xQc Plays The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
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xQc (Félix Lengyel) is a French-Canadian Twitch streamer and content creator. He is 25 years old and lives in Texas with his roommate Adept. He enjoys streaming. He also enjoys playing and uploading a variety of games, such as Overwatch, Chess, Minecraft, Fortnite, Warzone, and all the hot new game releases. He is also very well known for his entertaining reactions. His favorites include Unusual Memes, Daily Dose of Internet, Jubilee, Comparisons, memes made by viewers on his reddit, and trending.
#xQc #Scary #ManOfMedan

Okay, i think, even even in my first playthrough uh, we managed to save most people um, except by the end. I think we lost two or three okay i'll play alone and we'll try to guess if every character is every character in the in the game. Also, i'm gon na mute, but i guess bless the two years two and a half years ago. I think time flies uh.

Okay. Now it's been two years, not enough two and a quarter the line up top. What line? Oh, there is a line on your right. There you go my channel all righty buster, we better mosey on back to the ship, buster whoa, stop the presses.

What looks like old, charlie charming's got a little business to attend. To. Can i fight hey, give me a quarter. Why i'm gon na find out my future? Let's have it what's in store for me, bob ask the tiles uh use mouse to choose.

I'm on a i'm on a controller um. Tell me about my son i'll. Let you be rich, wait a minute i can't choose. So uh, when am i gon na hit the jackpot? You know uh, all that glitz and glamour you already have uh bamboo or dragon tile dragon down.

Of course, oh, i have to hold it. Oh, that's cool! Actually, bamboo's got a boring khan. God, right trigger to pick up objects fish. It looks like a fish.

Okay sure wait. What what does that mean? Hey? What does that mean? What the hell man hey bud? Let me get it go at it. Oh yeah, you think you got the stuff nino. We need i'll give it a whirl um, easy, easy, easy either better than that perfect looks like i'm the karate master.

Now, i'm sorry, hey chuck. We better get back to the ship. We don't want to get stranded come on man. Just let me surprise.

We really need to get back 25 cents back in. This was a lot of money, 25 cents and no prize. I destroyed the machine. I forgot no, what's that that's skull, bucks, they're, chained, changing the ground.

I use that standard for a boat right. So it doesn't. Hey man, hey where's, my where's, my 50 cents, 50 cents. What 50 opinion these men appear to be drunk off their rear ends, get this one to the medical board, throw the other in the brick and keep them.

What's there on here, no drinking allowed on the job gee, that's loud. What the jazz joe to pops come back soon. What the hell interesting he's dead, hey just get a guy. Here it was locked.

Oh, we could have one right side. I feel like we shouldn't advance. We should go backwards. First, there's nothing here! Oh okay, i mean we have to look.

Oh what about the wall? No, i can't okay, i guess the interactive balls are just can't tell you, then these graves are maxed out. I only get better than that. Howdy charlie how's, your time off, just get me out of here already what the hell is going on out there. I heard aircraft and gunfire me too, and there was a a corpse what in the sick bay something's wrong.

Let's get out of here a corpse huh, hey back off, man beats shhh guitar hero master. Oh, let's move on what the hell. What what happened? What was that christmas? It's locked move up pal. Let's go hey, charlie hell! That's three back to back dead! You inspect them, no inspection huh, no backwards.
Okay, i need to stop looking for extra stuff, god damn another stiff, oh damn it buckley. Last time i saw him in the mess hall he was fit as a fiddle. Poor wait a minute. Another stiffy, don't uh i'll.

Better walk faster, locked huh. I see how it is so uh. Is it just me, or are you getting a real strange feeling right now right? Look like a guy who likes to talk about his feelings. You look like a mess on wheels.

Chuck. That's two different! Only one great good company - let's just get up on that yeah fine agree it's all too loud. I can't hear the dialogue and then this breaks my ears dude, no you're, feeling all right more stiffies charlie get over here. Let's check the magic, so hey come here.

Oh god, no charlie, charlie shoot, oh, maybe a chef shot. Mayday mayday is anyone there, hello. Can anyone out there hear me what the hell is that? Oh, oh, that's, not gon na happen omega. Another stiffy, oh lagging classical.

Well, what is this? Well, i am. I open the door is the compass i forgot about that. That way we played before these teams are they're, always like different. Depending on what you choose, i play the characters.

It's just like uh until done hello and welcome to my repository know that is book room where you deposit books, i am the curator, the curator of stories, stories of love and hate, greed and beauty, life and death stories such as this one. I'm here to record the story you choose to tell you see, this tale is only part written and the choices you make will complete it and determine whether the lives of those with whom you are hearing continue to flourish or whether they are snuffed out see we Each make decisions according to our own moral compass and we have to live with those decisions or die by them, but you shouldn't fear death. It is, after all, inevitable it is the tax one pays for having lived, and it comes eventually to everybody. Still, none of us want for it to come too soon.

Do we, as in life, the actions you take matter, the choices you make will affect others sure i'll be keeping a close eye on your progress. It's not my place to interfere, but i might be persuaded to offer the occasional hint here's one for free. I don't want a hint. There are pictures in this world that can show you some possible futures.

If you can find them and stuff, they may just help. You to make better decisions, or, should i say, decisions that result in the outcomes. You would prefer. That's all for the moment, we'll talk again soon enough.

We'll have the opportunity to account for all the actions that you've taken or whatever mess you've made. Nope perfect playthrough. So yeah i'm playing it because there's new episode on the 22nd, i thought we're probably gon na play both this one in a little hole before uh. The new game comes out so that we're all caught up on, like the stories or whatever brad is witty alex.
Bothering innocence, that's not what a brad is alex motivated, brad's, brother jewels, but insecure. You should change name! Think we got enough. If we run out, we can always call for backup so uh. Look.

I've never been down there before down the water, diving or maybe you could show me how the pros do it? Are you serious, uh yeah, i mean? Are you serious who came out here without taking any lessons kind of yeah? Oh no shot, then um? I had to work man i wanted to. I just didn't didn't have time. You know i had to work all summer, uh, fair enough, fair enough, whoa, careful that dive cam is like super exciting bro be cool. What julia and conrad are you know? How do i say super loaded? So so don't sweat the little stuff man, it's not cool, don't make me regret letting you tag along huh, okay, whatever dude dude.

You know i'm not like the best around new people, whatever shut up brad huh you're, not on this trip cause you're. My bro, i mean you are my brother, but i mean like we're buddies. You know um kind of what we're just out here to hang cool out and kick it. What the are you talking about? Let's just kick it and be legends man, all right, amigo, calvary's, almost here cool, sorry, i'm a little snappy, i'm just the new medical school would be stressful.

You know total shocker and man. The long distance thing julia. It's been rough, um yeah! I got you if it must be tough, no worries, man, huh yep, right on cue. What conrad doesn't think we have enough beer? Ah, i guess i keep these in an undisclosed, location, yeah, updated, conrad, truthful, anxious, eager help, alex pray for the trip hey so uh.

Can i get your input on something yeah? What this uh kind of a big thing, i'm trying to make a decision about about finishing med school no, but it's just kind of a big life choice. You know, i don't know. What's the right thing to do, okay, um, give it some thought you sure you're ready give it some thought, consider all the permutations. Oh yes, communications, hey reckless and excited i'm just gon na die first relaxed and foolhardy.

You know that is oh sorry, connie. This is alex hey. What's up man conrad watch it sis, lady killer, right here, funny good to finally meet you. Conrad is brad by the way my little bro, hey bradley, i feel like i already know you have heard so much about you, yeah uh.

Likewise, hey man want to crack a colon with me every second, that's a lot of seconds cowboy i mean i would have gone with minutes. Huh, yeah, cool, bro, yeah, that's cool. Let's crack it tight. I love beer right on radical.

I, like the cut of your ship, it's jib don't ruin it. You ever do any diving before chip. Ah chats, no um, no actually never done it before water virgin. Nice.
Hey we're gon na pop your cherry together, gon na be gentle thanks, where's the old crust bucket skipper, anyhow, fless impatient cannon, duke millen, courageous i'd, invite you to make yourselves at home, but uh. What so is everybody on board and ready to go yeah? It's on that one. Ah you're selling. I'm mood killer, hello, hello, that's annoying! That's it get it all out! Oh yeah, you uh want to go, lie down yeah! You know.

Maybe i should yeah. Oh boy, oh boy, let's see those hot pigs, french polynesia. What about over here? That's pretty far out of the way, i'm just thinking about backup targets. In case we don't find anything on the dive.

Cam! Listen to be honest. I've never heard of this wreck you're. Looking for. Usually these things are crawling with divers yeah.

This one's different, i'm just saying if it gets too late. I know some nice places where you can just take. You know a nice dive. Oh no, all this now brad popped off brad did his homework.

If he says the rex here it's here, okay, look you're! The client, i'm just saying we don't have unlimited daylight, i'm gon na go help conrad and julia with the camera. What you got feast your eyes on this rat's calculations were right on the money always bet on brain kid's, a whiz. We should thank him. We found a plane, yeah yeah looks like world war ii.

We are ready to dive uh technically. We should call this in to port authorities as an unreported wreck. Well, technically, are you sure you don't want to do this? The right way i mean no shot who's going to put all the waters. Then, if you get some loot, you want to get taxed or some dude no shot.

Who cares dude? Look for all anyone knows we were just diving and then found it. So, who cares the right way come on? What is this kindergarten? I had to bring it up if we just go down and take a look, who's gon na know fine. As long as you're don't touch anything. I just can't wait to be the first one down there.

Can you imagine untouched sure should be ready to get you guys in the water in a few i'll set up the tanks, the boys will do the final checks. Take a look at the camera, see if you can find anything useful right, oh hey! Maybe you should check on your bro. What was the a4? I don't think it might be a way in oh no curve flat. I knew it hey, there's a little gap in the tail.

Take a look give me give me no thanks. I prefer going through the front dude there's like a little opening, no shot almost got the gear good to go. Um need a hand. I can help need an extra hand, never used a rebreather before i think we're in good shape.

It's probably not a bad idea for you to have a clue how these things work got ta say not too happy with our captain at the moment. Um, like cool dude yeah, i know, let's just play cool for now, cool. Why there's no point in antagonizing her if she tries to keep me from doing this dive one more time. That's it gloves off.
That's fair, just don't force our hand all right, i'm gon na get these rebreathers set up and then we'll go through the final steps together: cool just holler at us when you're ready so annoying um. Can he move hey? Lady hi? You know we have rules out here for a reason. You guys got to respect that um. Sorry, uh, yeah, sorry about before everybody's, just a little we've been planning this whole thing for a while.

Now i get it, but there are rules and laws and customs. These rules are all pretty basic stuff. How much experience do you have with these kind of dives dude a bunch dived a couple wrecks over the years, not an expert, but you know experienced. If this is your first unreported wreck, then you should know there's a very specific protocol.

You have to follow for all you know. This could be a war grave good disturbing. It would be illegal and immoral yeah, but they have the loot, though uh, how much fine. I get it how much, how much what how much money will it take for you to stop breathing down her necks you? This is not about the money.

You know what i can't stop. You just respect the rules down there. Don't do anything. Stupid that'll get my ass in trouble.

No, no thanks. What do you know how to use that uh? No, not really might want to just let it do its thing wait, but i close that fel city. This doesn't look kosher eye color, it's in comic sans. Exactly let's go see bro.

What am i looking at here? What dudes tanks are ready when you are huh? It's locked, sorry that brewski got the better of me. Don't worry, dude, hey all part of the adventure. The brewski sorry for putting a damper on things, no worries dude take more than that. Just to screw up the trip just get some rest come back when you're feeling better, don't worry chat.

Oh i'm not sure julia left anything on the mainland. Oh. What is that? Only smelled as good as it cost at least it made her happy since boring boo. Nobody ready okay.

So this is the rebreather way cooler than a regular scuba setup. It takes all that co2 that you normally just exhale into the water and instead it gets totally reused. Then it reduces decompression time on your way up state of the art. Okay, oh two check done wicked whoa, whoa eager beaver.

You got ta check your o2 first. Thank you thanks for sending me straight. Okay, you little clown fishes. I'm gon na go see what bliss is up to you behave connie.

Oh a knife. Looking for a first mate, i know what that is: a stick. Camera you're on camera i'll take the wheels. Let's get a before photo or the rest of the squad.

Whoa you good more or less hey a souvenir would be cool. It's not like one tiny little thing would hurt anybody. I won't tell if you all not like they can scan the wreck every night at sundown there that shape that's got ta, be it whoa. That is like way bigger than i thought.
Damn it's pretty intact too. This is a remarkable, find, let's swim around a little and find a way in howdy captain. You fancy a pint with your second in command. You are not my second in command.

Third, in command: no freshening, your cabin boy, still a no you're well paying dashingly handsome seafaring client is requesting the pleasure of your company over a frosty amber liquid um. No thanks pass. I have to stay focused on your friends down there. Pretty nice ride.

You got here, where'd you get the cash, don't ask about her money dude! You know it's not polite. To ask a lady about her money. Fair enough. I was just thinking about buying a boat myself and i thought maybe you'd like to point me in the right direction.

Nah! No thanks, bro! Sorry, i've got enough on my plate for the moment triple denied uh. You know what i better spend some time. Keeping the duke of milan shipshape, aye, aye weather, looks clear sure. That's a tornado.

I have to keep an eye on those clouds. Oh it's getting mighty crowded out here, huh crowded, hey little bro. Is it still off the brewski? What how's it going knocked out by cold frosty man? I feel like such a wimp dude. What a wimp yeah well uh go easy on the booze.

It doesn't mix well with high seas. That's how accidents happen, roger that hope the lovebirds are having the time of their lives down there. Oh okay, nice try. I hope they know what they're doing down there attitude matters 20 meters down alex plays the goof, but he was pretty serious about acing.

His diving certification, oh, what are the dives? What other dies have they done? When i got the booking, i thought they were newbies alex and julia. Have both logged plenty of dives, i'm the real amateur, but i'm ready huh got ta, get back up top check. You later, what's in here, another frame, aha that'll help. Why do i keep these around? So we have to go with the secure ship like the safety boat.

Nothing here, nothing here open up put a little bit on a little bit of perfume and press brad. A little bit just smelly the sun's going down already man, they didn't do very good with their timing. They barely got in there and it's already going since sundown terrible. What if she looks today? Oh oh, she knows bogus yikes illegal.

She gives about a hard time about legal, diving and she's an illegal boat or not your everyday wreck. I hope those clowns don't get me in trouble. That's kind of weird! I don't talk to him. This guy's just kind of annoying always getting really cloudy out there.

Huh, there's some company, it's a boat. What is happening? Hey there how's it hanging. You can monitor the dive. While i do some boat maintenance, not a prob bob who says that i'm serious you can't around with this stuff conrad.

Do it for real or don't do it yeah totally, i gotcha serious, rich kids, rich kids can just up and take a vacation whenever they what's that about. That is not the coast guard, so we're not under arrest. How should we handle this? This feels off just be quiet and don't say anything stupid, okay, okay, hey get out of here. What do you think you're doing jeez this guy? Hey? We got damage here.
You see this look at our boat. We can take care of this man. It's not a problem. What do you think like uh 10 bucks cover it whoops, my bad, let's make it 20.

well shoot you, you think it's more like 30. I can do 30.. All right. You guys drive a hard bargain, but i'm with you here.

What is this? What was that okay conrad said one of the pictures showed an opening conrad, really really the rear, turret huh good on you connie. Remember that that's the tail, the turret we can get in through there oh holy, i got ta pay attention, whoa careful! Could be dangerous, jeez uh? Ladies first, can i just take a second to say holy alex. We did it, i mean, can you believe it? It's a dream. Come true.

Let's not waste! Something time not exploring go go! Oh um! They went up too fast yeah. This is a foreshadowing, they went up too fast, she's getting um, decompression sickness or whatever the you call that i don't know what that is. There's some diving term julia leave. It you'd have to take your gear off to get in there not worth it that pipe's pretty tight.

What if you get stuck without your ring breather, that's what she said. Ah come on, don't be such a gonad i'll, be fine. Gonad seriously. Am i dead? What's happening, live a little edgelord guys, it's a tight pipe, but i can make it fit.

Give it a minute. What the is that got it clutch! You do something stupid down here. That's it one chance! You get that i was fine. Okay, i'm fine see no problemo search area.

One clear was a rescue plane launched from a u.s base rescue service air base. Almost died fitted really almost died for this. That is lame. Why would you do that, though, bullet holes all down the fuselage? Oh, what a thought brad's gon na flip when he sees this check it out, they reconfigured the bomb, wrap to hold lifeboats interesting, wait.

Really one of the rescue boats is missing, think they were using it. Let's see what else we can find - hmm good god touch. It what's up buddy he's holding something his wife wow. What the hell happened here, we'll look at things they knew they were goners uh.

You hear that. No, let's check it out. Jesus said wait. What did that do electricity? Me? I wet my wetsuit.

Oh please. I almost choked on my saliva dude jesus. Cried, i swallowed a whole bunch of saliva pilate and co-pilot got ta, be the was that dude on my list of ways to perish yeah. It was obvious, but i don't know what we got ta get out of here.

Now shark, now there's a shark and come at me shark. It's a gray, wheat shark, not interested in us. Let's go hold on uh, oh okay, the bang! Stick! I uh. What are you doing? Why are you fidgeting uh? I don't know i i wanted to bring something up with you, but it's it's not the best time, yeah, no sure, you're, underwater i'll, just say dude you want.
You want to get the underwater juice come on, come on it doesn't matter. Let's get back up to the top, they want to get a scuba going. I get it. Geez alex you're more of a wreck than that plane that just literally fell apart.

On top of us, give me a break. Okay come on scooby-doo i get it. This is julia. We're coming back up over wait julia! We got ta decompress here, whoa, damn what the we got.

Ta get up there. Well, no, we have to decompress yeah yeah, okay right, we're good. You have to no. No.

This is taking too long. This is torture just a few more seconds. Okay, now go go, wait. What hey, what the hell is going on? What the hell happened? It's cool man everything's all right now, oh nothing! Your brother just took it upon himself to blow up my grill conrad.

What is wrong with you? What's up with that other boat, these fishing guys came by and ran into the dive line whatever. Who cares right? What i want to know is what you guys find well, we found the plane and it is huge full of cool stuff. Unfortunately, we did not leave it as pristine, as we could have what why the dive line actually how bad uh there's no cockpit anymore for starters. Well, that's just perfect who's gon na know, though, he's gon na know, though dude they didn't see what it looked like.

Initially, how they know that they did it you're getting to know these intrepid adventurers, then alex and his little brother brad, trying to swim with the big fish both seem out of their depth and julia. The love of alex is life, and he the love of hers. What about conrad, a bold fellow, you might say yes or maybe you'd, say arrogant, and then there's captain fliss strong forthright stubborn. She appears somewhat immune to conrad's charms.

So far at least oh come on i'll force it away. Let me reassure you: you help them to make some decisions they'll value later on you're doing well, i'm doing the best you mean perfect. Simply how well preserved was the plane pretty much what you'd expect brad it was insane. It was like traveling through time.

No well, it was like traveling through time and accidentally ending up in a dimension where the past is underwater and like everything is covered in barnacles and sharks, sharks, it was a gray reef. Ah, hey! I thought it was pretty intense. Wasn't comrade gon na get us some more beers after he helped fliss? Maybe he decided hey i'll drink some and then he got drunk and since he was drunk, he forgot to bring it to us and he just kept on drinking and he drank all of it. Sounds like you've had some experience with this kind of phenomenon.
Yeah i've been studying it for you, i'll go! Look for him. Oh, we found a bullet lodged in the plane huh. I left it below deck. If you want to check it out a bullet huh, something is up.

Alex you're like an open book with a 50-point font. I can read you from a mile away something's up. It's nothing! You're like monsignor mopington over here julia. Are you happy, oh god? Well, yeah, of course, why would you ask me that i guess i'm just kind of anxious about like our future? You know what's next happy, i think we've got a long and happy future together.

I do really you know you're pretty much. The best thing that ever happened to me annoying well, okay, where's this coming from, i don't know just feeling good. You know where everybody is i'll, go get em. Why don't you just chill out here? Hey you seen my brother or fliss uh? No, i got distracted ooh they're under dasher so which one is uh.

You know where the magic happens. The what, on behalf of my family, i'd like to apologize for my brother, acting like a horny fifth grader? Ah, it's okay. I can deal with children conrad beers. Where are they oh yeah, the beers? I was just getting them now all right now that everybody's here, let's take a look at the navigator's pad we found.

Maybe we can figure out why the plane was out here. Where'd, you put it it's in your case. Okay i'll go, get it hey! Um! You all right! You seem kind of preoccupied. No, i'm good! I'm sorry didn't realize that turn it on dude.

So does the accident mean we can't do any more diving? Let me just say this once more: for the record going into that lane was super dangerous, obviously, and twice as illegal okay. Now, damage is done, so we just have to lie about it forever, or else we're going to go to jail. Well, my lips are suited so we're going again tomorrow. Mm-Hmm sign me up can't wait to see this sucker for myself.

Well, i left on the uh. I'm gon na go find julia, hey almost time for barbecuing got the pad. Yet sorry, i got distracted, no worries. Let's go get it hmm, oh, come on.

Let's go up, wait! Stop it here! You vixen! I knew it easy tiger. We should get back no right here. Trash you'll get no resistance there. All right.

Everyone check it out. Manchurian gold, who wants to find some sunken treasure. So what do you think adam coordinates? Those are coordinates all right, maybe the plane's destination. You think we could get there by tomorrow.

It takes a couple hours if the weather stays steady. Wow, you find anything else. There was a flight plan on board that seemed to indicate it was a rescue, plane, yeah that makes sense. After the war they turned long-range bombers into rescue planes and then this plane must have been shot down because it was riddled with bullet holes.

I found one lodged in the fuselage huh and it was full of life rafts. Oh, i was shot down by what they were. There was only one missing check this. All of you excuse me.
I told you to leave everything down there alone. Oh, come on, we've been through this already, i'm not talking about the law, no hey, they were respectful. No, you did whatever you wanted. Whatever you took, it was too much.

You oh come on. No one knows: we've even been down there and i don't think ghosts. Can talk you, americans are all the same huh no respect for anyone else's. Should traditions never gone down to that plane in the first place.

It's bad luck! You think you can scavenge down there and it makes no difference. But every single thing you bring back has an essence: it's like a ghost you invite to the surface. Here we go huh. I never thought about it like that.

You never think about much of anything. Well, maybe i never heard about such cool ghost stories. They're, not cool ghost stories not like for fun. People drown in these waters and you have to respect their resting place.

Damn straight brad. You got a fun ghost story right. Okay, that's supposed to be yeah! I heard a story. It happened right around here too.

Let's hear it, we could all use a good show. Let's do it, let's hear it. I bet you can spin a good yarn. It's kind of messed up, actually scare away a little bro.

Okay here goes. This story is true. It had happened right near here in an old lighthouse, classic setup. Wait true story! Where'd! You hear this.

If you need to know it's ripped right from the rotting pages of the terrifying ancient in-flight magazine, i was perusing on our way here. The lighthouse stood atop in a toll isolated from the rest of the world, a lone beacon in the night, a sailor's respite. The lighthouse keeper would hear the waves pounding the rocky shore one misty morning. He comes upon a woman covered in blood she's stumbling down the beach he hurries to her aid and she falls into his arms sobbing, as he hurries her back to the lighthouse.

He asks where she's from he doesn't waste any time smooth. What shut up the woman answers i live here in the lighthouse my parents are upstairs right now twist, of course, the lighthouse keeper says that isn't so, of course, he's lived there alone for years and the woman becomes hysterical and his sister parents are upstairs. So they go to the top of the lighthouse and there splay down on the floor is a man and a woman brutally murdered with an axe, always an axe. I mean do people even use axes anymore, i'm just reporting the facts, cliches and all chopped up into little tiny giblets.

We have an axe, you know. Sometimes you have to embellish the facts a little to get at the deeper truth: it's okay, okay! So who did it? The woman says it was my husband and she turns to the closet. It says he's in there. Ah, yes, the husband and that's why i've always been a little weary of marriage.
So the lighthouse keeper creeps over to the closet opens the door and sure enough. There's a man inside but he's cut his own throat horrified. He looks closer to see the dead man's face in the dark closer closer and he sees it's his own face and then its eyes, bulge out and screams. Funny, though gross super twist nice funny nice, one squire cool story.

Dude, you have me going pretty cool. I think you told it better last time, but good effort. Okay, you've all had your fun. We should all turn in there's some weather hitting.

Are we uh-uh? No? No! No, because, according to standard vessel regulation, we're all required one more beer before hitting the hay. What regular issues are these uh? It's standard issue, regulatory institutional protocol, subdivision 1099., uh-huh where'd. You read that the internet? Oh, so you found a website that tells you to drink beer under every circumstance, i'm just following orders: man, i'm into this website, 10-4 good buddy and i'm out and no more bruce lee for this whiz. Where was it was no wimp and there's some cool vocabulary with this one whiz and win oh come on, i played perfectly dude: hmm, okay, okay, relax, i'm looking to know; ah the girl she's way better.

Ah, no, we should let that one, no! You just had to piss them off. Didn't you sorry man, god damn it! This is all my fault, i'm sorry! Okay, i'm sorry! Hey almost free! Well done! Hey! So uh good news, bad news brand news. I don't see how this could get any worse. The bad news is, these are kind of maybe the fishermen i pissed off earlier - oh god, damn it conrad great, just great and the canoes ugh i recognized them.

How was that good news? I thought you were gon na. Ask the good news. First you're such an idiot jesus, hey alex. What are they gon na do to us? I don't even wan na know i wan na get out of here.

I'm a lot of danger. Um untie guys we got ta get untied like now. It's not good come on. No thank you.

Nice. Try, bro, ah out, try again i'll be back for you later. Nobody knows you're out here little lady you're, all alone with us. Now, let's make the most of it.

You can go yourself, you piece of you're, the little lady i mean deserved. I can't even dodge those. What do you want money? Slow down easy? Please just stop man yeah! You already told me: okay, okay, okay, now punch them coming back. Here comes! Oh jesus! Conrad! Wait! Wait! No! Stop it! Let her go! Lipstick, shut the up! Okay, hip sticking, i don't think they're gon na hit her they haven't hit.

Flips flusher seems to be getting buddy buddy with him. Ah, did you see my brother? No, but i'm sure he's fine. These guys, probably just want money or something all right turn around bad idea. Don't let them see your hands once we get julia back, maybe we could take it.

To my surprise, okay, they're coming sounds smart. I know she was banging, but hey are you okay? What did they do to you? I'm fine. They didn't touch me. They asked about our parents what how much money they have oh ransom.
Now we just have to wait and see what they want to do with us. Five: six seven, eight eight seconds, storm's eight miles away. They came here on a boat, maybe we can take it yeah yeah, it's a speedboat. The main guy here he's got a gun.

Well, at least one of us can get under both. Oh jesus get some help. If you can distract them, i can get on that boat. The dude with a gun won't even realize until i'm long gone seven seconds i can get out through the window.

We got ta break these off first too loud they'll, hear it we're gon na break them during the thunder yeah you'll time it with the thunder call i'll, go through the window and get the boat. You guys distract them. Conrad just stay focused and get to the boat. Okay.

Let's do it one two, three, four: five: six: hey! What the hell are you thinking? What the hell guys? It was eight conrad just get to the boat yeah, but it's moving. Don't dude yourself! That's rude drop! It buster it's amateur hour over here fliss. I got this. Let me handle it.

What are you doing you idiot careful, don't make this worse. Think about what you're doing boy conrad come on. We can beat these this kid's trying to kill me or son yeah. I'm gon na get punched by my tickets.

Bring them downstairs. Take this use it. If you have to escaping, is never the option there sit down because the premonition said that um, the boat is gon na aim they're gon na uh. They come back right here.

Sit now you could have only escaped if it was done. Stop firmly olsen come here, which one of you is gon na. Tell me about this manchurian good, ugh, hey all right! You gave me your best shot. All right shut the up dude chill out.

There is no harm in just talking you wan na talk, keep the volume down, i'm just gon na say it. Flits has got to be in on this. She needs guys, they travel in the same waters, she's the captain and they barely laid a hand on her. I bet you told them about the manchurian gold they're in cahoots.

What shut up are you out of your mind? How did you come up with this? How dare you you over privileged okay, i mean you're all in this together. This is a trap and you set aside what a cork in it sit. Still you come with me of course, find out how long the storm is gon na last. Will you try anything anything fishy and there'll be consequences duke of milan requesting weather update over dude? We read you everything: okay, over hey, uh, just requesting any information about this storm.

You can give us it's a little bit hairy out here. Over big storm coming into the east, got ta hit you pretty hard. You should pass through your coordinates within an hour. You sound a little stressed dude, please, let me know if you need assistance not used to a little weather freaking you out my uh.
My chart has been a little difficult, not exactly going as planned, we're starting to have some serious problems, whatever dude everything's better. When we help each other out, you get that. Don't you what the was that wait? Okay, yeah just cut it all loose, hey move! It now good job, looking after number one real, smooth, great leadership, fliss anyone know about brad. Is he hiding somewhere? I don't know where he is so stupid.

We can't leave him down there. He could drown. We need to get him out of there. He's not safe brad buddy come out, save them everyone's still alive.

Things could have been quiet, kind-hearted creature. I am i'd like to offer you some forewarning of, what's to come tempted you're, going it alone, independent, admirable, possibly foolish. We'll learn soon enough anyway. Now that you've reached a point of significant distress, i presume you're eager to get back to your story, but here's a thing everything may not be entirely, as it seems probably shouldn't have said that a matter go jesus nope, no thanks! Lemon sorbet god keep moving.

I haven't eaten this in, like i don't know, maybe more like 18 years or whatever. So whenever i tasted yesterday, i paid for the fridge. I think my dad bought it whenever he visited hey. I was like holy.

I know that this isn't because i remember when he was a kid: let's go this guy dank's kind of rare. I get that it's kind of rare i get like um an old taste, because it this whole place is a floating death trap. It's a lemon sorbet from hagendez, oh yeah, it's crazy! I'm not signed up for a trip to creep down again. Remember making my hair stick up so far.

It's gon na jump out of my neck, probably 17, 18 years that i still haven't that. I know that uh, i know they exist, is fruity pebbles or whatever, whatever like the yeah, the the cereal i've been avoiding on purpose just just to save it. Oh international, memoriam memorandum. This is the third time this week, another upside down.

We should book up awesome you're involved to see okay, all of you into the room. I don't know what that french is it uh or uh from haiti? Hey it's pitch black in here, give us a like, oh because it has like uh. It's like it has like certain quebec slangs in it, like you said, kick shows somebody with a slang thing. What the hell is this place? It's a ship, you, given our observations, that this is some sort of ship and seems to be abandoned.

I'm gon na go out in a limb and say it's some sort of abandoned ship. Damn no sherlock, you're gon na write a book about it, give him a breakfast. He needs one it doesn't. We can't just sit around what a need a plan.

Yeah we're not exactly in the best position to be making any moves. Second, they let their guard down. We got ta, take advantage of it and get off the ship yeah man, this whole rust, bucket's, one tetanus shot from the bottom of the ocean. We already tried to escape, didn't exactly work out.
They swiped our distributor cap gon na be difficult to get anywhere without it. Oh yeah. I know that is so can't we just like hot wired or something. No, you can't hot while you're it.

We need the distributor cap, while those guys are out panning for manchurian gold or whatever they think they're going to find on this floating coffin. We got to take advantage and look around for a way out of here fliss. I just wanted to say that um. I might have gotten things kind of wrong back there shut up is that too sentimental dude? I may have kind of prematurely come to the conclusion that maybe you know you're working some kind of side deal with these guys or whatever, but i i mean.

Obviously, that's not true, they're being just as bad to you as they are to us, so yeah. Allow me to translate he's saying that he's sorry. Well, i hm well, your apology is kinda accepted cool cool. Oh i saw it.

That's right! That's right! I have seen it in my eyes right here, a foreshadowing. I wonder why this was ripped off. Oh, it's, the ss. What do you think this ship was so when we told you this would be a quick little adventure? Was there something in this small print? Should we expect an itemized bill for all these uh? It's like crazy, yeah hope your boss is uh.

Yours leave me alone to give yourself time 350 an hour great of all the places i'm going to die on time. I'm really scared. Don't care real real creepy they're glasses? I really don't want to know what these guys are going to do with us. Hey keep your eyes peeled for another opportunity.

You feel me. Oh hmm, hey! Look what i found over here. What happened here? Iraq, 24. British archaeologists have gone missing the mountains of iraq, the unhearding of the of the what jesus is foreign: it's not fake, okay, a fake french idiot.

Any luck! I can't get it open. I can speak both morons come here. Even him he's doing some slangs freedom. We don't know where event like this would go.

Um can be wars bust it wherever it leads. It can't be worse than here. Why would it just smash through this wall? Yeah sure big man on campus, someone should create a distraction. This is gon na be loud.

Yeah, okay, conrad you do it, what distract hey yeah, you long, john silver, and but what are you guys doing out there pieces of eight and shiver me timbers? You one-legged face yeah, you smarmy garments, hey i'm warning you! I am an american citizen. You really want me to have a president yeah for you guys, because you will each and every one of you personally, very, very personal, hey. Can you hear me i'm talking to you hello, hurry up easy? Are we safe? Now we need to keep going. Look at that i love what the demo place come on.

There's got ta, be some stairs around here, oh mine, guys in a minute i have to investigate something. You go man, i'm going to go, jump back, it's one minute. What is that flip? It? No talking! No playing of game no smoking order, the captain nobody's allowed into 3a 3a okay and no gamba wan na and then there's the mystery of the smelly socks punching briefs yeah. I thought it was gon na pop out of it.
Jesus christ rat nothing in whatever whoa huh. I saw that. I just want to know where the hell they all went. There should have been dozens of people on board hundreds.

How could they all just vanish? There was a lady on the right where's. The you are here arrow. Well, one bite: oh it's! It's busting respectfully coming home, i'm sure i can see uh it's hard in oklahoma summer, because now he keeps telling me there's a little boy on board. It seems like ted got ta go now for honey.

Oh, this sorbet is busting, i'm gon na kismo sheesh. You hear that if by that you mean the terrifying sound, then no, i didn't hear it. You know you did. Was it something moving? Something moving would make that sound sure man, these guys, are smart events.

I am so freaked out, i'm not i'm a starving, marvin i'll. Tell you that much i'll protect you what's up npc hello, always somebody said something. What the was that? Oh, i ain't reading all that problems area, structural brickness of the cracks respond to complaints about the energy equipment and then they say engineer's log inspection, fuel, liquid, the lower cylinder skip the ship was going to have the integral storm at the midnight traveling. Always no.

No! No structural. She was caught in the electrical damage. Okay, i'm out, i done read it move. Lady move, move move! Oh this is nice.

I wonder where everyone went, maybe everyone's hiding in the hold for a big, surprise party. Oh, what is that? It's a piece of skull: it's a rat skull eat it. It's crunchy a little bit crunchy little trip a fella who had helped up load up the ship, a bunch of coffins on board, welcoming those boxes. Booze was a bum loss perez perez.

That's all said that he reckons it's olaf. The guy was gon na help me uh got off sick. The new batches wasn't the last one, never listened to. Damn fool perez ever again killed those in chat.

Sorry, i was saying some i had to go read it. I banned them for seven lifetimes. Why are you scaring me you weirdo shortcut or long cut? Oh my it haunt me dude jesus, okay, so 2v2. You find a way to avoid the 2v2 or win it move.

I heard a rat or a crab. I think i see something moving down there wait. They would immediately see the lights like. What's down there, all right, everyone quiet! What that's the gas cap look, that's a fuel injector from the duke, you sure, yeah, i'm sure, oh son, don't take it.

I'm gon na go, get it yeah, damn straight now's our chance grab it you gon na watch my back. What do you think i've been doing? Okay, keep an eye out barefoot. Of course, they should have taken some um, some of the pants or the whatever was in the in the in the wash and made some makeshift shoes or whatever yo brad come on. We got ta think this through man.
Oh, my god, will you wait yeah man that hurt their feet. Man barefoot in a rusty ship no shot get out come here. Where are the others? What was that? Oh? It's! You extract what i mean all right. I see you come on step out.

Oh how's, that supposed to know don't let him out of your sight, that's unlucky. What are we doing? I thought we were following them got to keep our distance this way we can get ahead of them. That's hard, it's faster, that's the one of them! I got this: why would he follow the bolt anyway like who follows the bolt? Oh run them both, i'm just gon na just gon na, follow it uh-huh. What's up the makeshift chapel, oh good god.

Why do i need to see this now ever since he's been comfortable, temporary chapel for the rest of the voyage? Oh story, um, something weird happened on a ship during a war and then now we're fast forward to this into the future. Not funny - and these guys are doing illegal dives for rex and some pirates find know what they were doing and these guys had something that said something about manchurian gold and i'm like dude. We want that manchurian gold, so you're gon na go on your mission and we're gon na, follow you huh and now they're like hostage of the pirates in the boat that has a manchurian gold. What is with this place? We're going down it's not trying to like they're gon na survive and figure out what's going on, but also trying to like stay safe and steer free of the pirates.

But now they've been caught and they can't go back to the main ship because they're missing a piece of equipment, i don't think so which they just found. No, i swear we've been here before alex. Have you been leading us in circles? It doesn't matter because it got caught. Hey according to this.

Today is beef casserole? Okay, it's as if everything just ground to a halt on this one day, the whole ship just stopped functioning seems legitimate, hey easy with that. We shouldn't be screwing around right now. Nice blade could make a nice severance package for my assailants. If you catch my drift, i guess you never know we might have to use it.

I should have taken it. That's where i came from. It is cam. How about we find the beef casserole, i'm kind of hungry, i'm starving, marvin found it aha beefcats.

While here i come jesus, oh god alex. What is it? Okay? Maybe not it's for yourself! Oh no, but it's fresh though wait a minute. It's fresh well, but i want to eat it, but it means that somebody went here. You know.

Finally, the beef casserole it's about time as if you know your way around the kitchen too, just messing around yo you're, blocking my view. Lady hey. I saw that i'm thinking we got to go through here. Oh it's him! It's calm, brother.
I didn't hear anything uh. Maybe you should get your ears examined: bud, dialogue, women, i'm seasick, damn food and when the us is some guy's, a little wrestling competition cargo holds andre. Cargo holds something to do with this woman in the leader jones or legend about room full of ancient solid gold, statues, manchurian old child emperor. Oh it's a child emperor that has all the statues out of gold.

That's why this is the kid running around this. Is that this checks out okay, so we do not use a knife. Whatever happens, we do not use a knife. This isn't right, move what what there's something in here with us did.

Didn't you i mean. Did you hear anything all right? Well, we should keep moving. I know i saw something it was moving in the shadows. I don't give a rats, probably just rats.

That's all it was don't laugh at me. Oh, what do you want to do turn around we've seen all this before we have been here before. It's not wrong. We don't have a lot of options.

Okay, no! This isn't working for me. What gross caskets and crappy chapels, not my scene. You know it's dementia and gold. No such as ghosts, ghosts, ghosts there.

There are ghosts now. Well, no, there's no such thing as well. You know that - and i know that, but do the ghosts know that what listen sure it's freaky and it's disgusting not make any sense that was some brain dead. I heard something i'm sure they are going to stay dead.

What is this? It's manchurian gold, lady, get! The back look, let me show you look look. Oh, this was practically falling off anyway, yeah man look, the gold is here. I was wrong. We got a name on this guy and what are they even doing here? I don't think stuck on a ghost ship for all eternity sounds like a good plan, a who cares, where they're from or where they're going they're dead and we're not so, let's keep it that way.

Will you please hurry? No open up dude, there's manchurian gold in here, i'm telling you dude, listen to me. Look right here boom. Look at this one! Look for a kid or something i don't want to know. Let's get out of here.

Yes, maybe that's little baby dracula right there and those are his parents and they're lying in the dirt from their native country, and then they all jump on conrad and eat off his face. The end. Okay, then it's over here then, if there's anybody some serious locks in these caskets, why would they be chained and locked? Well, that's one way to end a relationship. No there's gold in there.

That's why these guys know nothing. What's the matter ritual, what is it look? What seriously are you trying to freak me out huh? Can we just get out of here? That was a good technique of misdirection. Well done, dev! Well done very good. Can we please hurry? I'm done sightseeing roger that we got ta, get flips, wait what the is happening.
Oh, what the hell is making that sound yeah man. What the is that, oh, why so and span it? It's so and span dude he's right. What does that mean anyway? Hey this? Is no time to be around i'm serious, i can't take it. Was that any medicine we finding take a couple of these hey where'd, you go uh.

Looking for a second opinion, it doesn't matter. I think, if medicine is is uh i mean like. Does anybody if it's out of date, i think the only reason why the expression date is that they can't they can't guarantee the the efficacy of the of the whatever. So it's not like, it's like poisonous or whatever it's not like he's gon na die.

I just can't guarantee that's going to work as effect as as much as it should and if you need to have it to work as certain as a certain dosage or whatever well, where the hell is conrad conrad, maybe just get in some air conrad just no. I mean i'm right you're wrong. Whatever what the hell looks like he died a fright. You can't see that oh yeah he's a stiffy, oh, what's that? Okay, so this guy had appendicitis, which is pretty routine and then then he died of a massive heart attack.

That's right: where's he's gon na check. Let me go beneath okay, yeah thanks man, thanks for telling that i would have promoted that guy. If you, where you're actually risking lives, huh you're, so stupid, dude, it's it's a snowflake idiot. Do you think madison turns into some sort of poison or some oh dude? My my titles are expired from a year ago, dude now they're.

Turning to thank cyanide, that's it my i'm going to explode from the inside. What is wrong with you? It's annoying! Oh! It's a u-turn, connie connie connie. Where the are you where is conrad, he must have gone on ahead connie, quiet quiet i can shout. If i want cody, i i mean where the hell did.

He go. That's when you have to use the the slap well. It's life or death, yo she's screaming he's giving him tell me where we are going, damn it. I see it on the roof.

Hey take off leave that alone. Okay, okay, come on! Oh, please, are you ready ready for what i'm ready to take him out? Oh, oh, oh cram, it keep moving, keep moving, that's not where i was going. You stop! Hmm going in circles. All right come out, show yourself! Damn it these places.

Cuz yeah, you don't say, put the hat on ss. Oh medan! What was that noise? What noise olsen the the is that dude see how loud that was? Haven't we been here before? Just yes, oh christ, oh christ, that guy that guy's, probably still right here with us, i mean you die on a ship. Your girl stays on this ship come on. You have no idea what you're talking about um look, don't be scared, kiss him.

What do you think happened to this guy face? Looking like that, i don't know, looks like nothing. I've ever seen. I don't know what the this is all about, but we got to keep moving and find olsen now, when you're not but she's, still sucking ocean mayor jessica. What was that? What was that i'll grow up? Oh grow up, dude? What dude back off you never get too old for a little good old sucky.
They kidding me right now who who who's about to get a good juicer and they go no no grow up. What don't need this grow up? What okay? What just happened? I don't know uh you bugging bro, hey what come on. We should keep moving okay necromancer. What about him? Necromancer! Hmm! Oh, my god! I almost didn't get it.

We need to find a way up on deck. Thank you, lady, very smart.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “A Horror Game So Good I Had To Replay It (MAN OF MEDAN)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johobo says:

    This has to be the first play through where he has done everything almost as perfect as you can do it and choose basically all the correct paths n options

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barrie says:

    i played this game twice cause friends kept asking it but htis horror game was really bad and unpolished it was not amazing

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Miskavitch says:

    It’s weird that he knows some jump scares are coming but still screams. He’s farming viewers so hard.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trayel says:

    ngl when i saw the thumbnail i weirdly thought it was one of pewdiepies old amnesia videos

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nia says:

    What's the point in playing it again if you're just gonna pick the same shitty options

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars imixhn says:

    god watching xqc play video games that require an ounce of intelligence just pisses me off cus he somehow fucks everything up

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaveKraft400 says:

    How can interactions between characters be so fucking awkward and just alien?! Have the devs or writers never had an actual conversation or what? Jesus fucking Christ.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Pigeon says:

    im only 20 minutes in so maybe it gets better but where I'm at rn its just jumpscares that blow out ur eardrums. seems boring :/

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DogeLlama says:

    It's actually really cool to see that our juicer played through this- I did a bunch of promo prints and design work for their marketing material back when it was being shown off by Namco during tradeshows- it's just cool to see that the end result was worth their investment. Sometimes we get these gems that don't get noticed all too much by the mainstream.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N3CR0SS says:

    Whats funny is that if it was just 1 person on this ship at a time everything would have been fine as long as they were smart enough to yknow… not shoot themself

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Who dat says:

    Man of Medan's whole premise sucked (everything being not real and all) but its still a pog game.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RUNFROMONYX says:

    chat is actually stupid i swear. like they make fun of x for saying stupid things but theyre just as bad

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars s.carey says:

    Game wasnt scary, imo, and the experience playing it was awful, along with the dog water qte

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ECM says:

    It was honestly insane how many timed selections XQC missed during this play-through. Almost seems like he kept forgetting he was playing a game

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Оливка в уксусе says:

    2 years later and he still misses half of what's happening on screen because of looking at chat FeelsOkayMan

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