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#xQc #blinddate #funny

Is it is blinding. Six women based on Old filters CH What's a filter years my name is R and I I'm a film director video editor in my ' 70s. I Would like to be someone like my grandma because she's the kindest woman in the world. Oh I thought old an old picture7 wow Thankfully no one looks like my grandma.

Wow! They did a really good job in this photo editing. It's a bit scary. Hi Number One U Please introduce yourself so I'm Andrea I am an actress, an artist and a climate Justice Organizer: I Like that you help with climate change because I do a lot of social issue documentaries too. That's great.

Thanks number two. I'm girl number two formerly known as Jordan I'm sure you jump scared at my photo because I personally did I'm really happy they put some lip gloss on me though. Oh yeah, but I like video games, music and films, favorite director is probably like Wes Anderson Very excited for asteroid City uh number three. this one's pretty cool.

kind of looks like a mug shot my name is Sydney um I'm a consultant consultant so you're making that bread you know I had hoped but yeah I See myself and you know CH I Don't think I care that much. old age traveling the world just being a let me let me see one of them come out and we'll see it. Um number four. Wow.

looks like she was in like Walking Dead or something. Has you know what I would choose? Um, so you know I would choose this. Maybe her, her or her, No actually no no I'm being dumb as that. one.

two definitely work. She's a baddie. She I together two or four. No hard feelings, right? Never.

we'll see. Oh God All right, this was a hard decision. but the person I'm eliminating is number two. What? Hi Honestly I would illuminate.

You're so pretty. Thank you Y do I look like uh you? you don't Actually you look like a completely different person but you would look great when you're 70. Thank you What? CH how old are they guys guys? how old are they s since like you guys are all looking old in these photos I was thinking like what TV show I'm thinking um f watching together F I'm going to give you a doofus answer for the TV show but I love Rick and Morty I feel like I can watch sh over and over and over and over. And as far as movies um I'm a big Harry Potter fan so I would definitely watch that series.

Harry Potter's my like good, good, good, good, good. you're a wizard Harry like that's that's that's it. Yeah yeah. and then we can work on Aent don't Yeah, you stumbled upon a very weird fun fact about me.

I've actually seen the entirety of The Simpsons and I Ming it back the second time. So I have seen all 34 seasons and then I think my favorite movie CH This is like like a weird Johnny mix up with a mustache like I don't I don't know Everything everywhere all at once, balling my eyes out to two rocks with googly eyes on them. What the is happening? An experience I've probably watched it like 10 times now and every time I tear up. We can do laundry and taxes together.
Oh I hate doing my taxes too so you can help me do them. Oh I Really like The Walking Dead um I I'm we're here for you. That's just gibber. We here for you.

This is going elimin on what you guys said for the TV show and I'm going to have to choose number five because uh Rick and Morty is actually one of my least favorite shows. Damn! okay I'm so sorry. what's this? Don't to you personally more of a South Park Okay, it's okay, it's okay. don't blame you.

Sou Park is Weir tattoo right? You look young and like like 35 or something. actually okay. I'll run with that. It nice meeting you.

nice meeting, good holy what would you say? A current growing Edge is for you like something that you are working on and growing on. Wait 35 What? why she's 35 I wasn't listening to I was I was too focused on on um on analyzing facial features. Wait 3 35 I Think something I'm really trying to grow out of is spending too much money I think another quality of mine that would I could get better in is probably. um I yo speak with your chest bro.

Holy this guy man. I'm I'm not a perfect person. You're perfect. Get it? nothing to work on Yoo This guy is what's one thing you say you I was thinking about my chest.

that's my problem I wish people knew that I was like soft on the inside a um I'm pretty much an open book if you ask me anything I would tell you. Oh well. good to know. Challenge accepted.

Challenge accepted Okay Hi Orion um so first I'm very into space and I was wondering if you're named after the constellation I am my dad is just like obsessed with Greek mythology. Okay yeah, he's named like me and my three little brothers all oh you know I can't handle this chat. just eliminate. Hope you know in the next 50 years that gets fixed.

Eliminate three. Just move on man. eliminate four. The first person would have to be number one.

What? What? Hi hi okay hug yeah of course. okay. nice to meet you You? yeah yeah you look very um young in there too. like okay, really? hey nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you at this point I think um walking out of the show is the only good call. This is just walk out. you just walk I think that's my call. it's like I'm just kidding the next person I would like to eliminate is number three.

All right hello can? yeah nice to meet you. Well how does it years? Was this the one that you said bugshot like yeah yeah I think it's cuz like the there's a flash go lost the game the background is there anyway. Excited to meet your winner not my style. She's attracted winner winner chicken dinner.

That one that that one's dumb as brick that one's Dum at least at least it gave me that image from the video. hi nice to meet you I'm nice to meet you I like your makeup oh thank you yeah I Went for a slight academic look with like a Twist career academic I look nothing like this. they white yeah I don't know. yeah you won't need that boto at all.
Thank you yeah I appreciate that. Nice meeting you. Who do you want to be by the time you're 70 years? My first choice was act the correct choice I won I Won the game show I won y'all I Win Um if it's anything like this baddy right here I Will be happy with that I Want to be the little old lady that um people are like oh, we want to have Andrea over um for our like Thanksgiving Meals by the time I'm 70 or 80 I Want to still do yoga every day I Want to have cats and I would just like for people to see me as somebody they can always go to when something she's nice I mean out of the five you don't actually you look like a completely I I think she's nice for sure. You look great when you're 70 thank you and attitude wise and and personality she wins by a long shot.

Chat both on looks and personality. looks way more bearable than any anybody else in the video by this not close either. Uh, second to last was pretty good to but uh from a police rate on their mansion resulting in.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Blind dating 6 women based on old filters xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickeyMike800 says:

    the way the guy speaks kind of reminds me of Elon Musk

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whoosh says:

    Adhd is strong in this one

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eduardo João says:

    I love how the people in the chat saying "mid" to girls probably never dated anyone above a 4 lmao

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Video Horror System says:

    The soy boys on these dumb videos

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lurtzy says:

    Making that bread? That sounds a little weird.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Over Salt says:

    XQC brings hope in these dark times💀

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Killer Wail says:

    Out of all the women in the world and he picked Adept 💀

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dhcjduendncudjsbdcjdjsnjdjdjdhebddhhdhdbebdfhbdebe says:

    When 2 first stepped out I thought the guy was an idiot and threw the game, but I feel like his choice was perfect for him in a way.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Somenek says:

    You are the modern jinx congrats

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaMo says:

    he wanted to pick #3 first but chose to keep her for obvious reasons. my man smart.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Esipixo says:

    Number three tho 😮‍💨

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlzMarioWolfe says:

    I’m a straight woman but the second to last woman was hot as FUCK come on

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bailey Smith says:

    just gonna say this


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nadeko says:

    damn these are the only videos in which i actively ignore the chat.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark2098 says:

    climate justice aint naurr way

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brewtank says:

    I lol’d when Xqc said at the end of the video “I WON THIS GAME SHOW I PICKED THE BEST ONE” hahahaha

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