xQc and Destiny discuss the riot that started in Union Square, NYC due to Kai Cenat's PS5 giveaway.
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Dancing Yeah just dancing on a car like I mean wasn't that one shavin guy was he just like break dancing on George Floyd's neck I'm just trying to think of like how much of a like down syndrome you have to be. You're like in a crowd of people and you're like I'm going to break heads up. Just full warning if I get to this level of popularity if I'm doing a meet up at any of these cities and you guys crowd my car like this, not only will I run you the over I will back up and run you over twice. Okay so the ambulance can't save you okay what's what's each back on the internet? What have I missed today? wait you see all see all the kai stuff or not? um a little bit but I haven't se like a ton of it.

it looked like he tried to do a PS4 giveaway. was he in Manhattan I don't middle of the city or some and I bro I don't live there I don't know what the the the No Asian is fine Oriental is the one that's Oriental meic Chad is not like P can call Axan you can't a group of Mexicans Mexicans oh PS5 my bad yeah CH was right What? Well I can Union Square why yeah I can say wet back SP I can say whatever oh Jesus Christ what do you mean bro? What do you mean bro I'm Cuban bro Jesus What what did he think? um well I think the whole plan I think I think he didn't which is what the main argument is which. I think I agree with wild brother Spanish is my first language on right now dude this would wait are you is train in here I just turn on your stream no I'm just looking I'm just looking As cont I was right it would have been you but appar 64 arrests I think I think like half of them are juveniles. um liable were apparently hurt physically don't um a lot of damage property, cars and like that I called him the Asian guy uh, store's got some a store I I saw one oh the Foot Locker and the was it like a zom or something or yeah Zoomies Zoomies um play fireworks right? be Qui I just got l x reacting to H well s my brother yeah he immediately race baited.

just that's like all the progressives do, they just race instantaneously like and how did he do that who? Hassan yeah uh I saw I've only seen a clip so far so maybe I'm missing greater context but I saw a clip of a um I saw a clip of some like 60-year-old guy that apparently was saying he got beat up and his got stolen and then afterwards the uman Hanan like looks up from his phone cuz I guess he wasn't paying attention. Why are they making such a big deal out of like a $3 bag of Cheetos It's because they're racist. Wait, is that what you said I didn't pay attention to that. That was just kind of brain rot.

Uh well. well don't take my word for it. go look at the clip I don't want to no I watch the clip I was I I had the same feel to it. Yeah, 100% Um yeah you you that is.

Yeah, it's pretty much spot on. Yeah CH we watch out while I talk to. Okay so you have bear with me on this one. um um yeah I saw that but no I think I think some of his was pretty bad because it was like well they were just dancing around but it's like I think Dan dancing on cars while you're breaking them is is a pretty bad statement for Like Dancing Yeah just dancing on a car like I mean wasn't that one shavin guy? Was he just like break dancing on George Floyd's neck like what a weird thing to say like why would you? why would you? what what a stupid I mean I know why he's saying it but like every time I send a call and you pick up right go I'm like let's just talk about things just and you just make the like, the wildest tangents and I'm just sitting there like like I don't know if I prove this I'm just I'm trying.
It's not a wild tangent, it's just a really stupid thing to say. Why he said that If he, yeah, if he said they were just dancing on a car, that's kind of a dumb thing to say. Why would you say that? Okay, true, it's like saying I was just a girl last night I just didn't get her permission first, right? Like that's just wild. That's just a wild thing to say.

Why would you? Why would you say something like that? You have any other good examples you want to give us right now. uh or is that is it cut off right now? Uh I mean I can think of some more, but we're good. Okay Jesus Man actually think I think I can think of one that's on on on ass son's uh, on ass son's plate. but I I'm not going to go there.

um oh that would have been spicy. that's too spicy of my stream. I mean you might as well say it now. Planes, planes.

Okay okay I'm bro. bro. Stop stop stop stop stop. Was that a 911 joke kind of? Jesus because it's I mean I mean is is it didn't doesn't me? he have the take.

You know, like the take is that the case. He doesn't have like real takes. It's just like there's like a I Don't know if you've noticed this, but there's like a brand of edgy. But it's like corporate safe edgy.

so you can Market yourself as being like really edgy. but you're actually like, well, no, not like you. It would be like being really edgy towards like corporate safe edgy targets. So for instance, being like we should just go out and beat the and kill some cops like okay right? It's like say like that like let the let let landlord blood run in the screen.

It's like okay, 911 was okay. It's like all right right. But if you would come say some like you know, like the nukes were Justified on Japan Now everybody's looking at you crazy, right? Yeah, or maybe we should kill shoplifters and everybody's like whoa, dude, too far. But no, there's like there's like a brand of.

there's a brand of edgy content where you can be edgy. but as long as your targets are okay, right? onwi Yes, Yes, Okay, yeah that that makes a lot more sense now. I Get it, You explain way better now than it was before Now Yeah, like you can go on Twitter and be like really racist as long as you're racist toward white people, it's really funny. Yes, look at this vanilla gorilla like these guys don't even have culture like that's.
like really funny. but anyway, it's just annoying. All right. You have any other analogies or examples you would like to put out before we continue or not listen.

I Just debated the world's greatest 911 conspiracy theorist. Okay, so I'm very edgy right now. What's up? Can't just give me get catch me up What' you call me for what you want to talk about? Let me let me guess it involves um, steel beams? No no no, he's past that. he's not aliens.

It's the idea that Saudi Arabia and Israel were complicit in knowing that we were going to get 911 and our intelligence agency is just really complicated conspiracy. but he's not like he's not like an alien guy. he's not like crazy crazy like he thinks the Earth is round and oh okay f up yeah do you think that um, do you think Kai should be held responsible to a certain degree by I Think by quantifying and be able to have a good profile on what the intent is and what the actual result is I think if could to draw a big in between that is favorable for everybody, that's reasonable and that should be what happens. Give me a sec I need to I'm getting link clip for premeditation.

let me check one. I'm I Mighty Has he ever been out in public before and done like a fan? Meetup or um not like that. no cuz like if he's never like seen his fans publicly. I I could like, maybe buy it like when I started doing fan meetups bro yeah coming doing a PR voice not PR voice.

that was my actual take like I I I'm trying to be kill with my words because I don't want people to think yeah dude like live in prison him like dude relax so like thinking accountability and being H accountable for something you do doesn't have to be like and I know how people are going to be. you know like Mhm, this guy might be cheating. um yeah oh yeah. the U video that that that that's different.

he's not the one that they hel of it I don't think it was announced the same way I don't think it was approached the same way I don't think it was the same amount of people I think it was different like the context matters and every single thing around that um are important in establishing a profile. It's very very very important and people say it's the same thing L like I very shortsighted. It's very stupid to say yeah I Agree. Wait, okay.

I'm trying to understand I'm watching you play OverWatch does this character it looks like when you shoot the beam? do you have to be aiming at them? Or does it like go to the side too. It's pretty AOE right? Uh, not right. Click right. Click is like a bing right? A new ability in the game.

Let's see that right. Click bang. It's a new ability that has to be very precise. Otherwise pretty AOE Yeah gotcha.

Okay just checking this guys on my balls the entire game. Too annoy. but yeah. um I thought you would have you would have.

you would have um covered your news today and you would have known about this. you know the whole thing. I did a big debate like 5 hours ago so I got home did email window is window yeah it was pretty. it was pretty rough.
um rough as in what as in like you're doing with like a a brick wall rough as in I woke up at like 10:00 a.m. today and I read like 170 page write up on the entire like entry of Russia into Ukraine and I didn't get to discuss anything cuz the guy didn't know anything about the topic I thought he would and then the last hour was just him. like rambling off a bunch of random 911 things. It was boring as spot but this guy I had to debate with this guy a long time ago and I got pretty crushed cuz my knowledge about the Middle East which is really bad.

oh so you lost by almost by theault a long time ago. yeah by default. yeah but I thought he just had a bunch of cons. yeah but this time I knew way more but every single time and and now I see how he works a little bit more.

anytime I knew what I was talking about or the guy with me knew what he was talking about he this guy would just like not say anything I was like okay you know what I I do have a question for you yeah what's up something that chat gave me a lot of push back on then maybe I thought was wrong. um when you are in a vehicle and there's a ride around you right and your ve your vehicle's being damaged if people on top of it and then uh you you fear for your life is it Justified to um gas pedal? uh don't ask me these questions. see that that I think I answered my question today h and I should have fck just just send it yeah I'm always going to I'm going to fall really far on the side of self-defense and I'm usually going to fall really far away from people that are being aggressive towards other people. okay um yeah if you're like piling up in a car with other people and then that car like gases it and you get like ran over or some I super don't feel bad for you at all like that's your fault Jesus Christ listen that is my I got on everybody today by say that take I got on I I said I'm on I'm on the side of um survival not want to die and I I think that I thought people going to send that but they somehow don't I don't know Mhm I might just die here.

um this this hero was just bad by the way. um yeah. so in what in is like full Justified Like is it like how much do the semantics matter in this In this instance, what do you mean by semantics the Small Things the small components like like is people are people on it. They people trying to get inside of it are people surrounded are people musing it.

I Obviously I would have to see the situation. If there's like one guy banging your window to the left that's pretty people people with a stick when and broke the back window. oh windows are being broken, yeah it then you're yeah, that's what that's what I was saying and you thought were going to die. Yeah, if windows are being broken, you're probably past the point where I'd say you're good to just gas out of there somebody.
link to the clip. Is there a clip of this? or yeah, there it is. No me scientist. Okay So so so here's my take: I maybe the law agrees with you or not.

I'm pretty sure it does. If you can make a reasonable case for the fact that you thought you were going to die in that instance I think you're good to send it because I don't think a lot of people understand the the state of mind that you're you would be in in a vehicle that's being broken into. Uh, in when a lot of individuals, individuals and you cannot make a super really good calculated move almost in front. What's inside? What's above Like if you think you're going to die like things get crazy I don't I'm not sure I don't know where the law actually on that that's send you the video nobody has a link to the guy hitting s send it to you.

Going full gas is not okay. going going gas small gas is okay. Well I think that's actually even worse. small gas means that um if you just go like that right people get mad at you then now they they they'll make a case of like now.

now they're doing self-defense and now they're going to try to hurt you and they have Now they have a better of hurting you that point. But I am your goal should be to survive and get the out to have a great time. We must all find a Cause worth fighting for. Footage of crowd destroying random cars driving by at Kat New York or Kaat Hold on wait are there people in this white car? uh I I thought it was a black car Yeah yes yes people yes attack com Oh wrong be there's two car active I think am I not getting healed like are we not playing the game Oh dude this poor guy man that's what I said.

This is like just some random guy that probably lives in the Bronx like drove into the city today cuz he wanted to get a coffee with some new woman that just met. He probably got divorced or his wife died like 20 years ago trying to start that kid jumps on his windshield. $1,200 repair right there. oh my God this guy's whole life.

Oh man. okay am I going contr now or what? No I'm just I'm I'm the there was just like this kid. just like jumped on this dude's window for no reason. he broke windshield.

yeah and you can see the guy driving. it's just like it's just like an old dude who's just like he probably hates his life right now. sorry hold on. Oh and then here's another car.

It was pretty bad. Yeah Oh I think I just heard why is this guy? what are they doing? What is even happening? Why? it's just bro. it's just like like actual brawling I Don't think there's any thought behind any either. It's but like I'm just trying to think of like how much of a like Down syndrome you have to be.

You're like in a crowd of people and you're like I'm going to break like how are you I mean you're like the kid at kindergarten that nobody wants to play with. except that's all of them, right? You're the guy where there's like 15 kids and like four kids in the corner they build a block and this is like the guy that he's probably a little bit taller. He's developmentally delayed so he's like a year or two ahead of the other kids and he comes over. He just kicks all the blocks over and he's like and then he goes home and he cries cuz he has no friends.
He can't figure out why his mom and dad don't listen to him. his dad's probably gone, mom hates him. she probably does. Yeah, it's just what.

I'm just trying to think like what how how do you grow up There's a lot of assumptions like the other guy divorce guy this that this is a lot of assumptions I see they all I can see into the Matrix okay yeah I can see everything okay I'm just trying to think what kind of person be like I'm going to start hitting the car like why would you do this like why would you stand on the car like this is how I play elen Ring like you see like a rock I wonder if I can stand on the rock You see like fire and you're like can I stand on the fire It's very Elen ring Behavior 100% Why would you do this like if the car moves while I'm on it I wonder if the physics engine can handle me at the same time like that's what these kids are doing Yeah yeah, it's just like the whole like yeah yeah I see something I jump on it I something I breaket type Behavior like very yeah, mentally backed up type you're not wrong. Also it's very. call him like group like herd mentality like let's just do whatever Jesus Christ this is the C with K might have that the div though I know who Mercy is healing or like whatnot I don't guys heads up. Just full warning if I get to this level of popularity If I'm doing a meet up at any of these cities and you guys crowd my car like this, not only will I run you the over I will back up and run you over twice.

Okay so the ambulance can't save you. You guys are crazy if you do this to me real life I'm killing one of you I'm taking like 20 of you out with me right this wild in a video game Bro bro, bro bro. Yesterday we had a good bro. this guy, this guy that you debate today literally radicalized you instantly.

No, this is just W bro, what are you watching? This is insane or maybe because what I said but nobody because you're zooming you look at this, you're like oh this is this is like is this Winston Behavior like what's no, that wasn't supposed to be racist I didn't mean it like that. You know I didn't mean it like that right? Yeah yeah, you know I didn't mean it like that right? Yeah, okay like what is h what are we doing here? Why are they? Why are they just on his car? Do they think that like if they make it to the end of the destination that they get to go like hang out with him for the day. Is it like a game show or it's not a game? It's not peki? Castle no why are they on the car? What is happening I feel like I'm watching World War Z or this like Resident Evil What the is going on this guy Mercy Move You can win this fight. you got to actually get there in rest though.
Gotcha progress is still Jesus Where there? SM there's fire World War Z World War Zoomer true. Kill him, Kill him. Kill him. Yeah, they were trying to gotcha.

Okay anyway uh. what was I saying about any of that? Yeah yeah. so I was very much on the side of like I mean dude. like they there's not much of a of an argument that you can make for somebody not to care for their life at that point.

Like you're not going to say like like I told my child was like well what do you do there you just go. Okay well I will die because I don't want to hurt anybody you going I I'm going dieet I don't think anybody will do that ever in that situation like nobody let themselves die like I need some heals down there like I don't know what you guys are doing I don't know if you're like completely delaying your brain I don't know what the we're doing. not quite but I am closer than I was before. what was I saying Jesus Christ man all I'm going to say is after seeing all those CLI God damn I bet there were some racist ass cops there.

that's all. I can see. It looks like white supremacy to me. IAC and you TR to call out Hassan for race baiting and here you are doing reverse ra baiting or some.

What do you mean you don't think that's white supremacy? Explain how it's not. You know that those kids were just trying to get pictures with Kai so that they could sell them in the hood to redistribute the resources God What's going with you today man. anyway how's your how's your day been going? um it's like decent. Had an interested me getting my day that much.

What' you wake up uh doing today like just dumbass second. um okay so basically um I there was a boat party and I was going to go to the board party. There's like there's a lot of people, there's like 50 plus streamers and then wait, is this like in Austin Yeah yeah and I was supposed to go to the bub party I was like I should take the day off. um uh and have fun for once and I go there and I'm like it's hot outside I don't really feel like socializing um and then I get a call that I have to take and then another call that I'll have to take later.

uh and I'm like, you know what man I I want to be at home so like they were waiting for me at the at the dock. There's like 100 people like I don't I don't know how many there are a lot of people. it's a full boat and I I look and I'm like uh I was supposed to go get my bag and I come back and they're all waiting for me and they're like yo X and I'm like you know what it and I just wave my hand like I'm out and I just turn around and get out. um and that's it I just I didn't y I didn't feel I didn't feel like going and answer all my calls.
Are there any like types of social activities you enjoy doing with other people or um I don't know yo hello something at a add a okay I like a big Bonkers insane party or a more medium um or or or a a more personalized close counter experience with like, uh, less people, right? So I like more of the early game in very late game spaces when it comes to like social events makes sense or not. Science I heard you like really big parties or medium parties? no um small, small, like like eight people that everybody like. we're doing something that's more personalized or like a massive like all out what the anything in in middle I think is annoys annoys of me a little bit. Okay, that makes sense.

Yeah yeah to keep cuz you can have with almost everybody almost even at the same time in one and the one you don't give a and you you have no with anybody you just W out right anything in the middle it seems like you want to be with everybody, talk everybody. but so you don't you have no, you know, no real comos but it's not Dent enough to justify and it's like okay, well I mean at that point you should just stay home. Sure do you like do you like drinking at all uh yeah I like getting up like I don't drink to drink I hate drinking I drink to get absolutely M face okay you do any other types of fun drugs besides. Oh I don't talk about that ever Okay, never mind.

Theon Why I don't talk about it is that I don't want to open the door to a yes or no right? Therefore, it's all like it's all unknowns right? cuz if I say yes or no to something and and one I say oh I'm not going to answer that then the people will know based on my answers what I did or haven't done or what so I always said it I say um I don't answer to any of them okay I've got a similar policy like that so makes sense. this policy yeah where there are certain things where there are certain topics on my stream that I just say like I don't confirm or deny anything about this cuz you like put par deny some things and people can guess for other things. Yeah exactly So pretty much what I do with that it's the same way I approach um um whether I have a hood on my juice or not a hood on your juice on my juice or whether whether my wearing a condom or no no what my what my you know like whether my corn dog is bread at the top or unred it man like I know what to tell you bro like it is what it is like just so I I don't I don't talk about it cuz it could be both it could be n it could be one or the other so I just don't I just don't want up. Does that make sense Goa nature is condom I know what you mean I think these players are very bad like I'm all the way in there like people need to start moving up.

He's got a debate with H3h3 on Monday oh is that true? Yeah, that's right. What the are you excited for him? um not particularly. I'm I'm for Content Are you like he just going to call into your stream or you like going on like the oh no going to my stream 100% I'm not going anywhere bro I mean guys, we're going to have to do something uh with our buttons and like that I I don't know what the we're doing I'm talking to him Budd I'm not even comments bro I'm de these these players on my team all F they all have zero or one kill all of them like and I have four I Quite literally I'm playing with complete dog players. Have you watched anything of what Ethan said? Have you like written down any notes or you just going to I don't have to.
he's wrong on all accounts. Okay listen. I'm going to be honest. Ethan's been on a roll lately.

Okay, uh with what? Twitter Impressions uh he trashed the world renowned debater Jess pearly things. uh, he just thrashed Hassan perer uh a couple days ago or yesterday I don't remember just saying. be careful, you know right? Enemy indicate on top. Um yeah, no guys, us if we don't not garbage Invincible Perance XC CH wants to play OverWatch with them I don't have OverWatch F Sh okay okay I might die on stream like right the now.

My veins are about to blow in my head. holy I I Do brother I Don't think you understand it I am doing everyone in this game I'm carrying all them in my backpack. These people are dog. Christ I'm so focused bro I Think my head about to blow up Oh my God man bro.

dude, you should have seen that I'm anybody St on the point cing the point. What more can I do man I'm de oh my God he got saved by this ability. That's disgusting. Yikes.

Is this not going to respawn like what? the fudge? you guys are dog? Anyway, um what else? Ask X ask X about lethal Force for defending property I Don't know if that guy just got to stream right? Um, that's fine. What the how was that? a de uh. it's been a hot topic of contention on my stream for a while. How is it at the Beta? Well, some people are saying you just let it go.

You know, some some property are also. um, safety right? Well yeah, in places where safety. um when when safety's at risk like generally people are okay with you doing whatever right. But then it's not a matter of Defending property.

it's a matter of Defending cell. Um, and how will you know where it's going to stop and what they're going to want? Like how how can you establish that on the fly in a when they say defending property what they're saying is let's say you're like in a store and you see somebody go to snatch your purse and let's say somebody snatches your purse and they're running away Or your wallet. You have a right to shoot the person in the back as they're running. Never never never run away.

Doesn't Matter What Scenario: Never in run away scenario. Wait what? Never What you never Sho somebody running away ever. That's just like a big no no doesn't matter what it is. So that would be an example where you wouldn't defend your property if they've stolen it, they're running with it and that's the only way to like stop them from stealing it Then right? Yeah, if they're not even doing something, even even if your C is at risk or or was at risk when they're running away, they're running away.
Like so that's I'm just saying. that's an example of not like defending. What if they're like coming to run to steal your wallet and it's sitting on the table? um well that no, that's that's that's compl differ that's not close. well then.

but then sure. But then you're not always defending property, then with lethal Force right? Or you don't think you should always be able to defend proper. Or maybe it sounds like you think you should never defend property with Le the force you're actually are really bad in this case. Well no no, no, hold on.

I'm saying that it feels like you're saying the only time you should use lethal force is if you feel like there's a safety issue like your life is a threat basically. um yes I mean yes or safety related things right? like want to rob you out of your like your your asthma pump when you're having an attack or somebody robbing your gun like so robing your gun I mean what I mean do with G Yeah, yeah. but then in that case, we're not really talking about defensive property. You're more like on defensive like Sa.

It's still property right? Not really. Uh yeah it is. No, it's not. Oh yeah, it is okay.

What if you have a sniper rifle and you're in a tree, a tree house outside and somebody breaks in your house and they steal your gun and they're just going to like run away with it. Do you have a right to snipe them to protect your gun? Why you always say running away when I told you running away is already don't know? Okay, they're running into your house to steal your gun and run away with it. Well I don't know what their intentions are I don't know what their intentions are. Let's say that the police station just said they're doing a huge gun buyback.

If you bring a 9mm hand gun, they'll buy it back for $500 no questions asked. So a bunch of people are trying to rob houses for their guns. He want sell them the police station. So you see a guy run in, he sees a gun, He's like oh and he shouts I'm going to take that gun to go sell it Would you be allowed to snipe that guy to keep him from stealing your gun Or could you make such a D distopian example for your argument to go through: I Think you've already lost the argument so that I you have to entertain that? Okay, I just I Don't think that it sounds like you don't have a defensive property position.

You have a safety position, but often times that can be intertwined with certain types of properties. That's all I'm saying which is a fair position I Think it's like that's a pretty normal position I Think you guys are dog I can't play with you guys garbage. Complete score 2 to Zing Sides Okay, all right let me give me one. Give me literally one second.
like actually give you one second yeah I was off the coms I Entered the coms just to tell you guys how abs absolutely dog you guys are okay I'm back. Okay, okay you get banned for that or do they not give a do I care They are garbage I'm the saying facts problem anyway. Can I continue? Yeah Okay, so my thoughts about that. um it.

It really really depends on the amount of force projected or potential from somebody that is in that is that is, um, doing that action So like stealing right? and I think you can reasonably, um on the Fly make a good assessment of what kind of force should be used against somebody I think the threat of a gun should be should be enough if somebody just stealing, uh, bare hands right and be like Yo dude like stop, Stop that right? And I think that that encounter is very valuable to how things are going to go forward. right? Yeah, if you brandish a firearm at somebody and they seem willing to continue the confrontation, it seems like they're willing to at least take the gun from you or something. Yes, exactly so they they. It seems like now they understand the risk and they're not.

They're not really Computing that and at the point it's pretty much it's a wild card right? and I wouldn't want to be put in in position why somebody has a wild card or is a wild too risky for me I don't like it yeah, that's F x QC l um I think I think sometimes people use use it too too leisurely though Ian I've seen it on social media I think it's bad I think guns are nothing to joke about and people are very very dumb on the about takes with guns people do not respect Firearms the way they should like almost ever. Yeah I mean that's generally yeah, a lot of firearm owners have pretty poor Behavior with Firearms sometimes that's pretty true. Yeah um yeah, it's a massive problem. I think right now it's why everybody wants all the guns and nobody wants to learn or train or um keep themselves in touch with like what you should just gun safety and procedures.

People are being very stupid but everyone every wants a gun. Nobody wants to spend the time that it takes to either uh, maintain trying to get a like nobody. It's like it's very weird to me. if you care that much about having a gun then you're going to care that much to do the things around owning a gun right not always.

I I think that um I think guns are actually lot like cars sometimes right? Like sometimes you have people that like to own cars because they really like cars so like they know how to like change their own oil. yeah maybe um well you usually buy C other people right? I'm just just kidding but they like they know a lot about cars they oil they might go to track with their those are like people that are like carus they other people that just like to buy cars because they just want like an expensive car right? I think for firearms I think it's like the same thing you've got people who uh um they like some people are really into guns. They like to collect different types of guns, they know a lot about them, and then there are other people that like to, um, just have guns cuz it makes them feel cool Basically right? Okay, yeah, but if you, if you care that much about guns, you won't care that. Like that, you need training to learn.
how about gun safety, about etiquette about everything right? Um I mean if you just want the gun for the status symbol then you might not give a at all. But I mean like if you are super if you're into guns, if you're a gun enthusiast, then yeah. I age one time. but I If you're a gun enthusiast, then I I agree that you should, um, that you should be researching like or you should know properly.

like like if you got a friend who has a gun, you should always be able to say like, what are the four rules of gun ownership right? There's like four cardinal rules for how to handle the gun safely and every single person that has even a single firearm should be able to recite all four of these every single time. Um, that's like a an intro test, but this game is just bad by way. this this game is garbage. wa um okay I think I will agree to that.

Is this guy cheating the has the um no, we lost the game. We lost this um instantly. okay um I don't even know the the Cal rules and I'm I'm actually pretty. another guns too which is kind of crazy.

What is like like like what like like don't point the gun, don't point the gun. anybody act like it's loaded, pick off the trigger or safety on like that. What? Yeah, those are the three big ones. There's a fourth one that most people should know.

you can kind of get that, but the fourth one is always be aware of what's beond your target. Oh but the other three that are those are the three big ones. yeah oh so almost add without knowing I guess I I de training yeah um I feel like I'm pretty aware. always what's what's behind it's always a thought behind like oh oh if somebody was were to shoot right now in this position like okay yeah like I get it? um yeah I'm talking about uh yeah.

um yeah this game was over anyway before I even started these ass noobs, these people are very very bad. This is is 12 and 15 y presid if you're going to snipe man you cannot be that bad Me next topic I don't think it's a bad that topic um like like like rifle ammo pierced like crazy like is I wanted I wanted to get um, bulletproof windows for all my windows right and then and um, basically bulletproof windows that blocks rifle ammo are pretty insane and kind of hard to set up right? Um, they literally are cuz if rifle is so powerful. Uh so they can give a little bit of insight on how much rifle actually pierces in the real world, right? and especially uh Na walls na houses bro, you're you're like you're It's l like you're playing a game you have like a laser beam like an actual laser that just lasers through everything. It's kind of insane I think um, bullets penetrate a lot more things than people think they do in real life.
Um so for instance, like even a handgun, even a 9mm pistol will shoot through uh, car doors, right? So in the military you've got, there's a difference between uh, cover versus concealment. Like hiding behind a bush might be concealment, but it's not cover because it could be penetrated with small arms. FR right? Yeah, um yeah. and and even like drywall inside of a house can be super penetrated by just like a normal hand.

Oh yeah for sure. yeah. my multiple rooms, the whole, the whole, the entire house. Yeah, um yeah, yeah for sure.

Um anyway, what what want? Talk about what? Give me run me through the middle of all this I Some one time all the questions that are kind of almost like not baby like actual bait but like General like almost like political view questions take on take on that just general. That's all. okay. what's your take on Russia and Ukraine um I I don't know enough about the topic I don't really understand it I think it's more.

Here's my take. it's it's ignorant, but sometime it's kind of relatable I don't think a lot of people actually understand it then makes up play and I don't either. That's why I'm saying that I don't I'm think I'm like a lot of other people. yeah, that's probably true.

Um, that's going to be true of almost any. like International conflict. Yeah, yeah, look now. Mark and they see the same thing now.

They all act like they know exactly what it's all about. and they do not. Mhm. Let's be hon.

if you want to pick any question mark, they probably don't have no idea of any of the historical whatever geopol they proba know. none. it's like actually zero. Yeah, ask me if um D okay Chad give me questions all.

What about? What about the the the um the Tate house arrest? You looked that at all Or like the the charges and whatever. um yeah, I think the charges are pretty rough. um the indictments I I think they're but who knows, we'll see. um I've said since the beginning.

let the process play out. That's what I said and we said dude. so you're going to defend them I'm like dude, What? ask Destiny about the island boys kissing each other. yeah everybody's kind of already St out like a hard position like all the red pillars are all like completely defending them no matter what.

A lot of people on the left are attacking them no matter what. but I mean you got to wait for you Got you got to wait and see what happens cuz it's going to be really embarrassing if you claim that like oh, 100% this, blah blah blah blah and then not. Yep, that's right. that's why when things are that severe I don't make takes ahead of time that much I just kind of go like well I mean these are comp good processes right and then you really have to give them the time because a lot of these things we don't understand people don't understand and even the things that look very concrete are maybe possibly not.
and I don't want to make damage off the Bas of like oh well I want to have a take about this and then be like okay, well I was wrong and I cause a lot of damage. that's really for somebody. Yeah, what was my take about other stuff but I guess people were still Dum about it so they didn't really let me the to talk about it. um ask X You see why he isn't embraced in Quebec Why has he turned his back on his Province I I Never back on I Never turn my back on him.

What does that mean I don't know. what do you? um wait, do you speak French you must right? yeah of course I back. okay this is your War if do you think that? are you and Foren ever going to get like to the hardore speedr running area where you download like the programs to launch I I did I did I have now I spent about uh a month of actual um like try Harding it's not full try hard yet cuz I'm not doing uh mapless because it's it's bad for Content but if he beats my record I'm going content less like actually zero content. yeah it's it's very.

map is very very bad for Content cuz you're just resetting open over and you're never actually doing any runs M Why do you think U Does that mean you guys will do like the I haven't watched too much but they do like beach Treasure Chest hunting ex ex that's mapless it's treasure. it's Treasure Chest without a map and it's pretty rare to find an island a spawn in that has that. you have to resan a lot of water so so you have to get your your your 4x4 like 16 right and you have to get okay then you have to look at you have to find all the water, water islands, all of them and then find one that have a chest and it's going to be like one for like 30 or something like that. So it's going to be like a lot of resetting when I'm only doing like water runs.

Why do you would you ever start going on like podcasts and if people invite you to shows or but why my put is useless for most of the topics let's say theoretically like Joe Rogan invited you would you go on a Joe ran show? yeah but only on what I actually know which is TR the out to people nothing I L know nothing except for what I excel at which is things that people don't really see I can talk about that but not Stu not anything else. Okay, this looks like the best team in the solar system aren't that bad. um we will be the lightning, the rise, the storm I think I know de amount of that, certain fields and certain things that um going me I think I I would consider myself an expert in that way right? Yeah, just just like very streaming related things especially like um bottom mid cuz I I seen it all bottom mid top like like marketing and Trends and how things work like workings of it I think I I get all of it. Why do you think streamers didn't participate much in this year's um R Place thing um I think I think it's just been done overall and this year it seem like people it's like the whole like not uh like we're past Co at this point right? um and it feels like there's a there's a big the big wave of like what is live streaming about is over and we were still in that pH when that was happening last time.
Also Bots like people have seen it, what do you think about guns in the United States should they be as available as they are now? um not I mean not as available because a lot of it is like kind of. it's almost illegal the way the way they're being like sold right? um in some ways I think they should be accessible but at the same time I think um overall just just overall doing a better job at um think I said earlier like make sure the people that they have them aren't completely braind de yeah that's one shot, one shot one sh um no not BR by like actual I IQ or intelligence uh what what I me what I mean by that it's just it's just overall. um just just proper gun control and checks or whatever. and I think some of those are really dumb.

you know, like if you want to get like a rifle or some like that right? and the background checks take more than like 90 days cuz it's backed up, the syst is backed up, then they have to automatically like sett to you regardless or some like some these is like really really dumb. It's just unexplainable. Nobody needs to get in a rifle ASAP Nobody like it's just like I don't I don't I don't really get it Mhm I Think everyone should be able to conceal carry Con: steal car. Does that mean that you? It's like hidden and people don't see it.

Does that mean wait, can see it everyone upet or they can't see it on you numbers for investors.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Destiny goes unhinged in discussion on kai cenat riot”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S says:

    winston behaviour

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars White Jeans says:

    The non answer about not answering the drug question was so funny cause it just means he's done coke

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiwii says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theMaseofSpades says:

    How does xqc have literally the worst take on every single subject

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MonkusAugustus says:

    Common Destiny W

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Owl Bard says:

    Destiny saying he'd "Back over us so the ambulance couldn't save you" made me laugh my ass off when I heard it. 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Za says:

    these are kids at the end of the day u guys.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tieguys collectibles says:

    rip Dallas fuels finest Winton player

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LIL MOLOCH says:

    theyre not R arted kids, theyre adults

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandy CapGaming says:

    Oh no! here comes the debate arc 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonam Tamang says:

    When meth guys makes more sense you know Americans are down bad

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DE RP says:

    bro im seeing the video timeline and all the white graphs going up is just destiny making out of the left field jokes XD

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rsey Curr says:

    Destiny had a based take but i doubt he'd do that. Life in prison running everyone over

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blorgis Chorgis says:

    destiny is the only real centrist tbh hes a little right wing for me but nobody agrees 100%

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheLuchaKabuto says:

    It’s always funny seeing xQc react to very lukewarm takes like they are the most unimaginable thing

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fralab says:

    Destiny and everyone agreeing with him need to seriously redact themselves

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher James says:

    Must be difficult for Destiny chatting to someone ……. Who is as dumb as rocks .

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mrpotatohead321 says:

    Destiny is valid asf

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