xQcOW reacts livestream fails!
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#xQc #Fails #Memes

Destiny banned for sharing. First of all, damn that's that's rough. The guy he debated that prayed for him to get banned, and now he is the proof. God is real.

Checkmate. Okay, holy that hairline, you look like an actual with those antennas. Are you going to call the colony back together pick up some crumbs off the ground? You are you going to do all the hell um another glitch guys. We really get this.

What we just we just heard. We don't know because i'm not kidding this is actually interesting. We have no idea what causes this don't read the whole message right. You actually got it and then this money on his own and some i guess this is goodbye and it happens.

Pretty often, we have no idea what's causing this 13 seconds. Xqc lht tps watch this. No, we have no idea. We have actually no idea what caused this and it's it's ucl um watch this.

It's gon na be play watch this. This is the message it's going to read this one. Is he gon na play? Stop subbing. Please stop subscribing for 10 seconds dude.

I can't read the message dude. What is wrong with you? This is a problem. You have a pro, you have a problem. You have a legitimate problem all this just because i wanted to show the chat a glitch with yes and now the dts is backed up for like an hour and a half good job.

This is so smart, very smart guys, i'm just kidding guys. I i um. I originally skipped off stream. I i built this whole thing.

I i built this whole thing, off-screen this entire acting skit, so we get the number one number two is really bad. Poverty drives foursome it actually measures. It was looking to send. How is your soup kitchen? What even is that uh are current emails that go first, they consider information or what i'm also like, i'm so glad that the top 100 twitch streamers are finally getting what they deserve man.

Finally, their salary is out there. They can stop misrepresenting their finances for for attention and support those top hundred man. You know you know, you know what there is a guy there he's trolling he's strolling. There's like a really you guys, he's showing chapter guys because he's top 101 he's a one-off thick line between, like i would say once you get past, that first 100 after that you're good, whether you're uh he's bad because all the top 100, we all got a Nice, golden plaque and 101 doesn't get it 456 thousand hypothetically, like you know, 101., i'm also like i'm so kind of thing huh.

This thing that i really love. Oh, oh, that's a big earthquake! Oh early quake earthquake! Oh oh! This is a big wally! Oh! Oh! Okay, this is big, oh, that was pretty dank. Okay, okay, okay, we're good! Oh! This is big. What the it's still going! Kind of thing, huh 1.6, is pretty it's pretty small, though guys, because it's minus five, something calculated on the richter scale, which is a exponential, uh thing exponential, meaning that it's impossible to go to ten.

This calls me i'm talking to miz about something that came up and also my parents show up. I don't even know my parents are here, i'm literally getting ganked nope. Okay, it's it's low! It's low right! Nick! It's lo! I i guess it's been a while i've been doing this. It's a logarithmic.
I thought that's what well that's kind of something's parents, nice! What's up story behind this, oh hello, okay, so pretty much! I was hanging out with this girl right we were chilling. You know. I was in my closet watching uh attack on titan all right. She was like yo, i'm down to vibe with you too.

I was like dope, like let's watch attack on titan together right, so we're watching attack on titan everything's good, we're like cuddling, and we like cuddled for like 12 hours straight. I was like damn i'm really into this girl right, i'm like so into this girl and then sodapopping comes to my house, and she just instantly goes for him and i was just like oh man and then like. I saw her laying on soda's shoulder so like. I made the song like, i saw you on his shoulder baby and it's just like so sad.

It's actually just like me being a but yeah jesus. Okay, number, three, nine message: number one: through seven: could he bust it down like miss? I don't think he can. Well, you know asthma, oh hi. Can i get a welcome to the jungle? I just want to say xqcl watching this, i'm number 39..

That's not too bad myth and name sub 100. Sub. 100. Andy.

Is that what you call them? They're accumulatively poor? So if you really want to take it to the next level, jesus triple digit, and that that is quite too f guys. This is quite too far in my line. This method needs to stop me. No, my dms are open guys this.

This meta needs to go full stop. Can i ask one question real quick about that on in terms of sir tristan, do you believe that, god knows all things yeah? Absolutely god is omniscient. Does god know what it feels like to take a dick in the ass? I mean just again proving how how demonic and i'm just curious - because you said god has knowledge of all things right does this i mean again complete disgust, complete disgusting blasphemy coming and it's not surprising. Can i guys listen, settle down.

Okay, i get it he's banned. I get it okay, he just got temp banned. It's you. It's a little bit softer temp bands aren't like the end of the world.

I don't think yeah you shouldn't, show bands shimmers, i get it. I get it okay, but it's not it's not like crazy, crazy. Okay, it's not like hot! It's not like a harm nobody's getting harmed by this. Like settle down that i'm doing oh cool.

I got rainbow. Look at that jesus. How do you get? That is not right! That's a fire extension! What the f! That's a funny thing! I'll dm you on discord, i bet auto post it. Where is it um? No, he he did.

He lost partnership. I think, but i don't think he had her in the first place, no shots! My dms me dude. It's okay, guys! You guys guys for you guys. Nothing bought another thing.
Bad has been leaked, no we're all chilling. If you get my number cindy, the logo is the logo, though wait watch lego the log huh, the blue. Okay, that's kind of crazy, though dude the neighbor's been too hey loud, hey, shut, the up. No, how about you get out my privacy jesus, this guy's neighbors is that jcg.

That is the worst thing to ever happen to this house tonight. So annoying okay soda gets a car in bf press b, wait yeah, it's bugged, here's a card, but they will counter attack. Hey look at that. It's gon na blow up 100.

uh get 143 numbers jesus this. This he's going to try this you're so good. At jumping this, how many times i'm already dead, you guys ganged up on me at the beginning, even harder from listening to my own dunno, again get mister ant. Did it guys at this point, even when psychonaut is like the crazy like killer in a game or the the bad guy anytime, he dies it's capital d, colon any time anytime secundo gets killed by somebody.

Oh my god. What happened? I cannot believe. I'm sure everyone heard about it already: yes, there's a twitch leak and they leaked out. You know like how much streamers make and stuff and uh.

Basically, what happened for me was someone took a like a out of date, clip out of context and tried to make it like. I was saying i was poor or something when literally five seconds before the clip they cut. I said i'm not poor and i can afford most things i want and then for some reason they left that part out because literally like five seconds, not maybe not, but you know what literally right before i said: i'm not poor, i'm doing fine um and here's. What i really think guys people are like cycuno says he can't pay his water bill to get subs and i'm like look guys.

You must think i have the nicest landlord on the planet if i never pay my water bill and they haven't, kicked me out yet so uh i i don't know i like, if i did i'd, have the best landlord ever but, like i don't know what kind Of landlords you guys have, but for me they they aren't that i'm pretty sure they kicked me out. If i don't know i, especially in california, so um, i i thank you, california, forget it dude dude, listen! If that is not i'll play. You get kicked out of the day the day after that's the classic guys, i'm going to glide you on that side, guys i'm gon na i'm gon na i'm gon na skim through it. We're gon na we're gon na do a little bit of a strip, plays a 50 moves into the seconds against the flagger and mates.

Oh, this is like an only flagger, that's so cheese dude. I thought this was gon na, be three seconds. Oh no shot. Oh yeah, that's pretty dank jeez.

Did you see that that was pretty dank that okay, that was actually pretty think not too bad, not too bad, asus, wicked escaper, very! No! No nice! No no run boys run for the hills, not bad get back. Take it back. Take it back, take it back, take it back later, nerds, why it's a normal game? Oh dude! I thought he was gon na pop up or something i was waiting for it that was so lame ipod. Next, on banner cool, csgo kazar on hassan's, ahead price, big arms - you know what they say about big arms makes your head look smaller and so therefore harder to hit see what hassan thinks about that one.
But for now it's just that b-pop for bad news bears lining up the uterus this one. How are these guys always so up to date with all the drama, although all the people that it's insane utils are missed, they could have used most of it. That's a one molotov going out really good timing for it, but it's not big. You know what they said about bigger they're, all they're, always actually pretty uh a rob.

Actual second monitor ooh chat. This is nsfw. I've been on myth and millionaire wow. This is like.

I always had a feeling that every door i would open, i would just see, myth and melanoma banging in the door and my life will be ruined, so i was walking around in fear at camp a myth banging my girlfriend, so i would not want to live With the guy, because i would have a feeling about jesus credit card - isn't leaked okay, we're good! Then, thanks for buying me new world yeah that looked worse, uh i had been clicking links. Credit card isn't leaked what the was that transition anyway, dude we're good. Then, thanks for buying me new world yeah that looked worse, uh, that's kind of smooth, not bad, actually more impressed by that than whatever was on screen to be honest, um, oh new touch, ambassadors insane, a new twitch and bat. Did it.

That's that's great what i i i you know, i think she's pretty good she's. Just i don't know what would have been doing with with the twitch and twitch counsel or whatever nick marks. The show goes on through the video is just strange. Like is this, so this is so bad.

I can't see anything like jesus dude, that's the kind of dancing, that's kind of cool. Oh we're, not gon na watch. This, though, lyric makes it to the finish line: cool man, clothes back, hard, um, iceland crops out a little bit cool, okay, boys. You know what at least we made it to the finish line.

You know it was classic um five layers of makeup on her face. No, it's just a leftover residue from eating your dad's, oh well, no uh, wait. Nick murray didn't leave. Where did he? I don't think he ever left it.

I don't think i don't give a did. He know what lowe's talking about. Is he even in the is? Oh he's not in the thumbnail, i love you for all, that's crazy, oh man, i had no idea, we made it a whole year. I can't believe you got the crop out now.

You know how it feels dude. Do you want us on two years? How lame? Oh good news: we made it uh updates to improve our video quality sun. Today, videos will upload. The twitter will appear with let's pick slated shut up, shut up dude, that's just that is such a lie, dude, what a weasley little liar, dude still lying still like his audience did.
That is not all of you know this, but uh. I first started getting um as a streamer because i was dating tyrus. I was dating a big streamer and a lot of people said that um i only gained viewers because you know i had a big male streamer on my side and then when we broke up. I was like you know what now is my chance to prove that that's not the case but well now i have missed, but at least ms doesn't pretend to be in love with me: okay, okay, oh youtube, getting close to twitch's numbers.

Oh my god! Uh! Have you heard nick mercs might be going to youtube as well. I did not hear that i did not. I did not hear that, but what i did hear, though, says that youtube is getting close to twitch's numbers on live streaming and they might be passing them soon, though it might be. Uh might be a ghost town around here soon enough, so no i won't.

I was wrong. No, you, you guys failed to understand what what the main argument is and you i. I feel that you guys are being purposefully, purposefully, um, uh and you're being you're being deliberately obtuse deliberately obtuse got it's a more accessible plot. The problem is creating an ecosystem is creating a a strong media of people who actually go and and watch stuff.

They don't just click their youtube or whatever, and oh you guys, they actually browse the category. They actually they actually consume the product. Dude. What that's? How it is tonight,.

By xQcOW

9 thoughts on “Destiny Gets Banned from Twitch | xQc Reacts to Livestream FAILS!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars climax050 says:

    I hate to be that guy… but i thought NickMercs was like a Spartan thing? Like that was his gig? well… im a history frog and i know no one cares but that wasn't Spartan… that announcement was Roman Pepelaugh el no sabe

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars climax050 says:

    Its Brian back from the dead to haunt all the new TTS for taking his place during the month of Halloween when the shroud between this world and the next is thinnest MonkaW

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OJuggernautO says:

    The people in chat saying they “don’t get it” when Emiru said “at least Miz doesn’t pretend to be in love with me”. She’s saying her previous BF, the streamer Dyrus, never loved her and was pretending to love her.

    I know a lot of chatters tend to be a bit younger and probably didn’t understand that, so just wanted to clarify.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars It's Akile says:

    I predicted Mixer's death months in advance but I wont say Twitch is on its way out, Youtube was and still is its only competition, I don't think zoomers use facebook so That's their challenge, boomers are youtube/twitch mainly and restuborn. I like youtube the most but twitch's colt following is cool sometimes

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Litenbadboll says:

    I liked watching Rated when there were no other gtarpers I watch online guess I wont anymore. If he at least went to youtube it would have been ok.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Corvette says:

    The reason the TTS donations glitch out is because it's a program being run through OpenAI, which despite being very impressive has hiccups like those all the time. AIDungeon is a good example of what OpenAI is capable of doing, but anyone that's used it knows it's nowhere near perfect. From what I understand, most if not all OpenAI programs are routed back straight to OpenAI's source, which over time makes the AI smarter and smarter as it learns how to properly handle what commands are thrown at it by it's users, effectively improving all programs that use it simultaneously

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bino says:

    literally reads off something about god being real, dono glitches with "you are going to go to hell. huh?" goes unintelligible then says "you get to ban him" – "handsome" then unintelligible……. what the fuck the chills that I have when I heard that shit

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J.R. Swish says:

    xqc is kinda right, twitch is a way better and easier to use platform for users and streamers alike. But I heard rumours that after youtube gaming failed miserably, and they got a bunch of big streamers on there (pewdiepie, dr. Disrespect, timthetatman), youtube has started working on a new and improved way better streaming platform. Supposedly with better chat and better UI overall. I think it's still a rumour though

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mshojat says:

    The fact that the "Richter" scale is exponential (logarithmic) does not mean that it cannot get to a value of 10. Earth just generally happens to not be "strong" enough to do that much or at all. It is possible, but we've never measured one yet.

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