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Music: Tensions Run High by Soundridemusic
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Edited By Arthium​
#xqcRP #GTARP #nopixel

Stop. Stop Hey buddy Hi Mr Paul Hey man, how's it going Buddy hey how's it going I Not too bad myself man. So you a good do what? No, it's been pretty rough I'm being honest and how rough are we talking? Uh, like like a six out of 10 sir, right? right? Could be worse, you know? So how about we, um, just you know, walk away and we just forget this ever happened. Yeah, you um want you want to come talk with me or not? Come here.

You go on the duck over here we can talk this there. a nice little scener look how cute it is. Oh this is beautiful sir I'm I have my word I'm not going to stab you all right cuz you could. you can talk like I'm not going to stab you you if you answer like normally like you should, you should be all fine I'm not here to hurt you right? All right? thank you sir.

thank you All right what's up Hey man, um listen, there's that job I Understand the the others are frustrated at me. You understand that you see why? Yeah, Yeah, yeah. I do sir I mean and they have a point. Yeah, yeah, to a certain extent.

Yeah, yeah. I I mean I I Think they have the right to be upset, but at the same time, um, only them are hurt by this. You get it cuz it's not like they give you guys a piece of what they have, right? That's how I set it up. CU I'm the one who was behind all this, right? right? right? So like, if you really think about it, right? Um, I orchestrated the whole thing to uh, make money and Advance uh, the company from the interns.

So the consequence of that is that the interns don't get right. So if I Rob the company? yeah, well, it doesn't hurt you guys directly or doesn't hurt you because you don't get anyway. Yeah, right. So the logic is that personally me and you don't really have, uh, like a problem.

No, right? No, not at all. yeah. exactly okay. and that's a good thing.

Do you know? do you think that yeah I think so? I mean I wouldn't want to have a problem with you in the first place. but I say that we still could be friends, You know I have no problems with that. Yeah, exactly. So right.

You see you see the other day. Um, Mhm I need to I need to ask were you operating as Breer the intern or as Breer the person? Uh, well. it depends on what we're talking about here, sir. Well, I mean when you try to Bonk Me: hey, are these ones any better now? dumb, that's two.

Oh, when I tried to Bonk you uh, that was. that was simply because at that moment in time sir I don't know it was you. First off, true, second off, you would just hit my friend over the head and I just wanted to stop your motorcycle before you could get away. Understood: CU You hit my friend.

you know, yeah, yeah, not. I would have done the same and I would have expected the same out of you if it were to positions and I was, uh, the one that I got bunked. you know I would expect my intern to help me out. Yeah, ex exactly right.

which is fantastic. Which means that you're you're loyal and I appreciate that. Thank you sir because that also means that you were loyal to me when I was in position. Yeah, uh, absolutely.
Next question: Um, do you know the exact reason um, why Ginger was fired? I was always wondering because all I saw was that they did it and they were angry or whatnot. Which is fine. I get that one just just just for personal. like, um, information.

just a personal thing you know, like internally like why she got fired I I Never really know, right sir, right? So um, the real reason she got fired is, um, well. she told us that she was going to take a couple of days to figure things out right? and that was acceptable and uh at the same time. Uh, she told us that while she was going to take that time to figure out you and her were through, she was not going to reach out to you or talk to you. Uh, and she was going to come back in a couple of days and you know tell us where she was at.

Then later that exact same day somebody told us that she was same with you sir and so to us she just lied to our faces. What the heck? wait wait what she say me CU cuz I I um I asked her to um uh to come to like a hidden location I don't think anybody saw us together I I don't know I don't know when or where um but that that is minute. that is what happened and that is was given to us by trusted Source I don't know who it was, it was given to not me one of the exacts got it and uh so in our eyes Ginger lied to us and that's why she was fired. All right man.

um did they not like you though I I think I think Mickey loves you he like he's like actually in love though like he died for you. um well uh you know we're friends I guess I'm not really that important though. You guys dress the same man, you guys hold hands, you guys have matching outfits, you guys like, you eat the same food and what not. You guys are basically like like dating and whatnot bro.

I think everyone in this city eats the same food sir. but look it just we were selling Valentine together. What can I say? You know who needs a Valentine? You do sir I'd be happy to get you one. How about we go do that somewhere more public and we can arrange that Valentine for you.

That's the last thing I want is a Valentine if you think about it man like if if I have a valentine, people know about it and she's seen in the street, she's just going to get kidnapped by these man. she's she's going to get Absol bumped all the time. This is It's a liability I can't have that. So how about I get you a Valentine instead? Oh thank you sir.

that would mean a lot. That would be really sweet of you I really appreciate it. Looks like my quest is already done. Your V's making and Mickey's a so um uhoh now we got to set him up.

Set him up. Yeah you want you want me? just set Mickey up I mean you're the best one to do it right? I mean he loves you man. What? this is insane I mean let's say you were in danger which you are um and you say hey man like I need up with something man like I need a gun and he would have he was have picked up the gun to bring it I mean on paper right? I mean he would bring it yeah because he cares about you. So you're telling me you want me to call Mickey tell him I'm in danger to bring a gun.
Uh, probably do it. Better than that. Let's be honest, you know, maybe we get someone else to do this. You know? um uh.

this? I'm sure there's someone else that Mickey's close to that we could. probably what the hell what happened with you? hello I forgot I was on my way to Sen. Your bun feel so weak, you're not going to hold on next time we see each other on the streets. Mr Paul You're not going to hurt me, right? Good night man.

good night yo I Got everything we need we need a person I I'll just give Hny P she's right in front of me. No no no no no no I want you to get a person that you can kill and throw in the water after. Okay, then just get Fny pack then no. okay.

I'll get somebody else then not Fny. okay I'll just get a bow off the street. Give me a minute. Yeah, yeah yeah.

hey. what's up I'm to get a cheeky meca I don't I don't give a um yo you um yo I Need you help with something Okay? what's up? What do you want me to do? uh I need you to join our uh Squad uh for the thing that we're doing? Yeah, and then that's all you got to do is be be in the squad. That's it. All right bro.

All right I'm at the apartments where you at uh coming? y do we have? yeah yeah sorry uh. USB oh my. God I have to pick it up real quick. See holy I have it I have it at my place.

the block over I'll be I'll be I'll be I'll have it before you show up. so no I'm already there. No I was lit just there. What do you mean? No no I'm I'm I'm you said to park across I'm across right now I'm I'm about ready to then go in.

We have the hostage in there. go in. we have to go in. Yeah theost is in there all right bu let's go move.

let's go All right. kind of leav my hair more oily than I yo yeah yeah yeah yeah, how we doing. we're doing it. We're doing it all right.

Darth Vader yes where if F where do where do I disable this power? get inside I will show you only have one try. This is not it. Oh okay. Activation sequence: Rock and Roll Rock and roll.

Let's go baby. Let's go. When do I When do I use this USB then I'll show you go. Let's go.

Done That's used. Let's go. Let's go. We're committed now.

Did somebody shoot? What is that? Listen to me Very carefully. everyone. Stay calm. Okay.

you hold a knife. We break open the laundry machines. Yes, Yes. Stay calm.

Yes. If you are good at this, Do it. That's unlucky. Hey Where's the other at the back I was too fast.

It's locked. Give it a minute. Let's finish up with the coins firstbody laundry. what? I Doing Pretty good right now.
It did four of them. J Which ones aren't done yet? This one the third one in the middle. That's unlucky. That's wow.

That was fast. W that's laggy. Oh my God. Oh we got to finish this up.

Hurry up Right here. Follow Oh my. God I'm so bad at this. That's that's not possible.

What here? Come here. Then move. man. Can you move? Then Come here.

Come here. It's supposed to be open. We need to finish up with the machines. Go.

We want to talk. We don't want to about. we want to get what's in here and leave. Oh my God.

Oh you're right. Finish up. I'm going to go find I Can hear you perfectly now. listen I'm listening.

Give us the hostage. Yeah, you see, this guy was going to do some funny business. Want No Spike STS strips and free passage right into the building to send all y'all to jail Len here and then shoot you. no spike strips and you better not goddamn shoo.

And if you do this hostage, it's going to end up looking like your goddamn love handle d you? You know what a that would be an upgrade for him B I Also want all the money that y'all stole. How are we doing? All right? We can play this game too. Okay the hell we can play this game too. We want all the money that you gave to them.

Where's this or that you stole from them? Okay I want all the money that you stole from them? Oh no, we want all the money that you stole from the Lrat. Okay and we want the hostage and nobody gets hurt. Okay far Quad, you can handle this one. I' I've never been in such a rigar roll in my life.

Uh I think this is Checkmate Guys Yeah, give me everything that's in the laundromat right now. Okay, let the hostage go. Nobody gets hurt and we'll let you go for free. How does that sound? Guys guys, please help All right guys.

Do we care about this police officer's life? the one out front? Anybody dating this one guys nice to meet you hostage. Hey guys, do we care about Avery any Avery Enjoyers No no I don't give a about godamn ayy and she will be depressed forever. Oh wa listen listen so I asked we have two knows and two who the is this So the consense is that we do not care about Ay Can you think we know who the hostage is? Nope. Okay so again again.

Okay here's what we'll do. I will let Avery go. You will let the hostage go. Hey! Dragon Hey dragon with the yellow Yeah on three, you're going to kill the hostage and they're going to kill theirs.

No no, you're going to let them go I Will let this one go. Okay, and here's what we're going to do. You know I knew. So no killing.

Then yeah, we're going to let her go and you're going to let the hostage go. After that, we're going to give you an opportunity to leave. Okay, we we are under the impression that you care more about Avery than we care about clown. Okay, what do ha? I I hate Avery Not my problem.

Oh no, it's okay. You know I don't like Avery Avery She stole my lunch this morning and I'm pissed. it was like that turkey sandwich. in that case.
it seems like you have no leverage and we have all the leverage. You don't like that? Avery Same yes sir. I'm sorry I cannot save you today. It's okay.

Okay, so here's what we're going to do: I'm going to let Avery go and I and y'all will let your best friend the hostage go. Okay and then after that what's going to happen is I'll give you no SPX drips free passage Okay Yes I Want two bags of chips from that vending machine? Two bags of chips gotcha. I Want those bags of chips now I Will let Avery go. You'll give me two bags of chips.

Okay, y will let the hostage go. Yes, All right. I Want you to throw the bags of chips away from me? Okay, don't throw them in my direction. Understood All right.

And then what I want is I want Captain slack I Want the chips? Damn it. Okay, so Hostage: two chips for hostage and we get to go away with no spikes and free passage. Yes, yes, that's the deal. Understood.

Let me negotiate with my team I got a better plan I got a better plan What if I throw a cheeseburger as far as possible and he go run after it and we run in the car and we book it. Um, they're not going to like that. All right? Listen yo. you two take a bag of Chip and throw it all right.

Chips are coming. Chips for my life. Please come out and throw the chip one more. Okay, that's one.

Need two. That's two bags right there. That's two. Okay, all right.

A A You cannot have the chips. That's for my lunch this afternoon. No. Okay, all right.

I'm going to let Avery go. Understood Okay, and now y'all let the hostage go and we're going to give you spike strips. We're going to give y'all spike strips and and free passage. No Spes get out No Trips Free pass message out of the parking lot and then we'll pursue.

Okay, Understood Purs: I Will keep my gun pointed at the Uh hostage and the hostage only for the whole duration of the travel to the car. No funny business or I shoot. Understood Okay, okay, no funny business while I grab these chips. Tell me when you are ready.

I The chips. Okay, the chips have been recovered. All right. Understood Sir: I'll never forgive you for not saving me we do not care about Avery I Don't care about we're going to be.

So you ready ready? Everybody Consolidate. We are ready. All ready. All right.

Wait. Wait. Missing two, Missing two? ready? Yes. Start moving.

Hey hostage. Move towards me and towards me only. Yes. I Got you? Towards me, towards me.

Okay, towards me, towards me, towards me. Move Move. Move. That's right.

Oh no. Okay. back. wait.

we have. What the? What The wait? There's five of us. What The Okay: Police Department Give it up dude. I Forgot this car is not sequential.
It's fun. Holy oh damn. All right You ready. I'm just going to now bro.

this car is actually so bad. Copy: No, it's hard for me to drive around a little bit. Oh yeah, it's in the 60s bro. Come here.

Come here. Yeah! I I Put my in the glove box. got somebody has it. You too there's um believe you got out of I'm going to put your cut at the bottom here.

pick it up. Was doing some crazy move back. sorry man. It is what it is.

It is what it is man oh wait oh this is the guy you were tell you talking about. yeah he bab we're good. got to go bring my friend his car back find find if I can transport from him. Hey good job guys.

good job Yeah did good. Everyone did good you know, uh even Jay dog what just happened. Catch you guys later Good job all right Mr you all right we call you back. we got to kill somebody hey um uh dumb nothing personal man don't worry your uh it's my fault I thank responsib for this one your your belongings will be returned to uh in Du time I'll take out I'll out let me go talk to him All right wait want to let me just C his like you know his valuables just give it back to him somehow.

Do he got um a notepad somewhere? ooh oh he's got. he's got Pce slips don't wait he hey wait he had coins bro no I give it to him it was. that's that's how I got into looking the trunk bro come on now oh goodness does it have a notepad? no but I can uh I can write on it and uh him a note What? uh what do you want me to write? um yeah cuz he's going to wake up, he's going to wake up at the hospital. he's not going.

remember most of this right? Uh can I write it Otherwise, it's going to be bad I I'll just skip through the pages I already written on and I'll take it out there you go. How do I copy a page that work right? Uh yeah, just copy. All right. All right.

Well would you do this I Believed in you I told you my secrets list. Listen, listen listen, the real is is that we needed somebody right and it couldn't be anybody. Yeah and I thought like if they if they accept you right and this works out, it's good for you right? cuz then you get one like a foot through the door. but I misjudged my um my risk analysis I I really didn't think it through and um this isn't my group so this isn't my my call I'm not like I'm the one who did it at theend day it's not my call, it's their call You understand Did I float did I fly too close to the Sun you might have I voted against it I Swe I do good boss before you do this.

Did I do good boss, you did Fantastic! We're proud of you man. Thank you I'm sorry brother I'm sorry brother sorry bro I know I mean is what it is I mean seem like a really cool dude. Yeah you chill primary colors and secondary colors. No it's the three colors colors not in the they want to do it at Mrpd Com.

All right, we'll meet youe. we'll meet you at Mrpd. See? All right? Byebye yo yo Marty I Need your help? This kind of an emergency I need to dump all my in your apartment or or your house or whatever. or holding your car temporarily.
Uh in my yeah? I well just temporarily bro. just temporarily. wait. Why? um, come here I'll tell you where's your car I the launcher m Um I got it.

What that? there's something that that is very valuable to somebody that I'm doing right. Basically I can confess to a crime that I did a long time ago and it's past the statute to limitation or whatever right. Which means that I'm not going to any consequences for it. Yeah, Okay so then he'll is going to owe me for that.

Yeah, But then if I if if I admit that I pled a PD gun on him, they might think oh, what did he steal other than the PD gun from an officer you know. And to ra me that yeah, yeah yeah. I just don't want that in my place for long. Bro no no no.

put. put in your car, lock your car, put in the garage for like a like 30 minutes I Don't have a car. You guys need a ride Laat across Laat Northbound Where? Northbound from Laat across street. So here's the here's the lowdown.

What you need to know all the crimes that the that confessing to. as long as they are older than the 10th of January you can't be charged with them. Yeah, um what? What about when new evidence is entered though? when I mean when you change the thing I mean it changes so we're entering new evidence for Murphy's case. but you committing the crimes you committed are not new evidence against you unless they use what my me testifying on my case though.

no if. First of all, if you get if you get charged with anything I've already told you I'll cover the damn baale I'll take care of it myself I Don't give a sh. All right. But that being said, there's the stat.

the way the statute limitation works. It's a hard 30 days from the time the crime was committed. Period. unless the City council passes a law right now before we finish this interrogation.

I Don't see how they could do anything other than what the clearent Constitution says understood Yeah, course. C I that works. Vibing that's complicated I'm taking it to the docket. so okay.

cool. Need anything else from me or anything? I'm probably going to head back to courthouse. Um, Well, I can't be JP's lawyer because I'm representing Brawn Do you want to be JP's lawyer? Uh, depends how complex it is I'm still new. well uh, mind if I tell them exactly what we're here for sure.

All right, JP Is uh, essentially going to go and provide a confession that he planted the gun on Murphy Braa Holy okay, um why can't call Siobhan she's conflicted. um because he? well you you tell him JP I can't sleep at night man, it's I get God it's too. it's way on me bro. and I'm seeing like demons and bro, it's too much man.

I ruin his life for no reason. you know. Interesting, that's not. that's not to play here.
but yeah I mean it's just a confession I don't really. everything is beyond the statute of limitations. There's nothing they can charge him with. Always be stat.

but I'm not you. Oh yeah, dude, we'll get some whiskey it we ball. Just the only thing you have to be careful of is not to admit to any crimes after the 10th. Yeah, sounds pretty simple to be honest.

How? yeah, okay going. Captain SLX uh my. C and I would like to, uh, speak with you. Okay, um, is there a reason why our Lord's down here? Uh, he would like to confess to uh, something that he did in good faith because it is, you know, causing him not to be able to sleep at night and he wants to write a wrong that he did see the guilty conscious is kicking in.

Yes, all right. Okay well if you got to go inside I got to just pat you down for any weapons, make sure that is done on you and then we can proceed. Sure understood right? Mr Paul Start with you first. Sure face away from me.

All right. keep bringing interesting. Oh yeah that othere I'm to do I think hey yeah. seems like we we're completed here.

Man, this is my priority. Doing good. All right. Perfect.

Follow me slack. Is there any objection to me observing? Uh, it's up to um Mr Paul and sure he can observe you. yeah up. If if I do something really bad, just bang on the window.

All right. Actually yeah, please do that to hear you so don't bother. Um has it been a month? I don't even know January I Don't care. Check of the dates bro there been a little bit over the month.

Has it? Yeah. Now before proceed I let you know that at this time you have the right to Mas son. Anything you say do can and will be H Against court of law you have the right to pres and one during question. you can't afford one.

One will be appointed to by state free of charge if available. Do you understand your rights Mr Paul I Do um well uh, what day was it on? January 6 Oh no yeah. remember the 6th? yeah um the 6th? Yeah on my calendar. Hold on.

I got a calendar right here January 6th. Where was I Oh yeah, that was Vengeance day I Remember that um Vengeance day Okay, such a cool title. How were you Deni an appeal I Was you denied my appeal I I I I wasn't allowed. it's on the public docket I see and that was your motivation for the Vengeance on Murphy braa to plant a gun on him to give him a taste of his own.

No um, it's a win-win for me. You think about it, it's a Winn for me because if he's found guilty right the Buster um with the dumb as a judge if he if he's found guilty, he loses his job and him. but if he's not guilty, it shows that there's a bias and a P and things are corrupt. So for me it's a win-win I win in both directions.

you guys could. So what? So what made you change your mind now? why have a change of heart? I'm not going to tell you what the heck? Well, I mean it's important why you're down here in the first place, right? Mr Paul If I'm supposed to understand exactly what's going on I need to know the truth behind your actions to provide that. Um, it's just it's just weighing on me bro. I Just want to get off I Just want to get it out there.
You know what I'm saying I I I Just want I just want to get it out. Get it. get it off I see I thought I thought I'd be okay with that but like seeing in like hang out with like a bunch of bums and like that and whatever and his life being ruined I mean it's it's going to it's going to you. You truly feel sorry about what happened to Murphy Yeah Have you told him? Have you talked to him at all? No.

How do you think he would feel now knowing that you're behind it? Well I don't give a how he feels well you give a enough to come down here and you know Spill the Beans get things off your chest. So Ms mean a lot to you right? It's not that it means a lot is that everything is a lot. You know you can only process like a couple events in your life at a time right? If you have too much at the same time it it it can become too. So you know, like the St that breaks the chemal back or whatever right? Yeah yeah uhhuh after certain events in my life like it's just too much like that's a big block I can get rid of right and then stay afloat cuz right now it's it's too much.

believe my uh, my client has gotten what uh, he wanted to achieve out of this. He just wanted to come clean uh, in good faith for himself to feel better. I Think we're going to wrap up at this point Captain SLX You know we're not done yet. Are you sure? Yes sir.

Whatever he said. Mr Paul I would like to ask you more questions I'm not done I Feel like we're slowly getting to the juicy part of the story. the juicy part or the juicy possible incrimination of somebody Brett No, um, take your win, leave. This is good wrap up.

Now you see like I feel like I had one goal and I achieved it. Whatever your goals are I mean bro. I Got me. I Don't give a My goal is to make sure that these guns are not being found and they're falling the wrong hands of people.

Not my problem problem. Well it is your problem. Mr Paul Because you found a gun that belonged to the police. That that sounds a lot like a your problem thing, right? and I'm trying to investigate I'm trying to figure out the source where it came from, how this gun was found.

Yeah. I I understand what you're saying right? and I get what you're coming from but like it's ain't my job and if it was my job, I'd probably go to the cafeteria, get a coffee and zone out. You know I'm saying like I passed the out and understand that but I thought we walking on this path of righteous and Redemption doing the right thing and getting things off your chest I thought maybe we could you know walk all the way to the Finish Line together yeah you see Captain SLX you see like as as a person right this like helps me sleep right I don't give a what it does for like justice or like like God or whatever man I do not give a I do this for me You know what I'm saying So like and speaking of uh jobs as if I'm also going to do my job and I'm going to pull my client out of this. um listen if you want to pause fair about me but uh I just feel like there's just a lot left in the table and I would like to continue if possible.
um it depends what kind of questions there are. You know what? I will give him a couple questions that are like not like that So if you want, if you Mr PA I don't want to I don't I don't want to, you know push you further I Get that you know this is if you want to tread lightly. If you want to tread lightly, right you can have a second chance at this. about that.

Well I mean you came down here voluntarily I don't want to. You know, you know. make sure that I'm not trying to squeeze you know as much as possible from the lemon to get you know the lemonade here. Could I make a recommendation? Perhaps We uh, you know, grab a little food a little drink, pause the recording for a moment, give them a chance to speak for a minute and then uh, continue potentially yeah I mean I got some food perfect.

Um, if you would like to, uh, stop the recording I will uh talk to my client? uh thank you. Want to go grab some uh coffee or something like that? Captain sure I don't think I got cough but I I'll grab some. let me see if I let me see if I remember how to pause this record. He anybody ever tell you that your head looks like a tennis ball? Yeah I'm waiting for it to grow now.

Do I have to wait till the good cop comes in or what? one of you? Um, can one of you pause the recording and having an issue? Not to it? Yeah, just punch it. Okay, they're just going to try to get information out of you as much as I agree that it is funny to get a rise out of someone. um you have him up against the wall. so bad that I think you leaving now would actually affect him to sleep at night I Would Walk Away With the Wind oh okay yeah yeah.

I mean it's fine just because. um like if this delays the whole process because you have they have to like there's SC of closing the deal on this and forget about the gun. It might slow everything down like crazy but I mean I'm just going to all your device I guess I would walk if I were you and if you want to poke the bear later you can. Sure yeah I wouldn't bite off more than you can cheer.

Do really good at that. All right, let's do that. then.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Cop holds another cop hostage gta nopixel 4.0 rp”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @catspiracytheorist2138 says:

    your twitch moderators r testicular cancer

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MrJdog43 says:

    Cornwood is goated

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @acvproductions says:

    Brekkers is amazing

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Nikocado.Avocado says:

    Wow xqc

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @randomuser5609 says:

    nice vid!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @D.pietertje says:

    That rp was sooo bad, when he killed Dora

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lloydevans240 says:

    Jean Paul playing along with Cornwood’s hostage negotiations is the best RP I’ve seen 😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jackpierre1839 says:

    lawyer was tuff

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hanyoudhisfrey2357 says:

    Hello stream enjoyer, what is the reason he killed dora there?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tdover187 says:

    Why did he dump Dora ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Triplechomending says:

    W editor

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @eroslari2916 says:

    No joke these RP videos compared 3.0 is some of the most shit videos I’ve ever seen. The editing literally skips all the interesting parts of the chase and leaves in the most monotonous clips.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ATK. says:

    This Betrayal hurts the most.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheGamersHome123 says:

    Is the ocean dump actually a perma kill? Since they cant call for paramedics and nobody will ever find them pretty much

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Arthium says:

    If i cut out a few stuff, its because xqc played copyrighted music throughout the vod.

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