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That's the uh, that's a circle of wi damn it's cool cuz like the more I breathe air in here makes you feel like slightly sicker. That's a big ass. Cricket wait is that real? No Oh I thought that was real wait you have. So dude, your sink is crazy.

no this is F I usually don't use that one. wait oh no, this has been used yeah I use it pretty regularly. Oh you letting that pan soak? Yeah how long that been soaking for? uh like a a day? Oh okay. cool, cool cool.

yeah it's actually not that bad dust in the pan? you're lying. Is this the same kitchen you cook in? Yeah, why is it am I czy one CH smaller than you thought it was going to be. Who has like a panful of like old fat in it and you want to like it? fills the whole thing up. Just just do that and just give it a taste if kind of looks nice though.

holy that's the craziest thing I've ever seen along the been soaking for so if you wanted the fork and knife right now where would you get it from? uh right here. I have these Yeah I have these right here because it look like barbecue sauce. Oh you've got cream sace I've never done it of condiments. those have been there for like a long time.

I Wouldn't recommend eating those years girlfriend left here. Works Totally fine I just don't know what to do with it. These are pillows that mold. Well he's got a flat screen TV unplugged on the wall, but he's got this dog ass TV in the in the living room.

that's my bathroom. It was actually so bad that I clean it up I don't have TV up I think TV is a waste of time. if if if had a TV I'd probably I' probably rely go live other room this like my my room's a kid. this is my bedroom.

makes me lazy. Oh the nest. it's real well. I actually had to get rid of most things out of the nest.

that's uh, because they were moldy. they were moldy. Do you actually sleep down here? or you just sleep upstairs in your room I don't like this. just like this.

oh I got my pillow. yep very comfy and Co watch CH is that the wall that he that he does the thing3 months always the same damn shirt I haven't move I haven't moved them like what else am I going to do with them like damn Let's see yeah I didn't clean anything up so I figured I'd give you guys the uh Au I don't think it's booger Chad Chad chat I thought Whenever his teeth were up and and his gums were bleeding he would he would wake up and take the blood off and wipe it on the wall. Is that what the blood is? This is where I'm usually at. This is the this is my room let's see I I actually I got this desk at Office Max This is like a bunch of like random stuff I have here.

This was a whiteboard that I would put a list of things that I had to do in World of Warcraft So I got my chair and that's the other chair I got the sofa. um it was like nearby I got it. it was on the side of the road. oh that's she sick.

What is that? CH is that a luggage that is nice dude like that's the bulk work of a a A. same with this one and then I held it for like two miles while we took it back to the house. see I have this sword I have like 10 different. it's the coolest Shield of all the tanks of all time I just pretty much over myself and then I've got oh these are sofa cushions.
There's another sofa but I kept the cushions because I wants to be able to make I want to be able to make a sofa cushion Igloo I never got enough. Let just make sure to Twitch Prime So I can afford it. Kiss me in my hot lips little bro. Oh this is my plaque for getting 100,000 Subs on YouTube I have a million one I don't know where the plaque is.

It's cozy. Yeah, as long as there's no black mold, that's fine. That's pretty much my house. This is where I live.

It's cozy. I think with like yeah it's 90% filled up with he's got the rock portal in his house W true that's crazy. maybe maybe 99 Chad chat What? What would a maid what? What would Maids even achieve dude he he's hoarding he Stacks items. they can't really do anything.

they can only like wash a counters but there going to be items everywhere. Dude, why do you have thousand World of Warcraft player I did that as a visualization. It's fake money I'm going to burn a $20 bill every single time I do a 10 pole just to show how many actually have the tray from Top about to eat off I'm already like used to the smell. well it smells like old house I guess like I love that I love that smell like trash or rotting anything.

If a house smells old but it's your old house, it's really nice I hate moving in or going to a an old house smell but if it's your house it's sick Yeah no I don't have any trash in the house I mean well I mean yeah I mean I do like I mean there's there's definitely some trash but you say you don't have any trash in the house? Well what I mean is like not designated trash right? I mean you could make the argument that like 95 one p and you watch use I think that you're right but I'm not trying to actively throw those things away. it's just you know it is what it is I did get staks and everything I want uh, incense? probably a bunch of other CRA in there and then I don't know if there's anything in the oven. Oh those are brownies. those are from like a last Valentine's Day Valentine's Day isn't that in um your dishwash? February No okay I try to use as few dishes as possible that way.

I don't have to wash them. Oh these are oh these are fresh cookies. Oh yeah, those are actually fresh ones only. I Love EA this my friend HB that's good I Costco cookies.

You can never eat all of them before they before they go bad Costco Cookies go bad so quick it's like impossible to finish the box. Now it's looking better right? You were getting stressed out weren't you? Jay he was getting stressed out. We got one steak right here I Can't believe it works. What works? Oh you don't want to use that? yeah I wouldn't trust that cuz it has change the filter in a long time I wouldn't use that either.
Yeah you for if he's been eating this for 30 years, Probably fine right? Yeah Yeah yeah. change filters on that all the time. Do you have smoke water? I never did it? What what the even is that? And we've got one more potato after this and then we'll have everything I'll go. uh I'll go.

That's not a steak outside like a pork chop. do you want like paper? a flank steak can I get a gel. the this is pretty much good to go see what that. Go ahead.

Yeah you're were like watch a streamer and you're like oh man they're probably way different. It's probably just a character that there's like kids. Here's an only child and these kid toys are the whole man's life. L Yellow Car Oh classic.

that's classic. Get the's really can't up a potato just it smells good. chat F Fact about B Potato it actually never actually goes bad. You put them in tin foil, you burn them, then it's just butter.

just butter green onion. That's it. Boom that's crazy. That's good as two years actually good as try.

I know what my family does They put like a I think I think they put oil under and the burn is like caramelized. It kind of tastes sweet like burned. just like beef jerky. like burn sweet.

You want to know what my favorite food in the world is Beef Jery that's right. Yep right you like it is a little dry but it's it's supposed to be dry but it's dry and then that sauce cuz like if it's dry that means oh sauce is insane. Any bad mold or anything like that, it's going to get through a good sauce will carry a steak all day. Dude like a sweet baby.

Ray Sauce A1 Sauce like a like, um just be I mean see it makes sense. You've refined your recipe for what I'm assuming is over like 10, 10, 12, 13 years? That's There's no way some some guy's going to sit there. Answer what you wait. Answer: What What that asking I assume not.

There are people that go to Waterburger regularly. Yeah, that's true I expected it to be a little bit more bland like not like in Bro This been guys. this guy's been bugging the out. let anyone in it illegally stop at any country, let people into your let people into your house.

You're too scared to answer Bro bro, you're fighting nobody Now if bro I don't know who you're fighting I worry about you. Please stop inedible way. But I mean it has a lot. A lot of flavor that's putting not every migrant is illegal, not not all of them.

There are some, but not all of them. For most people, it's not a lot of food, but for me it's It's perfect. You ever want me to clean like a room or something? Trevor You want me like pick up a little bit sometime or no for what? Just in case you know, see how it feels. just don't look at it all right.

I get why you don't move. Yeah, you can tell there's like a I used to wake up at 11:00 p.m. go to Wendy's at midnight. eat food, pass know.
talk about this. The trees are very nice but they're very selfish. They they drain a bunch and they they cover a lot of the sunlight up they the sunlight. This the ground is not getting a lot of sun.

you look like you want to try so you won't you? Oh to I won't bounce bro. you probably wouldn't be able to grow a lot of stuff under there and it's all the ju added the nutrients on the ground too. It's being very selfish. Selfish tree is weird here.

Are these you got sacred F Here that's like 30 bucks. Yeah damn some rare. My mom's a gardener. Oh slivers too.

Oh dark steel Colossus that's my buddy's fav recording. again. that's that's the good. Go I Would like very cozy.

you know, looks bad or whatever. It doesn't matter. 4 months, it's good I'm jealous bro I think we're the ones doing it wrong I mean have you seen my room I have drool stains on all my but I have to have to replace it good as this. Yeah, chat chat.

guess I swear chat. If you're a drooler like me, it starts tasting like honey. That's that's you got to swap it, then chat when you're when your pillow start T like honey. that's when you swap it then feel like when I was like in Eth grade and I go to my buddy Trevor's house and like it was just like I felt like I was going over to another real human beings house.

everybody in the house was smoking. did this house used to smell like smoke all the time? My mom smoked every single day in the house. she smoked a lot. Yeah so my buddy, that's that's how I Trevor I'll be real I don't taste it I mean it's it's not like that I miss it but I don't do it anymore Chad when you drooled you kind of like you kind of like taste the pillow when you wake up like what forgot you used to be a smoker.

your no, what do you think? how would you would you live here 6 I mean I'm going be honest. like this house, no sense, you're love guys guys if you're a jeweler you know what when you're face down and you're jeweling and then you wake up. dude if you're if you're on your pillow and J from the side it mixes with the fabric and when you wake up there's like a mix of pillow and Je Tes if youw a lot it tastes like honey so says yes in chat say boom yes yes yes yes gets it except for the noobs in chat being DB I Feel like I've gone back in time but like it's nice though it's It's kind of a cozy house though. This is one of our J CH I like houses that have um the the the top room is the is the the angle angle the roof angle I think that's really cool.

Are these the world's most crispy fries? Let's find out these the world's most crispy fries. Let's find out I know we don't get this. Fun is funny I think it's bu.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Asmongold’s house is worse than i thought..”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iNfinite Rik says:

    One Goblin to another Goblin.. 🤦‍♂️🤮🤡

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars silents says:

    yeah butter potatoes or with cheese n sour cream is the best, straight salt is wack

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BangtansMandu says:

    So he’s clearly a hoarder and he should probably get help.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HUNKCULEZ says:

    You guys watch xQc? Hes just like sssniper. Boring af

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cognitive Dissonance says:

    I would feel blessed if someone remembered me the way this man remembers his friends and family.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avrai says:

    As long as it doesnt smell who cares. Let him be.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wababiba says:

    Please keep trying to help Asmon clean his house and fix his sink.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Callum says:

    I think it’s just his aesthetic

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars haakon hopland says:

    Everyone should feel fine they are not living in asmons House

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mac M says:

    Revenge of the nerds

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sraitama says:

    Why people think it is a problem? He have no health problems ect. Nothing is wet ect. Like xd it's just that he don't even bother to pay for somone to keep house clean even if he have milions on his account xd it;'s his life and he is happy

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxvell09 says:

    I like how everyone pointed out that his house is the Baker Ranch from RE7.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evilwolf says:

    For someone who has a lot of damn money from streaming he sure does have the kind of house the average 4channer has.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pappa Keno says:

    cause xqc have a housemaid, otherwise it would be the same

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chinny716 says:

    No one talks about the fact his mom was his best friend. It's her stuff also. She passed away not long ago cut him a break

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars olfan92 says:

    Its not his blood its wasp blood.
    he used to have a big wasp situation. so he sprayed them and they died on the wall.

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