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#xQc #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard

Yep check it out, i'm not a soldier, because i guess i i i i missed quite a bunch of 15 last thursday, i'm going right or shouldn't. Do it we'll do the lunch time. I did miss one picture and michelle can you bring up defendants exhibit 518. early, and this is from december 15..

I believe, could you just please? Well, i think this is going to be cross. Yes, it's um a picture of my bruce temple um. With my face down um and um, i was punching my head. I'm repeatedly punching my head.

That's a close-up of my pebble! Thank you! Now we went through the bahamas before you turned from the bahamas sometime late december, early january, correct! Yes, okay, i'm going to take you to january february of 2016.. Can you please describe so weird today? What was going on with you and johnny in this january after the bahamas, um johnny sobriety uh fell apart. There was just none of it, it was um, so he stopped communicating with the medical team that he had hired objection. Culture, speculation, um: how do you know that uh i was there um, they fired him objections his mental health for lack of what it looked like.

His mental health was just falling apart. It's what it looked like objection: culture, speculation! Yes, how sustainable? What did you observe that led you to believe that his mental health was falling apart? Jesus conjunction your honors culture, speculation would be observed. I'll sustain the objection as to leading next question: what, if anything, did you observe about mr depp's uh state? He was hallucinating, auditory objection, culture, yeah! Please tell the jury exactly what he was doing that led you to believe he was hallucinating objection leading sustained. What, if anything, was mr jeff doing that would have led you to believe he was hallucinating sustained sustained.

What please describe what mr depp was saying in january of 2016.. He was talking to people who weren't there, meaning people who were not in the room. He was communicating with people and sounds and voices that weren't there. I know, because i was sometimes in the room and sometimes on the phone with him, and he would tell me i had a conversation with him that i did not have.

He would say. I said something that i didn't have he would comment on somebody being in the room behind me that wasn't there it was terrifying. It was terrifying because you know once he smashed the board right next to my face and it was unclear to me whether he was even mad at me, or he was convinced that the guy he said he saw me with was in the room. I didn't know.

If he was in, if johnny felt, the man was in the room with us or not at that point, but i remember he put his fist through a white, a white board in the kitchen. He hallucinated right in front of me and objection calls for speculation. Don't use the word hallucinate just describe what led you to believe. Your honor sustain the objection she can testify to what she observed.

Please please! Thank you, your honor, please tell the jury. What your honor may we approach? Okay? How many was that, like seven in a row, dude holy man guys, you guys sorry guys guys this is um. This is my fan voice, tell the jury! What you observed. I observed behavior from him that was erratic, irrational and didn't seem connected to the reality that we're in okay.
Now i'm going to take you up to the beginning of february of 2016 february, 8th february 9.. Please tell the jury. What transpired, then, with respect to mr death i'll close it around this time? Johnny was again behaving in a way. It was very scary, it was terrifying, um and sometimes he didn't know.

Uh objection calls for speculation. I think she can describe what she's. So what are you? Are you describing what you're observing? Yes, please. Please continue um in these kind of discussions.

I would have around this time early february of 2016, sometimes in the argument. He would accuse me of something some person in the room with me that had just walked out, or i was hiding, for instance, and sometimes he would hold on to that, even when he seemed to have calmed down or come off of whatever bender he was on And it was almost as if i had to confront what he, what delusion he had or what belief he had or what accusation he made of me um in a new fight altogether. You know. Sometimes he didn't make it clear to me whether he was mad at me, or he knew he was not it.

The ghosts terrifying uh, because i wore the brunt of it at around the 8th or 9th i got. We were in his sweet sword compound the west hollywood collection of homes that he has, and i got some cryptic texts from him in the early morning. Hours that scared me, i won't say what i said, but i came over to his main house. I believe i'd been across the street and i slept on the couch.

We had some interaction in the morning which made me fearful. He didn't know whether or not i was fearful he was going to believe that he was angry at me. Even though we weren't fighting, i wasn't fighting with him. I had done nothing wrong, but i was really worried that the momentum he was on was going to click into a direction of deciding that he was mad at me and i deserved it, and i was terrified that that was going to happen.

So i was, i had an interaction with him and got really worried about that on the morning of the 10th, all right, michelle, i'm going to ask you to bring up defendant's exhibits, yeah, it's already admitted in evidence, you're right, they'll start us out. Just let's pull that up already 10 2016. michelle and i'm going to ask you to play it. Michelle whitney same one.

Video is this proof of the ghost or not oh wow, the glass isn't breaking impressive yeah you're right. I just woke up and you were so sweet we're not even fighting this gordon. All it does is say. Sorry did something happen to you.

I don't think so. Honestly, that's reasonable! I didn't you were that's. That's just kind of reasonable. Sorry, what why did you videotape this amber yeah? I wonder why, because i knew he wouldn't remember objection.
I answered speculation rather than what you knew. You can say what you thought just tell us why you, i was afraid. It's scary, scary, scared, scared. They wouldn't remember her objection calls for speculation yeah.

I sustained the objection guys guys. I'm scared somebody just broke into my house all right, so i'm going to now take you up to april 20th holy dude 2016, your 30th birthday party um. Will you please tell the jury? What happened that night with respect to, in particular mr depp um he uh at that time we had a like a fitting that day or the day, and he was kind of disappearing at that time. Um, like at night um vaguely saying like meetings meetings but then he'd be gone for sometimes like two days, i'm just not coming home and that sort of thing coming home after a bender calls for speculation.

I don't think that calls for speculation of sustained objection, he's gone for two days good and i um had my my birthday was coming up and i or on my birthday i said well, you know you're gon na uh make it to my my birthday party. We had a dinner planned at our penthouse. I said it would be important for me if you, if you made it objection, hearsay, not offered to prove the truth. Thank you and uh.

He told me at some point that day that he had scheduled a business meeting or a money meeting. I think he said maybe uh seven, a money meeting, which is around the time my birthday was planned, for it might have been planned for 8 pm um. He, of course, once my party was starting. He wasn't there.

Um text me at some point to let me know that he was going to make it, but that he was running late um and that continued throughout my party. We finished dinner and um when we were cleaning up and kind of everyone was stilling leaving because we were waiting for to give him an opportunity to show up before it was before everyone left, it's sort of almost saying um. He let me he let me know he was there um, you know i i tried to without saying what i said. I tried to give him the impression that i wasn't going to get on him about drinking or anything.

I just wanted him to be there and we had a toast. We did a celebratory toast and the guests left and uh later that evening, um we were in bed and um. I was i had a book and johnny um effectively said what which what's your problem now and uh at the time we were getting advice from therapists without saying what they said. Um.

It was important for me not to make him feel attacked. So i chose my words carefully. I won't say what i said, but i i remember being very careful about how i worded what i was feeling yeah about my birthday and him having missed it uh. Well, it's because you're saying um followed that right, uh i um got up out of bed.
Um johnny's side of the bed was closer to the door than mine. I remember blocking the door blocking me to get out kind of shoving me down and had a you know, verbal argument, and then that became a shoving match. I tried to shove him back i've kind of felt myself retreat into the into the bedroom. At some point he um picked up a like a large.

I guess it's a magnum size, not a normal size, a large size bottle of champagne and hurled it at me. Um this time it went through a painting and i loved this painting. I remember just went like right through the canvas left, a giant hole in it and um i'm never thinking we shouldn't have art in our bedroom, anymore, um and the the fight the argument. The fight continued into the salon area, which is outside of our bedroom.

At the top of the stairs johnny picked up my phone. I don't know why. I don't remember what he was saying when he did it, but he picked up my phone and threw it out of the open window of the salon area uh out onto the street out onto the downtown street that um this window overlooked uh. In that moment i i went.

Oh no, you don't. I saw his on the counter top and picked it up and threw his immediately like two seconds later um. I didn't want to be stranded uh this time alone, meaning i didn't want to be the only one stranded without a phone which had happened to me already several times before this um from johnny. So i picked up his phone through it as well um, and i said that i wanted to go stay somewhere else.

For the evening. I left that room went into the office. We were still screaming names at each other and screaming at each other and uh. I walk around the side of his desk and um the next thing i know he has me by the hair and he pulls me down kind of i hit the side of the desk.

I remember things flying off of the side of the desk that that i hit with with my body um. I remember trying to fight him off of me at some point were back in my my main bedroom and uh. It's my. I believe i was getting my toothbrush out of that bathroom and uh.

When i came out, we had another shoving match, but this one he kind of like i remember you chest, bumped me and she's not getting pulled by the hair or not anymore. I don't know. What's happening anymore, i fell to the floor and when i got back up, he kind of held me down by the shoulders down on the side of the bed and kind of held me um wrestled me down on the bed. I remember i got up once or twice before.

I ended up on the bed and he grabbed me. Um did this thing that he did sometimes, and he taught me grabbed me by the um, the pubic bone, pubic area, just as best i can describe it as he kind of just pushed me down, held me down by it and kind of pulled me into it, And um was asked he was asking me kind of taunting me asking me if i, if i thought i was so tough, i think you're such a tough guy huh. Are you so tough, now look who's so tough! You want to be a man. Tough, like a man now that hap happened for a bit of time, i i icebreakers sure um.
I think at some point he left. I remember at some point shortly after that i remember he was still in the apartment when this happened, but i remember kind of collapsing on the floor and being exhausted. It's just, i remember, feeling exhausted and crying and kind of throwing in the towel. If you, if you will, i i remember saying to him just: can we not fight like this like? Can we start over? Is there anything that we can do like this is really messed up, but can we just not do this? Please can we stop doing this? Just don't leave it's my birthday, let's just let's: let's just call it couch and call it truce and not have it end like this? I don't want to have it in like this.

I was just so tired hurt and i remember crying and feeling ridiculous that after this i would be crying and saying these things, i'm embarrassed saying it now um, he responded uh cruelly. He told me it's what i deserve and that i wake up every i wake up alone, um and then no one would ever love me because all of this, pointing to my face or body all of this was gon na go away. No, they never loved me or my tit sag would ever love me and i better get used to waking up alone um, and he said this is all my fault. What i do what i asked for and he left i heard him come back in uh.

The downstairs you know you can hear the door slam, i remember hearing it open and thinking. Oh god, is this gon na happen again, what's going on now, um and and then shortly after i kind of peeked around to the top of the stairs where you can kind of peer into the lower level, and i uh - i just see him briefly momentarily and He just screams at me happy birthday and stormed out at some point. I walked downstairs and saw that he had also uh left me a note to that effect. Okay, how did he leave a note for you? I was written on a piece of paper as best i can recall, but i'm not sure, oh sure, and so then the next day.

What did you do? Um i texted. Actually i took well, i can't say what i texted um. I woke up this that morning. The morning of my 30th birthday and um, i woke up to my best friend crawling in bed with me um, and this is this thing she's wearing it? It's not it it.

She looks like like a like a dictator. Almost i remember wondering how she got how she walked in um, because there was a like glass on the floor: no lots of glass and um. Oh my god. I put her arms around me and showed me a birthday video that all of my friends, my childhood friends, all my loved ones, made of course stupidly.

The first thing i asked her is why johnny wasn't in the video because it had been recorded before it had been recorded. Sometimes i didn't think about it. It's clear, it looks like uh and she said um that she'd been asking for a few months and johnny objection, your honor hearsay. Eventually, we got out of my bed and grabbed a few things and got the bat got the dogs left for for our plans, which our plans had been to go to coachella, which is a music festival that happens in california, um, and that had been the plan For a while, oh my god birthday and i'm i remember you, know um as i am accustomed to doing, just trying to move through, move on and remember and behind trying to put on a brave face and have a good time, even though it was impossible.
Let let me start your last few things: drugs selfies networking join you at coachella and pretending was um supposed to drive down, have dinner um stay in the room. Maybe do some writing or something like that in the room at coachella at coachella, where we work, coachella um happens in a different part of california than we lived in. We lived in los angeles, and this happens. You want to go for music um, so i finally got my car back and um, and i drove with my best friends in in in the car and i'm gon na.

Stop you again, because i just have a couple more questions before we go into that part. Uh, you said you brought the dogs who were the dogs. You brought uh johnny's dog uh at the time, boo uh, my dog pistol, we shared them um their teacup yorkies and, i believe uh raquel, my best friend's dog, which is a mud. Okay.

What? If any issues did boo have with uh bathroom problems, if you will objectionally, oh, oh, no shots she's gon na um, she had eaten uh johnny's weed when she was a puppy and had uh bowel control issues for her entire life. Among some other issues she was, you know we regularly had to take her to the vet to try to figure out well. What was wrong with this dog never met a dog that was quite like this, so she had some control issues. Hence why we would she liked to burrow in the bed she liked to be in the you know by the foot of the bed underneath the covers, and it was um customary that they slept in bed with us but boo having the issues she had.

We have to leave her in bed so that she wouldn't be encouraged to to to go to the bathroom um, which would happen almost immediately once you put her down on the floor and sometimes it happened in bed too, but um but yeah she's gon na blame. The dog did you notice about any bathroom issues in your bed before you left for coachella? Well raquel, and i were both in in that bed with the dogs, and i didn't notice anything, but we left them in the bed. While we packed a bag to go to coachella, you know so that they didn't so that boo particularly didn't lose control for about, or you know, didn't go to the bathroom on the floor. So you leave them in bed until you're, ready to take them outside to the patio which is they're designated.

That doesn't make sense that did that? What what? If, what is it, what plans were there? How often did you have housekeeping keeping at that time at your house um the housekeepers were there every morning or they came every day as far as i know, okay, now we'll get you to coachella, but why did you tell starling jenkins that you had been involved In a prank gone wrong objection, hearsay leading i've said why not, i didn't say what she said. I'll sustain the objection next question: okay, um did you commit any kind of prank? Absolutely not okay? Absolutely that not be something you would do. First of all, i i don't think, that's funny, i don't know what says you a woman does i. I was not also in a pranking mood i had my life was falling apart.
I was um at a crossroads in my life that was really serious and i had just been attacked on my 30th birthday, so you go to coachella by my violent husband, with whom i was desperately in love and knew i needed to leave. It was a not really a jovial time and i don't think that's funny period. That's disgusting that night or the next morning objection culture, speculation, i'm asking what are understanding, what i'll sustain the objection? Okay, did you had you had any conversations with mr depp about him? Coming back to the house, the next day, no johnny didn't come back to that house. That was my.

That was my. You know he owned it, but that was my house when, when we were having any sort of problem, in fact that was my house just ninety percent of the time - oh jesus called back. That was not a place that johnny was going to be in that johnny was in and he had stormed out on my birthday and as per what we did it was. He would go and stay at his west hollywood home and i would stay at the downtown places he wasn't going to come back to the objection calls.

I think she explained her answer on that one, which is that that was the face of entitlement one, the holy. The face that she's making you're not saying that um it is entitlements, i drove okay and who was in your vehicle, my sister, my friend savannah, i believe my best friend raquel, just my girlfriends. I i typically surround myself with my girlfriend. Since my sport was there any occasion in which you were riding in the vehicle that starling jenkins was driving, he picked us up from coachella in the evening when we, as a group, all were ready to leave um.

That was the um the day that we went, which was a um, which was the day that i took mbma and mushrooms at the same time realized very shortly after what a horrible idea that was considering the state that i mean my life was in. I highly don't recommend that combination at the time, so i didn't feel like being in a crowd. I didn't feel like being at coachella. I had intended to try to have a good time, despite what was going on in my personal life, and i realized that that was just not going to happen, and so i wanted to go home.

I wanted meaning to be in a bed. I wanted to be you know. I just wanted to be held by my best friend and watch a movie and that's what we did. I didn't feel well and wanted to leave okay, and when you said you rode back with starling jenkins, was it just you or did you have other people in the vehicle with you and when we left coachella it was my entire group.
I wasn't ever alone with starling. I certainly wasn't anywhere near him. I didn't have a conversation with him. I stopped in the very back seat with my best friend next to me, and it was a whole group of us.

Thank you, um you're, under this. This might be a good breaking all right. That's fine! Okay! Ladies! Let's go ahead and take our morning. Uh recess! Do not discuss the case with anybody and don't do the outside research we'll take 15 minutes.

Okay! Interesting! I only see behind those was some of the stuff that we missed earlier. I ain't standing here, bruh i just woke up. I can't stand that. No, i have to have to wash my hands all right, we'll just come back then at 10 50..

Is that okay, all right? Thank you. Thank you. Yeah! That's hands my excuse! Now. What okay? You guys! That's my friends hold up.

No, no veggies, okay, okay, um, chad, there's anything good early or not. Do you recall that trying to move the case to california? Yes, there was a declaration in 2019 all right, and did you describe some of the events of violence in that declaration, objection leading what? If anything was said about violent acts, in that declaration i was taking. The advice comes out sure the plan from ikea. What welcome paw patrol nah? I know dude dude.

I thought that home. I thought that in california dude dude. Would it look like? Do you look like somebody who takes the plane and brings a fake club in my kid is like four dollars, some some fake plastic plant like i travel the world with it like? Oh my, oh my god guys. That's my theory plan some.

I carry it on my backside and put them in my seat in the airplane where they look like. I was like so the psycho or something like that. It's nothing man it's getting! This was like why man? What are you talking about? That was english? That was that was pretty english bro guys this this um, this outfit is just not it. That was a very, very poor choice holy.

It's just not it. This is it's not. This is not kim jong-un, oh man, i'm so twisted these days. Man guys, i did.

I had this. I had this clip playing in my head dude. How does this audio dude, i'm not gon na, say this morning. I appreciate it for the early start, all right, just a reminder: miss hurt you're still under oath.

Okay, all right next question. Thank you. Your honor amber when did the first one, i'm not gon na click again, mr depp occur objection. Aston answered uh lagging no overworld.

That would have been early 2012., and how did you determine this? What is lagging? I reviewed my therapy objection, hearsay, i i i she hasn't even answered it all right i'll, allow the answer by reviewing my therapist's notes. Objection, embarrassing i'll, sustain the objection, but it's not offered to prove the truth. It's not asserted it's it's explaining. What is this? What she looked at i'll sustain the objection: okay um: when did you earlier believe the first act of physical violence occurred? Well, i had always believed um up until recently that it was.
It had started later, um that the violence started around early 2013 on early 2012.. No, you testified earlier that the first act of physical violence by mr depp related to the winona whiny song testimony i do okay. Does that change your testimony, realizing that this is earlier? Was this, in fact still? This is the first act objection that is the general, though objection asked and answered sustain god. Why is this lying so badly? I don't know.

What's going on with it? I live you solo, i'm embarrassed to say that now you testified that the police were called multiple times other than the may 21. 2016. What other occasions were there where the police were called? They were called in december of 2011. They were called in 2012.

uh. They were called uh in 2013 in march by the landlord um they. I had sought advice from laurel anderson as to whether i should call the police how many acts of abuse did you allege at that time, and why didn't you tell of all the acts of abuse at that time? I was following advice from my counsel: how many instances of abuse were involved in the uk trial? It's just 14 acts of physical abuse and violence and three acts of sexual abuse, and why were those 17 included in the uk trial uh? Well, i was not a party um, a direct party. I was a witness, so it was whatever their counsel uh.

The sun council chose. Okay. When is the first time you were called upon to provide a detailed accounting of as many times as you could recall, of physical and sexual abuse by mr depp objection? Hearsay, i don't that's, not your savior, i'm asking her when she was called upon to do so. Well, the objection is hearsay right, but it's not offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted and it's just asking for date or overall.

Thank you a few months ago february, in 2022, this year, um was the first time i was asked to to do so. Other than um cold in a deposition chat guys. I think the early. The early game was really bad.

Um, okay, early game, not not interesting um, i think when it doesn't flash for a little bit for like nine minutes. No, no, i think about it. Nothing but i like the wizard a lot. I think that i think it was under my beak.

It might be better than because how about you back on my dick? No nothing about it. I think um, the wizard, the goblins, are very strong units to use. I'm just kidding dude. Okay, let's see it wait, you don't call him pekka.

Why not? How you say that pancake? That is not oh, my god, dude geez did somebody need to use her so somebody's um help me please. It's harry potter has locked me in the room under his stairs. What's up dude, it looks like it link it link. It league link it she's in bed, oh dude.
What dude give us the beams man guys see you guys with a glasses shot. What does it look like? What, if any contact did you have with mr depp during the period from april 21 to may 21 2016.? I had no physical contact with him. Okay, i'm going to take you to may 2nd 2016 the met gala. Can you please just briefly describe to the jury? What a med gala is where it is and what's involved uh it's arguably the biggest fashion show the celebrity event red carpet event of the year.

It happens every year in new york city, it's like a ritual circle. Jerk, were you invited, i was invited. Typically, designers will invite people in the public eye to be their um. You know guests and they will typically dress them and it's a way for designers or fashion to kind of intersect with the a celebrity world and and it's a big event held at the museum every year.

And what, if anything, did you and mr depp do to prepare for that met? Gala? Well, johnny and i were we were dressed by ralph lauren guests of ralph, lauren, uh and johnny missed the fitting uh, because it was happening around the date of my birthday party. In los angeles, but we were planning on going together as ralph lauren's, uh, guess: okay, and did you show up? I did um, i didn't have a phone at the time because uh i couldn't get it reinstated after johnny threw it out of the window, because no one on his team would would respond to me. So i had no way to kind of reinstall it. I had um it's no point in getting a burner phone.

If you don't know anyone's phone number, so i um uh, i i wasn't sure really what was going on or when he would show up or if he would show up. No one would talk to me on his team um. No one would tell me i didn't know so i ended up going. I have burners by myself.

Frankly, i wasn't sure if you'd show up - and you know on the carpet or if you'd show up at the hotel shortly before i had no way of knowing and then did you attend the med gala. I did. I i got out of the car and walked the red carpet by myself, escorted by somebody from ralph lauren's team, and i sat next to an empty place setting for johnny that they they cleared as soon as we realized that he wasn't that he effectively stood me Up on the carpet, who did you meet at the met gala? I was standing in line right in front of a gentleman. It was elon.

I didn't recognize him until we when we started talking - and he had reminded me that we had met once before. He was with his mother and did you strike up our friendship with mr musk? After that we did we um. As i mentioned, we spoke on the on the red carpet kind of waiting in the waiting line of the carpet um. He seemed like a real gentleman.
He was really nice and he sat next to me we're not next to me. He sat kind of in a nearby table and we got to speaking that night and then eventually became friends. Okay, i'm going to michelle. Can you pull up plaintiff's exhibition? 46..

It's already in evidence, it's aaron fellotti's notes and i'm going to ask you to go to page 30.. You know and i'm going to direct your attention to the entry for 5 11 2016., where it says. If i can see here we go. Let me let me see if i can do some reasonable, highlighting here.

Okay, it says client laughed and also reported using illicit drugs, mushrooms and mdma on 5 9 2016 at home, with a high profile, male acquaintance. Court client reported that her husband was not aware of the male visitor nor her illicit drug use. I thought she had it in the evening. Didn't do it anymore after the clinton incident.

Who was the high profile male 1? She did twice after visited your home on 5 9. 2016. uh. I don't recall even being in la at that time.

Where were you i don't know? What's up uh, i believe i was in london at the time. Okay, um did you have a male hyper yeah? I got you at your home in around 5. 9. 2016..

Not around that date. It seems like it's a wrong date: okay, and did you use illicit drugs, mushrooms and mdma with any high profile, client uh? No, i did that at the coachella music festival, and that was the end of that. I learned the hard way that that was a terrible idea all right. Well, while we are on the um nick locked himself out the same notes, i'm going to say i'm going to refer to the coachella which happens up above and it says it states she ingested, mushrooms and mdma simultaneously, while also consuming alcohol in states.

She vomited and was high for at least 24 hours. Okay, that's not a thing. Were you high for at least 24 hours straight? No, i was not. I i felt awful um, but i was at home feeling awful at home, meaning at the hotel uh with my best.

It's not bad, okay. Well, while i'm still on these notes, let's go, i know um while aaron fellati was was testifying. We recall the 521 2016. Isn't on here, you sent her pictures correct.

Yes, i did then, let's go to 526 2016 and it says client reports having the hardest week of my life client states. She cannot deal with the negative media publicity she has received and then, if we can jump that up michelle to the next page surrounding the divorce she requested from her husband jd, do you see that i do? Okay? When did you go in for the dvtro may 27th, so that was the day after aaron fellati's note saying you just had the toughest week of your life. That's correct! Okay, while we are still on this one, let's go up to the first page for the client history. When did you provide a client history to aaron fellotti all right? Never, when did you first get assigned aaron falotti, i believe september of 2014..
Okay now it says here that client reports a history of substance abuse, including an addiction to cocaine and liquor. When did you have a substance, a history of substance abuse, including addiction to cocaine and liquor? I did not there's a lot of mistakes in here. Okay, did you ever use cocaine mistake? Yes, i used cocaine a few times when i was 18 19 years old. Okay cap just can't stop using um any hardcore, cocaine.

Yeah. I got into a relationship with my ex-partner. She was very against that and i'm glad for it. Okay, then.

It also says here that uh xqcl here we go client admits to history of anxiety, eating disorder, attention, deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, co-dependence issues and occasional insomnia. When have you had an eating disorder, i've never had an eating disorder. Okay, when have you? What is that? What is that space? What did i face? Polar disorder? I've never been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This reads: like a have you been diagnosed with modern twitter violence, i have never been diagnosed with codependency issues, although arguably at the time from where i well from where i stand now, i can see that the relationship i was in with with johnny was certainly codependent, But i wouldn't have reported that at the time i didn't know about that, all right or her voice changed a little bit more michelle.

Thank you. It has per report from jd debbie r n. Dr kipper client ah has reportedly been experiencing increased anxiety and agitation recently and has had several outbursts of anger and rage. Were you present for this being reported to ms falotti? No, this is the detox okay.

This is johnny's, and it also says your mood has been labile. What, if any outburst of anger and rage and labile mood, did you exhibit during the detox none that she would have seen none? I i was there for johnny's detox. This is what johnny was going through. This is not me.

Okay and wow at the time of the detox, was aaron fellati your nurse. Yet no, i didn't know her and she wasn't there. Okay. Thank you very much.

You can take this down michelle now. I'm gon na take you to may 21 too underlying it and i'd like you to describe for the jury. What took place that evening in connection with mr death, why would the doctors lie johnny and i had not seen each other for the better part of a month or about a month i was traveling. I just shot a campaign in italy.

I spoke to him because she said so god around that time. I had gotten a phone. My parents got a hold of me after i spoke to my parents, i communicated with johnny he on that phone call um. You know i didn't know what was going on with him for those weeks with his sobriety.

I didn't know where his state was. I didn't know what state he was in and when i spoke to him, he um was saying what i can only just. He was going on about um about scientists and dna and uh feces that he had had some some. You know scientific analysis done and dna analysis done and that you know as soon as i heard about this feces, he thought um.
That was a prank and he was going on about all the the scientists that he had conferred with about the dna results with. I just thought he was out of his mind and thought. Clearly, the drinking and the drugs are not getting better. Clearly, the delusions aren't better, so jacksonville calls for speculation.

It's not about the truth of the matter. I'm talking about what her i'll sustain the objection. Next question: please continue so i um uh. I hung up from that.

I i died. That's not funny at all. Assuming that then spoke to him once once my parents are holding me to tell me about. Basically, we made a plan johnny and i uh for him to come over.

He said he really needed his wife um. He lost his mother and his wife. He really needed his wife, he said it over and over again, i felt more and i lifted. I didn't think.

Obviously the situation hadn't gotten better with johnny mentally, and i was afraid of that all the work in progress and distance. I finally got on it on the relationship. The first time i had a month assistance on it, you know um, i didn't want that to be undone, but i also want to be you know. I was affected by the fact that his mother had passed so uh.

He said he wanted to come over and talk about that, and he said he needed his wife and he made a plan um. I uh come over during the day. Thinking that that might mitigate the amount that he would be drinking night is a little bit more dangerous and uh in the early evening hours. I get a text from him that he's almost there or that he's there.

I think it was around 7 15 or so and he came over and um. We sat on the couch and it first kind of it was relatively peaceful. I could tell he was inebriated but makes sense in my head. It made sense, i thought it wasn't.

He wasn't like incoherent, it was peaceful and then he starts talking about the feces again and this prank that he said one of my friends had left for him in my bed that he wasn't going to be at, and i tried to point out how that didn't Make any sense, i'm not even going to be there. I wasn't there and my friends wouldn't do that. That's not something a bunch of 30 year old women think is funny. What is he talking about? It looks human on and on about it, so i uh.

I text my friend that it's objection, hearsay, yeah, don't don't tell us, don't tell the jury, what you texted your friend but go to the next thing. What did you do next? I uh called my friend thinking that it would um quell this. What i could only see is a delusion. I thought it was just a delusion he was having, and i thought, oh i'll i'll i'll.

Hopefully you know quell this by calling my friend to to. If he hears my friend say that didn't happen. She's please continue. So i thought, if i could get my friend on the phone to to prove that this didn't happen.
We could move on and talk about the issues this that we should be talking about. Surely she's going to prove it on the floor. Marriage was over and falling apart in front of our eyes. We hadn't seen each other for a month and his mom had just passed.

I couldn't believe he wanted to talk about feces, so i call this friend thinking that we'll take care of it before he doesn't answer is irrelevant. I call another friend who is someone else he claimed. I don't know how both people did this, but he was claiming that this person was responsible. So i called that person and that person is on speakerphone and i said who that person is.

I o, i o tell it right. I will tell it right: okay, and then you put it the is called iota right of johnny, okay and what happened next. I i allowed for an opportunity for io to say why this is impossible objection here. It's not offered to prove it.

Hey yo tell it right your honor, it's explaining the context that leads to the next uh acts. What the is that it is being offered here, we're not here about whether i oh i'll i'll, sustain the objection next question, all right, um, all right! So io is talking. You can't tell us what he said. Okay, objection correct.

May we approach okay, dude dude. I wish this lady okay. I wish her lawyers stopped doing that where, whenever they get objection combos, they start mauling and crying like like like displaying this. Like.

Oh, my god, this is so annoying, oh, my god, the rules and quarters. Oh. What is this, why did you do that? We can't say what he said. What is the next thing that happens on your end with mr depp? It just made johnny madder.

He got more upset grabbed the phone and started screaming at io. He just started screaming at the top of his lungs and said you died, you don't know your talk, you know just screaming expletives, insulting names, um and telling io that he can have me and you know off and just screaming at him um. I you know as best i can describe it without getting into the details. He tosses the the phone.

You know down on the couch again and heads up stairs and i pick up the phone and i'm trying to you know apologize for the fact that my husband at the time just screamed at my friend on a cold call. I didn't want io to think that's. Why i had called io, you know to just be screamed at and blamed for something that sounded crazy for lack of a better explanation. It sounded crazy.

Io said something to me on speakerphone and reminded me. I wasn't safe objection or hearsay. Your honor, it's not offered to prove the truth of the matter. It's to show what caused mr depp to be set off and come back.

I mean it's not offered to prove the truth of what he's saying: stop doing that with the mic i'll overrule. The objection go ahead. Thank you. Please tell us what i o said and what then happened with mr deb.
You guys she slammed she slammed get out of the house. Get out of the house. Now you're not safe, get out of that house. I had been there after the cleanup or for the cleanup after december 15, 2015 incident and objection responses.

I think she could provide that i'll sustain the objection. Next question. Okay, so please it's too late too late! She kept talking. Here's this when he's she's talking, you made it up.

One flight of stairs heard this turned around came bolting down the stairs grabbed the phone from my hand and really really started screaming this time, led into io called io every imaginal, every imaginable horrible name that you can say to a lgbt per cubic person for one And and any person any human being ever and we just screamed at io um, some really nasty stuff. He when he's done, he says you know you want to you want to have you want to have my woman now you want to have my you can. Have you you take her, you can have her and he, with that picks up just pulls his arm back with the phone and throws it at my face. Hit me right in my it felt like my eye, i put my head in my hands and immediately start crying um.

I said you hit me with the phone johnny you hit me and i'm sitting on the couch. I didn't even have time to react. You know i didn't even have time to put my hands up. I was still sitting cross-legged in my socks, they're the same storytelling on the couch, and i haven't seen him for a month and last.

You know several times now that i've seen him he's hit me and i didn't even have time to react to this. He comes over to me um and i'm crying, and he does that taunting thing to me. He says: oh yeah, i hit you huh. I hit you yeah, and he just feels like whacks me on top of my head and just this heavy ringed hand landed.

On top of my my skull grabs me by the hair yanks me up off the couch, i'm struggling to stand up and i don't know if he was intending to hit me in the face or if he was just trying to grab my face. But he was making this um gesture around my face to try to hold to expose my face to him and he was like yeah. Let me see how bad i hurt you. Let me see it.

Let me see how bad i hurt you this time. What if i pull your hair back? What if i pull your hair back and he yanks my hair back, i'm trying to prevent him from landing the blows to my face and trying to prevent my face from being exposed, and i just remember this mocking taunt. He was doing with me as he is yanking me around the room, uh and then i hear my friend come into the room um. I hear her johnny hears her too.

He lets go of me and turns and just tell the jury who your friend is raquel. My best friend at the time who lived in the neighboring apartment she came in and moved towards towards her and she ran towards me. Johnny looked at her looked at me. I retreated to the only place i had to go, which is the corner room the where the couch was.
I retreated kind of to the couch and raquel uh and johnny both ran up to me. Uh john uh raquel got in front of johnny. She kind of managed to get right in front of him in between he and i and i'll never forget it just very slowly, very, very in just a very slow but very concentrated, very controlled, slow way just put both of her arms her hands up like this And like i've seen people do with horses, that's what it reminded me of. She just went, no, no johnny! No - and she just got in front of us in between us - put her both of her palms out jurassic world kind of squared off to her ran into her arms, and she just repeated herself very slowly, very calmly, very directly.

He hit both of her arms off of his chest like that and barreled towards me. I instinctively curl up on the couch and i just feel her arms come around me next to me. She was sitting on my left next to me on the couch. I just feel her arms around me and i'm just looking down at the carpet feeling her arms and that's when johnny, who i can see partially and hear, is right in front of me and he's screaming at me to get the up amber, get the up amber.

Get the up amber, get the up and every single time he said it, you screaming it louder and louder and louder. I think he screamed it probably about 10 times so loudly jesus. The next thing i hear is boss, boss, and i realized that his two security guards had come into the to the apartment after raquel. I see them and or hear them and johnny turns to them, and i i see jerry say: boss, boss and i get up off the couch and i say to jerry objection.

Your honor hearsay not offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted at all. I'll sustain the objections all right next one. So don't tell us what you said to jerry just what happened next, then they tell him something and uh. He uh picks up the the bottle that i guess he walked in with uh.

This is mr deb or jerry. I'm sorry johnny, okay and uh starts smashing things off the nightstand. The the coffee table starts screaming. I feel them kind of corral him, i'm not making direct eye contact things smashing as he exits the the apartment, kind of knocking things off the countertops.

She skipped the chapter breaking things on the way i i um realize he, you know he's punching something i i assume it was the picture because it it it broke right after he walked past it and he leaves that apartment. I hear him in the hallway still screaming. I hear more doors, opening more racket, eventually josh raquel's, a husband, comes into the room and brings me to safety, brings for kel and i to safety and in their apartment, and that's where i stayed for the next few hours. Okay, so who called the police? Oh you're, crazy.

They think that a hundred thousand ufos speculation, your honor. This is because then the police come. So i think we have. To put i mean, it's not offered again to prove the truth of the matter, asserted it's just who called the police, your honor.
The objection is not hearsay. It's speculation. Do you know who called the police? Yes, i do now i'll sustain the objections. Did you have a convert? Did you were you present when there was a discussion about calling 9-1-1 objection, calls for hearsay, i'm asking if she was president sustained objection next question: did you call 9-1-1? No, okay did rocky call 9-1-1 objection calls for speculation.

Do you know whether rocky called 9-1-1 - i do know whether she did and did she did not? Okay, um all right. So what happens? When did you learn that the police had been called roughly an hour? I don't at some point shortly after johnny and his security guards left, and what did you do as a result of knowing that the police were coming? I i felt panicked. I i didn't know what to do, because i didn't know what they were going to do when they saw the state of the place. He'd also smash up the other apartment, where i kept all my things, so i didn't know what they were going to do and i panicked i called i called the only lawyer i have, which is my entertainment lawyer.

He does like my movie, and i asked him for advice and then without telling what he said what happened next, i called a domestic relations attorney after that conversation. That makes no sense at all this domestic relations attorney before then. No, i did not. Did you get that name from your entertainment attorney? Yes, i did okay and when you called the domestic relations attorney without saying what she said, what did you do? As a result, i told the police officers who arrived that i would not objection your honor hearsay again, not offered to prove the truth of the video.

I want to hear this objection. Thank you, she's, throwing you i'm sorry. Could you repeat that i repeated to the officers i refuse to cooperate at this time at the advice of my attorney? Okay, did you call your publicist that night, what no okay um now i'm going to ask you to take a look at some pictures, but before i get there yeah you shouldn't have talked to the police, but if you're, if you're, what were you doing when the Police officers arrived when at that time, when i uh am i wrong about this? Coming my best friend took pictures of me. We took pictures of the house and my face.

Okay, i'm going to and did your best friend take any pictures while the officers were there, we took pictures before and while they were there and after okay, we took pictures throughout okay. So i'm going to take you now michelle can you bring up defendants exhibit 706.? I think we can do the native on this one. Yes, thank you. I understand it in uh.

Does this accurately depict the scene portrayed? Yes, it does your honor i'd like to move the admission of defendant 706. No objection 706 in evidence in published, and would you please describe to the jury? What this is a picture of this is my face after johnny threw a phone at it: okay, um i'm going to now. Michelle asked you to pull up defendants 708, 708. Okay, and does this accurately depict the scene portrayed in this picture? Yes, it does all right, and i also see that there is a a a little what we call metadata item on there.
How how do you get that on a picture that happened? Can you just describe briefly objection, your honor, that's speculation. Lack of foundation give me cbs. They usually have it dvd pvc abd abc wxyz. Give me because i'm not i'm not kidding.

Can you something like it? Please cockroach, okay, guys, i don't mind being wrong about this. I am genuinely inquiring out of ignorance, okay, if something happens, and you are generally the victim and there's a big problem like that and your crime has been committed and the police comes up. Isn't it your best advantage to cooperate with the police as a victim and give a statement on the flight instead of just waiting, and no sometimes it doesn't help dude dude if you're the video of something anything generally happened right? How can it hurt you're in danger? It's a problem. This particular item on here got onto the pictures.

It's a it's a feature that was on um iphotos. You know where the where your pictures are stored on your phone. Typically, you just push info and, and was that, pushed in this these instances. I pushed info and that's what came up: okay, you're, going to move the admission of doesn't help 708.

The objection, your honor. I would just ask the picture: be redacted um on hearsay grounds, um your honor for the metadata. Okay! If you will okay guys, give me the because even the other broadcast has the pictures on it. Thank you.

They don't have it either. It's not published yet got it. Metadata is the information that a picture piece of evidence has that isn't just the picture itself? Okay, like the date, it's been taken, uh if it's been like altered the time, the location, okay, all right, i'm going to move the admission of uh 708 with the redaction url, okay, and the objection to that um.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Amber heard’s lawyer gets stunlocked johnny depp vs amber heard defamation trial”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zach young says:

    If I hav me to look at that witch touch her eyes one more time I’m going to pluck my own out

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pyroon says:

    Depp took out his mega magnum megabyte size folder of his magnum laying on his mega sized magnum bottle while playing megaman modded with magnums while drinking magnum. Metachad

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pyroon says:

    Strange how many of her injuries are on the right side of her face, where her dominant hand lies, and not on her left side where Depps dominant hand would hit. He must've attacked her from behind that fiend

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stysner says:

    "I was so afraid all the time"
    -"I was like 'OH NO YOU DON'T' and picked up his phone"
    It's clear as day.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xMebutt says:

    this chat is so retardedly biased, im on johnny's side but holy shit this chat knows noting but wake up turn on pc and wait till xqc streams, like hear it from both sides, i hope amber loses cuz shes just wrong and a liar but, she doesnt have 100% lie rate, like his chat is saying OMEGALUL not her OMEGALUL makeup and maybe it is but i highly highly doubt it, and i highly doubt johnny never hit her but i highly doubt amber never hit him either but that truth of the fact is amber has way more dirt against her right now than johnnu does and it sucks for amber cuz hes gonna have to pay a big amount, RIPBOZO

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pro says:

    Didn't she (amber) use some lines from movies or something in a previous testimony

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TanV says:

    Back in the days wasn't it a popular prank to send poop in paper bags at doorstep… Like they would even light the bag on fire so the person would stomp on it to put off the fire. Our generation is fucked in the head lul

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XK-Class says:

    What does she mean by he grabbed her by her "pubic bone" like i have no clue what she's talking about, I've had plent of contact on that area before and never have I felt something I could wrap by whole fingers around.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blackwater TV says:

    Regardless if Amber “wins” this case she’ll still lose and take a massive career hit. Seems only fair to have any future projects suspended for a few years. Maybe even lose her roll as Mera.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teen Perspektiva says:

    He should react to The Behavioral Arts guy, he did an analysis of her testimony and pointed out all the lies and how it can be seen that she is being deceptive. Good video.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SUSIGMALE says:

    How r u all watching this for hours? Don't u get bored? Im just waiting for the final result lmao

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rey Soto says:

    My favorite part of this drama is that I get to watch it live with yt chat and then I get to watch it again with xQc commentary and his chats reaction

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Heuer says:

    Everything about this video is biased. No matter what situation or context is being discussed, the chat is always on the site of Depp. Im not saying im on the side of Amber, but its just non sense to react to these videos when 14 year old kids write "she is ulting" in the chat.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ritik k says:

    She stopped fake crying as soon as she saw people making fun of her and not buying into her acting 🤣🤣, bitch thought this time was gonna be same if she cried fake tears

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