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Oh yeah, yeah, new to yeah. Watch it right? Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters couldn't stand each other. Jamie and I don't get along very well. That's not a secret, we help.

While Drake and Josh weren't exactly buddies either, we made this thing that people really love, but maybe we weren't that close. However, let's begin by talking about Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Danes who ironically played the Inseparable lovers Romeo and Juliet Prior to filming the movie, the actors had spoken very highly of one another. D is the most fantastic young actress I've ever come across. However, in his early days, Leo would always P elaborate pranks on his co-stars which was appreciated by some people on set, but despised by others like.

CLA Danes he tried to pull multiple pranks on Dan when the cameras weren't rolling and the young actor wasn't having it. It's rumored that the young actress found Leo a little immature for the very same reason: DiCaprio found Dan to be uptight and overly serious and as a result According To some sources, the pair barely. they spoke to one another when not filming scenes together. Roughly one year later, D was offered but turned down the lead female role in Titanic with some speculating that she was simply uninterested in doing another film with DiCaprio.

Despite this, the two have always talked highly of one another in public. The dude is a genius. He's been a genius for decades now, which wasn't the path taken by Kevin Smith After Figuring out that Bruce Willis was a complete and utter dick, the two had agreed to collaborate on a 2010 movie called Copout and 2 years prior in 2008. Kevin Smith praised Bruce Willis for being his favorite actor and biggest inspiration.

However, as the two began working together, Kevin Smith realized he should have never met his hero despite Smith being the film's director Willis refused to take any Direction with Smith later stating I was going at it like Bruce do it like this I was directing Bruce the way I direct everybody else and Bruce was like I've been acting like Bruce Willis for 25 years. Do you really think there's anything you're going to tell me that I don't know. At a later point, fing Bruce Willis threatened to punch Kevin Smith after which Willis had to be separately photoshopped into the movie's posters as he refused to turn up to the photo shoots. On top of this Willis failed to attend the party celebrating the movie's completion where Kevin Smith made a toast stating I want to thank everyone who worked on the film except for Bruce Willis in my visual like a picture of hey, could you please act like this I'm going to punch you 2013 interviewer Willis clapped back by dating poor Kevin he's just a wher you know we had some personal issues about how we approached work I don't have an answer for him I'm never going to call him out and lay him out in public.

Sometimes you just don't get along. Although this isn't the end of the story after Willis was recently diagnosed with Ap Fasia Kevin Smith took to Twitter writing long before any of the copout stuff. I was a big Bruce Willis fan so this is really heartbreaking to read. He loved to act and sing and the loss of that has to be devastating for him.
I Feel like an for my Petty complaints from 2010 so sorry to BW and his family which is a much nicer ending compared to that of Sylvester Stallone and Richard Gear The two met whilst filming a movie called The Lords of Flatbush W Stallone instantly disliked Gear's demeanor, stating we never hit it off. he would strut around in his oversized motorcycle jacket like he was the baddest Knight at the round table. although the real argument came when the two were eating lunch together. Stallone stated I was eating a hot dog and he climbs in with a half a chicken covered in mustard with grease nearly dripping out of the aluminium.

rapper I said that thing is going to drip all over the place he said don't worry about it which was followed by Richard Gear spilling grease all over Stallone's pants As a result, Stallone quote elbowed him in the side of the head after which the director chose to replace Richard Gear with a different actor Al together. despite this taking place more than 50 years ago, Stalonea stated to this day he seriously dislikes me which is an ending also shared by Ariana Grande and Janette Mccartie after their one and only season of Sam and Cat. When the show came to an end in 2014, Ariana Grande made an extensive, heartfelt twit longer thanking everybody involved in the production except for the other main co-star Janette Mccartie. This implied that the two weren't as close as the show suggested, which was confirmed at a Lat a date when Janette stated the following: she would have to miss work because she'd be she she was being pulled in all directions.

So she's got to do radio shows, she's got to do the Billboard Awards the Gramys she's performing with at the Gramys and I'm like acting on the show with a box because they decided that like for that week, she, her character needs to be trapped in a box so she can go perform at the Gr. As a result of this, Janette would write Ariana misses work in pursuit of her music career while I act with the box I'm pissed about it and I'm pissed at her jealous of her before expressing further jealousy in her Memoir by attacking Ariana's upbringing Ariana grew up in Boa Ron Florida An incredibly wealthy, idealic town with a healthy mom who could buy her whatever she wanted whenever she wanted Gucci bags, fancy vacations and Chanel outfits Jette wait, hold up, hold up guys! She seems to be pretty deliberate about the say she's jealous which means that there's a good amount of self- awareness there, which I don't think is a problem. Um, if you're self- aware, stating it at least puts everybody on a on an even playing field that they know you're jealous. Whatever, and it's not, it's less of a problem now.
now that your intentions and you're because people, then they don't say oh, why they acting like this, Why oh, because they're jealous Look, no problem. That's right. Uh, and this it says um, bags fancy vacations and Chanel outfits yeah I mean you can't really get mad at somebody's random spawn like you can't really hold it against them either. If you do, you're kind of an Janette's hatred toward Ariana always felt pretty pathetic.

However, the feud between Will Smith and Janet Hubert reached a whole new level of jealous. Jenna Played Will Smith's auntie in Belair and took an instant disliking to Will Smith as she felt it was unfair he'd been given a TV show at the age of 22. Will Smith later stated I Can straight up say that Janet Hubert wanted the show to to be the an viiv of Belair show. She said once: I've been in the business for 10 years and this snotty-nosed Punk comes along and gets a show to her I'm the Antichrist while Alfonso Riro, who played Colton also noted Janet was painful to work with.

There were days when we were all on set and she would literally go off on people and they got to a point by the time the second season came around where we like: this is unacceptable as someone who was seen as difficult. Janet was offered significantly less money to appear in the fourth season, encouraging her to quit, which is exactly what she'd do. However, this only increased her resentment toward Will as she'd State There will never be a reunion as I will never do anything with an A-hole like Will Smith He is still an egomaniac and has not grown up. This constant reunion thing will never, ever happen in my lifetime unless there is an apology.

Which what did he do? Despite stating that there wouldn't be a fresh prince reunion, it did eventually happen in November 2020 where more than 30 years later, Jenet was still convinced that Will had ruined her life life stating I hated what you did I just hated what you did you took my career away of 30 something years as Will Smith's comments about her being difficult made it hard for Janet to land work yo yo, what did he do I Don't get it guys, did he do something like intentional like that? I'm not even know. Afterwards, at the end of their talk, the two made up and apologized. Although Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carrie had no interest in doing so, did appear alongside one another in season 12 of Wa Whom's and Whom Carrie had no interest in doing so they' appear alongside one another in season 12 of American Idol where their almost polar opposite personalities began to clash immediately. are you Country are you Country do like country like country and I kind of feel like we're we're when I'm making comments I'm trying to help her as we're trying to help her as opposed to just talk about her out of course you almost.

In a notable instance, the two had this argument mid show where nobody said every moment oh, excuse me, the the music will cut me off if I can I Oh darling daring may I express this to her as a singer I just feel like what maybe trying to be expressed is just sing from your heart the entire time and your notes will continue to shine regardless of the dirt that gets splattered around after which Nikki threatened Mariah with violence Multiple people heard Nikki say if I had a gun I would shoot that leading Mariah to State The following: it felt like an unsafe work environment I'm not going to take any chances. so yeah, I did hire more Security In response to Mariah Care's claims, Nikki responded by tweeting hey y'all let's just say Nikki said something about a gun. people will believe it because she's a black rapper lamea I'll then hit up Barbara and milk it implying that Mariah had made the story up Nikki then made another tweet reading I guess it hurts to have the producers tell you to your face that Nikki is the best judge we've had since Simon or poor you keep them Lies coming implying that Mariah was also simply not as good at judging for obvious reasons. both judges quit the show after only one season after which Mariah Carey stated this that was the worst experience of my life I would never want to be involved with it again with Drake Bell and Josh Peek holding a similar opinion about returning to their most famous show.
Well, it seemed the two had a great time filming Drake and Josh Drake would take to Twitter in 2017. Writing when you're not invited to the wedding, the message is clear: true colors have come out today. Message is loud and clear ties are officially cut I'll miss you brother which is followed by Drake flaming Josh VI text for the very same reason I'm getting married that night and I see these text messages from him like cursing me out coming for me I'm like on the night of my wedding The incident was a sad moment for fans of the show. However, 2 months later that makeup apologize and even post a 12 million view video together implying that the duo was on good terms.

That would be until 20121 when Drake found himself in a bunch of legal trouble after which Josh made the claim that they were never were really friends. Are you guys like not friends? Not really. No, we made this thing that people really love, but maybe we weren't that close. so you guys were never close during the like when you were filming Drake and Josh you were just kind of co-stars Obviously, there were times where we were closer than not, but when inevitably the show ended I mean we're just totally different kids.

These statements have since been criticized given they'd spent a large amount of time together outside of the show. with one of these critics being Drake Bell himself who'd give numerous examples of them hanging out together. That's what bugged me about it. He like we weren't friends, we didn't hang out your Christmas party.
The party that I made, he came all the way to Riverside to support me. Josh is clearly trying to distance himself from drag sketchy legal situation. Even though they're just characters on a show, you can definitely see how like they're growing up and they're getting status right. and being be like young adults, it'd be cool to like.

You know if they're invited to parties together because they they have the same much the same status as as they're as they're going to that to that like Hollywood World whatever right? It be kind a chill you know. I I I Can definitely see I'm not being very social about it, just it seems like a natural progression of that it's illegal situation given Josh is still actively booking movie roles in an industry where reputation is everything. There are obviously mixed reports about whether or not they liked each other as co-stars although it seems obvious that they're now no longer on speaking terms. and Nei The other two main hosts from Mythbusters Adam, Savage and Jamie Heinerman hosted the show for more than 12 years, after which an article was published reading The MythBusters always had an amazing secret weapon.

they can't stand each other. The article referenced in interview from Entertainment Weekly in which Jamie stated we like to point out we've known each other for 25 years and never once sat down to have a dinner alone together. We sort of managed to tolerate each other. I Think it's probably safe to say that continuing our onscreen relationship in front of the camera is probably not happening.

To back this up. Adam Stated this no. I don't think Jamie and I will continue to work together on other projects. Jamie and I don't get along very well.

That's not a secret we've held with him claiming it's not a secret they've held as it was mentioned while the show was still running. Yeah, we are not friends. We tend to drive each other bad. Uh, we have Never in the 21 years we've known each other had dinner alone together.

Our very different personalities means that we spend a lot of time in sort of conflict periodically. Their behind the scenes animosity. Spilled Out Onto the camera. What kind of seconds were you counting there? I'm 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 What kind of seconds are those who counts like that? So it's no surprise that Adam would also stay this a lot of fighting on camera.

We got really mad at each other. like really significantly vitriolically angry. We drive each other nuts every day. We get frustrated with each other on a daily basis.

However, the reason they're so proud of their awful friendship is because it's also their key to success. The friction between Jamie and I has an Integrity to it and a chemistry to it. We have respect for each other. We also Drive each other.

absolutely bad. We're not afraid to say something that will hurt the other's feelings because we don't care. Savage says we consider it a point of Pride that the right idea always wins. It doesn't matter whose it is, it's a working relationship based purely on respect and mutual gain with their unconventional approach resulting in unconventional success.
As one of the most popular shows in TV history, I could say this: I Could definitely say this can play out for sure. Um, for a Duo Anyway, give you makeer break chat. this fan is so loud I think I'm I'm going to bust it. Would you please stop? Like for like 10 seconds? Just stop.

Holy happy 43 months! Could you possibly welcome me to the Jungle xq l Oh man.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Co-stars who hated each other off camera xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alibium says:

    To those unaware, XQC reacted to Gaza live on stream and when he was called out on it he flexed his money and bullied depressed people. Terrible human being

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DashSanity says:

    Its been two weeks mr editor

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris J says:

    Whos going to Saucon this year…??!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sex says:

    why do i still watch x bro

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smitty Boy the boi says:

    Yo tuck this guy fr gibberish speakin ahh

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denis Namisňak says:

    He died chat

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars f0ggy says:

    Dude you were the best streamer for a bit, ggs! Thanks for the laughs

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zoom says:

    Doesn't feel real… RIP man

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl jahnson says:

    Bro is this mf retired or something ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unknown bro says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Opori Brew says:

    It’s been 2 weeks since last upload. Where are videos mr.cow? 😢

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NO NAME says:

    is i'm the one who can't understand what he was saying

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MotorNine says:

    Rest in peace bro

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miles Prower says:

    Thanks for the new member-exclusive emotes mr Cow! Now I see why you were so busy and not uploadin!

    I'll add them to the old ones:

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