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#xQc #celebrity #actor

Whoa! Out of every celebrity we'll cover in this video, there are few who have fixed their life like Robert Downey Jr Between 1996 and 2001, he was arrested on six separate occasions for some crazy different reasons. By this point, he'd already been a famous actor for roughly 10 years. Although this didn't stop a judge from giving him 3 years in prison Upon release, he managed to land a single TV show role which he was then fired from after police arrested him again this time for walking around. La Under the Influence without any shoes on given.

this also resulted in Robert J's divorce, it's no surprise. H state it was my lowest point in terms of addictions at that State wait, does that mean I could have gone the jail for that? Oh no, I didn't care whether or not I ever acted again, although thankfully this didn't happen. It appear on Oprah stating and I said, you know what I don't think I can continue doing this and I reached out for help and I and I ran with it. It's not that difficult to overcome these seemingly ghastly, uh problems.

What's hard is to decide. Although with his reputation in the dumps, the only role he could land was in an Elton John music video and when he did return to the big screen a full 2 years later, producers withheld 40% of Robert Downey Jr's income to ensure he wouldn't relapse Midway through filming only 7 years after being released from prison. Robert Downey Jr was cast as Tony Stark in Iron Man which grossed almost 600 million at the box office. Dude, what a risk though.

Holy wait, they brother, that's kind of Chad Though no filming only 7 years after being released from prison. Robert Downey Jr was Cas as Tony Stark in Iron Man which grossed almost $600 million at the box office and paved his way for another seven Marvel movies. Although Samuel L Jackson's turnaround might be even cooler, he met his alcoholic father only two times in his life and having grown up in a broken home, it's no surprise that Samuel L Jackson became an alcoholic himself in his early 20s. He was booted from two plays on Broadway for his substance abuse problems and by his early 40s he was still an unknown actor with no money and a heroin problem.

Samel Jackson finally attended Rehab at the age of 43, and amazingly, only one week after doing so, he'd star in a movie called Jungle Fever which just so happened to be his major breakout role. Once I got clean, everything kind of changed. The correlation between my career changing and me getting straight is very clean in just a couple of years after getting clean. samel Jackson starting Jurassic Park Star Wars and pul fiction which then turned into another six tar chat.

It took me like like 5 years after Star Wars to realize he was in Star Wars I think it's because he's bald started in Jurassic Park Star Wars and pole fiction which then turned into another six Tarantino movies and his role in every single Avengers film despite finding no success until the age of 43, samel Jackson has gross more than any other actor in human history with Robert Downey Jr being right behind him in rank number two. This is good evidence that success is proportionate to struggle, which is a point often talked about by Oprah Winfrey She was born to a single teenage mom who was living off welfare on a farm in Mississippi and as a result she was primarily raised by her grandmother who dressed Oprah in stitched together potato sacks and whipped her for reasons as Petty as playing with the family's drinking water get whipped then they'd be annoyed that you were still sulking about it. You better wipe that frown off your face. It's therefore no surprise that Oprah had run away from home at the age of 13.
although this would lead to her first job as a part-time news reporter, which she was then fired from shortly there after. Why? I only came to co-host a talk show because I had failed at news with nowhere else to go Oprah joined one of Chicago's lowest rated TV shows, which then became the city's highest rated talk show less than 2 months later. Thanks to her presence, her contribution was so important. the show was not only named after her, but would also become the most popular talk show in American history only 2 years later in 2003, at the age of 49, Oprah ranked as one of the world's 500 richest people.

also becoming the first black billionaire in human history and while that's a Redemption almost impossible to top Fergie might come close despite graduating from high school as a straight A student, Fergie began using Crystal Meth every day at the age of 26, causing her to drop down 90 or 40 kilos. Stating the drugs thing, it was a hell of a lot of fun until it wasn't given she experienced psychosis, dementia, and even hallucinations on a daily basis. I started getting really paranoid I went one day into this church and I thought that the FBI and the SWAT teams were outside of the church although this episode in the church also happened to be her turning point and I said if I go out there and the FBI and the SWAT team is not out there, then it's the drugs and I'm stopping. So obviously I went outside of the church and there was no SWAT team.

Did you keep your promise I kept my promise. Yeah, that was it. That was it. Fergie kicked her meth addiction in 2002 just months before joining the Blackeyed Peas where she'd find unbelievable success with Where Is The Love Only one year later, Fergie has since had a child, built a net worth of 45 million and is almost 22 years clean.

but while Fergie had to WAN herself off only one drug, Drew Barrymore had to do so with many despite coming from an extremely famous Hollywood family and Landing one of the lead roles in at at the age of seven Drew Barrymore was an alcoholic by age 11, a drug addict by Chad when somebody's netw worth is something is it is that after tax or pre-tax I just I just got to know I got know I always wondered I always wondered did they calculate that before after by age 12, put in a mental institution at age 13 and was legally divorced from her parents by her 14th birthday. she was therefore blacklisted from Hollywood at age 15 was cleaning toilets to make ends meet at 16, and by her 27th birthday, she'd been married and divorced twice. Addiction had always been a major family problem. almost all of her ancestors were alcoholics and would even lead to her doing a nude Playboy shoot in 1995 which would actually become a significant Turning Point Steven Spielberg Just so happened to be her Godfather and would send Drew Baramore a blanket for her 20th birthday, attaching a letter with the message cover yourself up also including the original Playboy images which were altered to make her look fully clothed.
From here, she made the choice to return to Hollywood appearing in minor roles until her Casting in The Wedding Singer Roughly 3 years later, this then turned into 51st dates in Charlie's Angels making her one of the world's most well-known I was factchecking chat because I cannot have this information on my channel chat. This information is dangerous I Had to fact check. No problem. Actresses just like Lindsay Lohan although for a slightly different reason.

The Parent Trap gave her worldwide Fame at the age of only 12 and by her 20th birthday, she'd acted in over 30. Productions However, it' be during one of these movies called Georgia Rule that a letter was leaked implying that Lindsay's life was spiraling out of control. it. R dealings were frequently failed to arrive on time to the set.

Today you did not show for work all day I'm now told you don't plan to come to work tomorrow because you are not feeling well. We are well aware that your ongoing all night heavy partying is the real reason for your so-called exhaustion. We refuse to accept bogus excuses for your behavior to dat your actions on Georgia Rule have been discourteous, irresponsible, and unprofessional. You have acted like a spoiled child and in doing so have alienated many of your co-workers and endangered the quality of this picture.

Moreover, your actions have resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. We will not tolerate these actions any further. The producer who sent this letter later stated she came to work every day after that. However, Lindsay's personal problems were only getting started just months after the letter went public.

Lindsay Checked herself into Rehab for the first time although this didn't seem to make much difference. friend as she was then arrested for driving Under The Influence over the following 6 years, Lindsay was arrested a total of six different times. While she'd state it is clear to me that my life has become completely un a total of six different times. while she hold on chat state, it is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I'm addicted to alcohol and drugs.
As a result, she'd lose contact with her family and attend court ordered rehab a total of six times. While almost every movie she was cast in during this period was a complete and utter flop, but as the negativity began to stack up, so did Lindsay's desire to get sober. Was it over a period of time or all of a sudden that maybe I do have a problem over a period of time and in 2014, she chose to document the process in an eight-part series with Oprah. My main objective is, you know, to maintain my sping.

Have you been sober since we last met? Yeah, the show was given awful reviews, however Lindsay Lohan was finally back on the straight and narrow. She moved to Dubai that very same year because there's a certain calmness that I find in Dubai there's no Paparazzi No cameras. that's to be yo. All pro is milking that to a crisp.

brother, brother. Yeah! I Get it chat. she's nice Guys guys, she's conent BR at the Wazu. Okay, maybe she cares, but dude.

dude, a deal for me. Not to mention the strict culture has helped her to stay sober. You don't see people going electric stores and drinking and that kind of thing. You can go out and have fun, but it's a different kind of fun that you have.

Lindsay has since fixed the relationship with her parents, gotten married, had a child, and even returned to the big screen. But while Lindsay's dark period could have likely been avoided Liam n Wait, she looks like the other actress Jad Is she not guys? she looks like the girl from Titanic yo she looks like the the the Kate Winslet Yeah, While Lindsay's dark period could have likely been avoided, Liam N's was tragically thrown upon him. having found success with every type of movie you can think of, Liam N and his family had seemingly the perfect life. However, on the 18th of March 2009, all of this changed unexpectedly.

Liam N's wife Natasha Richardson was taking a beginner ski class in Canada when she fell and hit her head. the wasn't bad. bro Man, it's always the ski snowboarding accident. Always dude guys guys, there's something about skating, skiing, snowboarding.

dude guys, if it's one of these things that if you don't Master it when you fall you get clapped. what is Al A lot of people don't wear uh helmets. okay if you're not really good at falling and you're not really good at that, it's one of the most dangerous thing out there. Bad enough for her to ask for medical attention so she'd simply return to her hotel room and tell n she'd taken a tumble in the the snow.

Well, it turns out her brain had been bleeding the entire time and After experiencing a splitting headache, she was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead shortly thereafter. Nason's final words to his wife were sweetie, you're not coming back from this. You've banged your head. It's I don't know if you can hear me, but that's this is what's gone down.
While one of their sons stated it was so sudden, when it's unexpected and it's just a complete freak accident, it really sort of messes with your mind, whether you believe in fate or not. she was a terrific, terrific mother Nissa never remarried after the incident, However, he and his son played the two main roles in a movie called Maid In Italy the synopsis of which being almost identical to what they'd gone through in real life William n notably states in the movie disappointment is an absolute certainty. Everyone lets everyone down at some point. How you come back from that? that's romance With this Redemption only being rivaled by McCauley Culen after starring in Home Alone At the age of only 10, McCoy Culen became the world's most famous child star.

He continued to appear in Mve movies for another 4 years before choosing to retire at the age of 14 so he could live a normal life. Was described by co-star Joe Peshi as being a really sweet kid and even at his age, very professional. He brings an incredibly mature perspective to everything he does in spite of being very young. However, as Culan became an adult, he'd go through many periods of turbulence.

For starters, McCoy Caan's success ruined the relationship he had with his father. Everything that he tried to do in his life like I excelled at like before I was 10 years old while these earnings of 23.5 million before his 15th birthday also caused his parents divorce in that very same year. but as the money pours in the Cen that's not ego I think he's describing something, He's probably describing a change in his dad's Behavior as a result of that being a fact. It's a it's an objective thing right that he can compare And that's what changes his dad's Behavior that's what caused this.

It's not an ego thing at all, it's not. It's just not falls apart. In the process, Mcau began to experiment. I wanted to like drink 40s and like you know, get laid and smoke pot like.

that's what I wanted to do and that's what I did. and in 2004 he was arrested and briefly jailed for possession of weed. The Home Alone Star 24 was given onee deferred sentences on each of the charges and order to pay $540 in fees. After which the Tabloid press took this photo and accused Mcau of taking even harder drugs.

He'd respond by stating no I was not pounding six grand of heroin every month or whatever. Although at the same time he would talk about drugs by stating I do love them. They're like old friends, but sometimes you outgrow your friends and it's therefore no surprise that Culen has since gotten sober I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't had drugs in my life at some point or another. I had some Illuminating experiences, but it's also effing stupid.

So besides the occasional muscle relaxer, no I don't do drugs. Yeah, you're remarkably normal. Oh thanks I Know people are always struck at how normal am I'm like just like wow really I think my my reputation the maze famous child Mccy Culen recently had a baby and is these days usually only in the press for positive reasons. Very nice, very nice,.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Celebrities who unexpectedly turned their lives around xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bigirish4542 says:

    Misinformation is dangerous?? Oh you poor bastards falling for that garbage lmfao

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @epikmurk9084 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wowandrss says:

    Why do I have this sinking feeling like I must go down a dark path to finally find myself or what I am supposed to do in life? Right now, everything is just sad, there's nothing to do, nothing to look forward to. I'm watching life going by.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Sheek_y says:

    Shia should be on this list. His transformation needs to be studied.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Green-ader says:

    Oprah is a liberal

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TARDGEDY. says:

    ski = Schumacher incident omE

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @De1taP says:

    Macaulay Culkin made such insane bank for his age, 23.5 million in 1994 is worth 48 mil today

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @xtraptx7403 says:

    xqc slgjfgno here sdoifjof time to be lazy sjkfnosfn and asfjsd; react lazily…lazy guy aslfjnsla

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @angelshomegym8263 says:

    wow something somewhat positive on his channel. Surprising

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lilgustav5065 says:

    dont forget russel brand, went from methhead to being all zen and clean

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @twins0709 says:

    bonjour lola t embrasse et nous bientot

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cookieface80 says:

    RDJ was in Zodiac the year before Iron Man. I'd say that career was already back on track, starting with Kiss Kiss Bang Bang in 2005.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gabriel-lj3fv says:

    yo no wonder oprah is a trafficker dam

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jeanmarcovidal5920 says:

    Almost felt bad for watching this without you mr. Cow

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