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#xQc #dating

CH Do Not give up. So you're saying you care more about money than a relationship I Give See was a homie. but if she stole my money, yeah, that that affects my life. Men and women cannot just be friends Guys I Want I want to I Want to hear this? Skip please and not just be friends.

He's still deciding. but I'll go ahead. There's always this underlying current to a man, a man and a woman. when they're just friends, because there's there's this sexual attraction.

this energy that you can't even see it. It's always flowing. And men, as you know are, you guys are conquerors. You want a conquest.

You want to, even if it's a friend. Sometimes that develops into more simply because law familiarity. you start getting close and comfortable. And maybe you weren't attracted to her.

Initi off but that you know nothing wrong unless unless she's dead ass ugly. But even then D sometimes chat Guys Guys guys, sometimes it gets down. Dog guys, listen, guys, listen, listen, listen. I Got to put the C down for this one.

Guys sometimes chat. it gets down horrendous. Okay, it is. It is.

opposition seexual. Clarity Always kicks in. What if the man is like not attracted to women just like generally? Do you think that's still Oh You mean if they're if they take a different a gay sexual orientation being friends? Well I think that that's different. Perhaps because, um, they're attracted to men.

So in that moment, they they have taken on the feminine energy. so they only want to conquer the men, not the women. Well in in that there's always masculine feminine energy whether you're a man or woman. So if the guy is, if the man is gay and identifies as being attracted to men, then he's in a feminine energy mostly.

Now if there's two of them, there's one that's more masculine and more feminine. But that's for another. Two of my best friends are women. We have great times together.

If the guy is gay but identifies as liking women, then there's energy Guys I Don't know what I just listened to I don't know what my ears once have I considered sleeping with them or anything like that ever? No. but that's the thing then. Is it the wrong one? Men? not the women. So in that different, different, like, just like generally, do you think that's still Oh You mean if they're if they take a different, a gay man, sexual orientation, woman being friends? Well I think that that's different.

Perhaps because, um, they're attracted to men. So in that moment, they they have taken on the feminine energy so they only want to conquer the men, not the women. Well in in that there's always masculine feminine energy whether you're man or woman. So if the GU if the man is gay and identifies as being attracted to men, then he's in a feminine energy mostly.

Now if there's two of them, there's one that's more mascul, more feminine. But that's for another two of my best friends are women. We have great times together all the time. Not once have I considered sleeping with them or anything like that.
Never. No. But that's the thing is though in their Darkest Hour in your darkest Hour come on no you. we start up as friends and then and I this is like I said I was never attracted to them.

A lot of relationships start like that today. even though I discourage it. They say I'm not attracted to them, but it'll grow and I'm always like it can happen. it can.

But but the odds of it? so I agree with you on that. That's why I'm like I do understand and I get it. but I like two of my best friends and not onead that is a professional paid Capper I guess I Everyone keeps saying likeo life is a long time. Are your friends attractive? Yes, like they look, they look good, but attractive is subjective.

like. Just like generally speaking, like girls like look good right? Okay, so was just gu been a moment You want to beat it. You know what I mean or like you know there's a special exemption I'm non monogamous so I never have to worry about intimacy. Well that's why.

So so you getting you getting played so you ain't worried about man if they're with somebody and I respect that that. who's who they're with. bro I yeah friend is fine and I is that not fair enough? That's fair enough so he doesn't need it. but that's what I'm saying but but but but but if you was lonely, you wasn't getting it though and your friend was throwing itess that's a different situ.

That's what I'm saying over here. Come to the dark side if he's not attracted. if we're not attracted, it's just friends friends. As a straight, very monogamous man I grew up mainly being friends with women I felt more comfortable in those spaces I felt more comfortable talking to women I've never been like a bro Rah rahah that type of thing.

So so I think men and women absolutely can be I have friends that I've had since elementary school, middle school. We talk very often and we talk about all these things and it has never affect. Saw that mon. you see that so a mess.

you guys can't see the message Chat This autoed that aspect of the relationship because we're men and women, we're just people and people can be friends. It's not completely agree, so my perspective is from kind of a Christian world view. um I believe that you know God created man and woman to come together in love and attraction to be one I B him he day Lord Um and so from that standpoint I believe that there is just a natural attraction I Have had some extremely close friends that were girls and that attraction just develop. It wasn't just physical, but it was love.

It was getting to see how they were around their family, around kids, what they do for work, what they do for school developing that relationship. So from my perspective that attraction develops because I wasn't just looking at her from just she's just the body. Yeah, she's just a piece of meat. You develop that emotional attraction which is why I'm over here.
Yes, joining this dark I would ask because I completely agree with you on that from the same Christian standpoint: 100% wait. hold on up. Have you been sleeping all right? I have I would date someone I do not find physically attractive. Oh hell no.

Three two guys guys guys, this is absolute no. Come on. don't be weird. Don't be weird.

Don't be weird Chad Don't be weirding. Oh I I can't I give up like you want to say something first. Oh absolutely I do it all the time because there's a there's a lot you don't just from the physicalness. It's like sometimes, uh, there's some people that I love, learn just by like just by not going in based off physical guys a I think I think he's a paid Capper chat guys guys I think I think um um he's like a paid like libertarian or whatever the it's called Frist I end up being personality and you know looks can be deceiving I could say the same on the opposite end where I thought someone was absolutely attractive but then I got to know them and they were the worst person I could have possibly been on a date with I feel like like you can definitely not be attracted to somebody initially and then as you get.

but I feel like at that point like once I like someone's personality romantically I probably think they're attractive I Would say that for some you know it's not a reflection on your character how weighted appearance versus personality might be. it differs from person to person I think that we have our preferences and I think that a certain element of uh, physical attractiveness is fitness, health, hygiene and that reflects on usually competence, responsibility, and dedication. But um, I do see it as important although not a uh, the whole package by any means, right? it is. It's the very first impression you get of most people.

Yes, cuz like you meet someone and you can't hear their voice the first thing. most of the time you just see them and you're like oh, that person is attrative or like I don't see myself with that person because I don't find them attractive and that's totally fine. Not everybody's attracted to everybody but me personally. I Dister Noral Cheating is the worst thing my partner could do to me.

Three, two, two one wrong. Oh no I feel like there's like probably worse things like in theory that partner could part just because that's such an important aspect for me. and like I feel like my partners in the past have like been very aware that that was like something that I actively would not do I that just make that adds like an extra element of evil. A privileged take Guys: I Really say this but that's just super privileged.

Take what the my mind goes to marriage I mean you know when you marry the there's promise literally everything you have to be with her literally thick and to be with her through everything through lows. and I mean if you do something like cheating, it's basically like monogamy is overrated. 3 Two one. uh Noy is overrated.
What? Of course guys, this guy's paid. Get your butt over there, you know you belonger at least about it. that's a paid cuck. that bro this guy say dates women he doesn't find attractive and has other people probably him.

I I I'm confused. we're taught from the Disney all these fairy tales. it's like you're supposed to be with that one and only you know so it's It's very frightening to break something traditional but after like a few months with it I just knew I'm like this is the right choice I Been in the most happiest of relationships I Just celebrated my three years with my primary partner we and like um as well as my 2-year anniversary with with my secondary partner. like uh, you know I I Do think that monogamy is kind of overrated I Don't think that um, there's anything like you know wrong with it.

What want think relationship should be something that like it's looked at as an option I think nowadays I know more open relationships than I do strictly closed relationships with the people that I know um I would say I disagree that monogamy is overrated. but I do agree that for some people like yourself, poly relationships work better. so I don't down upon them I think whatever works for you works for you. But I can still say that for like someone like myself or people that are similarly just very focused and have like strict kind of like I I just can't ever oh my God I could never imagine more than like it is literally bound to fail it.

It it is by definition almost against everything that we stand for. Bro, it's it is. It is just bound to fail at some point, it's guaranteed. So therefore, I don't think monogam is overrated I think it depends on the person and I think for me, it's definitely not over.

It's the only option for you. Paully is like the right way, so it just depends I'm completely non-judgmental I think it just depends I I I I I Just want to say I don't mind monogamy, right? I Just don't like a control where it's completely like no, you can't nobody else but at the same time want to me once or twice a month? You know, mean right? right? Exact so so so you know me and my ex was together BR See he say it's not just for you, it's is for a lot of young adults. I I Disagree I disagree it's just not working, it's not working 5 years I actually broke up with her in April but for 2 and 1/2 years out that relationship we was barely for like maybe once a month. Then I moved her in the crib and then when I moved her in the house for the whole first year of her living in the house she just didn't want to have.

Now we had an agreement that we agreed on. also terrible about stuff like that, right? and you wasn't handling the agreement like I was following un unless unless you're like a god at doing your checks and and and bro you you you go absolutely Bonkers with it Happ New Year it's just it's it's a liability. certain things that wasn't necessar out there that created complications in the relationship to the point that didn't ended up well breaking up. I Think it's definitely like it has a place like for certain people like obviously we have two people who are like very religious here and it it works well for them and I just think like if I was at an open relationship I would go crazy like even when I'm in like a normal relationship where it's like I don't them to cheat on me I'm like producer also happy New Years yeah so I just like if that was if like I just I can't imagine a world where I would agree with that and also before I had like Loved Someone or like dated anybody I was like oh no I could totally even an open relationship and then I actually did and I was like are you sexual person just curious though like kind of kind of sure she's like yeah so so if your partner was very sexual too and he's like baby like I want to be with you but you always just shutting him down cuz you ain't in the mood I don't that's like never happened I feel like that's like not that's like personally for me not an issue but also I don't I think that would definitely be a conversation if there was like an imbalance but also I think there's different this room, this room, this room bro room oh my God for a lot of people so it's all what works for you I would date someone in this room no three hold now one what I don't know these people surprised he was over here I'm like what are you doing I enery pulse then we'll go out with you.
that's not, that's not how that is like like like like perfect example, right? insane J might be the coolest person. Next thing you know you start getting theor you might be crazy. Be like then you come over here. All of a sudden, generally the few people have been attracted to they don't.

they look like Tim Burton dolls or just like weird goth people. Yeah, just like weird goth people. so like I it's just coin. It's very rare that I see these people so it's not a personal thing.

no. my girlfriend oh my God Respect I like to think I'm pretty picky so oh man oh man guys I leaked everything. it's over.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Can men and women be just friends? xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @WezBlu says:

    Chat being braindead as usual.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @king-vn6fb says:

    I’m fine with just friends but I have to know them and can’t hangout with them alone

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @corpserot1838 says:

    Just kiss your sister guys. Problem solved.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tyler6695 says:

    I actually know the guy with black long hair, I studied with him
    he was in my capping class, he was the best by far, never seen him since

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @krino45 says:

    imo being "Just friends" implies not being in any relationship besides a planotic one. And thats… easy to do? Just don't confess your love. If you have romantic feelings, thats fine for a friendship as long as you dont act them out

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Koriiii says:

    I see female friends like sisters so it feels like incest. I could never be attracted once we are friends

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hugorodriguez8814 says:

    not willingly

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @edbusta5982 says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BartasRapowanie says:

    Hot take maybe, but you can 100% be friends, fuck at some point, then stop fucking and remain friends. Depends on your definition if it’s “just friends” if you stopped fucking and are cool about it, or if fucking at any point even once makes it permanently more than “just friends”

    I have great contact with few girls I fucked and we don’t wanna fuck anymore and it’s pretty chill. Sure it’s not the norm but can happen

    Also there I have a great friend since elementary and we never fucked. Would I mind if we did? Probably not. Does it kill me that we didn’t? Hell no.

    For some people sex is just a fun activity, I could have sex with a friend and feel less romantic about it then for example about holding her hand and watching a movie.

    It’s more about intention then the action itself when it comes to what you feel during and after I guess

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Illvzion says:

    Answer: yes if they are both mature enough

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @justangel says:

    i say yes, i feel like majority of people will say no tho that women and men can’t be just friends without any attraction.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fancen says:


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