xQc reacts to the Atrioc drama.
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#xQc #atrioc #apology

Let me make sure I don't like anything in it. Uh and I was in every day at the party I used to Um I'm used for Manchester United Center today I am I've been using men's certificate. What am I consent the world called my two things uh okay as a woman is is this is not shiny amongst women crazy. None of you should care or listen to what any measurement is.

Take is on how I feel I found it a number of animals, measure and 22. I've raised one million. Okay so I have 24 Ma Okay, if anyone doesn't think it's a deal that my name is in the headlines or a thousand people are coming down my suggestions in my body it's my will. You are the problem.

This region makes me feel this is available, not just about it. Yeah, all right. uh. I'm not illiterate I can read it yo.

You guys listen Twit loggers. Okay I think I'm an expert at two numbers and apology videos I get it. Okay, okay I won't Okay I'll give you as an unfiltered take but there's a catch up. Okay, on top of that on top of that I hope you guys know.

Okay I will not consider Chad's opinion while saying my name is I'm not gonna be a J I'm not gonna be a A Suede sideways xqcl Hey, this statement is long overdue. My actions have taken me from someone I was proud of trying to make a positive impact in my community to a deep fake porn guy. The scarf that is felt deeply on my heart first and foremost I want to specifically apologize to Maya and Pokemane. You were both in the screenshot that spread around the internet.

Your names were dragged into it and you were sexualized against your will. You have both succeeded in this industry in spite of all the blatant, unfounded sexist attempts to hurt or assassinate your character in a male-dominated space. And now I'm another guy on the long list. I'm sorry I didn't reach out sooner.

I'm sorry my actions have lead to further exploitation of you and your body. and I'm sorry your experience is not uncommon. Okay, um, fair enough. I'm not gonna cook it for no reason I mean I I don't want to be like I don't want to cook it for no reason um, um, if I want to give feedback, tell me what if I wanted your feedback I would have put some of the stuff um, and some of the stuff that says towards uh, that is more, um, introspective, more towards the bottom of the response.

Why? Because I think it's that's a priority of who goes first, who was hurt first, what are the actions, and who they've hurt. These people go first, Ebony go first, right? and then the the kind of, um, some of the stuff uh comes next. It's okay though. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna overcook it there I'll leave it for now.

whatever. dude, whatever the reality is I have it easy compared to the dozens of women who from my actions discovered, they are exploited unconsensually. I'm sorry to all of you for the pain I caused with my action and its ripple effect. QT described it to me as a wildfire and I believe that is correct.

My goal now is concrete action to fight that wildfire and do everything I can do to combat the damage. Okay, um, yep, that makes sense if imagine discovered. Uh yeah, terrible. Uh, fair enough in the short term.
through the efforts of Cutie and Ryan Morrison's Law Firm the website in question has already been taken down I have spoken with Morrison and am working to cover the financial cost of the takedown as well as all legal fees for all women affected to use his services for removing their unwanted content from the web. Additionally, I am engaging more law firms to continue to remove this content from other areas of the internet such as Reddit to ensure this issue has my full. Focus I am stepping away from content creation and off brand. Okay, so super simple installment I I Guess that's that's a way to get off the hook if you like it.

Um, Okay, okay. I I see it. It's understandable. It's okay.

I I'm only smiling four years I'm always lying because I'm always smiling because I mean it's a two bit of one stone type thing right? If he was fired or as a brand risk right then it would. they would let him go right? but if he says but if he says um I'm getting I'm getting out so I could focus on this and I don't have time because if you think about it in the react okay because I don't mean to be rude. Okay, the reality if it is, um this might take a little bit of time but it'd still be something off brand I Don't think these guys have like daily ongoing right I Don't think you think maybe they think it's a brand risk and they want to cut them off and now he's like slipping away which makes it look a bit better which is fair. I mean it is.

Lastly, to anyone who has expressed the sentiment of support that what I did wasn't wrong or that I shouldn't apologize you sincerely I Do not want your support I Do not stand with you. This will be the last time you hear from me for a while I'd rather you see my actions I will try my absolute hardest to combat the damage I caused. Thank you Okay, fair enough. um okay people's people say people say people same sorry got caught yo which which makes which makes sense.

Okay, so you're kind of right, but same time you realize that him getting caught makes a lot of publicity around that content and causes way more damage. So the action is very wrong, right? and I get that. But him getting caught unfortunately is a super bad because because then it catches Reddit it catches a Twitter Lsf and everybody knows what happened. He did this right.

Think about it. the damage globally. not that energy. you know the clever globally.

It's not crazy if it was if it was all in private with a book right before it got caught up. Now that you got caught, they exploded. so I was like I'm only just strives and effects right where these people will think oh they take this down and then people more effort to put more eyes on it slowly. this guy, that's what I'm going with this.
so yeah and it's unfortunate that a lot of the damage is a little bit away from I guess his his actions but one thing across another I don't know it is I mean I don't know, it's it's hard dude I Want to tell you what about different? um I dropped off to you and forces deep faking no go. you're weird. people have posts in the past okay me and force and kissing and I I saw that I mean if only kissing were like a naked almost and we're kissing on the bed I saw that I got hard. that's on you weirdos.

Crazy how your life can change from other questions the second. um, that's on you. Whoever did that I will take it down though. You can see the last one.

which one you mean forcing it. Oh yeah, that's a that's a it's a dude. it's my um play music I think my music guys forces forget also saw me and him on that picture when we're like topless and we're kissing you okay I know he saw it then I know he saw it then don't be weird then no cat people do have the best apology video on YouTube and always give WT okay thank you he said like in general bro is that changing back from an old tablet Dude from all tabbing to this yeah rinse stuff goes over better. never just in a video of a live stream that I could do it.

Not bad. As good as an apology as you can. ask for just another line of the present ends. Otherwise the final counting videos three words use uh I know what that is Change my mind on this in the future.

but I don't care I'm joking. Something that I kind of think about at this point is it's gonna be a dog I can always tell it's gonna be you're violating the consent of someone by forcing them to do something that they don't want to do. So then I started to think I think this kind of ties in to the concept of like Identity or the reality of your identity in terms of who you are as a person. and I actually I think that Ai and deep fakes I think they can threaten your identity in terms of like who you actually are.

It's not a bad if Destiny had any. Had studied a little bit of philosophy, he could go through these thoughts in a more organized way and get better conclusions instead of doing his notepad dog. That's what philosophy is about. That's what philosophy is about.

Not kidding. So you're essentially forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do, but almost like in an altered reality. Um, but it's still. It's still like their idea.

Well, I'm I've lost all my philosophy knowledge. Okay, but it's cool to gain the ability to really make a new thought. You have your thoughts on your head, right? So really, think about something right means breaking it down. Let's say let's say the same.

yo. Dude, if you're if you're a human, well are you an animal, right? Well, I Think what island philosophy is that? You break it down any start, uh, organ your thoughts and then what you have to do. at least at least in my class of philosophy. you argue against yourself, right? So you come up with 10 arguments I Usually three of them.
Three of them are some per per thing and you can't argue about your cell phone and you disprove your own set of arguments. Boom. You're getting your wishes. Okay, you're getting the You're getting your wishes.

all the drama frogs. everyone else that that just exclusively is interested in like a blood sport or whatever I will give in I will cave to you and I will describe uh, what happened and what my opinions are even though it's like such an open and shut obvious like Ethan did something very wrong. Atriak did something very weird and gross. Both are indefensible.

You know there's no, there's no perspective I have on this and also the web. the website should be shut down and in general, uh, deep fake should not exist and uh, the larger conversation to be you're getting your guys chill. Come on man. oh no is I'll watch this chat.

But guys I guys listen if I don't agree I'll cook them just being women I'll say the same thing I said in the beginning I understand why somebody would be upset. It makes sense to be upset I just thought it was an overreaction Apparently that is, you can't that thought can't exist in your mind. Yeah, true. I either hate the women and I think all of them are stupid for caring at all or I think it's just as bad as rape and they should go and like, be like completely like horribly upset about it and they should talk about it.

Those are like the only two positions apparently you have but I'll restart the position I had since the very beginning I understand like why some would be upset I think it's totally fair but like going live and saying like this is what pain looks like just seems like very very dramatic to me. But I can't um because they want to be individual he I think he contacted one of his old takes unless it was nice take. So I apologize if it's nice. Take it okay.

we're like it's them who are heard by something. It's kind of them who would get to dictate how sad and how effective they are by it. If that looks dramatic to you, it doesn't have to do anything with how accurate it is to them. That's just kind of how it goes.

Okay if you tell somebody champ. okay if you tell somebody that's my YouTube manager taken. if you tell somebody yo dude, you're fat okay and they start crying and I cried for like 10 days straight and they don't go to school and say ah geez what all over a reaction Jesus Christ I mean you are fat and what the who doesn't go to school and stop doing anything because they call the one name they might have a background they might have in history they might have they might have like oh you oh yo butter balls double chin fat like Jesus they might they might have. They might have a complete conglomerate of things a stacking life events that little to them being that hurt and it's up to them just to say or not or be that hurt.
it's not up to you to come in and say yo, you shouldn't be this hurt LOL it's just kind of how it goes. Okay yo, this is X x on the video I'm going through my voice as well that is anyone knows that boy I don't know. he's just so sorry. anyone knows that boy I don't know, He's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Atrioc apologizes for deepfakes streamers respond”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Moore says:

    It's funny watching different streamers who are friends with him or have worked with him squirm, try to downplay it and change the debate to how bad deepfakes are 😅 if he wasn't caught he'd still be subbed and jerking it to these websites lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zenverso says:

    I don't think she felt that affected about those fake images. Also: wtf pays for porn these days?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Ray says:

    These female streamers are crazy, they know what % of their viewers/subs are MALE right? How is it so hard to believe people are sexualizing them, next thing you know, they’ll be upset and shocked people “think” about them when they jerk off.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Quach says:

    I feel like philosophy is useful but they way X explains it makes it seem so bad

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miki says:

    L streamer

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ki11ersg 24 says:

    Fuck there Feelings

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vancy Boi says:

    So we can't even fantasize about a public figure without their consent now? What's wrong with these people, they literally want simps and then when the simps do what they do, everyones outraged?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smooth Cactus says:

    The dude is genuinely sorry. Like everyone watches porn. And I know it's not acceptable to watch it of your friends but the guy made a mistake and he is genuinely sorry. I feel like instead of people hating on him you should let him get himself together.

    You dot have to like atrioc but you got to u derstand he knows he is in the wrong and wants to fix it.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kindred says:

    Anyways, at points like these is where xqc shines as the anti-hero, when he has quite the bad personality at times but his morals are still quite redeemable

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrFluffykins says:

    bro speaks in 1.5x

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LamP says:

    the only funny thing that has and will ever come out of this atrioc will now just be known as the deepfake porn guy, that'll never go away and its just kind of funny that, thats what he'll be known for.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JonBc14 says:

    chestnuts 🌰 🌰 roasting in the open fire 🔥

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ur mom says:

    I mean I'm still gonna watch him

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silent Kaine says:

    Creepy af but any girl on the internet who cries over being objectified shouldnt be on the fucking internet. Like going to north Korea and crying for food your just gonna be laughed at

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