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Noticed was that the kids had a crazy strategy. My strategy is to make a lot of noise so people like don't get any sleep and they really want to get out. and I can't believe it but it's working. The old people were not having it and they started leaving right away.

Somebody now they're probably just bored to be honest and even some of the kids got out because of them. He's building up suspense. Did you want the money? Yeah, then why did we leave? I Have good news for you. You've survived longer than the one-year-old Come on, do you think this will be easy? I am a World War II veteran ho true I Appreciate your service.

Thank you. We're a couple hours into the challenge and 10 people have already got out so we decided to leave them alone for the rest of the day which caused even more people to get out. I Want to go home I want to see my kids bye I got to go to school I just don't think it's for me at night I Got really bored and I missed my dog. Here's some money for playing.

Oh are you serious? but some people were more determined to stay, you know I'm a big Family Guy Hopefully pay off my sister's student debt I have a deal with one of my grand kid. Why do the AIO not sing How strong What? Chad the AUD isn't sing with your mouth I feel like it or am I crazy met 70 I don't need a strategy I'm good till Christmas I'm crazy Started Day two and only 76 people remain. Let's see how the 100-year-olds doing: How's it going I'm Bo it's the started to do you want to keep going or do you want to get out I I think I want to quit. It's something my family will never forget.

He fought a World War and competed in a Mr Beast video going into day two. I'm feeling pretty good. The money's right there. It's right there within my reach.

Wao how are you drawing so much on the walls? It's always amazing to see how people fight their boredom in these last. League challenges. Some draw on the walls with deodorant While others build pillow fors. so I'm going to give them an opportunity to take this challenge to the next level.

We're 24 hours in and it's time for a vote. In each of your rooms, you'll notice a green button and a red button. and if a majority of you press the green button, we'll do a challenge. but that will eliminate a bunch of you.

If a majority of you press the red button, we won't and we'll just continue as usual. just R Show red. Why take unnecessary risks I'm uploading green I Am ready to do something. Get some people out of here.

Green is we do a challenge red. Okay, reveal the results. See 63 people voted for a challenge and 13 didn't I've got my game face on today. The game is but we made it slightly bigger.

A ball is placed under one of these three cups. noan Chandler start moving them around whoever REM the ball is stays in the game. Everyone else is eliminated. The guys are so cute it's hard to keep my eyes on the cups.

Let do for 24 hours that Focus before what's that over there? you are unbelievably tricky. Oh my gosh, what's that over there? Not not not falling for the it worked on the 82-year-old Do you have any idea which cup? it's it? I Guess it's up to chance, but some people lost track of the ball and had to trust their neighbor for the answer. Oh hell no. Look away for a second and it's gone.
We relied on a consens blink strategy. We're not going to tell them the correct thing when they ask, it's a different. how long did he blink for br this guy's blinking I'm nervous because I don't want to get kicked out've. been for an hour stream if they still know which cut the ball is under.

That's really impressive everyone. I need you to lock in your votes. Hit the button that lines up with the fell asleep I Don't know who to trust Queen He said red she said blue, blue Don't trust her I don't trust the man over there at all. You're done Big Boy God Reveal what color they pick seeing how only three people picked green Nolan Were those three people right? They were not.

Most people pick blue. Let's see if they're right. I mean 92 like they are. Oh my.

God I Get out. We're out of here by the end of The Challenge On day two, only 52 people still remain. That's a lot and the tensions are getting higher. We got an enemy.

Now the old guy I know, look at him. Friction between these two groups. he told me. R She told me the truth.

these are the people he's been talking to the whole time we here and they told him the wrong color. Her and I were just playing with him, giving him the wrong color. We were just having fun with him. They took it the wrong way.

If you got to win by line, that's not the way we want to play. What they've done is they've turned a bunch of folks against them. A bunch at this, you're probably wondering how they use the bathroom. Push this down.

Okay, the light outside the cube just turned on. which means Chris is now I'm going to bring you a toilet I Couldn't get Plumbing in all 100 room. so we have portable toilet. This is now a bathroom.

Let's get out of the bathroom. Oh my good. By the end of day two, almost half the contestants have been eliminated. It was fun to tell them the wrong color cuz they didn't know what to do.

Wait, why do you want number 22 out? So bad we were beefing earlier. Tension now is at an alltime. High Get out. No, it doesn't right? Why I Can't hear you I'm hungry.

leave me alone I'm hungry piss me off which naturally caused more people to leave. It's time to go. You got really far. Thank you.

By the end of day three, 54 and 74 were the biggest targets. How's it going everybody? We're halfway through day four, which means it's time to vote on whether or not we do another challenge. CH Here is my thought guys: Al Challenges are actually challenging right? and I feel like in his videos things always get like RNG and weird for the sake of like the Normandy or whatever. but I wish these were actually competitive a little bit like uh, a survival island or whatever that would be Wicked Oh yes, a lot of people what? I think Anyway, this is not the same as the last challenge, so vote with caution.
How's it going? What'? you vote for challenge? You're not worried. it could get you out I Like to sew seeds of chaos. It's more fun this way. Why are you pressing it so much? Let's do the challenge all right.

The results are in and only nine voted against it. You each have a piece of paper and a Sharpie I want you all to write a number of one of the remaining contestants on that paper. Whoever gets the most votes is eliminated 60c Timer starts now. I Told you this challenge would be brutal.

This is going to stink. That's what's going through my head. I'll bet you they're trying to vote me off right now. In the last challenge, there was a lot of lying.

So now the people that were lied to are going to vote out the people that lied to them. So it pays off. To be honest. what's your vote? 54 His Cockiness and his lying 74.

She's not a very grateful person. Somebody needs to go would be her. He heard that down quick. Yes, we got this whole block.

so everybody's voting for 54. Yes, we're going to see who has more influence. Things are about to get real interesting. everybody.

reveal your answer in three. 2 How's that a challenge? I'm seeing a lot of same numbers up here. Such a big war between 74 and 54. The results are in and it was actually scarily close within two votes.

The loser is 74 with 14 votes Nolan Can you please show 74 out? But why one down? Now we need to do that nine more times. We all just basically came to consensus at the same time that 10 needs to go. He's so annoying. like he literally voted for me and it didn't do anything to him.

That's the strong minded child right there. If he stayed the whole time, he could win. The 10-year-old's my favorite. I Really hope he stays in.

yeah I'm thinking 10 I'm so sorry 10. but if I don't vote for you then they want me out I'm not 100% sure but I think he voted for me three two. at the point if if you talk with anybody you're GG everyone show your vote to the camera Sav Oh my gosh that is a lot of 10 I'm sorry little man. this is officially the first decade eliminated.

You guys are Shing the head you laugh this entire vot. The only reason they voted you out was cuz they were scared I feel so bad for I invited him on stage with me the rest of the challenge. What is me out? Okay I need every single one of you to vote for 14. oh hell no.

14 14 Okay that okay that's kind of bro bro. What the bro? Come on, invite on stand you say you got clapped. Get the out of the studio Brother 14 14, 14, 14 um I don't know how to put this but uh, almost everyone V voted for 14. We have to think in terms of who's the biggest threat and this one's going to be tough.
Get ready, it's time to go. The 50-year-olds were determined to eliminate people and they had the most voting. Power By far 73 is also one of those bad apples. 73 15 votes.

They got a pretty big power block right there. Oh my. God The 50s might single-handedly take out everybody in their 70s 71 but 71 one got 15 votes. I've never been so threatened by 50-year-olds It's kind of scary.

We lost some good friends. hate to see them go. The Gold: The guy lost what is gold. Insane.

Almost everyone voted 69 I Feel so sorry for you 69 You've been voted out. Look at what you've done. The next person looks younger actually 35 with nine votes we randomly chose and I'm I'm sorry to say 21. We can only all be friends for so long.

I'm actually seeing a lot of 96 so let's go hear what she has to say why she very close to being eliminated. Great! This is what you want I'm happy dude. she's so cute. The fact that she's sweet tells me that I know her grandkids miss her at home.

my let's see who you Savages dog Jesus let her go content. swe voted for 96 I don't she's not the biggest threat here I'm sor everything you know it's the way it is and I'm happy. You know it's what everybody wants and that's what's important. This is heart.

Ring The Purge is now officially done. If you're in your Cube you survive because of their Alliance. The 50s made it through the entire voting game untouched and yet again, somehow 54 survived on to the next. either challenge or no challenge I Vote no challenge cuz I can wait it up.

but no, nobody cares. Nobody's nobody's going to vote no Challenger It's time for another challenge. vote I know for 100% I Can win if I do no challenges the rest of the time I Vote Yes for challenge. My chances are getting better and better.

just like everybody else's I could wait it out my house would be paid off I'm ready to retire. This could be it for me. Yeah, but the hair is back. Voted for a challenge.

Why are you gambling? You guys are crazy inside of each of your cubes. It's a Jenga Tower one at a time. And if your Tower Falls you're eliminated. Uh, pull your first block.

It can be any block besides the red ones. We're going to keep doing this until there's only 10 people remaining. Pull the second block out. Looks like no one has been eliminated yet.

Let's do another one. My heartbeat is so fast I'm just waiting to hear the crash of jingle block that was Oh my gosh I Called it one person down. 14 more more to be eliminated. This is going to be crazy.

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Us Shop weel this weasel puts eliminations in the ad raid. Man, what the and thees best for you I'm so nervous so am I Oh wait wait wait wait wait I can't touch. Oh shop will even track all your packages in one place so you'll know exactly when each of them arrive and remember we're doing this until there are 10 people left. Bro, these H are so empty I I would lose your that was tough though Jesus wait what are you doing? You can't be trusted.

Wait, are you dumb I bumped into the thing yeah I noticed what a comes down to this. she could be the last person. Can't believe this hasn't hit the ground already I Know what? bro your Tower is tilted 30 times I can't look I can't I got to look I can't look oh yeah I forgot. think about the backyard Jenga backyard Jenga don't have jamming him up.

That is the final elimination I Can't believe wait I'm confused 90 gone 10 left. Let's go if Mom wins the 500,000 we are going to do Chad Their towers were all oh I Get it. Yeah, if you want to win, you can't just pull the middle of everything. You have to pull two on on on each side for at least two two rows down the shop right.

Jingo blocks and other parts from this set on the shop app which I'll tell you more about at the end of the video. This challenge has eliminated everyone above the age of the right side of the map. Is A Wasteland And now that 15 people just got out, we have to tear down 15 cubes. There's no way they're going to vote for another challenge tomorrow.

Look at how many people I've got now. every single one of these X's used to be a person. There was a human right here. There is no one around me.

I'm the youngest one here. If I leave I leave on a challenge I'm not leaving walking out I Have not come this far to give up D This guy's voice Jesus Do you want to challenge? Absolutely. Yes or no? Yes. Smoker? Yes or no.

Yes. we're doing a challenge. Mic, drop, mic, drop in our Squid Games video. You guys love the marble game so we brought it back the marble like last time.

The contestants are playing one V1 against their neighbor. Each player is given 10 Marbles and they choose what game to play. By the end of 30 minutes only the person with 20 marbles moves on. These guys just wanted to get it over with.

This is a $500,000 coin flip. Okay oh ladies and gentlemen, I'm so sorry. It is heads first of two wins right? It's up to you guys. Oh my God sunk it.

That's one point. Oh if you make it into any bucket You' win right here. Let's go. Oh my God He won it.

I'm sorry buddy. All good, all good. Count them up. No got 10 blue, nine red.

you're missing a Marvel Can you count again? He's not going to come short I'm not holding on to any interesting. There's only 7 minutes left. so if you care for this man, you should find it. Where is it? Oh, you're currently at 18 Marbles and you're at two marbles.
She's getting clapped Noob So sorry. What a Noob Wa there might be a comeback. it might be I found it Really? Yeah, it was in my bed sheet. Don't give one more marel.

If you win with that one marel that'd be crazy. One more I Thought that was it. That's it. Oh we can officially St out now.

Oh that feels so bad. This keeps going back and forth. Hey remember he said we both go home So one of us going to have there's a big mental strategy behind for minut. Okay this chat if you watched Hunter Hunter This this is it's it's this.

The train will pay off to do nothing. this for all the marbles but you have 14 Marbles and he has six. Why are you gambling All or Nothing a minute and a half. Hurry up.

Rock paper scissors turn I Got them all 54 escaped elimination again. What? Huh? 30 seconds remain okay. We're done to the last two. It was the same position as this only a couple minutes ago.

And the thing is, a minute ago, it was me. What other before this? CH Guys I'm not I'm not. I s crazy I'm not getting about this. She she played the mental game bro.

She lost momentum. This girl lost momentum. She got distracted her her Straty fell apart Noob Only a couple and the thing is a minute ago. Actual no.

but deser. Is there anything you want to say to each other before this? I Love you. Let's just do this right? Oh please. it's okay.

Congratulations Motherfcker Yeah! I Lost to an amazing person. It was rough. The only people left are 23, 40, 43, 52 and 54. Look at the graveyard of X's These were all cubes like mine at the start I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

Oh wait I thought was a narator more intense. Today is my daughter's birthday just just hitting home. Now that I'm not going to be there. Can you all hear me? Yes when we started, there was a hundred of you and now we're down to five.

Do you want to reduce it even further with the challenge? Yes, Yes. All right. but you guys chose this in this challenge. The 95 contestants who have already left will vote and the three of you with the most votes are gone.

Wow What def worried about this challenge? Certain people here have kind of brushed people the wrong way. That's at this point. I'm rather glad that I didn't really make any enemies. Do you think the people that lost like you for the most part? are you the half a million dollars that they liked you? I don't know about that one.

Do you think the people that were eliminated liked you? No. What's not to like? Let's find out. we literally asked every single one of the 95 eliminated people who they want gone heart's about to jump out of my throat. How many votes does it say you got Joe 10 which is not enough to be eliminated.

He's one of the two that pass which means only one of these four cubes remains so. uh. I'm bad with this stuff You want to. You want to handle it.
You got it. 23. Yes, you were in fact eliminated. No.

To lose it in top five when I've come this far was super painful I Really didn't expect 23 to go and now only one of these three remain. Do you think it's you? I Hope so that didn't sound confident. you received 15 votes wa really oh this is bral love you Chris I'm not going to lie. losing out on that was crushing.

After spending roughly seven days here and getting that close to that grand prize and not getting it, it hurts and now the two of you we'll come over here. I Think it's animatic, but the fact that it is animatic and be avoided super easily. I Just I don't know I'm I'm very tense 54 I got the most votes I know, wait how'd you know that? I don't trust the man over there and you're done Big Boy done I Just know yeah you did. You got 37 votes so have which means 52 you passed.

This was a once in a lifetime chance. I've got a 50% chance of win half a million dollars as a reward for making it to the I Hope a good challenge for last for you. What do you think it is? Have no idea what is this right here. That's for my my dog yo yo.

Yeah! I swear if it's a voting if it's a scheme I'm making some fake news about Jimmy on Twitter to get him canel. so I'm going to make some outrageous lies, well let's see what comes through the curtains. Oh this. oh my.

God I'm not going to let you miss her birthday I will spend this information on the internet. Oh off I Hope you we're proud of you. You can do this I Hope this is the Fa bro I I I Would tell Jimmy that my I'm not calling family D and nobody showing up. Dude Okay yo, he's getting content at me showing up I'm not going to bother my family with this I Don't give a that was my everything right there.

He's not getting the content. Dude: Yeah I Got this now. Give my money. Only ages 52 and 40 remain and they've been living in these cubes for over a week.

Day: Eight wild R here I Am I Can't believe it Every challenge I've said thought I was out Thought I was out I made it. It's a lot more feasible now in my mind because it's not me versus 98 other people. it's me versus one person. All these exes were cubes with people in them and everybody's gone now and it's just Joe And I Another day here is like to make somebody quit to come down to something actually forcing one of us to leave.

I Give them a chance to say no to a challenge but oh my what should we do? I Can't believe they chose a challenge. They are taking a half a million dollar they to play some voting bull. One of these briefcases is the check for $500,000 Everyone on set is blindfolded including the camera. splitter steel splitter steel splitter steel.

Well I mix up the cases I Promise this will make sense in just a minute. The briefcases are now mixed and because you guys chose a challenge, you can step out of your cubes and meet in the middle. Half a million dollars is about to go to 52 or 40. I'm going to flip a coin to decide who gets to look inside of their briefcase, making them the only person on set that knows where the money is.
It's a game of bluffy. That's right because then it's up to the I'll later I mean it was some some Tails Whenever you're ready, look inside your briefcase. What? I Don't even want to know what's in there I Can't stand the burden. 52 now has to decide whether she's going to keep her briefcase or steal his.

Joe Do you have 500,000 in your briefcase? Yes. Joe Are you lying? What do you think? Was there anything else in the briefcase other than the money? I Saw the Mr Beast logo. You saw a check in there? Yes. Joe Are you honors? You spent enough time with? What do you think? this is so nerve-wracking Half a million dollars on the line? Is she going to keep her breef case or take his Wow, it's a big decision.

What do you think as right now in your head do you think it's in there I don't think it's in there I think it haven't I'm was so nervous I'm I'm actually my heart speak I'm actually feeling anxious for you guys I don't even know what I would do I'm trying there. money is in your case. Go I think gets in there I think I'm going to pick my case. You're going to keep this locked in all right Joe What is inside your briefcase? She has it.

He has nothing. He has nothing. Oh my God knew it. Oh no bro, you told her it was in there You This man literally said he had it.

Oh my gosh, what a crazy play. What is wrong with you? No no no no he told the truth and he got it. We said long good guys. can wi pays off n n guys over here chat I Feel like SP guys you should have said it.

it's not 500k. it's a 1 mil and it's splitter steel splitter steel. Dude chat guys guys. it's good for content and on top of that dude if they both up right if they both up he gets to he gives them $.

He gives them $. To be honest, even though you didn't win, we still want to give you $10,000 in your family trip to Disneyland to make a little better. you're still going to go. Yay! We took items from this set and turned them into collectible pieces that we are selling for only one penny and you have to act quickly because there's only a limited amount of them and they're going to sell out fast.

Click the link below and download the shop app right now. subscribe and you can win half a million dollars later. Also, p is available in every 7eleven Speedway and Walmart in America Go by Fe schools right now on my chance I Can't take it life so sometimes it feels just like I Push here we go now.

By xQcOW

10 thoughts on “Ages 1 – 100 fight for $500,000 xqc reacts to mrbeast”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cronazami says:

    bro missed his daughters birthday to be in a mrbeast video 😭😭

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deda As says:

    haha looks like jail fr fr

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KushMan says:

    R/Place be like:

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh and Wes Series says:

    I got to be honest xqc sounds like an asshole complaining the whole time getting free content

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gullbone says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Grijalva says:

    I really liked this mr beast video

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Hardin says:

    Contestants: hugging and crying

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tj gh says:

    Well ill give hin the benefit of doubt being a good Person but manipulated by His prob Most female sorroundings

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tj gh says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tj gh says:

    Bro Hes crying about her Birthday, Kissed her in her mouth, Well at least tried but that 2 yo Denise His pathetic Ass, the called him her Daddy, He was saying whats No to Like bout me. Come on man that Guy would fuck His child for a Penny…

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