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Yeah I'm going to give a book chat guys I Want to hear about the about the um about the aliens yo Felix a City This past month place was sick 24 Qcl. Thank you I'm happy to be here. This is an important issue and I'm grateful for your time. My name is David Charles Grush I was an intelligence officer for 14 years in the both in the US Air Force uh, both active duty Air National Guard and Reserve at the rank of major and most recently from 2021 to 2025 or excuse me, 2023 Uh at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency NGA was the future Gs15 civilian level which is the military equivalent of a full birg Colonel I was my agency's co-lead and unidentified anomalous phenomena and trans medium object analysis as well as reporting to the UAP task Force UAP TF Uh and eventually once it was established uh, the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office Arrow through a Ppd1 19 Urgent Concern filing in May 2022 uh with the Intelligence Community Inspector General Uh following concerning reports from multiple esteemed and credentialed current and former military and intelligence Community individuals that the US government is operating with secrecy above congressional oversight uh with regards to Uaps, what's UAP My testimony is based on information by individuals with a longstanding track record of legitimacy and service to this country, many of whom also have shared compelling evidence in the form of Photography official documentation and classified oral testimony to myself and many my various colleagues.

I have taken every step I can to collaborate this evidence over a period of four years while I was with the UAP Task Force and do my due diligence on the individual sharing it. Uh, this is because of these steps I Believe strongly in the importance of bringing this information before you. I am driven by a CH chat. What does he what? What does he intend? What is the goal of the what? What Are the Um? But by coming to to a hearing like this, What does it do? What is the end goal here? Commitment of both Uh to truth and transparency rooted in our inherent duty to uphold the United States Constitution and protect the American people.

I'm asking Congress to hold our government to this standard and thoroughly investigate these claims. but as I stand here under oath now I am speaking to the facts as I've been told them in the US Air Force in my National Reconnaissance Office Nro reservice capacity I was a member of the UAP Task force from 2019 to 2021. did replay: I Served at the N Operations Center on the Director's briefing staff which in be cooking brief and supporting variety of contingency. one might be cooking and two chat he's at 25 What if What? if he? what if he actually just went back to Sid Track or help? Is this going to be a helper or a dager? Which I was the reserve? Intelligence Division Chief Uh backup.

In 2019, the UAP Task Force Director asked me to identify all special Access programs and controlled Access programs also known as Saps and Caps Uh, we needed to satisfy our congressionally mandated Mission and we were direct report at the time to the Deps def at the time due to my extensive executive level intelligence support duties, I was cleared to literally all Uh relevant compartments and in a position of extreme trust both in my military and civilian capacities. Uh I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade Uh UAP crash retrieval in reverse engineering program Uh to which I was denied access to those additional readons when I Uh requested it I made the decision based on the data I collected to report this information to my Superior superiors and multiple inspectors General and in effect becoming a whistleblower. As you know, I've suffered retaliation for my decision Uh, but I am hopeful that my actions will ultimately lead Uh to a positive outcome of Uh increased transparency. Uh, thank you and I'm happy to answer your questions when you reported your experiences.
Is it the same guy? Well, he shape shifted and when you reported Mr Chairman? oh Mr crush and Graves when you reported your experiences with a UAP did any of you face any repercussions with your superiors? Yes or no? No huh? No. I've actually never seen anything personally. believe it or not. So all right, Um, and then do do you believe there's an AC of disinformation campaign within our government to deny existence of Uaps? Yes or no? I don't have an answer to that as Prev previously stated publicly.

Yes, what I think previously would like Project Blue Book Yes, but currently I don't speak for the United States government. Okay, thank you. Um I have a few questions: Mr Graves Um, what percentage of UAP sightings in your belief go unreported by our Pilots This is an approximation based off of my personal experience speaking with a number of Pilots but I would estimate we're somewhere near 5% reporting perhaps so like 95% Basically, don't report seeing Uaps. That's just my personal estimate.

Um, in the incident off Virginia Beach Do you believe the Navy took the danger to your aircraft seriously after it was reported? Absolutely. Um, a few questions for Mr Favor: As an expert: Naval aviator, have you ever seen an object that looked and moved like the Tic Tac UAP No. Did the Tic Tac What is the Tic Tac Check. What is the Tic Tac No.

Now they got me hook on this. No, No, no, they got me hooked. Now what the is the Tic Tac that defied the laws of physics the way we understand them. Yes, many dismiss U UAP reports as classified weapons testing by our own government, but in your experience as a pilot does just 18 and resembled a Tic Tac the giant mint of tic tac.

As continued to descend, his wingman decided to maintain altitude and kept watching from above, flying in a spiraling downward motion. Fraver was getting closer and closer until suddenly the UFO realigned its axis and began to climb at an incredible rate of speed. Chat, Chat: what if it's a eye float in your eye and as you move your eye it moves because your eye moves and you're trying to shoot it but it's s the lag I'll watch it l Our government typically test Advanced weapon systems right next to multi-million dollar Jets without informing our Pilots no we have test ranges for that. It took over 15 years for your encounter with the Tic Tac to be Declassified Do you feel there was a good reason to prevent lawmakers from having access to this footage? No.
I just think it was ignored when it happened and it just sat somewhere in a file. never got reported it en it happens a lot up here. Shocker. Um Mr Grush.

a couple of questions for you Tuer this morning. Um, what percentage of Uaps do you feel are adequately investigated by the US government of the 5% of that are reported? Um I Can only speak for uh, my personal leadership over at NGA I tried to look at every report that came through that that I could triage. So do you believe that officials at the highest levels of our national security apparatus have unlawfully withheld information from Congress and sub? Okay, give me a minute CH I'm paying attention. Give me a minute.

These Jets can do back flips, front flips, land on Platforms in the middle of the water. They can detect heat, send missiles, kill people, predict the future Trav Us In time and they can shape shift but they can't get a picture of a Tic Tac What the noted? Uh, our oversight Authority There are certain elected leaders that had more information that they I'm not sure what they've shared with certain gang of eight members or Etc but uh, certainly. uh. I would not be surprised.

Okay, you've stated that the government is in possession of potentially non-human spacecraft based on your experience and extensive conversations with experts. Do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials? something I can't discuss in public setting? Um okay. I can't ask when you think this occurred if you believe we have crashed craft. uh stated earlier.

Do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft as I've stated publicly already in my news Nation Interview Biologics came with some of these recoveries. yeah um were they I Guess human or non-human Biologics? non-human and that was the assessment of people. uh with direct knowledge on the program I talk to that are currently still on the program and was this documentary Rces video photos eyewitness like how would that be determined the specific documentation I would have to talk to you skiff about um okay this guy this guy saw e here some bro bro bro they got some craft with some being in it that's not human brother and they kept it private for decades bro bro. imagine imagine you go you go home to to your girlfriend dude and you go to dinner and you're trying to eat food and you have to hold back and you've seen ET like holy you're sitting there like eating bread and and you should I can't say I can't say I can't say he I saw ET I saw ET I saw ET I saw I go ET phone home holy and you may.
My last question and maybe we get into a skiff at the next hearing that we have. But who in the government either? what agency, sub agency, what contractors, who should be called into the next hearing about Uaps either in a public setting or even in a private setting. and and you probably can't name names, but what agencies or organizations contractors Etc Do we need to call in to get these questions answered? Whether it's about funding, what programs are happening and what's out there I Can give you a specific cooperative and hostile witness list of specific individuals uh, that were in those and and how soon can we get that list? I'm happy Happ to provide that to you after the hearing. Thank you we'll go to.

Mr Richard himself. Thank you Mr Chairman Thank you Uh Mr Garcia I Would like to have you on the CH hostile. This would mean that that she she says they're hostile which means that like like he's presenting stuff and they're they're they're not. Uh, what What does that mean that they'll say they'll say no, they they they don't want to.

They're like my legislation to do just that against it. Something on the reporting. Um, and we'll get together on that. Maybe you can be my co-sponsor on that.

That'd be really cool. Thank you for those great questions. Um Mr girl Wait, they said it. Unidentified anomalous phenomena I I Been CH I've been telling since we opened cases anomalies are happening.

It's anomalous. Behavior By Nature I've been saying that dude I have proof You know that these were not our aircraft. Some of the behaviors that we saw in a working area. We would see these objects uh, being at 0.0 Mack that's zero air speed over certain pieces of the ground.

So what that means? Just like a river, if you throw a bobber in, it's going to float Downstream These objects were staying completely stationary in Category 4 hurricane winds. These same objects would then accelerate to supersonic speeds 1.1 1.2 Mach and they would do so in very erratic and quick behaviors that we don't I don't have an explanation for. Okay, have you spoken to Um Commercial and Military Pilots um that have seen these off of our East Coast I have okay, tell why don't they back up the data that their that their tools get from these apparitions right, encrypt it, send it home and on on a windy day they they just they just boom they release it now. No serious though.

radar uh, wind or some sort of vibrational thing. Any anything at all? um Mr favor I Noticed that um um in the Tic Tac video. uh, it's Tic Tac like the candy, not ticktock like the uh Chinese ComEd don't laugh, don't laugh mother sucker this real minute. Yes sir I just want to make that because my daughter uh corrected me on that and called me a boomer and said hey, Boomer and I said no baby, it's Tic Tac like he's sidetracking.
Look it up and um, but now I would like to say today is a is a day of many. First, it's a um miracle that we're having this this meeting and it's also a miracle that my wife has put up with me for N9 years today my aniversary. So I want to tell my wife happy anniversary and that I love her very much. Um, as she likes to say this nine years have been the best two years of her life.

Oh my God Thank you Oh my I'm getting M Now nobody cares what astonished you the most about this dude. This Gu, this guys out there, this hearing, he in front of the world talking about aliens. it's about his, his wife's anniversary, the flight why they stalling very briefly. Uh, the performance.

Absolute performance it was. And and you're you're not aware of any other objects that anybody in the world has in this world that has those capabilities. No. I think it's far beyond actually our Material Science that we currently possess.

Are you aware of any other reconnaissance platforms that tractor recorded the TIC Taac Maneuvers maybe the NORAD system or any of the others I am not okay Mr Grush. Thank you for being here brother thank you all very much. Um, have you faced any retaliation or arivals for any of your testimony or anything on these lines? Yeah, uh I Have to be careful what I say in detail because there is an open, uh, whistleblow or reprisal investigation on my behalf. and I don't want to compromise that investigation by providing anything that may, uh, help provide somebody information.

but it was very brutal and uh, very unfortunate. Some of the tactics they use to, um, hurt me both professionally and and personally to be quite Frank Yeah, it's very unfortunate. as they say, when you're over the target, that's when they do the most fire firing at you. Do you have any personal knowledge of people who have been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal these extraterrestrial technology? Yes, Personally, have you heard have anyone been murdered that you would think that you know of or have heard of I guess I Have to be careful asking that question I Directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities.

Maybe in a Um, if we could get it, get in a Um confidential area of skiff. We could talk about that, but unfortunately, um, we were denied access to the skiff and that's very unfortunate in this this scenario. Um Mr Favor Do you believe that you witnessed an additional object under the water in relation to your encounter I Will say we did not see an object there. There was something there to cause the white water and when we turned around, it was gone.

So there was something there that obviously moved. Okay, it was. It was not the same object though that you were you were looking at. Correct, No.
We actually joked that the Tic Tac was communicating with something when we came back and because the White Water disappeared. uh, we were in another chat guys I Got to I Gotta be honest I Gotta give my take about this one. Chat guys I I'm always anti-conspiracy whatever, right? But people that are pretty smart, pretty pretty trustable, right? and and multiple accounts of seeing something right? Sometimes something's can happen with your head. Something boom boom boom boom, You know what? Happ But having multiple at the same spot dude, that's CH I Feel like it's more likely that it's true that than not and were told about the capabilities of of a jamming during viewing of some of when there were some people chasing some of these objects.

did you experience any of that jamming or interrupting your radar or weapon system? My crew that launched after we landed experienced significant jamming to the APG 73 radar which was what we had on board which is a mechanically scanned very high-end Uh system prior to the AP that's what me and La D Remember sh, that's what happened to me p79 and yes, it did pretty much much everything. you could do range, velocity, aspect and then it spit the lock and the targeting pot is passive. That's what we're able to get the video on I'm about to run out of time, but um, are you aware of any of our enemies that have that capability? No. Okay, I Would also like to note for the record that um like George snap breaking Area 51 he's the reason I knew about that and the reason I know about the the Tic Tacs is uh is Leslie Kee um from New York Times article and I would encourage everybody to read that.

Chat guys guys, there's enough in this to make me go Skittle I'm not kidding Chat: I was joking at first I'm not out anymore dude I think I'm going to lose my mind Chat: I am not joking Okay I Get it. Chat: it was. It was a military air Convoy airplane that went above my house in. La I Get it.

Okay I I Get it. but at the time I didn't just lose Internet Okay I have two internet lines Okay, Two Okay, both of them went off I have two phones on two different Services Both of them did not have access to either Wi-Fi or LTE 5G they were just dead completely. My entire household was deprived of all signals combined simultaneously. I'm telling you dude I'm not kidding Dude.

oh man, Thank you Mr Chairman, You back you no time. very much. Um, have you faced any boy very much? Um, have you faced any retaliation for any of your testimony or anything on these lines? Yeah. Uh.

I Have to be careful what I say in detail because there is an open, uh, whistleblower reprisal investigation on my behalf. Hope everything is chilling and that new watch is crazy. 649 K32 Several months ago, my office received a protected disclosure from Egan Air Force Base indicating that there was a UAP incident that required my attention. I Sought a briefing regarding that episode and brought with me Congressman Burett and Congresswoman.
Luna We asked to see any of the evidence that had been taken by flight crew in this endeavor and to observe any radar signature. Uh, as long as to meet with the flight crew, we were not access to all of the flight crew and initially we were not afforded access to images and to radar. Thereafter, we had uh bit of a discussion about how authorities flow in the United States of America and we did see the image and we did meet with one member of the flight crew who took the image. The image was of something that I am not able to attach to any human capability either from the United States or from any of our adversar Iies.

and I'm somewhat informed on the matter. having served on the Armed Services Committee for seven years, having served on the committee that oversees DARPA and Advanced Technologies for several years. Um, when we spoke with the flight crew and when he showed us the photo that he'd taken, I asked why the video wasn't engaged, why we didn't have a Fleer system that worked? Here's what he said: they were out on a test mission that day over the Gulf of Mexico and when you're on a test mission, you're supposed to have clear airspace not supposed to be anything that shows up. and they saw a sequence of four craft in a clear diamond formation for which there is, uh, a radar sequence that I and I alone have observed in the United States Congress.

One of the pilots goes to check out that diamond formation and sees a large floating what I can only describe as an orb. Again, like I said, not of any human capability that I'm that I'm aware of. and when he approached he said that his radar went down. He said that his Fleer system malfunctioned and that he had to manually take this image um from one of the lens sh it's like Quantum or some right where the Observer affects the result.

they're quantal alien anomali phenomenons where because you see them, then you they disappear or some. hey think about it is and it was not automatic automated uh in collection as you would typically see in a test mission. So uh, I guess I'll start with Commander fraver. What in how should we think about the fact that this craft that was approached by our pilot uh had the capability of disarming a number of the sensor and collection systems on that craft.

Give a minute. Well I think this goes to that National Security side and you can go back through history of things showing up at certain areas and disabling our capabilities. Welcome to Jle disheartening and for us I mean like I said it, it completely disabled the radar and the aircraft when it tried to do it and the only way we could see it is passively which is how he got that image. So I think that's a that's a concern on what are these doing, not only how do they operate, but their capabilities inside to do things like this.
And and how should we think about forcraft moving in a very clear formation equidistant from one another. um in a diamond in all of the phenomenon perhaps Mr grave that you've analyzed. Have we ever seen multiple craft in a in a single formation? I have one particular the gim. Um, the recording on the At Fleer system shows a single object that rotates.

Um, you hear the pilots refer to a a fleet of objects that is not visible on the Fleer system and and that was something that I witnessed during the debrief as part of the radar data on the situational awareness page. I Would like to add whoever: Congressman uh, there's small, uh, small bit of uh uh anger I would say I would feel that those Pilots are still uh facing that difficulty in reporting this topic and they don't have the tools to be able to mitigate this issue. It just goes to show how serious this is and why this is such an important issue for our pilots and for our nation. It was stated explicitly to me by these test pilots.

Chad So they're not all going together because because they want to like lose their jobs or getting like whistleblower like charged or whatever or clapped on so just they can't like do it or whatever. that if you have a AP experience the best thing you can do for your career is forget it and not tell anyone because any type of reporting either above the surface or below the surface uh does have a perceived consequence to these people. That is a culture we must change if we want to get to the truth. Mr Chairman I I Would observe but sometimes a truth Chat because you think you want it.

You don't like. What? do people panic or like they're like bro I Don't I don't even believe in real life and people start doing crazy and like, like do and they start killing each other. Whatever it's like The Purge Like because you know that perhaps as we as we move forward from this hearing, there are some obvious next steps. Every person watching this knows that we need to meet with Mr Grush in a secure compartmentalized facility so that we can get folsome answers that do not put him in Jeopardy and that and that give us the information we need.

Second: I Chat What Did chat? Okay chat. Imag a scenario where they say yeah, we saw this craft and does this super human thing and it landed and one of them crashed at home with some biologics and all the countries. The big ones are like dude, dude they have a super weapon that they're hiding cuz this is super human right? superh human Tra be super human weapon and they're like dude, let's invade and yo to protect the world and they have like a world mission to save the planet or whatever right and is this a mega war because they think they have superhuman like like ray guns and no, think about it bro, why not taking me seriously? What I'm saying makes sense man I would suggest that the radar images from um that imagine they have something that other people see as impossible or and they know they and they say to the public they'd have it other are other countes are going to scare be they have a source of power or gun or whatever and and they're want to do something about it or collect Ed of this formation of craft out of Egan Air Force Base and specifically the actual image taken by the actual flight crew that we can actually validate um be provided to the committee subpoena if necessary. um so that we're able to track how to get this type of reporting and Analysis done in a more fome way.
That would be my recommendation humbly as a guest here of the fine Oversight committee. Okay, all right, all right. okay this is a call that this is a call. maybe all the what if the all the billionaires go together right and they offer them all some like paid thing right where they're like safe house and plus pay out whatever so that that they they go out boom they just say it and they're safe boom and it all go together SCP Foundation or some SCP or whatever dude and then boom that yeah, do it I Saw ET boom What the is this? Also, if you're super, if you're a super terrestrial being and you send a craft here, right? why would you send a pile inside of it If you have extra extra technology, why the are you have somebody driving it? Just have it remotely controlled? What? Like what? What is that wa is it tping it? get to the end D there's a drone Bro: there's a whole Fleet of them.

look on the Sa my gosh, they're all going against the wind. the 12 M West dude that's not LS though is it it's l dud if it's spun what? Bro: CH it's it's a okarina chat. it's a okarina dude. dude chat Chat: It's the shape of the oakarina look at it like that like this look it's oh this must be going fast as oh he was the Tra on it.

you box moving Target No I took an auto track. oh okay oh my gosh dude Chat: I'm scared this is insane Chat: this is Bonkers yo that is Bonkers Chat: The people that are smart and knowledge about about this try to maybe have theories against it just just as a devil advocate just to try to prove it, prove its legitimacy by trying to prove that it's not legitimate right? So like saying maybe this is a problem with the camera. Maybe it's a problem with with the with the contact with the with the maybe it's a magnet problem or interference. Something like that and and see what kind of problem it could be right? Did they try that? Interesting? It's debunked? No, no it's not.

Is it debunked already? It's not real? That's not L though is it it's that is L d Well if there's like it's okay. it looks real. What A God though A AEL locking God can you box moving Target No I took an auto track. Oh okay.

oh my gosh dude. Wow. chat. That's insane.

What a cool video. What a cool video Man what a cool video Yo this is X x on the video. Okay you my voice as well that is. Anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sry anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sry.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “aliens have crashed on earth bombshell testimony on ufos”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dre Day says:

    Sup bro the UFO community for years have been trying to push disclosure only recently in the last 20 well 50 years that people who worked for the government has secretly been coming out telling what they’ve been seeing him so this guy is just one of the other people now and are times where they can actually talk about it to the Congress were before they would’ve been blacklisted

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dre Day says:

    What’s funny is people think that he is trying to be a mask or a cover-up for some thing you know the blue beam project but the guy right behind him with the white hair in the beard that Niga has been on ancient aliens in multiple documentaries about UFOs, so clearly this guy who was given the fax is not a part of the magic masquerade or whatever that they want to do to the public because in that guy’s documentaries he’s mentioned the blue beam project before and other ufo people has as well

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars claudio rodrigues says:

    Any chance theres a full vod of this?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lislio says:

    this is why you shouldnt do drugs

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Dieter says:

    The video is one hundred percent real and confirmed by Navy pilots not just any pilots but the best in the world

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GladYoureBad XD says:

    When they asked if we have communicated with them he said I’m
    Not allowed to discuss that🤯

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dapuppy says:

    Its crazy how they say this, like we havent known this for literal decades. Literal distraction from real crimes from within the governmental system.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VR Norway Norway says:

    is xQc on drugs?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars *Endless Games* says:

    I like how this guy is reading his testimony and his credential from a pica a papier …

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IloveBeepboop says:

    too bad this conveniently came out during the hunter biden bullshit would be a shame if we forgot about that

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Falox says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Bocchino says:

    Government won't tell you nana.

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