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#xQc #dream #facereveal

A 65 million view 2020 rewind simply because he hadn't shown his face yet, which accompanied hundreds of commentary type videos, teasing, and clickbaiting. What dream apparently looked like Dream Did a face revealed 2.6 million views? Did dream just face revealed 19 million views Dreams face revealed 21 million views, all of which providing insane amounts of traffic to dream with absolutely no effort required on his end. There was then the monthly Twitter get-together where everyone focused on Dreamworld trying to figure out who he was, including this classic post reading hashtag dreamout Can we discuss how he catfished 20 million people into believing he's some cute ripped twink while he looks like this: IRL wait wait how he cats fished 20 million people? Wait a minute. dude.

Dude I'm this fan base guys this this whole magnified base is so cooked up okay I'm I don't I don't want to get I I guess I don't go into detail again. but I thought catfish was when you and he dated somebody right? in a way to have like romantic um developments with it because I Thought: when you capture somebody is when you present yourself in a certain way for romantic purposes or for relationship purposes. Whether it's friend or whatever, right? That's the way. Yeah, because it is it.

Well dude, um, no, it's for anything. Yeah, but you know what he means to 100. Okay, that's like massive pair of social though. Yes, this is a picture of dream.

Yes, he uses his brother as a body double for Merch picks which accompanied numerous posts by Dream himself where he was able to capture the Public's attention by tasing a hand glove or mouth, prompting even more traffic toward James Brand And videos. Now, Dream did explain in this face reveal that he was tired of people going to Insane Links to try and expose what he looked like, the people trying to leak my face trying to find out what I look like trying to. There's two. there's too many.

It's a little a little, just a tiny, tiny bit too much. yet Perhaps It was simply unaware of just how relevant these incidents were, keeping him. Additionally, since almost all growth on YouTube comes from some kind of uncomfortability, Dream should have recognized this feeling as a signpost to let these attempted exposes continue, giving him wave after wave of free relevancy. On top of free relevancy, dreams, anonymity simply gave people a reason to follow his story as a Creator it made the whole thing fun for the audience.

As mentioned in this article by PC Gamer fangirls seem to often perpetuate the mystery with fan art. Unapologetic standing videos and fantasy situations with dreams face reveal. Putting an instant end to all of this, the illusion of him being a supermodel, unusual or perhaps a god amongst men is gone. He really is just a guy you'd see on the street.

Dream also seemed to ignore just how much of the brand itself was based on his hidden image. His Song Mask, which has over 30 million views only exists because he was a faceless. Creator While on his merch site, almost every piece of clothing still uses the anonymous Dream Yeah, but yeah, but maybe he doesn't want that right? Yeah, I Feel like it's like I Think he talks mostly about the loss of of a hype or profit or certain type of thing that he might not even want. So by hit for him, it might be logical to lose all of that because he doesn't want what he does to be to have that in it.
Smiley face. There's something that's charmingly simple, unique, and memorable about the smiley face, which when combined with the classic Dream grain, makes for incredibly distinctive branding as can be observed in the case of his Minecraft skin. however, it now feels as though most of this branding is fairly redundant as we now know what he looks like. Yet at the same time, Dream has made no effort to change his branding to match his real life image, which would also be a poor strategy as he'd then have to change everything to something completely new.

It's almost like the channel is still represented by a green and white smiley face. although when you think about Dream, you instead think about this image representing some kind of unexplainable inconsistency for most channels. Adding a face can provide the brand with a strong dose of recognizability. However, in the case of Dream, his face reveal seemed to do the opposite and instead weakened what was already working.

What this reveals and what should be obvious was that a face reveal was never necessary in the first place. With over 30 million subscribers, Dream had built the largest Minecraft channel in YouTube history and never had to show his face once. None of his thumbnails ever used an over-the-top surprised face. All of his friends and all of his people in his Circle started doing IRL stream stuff collabs, appearances, pictures, meetups.

all of the people that he made those things with started doing that right. So where's he gonna do if I can stay at home? Attend none of it. and if if let's say he attends one of these things for to be with them I will without join his face. If somebody's gonna leak, somebody's gonna show it, somebody's taking a picture.

It's just a liability. Okay I think it's a great movie I think I think we did. It was perfect. It still achieved sometimes over a hundred million views.

While the content itself was more entertaining without a face cam in the bottom left-hand Corner Dream's unique strategy was definitely out of the ordinary. However, it was still clearly working extremely well. So if the content wasn't broken, then why was Dream trying to fix it? What was his motive for revealing his face? Well, dreams seemed to imply that the plan was to make that. Okay, that's okay.

This okay. this question. Why? Because the content had anything to do with his face yet it's a part of the of the hype or the the mystery. but the content itself has absolutely nothing to do with his face, the existing or not.
So the nature of the content has nothing to do whether we seem or not. What was his motive for a real hottest face? Well, dreams seem to imply that the plan was to make in real life content with his friends. A lot of you are probably wondering why now why are you finally revealing your face? My goal was to just start beat creators say hi to my friends. Finally I will make more IRL content as well.

Where I'm with me and my friends and we do things and I'll do Minecraft content as well. Where I'm in real life Like there was a cool video idea I had a long time ago that I couldn't do until now. While this was an excellent plan with a lot of potential upside, his execution on the idea has been far from impressive. It's been a quarter of a year since Stream uploaded his face reveal, yet there hasn't been a single upload since Dream stated that he was going to move into a Content house with George and Sapnab.

Yet, the only two pieces of content that have come out of their group house are a pretty basic Christmas stream as well as a clip explaining why they hate living in the house together. George and Sapnap seem pretty busy doing the Banter podcast, which I will credit as being a pretty entertaining show. However, Dream isn't even one of the hosts and has only been featured on the podcast once, which happened two months before the face reveal was even uploaded. It seems like the only real upside dream got from his face reveal was 50 million views on the video itself.

Another couple million views from other people talking about it as well as an appearance in the recent Mr based Antarctica video during which he barely said a word I Watched Mr BEAST's video about Antarctica and I noticed that dream was in it and he was extremely boring. and even then you have to question if this video about Antarctica and I noticed the dream was in it and he was extremely boring. and even then you have to question if this kind of exposure is all that beneficial for Dream Most Personality based creators with a similar following to Dream have gradually exposed their faces to the world over a number of years and have built up a tolerance for what that kind of experience is really like. Additionally, wait what years and are built following to Dream have gradually exposed their faces to the world over a number of years and have built up a tolerance for what that kind of experience is really like.

Additionally, these others have also got a feel for how to act on camera which is a skill set in and of itself in Anthony for days I Spent a day with Dream video. Dream explained that his main skill or Edge over other YouTubers related back to his Minecraft skill. I Feel like I didn't blow up because I have this like amazing personality I think I blew up because of my ideas, the quality of the idea and the execution of the idea versus the quality of like the personality. And just because Dream knows how to play Minecraft in a unique way, it doesn't necessarily mean a lot of it entertaining on-screen personality.
Then there's the question of what happened, content, and personality, or an ecosystem. Okay, they work together. Okay, one or the other doesn't work entirely. leads to a person's self-image and outlook on life when they go from completely Anonymous to having their face known by 50 million people within the space of a month.

Sure, Dream likely had a rough idea about what this kind of exposure was going to be like given he already had 30 million followers and had been through drama in the past, but generally those were attacks on dream the Persona as opposed to dream The person remember when Soflo Antonio rebranded to just So flow, stating that the only reason he did it was because it's much harder to attack a brand than a person. Well, Dream kind of did the opposite to this in exchange for as mentioned previously, very little upside. Dream Now has to deal with attacks that simply didn't exist beforehand which began as soon as his face reveal went live. For example, he's Ugly began to trend on Twitter instantly, and while this had little to do with the channel and could certainly be dismissed as untrue, it still likely had some kind of hit to his ego and possibly even his desire to add his face into future videos.

Then in case half the Internet telling you that you're unattractive isn't already bad enough, Jesus Christ he's this discuss okay, whoa Frame then had to deal with a wave of Twitter allegations which began only one day after his face reveal was uploaded the YouTuber trending right now already face revealed to me years ago when he was flirting with me when I was a minor through his personal staff number and Twitter Uh, which accompanied an image captioned he's only face revealing because he's scared I'll do it first Dream Responded to these allegations by stating in these: DMS there are no interplay, Is there any? Is there is appropriate comments whatsoever? It was just friendly conversation in these screenshots. them being 18 years old is mentioned in their bio and I also very clearly asked them for their age I did not act inappropriately with this person and any attempt to equate these messages to grooming is not only disgusting, but is insulting to victims who actually experience grooming. And still I'm gonna give it a buck. This is cooked up okay.

I guess I actually because I even read the whole response and it's perfectly reasonable. Okay, you guys know that I used to have a public Snapchat Okay, okay at which people know this for a fact. Old viewers remember this. Okay, I used to reply to literally dozens of them on the daily.

Okay, on the daily. Dozens of them. Okay, there's another voted screenshots people sometimes would post about it. Whatever.
Dude, it's kind of lame, but it's whatever. Okay, not a singular time. was there any, ever even a close to a an inappropriate interaction. It was all like very chill like at normal interaction thing and that's fair enough man.

and I would assume that there's people in there that that were uh, possibly under 18. but so what it. it wasn't weird or like any around these things. it was like chill like and if any people would generally this is weird as you'll have trauma.

as a result, the drama ended with the two claiming that they plan on taking legal action against each other. However, this wasn't the end of Dreams unfavorable situation as he then gets some of his snap. Now you guys have been playing cringer right with it. Oh concerned.

wait question mark Question mark. You're talking to people that are underage. bro bro. look like a yawn about man Bro You guys like if I look at my requests on Discord Okay and somebody says yo dude, why is that? Why is the uh Channel not working right now and I say I don't know I'm working on it.

Are you interacting with an underage president? Actually this guy on his Twitter Well, he says that they're 15. and now you're invited him on this chord and tell him that personally as a 27 year old to the underage person. um yeah. I don't see the problem with that.

chat's late. This dude got his Snapchat absolutely exposed with all of his thirst traps. you know? Well, let's just say it's absolutely embarrassing to say the least. The most socially awkward Vibes I've ever seen from any content creator like this guy.

I'm convinced has no social interaction besides talking. What is this and what? Absolutely embarrassing to say the least. The most socially awkward Vibes I've ever seen from any content creator like this guy I'm convinced has no social interaction besides talking to Jesus The point we're trying to make here is that his face reveal has given unprecedented access to his personal life. Every attack on him now holds significantly more weight and could potentially reduce his motivation to be a YouTuber altogether.

dreams are. The problem was that his face reveal was uploaded at the worst time imaginable. Major changes to a channel are always best executed when things are on the up and up, because if you change things during a slump in your channel, it looks like you're acting out of desperation and it certainly felt like this. In the case of Dream, his channel had fallen from Gaining a hundred million views per month to around 20 million views.

Um, no no. I don't want to be a month and to randomly upload a face reveal after having your lowest monthly viewership in over two and a half years wasn't exactly the best look Dream. It also seemingly ended his extremely successful Speedruniverse Hunter series and could without a doubt see Minecraft's decline in YouTube popularity. While I could be completely wrong with this, his face reveal felt like it was coming from a position of I can see my channel dying so let me upload this for some quick short-term relevancy, which probably isn't going to sit well with the audience over the long term wait.
Okay, I'm I'm gonna be honest. chat guys. Like I said when this guy talks about like analytics and stats as you agree with them. Okay, but some of the conclusions that are reaching some of the narratives here are just.

they're kind of like all wrong and I don't think it's subjective either, right? I think these are all pretty much objectively wrong. Bro, that bro, wasn't it Okay, what all I mean this is real. Oh, this is real. What is this man? You literally blocked me on Twitter People have edited Snapchats and shits a brother you guys Yes people have.

People have been posting it some edited Snapchat of me it's so stupid. okay it's so dumb. okay yo this is X x on the video. Anyone knows that boy I don't know.

He's just so sorry. anyone knows that boy I don't know. He's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Dream s face reveal was an awful decision xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Azrael Otsutsuki says:

    Sunny somehow made everyone respect dream more with this video 💀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George says:

    every sunnyv2 video you watch makes you more neurodivergent

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George says:

    sunnyv2 cooking up the most convoluted narratives that only exist in his head actual brain rot

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I3INARY says:

    Salty dream fanbase in here 😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nira Katsumi says:

    People literally don't have bigger problems than that, what a world.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Filip Fishboy says:

    the end lmao

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lainey czajka says:

    Sooo dramatic and for what

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sho says:

    This video analysis is like me trying to write an essay on the last day its due.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jatin sehrawat says:

    rumplestilskin XD

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Axel says:

    Sunny seems out of it lately, he seems to reach things too far that doesn’t even make sense

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naud van Dalen says:

    He's still getting around 20 million views a month without posting videos since his face reveal.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roze says:

    if u wonder how ugly humanity can go down for, here you see sunny and other content creators reacting to dream face reveal for views even tho they prop know him irl, and on other side a worthless with loser aura females, who spent their whole life doing nothing but wasting 24h of their day thinking about "he's so hot, i miss my ex , i'll fuck his father cuz he cheated on me ,then cryes on her bed for litteraly no reason" tryna use sexual treats w someone who litteraly made everyone on ytb talking about him ,JUST BECAUSE SHE DONT LIKE HIS FACE.

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