

Her family agrees with. The decision then find a fantastic place in boulder and move her there. You see her every day, then every other day go to the bar with your old friends. It's not the same.
You get the feeling that every wife tells your husband. If you ever put me in a home like henry, did, i will cut your balls off so decide to not see your old friends that much is there susan that moves to boulder to be closer there um she visits every day you go with her. Some of the time susan buys an old typewriter and urges you to use it. If you won't see a therapist, you won't you've, always really liked.

Suzanne mann's goodbye bucket dies. Judah doesn't remember him, we tell her. Sometimes it takes her a minute to lock in on you in the back of your mind, you believe it's because you see her less and less and seeing her less and less makes you forget more, you think, summer's coming and you see an ad. I pay for a job i take it.

Yank enter the lookout tower uh! Oh! What? If there's strong wind that what this whole tower just fall, apart, like put on the power pop hold, left shift directive, video, um, hello, whoever this is it's henry right, yeah, i'm delilah, yeah! That's what the guy said on the phone. So what's wrong with you! Excuse me: people take this job to get away from something. So what's wrong, what's wrong with you, that's a great idea. Go ahead! Look i just hiked for two days, so i don't really follow whatever it is you're doing right now you take a stab at what's wrong with me.

Fine then, can i sleep forever sure buddy, okay now go ahead. Okay, um i've killed three ex-husbands. Okay, uh you've killed three husbands, you're a black widow and you're just out here until the heat dies down and then you'll kill again very good. Bravo, henry hey! I sleep now! Not quite now.

You, okay good night! Bye! Let's see, i don't know anything about you, but nine times out of ten folks out here simply got dumped huh. Is that it close good night good night welcome to the singular maine. I was reading the book, but the second i'm reading the book man good morning. Henry well, i guess good afternoon you probably slept like a rock anyway uh, there's still a few hours of daylight to get some work in.

I can see you at your desk, so call me when you're ready, there's video call. Hey. Sorry guess i slept in you got a relaxing what 14 hours of sleep yeah jesus - i guess it's, what six 6 45 whoops don't worry about it! That hike puts everyone out of commission for a day or two, but now that you're up, let me quickly get you acquainted with the job. There's a thing in the middle of your room with a round map on it.

Do you see it yeah? I see it. Yeah i see it. This is the osborne firefighter invented in 1914 by w.b. You use this to spot.

You guessed it. What the! What is it? Nothing um you uh! You use this to. Oh me, it got language, lady out your west-facing window. Are you seeing what i'm seeing uh west fireworks whoa? That's, not legal right, uh! No, you need to get down there right now and stop them fire dangers through the roof.
Is that really my job? Your job is whatever i say it is look. The closest ranger is like two days away: go down there and set him straight um like kick the out of him sort of straight; no, no, no, no, no jesus! No! What i'm not a cop! It's not like i've got a rule book over here. Just make sure they don't do it again, take their all right, fine, don't feed anyone. A knuckle sandwich get going.

You'll probably need a rope to get down the shale between you and the lake. If i remember right, there should be one in the supply box on the way the code is one two, three four: it's actually that for all of them, interesting, smart, shut up one, two, three four see this isn't this little game game looks great, though i think I think this game delivers a good amount of immersion uh, for how kind of like simple it looks. I don't know what that what kind of art that's called anyway, am i going to write that to my place, can't run right chat, let me in because, if i'm a little bit, okay ready, oh my god, that noise is that a wooden thingy. I found the supply box great um, granola bar yoink um notes.

Do people lose their doing this job? There's a note that says a guy just left his post. It happens yeah. I can take it. I locked up this loot box and put some stuff in the box found one of the bars and um okay jog, ah bluetooth, spot okay.

What was that short hair boys? That would i guess that was a massive shortcut for sure. What's going on we're about to go, kill somebody i have a flare gun in in the in the back of the backpack and uh. These are doing some other way, so we're just gon na go, kill him. That's pretty easy! Oh my god! That scared me! Oh hey what the hell's wrong with you, my rope snapped coming down the shale slide.

He didn't break anything. Did you? No, i think i'll make it well be careful for christ's sake, uh, hey, there's a tie-off point off here, just a little way from the shale slide. Are you ready to get back on that horse? Huh? I can't go any further. Is what i'm saying that heads south down to the creek, but you should be able to get to the lake just by continuing west without any, you know mountaineering all right.

It's a long summer you can explore later. Oh wait hold up, they left half a bottle of whiskey, decent stuff, the idiots down at the lake yeah them. I just found where they're hanging out, probably don't need this in my life right now found the fireworks. They didn't even try to hide them.

Well, confiscate them yeah that probably could have ended poorly how'd. You get fired and wind up in jail. All on your first day henry, i thought it'd be a good idea to check some roman candles into a smoldering fire pit where regular forest burns. They left their packs tied up here, don't with them.
The last thing we need is some hikers filing a report about harassment, uh, oh well. They left their clothes out to dry. It looks like uh two people. Well, what? If they're naked? Won't that be exciting? Look they're, obviously still there so tell them off and then head back.

There are uh panties. I don't want to say that word again: there's uh! Oh! Yes! There are two naked. Ladies out here. Can you handle that bull stereo fight another firework and it won't be your stereo iraq? Oh you, psycho yeah, you you'll pay for this.

You can't just harass girls in the woods. Let's get out of here. Okay find our way back to the two force: hey that go lookouts uh! No, i might have got a little hot. What's a little hot, some of their personal property took a swim.

Well, i can't do anything about it now. Nope thanks for dealing with him, though seriously no problem, i got hearts. I think i missed anything because i couldn't take the fireworks man. Wouldn't let me i think i put him in a fire like a like a good like a good ranger would so i have a bit of a confession to make.

What is it um i was. I was drunk last night when i welcomed you to the job yeah. Well, you're, not the first boss to be guilty of that. I know i just i know i can get a little pushy.

You know putting you on the spot about uh, while you're out here and stuff, it's fine i'll i'll, keep that sort of a thing to uh to a minimum. Anyway. Let me know when you get back to your lookout. Well, rope spots, hey! I heard some thunder yeah.

I've got eyes on a storm out to the north. Well, that's bad right because of the lightning. It just means we'll be busy hurry home and try not to get hit by lightning. I got hit by lightning when i was nine years old, so i'm safe.

It's not gon na strike twice and all that. Well, there was an old lookout named roy sullivan who got hit by lightning seven times. I don't like the sound of that yeah. Well, if it makes you feel any better, it wasn't what killed him.

What killed him suicide would you believe, ah jesus christ yeah. I get the sense that not everything in here is useful in the boxes. Why is that? I don't really know what i'll do with the deer horn. Firstly, they're called antlers and secondly, stay out here long enough and you'll get creative.

What's in this cave down here in thunder canyon, thunder canyon, hey, i didn't name it, but in the cave i don't know, rocks nfs tells people not to go too far in there. It's pretty dangerous. So so i say it you're a grown man. You can go where you want great used to go caving with someone back in colorado.

Oh she loved it. It might be great to explore at some time this summer, but that could be fun, obviously be very careful again. It looks like the path leads through the cave back in the cave fire side. Good, there's some guy out here.
Some guy wait he's looking at you. Is he doing anything else? I i don't think so. Henry there's there's something i something someone should have told you about this area. What is it it's outside? Come on the whole thing and people come and go as they please it's it's madness.

Okay, i get it look bumping into someone in the middle of. Nowhere is part of the fun. It sounds really fun, though, outside jesus christ. That's scared in the humans themselves.

Oh this dude. What is this? What, if you just kicked me down here, boom dead um, so it's uh, just the outhouse, then, in terms of going to the bathroom you're, a man henry you can go wherever you want well number one at least and uh full disclosure. I pee wherever i want. As well uh, what can i do for you? Well, my typewriter is on the ground outside of my tower.

You right, yeah, look uh the wind, no, how the hell you should get inside me. You know, you know, i'm wondering it. I think, if you're inside you're kind of like vulnerable, why don't they have like a like a device? They could use like a lower the the thing or like do something that you know you know to like? Not let people up or some uh-oh someone broke in hey what they just they wrecked. The place threw my typewriter out the window holy um i'll.

Let the forest service know what happened. Okay, the place is trashed. My sheets are gone, they stole your sheets. That's just me: okay, i put in a call.

Okay, thanks. Do you have any idea who would have done this? I did probably piss off the girls at the lake uh them well i'll. Have the rangers keep an eye out for a couple of young women and question any they find? I can't believe someone would do this. I worry about bears and fires and that's about it and now i've got to worry about some violent campers.

Okay in the morning, i'm going to call my friend patty, who works the desk down in cody. They keep a list of everyone, who's officially been in and out of the trailhead, since i don't know forever and see. If we can get a list of names, we won't get much, but at least, if anything else happens, we can refer to it and see. If anything comes up thanks, i need you to feel safe out here.

Yes, i mean well, i sure, don't now you will. I promise guys simple concept if they ransack the place and i take all the objects and i throw them right, then i can get more money from insurance claim wake up right. They broke into the place. You know what what tells them they didn't break everything.

You know throw my phone through my computer, my computer screen the whole was i don't, give a i'm awake, i'm awake! What's your problem, our problem? Sorry, our problem that storm knocked out the phone line. I used to talk to the service, which means we're cut off. I tried radioing out and that's not working either. There's no backup the backup is the two-day hike out of here.
So that's a no it's easier for me to send all the lookouts out to check the status of the wire in their areas. Yours is a good hike away. If you find any portion of it down, i can try to get a hold of a ranger and he'll bring someone in to fix it. Okay, i can do that.

Where is it remember that cave you hiked through yesterday, yeah of course, no please so you're going to want to go back there, go through it and keep going straight to the north. When you come out, uh no will do thanks hank, it's henry! What you don't like, hank yeah, i don't like hank, but thanks rhymes with hank. No, it doesn't okay, all right, damn i'm not a very good sportster yeah um! When i was um wait. Where are we going the cave right, um down where we're from i'm pretty sure it's the fastest way in right unless i die support the fog? Oh, it's actually pretty damn cold out here! Oh i, like the other coldness frogs missed in the forest.

The mornings are cold in boulder, though right yeah, they are. What did you get up to down there i mean. What's life like uh, you know um, i don't know i used to just spend a lot of time with her dog bucket. Oh that's a good name.

He was a good dog. What type that beagle he got him from the pound. That's great hey! Can you hold on a sec, uh sure just gon na keep hiking and hoping it warms up heyo. I don't think so.

Why have you okay? Good? No, i don't think he has any idea. I'm absolutely sure. Would you all right i'll? Let you know if anything, changes in that regard? Hey sorry about that anyway, bucket's, a cute name, you um, you owned him with someone guys. I don't know i'm at my place, who was that who is who i i don't think he has any idea? What was that? Were you talking about me uh, what you left your button pressed or something henry? That call was work.

I was just talking to. Actually, it's not really your business. Why are you freaking out? I'm not freaking out good. I'm gon na go quiet for a little bit.

Call me if it's important jesus, i mean she said she's talking about him. Man lose the power that could be issue with us. Radios that didn't suck ass most of the time, i prefer to keep a pen and paper where every once in a while be nice to get a hold of you right away. My sister keeps leaving messages at the main office, but i don't think she gets.

Oh. I took the job, so i wouldn't have deal with her mom, i'm not doing a place yet long spot. I take it. You fell prey to the forest services, big, recruiting effort when it comes to.

You know how the hell you ended up out here. I saw the job in the paper and figured you know what the heck, what the heck i've got, no ties and no life better go, spend what's left of it in utter loneliness. Something like that now, thanks to last summer, the bump and forest service budget actually allowed for us to advertise for the job glad it worked cool man. What happened last summer that accounted for this um windfall jeez.
I mean the federal government, almost let yellowstone national park burn to the ground ring a bell. Yellowstone is like what 15 miles away. Why would they do that? Well, the short story is that for 60 years we got very good at not letting forest fires happen. 15 years ago they decided that forest fires and wilderness areas like yellowstone, should be left to burn.

So that's what they did. I can't believe you didn't hear about this. There were reports that the entire park was gone dan rather telling the country that president reagan didn't care on the nightly news and what the hell's he gon na do smoke jump in and snuff one out for the giver cause. Why am i stuck so? What should they have done? I don't even know by the time the yellowstone folks realized the little fires.

Weren't gon na burn themselves out. A hundred thousand acres were gone. It's yellowstone, you know, people don't want to touch it, but we touch it every single day. But hey, i got a 30 cents an hour raised because we can't have another fiasco like the goddamn part can burn down.

Again i heard that, oh there it is oh yeah. I remember now hey this is the spot. Let me take two bad paths down below this record uh. Oh wasn't he just pushed me, got a map yeah, but the cave isn't indicated.

I don't think the game's not survival. No, it's just a story game. It is. It is what survival is, what i've always wanted to.

What is this survival unless it's like a sucker, because i don't get it? Oh now we go here, it's nice and peaceful. I saw those serpents hope this is the right spot. We'll miss you miss you boys, power lines. Let me be honest: um i can see the wire you're talking about.

It looks like it's in good shape from here, we'll follow it up to the top of the trail. If you can, you can head back as soon as you give me, the all clear got it: okay, wire, bing bong looks fine so far and then bang bang, oh wait a minute. What is this uh hey? I found a structure that might have been an outhouse once i think whoa uh, you don't need my permission to go to the bathroom, but you know use abandoned at your own peril. I mean i'm in the right area.

I do believe uh. The comms wire runs for quite a ways. Follow it all the way to the top of beartooth point, and if it's not damaged, you can loop around back home the comms tower interesting: hey they keep hearing noises man we're gon na get attacked. I saw somebody there's a box here: i'm gon na get the map first 302.

Oh, my god. Um blue spurs cottonwood lodgepine aspen bird shrub schwab, mock orange sage, bush prairie, fire flare, golden aster, tail cup, lapine bop. Who are these guys ron and dave they're? Leaving notes for each other in the boxes is there any chance? One of them was that guy i saw in the canyon, you know the guy, with the flashlight no they're, both rangers they're, not out here this season. I didn't really know him that well, but i always assume the only thing ron cared about was chasing tail and getting loaded.
It's somehow comforting to know that he was able to keep up a correspondence with someone who wasn't going to send him a topless polaroid. Oh, why not? I heard that i wouldn't mind having a thomas polaroid dave. I got your note about needing to talk. I didn't uh reach you down.

I've been looking for you all day, figured you'd be near. I don't even know how it could really help anyway. Uh, we're co-workers, you know, amigo professionals, if you have someone to throw back a case with um, i can't read it so we really can't reach anyone any other way than these wires. What else do you suggest smoke signals just seems dangerous.

Well, if they don't hear from me for a few days, they'll send someone out but i'd rather it not come to that. Oh hey, so the wire is definitely down out here. I just found it that's actually good to hear i can send someone out to fix it good find yeah. The thing is, doesn't look like the wind, it looks like it was cut deliberately it's snipped clean through and there's a bunch of beer cans out here.

The same beer, those girls were drinking. They also left us a message. Ah, these idiots are gon na pay. Do they realize this is how people die.

I mean what, if go hell and god forbid, there's an actual fire burning out of control. What do you want to do? I want you to go, find them and then what i i haven't thought that far ahead. That's not true. Everything that comes to mind is illegal.

Let's hear it. Oh yeah, hey! I came out here for a breath of fresh air and some adventure. What do you got? I think i want you to just find them and scare the hell out of them. Yeah i'd make a spooky ghost costume, but they stole my sheets.

I don't know: um wait for them to wander off and wreck their camp, something that would make a teenage girl run home to mommy and daddy. Okay, that's kind of weird thanks, but i'm gon na need a raise. Don't hold your breath? I'd start by hiking back towards your tower and just keep an eye out for anything that would lead you to them. They're big into red, eagle, great see.

If you can find the path they took down from there. Maybe they looped back around towards the lake or something wait a minute i doubt they're where they were yesterday, but they obviously can't have gone far. There's an abandoned pack out here and it's not one of the teens. No, it looks like it was lost a long time ago.

Well, you could always pilfer it for supplies. That pack was full of them in decent condition too. That's lucky, i mean there's there's enough rope here that i could just leave them hooked up. I think oh get this.

This uh pack came with one of those cardboard single-use cameras with pictures left yeah. He only used three or four neato. Thank you. Brian goodwin wait! Wait who the bag had the name brian goodwin zone into the top? Do you know him? Yeah, i just haven't heard that name in a few years.
What was he a fella? You had a thing with hmm yeah. It was so hot and heavy. Of course brian goodwin was 12 years old. So you know our love could never really be understood.

I'm kidding not about him being an actual 12 year old that part's true. He was stationed in two forks, your lookout with his dad ned three summers ago. Great kid: you can bring children out here. No, you know i'm not a stickler for rules.

They took off halfway through the summer, okay, more mapping cache241 anyway, so it goes, have uh fun. With that camera. Try not to snap anything that would scar a photodome employee. I don't know i got a lot of hiking to do, might get bored.

Well, i'm bored as rocks so i'll, keep you company. While you find those girls huh, no trespassing, hey uh delilah. What do you got? You found him uh? No! Not yet. Why would there be a fence out here because sometimes hikers go ass over tea kettle when on a trail, so the forest service would put up a big chain-link fence, a chain-link fence yeah, it looks like it surrounds a huge area.

Huh, that's weird guys. I really ride the right right spot. Do you think those girls could be behind this fence? Well, having once been an ornery young woman? The last thing i would do is climb a fence, especially if i knew i was in trouble. I i don't even know how i would get in air 51.

It's really strange that that's out there by the way yeah it's weird! This is going out with debbie next week. No, not that uh he'll, steve uh, your your main run. I don't have to check up the new guy to forks. I heard him talking himself more than the usual for hello, except for us of course.

Why? What is this? Excuse me flapjack. You know like a loser, a charge. I really don't, but i do now. Well, the next time you're at a bar and some banker, steps on your foot, so he can order his crappy martini.

You've got just the name to use guys. Am i going to my place or not. You think i'm lost jam, a man, hey sorry about snapping at you earlier um. I thought about it and yeah.

I suppose that must have sounded kind of weird when you heard me take that other call, plus you're just out here in your own head trust me. I know how it is so. Did you break any hearts back in colorado when you took this job, i myself have chosen to never get attached to anyone who would miss me, but i know i'm a bit of an outlier. We don't really need to talk about this stuff right.

Well, what would you prefer uh literally anything. Do you want to know about the homeopathic remedy for yeast infections? I came up with last summer. Okay, never mind you're lost pal huh. Well, that was kind of unneeded.
Huh you don't like that. Huh i told you i told you it was pretty bad, but people already said. Oh, no, you added dude. I didn't add the other thing.

Do the other thing man? I think i think it's gon na. That's not, if you admit it's literally a hell, it's pretty bad hey! Do you see that no, but maybe see what exactly i can barely make it out, but there's a small wisp of smoke way down to the southwest. You should be able to find a way over there from the meadow by the lake. Okay, i have eyes on that smoke, ah back to work great, find your way over there and give them help.

Oh my god, back two jobs in one day. How about you get out your tower? You lazy balm, go! Do it yourself, mother sucker! Oh my god, man guys, two jobs in the one day. What did shoot, except for getting useless, comms man, press c, the column, a smoker wow, there's an old um. I think it's called a medicine wheel out here, yeah it was made by crow american indians hundreds of years ago.

There are lots of small ones. Um have you ever been to medicine wheel monument over in the bighorns? I sure haven't well it's worth a three-hour detour on the way home in august, uh, neat i'll, keep it in mind. Thank you man. Thank you.

I represent that oh you're kidding right at that end, a dead end. You know if it makes you feel any better. You're, a member of a diverse club of lookouts that have come to the thoroughfare after a breakup guys we go left. I assume you went through a breakup at least that's my best guess.

At this stage there was vernon whose wife got put away for running cocaine. Becca, who was widowed after her husband, a jockey, was trampled by his horse and sharon, whose boyfriend had his own boyfriend. Maybe you boned the neighbor, maybe she boned the neighbor. Maybe you both did.

I don't judge and if you ever want to talk breakups, i'm your gal. Ah, no, i'm good. Okay, that jockey story. It's actually about you huh! No! Can you believe that it's crazy right so then, who i'm the rare breed my heart's intact? That doesn't mean i didn't join up to get away, but there's more to life than sex and romance.

I don't think about anything. I'm missing out here that i could be getting back there and i recommend you try and do the same um. You know, i don't believe, that's copium, that's hard to put on such a show, there's more to life than sex and romance get bent. It's not a show.

It's your business. Just don't lie, maybe i'm horribly disfigured. Are you play your cards right and maybe you'll find out fella what okay, okay man, i'm getting teased man? This is in the forest like there must be like down ultra bad like this is like the forest like what two day hike just to get there man. It must be down dog, that's not damn bad, it must be man holy dude.

You know what i bet you didn't abbott they probably get off to drunk. If i take rocks - and i pick up a rock right here like this like that - and they draw titties some and if they put their pants down and start drinking after the drawing that they're doing i'm dead, that's what i would do anyway holy dude. I mean what else is there? Is your phone there's, no cell service man? What are you talking about? I'm in the map, man, missing person, uh, mitchell, mitchell, bop, bop, i'll, just look at boy for as dry as it is this summer. There's an area down here.
That's uh lush, oh, you must be talking about the aspen grove down there. Yeah. I think. That's where i am.

Those trees are actually one root organism. Did you know that uh? Did i ask them? This is the sort of biome based small talk that will be invaluable to you as a single man, because it might as well support nothing. Oh wait a minute. It's a really nice waterfall down here.

Given those girls love a skinny dipping, i bet they're nearby uh. There's some cloth out here. It looks like it was torn from something strange i'll keep looking around. Like somebody died, i see a campsite and it looks like they've got a fire.

Is it them that seems like it? I swear, they must have drank four cases of beer out here, track them down and don't let them see you what a job this is. I found my sheets, so they did break into your tower looks like well. I found some dangerous hunks dangerous. It's the name of a magazine for girls, it's on the ground here at their camp uh.

It looks like someone left a note, intriguing dear psycho. I hope you're happy we're, leaving and we're going to find the police or whatever, to tell them about how you creeped us on a lake man and then came and destroyed our campsite and all of our stuff. Oh and seeing our panties is gross out. You're, probably a mental axe murderer so you're going to jail.

I hope it was worth being a jerk. Some fireworks, dick okay, well they're gone for sure, threatening to call the police because they think i attacked them. Oh my god! Well did you? Oh hey? I didn't do this: okay, someone or something went to town here, but it wasn't me because i told you to scare them not assault them. I didn't, of course i didn't.

I just threw their stereo in the lake yeah. I really wish you wouldn't have done that. This is, i don't know weird as hell, but it wasn't me it's it's. Okay.

I believe you weird stuff happens in the woods. It could be other campers. They could be having a bad mushroom trip, but we really don't know but they're gone. There's no way to call the cops they're not coming back and we can get to work.

I'd really like to start enjoying a quiet summer. Yeah me too. Okay flying boards downstairs the patch window. Oh please, the day three incidents: hey henry yeah um.

What do you look like? Why are you asking because i'm horribly superficial um? Well, i get confused for bert reynolds all the time. Oh, is that so women say that we have a similar, musk, hey. You asked okay! Well, that gives me a good start now. Let's see in my scope, i can only tell you're a white guy wearing shorts, it's hot and maybe by the way, i'm not white, it's not very uh, you know pc or whatever they say.
Oh, my god, you are the whitest man. I don't need a spotting scope for that and, if not shorts, then what do you normally like to wear uh? I don't know i like to look nice usually well. I try now. I guess um had a bit of a schlubby period.

Did we yeah a good 25 30 years yeah, but um now you'll put on a clean shirt yeah? Well, i i have one that i got for christmas. Actually just um, it's navy with white buttons, but i i like it. I don't wear it that much though well. It sounds just perfect.

Now tell me about your face, i'm looking at you across the bar. What do i see um? Well, i have a thin mustache real thin mustache. I got a long scar goes down across my eye and down my cheek. Well, i just happen to have a thing for thin mustaches, the thinner and pervier the better.

Well, then, you are in luck and a horrible scar. Just perfect. I want to know about your eyes get out of here. I'm drawing you.

I need to know you're. What is that? Okay, uh? Don't don't answer i'm gon na. Do it regardless fine, your eyes tell me um time. They look tired.

I think. Oh yeah see, i told you he was drawing this age and you just you think, you're a younger person who just looks tired. All the time speak for yourself. Mister, i guess that's getting old.

Well, some people might see distinguished okay got it. Thank you henry. You get what you need absolutely oh and that uh window's all patched up. So what should i do now? What's next, what's next, what do you think is next well, you've been the one giving me tasks for two days straight.

What's next, is you sit in that room until september 1st and call me at the first sign of smoke i'll give you the smoker? Why don't you, let me know when you're mentally prepared for that task and uh i'll give it to you? Okay, i think i am ready to tackle my long-term commitment of keeping this national forest safe from total destruction. I am glad to hear you've really thought this through. Of course, my pickup game is insane. You know it's not really that comfy it's wooden and there's no padding.

I think i actually got a splinter in my thigh this morning. Oh well, regardless take a seat. The forest depends on you go to her tower holy. She could go down on my tower if she wants to hello henry having a nice afternoon might never leave well uh i caught with some bad news.

Two young women, chelsea stevens and lily mclean, were reported missing. What they've got parents out in california who haven't heard from him in a week they were supposed to meet an aunt down in cody. If they're the girls from last week, then you're, probably the last person to have seen him. You should tell whoever that i'm happy to be questioned.
I caused them some trouble, but nothing major. I never even got very close to them. Well, one stereo, that's it look! It's not going to be an issue. Uh i mean if, if they turn up dead, then maybe should i just not say anything and save us the trouble uh.

No, i think it's worth mentioning something yeah i'll uh i'll, keep it vague. I i really don't want to talk to the cops me. Neither all right henry thanks enjoy the sunset. Oh girl, that's gon na oh wait, wait a minute.

I was walking for no reason, henry henry wake up what get out of bed and pick up the radio. What the you want! Man! What do you want? Hey? You big dumb idiot, oh babe, it's late. I know it. Is you sound tired? Why, where the is this, i am.

Oh, that's the girlfriend. Are you having a nice time? Sure they're, you that's a dream good there jules what? Oh sorry henry yeah, i'm good! Well, that's good! Well, i'll! Let you get back to sleep. Then! Okay, jules delilah seems nice sure bye, baby. My dream are real.

How would you know they get on the radio frequency like what is it too much of a pain in the ass to bring supplies? All the way up to our towers. Well, i get my stuff hand delivered. Oh how's that work it's the perks of a decade of service, you're out hiking in 90 degree heat and i get to do crosswords, isn't life miserably honestly, isn't bad, though, is it anyway when you find the supply drop? Remember it's not just for you. Okay, other lookouts biologists, a few people get their food there and i don't want to have to call in for more.

There should be loads of good stuff, though beans, prunes jerky, you know my sister eats six prunes a day, six she's, like really precise about it. So we're gon na get a lot of jobs full of marijuana, so who's jules. I i mean i assume it's your ex. I don't mean to pry.

How do you know that name? I haven't said anything about julia um. Wait. Is there something going on that? I don't know about what no look a couple of weeks ago. You called me in the middle of the night and you were talking in your sleep.

I guess i only heard the name julia, so i figured i'd. Ask i don't i really don't want to talk about her. All right, geez must have been a real up. What did i just say? Oh look so a couple of months before i took this job, i i was with this guy javier have yeah he incredible a driller down in casper we dated for almost five years.

I was working with the wyoming outdoor leadership school and i was obsessed with it. I wanted to be an instructor so badly and i was sure i was going to marry javier as soon as i could be bothered. Wallace was also a good excuse to get out of town drink whiskey in the mountains cut loose. Then javier's brother got killed working in gillette and some reason i didn't come home.
Javier said it was fine. He'd go to the funeral, take care of his mom stuff like that it'd be easier solo. When he came back, he left me i came out here. I lied and told my sister he our neighbor, so i lied to you.

I came out here with a broken heart. Just like you, you haven't told me anything about you and that's: okay, but uh there. You go there's a whole lot about me all right. I got everything i need out of here time to chow down just yours right who do you think i am oh man.

I wanted to drop it down the hill man, hey, you didn't take all of the supply drop food. Did you um um because remember it was for a lot of people like five i'm hungry, so you did. I got ta go 64.! It's like a whole, oh front row seat for what might be the biggest fire of the year yeah. It's really going! I'm gon na call it in they'll send in a hot shot crew for some suppression, but i bet we'll be stuck with her for the rest of the summer and she doesn't have a name yet.

I usually think of something funny or something practical or a little risque when coming up with them. But why don't you do the honors uh? Well, we should just call it the big fire if we think it's going to be it's a big fire yeah. Well, that is practical, always my goal, big fire. It's not bad! I'm actually amazed.

We've never used that name. Sometimes the best names are the most obvious, the big fire. It is so there's this creek down the hill and um. You know my favorite thing to do is skip rocks.

What's that i love to take a bottle of whatever i have on hand, plunge it deep into the water and let it chill in there all day and then on nights like tonight when it is so disgustingly hot. I have something nice and cool to drink. I learned that from my sister in santa fe she'd do that with a bottle of tequila near her house and make margaritas the size of your head you'd like it there cool. If i was there with you, i'm sure i would like it a lot.

Are you looking at the fire uh? No, i'm not you should. Let me know when you are okay, i'm looking at it again. I love how they look at night during the day it's just smoke, but when the sun is down, you can just get lost. I'm glad you're here me too good.

I don't talk to the other lookouts as much as i talk to you not in the same way. Jesus come over already talking to you. Even if you don't feel comfortable opening up you always can you always? Can you get it opening up? I wish you were too we could sit outside. We could talk about these radios, we could um.

You know, oh look at what what what could we do? Well, let me tell you what the is this game you're going fishing without a license, it's one fish and i'm sick of all the stuff i got to eat. Well, maybe you shouldn't have taken so much of it. Then that reminds me. I keep hearing reports from fish and game about a problem there they're trying to keep tabs on.
Can you search around the lake for fresh tracks and just let me know what you find there was a crew burning fire lines out to the east, and you know i think, sometimes it riles up the wildlife east east. Oh come on. You just have to look for tracks, that's it! Thank you! Henry yeah yeah yeah. So we don't go there.

Then. Is this east climb? Oh no, can do what to the compass guys. I can't go there. Oh there's a trail here at least a secret like loot, box or some there's a compassion.

It says east, oh we're going to. Oh there's, nothing is there a place? We got it. Oh butterfly, that's the right place right same like as the other missing people right. People died.

Aha, i tried hiking to a point what the uh d i found a clipboard down here and i uh there's something strange going on at the lake. Someone has written down what we said to each other have been saying that doesn't make any sense uh. I don't talk to the other lookouts as much as i talk to you, not in the same way, no way wait hold on. Oh, my god, henry i'm worried you didn't find and eat any mushrooms did you.

I mean they can be fun, but also you know devastating regardless. Just let me know: okay buckaroo, oh god. I don't know why. I just called you that, oh my god, henry are you there.

What happened? Henry i mean i just i got hit in the head. Punched or something by someone are you serious what the hell is going on out there? I don't know jesus christ. Let me get this straight. You found a clipboard with what transcripts of our conversations what else is on it? I don't know it's gone along with the radio of theirs.

Somebody out here could have just killed me delilah. I don't what the is going on. What's wapiti station, i maps it's not too far from where you are right. Now it's where you saw that damn fence.

It's north of the lake it looks like there should be a trail somewhere on the north shore of jonesy lake banu is back home, hopefully they'll. Let me out of here for a while who say that tough budgets being what they are. Did you get my note about what they went down? What pd isn't too pleased with it, but i probably overdid it i wish i could down there david. It's just oh.

This just seems like a like a misunderstanding or something. Why would i make this up? It's an insane lie at worst and a shitty prank at best and you've been feeling okay, i feel fine, okay, okay, i'm sorry! I i believe you, but that conversation was from two weeks ago. I know they were so what's to say that they don't have transcripts from three four or five weeks ago, our entire relationship friendship our whole summer. Someone is out here with a walkie-talkie taking notes and talking to god knows who then change radio mother sucker? What do you think is going on behind that fence? Apparently a lot of following you around taking notes which is unfucking believable henry? Let's just get a gun.
Instead, you get a twelve boom bang. Okay, there's got to be a reasonable explanation. Also, i'm going to call around and see if anyone's had anything weird happen to them or seemed spooked. I don't want to make this bigger than it is yet you know: okay, i'm at the fence.

I don't see anyone around, but i'm not sure i can get past it. How big is it big? It goes off in both directions. Acres, like 12. is going on out here.

Whatever it is, someone doesn't want anyone to know about it. Sometimes biologists obviously i'll see if i can break in somehow all right be careful, so we're saying french at twelve. Yes, french, that's always actually we just say a twelve. They say fenduz, which means 12 gouge shotgun or whatever guys.

How do i get up there? What what look i'm not gon na be able to get into this place? I i don't know how long i can dick around out here until someone notices god, if you were an actual firefighter you'd, have that gate down in two shakes: hey, actually those guys doing the controlled burn they might be able to help. Where are they beyond ruby river there's a scout camp? They burned a line a few days ago. That should let you hike right to them. Well, that's great! If they haven't left they're, probably the type of guys who would help you get through that fence really dude.

Oh, my god, okay, that is across the universe. You just climbed it. On the left side, it is like the freest ever jump holy. Okay.

Well, i mean we'll: go there we get, we can do it um down across bing, bong, okay, let's google it when we play about it. Well, it's um. It's a thing of philosophy, uh, a question uh and, and the question poses uh, it's like something that would still have to do with the metaphysics of identity in the field of philosophy. And basically, the question asked is: if a boat, if you replace every plank on a boat with a new plank, is it still the same boat? Hey, i called around things seem normal with everyone else.

Should we call the cops or the forest service and and let them know this is going on um? Don't you think that would sound? You know crazy yeah. It is crazy. We have to tell someone tell them what henry tell them we're being stalked and you were attacked and we don't have any proof. I don't know tell them we're being bothered or something henry.

I really do you understand that all right, i'm headed toward the camp anyway. Okay, keep your radio close to you, the cave again, hey what you just said. Keep my radio close to me. Yeah before i got attacked back at the lake, i saw a radio on the ground kind of like the one i use, and do you think that maybe someone was you know uh, i don't know what maybe intercepting our frequency with other radios or something henry.

It's just a thought. I i don't even know how you would do that yeah. Well, you sound worried. No, i'm, not! Okay.
Let's not spin out of control, just keep hiking. She knows whatever you say, boss. Well, if you replace every pixel on an f on an ft with the with a different pixel one, is it still some nfc or not it's kind of the same thing? I know we don't know what's going on yet, but i don't have a good feeling. I don't like feeling vulnerable.

It's not like. You can just call the police. I was thinking about the good ones. It just struck me that, if anything, weird like this happened to them happened to brian just how scared he would have been hey, maybe he'd actually enjoy it.

You know spies, taking notes. Walkie-Talkies. The whole thing might actually be fun if you're too young to realize how creepy it is. Oh left, that's one way of looking at it he's fine.

He. It was three years ago he's from high school now he's on summer, break yeah, you're right, you're, right, f, uh 20 frames dropped numbers a third of a second a third of a second delay. That's point: 20, santa man. Do you know i'm not going to say the chance of what they did in my my actual five head knowledge? Guys it's um 20..

Can you please say it: a million waters sandy waters, jesus christ, man, there's some old snowmobiles out here. That's crazy looks like one of the poor bastards was cruising 200 million. That was not a fun hike back to civilization, no that'd be 333 minutes. Second, then, because that's one third camp arapahoe you're there, the bridge to the camp, is out damn i'm gon na walk the ravine and see if i can find some high ground to get across good plan.

Yeah there's one part of math that nobody, nobody enjoys. Nobody ever enjoyed, and nobody cares about - it's converting numbers that go from one to one hundred okay into uh time. That was from one to sixty. Nobody lies in these conversions, annoying brain dead and useless.

Okay. I guess these little shelters are where they keep the weeblows. Nobody likes that five years yeah there are bear traps out here in the scout: shelters missing, that's messed up, guys, guys guys it's 12 40 okay and i just went two third of a minute backwards. Okay, then 75 percent of an hour forward like a minute, then i went half a day forward and 64 of an hour backwards.

What time is it dropping into the thoroughfare on behalf of dr simmons at wapiti station holy crap keep reading? Oh, i just thought i would maybe you know: stop there, let the mystery percolate. My mother always said i would need someone to give me a taste of my own medicine, they're running a research site out there uh he was worried about wildfires.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “A game so good i had to play twice”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CheesethekidPC says:

    This is the most relaxing video xqc will ever make

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IkImAwesome says:

    Damn I remember this game from so long ago…

    Time moves too fast

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshwa Crasta says:

    I remember Mark playing this game and the ending was soo emotional, very good story

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DrewBox43 says:

    Bringing back the nostalgia so glad you played it again it makes me think of back when you first played it and I was still in high school now I’m living on my own in college still watching you 🙂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drewie says:

    never ceases to amaze me how x can get the worst possible ending in each game

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars speedy says:

    I miss the old felix
    The go agane felix

    The one last vid felix

    The story game felix
    yikesJAM Clap

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mask says:

    Surprised the devs never banned him from playing it like PewDiePie.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rubi says:

    everyone was playing this like 6 years ago lol! looks so good!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Limit Sunny says:

    When I watch you play games I feel less stress Idk why 🙂 keep the videos up 👍😀

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MuttonMash says:

    Dude I remember him playing this back in late 2019, the nostalgia FeelsGoodMan

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garry says:

    It's messed up how Delilah just left him and didn't want Henry to see her, the game is a range of emotions. Still one of my favorite games tho.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meatballs Commentary says:

    The wallpaper every new PC user has

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