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#xQc #Buff #Jubilee

Can you ever get to buff hey good humans? Well, that looks good guys. It looks like a good video that looks like you guys. It looks like really good content. I love this here before we get started.

We want we're building your credit with a debit card. Yeah, i said it chat. This will be really good right. Thanks again extra now, let's get started with the video guys guys the video starts guys.

Can you ever get to buff spectrum? Okay, i usually have a take on the title because um, usually the answer is cancelled, whether it's yes or no, because um you don't. You cannot win in public social battles uh. If any. If, anytime, you engage on a public social dilemma, you'll lose lose how, by entering it in the first place, that's how you lose having a take cancel.

This contains discussion of reference to body dysmorphia. Oh jesus. Well, i think, there's some people that are fat and they love it, but they aren't yeah. You shouldn't be proud of being that overweight by what, unfortunately, it's on instagram, but it's some good contentment drink.

Oh, my god, okay, okay, this is both a yes and a no. It depends what you do. It depends what you do so sometimes you can be too jacked, sometimes sometimes in other contexts, you you can't. I think it's about.

It's just you'll, never be satisfied. People do take it to an extreme like people that injected their arms with like synthol oil and then like busted, open like crazy things like that. I agree with that. I agree with that.

Yeah, that's extreme, you know, and they can't you know, wipe their butt. That's not that's not just another form of body dysmorphia, you feel like you're interesting. I don't think so. Bodybuilding is the extreme there's nothing wrong with it.

It's never going to be too much. I would be considered one of the larger ones and i don't think i'm larger at all. I can get much bigger male body. Builders have small penises.

I'm excited to hear this. So all right, i'm going to go ahead and start this off, i'm speaking as far as myself. That's that's a disagreement, but as far as other bodybuilders, i can't speak for them. I've never dated a bodybuilder, so i have never seen the goods of a male bodybuilder.

Hey if you're a guy and you're backstage getting a tan, you know bodybuilders have to put a sock on, of course, you're gon na look around you something know the biggest male members. I know because it's just so obvious guys guys isn't. Is this a? I think people say because because some people take uh asteroids right and with the hormones and they have to take like um like anti like estrogen or something, and if they don't the balls shrink or some right. But i don't think i don't think it has to do with the dick.

Obviously, when he steps on stage beau lewis he's huge down there, you can't miss it. When you are a caliber above people try to find a way to bring you down to their level. It's like you know little penis energy like when you see guys and like the flashy cars, all the designer clothes and all that you're like what are you compensating for dude, that's true, like the flashy cars, all the designer clothes and all that you're like what are You compensating for dude, that's true yeah, i'm going to disagree. I love you daniel sorry.
I mean i'm being brutally honest right here. That's not the point anymore. I think i bodybuild, because i want to scare him away wait. The question was what guys i haven't been in.

I build my body. Oh i love you daniel sorry. I mean i'm being brutally honest right here. Uh i was always the skinny kid so in the beginning was that, but now i have a girlfriend.

So that's not the point anymore. I think i bodybuild, because i want to scare him away it's a big motivator for sure. So i just wanted to ask a question. It was because i assume that in in the pie chart of what motivates you to do it i.

I was a lot for a lot of guys. It's a big portion of it and as they do it, they get the benefit and and they enjoy it and they build connections or whatever, and that that part shrinks shrinks down to a point where it's like. No, of course not. So that's that's my like, regardless of the body or not right, because girls don't care about muscles and stuff yeah, they really.

I personally think that girls like dad bods more than fit guys spot on fact a lot of bodybuilders. They get more compliments than guys than girls, it's because it's a it's a turn off for yourself, because they think you know i agree, do things for yourself: deliver yourself: okay, but if there's an external motivator that helps you that that is an add-on. That makes you more motivated, don't fight it, don't fight external motivators, it motivates you to do something. That is inherently good.

Go for it. If it stacks up, do it it doesn't matter yeah i get it. These things might fade away. It doesn't matter if you, if you whatever motivator, you, can get whatever power and energy you can get take it take it because it won't always be there big or too shredded or too vascular.

It kind of looks freakier scary to them. I care i watched. My man go from being 160 pounds to over 200 pounds, pure solid muscle and, like my physical attraction, just went. Oh my god, look at you you're like two feet wide.

This is amazing wow i like them, dad bods, i'm sorry! Here's the next prompt i look down on people who are out of shape. Everybody agree, come on, don't don't don't don't lie, go, go, go, go! No! No you're going no you're down. I would never judge a person for being out of shape is just off dude. For me, i stopped no shot in the military and then, when you become a mom, you know it's a slippery slope to getting fat and to getting chubby and getting that mom body.

And so i know how it is to be out of shape. And i know that that needs a lot of tender, love and care and nurturing to get yourself out of that mode of not being fit again. I mean people know when they're out of shape, they don't need to be told they need to be loved and nurtured. To do the right things: okay, um, i was bullied in high school.
I was 190 pound freshman. I needed to speak english. I moved here as an immigrant. I didn't like how i looked.

You know i was made fun of some pe and that was up to me to change that, so you can do it you're just trying to ever wonder. Can you be too jacked? The answer is yes, i'm living proof guys. Look. You can't reject that.

I can't even wipe anymore look dude. I did not do it so you're, basically talking about specifically, if someone says they want something, but they don't challenge themselves. They don't try. Those are the ones that you're like please vote for the vip, absolutely kinda yeah, but i see someone, that's just playing video games all day, eating potato chips and not doing anything else in their life.

I'm like all right. You know you could be doing something else for your health. We all should be productive in a certain type of way, but they're all the ones that can make the most gains. You make those little steps.

You walk every day. You change your diet, you lift more. I wouldn't want to be discouraging to those people, because not at all, not discouraging motivating them. You know like.

I would want them to do something good for themselves. You know obviously yeah you should not be proud to be back um, the the oh come on. I get it, you don't want to look. Oh okay, can we eliminate this contestant? Please can we get somebody else off the street? Please did um, i mean when people hear the word fat.

It has such a negative connotation to it when like why, i don't think fat is necessarily a bad thing like being unhealthy, is a bad thing, but there's a lot of pride. That is unhealthy. We're talking about pride of being proud of being that size being accepting of yourself as fat and being proud to be fat. You should love yourself in all forms, but you shouldn't be proud of being that overweight and unhealthy, and it's nothing to be proud of yeah.

It's not it's really nothing to be proud of. It's it's something to accept and love yourself for and not beat on yourself, for i think you can be proud of it. There's some people that are fat or overweight and they love it, but that's probably who they are in the middle of their body. How much i can eat? Oh, i can put my fat on top of a car now this coming up on the layers that i'm growing and that is accumulating on my bite is causing me to have heart disease and all these other things, that's the pride that i have like being proud To be the thousand pound woman well, yeah is that you getting government checks and things.

That's an extreme fat comes in all different shapes and sizes like if you're still healthy on the inside, and you like what you got work it yeah. I feel like the problem is like when you are so proud of being fat and then, like you, become like an influencer that you influence like younger generations to like. Have those uh unhealthy lifestyles, guys guys what the nobody said anything about influencers? What is it? Oh, my god, body positivity, well, there's some influencers that are fat, but there's something that i don't like these days that happen. A lot is whenever everybody always starts like influencing and always a social media whatever, and it's almost like.
It's almost and every influencer thinks that every problem is influenced or related. No, i don't agree, though well there's some unhealthy life standards and say that's just like body positivity well there, even though he's right nobody asked, though literally no, but this is not the point of the question at all. There are some influencers that are fat, but they do work out. You know on their platform, they're doing yoga and they're dancing and so they're active, but they're just overweight.

Going back to the thing. It's not like something to be proud of at all guys because trust me they would not i'm so triggered by this. They claim. Okay, i'm so done.

Yeah. Now, i'm renting now everybody's going to be oh, my god, i'm so now. I'm volunteering, okay, social media, wasn't a lot of these networks are made for something. What if someone somebody is, is big or fat and and they they just share pictures of themselves because they they like themselves, they just post, pics and post.

And now, oh my god, every follows them. Every follow, follow, follow, follow and then they look at the pictures. Oh my god, you're influencing people. I can't believe it dude dude dude.

It's just a weird thing that that people do like people transform somebody into an influencer. Oh now you become an influencer and i became an advantage no dude like like. I don't get it. Oh, no, i'm happy! I'm embracing it.

If you could look a certain type of way differently. You would choose that over this you're allowed to post things on your on your own public diary. Uh. If you like posting pictures and having takes on your on your profile on social media, it doesn't make an influencer.

It doesn't so, while somebody fat doesn't get to post pictures of themselves because otherwise it's going to influence others to do that, to be like that, like they're they're, not post page, and not because you say oh, but now they're an influencer off dude. What is intelligent? What is not there's no line these days of the day. Well, how do you know that they would choose a thinner physique over, not necessarily a thinner physique, but you would want to look a little different. I know personally know a lot of people that are like that and deep down they do break down and tell me no, it's just like another way of them, trying to make themselves happy and again it's totally okay.
But it's not something to be proud of. You know, i don't know it was a movie like dodge ball right and then like it was like ben stiller character. It's a vlog question. You can always be proud of yourself, regardless what the you're doing and what flaws you have.

It's not only tight being fat or skinny or dumb. It can be proud of yourself, whatever the it is, and then if it ends up being fat, if it's a. If, if that i i, i don't think people should ball, that you did self enough to do something about it. It's not it's your fault, you know funny, but it's just one of those things like with lizzo and everything else she does work out.

She does want to lose weight. She knows, that's not healthy, but she still has a certain about like. I am still going to be me and i'm fabulous, no matter if i'm 100 pounds or 400 pounds i can understand. I can respect that, but she does have the ability to point that her heart is working overlord, bouncing that ass up and down in a lot of ways, though uh bodybuilding, i mean there's a lot of negatives, to what we do too, that we could be influencing Other people - well, i guess i guess i i don't need to be worried about this.

I don't know how this works, but i think these have been they've been standing, not moving just chilling for the show and nobody's sweating balls negatively. You know like weighing our food and always caring about every little gram that comes into our mouth and like i'll. Take that putting your entire, i mean: don't talk about the hard drink, jumping up and down, but they're standing and they're really sweating over the other. That's that around your heart, your intestines around your stomach, is dangerous, so taking pride in something that's just killing.

People like that. Okay, i have considered steroids three two one dark side i go. I know i'm ready for this one. I am so ready.

I think, in order to stay highly competitive, especially on the west coast, it's almost half necessary to start using stuff, because, unfortunately, to get to the points that people are displaying, you need help. I definitely agree. I mean this is a really touchy subject, but with all due respect for people who are natural, who don't obviously take anything, keep going um the sad truth about bodybuilding is everyone. You're going against is probably on stuff.

I did my first show natural. I won that show, but the second show i got destroyed and i realized what time it was everyone's talking behind stage about this, that, if your goal is to be in that top one percent to make it to the olympian you're going to be going against people Who are taking a lot of steroids anabolics? And it's not going to be a fair battle for the coming years? It won't be. It makes a huge difference to you for sure yeah. You do this sport, because you want to win right.
Of course, you're not going to go on stage just because you want to get second place. Third place last place. Yeah guys can't you juice up like crazy right, get juiced up and then just stop using it and there's no tracing in your body whatever expensive. That's? Why people are still on yeah? So i said i respect the people who just want to go on there and be natural yeah respect for you, and you know that's what they have natural leagues for too there's drug tested, leagues, that if you want to be within the people who do not and Will not use these things, you can go into the natural league and be tested.

I do completely agree with all that. Um and again i compete in the mpc, so that is not drug tested. But i've come a few spots away from my pro card at nationals. A few times being completely natural and i'm not against taking drugs.

I understand most people do for those bigger divisions. It's a necessity like you have to do it, but for bikini i know that i can make it wait. Can you be about a bodybuilder without being a competition being natural? It's just going to take me a little bit more time, and i i take pride in that because again i got into this life. It seems like they're all talk about it in a competing way or whatever, but in fact i mean i feel, like you know, you should be you know all because of the health benefits.

For me. I just never thought about doing that because of like the long-term consequences that it may bring, if not accompanied by like a doctor or like a professional. So i always wanted to like stay natural um but like if you're doing it in a healthy and safe way. Then you do you, i guess okay, interesting, i i just well i i have both experience from both sides, but i remember waiting and thinking about how small i was - and i was thinking about how i couldn't get that lean.

I was thinking in my head, like i could not freaking wait to find me a drug dealer, so i can get on some steroids because i wanted to be the biggest i wanted to be the strongest, and i told you i thought it was. It was impressive. The the biceps - you don't have to worry about my like if i get two more rumors, because i am definitely 100 on something. It's not abuse a lot of times.

When people talk about doing performance-enhancing things, they want to talk about the mlb or the mba or i'm not in any of those things. This is self-care for me to take care of my body and for me to love what i'm doing with it. So it's not like something where you end up whatever in this situation, where you have right rage or you have someone right all the time a person is an they're an it has nothing to do with what they take so just being real, and i respect you Being so transparent about it, because a lot of them just try to say: oh i'm natural, like i did this and you can do this too, and it's just like no like. Why are you afraid if you take peds, then just say that you do? I don't? I don't understand the whole taboo around it and i think that needs to shift, but if more people talked about it, the what whole taboo take peds then just say that you do.
I don't, i don't understand the whole taboo around it and i think that needs to show a taboo. If more people talked about it, it would be less severe if people are more crucial because it's illegal and unregulated some people do abuse it. But it's just like when people abuse anything alcohol, cocaine, drugs, anything is just being smart and being educated about it. Bodybuilding is good for my mental health.

Three two: it's not go, huh, i'm pretty sure it is so. I have had like instances in my life where i've been like really down and depressed, i'm pretty sure it is, and bodybuilding was one of the things that got me through and it made me like forget my problems and just like focus all my rage and anger Towards like hitting new, pr's and stuff so yeah, thank you. Bodybuilding definitely can be a mental relief to you. You know, that's your only you time where you really get to have when you're going to train.

You learn your self-worth. Exactly exactly this guy says: dude small amounts are just fines and confiscations. Okay, then it's not illegal. If, if, if you get a fine from the police and a seizure, it's fine they're, just taking it away, dude it's illegal, then versus you today.

That's how the sport is: it's it's a selfish mentality. The reason why i'm in the agree lane and not in the strongly agree lane is because i can never look at food the same. What's clean and whatnot, you can no longer just walk into a restaurant. Look at a burger and fries and eat that you know you're always going to think no.

That has cheese that has this. I can't digest that. Well, you know, but as far as my body is the most important thing to me, three two one well i mean this that's kind of a good question. It has to be high on your pie, chart of carrying in here.

Obviously my family and god come first and then there's my body, but especially if it's your dream to make it to the top and everything it is your business. It is your investment that you got to take care of constantly same. You know one-on-one season, one competition. That's my borrowed time for myself at six months, i'm being the most selfish that i can you know i'm not going anywhere, i'm not doing anything i'm like eating out, but once i'm out of prep, then yeah everything else comes first.

Sometimes those are this. This is this: is life philosophy stuff, i'm sorry like i'm not answering the phone, but if i'm out of prep and a friend calls - and i was supposed to get a workout in that day - looks like i'm not going to the gym. She needs me so yeah yeah. This is my money maker, so i'm competing in three weeks, so this is yeah.

This is everything to me right now. So if i'm hurt or something feels funny, i'm making sure i'm taking special attention to it. People want to go rollerblading or hiking, or things like that. I can fall on a rock and scratch and break something before the show and then look like an idiot.
So just is that hawaii. This is someone. This is the time to be really focused absolutely zero. In on me, i feel, like you need uh your body to be healthy in order to have anything else.

Of course, mental health is very important as well, but i feel like like once you're physically healthy, like your mind, could be at ease we're only given one body, and so i feel like we should take good care of it. I'm not i'm not looking at it from a vanity perspective. That's interesting to me! Looking at it, my body is my temperature and like nothing, feels better than being in shape, and there's like that quote out there, like, oh, like nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I'm just like yeah, whatever, like nothing feels as good as making it to the top of that mountain or like kayaking for six hours straight and like still being able to keep going like that.

It's just such a great feeling, she's a little bit, she's, very, very um. How would you say a tunnel vision? A one one side photo one light almost a little bit linear. Look at the wacky. Give me.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on ““can you ever get too buff?” i already am”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pico says:

    Something that these contestants do not understand is that having muscles does not equal being in shape

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luca Santarella says:

    How does being fat give you government checks? Wow..maybe I should be fat so I get subsidies …. thats such cap wtf even is that dud

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaxx Bell says:

    Xqc closes his ears sometimes the guy wasn't saying people cant post pics xqc. There are literally people who influence people to be fat whether they r into fat people or whether they just want to make their own overweight situation as a excuse to make themselves feel better.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pico says:

    You shouldn't feel proud about being fat because it is disgusting and not healthy. Anyone who tries to come up with 100 excuses as to why they are a sack of lard is just coping

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serg says:

    xqc you should go work out tho, it would be pretty great i think you would enjoy it too.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Photek24 says:

    this is why i hate when x watches anything about religion or politics (or even mentions any of those once) because the chat instantly becomes utter dogshit

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IKI BOSS says:

    u can be overweight and be healthier than most ppl lmao i dont get why everyone just hyperfocuses on weight like its everything. also by overweight i dont mean morbidly obese

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crabe Mane says:

    All these Atheists in chat, they need to find them self and realise god is watching you.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alfalfa says:

    just saying, steroids taking body builders are unhealthy too so what makes them different to fat people? or are they still more healthy than fatso?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amero says:

    usually I'm a dickhead but the chat being rude to that black jacked up women is shitty, I respect how long it must have taken her to get ripped like that

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PrplDave says:

    Yea no shit you scared them all away hahaha, now you have to compensate the lack of experience and knowledge by just saying random non-sense

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N8 PK says:

    When she said "why not" I almost fell off my couch. Like bro, no way you are that dumb.

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