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Between the ages of 13 and 25 who are living in their mom's basement basement existing off uber eats. Never leaving their homes and all of a sudden they instant millionaires on the 15th of july 2020. A 17 year old infiltrated twitter posting a bitcoin doubling scam to the accounts of numerous celebrities being called the biggest security incident in twitter's history. Former president barack obama.

Tesla. Founder elon musk. Even microsoft's bill gates. It netted him a hundred and seventeen thousand dollars pennies to a teen that's it huh that's it wait a bunch of a bunch of massive people in front of people platform and all these 117k and they all he all of them posted to his doubler to a teen who at the time of his arrest was found with three million.

More and when i did some digging. I found that he has a long history of internet fraud and extortion so today. I'm going to tell you the untold story of graham. How we went from stealing thousands on minecraft to robbing millions from ceo hedge fund types to getting involved in a homicide and eventually getting greedy and hacking twitter.

All before he was 18. This is going to be a wild ride into the seedier sides of the internet. So buckle up it's a good video. I don't scam dude your channel's literal you get zero views.

I'm basically your channel dude. Might as well say open make sense come on they work together and they scam like it's not your first time ddosing someone. I i only believed it because of um. His youtube channel.

Because he has subs. But it's actually ridiculous some of the stuff that graham got up to in 2016. When he was just 14 years old but most of all i found that this era of his life. Really highlights something important about his personality.

See graham was running. What was a rather large youtube channel for the niche. That he was in he was doing videos on a minecraft game mode known as hardcore factions and in his videos. He was extremely charismatic and charming.

But underneath this act. He was really leveraging and taking advantage of his audience to scam them for money and worst of all when exposed. He would show zero regard for right and wrong. He literally didn't care.

What other people thought of him look what we're about to explore on the surface is just the shenanigans of a young teenager. But what it helps us understand is how he was able to make a seemingly small leap out of this world into committing his later much more serious crimes jesus before any of the scams. What influenced graham to arrive at this point in his life well very little is known about his childhood other than that he was raised by his mom. A single parent as you've seen already he certainly appears to have been a troubled youth perhaps at risk to get involved in any sort of crime.

But i would bet money on hardcore factions being his first introduction to the dark side of internet fraud and extortion. Oh. There's a lot of context. Here so.
Let me explain see this game mode was originally devised and hosted by shopo network. It was a twist on the already notoriously toxic game mode factions pvp at its core players formed teams aka factions. They would build bases to start their loot. What makes these like survival type games gather such a inquiry talks you guys incredibly vicious player based rust this day z.

Uh uh uh at the time h1z1 and they would fight members of other factions with the hopes of beating them so they could raid their bases for the riches and bragging rights. The this thing is going to be had a couple of twists that really it's competitive. But i think the rating part is huge. I think i think if you can if you can raid somebody in a game.

And it's crazy against each other the most intense of these changes is that if you were killed you would be banned from the server for the duration of your play time. And this gave players time to stew. Often coming up with a plan for revenge. Even if it meant taking it outside of the game.

Okay okay. I'm just gonna say if if i if i if i would play this game mode. And i was bad for two hours and if i did it i would have been the absolute a monster man during this era. Minecraft.

Cheating. Clients were becoming extremely popular due to griefing teams. Memorizing their destructive nature and hardcore factions was no exception to this with the stakes. So high.

It was almost irresistible x raying was one thing. But the real power was in the pvp cheats players were almost forced into it to remain competitive. Now that said. I don't think the actual cheating was the worst part no the worst part was the culture around these clients.

See hardcore faction players were known for ddosing account. Hijacking and even swatting. The hack client culture had permeated into these servers. There was and still is an overlap between minecraft cheating and actual hacking communities you know i remember the natas forum.

I was a young teen then myself and that place was literally my first introduction into the world of booters dump databases. Credential stuffing remote administration tools you name it they were using all those techniques there to procure hacked. Minecraft accounts on hardcore factions. People were literally purchasing and selling stolen accounts.

Known as alts for a few pennies each to continue playing during that period after death. But for some like graham they would end up exploring these techniques outside of the context of minecraft. It was like a stepping stone. Because these same techniques could be applied to get into any type of online accounts.

Banks social media. Crypto exchanges you name it open you a beach scamming piece of is this kind of like bridging from the gray hat. The black hat pretty much if i get a month that's scamming kids for 30 dollars hit a up you can't get a holla man shut the up what now of course just being involved in these communities. Graham.
Didn't immediately break into high level social engineering. Overnight. There was a series of events that seemed to have led graham down that path each step of the way less innocent than the one before and you know it's bad when someone makes a six minute long diss track chronicling all that you've done wrong say you care about your fans man you don't give a scamming ducks and dusting faking boy. Where does it end see graham first broke bad between 2016 and 2017 on his youtube channel.

Where he mainly posted trapping videos those are clever ways to kill other players and hardcore factions. And he did all this under his minecraft name open hfc and later just open that username is important by the way and very telling. But we'll get back to it shortly. Now instead of finding legitimate ways to monetize his niche internet micro celebrity fame instead.

He turned advising little scams to rip off his audience. Often with an accomplice open was with feed fetus. Pretty much opens a scamming body. Though when you watch some of these you really get the idea that graham was the one leading the entire thing uh.

The deal was i'd give him fifty dollars and a shout out for my concave. I'll give you the link first all right that's the redeemer that goes to a website blazetk he says that he's looking for server trailers to upload do not work with this guy he charges like 200 a trailer and then he doesn't even upload him he just runs away with your money made a fake giveaway yeah and you already admitted it was fake so don't even try and play like it wasn't a fake giveaway. I just didn't give the to the winner exactly i don't care. No matter.

How many exposing chat was this a part of all other games and social and circles and games. I feel like uh uh well not if you like. But yeah. I heard in minecraft.

There's a bunch of things like oh play on my server for this amount of money uh. I shot my thing out on your next thing. What was it more content than minecraft. I think all minecrafters that i spoke to in overwatch because a lot of them went overwatch because it's not a similar game.

But it has like certain traits that are kind of okay all tell me about yeah bro they put it they're gonna server. I mean 2k broken so you yeah what videos came out his audience didn't really seem to care or even dwindle. He was still throwing and when he did catch flack he'd just try to talk his way out of it do you don't sing attempt to wear. Okay.

I can't have an empty resolver ascent. Let me ask you this why would you want a staff member's ip. Just tell me who said. I wanted to be well why are you searching on emcee resolving.

Who said that what if i wanted to see a skin and when someone pinned him. He'd brag about it i was stopping you yet. So if i say you is that snap disrespect already i don't care because you're like 12. I'm like 12.
But i make for money than you you want me to show you my paper sure do you think i'm kidding. Why are you trying to i mean. I've heard about your pain. It's like in the past off minecraft keep in mind.

These are all pretty much youtubers that he scammed you can imagine the amount of other people. He scammed with no following to expose him to nothing about his channel was honest. Even the trapping videos were exposed to be fake. One of open's friends tore.

It open faking his clips and planted it out i swear pastor. You're gonna be like to make an exposed video on this if anything though having so many people help him make these videos really illustrates something about graham. He was good at getting people to do what he wanted in fact at some point graham decided to open a minecraft server called fuse pvp. But he lacked the technical talent to do it but to compensate.

He talks his way into getting other people to set it up for him like this is literally setting up your server. I don't know why you're complaining you guys pay ten dollars give you ten dollars for the clip and then we'll set up your damn server. Yes. And when they wouldn't do it for free.

He would try scamming them all you need to do is give me your work the plugins about the plugin sent it to him in a file and as soon as we sent it. He said thanks and then he spammed john cena like sound boards and everything like that and then he left. I don't play with your crap bro you mess with me you mess with my boy. You know you want to know who my boy is my boy.

He even scammed other youtubers into promoting the description and that he wants you to put for a trailer basically a trailer his talent was in manipulation not technology. And he didn't seem to want to pay for anything no matter. How little the cost he was greedy and this is foreshadowing interesting. I just got anything documentary.

So far though now there's one last aspect from this time in graham's life that we've yet to examine his username open. It's pretty nice right well he likely purchased it for a few hundred dollars off somebody who stole it see there is a whole market for unique usernames like this be it for instagram. Twitter minecraft you name it and worse. There's a group of people who are acutely aware of this and have made careers out of obtaining these names for sale by any means possible the most notorious form for this is og users.

It's a known marketplace. Where these types of usually stolen. Social media. Accounts are traded.

While of course. They don't openly advertise or condone. The illegal side of how members obtain these accounts. Some of the worst stories of targeted harassment and extortion that i've ever heard were committed by members of this forum and by 2016.
Graham had set up an account to buy and sell usernames here. But it wasn't until 2018 that he really got involved basically right at the end of his minecraft scamming days hardcore factions was falling out of popularity and so this was a natural transition. Given that the communities are somewhat linked. Already and graham has a proclivity for making bad decisions in the pursuit of money you've got to understand a good name like panda on twitter will go for thousands of dollars.

There's serious money in hacking them. And the members of this forum or you can become something or somebody. And then give value to any word you put on boom have varying levels of experience of course. The vast majority have no idea what they're doing.

But at the very top you have a handful of folks that are versed in blackmail doxxing. Fishing sim swap and one more to name the techniques that they use to take over and graham being a social butterfly was getting himself involved with that more experienced crowd enemy graham under the alias scrim. Which was probably um early 2018 was another game as the minecraft guy. Usually just scam people that come then um.

He started like hacking people he was um a sim swapper. Yeah. That's that is massive scum i gotta notice from the secret service when they finally captured graham. They made it known to me that there was probably some recovery.

That was available to me exactly one year before the twitter hack on april 15th 2019 tech investor greg bennett was having a little afternoon business chat with his son when his mobile phone dropped. Signals dead. No cell phone. No nothing.

I can't get into my email account. Either. He was the target of a sim swap attack. I immediately called up a tnt and they say sorry.

Sir. That's not your account all my crypto accounts have been hacked and think about how easy this is if somebody takes over your phone. All these folks have to do is use your email address to try to log on to these accounts. And then say forgot password.

So then the password reset is sent to your text. Which is now controlled by another phone that you don't have and they reset. The passwords and now they have completed control over getting into all of your crypto accounts this type of attack. Yeah unless unless you're using uh not 2fa.

But 3fa right. And you have something physical physical. Remember remember the rule behind fas right something that you are something that you know something that you have three of it was becoming more and more common while it was originally devised to break into social media accounts to steal their rare usernames perpetrators on og users quickly realized that they could use the same techniques to break into the accounts of large crypto holders. The way graham used to find his target.

He would go on like the twitter accounts of coinbase bittrex finance. And you'd see who looked at you then you know he flexed. He didn't he looked uh more wealthy once graham and never identified. Accomplices targeted greg.
They would have doxxed him to get his phone. Number and email addresses and then use that information to actually twiffy isn't even that good because if it's 2fa somebody has somebody has that thing okay okay. But they can still get all of it okay. If you have something physical that cannot.

It's impossible right 3fa is the way to do it execute that sim swap in total they got away with what amounted to be 164 bitcoins. A hundred of that was straight bitcoin and the other side was various altcoins at the time. That was worth 850. 000 but in today's value it would be worth 63.

Million. So what the heck does he do with it he balls out according to the times graham was attracting attention at school because he seemed to have an unusual amount of wealth for his age. He was buying designer clothes apparently flashing large amounts of cash and of course he had that bmw 3 series. But where he was really yes a flawed bad 2fa is literally worse than one f8.

No. No he was on his instagram account at air. Now unfortunately. This account has since been terminated and most of the content lost the time.

But to give you an idea of the type of purchases. He was boasting about one of the things that did survive is this shout out from a jeweler to the hip hop elite showing that graham had purchased himself a gem encrusted rolex dude was spending some mad coin. But i think there's something a little deeper here than him just having been a 17 year old showing off. I mean.

This was part of sim swapper culture. People between the ages of 13 and 25 who are living in their mom's basement existing off uber eats never leaving their homes and all of a sudden they're instant millionaires. I've been in the kitchen wrist twisting like a trick shot most you rappers got no bars like a sim swap e. There was idolized members of og users.

Like winblo. Xavier and joel who between 2016 and 2019. Without any punishment up until then stole into the tens of millions of dollars by sim swapping. And there were openly living lavish lifestyles.

Because of it i mean xavier literally purchased a two hundred thousand dollar mclaren was stolen crypto and posted about it on instagram worse. He was publicly sharing videos like this too notice. The signs spelling out his handle. This was at the hyde sunset club in los angeles.

That is not a cheap place and his friend another sim swapper. Joel ortez was there too posting videos of them dumping out 200 bottles of glow in the dark champagne over designer watches at least he got this good selfie with those bottles first because now he's doing a decade in prison at 21 years old for having stolen 75. Million dollars. I digress these were all young guys stealing a ton of money spent crazy how the law works right like you can be an executive and still like actually billions and you you're you're gonna see a fraction of that in jail and this guy is hitting it fast and boasting about it and i can totally see how graham could have idolized these people and perhaps that's why he seemingly follow in their footsteps.
Graham and friends actually ran into a problem when stealing from greg because i had 100 bitcoin limit in this specific account with bittrex. They repeatedly tried to go back in and take whatever else was left out of that account. But the 100 bitcoin limit kind of mitigated. My losses.

If you want to say that and so just like the minecraft days. When one scam isn't working iterate in this case that meant extortion graham clark. Who was going by scrim at that time as his pseudonym so tried to ransom you from your own email address to regain access to your information for an additional 50 bitcoin was that what they tried to do as well yeah. So i actually had four email accounts.

They had actually hacked all four of them. And then gave me access re gave me access to one and used that as a as a vehicle to try to communicate and extort more from me. But as the days go on and greg isn't responding to the ransom. It becomes apparent that graham has pulled a fast one on his accomplices graham decided to keep all the money.

And he didn't split it with the other people i assume graham vanished on whatever messaging service. They were using because they get desperate and start trying to reach him through greg's email account threatening that they're gonna turn him into the police. If he doesn't share 66 percent of the theft. Yeah.

So i mean as you know a lot of people didn't like him because of some of the choices. He made so obviously that's going to come with some backlash. They got his family's personal info. They were just constantly harassing him someone sent people to graham's house to scare him or even rob him at one point well they were planning his robbery.

They wanted to have him like tortured like a lot of dark. Things done to him the thing is he was no ghost after this he was the subject of a criminal investigation. Which ultimately led to a search warrant being executed at his residence in august 2019. Just four months after this theft get this from that they seized fifteen thousand dollars in cash and 400 bitcoin from graham.

That is a crap ton more than what we knew about i mean i assume he was involved in many similar sim swap attacks that were never linked back to him to acquire that but at this point. I don't think we're ever really gonna know for sure now while graham was waiting on the outcome of this criminal investigation which ceased his money. According to the times from interviews with his peers. There's some claims that he got involved with selling drugs everything from vapes to weed to lsd and over christmas break january 4th.
2020. Now this got him involved in a home invasion. In which one of his friends ended up dead. Two people were shot one of them dead.

After an apparent home invasion in citrus park. The other is in critical condition it happened at the seasons at west chase apartment. Complex on the 12. 000 block of citrus falls.

Circle at about 7. 30 pm. Two teens kicked in a screen patio and let themselves into an apartment through an unlocked door. One of them was carrying a firearm both made demands of the residents.

A man with his fiancee and that man retrieved a gun and opened fire hitting both teens. According to the sheriff's office. They were rushed to the hospital. Where one was pronounced dead and the other was listed as in critical condition when patrol deputies arrived on scene they located a suspicious vehicle with two more teenagers inside one of those teenagers was graham from the police file.

One of the kids claims that graham had essentially set them up he went with them to the house of another drug dealer with a gun and then took off when he heard the shots in his interview with police graham denies anything about it you say i don't know anything about it. I'm not aware that's why i gave them money if they were gonna go rob someone why would i give them money is that believable. What's believable. What you're telling us.

I counted 5 500. I gave it to him they walk and they go to the thing so what makes you think i know that they're gonna go wrong from the police reports they concluded that there's no proof of what graham's actual role was the only thing they knew for sure was that he was outside in the car when the shooting took place there wasn't enough evidence to convict him and so he went free two days after the shooting and one day before students returned after christmas break. The principal sent out an email saying those who were involved in the shooting face serious charges and will not be returning. And so this was the end of graham going to high school.

And it's at this point with his world crumbling around him that he decides to move out on his own and this was possible because the feds let him off real easy on the sim swap case. Wait what it's appropriate to assume that every single penny. That this defendant has access to is by ill gotten gains after an eight month long investigation. All the charges against graham were dropped.

He kind of said that they came to an agreement where he had to give up blah blah blah. Amount of funds and once doing so they'd drop all the charges on him out of all of that money seized. They only made him give up a hundred bitcoins they essentially were after him for the theft of a million dollars when they raided his apartment. They found three million more on top of that and they let him walk free with that money as long as he paid back what they knew he had stolen.
Our office spoke with the prosecutors in california. About the decision to have him uh pay restitution and basically not to criminally charge him as an adult. It seems that the main reason for this outcome is because there is a lot of barriers to charging a minor with a crime especially at the federal level. The law may need to be changed to allow the federal system to catch up with the reality that you have younger kids getting involved in online scams.

Crypto scams that really merit more serious prosecution and punishment. Which federal law doesn't currently allow i mean. He was thankful obviously. It could have went a bad way he wanted to like move forward and like invest all the money.

He's made over the years into like a legitimate business. We wanted to work on being a better person in general and like moving on to more legit things. But i think the real lesson graham took away from this is that as long as he's a miner. He can steal all this money and get away with it because two months after april 2020.

When he got back 75 percent of his seized assets. He went on to hack twitter and this is important because graham's birthday. Is in january. He had less than even it was over before he turned.

I thought if it was over 15. We're watching this story several high profile. Twitter accounts appear to have been hacked being called the biggest security incident in twitter's history. It's all part of a bitcoin scam.

Former president barack obama tesla founder elon musk. Even microsoft's bill gates just some of the big names targeting. I'm confused don't don't can they like kind of like track. The account.

Though like you see where the money is going and whatnot under elon musk. Even microsoft's bill gates. Just some of the big names targeted by con artists. Over 250 transactions have already been sent to that bitcoin address july 15th 2020.

Twitter erupts into chaos and everybody is desperately trying to find out how this happened and who is behind it the search goes back to the camera just a number. I don't know how this show works. Though okay. At one point you need to make this crypto go to real money if it's if it's heavy amounts it'll go through a certain place that'll make it go money.

And then and then the the the the people from the government. They can literally subpoena whoever company that is that is linked to that account they get it and they get they get him arrested that's how it works. These. Two og user members who both have made threads literally less than 24 hours before offering to sell any username you want for a few thousand dollars.

This was godlike access the stuff of fairy tales within these circles. And so haseeb awan founder of a sim swap protection service picks up that these two obviously have access to some huge bridges. You people in chat are from like 10 year olds saying. It's decentralized.
It's decentralized. I'm such a crypto god brother it's decentralized. But if you want to be part of the real world and have real money and i'm going to tell you this economy of a critical not not a lot please accept that you're gonna have to get real money somehow you have to make some sort of conversion and recover in high amounts in millions. Okay.

You will gonna have to go through some sort of big institution like coinbase or whatever any any big ass. One okay dude be able to offer this service. And so he posts a screenshot of the thread showing it as a possible lead as to who is behind the attack and shaewon freaks out. He messages hasib and says please remove this i am not the bad guy.

I don't want to get in trouble here. I'm just a broker. I had no involvement in the half. And it's freaking me out he was just trying to prove that i'm just a middleman.

I actually didn't do anything turns out this was a 19 year old from the united kingdom. Mason shepard. And he was very scared about what his implication and all of this was going to be and haseeb. Having the foresight that this guy is likely going to be arrested within 24 hours suggested that he talks to a journalist right away to set his side of the story straight.

It turns out that he had been contacted along with another og user member nima fazeli aka rolex by this mysterious discord alias kirk claiming that they work for twitter and they can get any username. Neither of the soon to be accomplices believe it scams run rampant within these communities and so they both say prove it and kirk does he proceeds to give them both access to rare handles. Along with sharing pictures of twitter's internal tools to quote rolex's response. Damn.

I'm in and so this is when the sales threads went up and over the next. Few hours before joe biden. Before elon musk. All of these.

Rare non celebrity accounts are being taken over in total they brokered the sale of forty thousand dollars. Worth of rare usernames of which thirty three thousand went to kirk and the rest was kept by the now accomplices as a brokerage fee nighttime a question what happens when a big user like like me okay because i'm so famous with brother okay why. But when i asked we changed from x to w. To xqc.

What happened to the person who owned xc because i had i only had xow did they just smoke him now in the uk and real happy about having just made a few grand mason goes to bed. He even shared a picture with the times of him saying good night to his girlfriend before it all went hey pluto hey pluto blue okay if they if if they did that to that person okay then what did you guys do to the person that had xqc when he gets german xrw. What the hell to prove he wasn't behind it unfortunately for mason. I don't think he fully understood what his involvement in this meant for his future.
Tonight. The fbi is leading a new investigation into the most high profile hack in twitter history. Almost immediately the public knew it all started on og users. But as the days rolled on after the attack.

The answer to wait wait what the there is something called the best way to explain it is it scrambles er money to multiple wallets before ending up. Where you wanted to sell immediately if the public knew it all started on users. But as well for some reason this looked like like one of my old pictures. Almost like i know why you know what this this isn't my old apartment.

I don't know what it is about it is it like like the true in the back. It just looks like me. I don't know immediately the public. Knew it all started on og users.

But as the days rolled on after the attack. The answer to the biggest question of all was starting to come to light who is kirk and how did they get access to twitter's admin tools this takes us back to may 2020. It was literally only a factor of days after graham wrapped up his case with the secret service that him and another kid start at work on getting into twitter. What's really remarkable is bro.

Where are you pulling that from dude. What how to even get this man. What the how are you even getting this man. His accomplice was actually two years younger just 15.

But much more sophisticated than graham. And according to investigators the two had previously worked together on swaps oh okay. It's instagram. My are gonna you damns being so young this guy was never publicly charged and so much about him remains a mystery.

But we do know he was a member of og users since age 13 and prior to this he was actually involved in hacking godaddy by this time. Sim swapping was becoming harder than ever with so many high profile cases. Crypto trading platforms were making the move to non sms based two factor. Authentication and so these two took the same set of skills.

Something that you have you see that now you guys can all learn how this works again now. This is something that you have which completely changes the game. Non sms based two factor authentication and so these two took the same set of skills. But applied them to a new target.

The self employed attorney not a fan of working from home. But two months after sheltering in place twitter is making the idea a permanent option. This was just months after covet hit the west amidst a massive shift to working from home companies were rushing. If you have no backup.

No whatever nothing and not even accessing it internet and you you get an indicator and it's physical. How how can you get it from somewhere else if you haven't had if you don't you don't to deploy systems allowing their employees to remote in but this wasn't a perfect storm. The two realized this and got to work on abusing. It at first casting a massive net.
They started by compiling a list of twitter employees on linkedin. And used job. Recruiter tools to obtain their phone. Numbers from here.

They used the same skills required for those sim swap attacks. Really. It was about being convincing on the phone calling employees pretending to be from the it department. Hey we've got a problem with your account.

I need you to log into this portal for me. Except. It was a phishing page. The employee would enter their username and password and that would be stolen from this they were able to get into twitter's internal slack channels.

And start piecing together who had access to the admin tools that they were really after the net was getting smaller and they tailored the attack to target. This group specifically and on july 14th. One fell victim graham and his accomplice were in they now had access to every twitter. Account and they could take them over with the click of a button.

The other day it's kind of funny about this he shows some kid scripting. Something okay or like building. A script. Nothing of this involves building scripts or doing something and his accomplishments.

It's all written. They know how to access every twitter account with the click of a button. So starting at three in the morning. The two start taking over these rare user names and selling them under the alias kirk.

But by afternoon 2 pm. The gig is up word has spread that this isn't a real twitter rap and nobody wants to buy anymore. Because the chances of these names getting reset. Once the hacker is discovered is far too risky the pair know this taking over so many high profile accounts is going to draw attention.

They don't have long on this admin account so unable to profit from usernames. What do they do now there's much bigger implications than some bitcoins being tossed around on the internet. Basically they've had every dm and every account for every celebrity within like an hour either sold intel to russia or china. But imagine it on election day.

Potentially start world war three they could have launched a nuclear war not exactly. But they could have killed apple's stock and made a bet on it and made millions of dollars. I think uh we got lucky here out of all the things they could have done they ran a doubling money scan. I would have expected this from an 11 year old in 2008 on runescape.

But not from these two could have done anything honestly anywhere made more money just teenagers at the end of the day. So you know from all of this they only received 118 000. Worth of crypto. It actually would have been when i when i got hacked.

They didn't do that they literally tried to promote some other guys twitter account that had like six followers that were just just retweeting giveaways a lot more. But the big crypto exchanges pretty quickly put that address on their blacklist coinbase. Alone. Stopped an additional 280 000.
Dollars from being sent. I think we're starting to get the picture here that these two were more savvy than smart get back to the beat gotta drop some bars got enough proof to put you behind bars yeah anytime we see any type of criminal involved in multiple activities you always look back to see should we have known more at the time. But we have to rely on the investigations. We have it's not over in here.

We're able to now hold him responsible for a crime that we can prove he committed it only took the fbi two weeks. Unfortunately for us graham's file is mostly redacted due to him having been a minor so it's not clear how he was caught. But as for mason and nima their fatal flaw was having their ids attached to the crypto exchanges. They were using to now what now what you talking okay that i was now what the mother nah.

What's the pictures again. I told you from the sale of those stolen usernames huh. It makes me sad to see these two young men face such harsh complicated and uncertain futures because really saying yeah about you but dude. But it it's hard to be tracked it's hard you can use this service or that and you can sort of be tracked for fraud.

Yeah i get it man you're probably gonna get away with it if you're a criminal. If you get like small stuff or whatever the or like medium whatever when you do millions and millions. And it's what the the government is in it mother mother first year. They're going to get you right and then media took advantage of them convinced them that their best play was to come clean about their involvement with a crime.

So as to make their non involvement clear and as we've seen mason was particularly vulnerable. These were the first two individuals known related to the twitter hack because of those articles and it made it really easy for readers to lump these youth and with the real criminals. That is graham and his accomplice first one up on the docket. This morning.

Graham ivan clark case. 20 cf 879. So just a couple days after his arrest. The case is already moving forward by means of this zoom call with the judge and a couple of the attorneys.

Um mr. White. One is mr. Mike mike oxmo representing these by now word had gotten back to og users and they were freaking out they thought their form was going to get shut down.

But one thing og user. Members are known for is trolling be it random people online calls with judges. And so a bunch of them joined this posing as news agencies oh. I was just wondering if you're gonna like uh take up dog into consideration in the graham case sorry i'm removing people as quickly as i can and it's like things are getting worse and worse.

And then finally someone manages to take over the screen and they start playing this pornography. Ah. It's blown out sure as as was pointed out to the duty judge. Why why what we'll um just reapply.
I'm gonna end this reapply to talk to you this just reminds me of call of duty lobbies. It's a stark reminder that for most of these people they're teenagers and for someone like graham. They gave him second chances. They gave him opportunities to turn his life around and do the right thing and so what do you do with him.

Now all new at six. The tampa teen accused of running a twitter hack on some of the most famous people in our nation. Made his first appearance in court. Today hillsboro state attorney.

Andrew warren. Filing. 30 felony charges against 17 year old. Graham clark.

Graham was being charged as an adult and faced up to 210 years in prison on top of this his assets became a hot topic. Clark was the subject of an earlier investigation that ended in april in which his defense attorney says he had around three million dollars worth of bitcoin. The fdle alleges clark used some of that money to set up infrastructure for this twitter. Hack.

They put a 750 000 bond. On graham. And prosecutors requested that he be forced to prove any funds used to post bail were legitimately obtained. They didn't want him using that bitcoin.

The judge granting that wish graham ended up sitting in prison for seven and a half months before eventually entering into a plea deal hey. Mr. Clark. Do you understand that those are the facts you're pleading guilty to yes.

Clark's six total years of punishment. Are the maximum allowed under florida's youthful offender law. That youthful offender status is available only once in a person's life. It means clark will be held in a juvenile facility.

And he'll get education and transition services. Which will prepare him for a productive life after he serves his time and he knows if he violates his probation. Yeah yeah. It's some florida thing so they can't uh uh.

I think we saw this in another video another video where it's like max capped for you whatever so if you do some crazy that in other states you'd be try you'd be tried as an adult and you'd go life or whatever you get max cap. Which is six or some he'll face a ten year sentence in adult prison. Some might say that graham got out easy especially when you consider he'll eventually be coming home to that 300 bitcoin. Which has appreciated astronomically in value as of today.

It's worth 12 million dollars. In this case. We've been able to achieve justice deliver those consequences. While recognizing that our goal with any child whenever possible is to hold them accountable and have them learn their lesson without destroying my food.

There's this idea that one's online identity is strikingly more raw. Because with a level of anonymity. The barriers of social mores. Constructs and trepidations and so one can act more in accordance with their true self do what they might otherwise not it was more about i was more concerned about just the loss that i did and so it makes it very easy for someone with a low moral compass to commit these kinds of attacks on the foundation of the internet especially kids because their morals are undeveloped especially when they get involved with groups like the ones graham found himself in i found many of these groups will treat their fraud like some sort of legitimate business.
They're boasting about it and they receive praise from other scammers and so it creates this social group. Where everybody is accepting of the wrongdoing and i think this helps them feel like they're not a menace to society. And in fact. Even like they're achieving something having a friend group doing the same thing normalizes.

It. And i think that is a very dangerous situation to find yourself in especially. If you're someone who is a recluse you maybe don't have any friends in real life. And so this becomes your primary.

Only social group. How are you going to get out of that yeah. It's almost like an addiction for them they just keep making money the point where they don't care anymore. No.

One online has empathy and for the majority. Everyone's a sociopath to scam is to not add any value to society. Which is a real problem when it comes to sustainability. You know for the narcissist maybe.

The convincing argument is if you want long term profitability being destructive is not the way to achieve that instead focus on creating something that provides value something you can share. It's just it's getting it's just a it's a chicken gyro just since since i was a kid. I've always been like since i was like 10 years old. I just always was into money so i always started making money.

I got into social media. I made like a few hundred thousand dollars and then i started getting into like cryptocurrency and trading and then it got into millions all right guys you guys give me like a 10 installer guys i swear las vegas last react randy check is i need this food so we're filled up for years to come um tonight.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “From hacking $4.1 million to prison xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars COMBOMONTAGE says:

    Hcf comm is so fun

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yeehaw000 says:

    would you go to prison for 6 years to earn 12mil

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jojo was ukranian says:

    Nerd emote is the worst one yet cause it can be spammed on anything

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hex says:

    3 years for 300 bitcoin. I’m doing that

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qooqle says:

    Least toxic HCF player

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aardvarkian says:

    210 years but OJ Simpson is a free man Aware

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars assassin says:

    How is that kid is not satisfied with 3 million? What wrong with this fuck

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RANBER says:

    Jesus loves y'all and Is The Way To Everlasting Life🤍✝️

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Giovannoni says:

    Instructions unclear armour wasn't trimmed

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coffee Fox says:

    Fucking masks.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars episode says:

    bro could have easily gotten some cash I think if he went to twitter as a whitehat and was paid to show them their security issues.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars videomaster2221 says:

    If bitcoin doesn’t die in 10 years dude is walking away with millions

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HyghJynx says:

    Dude got his Get Out Of Jail Free card but decided to play an Uno Reverse instead OMEGALUL

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