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Hello Dear Felix I was wondering if I can get a welcome to the Junction salsa at a Super Bowl party I'm about to double dip in here into some drama last week I made a video talking about hypocrisy. In a nutshell, the situation was two. YouTubers Scott Schaefer and mu Kitty made content talking about twitch streamers being Hypocrites due to the promotion of fans lead during the streamer Awards and I was named in both of these videos because prior to this I had mentioned that it was very weird when Aiden Ross pulled up Pornhub on stream in front of his audience which consists of a lot of kids. and meanwhile when fansley was advertised during the streamer Awards I just laughed at it.

So that's where the hypocrisy allegations come from Genesis of it and I thought it was an interesting talking point because of this subject matter, but I also wanted to defend myself from hypocrisy allegations that I felt were weightless and that's what that video I made was all about now. Scott Shafer as I mentioned, tackled it from more of like a analytical standpoint, breaking down the problem itself and I still do believe that his intent engines are coming from a place of actually caring about the situation. However, the same can't be said about the other content creator mu Kitty in the video I made covering this I was very charitable with her intentions behind the content I thought maybe I was wrong and got the incorrect impression on what her content was focused on I thought it was satirical and ironic and trying to be silly on purpose with subject matter. It is though I apologize for saying things that may have come across mean Spirit or made it sound like I was on her when that really wasn't my intention, especially considering we're both playing on the same team I feel like we're both saying these things are bad and for some reason she's at my throat about it because of one difference in that I think showing PornHub to the audience was worse.

Not that that excuses the fans' leadership which again I have never once defended or said was a good thing, but this slight difference in perspective on it has led to all of this hostility. and I tried to explain that in the last video because I thought maybe there was just a misunderstanding there, but she took the last video is more of a declaration of war and another thing I want to come forward with right away and I didn't think this needed explaining either. One of the core points that she as well as others are making is that this is actually a very Insidious plot that I'm hiding on purpose because Ludwig is my friend in QT Cinderella is his girlfriend. She was responsible for the family promotion so people were saying that I'm you know, excusing everything she did because she's Ludwig's girlfriend and I didn't think this needed explaining.

this is going to be a common thing I didn't I didn't think a lot of this needed explaining, but I'll do it anyway. I've now said in like five videos over the last five months: I don't see eye to eye with anyone all the time, even my best friends. So even though I do respect QT and of course I respect Ludwig I consider them friends I didn't see eye to eye with QT on this. Thus, I wasn't going to pretend like I did and defend it I don't do that for anyone, not even my best friends.
Some kind of secret Association that was kept Under Wraps I'm very public about Ludwig and I being business partners with Moist Esports for example and we do a lot together, but it doesn't mean that I'm just going to look the other way on things that I feel differently about I don't do that for him either. It's not just QT I have actually talked about things I disagree with Ludwig on publicly as well. This isn't like some kind of big gotcha where it's like ah, turns out Charlie does know QT this is why I didn't say anything. this is not the truth and I did say it wasn't good and now it's become clear after her most recent upload as well as everything she's been posting on Twitter about me, that that little yucky spidey sense that was tingling in the back of my head telling me that she's probably just trolling to get a rise out of streamers to farm it for personal gain was unfortunately correct and I'll go ahead and take the bait one more time here.

I'll play along and eat this entree of medium well internet beef that she's serving up. She's been egging me on on Twitter today to debunk all 20 lies she's caught me on in her most recent video. so I'll accept the challenge I'll take the cinnamon challenge. Most recent upload: Moist.

Hypocritical. Can't stop lying if you're coming here to see me, troll around I Can't anymore because Hypocritical lied so much about me and the situation. Put her money where her mouth is that I was forced to re-edit my whole video and now debunk every single light that was made. Obviously I immediately owe a huge apology to Mew Kitty and her whole Community because my video was such a stinker that it's impeded her ability to make her regularly scheduled trolling.

But I do want to come out right away and say that her calling me hypocritical the play on words HIPAA and then critical spelled like my name is actually such a banger because that is a meme that started on my stream like six years ago when I was still streaming on YouTube I was playing fortnite and I had bought the battle pass for the John Wick skin and chat erupted when they saw me playing with it because I had for a long time talked about what a big waste of money the battle pass is. You're a troglodyte if you buy the battle pass and then John Wick skin comes out. it busts down my resolve and I spit mine. Yeah, that's kind of chat.

Called me hypocritical just like this and it became a bit of a meme. So to see her unironically use it here is almost nostalgic to a certain extent, but she's very using it to be combative as opposed records everybody including me is Tyler oh my God the audio is so loud yo Charlie Fix her video volumes. We're not even 30 seconds into this video and she's already told her first lie, which is ironic. It almost makes her seem like the hypocrite here.
She says that I have defended the promotion of porn to kids. Do you have any evidence to back that up? Do you have a clip of me saying that what QT Cinderella did with promoting fans lead during the streamer Awards is good, defending it in any way because as far as I can recall, I have only ever said that it's not a good decision and that that as well as PornHub that Aiden Ross brought up on stream are both bad. I have never once said that what she did was good or defended it or defended her for the decision, but she likes to tell her audience that I have without ever showing any clips of me doing it because it hasn't happened. That is a blatant bold face lie.

first, lie manipulates The Narrative that he already said both are bad in his own fans has pressed him for one week for saying nothing and on stream I Talked about this last night and I'll go ahead and do this out of the way right away during that stream and in the exact same video of you kitty chat I have to do this uh uh I need to do duplicates and to do uh I need to do copy as you paste because I have to I need to remove this weather capture and um because I just have to sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry wait did I just duplicate my desktop? Did I just duplicate my desktop bruh Ah what the? XY Not to picture by picture mode dude, you know you can do that on YouTube Oh My Golly has posted on one of her channels I Outright say both are bad. he never say outright, both are bad. second. Channel he defended himself and argued with his viewers for 10 minutes and after a long battle he said it's not a great decision but never said both are bad.

This is a pretty interesting angle to try and play here, trying to catch me on not saying verbatim both are bad until the video went live even though I had explicitly said that it wasn't a good decision which outright acknowledge in this clip here in your video and the point I was making in the last video is in that same piece of content you posted on your second. Channel I Do say it is not a good decision I Don't understand why she's trying to make this argument here, acting like the whole audience has their brain off and can't understand what it means when I say something is not a good decision, that means it's not good. Thus is bad. And since I'm talking about the Cutie Cinderella Fansley promotion moment, that is me saying it is bad same way I was saying the Aiden Ross PornHub moment was bad and I'd actually like to cannonball into the deep end of this pool a little bit and swim around a little more and explore it because I I didn't think this would be necessary I Thought we were all able to deduce human emotion, but it seems like a lot of her arguments are going to pretend like everyone is an actual I'm gonna pause the chat guys if you guys are gonna sway if and listen.
If you're gonna say dumb, okay, um, and listen to one side. If there's lessons, listen to both. Otherwise you're you're just a dumb. It's it's part.

it's part of. it's part of being. It's part of being an asset on the internet. If you throw some mud at one side, right? Well, you, you're probably into his and you decided.

let me do something such a bunch of it's so annoying. it's so it's so long. so I'm just gonna over explain everything. she makes it seem like I never outright said anything or condemned the Fansley promotion during the streamer Awards or called it weird or anything at all I was just completely tight-lipped radio silent Keeping a Secret like I had Fairly Odd Parents and I didn't want to tell anyone when that's just not the case during the fans leave promotional moment I laughed at it.

Now let me ask you, what would I be laughing at if not the absurdity of a fancy promotion being on? Twitch Uh, Scott Schaefer seemed to understand what the joke I was laughing at was which was the wild nature of a fancy ad being played. and when the ad for Fansley actually came up during the stream rewards, you can see he actually lets out a little laugh and it seems like he's at least somewhat uncomfortable that this type of content was being promoted during the Streamer Awards for exclusive behind the scenes content and a free trial of some of our the most uncomfortable and enough to enough to want a change is different I just did a little tickle from under the desk or something. There is nothing to laugh about there except for the absurdity of the situation I didn't think that needed explanation so I didn't even bother in the last one. but it will change that I never made any indication that I found it uncomfortable or weird and to go a step further in the following stream or the stream after in one of the days following the streaming Awards someone in chat had asked me if I thought it was weird that Fansley was advertised during it and I point blank said yes and this is actually faster than I called out Aiden Ross in the PornHub moment the clip that she plays as well as the other people have played as well is from the video I made called Aiden Ross just got banned yeah, Heard something very crucial there I had said over the last question you may have heard of this It had been about a week since the Aiden Ross PornHub Armageddon moment and I had only mentioned it for around 50 seconds of this 11 minute video which was focused on something else entirely I just mentioned it because I was talking about a lot of the goofy things he had done recently.

So I was just talking about it briefly and it had taken me a week to even mention it. So I was actually faster to call the QT fansley promotion weird than I was to call the Aidan Ross PornHub situation weird I didn't just ignore it. That is just a blatant lie. Okay, I don't want to be guilty of the same sin Muke it he's already committed of making it That argument would hold if he was also reacting to the Aidan Ross clip live on stream uh which didn't happen so the comparison here doesn't hold on either side to be on slame without any evidence to back it up.
Where she said at the beginning of this video that I defended the promotion of porn to miners which is a sickening thing. Okay, but the reason I'm mentioning this is because I cannot provide the clip of where I replied the chat about the fansy promotion being weird because I don't feel like combing through 14 hours worth of streams the day and the day after uh, the streamer Awards went live I really don't feel like going through it. so since I'm not providing the video evidence for it, I'm not going to use this at a point in my defense. So going forward, we're going to work under the assumption that I never said anything publicly about it on stream and the only indication I made to condemning it or that I thought it was bad was when I laughed at it during the moment which is weeks after the call out.

But like the audience comments that the majority of the people that's called the concession chat uh, the ghost in the machine of this lie counter on screen because it's going wacko mode I don't know what's being counted as lies here because her points haven't changed yet. the counter is going up I'm I'm guessing it's because she's trying to say that the timeline condemns me. It had been about a week before I responded to her video, so my speed to the response was sub-optimal I I didn't you know? get there like the Power Rangers in time to talk about it, The explanation: There should be pretty obvious that any sentient human being out there I didn't see it until a couple days before I talked about it on stream I had meant to talk about it the next day, but I forgot I I don't remember why and I apologize Maybe I should have talked about it the very second that I had finished watching it, but I forgot and then the following day or whatever when the YouTube Community kept spamming it I did get a little upset because I just don't like spam and I was already talking about other things. So yes, I did get a little upset about the spam and I do apologize for that.

That's just something that always grinds my ass I don't like spam, but I'm being completely genuine I actually don't understand what the point she's making here is that I was slow to respond to it thus I'm guilty I guess I don't really think that's a very strong point. The next slide is also very important and it's done many times. Worry words I didn't do the exact same statement when he didn't do any statement at all. thus I disagree that it's hypocritical that I made statements about Aiden Ross and the porn thing being really weird and I didn't make the exact make the exact same statements for Cutie Cinderella's fansley sponsor what? I don't actually really get what you're saying with this one.
Is it an issue with the way I laid out the situation in in the clip you played? I'm just laying out the situation where people were upset that I had made a statement about Aiden Ross and streaming PornHub to be weird and then didn't turn around and make the exact same statement for QT Cinderella and the fansley promotion was the issue. Me saying exact same the word exact was that the problem, the pressure point Because if so I mean I guess we can dive into that a bit. Uh, maybe we need to start with a definition of hypocrisy I suppose. So again, this whole video I made was just defending me from the hypocrisy allegations, not minimizing the actual subject matter which I find to be a pretty important talking point.

it was just defending myself from claims of hypocrisy. So I tackled it by pointing out that the Aidan Ross PornHub situation and the QT fansy situation were different, albeit both bad and do have similar elements to them. So in this section where I said I didn't say the exact same thing thing, I'm highlighting that when people were criticizing me, they're talking about me not making like a whole video talking about the QT fansley promotion I believe So that's what that was my definition and I'll clear up confusion. I didn't make a whole video about the Aiden Ross PornHub thing either.

that was 50 seconds of an 11 minute video that was unrelated to that. and I did mention that the QT thing was weird. So in order for the situation to have been hypocritical, I would have needed to, uh, all over Aiden Ross and call it the worst thing in the world. get the Pitchfork out because he showed the PornHub moment and meanwhile Pat cutesy Cinderella on the back and defend it, applaud it, say that the fancy promotion is totally fine.

that would have been hypocritical and I was arguing that since that wasn't the case, it wasn't like the word exact wasn't really a core part of anything I was discussing. now. I Would like to, however, throw her a life raft on a point here because I do think there is valid criticism of me here. I've said this for a long time.

No one is above criticism. Of course that includes me as well. I think that maybe I didn't come out hard enough against it. So maybe that led to a lot of confusion on how I felt about it with Aiden Ross I didn't make a whole video talking about the PornHub thing he did.

It was a very small piece of a bigger video. so I never made a video about that. but qg Cinderella situation I only ever mentioned on stream and I think only like one time. So even though I didn't make a whole video on the Aidan Ross PornHub thing, it was pretty clear how I felt about it.

Oh my gosh Cutie! Cinderella if you weren't watching the stream, it's possible that you didn't understand where I stood. So I do think that is a valid criticism where I didn't make it clear enough where I was at with it and I think that would have been a good point. However, it's not hypocritical because at no point have I ever defended it. Yeah, the opposite? Yeah, yeah, that made that makes sense.
Yeah so I still disagree entirely with any of it being even remotely hypocritical. But I do however agree that because it would have to be the Opposites by definition situation. he keeps pushing on this negative that we missed the clip that Cruz he's not a hypocrite, but the clip is after my video the day before this video so he uses the word prove which in the viewer's minds means that he is proving something. but the clip is after my video.

Guys, do you understand I'm saying I'll go and prove that it's there right now real quick before getting into why of course advertising Hensley only fans or anything in front of an audience that has younger children on it. It's always going to be not a great decision. imagine how many people fell for this look at asthma and Gold's reaction I don't understand what I'm being left more confused than the first time I watch Inception when I was but a young River Snapper what is the point you're making here all I was saying is a lot of the comments were calling me out for never even saying that it was bad which is just wrong and why I said you must have missed the clip so I just proved that it is. It is in that clip that is already on your channel.

That is what I was saying that. I did say that only fans are not a good decision. that is me calling it bad. So I was just saying that you might have missed it and I was just proving that it is there in the content you posted I did say it.

that's that's the only thing I was saying. This has nothing to do with a timeline. this was talking about the people that were saying I never even said it was bad I didn't look away from the false lens look away man differently than a lot of people because even when you scan the QR code, you still don't immediately get foreign. There's already a lot of degrees of separation and a lot of obstacles to go through what happens.

This is crazy that this website is being promoted in front of hundreds of thousands of children because as soon as I go to the home page I am instantly greeted with an open vagina despite the account being underage. This is the most disgustingly manipulative part of her entire video here because if she goes forward in this clip I then go on to say that I didn't have the knowledge that Fansley wasn't secure and that it didn't actually have any safeguards in place to prevent under 18 year olds from accessing the content on its site. I was under the assumption that there was ID verification and a lot of obstacles in order to go to go through in order to set up your account in that video that she is playing I Said that these things turned out to be another pleasure to see. They might as well just do it right that it is actually easy for anyone to have an account there that is underage and access the content, but I didn't know that prior.
Now the whole point I was making with this statement. This section here is that there is still a degree of separation between Aiden Ross just bringing up full-blown porn. We're talking fully penetrative goat seed porn on stream versus the Fansley advertisement which had no nudity at all. The point I was making is they were different in that they weren't just the exact same thing different people.

granted they are both sexual content for sure. The fansy advertisement was not full-blown porn right in the viewer's face right off rip. Thus, I was arguing it is different. Now it's very clear to me, Mu Kitty has never even bothered to do the bare minimum of scanning that QR code during the fansley advertisement, she's using a different video to try and make her point for her without doing even just a little bit of work.

If you scan that QR code I'll show you exactly what happens. This is the first thing that pops up. This is like the peanut butter and jelly of Safe. Also, now he's promoting are you 18? Yes or no Basically, but this is already something that contradicts a lot of what people were saying where there was no 18 plus at all.

If you've scanned QR code you'll immediately get porn. That is not true. That's not a point New Kitty was making. But I do want to address that.

It's not like you just scan that and immediately got porn. Apparently Kick Has that A lot of people said is why the Aidan Ross situation is actually not as bad as this. Because at least there's an 18 plus warning. Well, there is an 18 plus warning here too, so they're very similar in that regard.

Now, once you enter, you're still not getting porn. You then go to this like Twitter thing. it's like some kind of fancy Twitter added later where if you scroll down oh, there's no shots unless you're right on a little red carpet interview moments. Then if you go to the very first link there, then you go to the actual Fansley site and once again, you still don't get nudity.

Now the pictures are more sexual, but still the nudity is blurred out in order. Then that's that's 100 guilt into something later on. after the fact, A lot more you have to go to to get the porn out of the Fansley advertisement versus the Aiden Ross just pulling up the porn as it jumps, scare in front of the entire audience out of nowhere. That's the point I was making.

These are two very different situations but did have commonality that makes them both bad. But I still believe the Aiden Ross one is worse. You don't immediately get the porn from the Fansley advertisement and it's not exactly two clicks. Guys, don't make it arguments around a safeguards.
Okay, we've already established that you either accept safeguards as they exist, they exist and they're there, or as they're useless. There is only two stands about this. There isn't always these and these are bad people. That said, they're bad, will never agree they have any use.

People say that they're good, always. It's a very blind situation. Nobody is in the middle about internet safeguards. Uh, we've always established this the other day when we had this debate.

Just forget about it. let me try it. Don't even try it. Don't let me try it.

It's a way, but it is still extremely easy to access and has no real age verification in place to ensure that your account is 18 plus if you sign in with Twitch it just kind of takes them at their word like ah Scout's Honor you're 18 plus I believe you and then gives you the porn which is a problem. that is an issue and that was not knowledge I had prior to the whole situation here. I Was under the impression that no kids could really access it due to like actual safeguards that would ensure only 18 plus were using it like an ID check or something. but that is not the case which is why I've admitted I was wrong about it.

but they are still two very different situations where you don't immediately get porn out of the fancy advertisement versus literally getting shown porn with the Aidan But that does not excuse the QT fans of your motion. It is still bad we are on the same side. I Don't know why she can't see this he likes about now saying a statement immediately which indicates to the viewers that he made the same one when he never did this. God When he just said that anyone can access and you only need your Twitch account, it's completely different than an advertisement to a platform that does have porn but a lot of things that they'd have to do in order to access it.

He then ends the video with saying neither is great. Uh, classic New Kitty. She leaves out the part in that video where I admit I was wrong about not knowing how easy it was to access because it helps her point if she leaves that out I said it in the video I Have just addressed it again here. there are more things in order to access porn from the Fansley advertisement as opposed to Aiden Ross just putting the porn right in your face and shaking it around but neither are good.

I Also was under the assumption that Fansley was only accessible to Alexa plus after you verified your age I thought you had to verify you were 18 plus I Thought it was even harder for children to have got porn out of that advertisement if they weren't of age. Not Only would they have had to leave the platform to get it. They would then have to verify their age and make an account for it I Thought there was a lot of steps to it, making it very difficult for them. But according to some research now, it actually seems like Fansley is extremely easily accessible for anyone of any age.
There's not a whole lot of security to it based on the things I've read which is knowledge I didn't have last night. Yeah and people will agree that other security abortion office where I openly admit that I was wrong about the ease of access to the porn where I admit that I completely was on the wrong assumption as to how difficult it was to access all of it I'm sure exclude it on purpose. it probably wasn't malicious. she might have just overlooked it, but he only called out one which is the point, but he still doesn't think he's a hypocrite.

This is the best example of a hypocrite in denial. Both are bad or in other words, neither is great. If the only one he called out was a stranger and the one he didn't was his business partner guy, how is this hard to understand I'm getting more and more tempted just to comb through the goddamn streams for 14 hours to find the part where I do say that the QT fansley promotion was weird after replying to chat, but I'm not going to be Petty about it. We're going again to continue to push forward without that even still me laughing at it I do think is pretty obvious, but we're gonna throw that to the side as well.

Even still, we'll throw both of those aside I am saying it's bad I Have now talked more about how bad Qt's family promotion is is in the Aiden Ross porn situation. New kitty like I don't know how much clearer to make it. There isn't some deeper plot thread here. I I thought I made it clear I was wrong I didn't make it clear enough Where I Stood on it.

That's fine. that's a legitimate purpose of what you have of me. but it is not hypocritical because I have never defended it I have never applauded it and I've never tried to bury it or anything or have feelings on it I thought it was clear and I was wrong I am saying and I've said a million times now. it's not good.

It's not like you are making an issue out of nothing. we are on the same team and you are dragging this on and on and it is getting absolutely Shameless Now man ually him when I've never expressed anything against him statements and I also did say I'm not the biggest fan of the way she edits her content. maybe you're a huge fan of the content I guess I could be wrong I was making an educated guess based on the way that you talk about me on Twitter and in the comments section but I guess I could be wrong Maybe you absolutely love my maybe you're a huge fan of the Moist Wrestling League I don't know I guess you're right I didn't know for sure I was just reading between the lines of everything you've been saying about me and posting about me. The next point is about uh, her being upset I I assumed she was passionate about the topic, but maybe that was the wrong thing to assume.

Maybe she's only ever treated this like fake outrage I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she actually cared about the subject. so I assumed she would be upset if she genuinely thought I was defending it. So I guess I was wrong about that. Maybe she doesn't care about any of this and this is all just a big game to troll for her.
So yeah, I guess I could have been wrong there too. Perhaps that could have been the wrong assumption to make and then lie number 11 had me really scratching my head here and then calling it an ego thing. it was part of an apology to you because I said on stream that I really didn't like the way you edited the content I called it Zoomer editing and I said that sounded mean-spirited I just meant that it's not my personal accomplishment to me I've never been one to really like huge amount of sound effects and a lot of crazy effects and sounds and music going on and I I said I didn't really like it and it came across mean-spirited So I apologized I wanted to make sure that you didn't feel like I I was insulting you personally like I hated you just because I didn't like the editing I don't know what the LIE is here I was being honest I still don't like the editing. that's just me being honest.

that's that's not a lie I don't really know what what this part here is I just can't even understand there's a real debate I know Mew Kitty's really upset he starts lying about me saying eggs and Ross did they exact same thing when I've never said that I'd like her to put her money where her mouth is if she really thinks that the Aidan Ross PornHub situation is exactly the same as the QT Cinderella one that I want her in her next video again I Could be fully wrong here about her being upset she had made three tweets about me within like two hours right before I went live. So to me it sounded like she was passionately upset about this whole situation and like I said if she was actually caring about the subject I feel she'd have every right to if she really believed that I was defending it and okay with it. So again, I could have been wrong now. I like how she cuts off what I was about to say there because I still think this is something very important.

Her video has me in it side by side with my Aiden Ross statement where I said it was weird that he pulled up porn to his viewers that had kids watching right versus me laughing at QT pulling up the porn advertisement to viewers that had kids watching. So what everyone out including myself is that she was saying these situations are the same and voice critical as a hypocrite because he called the Aidan Ross thing here. but we would say it was weird when QT did it. That is the Assumption I and everybody else who saw that video made pretty much everyone who watched your video interpreted that moment that Charlie said April Ross PornHub moment was weird but didn't have that same energy or say the QT Fanzy promotion was weird.
Thus he is a hypocrite. So my point was if this is what you were saying and it seemed to me and most people that it was what you were saying that these are the same thing and thus Charlie is a hypocrite that I said put your money where your mouth is and in the next video, play the Aiden Ross uncensored, unedited PornHub moment and then play the Cutie Cinderella Fansley promotion unedited, uncensed, answered and we'll see how closely related they are, see if they really are the exact same situation. I Don't think you do that and for good reason because the Aiden Ross promo moment is going to get you banned because it's porn whereas the QT fansley promotion has nothing. Sexually super expensive, no nudity.

I Played that entire advertisement in my last video and it was totally fine. That one is a safe to watch thing that links to things that are not safe for miners to watch which is bad. that is not good, but it is not exactly the same situation as Aiden Ross bringing up Pornhub and that's what I thought and most people thought you were saying with your video with me at the end. So I challenged you to prove that you felt that way by playing both of these uncensored.

I'm gonna go side by side to prove if you really felt they were exactly the same, you'll be all kind of backpedaled on that. Or maybe we were all wrong and that's not exactly what you're saying I Guess that's totally possible as well. but I think we can all recognize that what Aiden Ross did is not the exact same thing Cinderella did with the Fansley promotion, but it does. No bread room at home now.

But I'm going to keep saying it because it apparently needs to be made abundantly clear that which indicates that he called you oh yo, shut the up Who asked any of this.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Charlie responds to mukitty”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akompliss Akompliss says:

    "She's lying claiming I defended promoting Fansly."
    Goes on to defend it for 20 minutes.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Petar says:

    Well if we are charitable – Mukitty called out Charlie for not being critical enough of QT, and then Charlie admitted it and apologized so in my books the beef is over. Goodbye and goodnight! 😀

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Klitter Klapper says:

    Braindead chat

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MarkQub says:

    I have hopes that this chat will grow up to be mediocre

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Sim says:

    Charlie pretending to not understand is a really low tactic

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duck says:

    I like how Mukitty was posting every 5 minutes about Charlie and now she's radio silent. I'm 100% sure she's coping in the discord with all of her simps telling her that she really gave it to Charlie

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lachlan M (Lachie) says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AdikMusic OfficialTM says:

    Hypocritikal = idiot/boomer/manipulation (people believe what he say)…..

    Mukitty = Meme/Tiktoker/GenZ/for content….

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Battle Angel says:

    El Moist is pressed but holy shit his fans went sicko mode. Furiously throating the man at one moment and cursing mukitty's descendants the next. He's like their god.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C S says:

    Pretty sad that this is what gets views nowadays some kid who speaks so fast we can barely understand his English, while he plays Minecraft and listens to drama in the background. Soooo lame

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zer0 says:

    Why are we giving her a platform? She’s a bottom feeding clout chaser

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xQc says:

    Who is winning this drama war so far? Charlie or MuKitty?

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