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#xQc #drama

This guy again this guy. Dude bro this guy. spawn can't be drama Dude this guy's spawn camping drama dude. he's door camping.

look look him again dude. every day some jump up stuff like whatever am and he's door camped see I almost had you thrown out of the show because you were yelling and making everyone uncomfortable I don't know what the I'm looking at Twitter um Ming says that there was I understand the worst I've had. that was the thing I'm still showing many memory of the event yesterday. I hope you're okay and still but you still got drunk if you promised people you wouldn't gonna help that.

Okay I assume you enjoy it at the party would be fine nicely. Was not go yourself. oh Jesus then have a nibble. oh yeah like that like a rat.

uh I think if you've watched my content you've seen Minx and I used to be very close and now I've separated myself from her completely. However, this is a person that I did used to care about even though I do feel as though I'm unemployed I don't recognize her anymore as a human I not like as a human but I'm saying like she's not the same person when I talk to her I do not know what happened and I'm I am someone that suffers from mental health issues I am not kidding you when I say I've tried to do everything um and anyway um she reaches out to me out of the blue. yeah I mean I gotta try guys guys. I think I think cutie when she talks I think she's like the opposite of of Pokey I think you're like uh I think what's inside you guys.

this is my genuine ticket again. People hit on Cuda a bunch okay and and I get why but a lot of times I shall speaking some actual true and people are gonna get mold. Okay, okay you say you say she's being an okay? this is my perspective and I said it says a little bit. Okay out of everybody that pretend that they care that they like, they'll go around and they'll be like oh yeah I care I care about I care about this Okay she um, she's in a very small pool of people I guess one of two, one of three that generally cared and tried for Minx okay I I will wasn't it wasn't it I will go on a limit like I said okay and and if I end up being wrong or so be it.

but I from from what I've seen him when I've heard it, Cutie actually tried not like a don't do this anymore LOL W Dude no it's not like I'm not glazing it I'm not using it I'm just I'm just telling you it's it's more than that. Okay, it's just how it is Okay, it's how it is okay. oh uh. a few weeks ago and brings up streamer Awards and I have a moment where I think you know what this is again a person I really have cared about for so many years I'm gonna give her another chance and I said Minx because she told me she bought tickets for the balcony I said Minx you can come sit on the floor with all the other streamers you have to promise me one thing and she was like what anything and I said do Not drink be completely sober you need to promise me this like promise me and she's like I promise I'll do anything I was like great and like I was like genuinely like I will show you the messages multiple times me just saying I'm not kidding promise me and I promise I said completely sober I promise like she promised me over and over again.
anyway I get to the party. um she's wasted. uh she is getting escorted out by security because she's trying to throw heaters into the pool and um then which is bad? it's a bad thing. yeah eaters the big propane gas heaters like the ones that are like like seven feet eight feet.

that's trying to put those in the pool I heard she was trying to throw cyclun in the pool. yes and people she was trying to run away is a bad thing and so I uh I I'm getting told that like Security's handling it and I'm like you know what I have to deal with this other problem so hopefully apparently upon walking her out um, she went limp with the intention of making it harder to kick her out. You know, dead body weight is much harder to that. Um, and in doing so tactical.

Uh yeah, tactical. Some other stuff happens. All of a sudden she's just laying on the ground limp and no longer cooperating and getting removed from the party. Um, now her friend that is with her is very concerned.

Obviously now I'm getting concerned because this is someone's safety. Yeah, you know I'm we're trying to figure out. does she need an Uber home? Does she need an Uber to an emergency room? What should we do? This guy says yo dude um I don't think you understand. like um okay I wish you understood the amount.

Okay from episode the amount of chances that were given a lot, the amount of leeway that that that the people got okay, the the amount of chances is kind of crazy. Okay I get it. I get it. I get it.

Okay and then it's like sometimes some explanation is gonna gonna need to happen or whatever brother and then people will talk about it. So what do you do? Do people speculate and say rumors for like over and over again and cause damage? Or would you rather like have it out there as what actually happened? Somebody actually knows. Otherwise, it's a problem. It's a problem.

Speculation is a problem. Okay, otherwise it would be like 60 people. Yo Dude, this happened and I think that happened and I think and people speculate and it's okay. Don't do that.

Don't do that. Okay you? Um, by the time I get called out there, they're telling me the party needs to be shut down because since she's in the front yard, neighbors are starting to come out because it's causing a scene and I'm saying you know I I've make sure she's okay but also like I don't know what's going on Yeah, but the neighbors to be honest. Okay in L.A and in the LA Hills Hollywood Hills whatever. Dude, all members are a bunch of them.

Okay brother. Well uh bro, they're a bunch. They're such a bunch of they're a bunch of man. are you kidding me? Dude.

Dude. dude. I've been to parties where people were like Whispering it we had music at like five volume. Okay, we could barely hear the kitchen and did Neighbors call the cops? Dude, we rewinded about the music.
It's too loud you man. dude. they're just annoying though. Dude: I Wish you understood like there's nothing like a millionaire.

It's just just old people. They're just smalding. Okay, okay, uh yeah. hang on.

Her friend, unbeknownst to me, called 9-1-1 So then in this residential neighborhood a fire truck comes pulling out an ambulance, police cars and they have to close the party. So by 11 o'clock my after party that I spent thousands of thousands of dollars on to celebrate my friends is closed down. The thing that I wanted to do to finally relax and thank these people for coming and just like kind of celebrate, this thing that we all just did together is close down and I genuinely don't want people to think that like I'm oh complaining about money over someone's Health it's just the the sad like the disappointment I have and somebody who promised me better and then uh ruined my night after everything that I have done for everybody and what I've done for them specifically was very sad. uh this is the behind the scenes on why a bunch of people today are like quote retweeting that I've unfollowed her on Twitter this sounds dramatic but I can't have someone like that in my life I've tried everything she's blocked on every platform I have I am no longer interested having contact with this person or Taking Chances with this person I don't know um I've done it everything I've done everything brother Sasha was a wild you know I don't know I don't know how to help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

What do you do? Well I left the party right before that happened. yeah it was very late I have the party before Oh my God I saw dude this guy man brother, how old is he is he 60 or 65? What the brother man every time it's like 10 30 11 Hassan Stop stop stop Stop it. Okay every time at 10 30 oh man I gotta be up in the morning. Oh boys boys guy I'm going home.

Stop it. Stop. Okay it was not late. it was.

it was just getting started. the players was getting started. it's it's 11 yo Yeah because it was very late. which means that you Uber there 25 minutes you got there maybe 10 minutes you were there I did a lap and you ubered back 25 minutes I Will clear your mind we're longer than you were at the blame off Yes I will clear my name right now yeah I Walked into the party Austin smelled so bad I got thrown into the pool because my shirt smelled so bad timings I went inside I said what up to everybody people started coming up to me someone was like hey you want to fight in a boxing uh ring and I was like no uh and then a bunch of other people came up and you know we're asking.

all the sponsors were there trying to no no not all the sponsors which is fine. got to see a bunch of people. uh talk to some talk some friends for a little bit. uh I saw some incredible burgles.
uh snuck too and I didn't get a burgle they they cleared them out when the cops came They removed the burger. Yeah, just just listen I feel like some people are like misconstruding the events I think they're like kind of like a lying and I don't know why? um yeah I don't know why though this makes fun on Kick I don't give a the he was running before the party I Must say you're throwing out because you were yelling making everything uncomfortable completely I tried to add them with you. Rehab everything I hope this is your rock bottom. Get help.

Cheers! Um you can come sit on the floor of a promise not to drink. yeah no stop at the topic yo okay chat I Got to the party decently early. okay decently early. not the first one, not the last.

pretty early. okay and when I got there okay I said I would I would do shots with with uh Dean from RP I said I would do shots obviously shot with uh with Miz I would do I owed four people I wanna do shots with okay because I hate drinking okay I think it's trash so I also hate beer and like that. that's what I do all the time. Okay so when I go to after parties I'll find people that I like a lot right? and I'll be like go dancer party and I do shots with you you and it all like arrange it it does I know it's kind of corny but it's just it's this is what I like to do.

Okay so then so then in my head I'm gonna do four shots and it doesn't mean by night and I know who I'm doing it with it. So I go to the party I roll up and I'm like yo um I need to find people I'm gonna do something with it right and I'm gonna order uh uh my stuff and I'll write the book a minute. I'll be like Yo dude shots right? So we get there and then um I think the same as I Talked to is minx okay and then and then she's like well I mean she's already up okay I don't know what she drank at the actual events. okay but I'm telling you ahead of time.

Okay, once you get there to party, she's absolutely busted. Okay, she was cooked like an egg. um and then she was turned up and you know, like her eyeliner was like all smudged and like you know like I mean dude, you guys have seen it brother I guess I'm not gonna adoption I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm saying well she was up okay she was up and then well she got there and she's like yo shots and I'm like I'll be with some shots I'm not gonna do it with you so I do one with you and I'll have five and I'll be six I can't do it though. so I'm not doing shots and then um I don't respond to somebody else.

She's like she's like take this and it's like a a a a more and I was like nah I'm chilling and you know um what? uh you're lost. Well follow the story, follow him and follow the story man. So then I was like no, we're not gonna drink and you know, butter butter she's already okay. So I just felt like I just felt like it.
people that she was hanging out with then well why did they? Why would they later drink? More like being being actually helpful to friends that you care about. If you've seen that they're already up and have a problem with alcohol dude, you'll try to like reveal them back or cut them off or like talk to the bar person and go like you know this person just cut them off. That's it. That's like the right way to do it is to just cut them off.

Okay I know it was like bro bro okay and he was like why didn't you, my brother, my brother uh uh in this in this scenario one I I was talking to other people when I got there and if she was gonna get more up okay to me it it didn't look like it was going to go even even way harder because I think she did go harder. Okay and me and her are best friends yo whatever I'm saying what I'm gonna say I mean she's already trash. You have to do a workshop Yeah exactly in a chapter when I got that she was all smudged. So I know I know why you guys would like it.

Uh dude be the savior of the world guys. this isn't some anime. Okay I know some people like they like to be like oh bro, this is an anime I'm not a hero I'm not the hero Okay then okay I'm not I'm not her great friend I haven't talked with it I've been talking with her like last week okay and I guess I've been can I closer with her. okay but I usually it got me an elephant if you want to.

okay but other people for like about an hour. Okay, this is all about all my perspective. yeah I I heard some some some yelling and but dude sir um after that um I saw somebody leave I'm like where are you going and they're like yo we're leaving place now oh no no there wasn't anything down yet like someone's going on outside. I said I said what is it she said they said Minx and I said okay what am I recently makes listens to me um she was right behind me screaming during the show I Love you cute in it? Yeah, that's hard.

That's hardcore yeah especially when it's like live shows. That's pretty really hard. That's what. I think that's what.

That's what you'd want to avoid in the first place. Whatever. Yeah I'm not wrapping up man so that sort of and I feel like I can get through the mink so she listens to me sometimes. so I'm like I'm like oh, I'll go I'll go talk to her a little bit and then maybe we could.

you know, um maybe we could fix this. but I go outside. okay and you know, like brother, she's Gigi okay, um makes is just she's just GG guys I mean well brother but I don't Mommy tell you Okay, it's just it's not coming back from my understanding doesn't it? and and what the dudes were doing. uh, the the people that were there for help because then they had to call people right? So they then they First Responders were like firemen and then ambulance I think I definitely saw the fire truck there first and brother, she's just just typical I guess alcohol poisoning fireman.
Yet that's usually how it goes, isn't that? I'm sure like the fire trucks are there first, but she was just completely unresponsive right before the dudes get there and inside and starting you know like uh um well I sat down and I tried to be like you know yo, are you there and shut it. Really, try to connect and see if she's around. you know like there and what I'm telling you, uh, she just she just wasn't. she just wasn't It's just GG Okay, there's no.

there's no saving it. It was just like you know when you're drunk, right? Well that's like almost about to go into a Karma just come here I mean you know she's she's brilliant, but she's just not. she's not there man. and then an English get there and then and then they set her down.

so I know what is it but the seizure thing I guess I don't know how seizures work but from what I've seen when I got there I was there from the moment they took her out in the stretcher. Okay, well um I don't know what it is, what's that? it's possible. Okay, well um yeah yeah I don't know I just just up. In fact I just really trashed it and then um so it makes that another party class understanding what people want to attack me.

Yeah, people should want to attack it I don't mean that's that's the thing yeah um generic brand keemstar looking ass. um I don't think people are mad about the money, you guys you guys I don't even matter about the money people F I Found the average quep of course viewer Pepper Also also also to the mother suckers that are gonna probably they're probably thinking again bro. I'm gonna go complain with the party got shut down and I was modding it. Shut up.

The parties were as good if not better afterwards to the places we went to. Okay if they didn't tune in and pull up, that's their fault ass. The next party was dank. Okay, if you didn't go well, that's your fault.

The mess. Okay this is how it is. Okay um maybe they didn't They didn't go to go to high school. when you go to parties brother happens.

you go to from party to party. sometimes is what it is. It's like coming back some hoes. man stop complaining like some hoes I I just I don't even know I guess Also also she she generally has a problem with alcohol like I get it.

it's really bad. I think people are going like super hard I get it. it's a problem and you should you know should get her shits fixed up. but I think people are being a little bit overly harsh about it I know that it's difficult.

You can just fix your life instantly. you know? Um yeah. I Thought it was way better. Yeah and but it was way better.

It was it. It was chill. It's chill. Um that's just how it is sending invoice.

Yeah, it's just something. Whatever, it's fine. It's there's not much to it. It is what it is.
1.5 000 comes on this that yo yo Minx and open Lottery Go wrong. Yeah. Also, I'm gonna I'm gonna be the one that said okay I'm not gonna hold my tongue People who organize a party. Okay for this party.

okay the bar and the what the they're doing it. These drinks were so diluted listening. I got eight shots, eight shots and I felt nothing okay they would. They were dialing shots 80 percent lemon juice, 20 actual alcohol.

that's like brother normally I take three shots and then I I can't breathe but bro I start anything breathing issues of the three shots I had eight and I was a chilling okay. so I don't know people got really junk over there I don't know how people get drunk over there and it doesn't make sense. The dog call was just diluted like crazy and even even the shots. the mixed drinks were like really really limited.

so I don't know what the uh. anyway yeah, moving on, it's water shots. almost Yeah exactly. the place showed up.

Answer that because it means I don't I don't see what she usually invited the mid last straw. Well why did they stop the party anyway? couldn't check. couldn't the party just keep going I know what happened there? well I didn't know like I get it, things are happening outside but I think the parties were like you know oh the conduct said no policewoman says and the owners kicked them out Jesus Okay yeah, collabs, make it hard if it's gonna drag her limbo out of the building and she smashed her head causing an ambulance to show up. I'm especially blame the fall on the episode seizure.

Would anyone know that Truth is drunk? she needs a uh yeah I mean that's all right second into the water but like she just jokes about my shirt and she just like Wiggles me around and I was like like are you done you're done doing that. you're done like please actually before I I don't I don't I don't I don't mind it, it's just she don't What if you get in better places ten times you've done this? yeah that's what it is. um what? I was gonna say it's already been said a thousand times. we're gonna serious help but we'll share time yo this is X x on the video my voice as well that has anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so soy.

anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Big drama at the streamer awards”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jet says:

    When you're alcoholic and stil clout chase. 😢

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars minmb82 says:

    Mf needs a speech therapist

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cryptic styles says:

    seen it a mile away i knew everyone would get sick of her shit

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlie_Xmas says:

    je sais pas comment le monde font, man ça prend 14 seconde pis le gars gueule déjà. une chance que y'a des sous-titres pis qu'on peux te mute

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M says:

    I will say my buddy had a seizure and the next day I called to check on him, he couldn't recall it even happening at all

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kat chan says:

    its fucked up yall are defending qt for putting all of her shit out to the public and being incredibly rude to her instead of actively trying to get her help in a better way, just talk to her why do the viewers have to tell you that you were a good friend to her if you can't even respectfully help her through her issues instead of painting her like a villain

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P Bibby says:

    Justaminx is the most depraved person on earth

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Megan Pennington says:

    his chat is always flaming him lmao

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1ncredibr0 says:

    xQc is a fucking goblin man

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quiet says:

    This kinda reminds me about the margot Robbie seen leaving cara delevignes place crying because she can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kokopium says:

    The problem with addiction is the misconception that it’s something you can overcome overnight. It doesn’t work like that. Your brain is beyond repair that it overrides rational thought and action. It takes so much time and patience to control. The reality is that an addiction can’t be cured, it can be managed to not relapse for many many years but if the wrong things happen at the wrong time it’s so easy for these people to be swallowed by the abyss.

    It also matters to remember that attitude definitely plays a huge role in how quickly the person can recover. A temperamental person like Minx seems like she can’t be left to her own devices when trying to recover. She is the type of person to do what she wants. For her to get the help she needs, someone with a lot of patience, time, knowledge and an huge heart to care should be the one to stick by her side to make sure she doesn’t deviate or make excuses. Minx seems to have a lot of friends but a lot just aren’t well equipped to handle Minx.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Daddy says:

    When u get drunk at a party😨😨😨

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