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I'm happy but I'm because I'm rested I'm rested I'm happy guys I'm I'm happy when I'm rested hat yo you want I'm a gringo myself trying to pass the time and figure out what the heck's going on. I've been hearing a lot about the Border crisis. The Surge at these Southern borders 10,000 migrants a day border crisis. This border crisis that more barbed wire on the border the Border they say is closed.

it's not. But as you can see, there's not diddly squat happening behind me and that's all by design. A few weeks ago Arizona decided to shut down this particular point of entry because it was being overflowed with migrants who were seeking asylum in the United States Derek there is no traffic here. take kind of coincidence.

Chat guys guys guys I had to a take a break for those who don't know they didn't hear earlier cuz I had I had to go United States last last coule days and I had to get all my papers together over there and get my identification as a US resident permanent permanent of tech I got a Texas ID brother because I breathe I breathe America Bro guys something I no about America Chat guys it guys it almost I'm not getting warn my heart I'm not kidding I Actually real life chills I'm on the highway okay I see this Ultra Mega Ultra P of metal in the middle of a dealership, a dealership and has the most biggest flag I've seen of all time. CH The flag must have been like 15 feet wide high and it went almost on the highway. So massive and chat it warmed my heart. It may feel American chat because I could hear the Eagles and dude I'm not kidding.

However, I have a sweeping suspicion that despite this actual vehicular passageway being closed, there's still a lot of migrants nearby who are attempting to enter the US using different means that than a vehicle through an official Port of Entry. Let's go do some investigations. I Began my investigation by attempting to breach the east side of the Port of Entry Walking carefully through the Border Patrol parking lot with confidence and purpose to avoid suspicion, we see one of their helicopters fly by, but aside from that, there's absolutely no one around or so it seems as I continue to walk I notice a suspicious white box truck in the back corner of the parking lot. It appears to be blocking something, but I'm not sure what in order to get around the truck without raising suspicions.

I Fain interest in the local stray who I can see frolicking in the distance behind the trucko Amigo Okay, this a treat. Oh, he's got some good Spanish Hold on. As I suspected there they were. Hundreds of migrants seemingly of African origin lined up against the Border fence hidden from the cameras by border patrol.

Then to my left I see Spanish speaking migrants who are already being processed I been want to learn Cherto authorities in Ver Cruz have found 34 bodies wrapped in plastic bags in refrigerators. The Navy says the suspects are part of the so-called New Generation gang. Yeah for best of luck man. Hills Heard that Roberto's ultimate destination was Lost Hills California A small workingclass town outside of Bakersfield where the primary Industries are pistachio farming and oil field drilling see and crops.
Okay, pretty much everybody we talked to said they're leaving because of like cartel related reasons. basically just saying that it's getting so hectic down there that they're just coming here first. dude wanted to work the wants to study engineering and Agricultural Science obviously as I just started to explain they closed down this border officially on December 4th to like cross traffic. So if you're if you're going to Rocky Point to go vacation you can't drive through Lukeville.

you have to go through Noal. And they did that because this small Border Town was being so overwhelmed by migrants. But as you can see, despite the fact that they actually closed the Port of Entry, there's still hundreds of migrants that are just waiting along the border wall right here. I Want to go talk to them because they all appear to be African I Mean there's a chance they could be Haitian or you know, Afro Colombian or something like that, but I've seen a lot of recent news stories suggesting that most of these people are from Sagal Gambia, Guinea and so forth, which is really interesting.

obviously cuz those are insanely far countries I was about to say cuz I say this: CH they Nam countries that are very, very far away I mean bro that that's far out. how come they go from all way over there in a in a boat and I don't think Americans generally associate African nations with illegal immigration I think typically they assume it's Mexicans and Central America I guess I guess I must pause the CH I must pause the current broadcast chat fin video fleeing Narco violence or Venezuelan fleeing a regime change and obviously we share a land mass with these countries to our South So it makes perfect sense why they would come north. standard of life is considerably higher, but for someone to make the journey from Africa into Latin America and then take this almost tricontinental Journey up into the United States It's particularly strange, especially given the fact that Europe is much closer. There's first World Nations that are much closer to these African countries that have a better healthare and education system than America.

So what is it about America that makes them feel like this journey is worth it? And also, you know what life do they expect here in America CU Obviously, as we've documented in the past couple months, there's a lot of really shitty stuff happening in America The state of our inner cities is already pretty bad and so I wonder almost if like The American dream propaganda that they're being fed by Media or by their friends or family members. If that's actually true I Think America creates an atmosphere for people to achieve. so the American dream is just the ability to achieve. That's what it's about.
Like is the American dream actually a reality for immigrants? Or are they more likely to just face different types of hardships when they arrive? I don't know. let's go talk to some people. Okay, interesting I Wanted to talk to these African migrants, but because they were being deliberately safeguarded by border patrol, that seemed very difficult. They were essentially being held in what's like a demilitarized zone.

a single Lane patch of land between the Port of Entry and the actual border wall which apparently American civilians cannot access unless authorized by Personnel Still, I drove 6 hours to get to this place, so I wasn't about to leave without at least trying to talk to them naturally. I began a westbound hike along the border wall, searching for a hole or an opening in the fence that would let me access where they were standing. Finally, I found a clearing in the fence and began my journey eastbound along the restricted pathway very quickly. I was apprehended by law enforcement.

Yeah, so the actual border road here is closed. okay to to anybody except law enforcement traffic. Just cuz sometimes BP needs to kind of hoof it on here. But you guys are welcome to take pictures or Dever like from right here.

just get back to your car, do what you need to do. Say thanks bro! Appreciate it. Thanks Yeah! Pretending that our car was in the direction of the migrants, we continued our mission and predictably We're stopped again. Have you coming through here? Okay, we're just trying to find a good place to do some like interviews with migrants where we wouldn't get no, these gates are closed and locked.

Oh The Border's closed. You guys got to go the other way. Okay, okay, where do you guys think's a legal place to get interviews and stuff like that? Parking lot? All right, Thanks guys! Thanks How we going? Huh? Somewhat disheartened, we ended up back at the empty parking lot where this video began. It seemed that Border Patrol was running a tight ship and being directed to deliberately mislead journalists.

Or perhaps maybe we picked the wrong place along the border to begin our coverage. so we figured it was time to pack up and leave town. Then, seemingly from out of nowhere, an off-duty law enforcement officer approached us in his car and told us that we were just one mile away from the largest secret migrant Detention Facility in Arizona which is embedded inside of a national park called the Oregon Pipe Cactus. National Monument BL Road I Believe it's called, you go about a mile.

It's conveniently hidden. literally thousands of people and people from all over the world. What they do is when they come through the wall they shed any type of ID So you can find passports, currencies, driver's license, uh visas from Guinea from Morania Sierra Leon Chad um Ghana Egypt Thailand Nepal It's phenomenal. You see discarded stroll, day packs, purses, neck pillows Chad Chad I Mean these aren't the people that were crossing in years past that were just trying to get into California to to make a living wage to send back home.
This is a different demographic completely. These these are the guys bringing in the fenel you know it used to be the Border crossers would would get across the border one way or another and then they had 2030 40 miles to get up 60 mil to I8 it was very difficult and AR guys guys guys I've seen these videos okay time time again. Okay guys, we've seen it. We've seen his interviews all across mobile channels.

Okay every time they they interview these these State officials or whatever right? They always go. they they seem chill I think it's chill and then they oh yeah these are the guys. Boom and they unload the dog I'm tell you every video dude, the Cartel makes it really easy doesn't they simply step across the border and walk to the border patrol and and claim Asylum I'm a pro-immigration person we we need immigration but not this way, not the way it's being done. Now where no one has any idea of who these people are, it's just totally unsustainable.

What do you think's the right way to do it? I I Wish I had an easy solution I Don't know. It seemed to me that that Title 42 was working pretty well under a previous administration which required people to call to claim Asylum upon the first country they hit rather than having it come right into America first. So what is Title 42? The order started during the Trump Administration It allowed the government to turn away migrants to slow the spread of Covid-19 the Trump era Health policy that allows authorities to immediately Deport Most migrants when it ends tens of thousands currently waiting in Mexico can apply for Asylum Authorities say they're preparing for a spike in migrant Crossings upwards of 10,000 Okay, pointed. doesn't this make sense guys.

If you if you if you go across five countries and end in uh America you say Asylum Well, couldn't you have claimed asylum in a lot of other countries that were also suitable for a life there guys? I I don't about I'm asking a question I'm not being rude at all I'm asking a question okay I Feel that there's a lot of countries that are suitable for an asylum country where they're sustainable and suitable for Life per day. mhm. How many people would you estimate are coming through, but I would estimate certainly more than a couple thousand a day. But if you just run the numbers with the numbers that we're seeing, if you even say 1% aren't the greatest people with the greatest intent, we're in danger and it's being done to profit the cartels just using my own rudimentary math skills I Think they're making about a billion dollars a month MH Smuggling people into the US What they do is they saw cut the Ballards in the wall.
We'll have to check them, pull them back, and then funnel people through. and then when they close that Ballard push it back onto where it was previously affixed you you can't see except for for I Mean there's a you know, tiny little crack where they saw. cut it so and this happens all along that 12m section. Midway Through my interview with this man I had a shocking Revelation This maybe just maybe was the same guy that I interviewed 5 years ago at the rate of Area 51.

What? What are your thoughts on the aliens? Man, they're here. They're here. They're here right now. They're walking.

Among Us on two legs. Human like. Oh yeah, do you plan on raiding tonight sir? Oh of already been in what was in there? They're in there. They're in there totally Yes! Anyways, man, thanks for the interview.

Good luck guys guys. When it's cold, the skin of my toes gets dry and it's it's going to edible. You're a brave Soldier Thank you I Didn't realize this until after I filmed the interview, but looking back, it actually makes sense in both encounters. he's on the outskirts of federal land, claiming the government is hiding some crazy that he himself just saw.

Five Guys in camouflage from head to toe black mask with the camouflage backpacks running as fast as they could. Damn, that's a crazy situation. So for us as journalists, if we want, if we wanted to get the you know firsthand scoop of what's going on, you mentioned you felt like a processing center was the best place to check out. Yes, Mhm.

and that is over there Mhm. I I Find it Curious why it's hidden because logistically, it would seem to me to be much more efficient if they put it right up here on the highway. It seems like it was intentionally put 3/4 of a mile off the road, so taxpaying citizens wouldn't see it. you going in there right now? Yes.

Can we follow you guys? Sure, All right. Cool. I'll see you in a second man. Thanks so much.

All right. So I guess we actually kind of are in the right place to guys this what happens when you get when you get old guys. He has the the Trump backwards mouth shape chat. it's the it's a guys, it's a backwards you know what I'm saying guys, it's the Round Top flat bottom cool I'll see you in a second.

Thanks. You see it right? You going in there right now? Yes. Can we follow you guys? Sure. All right.

Cool. I'll see you in a second man. Thanks so much. All right.

So I guess we actually kind of are in the right place to to find migrants to speak to that dude that just pulled up and talked to us. He actually agreed to take directly to the migrant processing center where everyone's being kept I Have that he said that it's it's located like in a hidden location four to 5 miles away from the state road that runs through this place. so we're just going to follow his car and uh yeah, hopefully get some. Get some footage guys.
Sor I'm done. I'm done. To my surprise, my unbeknownst old friend was not bullshitting about the processing center. In the middle of the Sonoran Desert Hidden behind border patrol vehicles and makeshift tents were hundreds upon hundreds of migrants, all of whom who H the US Mexico What if it's designed to be more far out of any sort of like resources or road or rather because they're in the glaring sun and the conditions are so tough that people will turn back and ship it? Guys, that's kind of terrible.

I Mean it. Both are valid stories. It was a shocking sight to see hundreds upon hundreds of people from all around the world hurted like cattle on the cold desert floor, sitting in silence, awaiting an uncertain future. Despite these conditions, Spirits are generally High, especially among children, many of whom who have been walking, hopping trains, hitching rides, and so forth for weeks and even months now.

they've finally made it to the land of opportunity, a nation allegedly founded upon the principles of Liberty and radical individuality where anyone from any Walk of Life can make something out of themselves. I Guess they call them detainees. They've been walking on this road. This road runs for 12 miles, 12 or 13 miles.

What it does is it parallels our border fence. In our next episode, Migrant Detention Facility We go undercover and speak with border patrol agents and migrants from across the world who are seeking asylum in the United States We'll also follow a Bus full of undocumented migrants and driven by Ice agents who pulled over and detained us after realizing they were being filmed. Like much guys, this is going to sound really dog. Okay, this might be one of my worst guys.

This is the stupidest take of all time. Oh my. God Chat oh my. God Okay, chat guys.

What? If you you say it, you back up. you let the Border like this and you put nothing for Miles nothing at all in a secondary border right? And it's like Yo Dude, don't don't cross right? But there there's the Wilderness there, right? and like the reason why you don't want to cross is that dude I don't think you're going to make it right I mean guys, cuz it's a it's a long, it's either going to be cold at night. super hardcore hot start Guys: you would need to have like equipment to do all that right. What guys, it's like a it's like a mass.

It's like the Wilderness it's a big buffer zone and it's like dude I mean would you attempt this Trek Chat: Let's say it's it's in. it's in the it's in the glaring Sun of the desert Guys: it's like 40 C during the summer and it's like 50 miles have to. you have to walk dude like a No Man's Land would you do it? I'm going be I Cont: This episode is available exclusively on our Patreon www saying spawning lions and Sh come on man yo, that's not even what I meant though. like it's it's like a default Z. Channel5 as many of you know Channel 5 is and has always been completely independent and supported empowered directly through your contributions. Thank you Channel 5 Live worldwide Hollywood and Vine The Authority Channel 5 News Channel 55 We don't with Custers and Five is the best number r R Guys I I This was good I Wish there was more interviews with with I I Guys we saw this last time. Chat Guys Guys it was um guys it it was the same sort of documentary with with the Border stuff and it was just um I got to keep it a bu ch um I don't know dude I don't know. It seems like the people that work at the border like the cops order them almost get jaded and annoyed at what they see and they almost like become kind like radicalized a little bit cuz some of the they said last time CH guys I got be honest with you I don't there the what they're saying I they they know what they're talking abouta more than I do right but some the that they said a lot of it was like years Prediction guesses yeah conjecture a l of was just kind of just kind of like a pated full of dog.

it's like bro.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Arizona border crisis xqc reacts to channel 5”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @YormanOrtiz says:

    The pvp wilderness zone needs to happen

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cryptojuicer says:

    white ppl are gonna be rare af

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Alexander07865 says:

    U have to wait xqc, illegals get to skip in line and get free money, housing, food, and healthcare.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @legowhite says:

    xqc's final take on making a "nothingness" before finding anything is idiotic. i have a family friend who walked through the desert and almost died of dehydration. putting nothing wont stop people, because there already is nothing for miles.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AKD_PK says:

    xqc becomes a millionaire and suggest a second border with hunger/squid game in the middle O_O

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @llllIIIlIll says:

    You get sick once and go homeless

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @lain6889 says:

    The grass is greener on the other side, the American dream is obsolete.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gasad01374 says:

    their situations are so bad that they are forced to leave but one of the few items they bring with them is neck pellows? interesting

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gasad01374 says:

    legal US residents have a harder process to get into the country than randoms crossing the border.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @Bigvagina420 says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ElGamerXL says:

    Say whatever you want about the us, it's no secret they have their problems but you can't deny that even for unskilled labour or illegal immigrants labour the pay is higher than in 90% of the world and even more so on the countries where this immigrants come from.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DeathRebel369 says:

    One thing the cartel does not want is the U.S. military getting involved in Mexico. They would kinda be fked

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @teunvanderwal646 says:

    i aint gonna lie mexicans and other people coming from south amreica to go into the US is crazy just go to the Italia they have to take in litterally 1548 times as much immigrants as other countries in the EU but italia jut dont care, they bout to make WW3

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jbluyt8890 says:

    Xqc forgets that the immagrents have already gone through much worse before a damn road

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