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For the last 6 months, I've been working on my own n anything for the last 6 months. I've been working on my own Nft project. We put hundreds of thousands of dollars in it. Uh, personally, the whole team a million plus.

We had a issue with um, Crypto Zoo where our our lead developer uh, the code that he made fled to Switzerland actually fled to Switzerland and like held it hostage for a million dollars. He never literally never gave me anything tokens and a million never never literally never. Me, this reporter. This, this is all the recap.

What is the truth and who's to blame. We're going to start by going through leaked text messages of the Crypto Zoo team to understand all of their motivation. Then we'll go to blockchain evidence and show Who Sold what. And finally we'll confront some of the people responsible.

But before we can do any of that, we have to start in March of 2021. 6 months before the token even launch, our four suspects Logan Crypto King Eddie and Jeff are in a group chat discussing Crypto Zoo which starts as a copy of something else quote I like imitating Crypto kitties Jake The Crypto King says the crypto King Chad guys is wasn't that guy the Pokemon king or something Guys I agree and initially it wasn't called Crypto Zo at all. it was called Crypto Pets And they were going to sell a Pets token and pretty early on it became clear this was all about money. how they were going to sell this thing to investors.

In fact, Crypto King said he thought it was worth at least $20 million in only 6 months, saying the range is insane 20 to $210 million. It's beautiful minutes. He jumped in at this point and talked about how he could sell the project as an investment to a friend. Matt Higgins saying quote, he has to spend that $350 million somewhere.

why not us and Logan says I love love that idea Crypto King I'm in and of course you have Jeff saying let's go so you can see right there they wanted to sell this game before it it even launched now later Eddie amends the list of investors and says quote investors will be Gary Vee Todd Morley James altucher Ryan Kavanaugh and others confirmed on my end, supposedly they had $100 million of investment interest now. I actually went to some of these investors and asked if this was true and the one person who responded denied it Ryan Kav a little bit. so this looks like it could be yet another livee from Eddie Ianz. but either way it looks like there was more issues than just finding investors because the team wanted to pre-sell tokens and not everyone was sure it would be legal.

Jake The crypto King mentions that quote if we have a pre-sell it opens us up to SEC issues and Jeff agrees and says don't want to do anything that brings the SEC eyeballs Now not everyone wanted to be so cautious though Logan argues everyone does pre-sale with coins Eddie agrees. He says you absolutely can do it I have the SEC down private and pre-sell and honestly, it was quite the Dilemma for this team who wanted money. you know, do a pre-sale make millions, but you know you have these potential legal issues. don't do it, you make less money.
So Crypto King comes up with a middle solution. He says if we can't sell no pre-sale we can still trade them in the liquidity pool and this is the start of a new disaster. Part about though, a pre-sale is where you sell investors coins usually at a discount before you've launched and then when you launch, you give them those coins. Now like I said, the team didn't want to do that.

So what they did instead was they bought the tokens on the open market right after launch, but they tried to get clever with it because they didn't actually announce that they were launching this point at all. They stealth launched it on June 11th and didn't announce this token through Logan until August 18th. meaning they had all that time to silently buy up as much of the supply at a steep discount as they wanted. And the idea here was that doing this, the team could get these tokens extremely cheaply, which is kind of like a pre-sale but you know, without all the SEC troubles and Crypto King makes this clear on June 7th when he says quote launch of the liquidity pool is where huge money will be made because you get in cheaper and then says we the team begin buying out the liquidity pool.

Once the team has exhausted funds for the liquidity pool buying, we send the contract address to friends, family investors who want to be able to get in. So obviously the plan is we buy first, then we give it to our close friends and family and then maybe the public eventually right and even the day before. Crypto King reminds everyone. Quote: Zoo Day is Tomorrow I Highly recommend everyone get a few hundred to a few thousand in zoo.

When it goes live, it will likely tend to 1,000x So that was their plan. Rather than doing a pre-sale they were going to do this stealth launch and hopefully get tokens cheaply same way but without so is it like a it's like a fake IPO whatever. they IPO early and then they full IPO but they they already had it done stealthly so they can. They can control all the legal troubles.

or at least that was the plan because on stealth launch day this is where things first started to go wrong for the team. At first everything seemed to go normal. the team sat in a circle and literally bought it out as planned. but the next day Crypto King says something odd quote: a bot is playing with our token.

Kind of cool to watch them work, but he doesn't mention who this bot is and he also says theole finished selling but doesn't mention who that is now Jeff Logan's manager replies upset. He says, how do we prevent someone doing what they just did Again, we went from an 130 million to $26 million market cap in 2 hours. It's not cool to watch Logan jumps in. yeah, wait, how did that happen And he also says what, how did anyone get this token except for us and none of us sold and I think actually this is incredibly supicious.
What saying is hey, we tried to scheme this really well. We tried to all buy this without letting anyone know how did this. How did anyone else figure out we were buying it right and this is where a fight ensues that's going to become really interesting. Crypto: King Deflects the question by saying my buyer pushed it back up to $40 million and Logan says no bro F Your buyer explain to me what just happened and how there were 30 token holders and Jake tries to explain that this was just Traders and Bots happening to find the token, but Logan says only five of us knew about it.

Jake says well, many people chase volume and knew tokens and and to some extent he's kind of right. But Logan replies cap, he doesn't believe it. Quote: I Can't be the only one who thinks that's too incredibly convenient. like someone was tipped off.

And and look, no one's more critical of Logan than me. But as I'm reading these texts I was kind of like agreeing like yeah, it does seem too nonchalant when somebody's ruining your secret plot. You know what I mean because Crypto King was acting very strange. He says we created million out of th air chat guys, they already ran into this clown guy because of the Pokemon thing and he's he already scamazed and they then they get him again for a crypto thing and they're all like oh my God C bro, you're lying Well no is Success all Hees this non F40 million it was at 120 million which again, it's all about the money with these guys.

But truth be told, I did agree that Crypto King's attitude seemed strange in these texts I mean he's not wrong that Bots are a thing Traders are a thing. but it sounded like he didn't want anyone to look into it. So naturally I looked into it and what I found surprising because there were. but there's also unusual human activity during this time.

So I tracked the five biggest buyers of this Zoo coin and Loan behold, this is what I found Logan was one of the biggest buyers which is what you'd expect, but he he wasn't the biggest. In fact, two of the biggest wallets seem to be associated with Crypto King himself. And here's where I paused I said wait a second. why did this guy buy more Zoo tokens than Logan when this is mostly Logan's project I Thought Crypto King was a small part of this team and so to get more info on this, I actually got access to an internal meeting note from the day of June 11th, which they called Zoo day and in it we find actually some interesting information.

We see that five Founders bought in they apparently were quote trading in circles until each person maxed out. but on the list of buyers and how much they spent are only four people. When we know five people bought, we have Danny Logan's assistant for 20K Logan Paul for 100k, Jeff at 100K and Eddie at 100K But Crypto King is nowhere to be found and yet on the blockchain I have him putting in $200,000 worth and this number by the way, seemingly is confirmed in a conversation I had with Crypto King where he said my 200k investment and the reason this is important is because it does imply that something Shady was going on the day of the stealth launch because Krypto King had a relatively small role in this whole project. he was the adviser, but it wasn't that big of a deal like you can see from the internal meeting notes, they have a breakdown of who's getting what in terms of founder tokens and like Logan Paul's getting 51% Eddie's getting 30% Jeff's getting 10% Jake's only getting 5% of tokens but he has the most of these like stealth launch tokens which makes no sense and bro, if you watch the episodes okay they say who Eddie guy is.
It got me thinking that maybe what explains this suspicious Behavior around like oh, don't worry about who is buying at the time of the launch. Maybe that's explained because perhaps no one knew that he was buying up large parts of the token Supply maybe he was buying it to sell I forgot Now of course that's speculation. so that's why I confronted Crypto King on all of this. but before we get to that call, let's address the elephant in the room Logan didn't accuse Crypto King it was the other way around Crypto King told Lan Paul he was a SC The question is why? well to answer that, we have to go from June the stealth launch date to September 1st the official launch date of Cryptozoo September 1st Cryptoz Zo.

Co Now the day of the launch was a bit strange because you might think well, they already have a token right? But the first thing they did was actually create a new Zoo token with a different code but the same name and they actually aird dropped all the holders of the first Zoo token with an identical amount of those coins on the second Zoo token. So you might be wondering why did they do that? Well, maybe it's to change the smart contract, but maybe it's because of what they did do. They blacklisted some of the holders. In other words, they didn't airdrop to everyone including Jake The Crypto King they excluded his wallets so it couldn't get these Zoo coins.

Jake texts the group about this the next day saying quote. The Zoo team made a major error this weekend. They chose not to communicate, mint a new token and airdrop it to whatever wallet they determined fit. This decision came from Eddie and Logan and I had no part in it.

11,250 wallets before the airdrop, under 11,000 after they chose to Blacklist and ban over 200 wallets. Now who those wallets are I have no idea, but he continues qu as a Founder like Logan Jeff Eddie and Danny I had purchased a large quantity of tokens. five plus of my wallets had been blacklisted from the original team's buys now I don't know why he had plus wallets there, but okay, okay, he says 80 plus billion Zoo tokens were confiscated from me today without any communication. So wow, that's why Crypto King accused Logan of stealing from him or scamming.
It's because he was frozen out of of a lot of his wallets. Then we get to the text. you guys all know he says Logan you stole $40 million you're a scammer, You're a con artist. All that stuff.

you betrayed your community. The reality is, you aren't that guy and Logan responds oh, Jake trust me bro I am that guy Jes In the Arms of an Angel and look I mean what do we make of this I don't know I Can't root for either of these guys cuz it sounds like Logan stabbed him in the back, but it sounds like Crypto King may have stabbed him in the back in the first place, right? Uh, because it does appear like he bought tokens that maybe everyone didn't know about. So I'm really not a fan of anyone in this situation. And by the way, this whole thing was structured so misleadingly from the beginning.

I I Have to talk to you a bit about it because you might think that these tokens were the only tokens they had, but it's not even true. Yeah, from the GetGo that guy, that guy tipped somebody off whatever so that he bought more for himself in In in the stealth release that's distribution section of Zoo's white paper, they say there's 2 trillion tokens and a quarter of that are Alex to development marke and Founders those aren't even the tokens we're talking about right now because they claim that those tokens were locked up for 6 months and then afterwards 10% was unlocked every month. And if that's true, there would be no reason for these funds to be blacklisted, right? Blacklist Something that would be locked up and the answer is because, well, the founders had more than one set of tokens. Not only did they supposedly have these founder tokens that were locked up and couldn't be sold, these stealth launch tokens were different from that.

It's like a whole different thing. And the tokens that they bought that all of these guys bought. they could sell at basically any time because they weren't locked up which is massive problem. And this fact was explicitly laid out in their meeting notes with only one rule.

they say quote no selling until $200 million market cap and don't impact the market more than 3% and not impact the market more more than 10% in a day. And by the way, like this is basically conspiracy to manipulate a market literally have Insider rules for how to sell, but we're going to not even. We're going to look past that right? because these rules eventually kind of Chang A text from Logan's manager Jeff Le came to the group chat Zoo Founders saying guys new and absolute rules No one is to sell or transfer any Zoo Logan's going to make the call when we can make moves and Logan repli your tokens. Do Not leave your wallet.

This is a game. Now that all sounds well and good. Don't sell your tokens, Don't sell your tokens. But the reality was I mean they're just kind of trusting each other because these tokens that they're talking about, they're unlocked, they're not locked up, and they could sell it at any time.
And I guess Question on my mind is is that why Crypto King's tokens were blacklisted? because they thought he would sell? Or maybe it's just the fact they found out he bought and they didn't know about all those tokens. It's honestly hard to say without knowing more evidence and this is where we're going to jump into the blockchain now. I've tracked the wallets of the entire team and identified the largest seller of zoo in the team and it wasn't Jeff it wasn't Danny it wasn't even Logan it was Crypto King Krypto King Sold by my calculations. millions of dollars and I know what you're thinking.

how's how's that possible right? I Thought his tokens were blacklisted the day of the official launch. How could he sell that much? Well, the answer is that not all of his tokens were blacklisted. He had even more tokens behind the scenes. No Shot.

and what's worse, the Crypto Su team actually gave him back a lot of his blacklisted tokens which I guess you can see as a good thing or a bad thing because he then turned around and sold those tokens right? And from my blockchain analysis across his blacklisted tokens, he got back and the tokens that he had squired away the whole time, he ended up making $6 million. Wait, what the? We did this by sending out tokens from these larger wallets to dozens of smaller wallets selling it and then sending the money to final Cash Out wallets. So I use those final wallets to calculate the amount he made. Now I know.

Look, it's a lot to accuse someone of selling $6 million in a project that doesn't even work. It's a giant scam. So I wanted to give him a chance to defend himself. So I got on a call with Crypto King Here's what he said when I finally revealed that I knew he had sold.

He going to change this whole story. Yeah, I'll go on the record for you. And yes, I'm going to show you the text message that say we can sell at at these ascending market caps and literally I'm 100% It sounds like your biggest issue with me is that I sold. And if that's your biggest issue with me, that's the truth.

Wow, that is a big admission selling tokens for a project that you're an adviser on when the project has never been delivered. Although Crypto King insists that it wasn't $6 million and he wasn't trying to rug a project, in fact, you know, really, he might be the one who got screwed over in all of this like I did sell I didn't sell $6 Million worth. That's going to be other wallets, but that's probably not be able to be me being able to be proven except for them saying can you send BMB to all these different wallets for me which that I'll be able to show you that I was giving BMB to the whole team I'll also be able to show you that I was a 5% um holder of the zoo tokens that I was promised to be given over the 3-month period was never given. um I can also show you that I was frozen out and was never given the 15 billion tokens back that I paid for in cash.
Show you all of those things on the record and then you can also say that I did sell which is also true y as long as it's accompanied with he was a Founder That was supposed to be given 5% of the project and was never given the token or paid. worked for almost a year on the project. As long as that goes in with it, then at least that tells my side of the story so people understand that it's not like I was trying to rug a project. It's like I put $250,000 into a project plus 6 months of time and the founder never did anything he said he was going to do and then hired a bunch of Devs that didn't do what they were going to do and every time I gave advice the advice was I was to off so it can be B yeah but how do you make? How do you make six M though who bought that Then he sold it To Whs or it can be.

He sold all this amount and he got in her. Well yeah, that's like 1% of it. Incredible. He sounds like he views himself as the victim or at least like he got screwed to which just has to win the gold medal for me for mental gymnastics because I mean he literally had put $200,000 into this and he says he made millions of dollars even if you take him at his word that he didn't make the full 6 million.

He admits to me later that it might be a pretty close guess. He tells me via taxt quote: I Don't care if you tell people I sold a few million and leave it at that. Well, okay, $6 million? A few million. It's millions of dollars, right? Millions of dollars When you only put in $200,000 into a project that's never been delivered, doesn't work.

Scammed people out of their money. How is he saying he's the one who's in the wrong? Well, in his view, what he did was not wrong. It might have been arguably unethical, but it wasn't illegal. And what Logan did? Well, that was illegal.

The timing was bad and it was inappropriate to sell. But the reality is I bought tokens open market and sold them open market. so there was nothing ilal about that ethically arguable. The rest that Logan did was eally wait.

technically they they did. He knew about the release ahead of time, par, took into that and also bought in early right? that that's illegal Arguable. The rest that Logan did to me was ethically wrong and illegal. Now what do I think of all this finger pointing? Well, it I think it's pretty wild to try to make yourself look like the lesser of two evils when you made Millions of dollars and investors lost Millions I Just do now at the same time I Want to be fair to Crypto? King He's not the only one who sold here, but I Also have to say not everyone from the founders did sell.
For example, Jeff Logan's manager to my knowledge never sold. Neither did Logan Paul which was a huge surprise. All their wallets that I tracked, you know held on to their tokens which is good and and to their credit for a game that doesn't work. but you know who did sell Eddie Ianz the guy who didn't pay the initial devs the supposed MIT orphan.

Yeah, from what I could see, his initial wallet got a ton of zoo, sent it to a bunch of smaller wallets and then sold off. kind of like crypto King and for my calculations, he made about $1.7 million now. I Have to tell you that like Jake I tried to confront him and give him the opportunity to defend himself, but he never replied to my emails. myone and we're just going to have to leave it there.

but we're not done with the money just yet because we still need to talk about the X Remember, we talked about how they profited from Zcoin, but they also made Millions from X according to their own internal mating notes, They plan to make about $3 million selling these eggs for .1 eth a piece, and that's not far from what I calculated they actually did make, which was about $2.5 million. In the meeting notes, they say they're going to clear expenses and then do payouts, but pay out who they don't say and these expenses are referencing an earlier note suggesting Eddie and Logan had both spent $300,000 each, which I'll say is not a million, But okay, we, we'll give it to them, right? So they got paid back there 600,000 But where does the rest of the money go? Well, on the Ethereum side, there's one payout for 364,000 to one wallet and another million dollars to another. They both are coinbase addresses, so we don't know who exactly that is, but clearly someone on the team made a lot of money from these uh, Nft egg sales that do not work. And on the binance Smart Chain side, where they also made money selling eggs.

The zoo that was spent was supposed to be set aside for 50% to be burned, which they did, but the other 50% was supposed to be allocated for wildlife Charities and Crypto Zoo Development Now, neither seems to have happened because all the money is in a wallet that the team still controls so they're open questions about. you know where that money is going to go and where the Ethereum money went. Did it go to Jake Did it go to Logan Did it go to Jeff Did it go to Eddie We don't know, but what I know for sure is that no one was innocent. Although there are certainly shades of guilt you can argue about because of course not everyone did sell.

You could look at that as the most important thing. Logan Paul didn't sell Jeff Logan's manager didn't sell, but does that make them innocent? Well, I don't think so because they never built a game they promised people Logan Paul Specifically got millions of dollars spent on this game on the promise of the technology that he never built that his team never built and he never addressed the failure except to blame his developers this disgusting who weren't paid and you could say he promised to work backwards to fix it, but then never did. But at the same time, it's clearly not just Logan's fault either because they're major team issues, right? You've got Eddie selling millions of dollars of zoo and then allegedly not paying developers. You've got Jeff who was warned about Eddie who kept him on the team anyways and then after they fired Eddie seems to also bro is there any any crypto that is in like the mainstream crypto things or NFD that that's that actually is legitimate in any way.
but everybody always boast about. Oh dude, it's decentralized. It's technological. It's this.

It's that bro. Show your dumb ass up. You only do it because it's it's unre. it's unregulated.

Literally all the MERS only do it because they can do loopholes and for fraud literally have failed to pay developers on time and then you've got crypto King himself who it is the the the only goal is to do legal fraud. There are no other goals that Lit literally there's none sold the most but claims he was the guy who was scammed which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's just like Avengers a symbol for the worst possible team you can imagine to build a crypto gang. And so unsurprisingly, it turns out a lot of these guys backstabbed each other and so finding a way to wrap this up was difficult because it's hard to assign exact proportions of blame because if you focus on any one person, you kind of.

Miss Why this project fail. Crypto at the end of the day did not fail because what say stake stake is bit they use Bitcoin as as a as a as a a currency. it's like money is WR through What does that to do with anything? What do that to do do with Ste Like What? the price went too low. Kryptoo failed because like, like, what's the relevance here? Like what is the relevance I don't I Don't get it.

They never built a functioning game that they promised. Really, the number one problem even bigger than people selling millions of dollars of tokens, was that they never paid the developers on time. As boring as that is, And as a result, the investors not only got rugged for millions of dollars, which is a problem, but they just didn't get the core thing they had bought from the beginning which was not a crypto project, but something different. I'm excited to launch.

Uh to launch my game. You keep using A and you just did it again. You keep using a word. There game you're not using like a I'm not defensive, it's just lame people.

just go to insan tangents that are unrelated entirely that's has no correlation whatsoever. Game: Zer It's game. It's a really fun game that makes you money. That's it.

That to me is the biggest scam in all of this. Yes, it's a huge problem. People stole millions of dollars, but it's a symptom of the larger issue, which is people didn't actually care about the game or this whatever you want to call it, They just cared about the money. And this is ultimately what happens when you have an influencer.
LARPing As a businessman, it's what happens when you have a liar laring as a developer. And it's what happens when you have a shady crypto Guru laring as a crypto King You end up with a mess and in my personal opinion a fraud as well. And now that this thing blew up in their faces, these four seem to be dodging accountability faster than SPF Dodges calls with me because I have reached out to everyone involved try to get all of their statements on things. So far, no one has taken accountability or offered to refund the victims at all.

They're all hiding pretending these victims don't even exist. but they do exist. Throughout my investigations, they've been the heartbeat of this whole thing. So I decided to close this investigations in a bit of a unique way.

Rather than me deciding who's to blame or me deciding what you should think I want to give them the last word. everyone. everyone's to blame. Uh Logan In the sense of his his poor management is his project, he still made these promises to people I Think everyone it is to blame in including Logan Paul of course because he was the the one in charge of this and he was responsible for all all of this mess.

Everybody has a big part and a massive massive cross to bear. Each one of them scammed the project in their own way and then and then off after the sunset they went. It was his job to check the team to make sure that everyone is working together to make sure that he is giving the funds of the people that put it into his project under his name to people that he actually trusts. So in my opinion if the team failed to perform that's Logan Paul To blame the community is destroyed people is angry.

They just want their money back. They just want uh their uh normal lives back reimburse reimburse those loyal fans that they have or how to rebuild the project actually deliver on the project for those s so holding their eggs like I am bro bro. the money bro. the money escaped long ago.

okay and a guy who was a big portion of it. okay this the the Baler the Baler Pokemon guy 10K 20K maybe 30k. You think this Gu's going to come out of the Woodworks come back and Def Frable and give the fans of Logan their money back as the Baler oh hell no. what? the was holding the zoo coins So maybe they could just deliver what they promised and that would give some Redemption to this Fiasco he's not said a word.

that's that's that's that's as bad or almost as bad as taking the money. It's they're not coming out and just being a man about it. At least we deserve to know what was happening behind the scenes. while we were waiting for almost a year and a half, the fact that we're hearing this information not from other invol, but from pretty much an investigator.
it really says a lot. What did this l mean to me? it meant a lot not just personally because I lost quite a lot of money my kid and also my my wife were invested. It was like H telling a kid that Santa doesn't exist or something like that because she really believed in all that game H she really belied in Logan po kids look up to that kind of people so it was some kind of broken dream my mother got my mom, my mom was invested. my sister was also inv chat this guy I think from the story from the episode one said skip because this guy didn't um I think this actually went in to play the game like legitimately I think I think legitimately the guy said I was in for the for the actual game I'm pretty sure CH was that this guy or not bested So I mean my daughter even had a couple of the the eggs and animals which the the loss for them hurts the most because OB it's just not nice to see for somebody to win somebody to lose.

that's a gamble you take whether you get into crypto or not. I got in knowing that I could lose which is fine, that's on me. but I thought if I lost something it would be because I sold at the wrong time or the game didn't earn as much as I thought it would and therefore my things weren't as valuable. but I never.

You never go into it thinking it's not not something that they're going to just sell out from underneath you because they could make so much more if they even if they delivered on stealing from oh my God they're still coping it story again. Show him this video in front of me and see how he reacts when he sees that. my family, my whole family and my kid Jesus made of people that he believe say yeah he still goes on. Forbes interviews and says the game.

the game is great for kids. What the it's going to it's going to be amazing. Who loves it? Most the kids their kids love it. Our developers, kids all of them cannot start playing the game I think that is.

it's inhumane the way that that side of it has been marketed. No. Jesus Christ Knowing that all of the people that were there from the beginning like all the guys that I speak Jr that's far out. we we've all just got nothing now.

ideally I Just want to say I'll see you in court okay that that was that. That was pretty insane. Keep it a book chat I'm going keep it as like that was pretty insane. This stole his kid's College tuition to invest in game that was being designed by a guy who thought filming a body in a Japanese forest and showing it was a good idea.

I Don't feel bad for anyone in this situation. Call me sadist or whatever I don't care I mean dog influencer, crypto and all NFD It mean all of it is garbage if you partake into that I mean you're literally. It's like you're purposely going to a schas and you're saying oh my God it's a scas oh no you yo this is X x on the be yo okay you he my voice as well that is anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so s anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sry.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Ending logan paul’s biggest scam xqc reacts to coffeezilla”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boba Bola says:

    Scamming people sooo GIGAAA CHAAD !!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AnduForty says:

    Guess what: "Santa for real doesn't exist" – so this stupid cry is useless now for this guys that got scammed. At this point, whoever "invest" in crypto or nft's they "scamm" someone else to some point – so why to feel bad for 1st people that got scammed?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars choppinupyoblock says:

    What is he talking about “the kids” for ????????

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars r3mpuh says:

    Conclusion: Never pre-order games kids. 🥸

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Мартин Линков says:

    Very well this video was W

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rusydinul says:

    The chat in the end lmaooo "Grown ass men getting scam"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InDiGeNoUs NDN!! says:

    Bro got to be on Addy or something…
    I know a speed lover when I see 1.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InDiGeNoUs NDN!! says:

    Qxcrs is literally abt to fall off the chair,talks so fast he mumbles, and had a horrible live with Tate. Smh
    Nah!! Ion like em!
    No shade.jbh

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hudson says:

    Its sucks these guys got scammed but how dumb do you have to be to invest into this garbage and get your family too as well like god damn

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EmptyHandsFilledwithGrace says:

    Why would you let your kids worship Logan Paul, these men who invested into this project are selfish aswell as Logan is.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kkcat says:

    What type of parent would let their kids invest with this degenerate

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pikopati says:

    If human solve hair lose. Would it also solve 90% of scams?

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