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#xQc #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard

Holy guys she did purple, i'm sure, of course you felt something, but it felt unfair. It felt small comparatively if you're, oh, it says uh didn't she sue him first and no, she did not. I don't know, that's how it worked. I think she used the shortcuts of suing somebody and uh or press charges instead and use the uh the easy court of public opinion, because the reality is is that the court of public opinion is the easiest thing.

Did she she did really. She did oh okay, because i feel like uh using twitter or like using other or whatever um. You know like like, like canceling and that's kind of like um, easy, no loved one or your husband has had some very serious issues brought before him, um so uh. When she engaged in her normal banter of uh trying to poke at me and get me to react, i literally just got into i got into bed um she's.

She is aiming for 100 mil wait. She wants a hundred mil, remember the television was on and i and i was reading and i said: postmaster was down in her area just taking off her makeup and changing into sleep clothes whatever and she entered the bedroom. While i was laying on my side of the bed reading and she was still rattling off all the wrongs - i'd uh done to her in that particular day and and how unreliable i am and uh what uh you know what a horrible person i was um and I and i did not engage verbally nothing. I sat there or laid there reading my book and when that she didn't get a jump out of me or a jolt out of me, she got out of bed.

She walked around a bit. She came to my side, so i guess i'm not laughing again. You know, you've got uh. You've got a person who is uh, throwing multiple shots at your at your face at your head at your neck at your at anything she could hit.

So i i got up out of bed and i grabbed her by the shoulders and i sat her down on the bed and i said: i'm leaving. Please don't get off the bed, please don't follow me, please don't try and stop me leaving and she got up off the bed. Uh, oh and she squared off at me in the doorway of our bedroom, and i said what do you? What do you want to do hit me again? Would you like to hit me again and i said, go ahead, hit me bam and then i just said did that? Is that what you wanted? Would you like another jesus, there's the second one, and i said good now, you're done grabbed her by the shoulders walked her to the bed. Sat her down and said: don't follow me leave me alone, i'm out i'm gone, i went.

I grabbed a few things and i got out immediately and i went to my other house own sweets here as miserable she was leaving the following day for uh coachella she's, a it's. A coachella is like a it's a big event of consciousness. No um yeah out in the desert she and her friends were going to coachella for the weekend. Oh my god, jesus that wasn't that was it, mr duff, after april 21st 2016, when was the next time that you actually saw miss hurt in person.

I left miss heard well. I left penthouse three i left at 4 30 in the morning, i'm not laughing okay because of abuse whatever you guys, it's just guys, because this is what from house one the house to the penthouse three jesus. It was actually your birthday. It was about 4 30 in the morning april 22nd and that's when i left and from that moment on, i did not see misheard until may 21st and why was that um? I had received some news that was as absurd and grotesque.
Oh no and cruel um and then i was shown a picture of what the problem was. I had gone to mr bett and said she's in coach she's, a coachella. I think it's a good time to go downtown so that i can get some of my things. You know and uh get them out of there, especially the things that were precious to me.

You know children things things from friends, brando hunter thompson, whatever things they were important to me, and he said i don't think now's a good time to go, and i thought it's the perfect time she's not going to be home for two days and then he showed Me a photograph on his telephone of uh objection. He says he looked at it on his book on his phone i'll rule. The objection is the photograph. What was the photograph of mr depp? They know they know what's coming holy, it was a what was it.

She tried it there's a photograph of the bed or bed um and on my side of the bed. Um was human fecal matter, so i understood why it wasn't a good time to go down there um. My initial response to that was, i mean i laughed. It was so outside it was so bizarre and so grotesque that i could only laugh, um and um, so i did not go down there that day, mr deb, how was your mother's health during this time? Jesus um, not good, not good.

At all my mom, my mom, was in um cedar, sinai, hospital and uh. She was, she was on her way out. She was dying. How often were you going to see her during this time? Excuse me: how often were you going to see her during this time? Um as much as i could, under the circumstances um, and when i, when i when i did, go, go and get to see my mom um, she was pretty much incapable of speech.

Her speech had left her at that time. Her she seemed her eyes were still open and she was she could kind of react with her eyes, but she couldn't speak and then not long after that. Once her eyes closed, she lay there over over life, which ended on the 20th of may um the night before i saw it for the last time. Well, essentially, i'm so sorry, mr death, but how did your mother's death affect you? As would anyone? I suppose there was one thing that i couldn't fathom was i mean i, i brought my kids to see betty sue in the hospital who's laura.

Is that asking questions at that time? She was not functioning, she was not responsive, she was she was alive, or is that it's his right yeah? I thought lying in the bed as relevant. Well, they have a defense strategy, uh or other strategy anyway right. So i guess it's part of the big picture. Analogy all i could think of was how, if, if she's conscious of if she's conscious of everything that's going on around her, but has no ability to speak, has no ability to, i don't think it's a strategy to get the the guys, the jury, whatever the i.
I mean it could also, but also one thing, it's my first strategy. The last thing that she would have wanted was to end up lying there. It's not only for the jury. What what it was like.

There's my mom lying there on a deli platter and it was a it was a horrible image, but i brought my kids in to say goodbye and we all spoke into her ear. Okay, are they done talking about anything and then she passed away later? Jesus. That's tough, so it was uh, it was painful, but there was some side of it too, at least to me that in in a way it was a. I was happy for her because i can't imagine betty sue or my mom.

I can't imagine anyone lying there in quite probably quite possibly was a uh, a kind of a locked-in syndrome and if she's surrounded by 10 people looking at her lying there in that on that deli platter. If you will, i was happy for her that she was out of pain. Out of frustration. Was the ice cream one? I don't know what that is.

I don't know what that is. I was relieved that she was no longer in that situation, though, when those you love, leave we're the ones stuck with the uh, with pain with the grieving um. But i was glad that my kids got to see her and i could see his logs send off. I suppose and um it overlaps quite a lot to a number of things.

What were some of those things that your mother's death opened your eyes to the life is a bird song. I wan na watch this one. You guys guys watch the whole thing i wan na see this one. She faked a broken knows how i see it offered into evidence.

Christ was published to the jury. Thank you, mr deb. What's reflected in these photographs um there were some scratches um, another altercation, and there was some misery did come at me with her nails or hand scratch scratching it guys i as insane, but i didn't really get an answer because i don't know about enough about law. Why did he first get a suit, a suit, a suit about uh, uh defamation? Why not? I know it's probably strategy, but why not start with a suit about uh abuse or whatever? Then then, you have like a lot of evidence and a lot of things to support a pretty easy suit or present charges about about um, a lawsuit about abuse or whatever.

What what all that's a criminal case. But if you start there can't you use a criminal case, in definition, suit to refer to it as a an easier win or is the opposite better starting with defamation and then doing the other whatever the and who took these photographs of you once again. I believe this was mr betty shawn ben, and when were these photographs taken well, uh seems to be christmas or ten days before christmas. The 15th of december 2015., mr deputy civil, can't afford criminal case interesting for what led to um you having these scratches on your face.
This was um yet again. Another confrontation where um, as was my regular practice, there had been an altercation. She was um. She had some rage issue with me and um.

I remember that i was trying to go to my corner as it were, which is i went. I was going into my office in the intel house 3, which is upstairs and, as i was approaching, the door to my office. Ms heard ran out of the master bedroom our bedroom and started just throwing wild punches at uh uh. I mean at the back of my head at the side of my head.

That's my anything that you could connect jesus man. I had to uh it's like a wild animal. I would have to show you uh sort of how i try to avoid the uh attack. If it's all right, oh, live reenactment, this way to the door of my office.

The bedroom door is where you are. I've walked across the mezzanine and um as i'm approaching the door. Suddenly, i'm just getting clobbered from behind and and one's natural primal instinct is to kind of duck and cover so i ducked in cover, but they didn't stop. So i i came up this just like this um to protecting my face, but at the same time, with their arms swinging widely.

I uh i put my arms out tonight and i was able to get her into a like a barrel just to to stop her from hitting me anymore, um and, while holding her in that position, she was still trying to you know she had her legs. She had her, she could kick she could. You know she could knee me and she uh, so she was still um jumping. You know, kind of very angry and very animated and uh yeah.

That's unpleasant what happened at the end of that situation because of the grabbing of the arms and and holding them to her side, so they didn't receive any more blows, um and - and she was still fighting. I believe there was some kind of contact with our heads. Our foreheads, as would happen, if you're, trying to calm some like that um and then that was when she uh accused me of head-butting her uh of giving her a head pot and uh breaking her nose uh-oh, but um there was. There was no blood.

There was no, i didn't hit her nose if there was anything at all. It was a. It was a bump of uh. Well, i'm trying to restrain her she's trying to get out of it.

There's going to be some contact here and there accidental contact, but not a head bone. How did you uh escape this altercation? Since i said this was a christian man after she made the remark about the fact that i headbutted her, which which was just impossible um. She, why is she like crying now she huffed off, i let her go, she huffed away and she was gone for about seven or eight minutes and then, when she came back, i was kind of weird. Then i was in the bedroom of penthouse three, our bedroom and she came back about seven or eight minutes later she had a kleenex or a tissue to her nose and um, and she then she pulled it away from her nose and she showed it to me And there was red, it was indeed like red color on the on the tissue, but me i know that there was no connection to her nose and no part of my body, my connection to her nose or eyes, or anything like that.
So she said she took it away and she showed it to me. She said way to go johnny, you broke my nose, you broke my nose and i knew i hadn't. So i said in you go into vacation mode, which is oh, my god. Let me see, are you okay? What happened? Let me see and she wouldn't let me see anything, and so i just tried to calm the situation as best i could um all the while.

I was waiting for her um to dispense with that kleenex because i didn't trust it, and so i waited and went. She looks confident. Nah she's dropped it into the waistband in the bathroom last video we saw it proves that she's not uh suffering from any sort of constipation. Okay, if you have problem going to the bathroom okay, but you're, definitely not comfortable doing it somewhere else, then in your bathroom at home, okay, doing it uh on the bed is quite i would assume would be quite a difficult task.

Okay, dude - and this is good somewhere downstairs - i think i don't know, and then i pulled the kleenex out of the out of the trash bin and i inspected it pretty closely and realized that it was nail polish, there's, no varnish or polish, mr depp, shortly after Deciding weird: where did you and miss her go for the holidays um, it was so what makes her cry there, then, if she knows, and he just kind of proved in the story that it was nail polish. Why is she crying then, if, if he didn't get hurt badly and she didn't get hurt either? What should i cry about, then? I don't get it planned for a while that we would be going to the island and we would be going to the island with my um, my kids, um lily rose and jack and lily rose's boyfriend at the time, uh and and um uh there were. There was a friend of amber's called uh alice tempery, i believe her name was is and her boyfriend greg williams was a a very well-known photographer and both very nice people and their kids were going. She told me they were going to be coming to the island and i thought: okay, great, the island, um yeah.

That's that's! So that's where we went for the holidays and what happened on the island in december 2015.. Many things island, one um - was there any violence. I misheard against you. Oh yes, there were there was there were a couple of incidents that were again just each time.

The one of these incidents would occur. It seemed to get worse and worse, that is to say, as opposed to fists or anything like that um. I set up on the on the back porch of the house. I'd set up an area with an easel and oil paints and kind of mineral spirits.

Linseed oil brushes everything, so she wanted to paint so i'd set it up for uh and for some and again i remember sitting at the table where most of the paint brushes in the can and all that stuff was and uh. The argument again escalated, escalated, escalated and she simply reached down and grabbed a count of the kind of mineral spirits and and uh shut it at my face. She threw it in my face in it. It's uh yeah.
Every time he doesn't take a note um. I didn't throw it i um. Actually i chucked it at max force. Sorry struck a little position here, boys coming alive, it hurt who else was around when this happened.

Well, thankfully, my children and little boyfriend were over towards the cafe um. At that point i didn't know that anyone else had was around or witnessed anything. I thought it was just amber and i, but apparently there are four staff who work on the island. I don't think it's seriously.

I don't think any statements yet, but just go ahead and continue your answers: okay, um, um. Sorry, this is the staff that work on your island yesterday guys. He knows that this other guy is trying to do uh objections for no guys. I feel like there's a lot of because i feel like maybe i'm wrong about this okay.

In some of these cases, they can do a bunch of objections right and they would work but they'd be like dude. Why are you doing this? It's just kind of annoying because then you're, just gon na reward everything it's gon na. It's just it's just annoying. Is it not yeah and that's one of them, so there are indeed four staff who work on on the island.

Oh, my god, there's staff working on the island, um, here's say all year round: um who take care of everything and uh. Two of them happened to be in that area and witnessed the uh violence i'll sustain. How do you know that these staff members witnessed part of this altercation these people? As i said, there's staff on the island, though i consider them family and very dear to me, and i believe it is mutual i've known them a very long time um. They were visibly um, they were visibly shaken by what they wouldn't object.

Did you see any of these individuals shortly after you had this altercation with heard? No, that's not that's not the problem were they did he see them as actually there if he didn't, if it was something they told him, then it's hearsay. Mr depp, did you see any of your staff members at the house when you and miss hurt had that altercation? Once mr headed stormed off um, i sort of sat there dazed and confused for a few minutes and then i walked around the house and i saw tara and this one injection move on. Imagine tara who's. Terra turtle is the manager of the island.

Mr duff, i'd like to discuss april 2016 now um when is when is ms hurt's birthday, 22nd of april and in 2000 christ christ. I can't hide anything. One is dead bone. The one is purple.

What the, what the am i gon na do? Man? What the am i gon na do? Can you please bring up defendants, exhibit six three: eight 50 donations, 50 donation, now minus 50 lol, w thanks uh. I think it says, mr top hat rapture. We have no objection, your honor all right, six, three eight in evidence is it video shows dreams are one of the best parts of my day. Love you felix xqcl, a slamming cabinet.
During argument, this is old. It's old i've never seen before. If you see this type, try hard what happened, his mom just died guys, maybe it's because of how the case is built, but so far guys it's crazy that that um, that uh uh there there's a bunch of audio clips and him saying that he's a bit Abused i'm like watch this like 40 times and then she records him slimy cabinets is this. Is this? Is this the like the craziest that he gets slamming cabinets because um his mom died or whatever the is that, like? Oh, my god, boys, we got him.

I've abused him 20 times ha dude, i'm about to film him at his worst. Here comes the cabinets boys like what the is this oh wow, the glass is staying strong, though nothing happened this morning. You know that, were you in here. No, nothing happened to you.

This morning, yeah you're right, i just woke up and you were so sweet and nice. We were not even fighting this morning. All i did was say sorry did something happen to you this morning. I don't think so.

No that's the thing you want to see crazy. I'll give you crazy, oh you're, crazy. Are you crazy? Have you drunk this whole thing this morning? Oh you got this guy. You got this going.

Oh really, that's just gon na evil. To be honest, i'm gon na be honest. It's just kind of weird. It's really! I think it's really baby as well, though.

That's really baby, that's your house! Why? Don't we? Let's, since you have some questions about it? Let's, why don't we watch it again, guys is that the defense lawyer talking that guy's guys, i'm trying to be as possible? If i'm a jury, the way these guys talking that just annoys me, because i don't really give a who uh, who you have a side with whatever the. If, if there's a jury, this is a jury trial right. Is it jury there right him talking like that? You're not wearing any points there at all zero you're, not you're, not winning. This is at your house in west hollywood on sweets or avenue.

Correct that's correct and that's you in the video, mr depp right, that's correct and you would agree that you were violent in that clip correct um, like violence. Really i was having a bad time guys. This is using an involving physical force intended to hurt or damage or kill someone uh. No, what i don't uh, i don't know what it was with regard to completely at this point, since i don't know the date but um um being illegally recorded by your um.

Is it or something that administrators or something i i had it fitted stops at the end, and i didn't see this there's something at that time. I said it said, or something or other guys, i'm going to hurt something guys. This one cabinet, the cabinet man, i'm gon na it up man. What was most interesting is that she tried to hide it from me and then that she laughed and smiled and i'm gon na kill it.
This is your. I did assault um a couple of cabins, but i did not touch miss hurt, as you can see. I think no, and you may have been you may have been, may have been drunk in that video. Correct, there's a possibility of that.

Yes, sir, you, you poured yourself a um, a mega pint of red wine correct. I poured myself a large glass of wine. My mens had a mega painting. I thought it necessary right right.

Well, let's look at let's look at uk 101, please yeah! This is day one guys is this: like uk science, uk 101 book a mega pint, is this this size of alcoholic beverage? You see um see there line five. Do you have the page up? I i don't see 101. Yet, okay, sorry, take your time. I've got a i've got a bit of a bushel here, um, yes, sir, and just since you you seemed amused by the terminology.

Um, you were asked the question question you were drunk, i'm going to suggest. What do you say to that answer? I may have been: where are we, sir uh line? Five? Thank you question. You were drunk i'm going to suggest. What do you say to that answer i may have been.

I do not recall. The chances are very good that, if that i was, if i was upset question we saw you pour a sort of answer mega, pint question mega pine of red wine, which is not everybody's choice for breakfast. Is it answer? No, did i read that right? You did, and you were very, very upset in that video correct. I think that's pretty clear, yes and - and you would agree that your behavior in that clip could be intimidating to anyone present in that room.

Correct objection calls for speculation. Uh, that's that's! So you would agree that you uh your your behavior was intimidating. Correct objection, calls for speculation, all right, i'll, sustain the objection now you're a lot bigger than amber correct physically. No, i wouldn't say that what the stan i would would you agree with me that that um, the standards of a southern gentleman were not in your mind in this particular moment, were they guys guys i would be.

I would not be able to follow this name. What the is he talking about to the southern gentleman we're not at um the standards of a southern? What are these standards? Is that a book in your mind in this particular moment, were they um? I i don't know about anyone else, but i have had experiences in my life where um one does stray uh from from a control over their uh emotions at times and um, and that is a very normal primal thing to do. I did not try to intimidate miss heard if she was intimidated. Why was she filming if she was scared to death? Why didn't she leave? Can you pull up exhibit 821? Please defendants exhibit lawyer at home louis vuitton best new pixel lawyer jesus.
This chat is at the end. What is that i scream the ice cream next to the door in case you vomited, i could call a mess if you ever stop snoring. Is that good? You guys is actually good or not? Is that good, your own vomit, which is very likely with you? Really? Yes? Yes, yes, you do vomit a lot in your sleep even more! Oh, it's news to you! Well, i'm all into this. I thought it was guys her laura.

Is there any goofy, though, because you guys, i need to watch the whole case. You guys is isn't her kind of goofy. She definitely is goofy. Let me tell you guys, i feel, he's creating um unintentionally, scenarios that makes the the jury kind of relate to him in a in a good way.

Somehow something that i noticed. Can you please pull up defendants exhibit 1094., your honor? May we approach briefly. Oh, my god, um being a picture lawyer is a busta craigslist. Mr depp, do you recognize this picture as being a picture of you? Yes, ms herd, kindly showed it to me the day after she took it.

Yes, okay, um. This picture. I'd move for the admission of exhibit defendants exhibit 1094 and ask for permission to publish your honor. We have no objection, your honor.

Can we see it. This is a picture of you on a on a black leather couch, passed out, correct past us an interesting way of putting it, maybe asleep. Where is it what what residence in boston? I'm sorry that was in boston when i was doing black mass in boston and that's um. That's ice cream on your lap correct.

It is indeed uh. Ms food asked me to hold the ice cream as she noticed that i was on on the nod. That means falling asleep from the 17-hour day that i'd worked and also the opiates that i'd ingested and if you'll notice my right hand is in my pocket um. So i wasn't participating in the festival of ice cream.

Okay, i was holding her ice cream and um guys. I was in the picture because she knew what was going to happen. Okay, i would fall asleep and it would drop, and that was a wonderful picture to take for her sure. I don't know why she took it what so, it's misheard's fault that that picture was taken.

That's what you're saying what oh dude dude this guy? Okay, this goofy goofy! I don't know why she took it. What so, it's miss hertz fault that that picture was taken. That's what you're saying she she snapped it: okay, all right! Let's um guys! There's there's no victim here! Why? Why does that have to be uh, somebody's fault or anything, there's no fault of whatever it's it's it's a picture. What is it let's talk about this because you say you were in boston.

This is when you were filming black mass, yes and you. You testified that that was kind of the last film that you did um i see the picture is that it you guys, can even show this somebody linked it. So, what's wrong with this picture just gon na it's gon na goofy, he had to listen to her rabbling. When you were you, you were taking opiates right.
Yes, it was right before the the trip to the island, and you testified yesterday that um opiates - you don't take opiates to get high right. You you've suspected that on a couple different occasions correct you certainly can take opiates to get high. If i doubled the dose, then i would most assuredly uh be ready for sleep. That's not a blackout, that's sure! So if you double, if you double the dose you'd, be ready for sleep, but it's it wouldn't get you high uh.

Other drugs would correct what guys this guy's, like you guys, i'm not an expert guys talking. Yes! Is that tony absolutely absolute guys? Yes, we're gon na what opus is talking about? Was it for pain or something like that? Is it for pain, in the way that other other drugs would correct? Well, the the the high is there there's a surgery. Did i had surgery? Okay, i had to take opiates yeah, even with normal dose, if you're prescribed for pain, yeah, you're, falling asleep, and what what i i was in extreme pain after after my surgery, and i took two okay, i did not last a minute after she kicked in. I just passed out straight through dude extreme downer um it it that's its job right and and for that reason i believe you testified yesterday or two days ago.

It's not like you take those pills to get high. You remember giving him that testimony correct um. I've said that it's it's not like. I took the pills to get high.

I took the bills to be normal to stay. What number did you say? I'm sorry, uh defendants exhibit 866., but i also believe that i said that i asked nurse uh all right. This is it's leading yeah sure you don't know what you're talking about me. It's leading why? Why are you getting upset at me? What are you getting upset at me? What the guy's saying is it's just just weird that uh, the lord's being a buster.

I had told you that i needed more than i actually took, because i always wanted to have one or two in my pocket just in case the kick started: mm-hmm um, if you could take a look at the um, the text at the top of that page Um, yes, it's a text text exchange between you and aaron borum, aaron borem. You testified as one of dr kipper's nurses right yes, and this is a text exchange that you had with her in august and september 2016, correct um, so i'm looking for the oh! Yes, yes, uh, which one are we looking at here, the the top three and in the first she tells you that she's watching black mass for the third time right on yes august 30th, yes, yeah and um your honor i'd move for i'd like to admit this. Exhibit um 866 um and permission to publish please, and particularly i'm talking about the top three texts to tell so rejecting the other text, just the top three texts and the identity. Yesterday, information: yes, your honor, your honor, we have no objection, but we would ask that the fourth text message be included as well as contact for text and obviously the phone number is redacted as well.
Of course, let's get that up and see what that looks. Like can we see it look, show me who's trolling on the mic. Is she preparing another poop incident come on man also white guys? Why is why is her drink yellow? I know what she did jesus. Thank you, your honor michelle.

Could you blow up that third text starts with you or the sweetest? Aha you're right, i was hi. Here comes this text to miss borum after she's telling you that she's watching black mask for the third time in a row you write. I was high as a when i made that film hahaha, you see that. Did i read that right? Yes, you did read that now you can take that down you've trashed hotel rooms before simply because you've had a bad couple days and an unpleasant time correct.

I have assaulted a couch or two. Yes, sir you'd agree that at times in your life, you've expressed yourself through destructive, behavior, um and you'd agree that at times when you were angry, you smashed things up right more in my um confused sort of youth. Yes, and you said in an interview one time you said the following quote: you know you have bad days and you know some guys go play golf. Some guys, you know smash hotel rooms.

You've said that before right it was um. It's just a yes or no question. You've said that before right, i said it as a joke. You believe that if something feels stronger than you that it's a human reflex to smash something or throw something against the wall or punch a door correct, i don't believe that i'm, the only human being that's ever punched a door or broken something in a in a An internal about with myself, you believe that that's unique in that way.

You believe that that's something that happens when you get frustrated right and that it's a mini explosion that comes and goes quickly. I wonder where you're trying to go with that? What kind of strategy that is it was? It was uh a little bit more accessible. If, if you will, okay, let's pull up, exhibit 140. he's violent yeah, but did it that he's? I don't even think that you're playing you're pretty much just someone who's violent, though breaking things is not it's not the end of the world yeah, it can be intimidating.

I get it. It can show around you that you're you're going crazy or whatnot dude, but that doesn't really do much shut the up. You have no clue what what are you getting? Why are you getting mad at me? Why are you getting mad at me? Can you scroll down yeah, you guys, look guys guys guys. I said breaking things.

Look at this guy up the you're, not violent, shut, the up. You have no clue. Why are you getting mad at me? What did i say why? Why are you so mad? Why are you surprised about it? Why you so mad holy? Oh, my god guys! I i i broke a cabinet or a couch holy that that shows that you're, a killer, you're a you're, a bone, the breaker you're the bone saw dude. What are you talking about? Male exchange between you and stephen duders, your personal assistant, uh in april of 2019.
You see that yes and it's it's two pages. I believe so, let's go to the second page, please, oh, it's the lawyer isn't john or that the bottom of right there um and you see that on april 19th 2012 you wrote him. I got drunk and destroyed my room, okay, guys! Okay, let me just let me just ask him: could you say reliably if somebody is violent right or when presenting one person, because he breaks things and another is breaking people? I feel like he's in disingenuous to be able to label somebody as oh. This guy is violent, one of those things one's a per.

I think i feel like i did generally. It can be disingenuous about a in a way of doing things it it it's almost like a like a loophole or some i don't know it's not weird. You see that on april 19th 2012 you wrote him. I got drunk and destroyed my room, there are hookers and animals in here.

Did i read that right? Yes, you did you're on a permission to, or i'd like to move for. Admission of defendants exhibit 143 and permission to publish please as long as the email addresses are redacted. We have no objection, your honor all right, just redacting the email addresses, but the full content comes in. Is that correct? Yes make sure i get it straight: okay, identifiers, oh my god, guys, i'm cooked uh one day, i'm gon na be in a court case and you're gon na say in exhibit 1023 you slam your keyboard and then slam the fart.

Now you are considered a violent person now everything that you're, they're gon na say is justified and all the evidence lines up, because you slammed the fart in 2018 like what this is. It doesn't make sense, though. Okay, all right, okay, wait. Could you go down to the second page again for a second go down to the second page, please to the signature line? Okay, can we just see the top again, let's go to the top? Yes, i've been online uh, you get paid fifteen per day to be in the jury duty, and if you don't go, it's like an offense, you go to jail or some the top of the top of the first page thanks, okay, okay, do you mind if i Read this or you're going to read this to me: we're going to we're going to take a look at it all right, 143.

In evidence you can okay. Thank you, your honor um. Can you scroll down michelle come on michelle, so you write some mr deuters. I got drunk and destroyed my room.

There are hookers and animals in here and then, if you scroll up, he writes simply watch out for mike tyson. Have you num, numbed, uh correct and then you write don't want nummies. Thank you. Is it okay to put on a condom after the fact i mean, if i just wear it for the rest of the day like that works, doesn't it i've had to kill a few of the animals for sustenance? I've made quite a mess, there's blood and animal tracks everywhere.
I read that right. You did okay and you're. You are currently um uh in a lawsuit for assaulting a crew member on the set of one of your movies in july 2018. Correct wait what you guys that read like a joke is it was that a joke that felt like that feels like a com, joe from a man by the name of greg rocky brooks, is a suing you for allegedly punching him twice and um.

I was trying to get interested in this. What happened? Why are they kind of short man tonight? Give me you.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Amber heard pooped in johnny depp’s bed?!?!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daz72dan -.- says:

    punching a cabinet a door or a punching bag is always better then a person, but def looks odd on camera with out context

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cameron Cullen says:

    I’ve noticed that she can’t sit still where as he’s calm which fits him removing himself from her to breakup the situation

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hasan A says:

    The worst part about all of this is that if you watch some the testomony you find out that any small bump or bruise she got she RUSHED to take photos. But Johnny Depp's Body gaurd had to CONVINCE almost beg Johnny to take photo and video of the stuff he got. who knows how many marks he just let go.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethanl says:

    It's so sad that he got denied from Dumbledoor secrets just because of wome which is cruel, liar, and she was the one who act brutal to him, He wasn't bad in this relation ship. and still he have reall issues from what she said and did to him. This is so wrong. Johnny Depp is one of the best actors, and really seems to be really nice person.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Useless Ymail says:

    its funny when he reenacts the things amber did to him she suddenly went back to her awful forced sad face with her crocodile tears lmao

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hashim Abdullahi says:

    Watching all this making me more angry 😠..because of if he would had retaliated or assaulted her he would have been in jail all those 6 years but she was free and even acted aquaman what a double standard smh🤷‍♂️😏

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ribby says:

    Feel bad for Jonny tho man, names absolutely tarnished because of this, seems innocent and amber seems like she’s just after a bit of his cash. Don’t think it would of been broadcast if he didn’t have anything to hide

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meatballs Commentary says:

    holy heavens Amber sharded on his bed? Can, can I get whiff? Sounds so divine and musky, lemme have a taste ma'am.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Campbell Childs says:

    You can tell that johnny depp is invested in the court and the people around him because his focus is talking to them whereas Amber is constantly dead pan staring into the camera because she only cares about how she looks online.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bone Ore says:

    Johnny Depp is lying through his teeth he’s even laughing while telling this totally fabricated story and u sheep are actually buying it. I stand with Amber!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lotus Eater says:

    how did Johnny went from dating a sweet angel like Winona Ryder to an actual insane person that is Amber Turd

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Morden says:

    Amber Heard doesn't look too good physically (cough also mentally?) her face looks like she didn't get enough sleep for a whole week.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robbie Elefterion says:

    X you should have the legal eagle on your stream to watch these court clips with you. Then every time you have a pepega question, the chat won't dice you up for it and you can just ask a pro. He would probably also love the exposure though he doesn't need it. Kinda the perfect guest for these videos. Especially if you have moxxy or someone with you.

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