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Just W up. Now this is your daily dose of Internet My brain is sticky man what the heck, What's up this guy? She tried to do her own makeup for the very first time. Oh the morphe by am manie mua wow I Love it! One of my subscribers recorded a video of a tornado that somehow spawned on an indoor pool. Oh my! Nice background reminds me when I was a fish.

Yeah me too hi a police officer arrested AER still CH What is that is like a typhoon? A police officer arrested a delivery driver but still managed to deliver the food acci got arrested but we want to make sure you got your food so you guys have a good night glass. huh? Well that was sick. Oh I've seen that before. Never mind.

This has to be the most talented dog I've ever seen. What was the deal with PD yesterday? Oh my God I don't know I don't this hello Mr nose that is the coolest dog trick I've ever seen. Wait that is insane. My god did you have something to say I didn't realize I I thought it was like edit or whatever I wasn't paying attention this crazy I've ever seen watch the new Apple Vision Pro video watch the new Apple Vision Pro video is it Looking forward to the Stream So I guess are not afraid of spiders Cheers Xcl on chat.

Where do you live? Where there's there's tarantulas? Just random. that's crazy. She tried to scare her mom who had no idea that she was home. Australia hey hey hey Welcome to the Jungle hey today is my 25th birthday I'm spending it mostly alone so I'm thankful I have you and chat to celebrate with Xqcl Jesus if you go to Peru it's pretty common to see alpacas jumping.

the cars stop C Disgusting is so dirty YouTuber Attached a halfpipe to a hot air balloon hey Xqcl L I've been doing LSD Coke and shrooms every day. Figure out how this work now they no longer work I'm lost. What the heck I passed my engineering FL video I Hope you enjoyed and I will see you guys again very very soon. These Dons are bugging out today.

Man yo! Holy! Dons Hello Hello everyone! This is your daily do of internet. I Don't think our windows are supposed to do this, huh? A few days ago something strange happened in the pH A few days ago something strange happened in the Philippines Millions of fish started throwing themselves onto the beach. but why my god, oh no, what is this? One of my subscribers sent me this video of their car glitching. Every time you hit a button, the horn goes off.

Every single button. We don't know what's wrong with it, don't know. it's got be fake and no shot and what do you think the horn does I bet it wasn't this. Yeah Yep, okay, that's just so stupid.

This dad spoke to his daughter through the doorbell camera. Jesus Welcome home, that's H that was nice. Is that I'm doing he ate TR look how ugly these are. Man this dog didn't realize how cold I got feel bad people who own these dogs.

yeah they got to look at them all the time. look how ugly it is. he's got like a big ass Mustang on both sides and and they get cust full of saliva. It's disgusting.
This dog didn't realize how cold it was outside I'm going outside. Hey okay. imagine being your mama I'm almost your sister's age I'm 25 I don't care. Oh my.

look at that bird though. Holy that a Hulk I'm almost your sister's age I'm 25 you are Yes, how old do you would you guess I know you're like 44. Okay, here's a time lapse showing how much skyscrapers move in heavy storms Guys: I know chat. There's a lot of Engineers like oh dude this is fine.

this is fine. This is fine it can. It can do way more than this and be still be stable chat. But guys, there's something about living in a building that does this that makes me feel like if the I I don't want I don't want it because guys I don't want is if the building isn't hardcore doesn't move at all J is I I feel like I don't want it.

It's like the piece of mind. it makes me feel like it's going to fall on. That is the end of this video we hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys again very very soon later. Hello everyone This is your daily dose of Internet it's been a while.

well that's like that like that like broke the the wood. dude I'm not doing it baby. nothing happened. He disgusting.

R The police were raiding this home so this guy asked to help out. y need some help. Good one a that's so cute what is I think it might be a little icy outside I Saw a couple social ice cream that you can get at Walmart that for some reason doesn't melt. so I decided to try it out myself and do an experiment to see if it was true.

I Used an hourglass timer and recorded a time lapse of this we temperature. As you can see after an hour, it pretty much looks exactly the same. In case you are wondering, this is what happens when there's an earthquake in the middle of a surgery. Okay, that's nightmarish.

As soon as it stops, they get right back to work. License and Registrations Please License and registrations please Ma'am Can you ma'am Can you step out of the vehicle? Have you been you been drinking? I Found a musician that can play instruments by blowing air through his ears. Huh? These divers found a giant manay dude that's a massive. This little guy was so excited to show off the mess that he made.

So I guess if you pet a r they will wag their tail like a dog. Ugly rat. See guys, it's it's it's. kind of weird to say that look like rats cuz rats actually look nicer than some of these rat dogs cuz rat dogs are disgusting pilot sees when they're flying at night.

There a lot of low flying. The end of this video we hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys again very very soon later. So these are some low flying clouds. no.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Angry man gets instant karma xqc reacts to ‘daily dose of internet’”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @crikch says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gibbyjibby0 says:

    low clouds are common at night

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fancen says:

    daily dose of druuuuuuuug

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dexi600 says:

    That rat near the end was pretty cute

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @n3wmoon_ says:

    let the ice melt, hte life go on , it's made like this, hold on soon the stars will shift again.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fsynorth2341 says:

    Jesus christ fucking tts, background music, xqc speaking, narrator speaking. Legit overbearing, no possible way to watch this if your brain isnt dopamine fried

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bedrocklolgame says:

    The part where he said that rats actually look better than rat dogs is golden

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @robinhuizenga3200 says:

    make something oc u leech

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Mazlow23 says:

    I will not stand for terrier slander

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @namikozuki3135 says:

    Omegalul >>> OmE

    Gachhibass >>> HuH

    I miss old emotes

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @D-K-C says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jadedcarton says:


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