Adin Ross copyright claimed his VOD that was uploaded to Hasan's YouTube channel. The VOD included Hasan & Andrew Tate, among others. Hasan threatens to sue Adin Ross and to cover the legal fees of any other channels that were 'wrongfully' copyright claimed by Adin Ross.
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Here's Aiden Ross Celebrating the Fall Strike I Don't know who this person is I've never met this person. This person is not my head moderator. Internet somehow manages to be dumber and dumber every single day. It blows my mind how he has become even stupider than before.

He's like reaching new levels I don't know how the he's doing that I don't even have I don't have a head mod. That's not a thing for the chat. We stole eight thousand dollars from him W he needed that Yes Yes W Yes, Oh yes. Jungle chat.

Why am I watching it? Um I Sent offers to pay legal fees um of people who have appeared on Addis Russell's stream sending release forms before having people appear on his streams. so hey, have fun with that brother I will literally personally pay the legal fees. He's not sending release forms before having people appear on his streams. so hey, Aiden have fun with that I don't know I will literally personally pay the legal fees of other Instagram models and people who now hate Aiden Ross who have appeared on his stream to sue him for every dime he has if he keeps this dumb up.

Okay huh? I Will go and work with lawyers to ensure that that happens. There's a reason why YouTubers Don't Touch This Okay, there's a reason why YouTubers don't touch this because it would open up a legal battle that would be bad for everyone. Okay, this is what what legal battle I'll get it of. What can you recover Strike PewDiePie Yeah, classic claims are broken.

It is a so broken you have no idea. Back in the days ago when I when I had nobody to defend me. okay people would literally take my car my content they would copy and paste it on their Channel then they would report me and claim that their content was being stolen by me when they they bro yo brother that's like you wearing a shoe, me copying it and me going to the and you're going like yo bro yo guys guys help me this guys call me my shoe what the is that about online? uh Andrew uh I don't know if you heard it. go ahead and Andrew tell him like it's 6 16 a.m we're having fun.

we can do like some debate if we want whatever, whatever but it can't no no I'm not even I'm not even trying to debate I just I just was trying to get Aiden to say that you were coping about the mic thing but he doesn't He wouldn't even refuse to say it. we can. but no I do I do bro again this one's a show Okay I don't understand that Anarchist who uh is addressed in a tweet that uh you know he got a false copy strike which is really up by the way from Aiden wait Aiden it could be strikes for video cross which I got as well. For the record it was a false copy strike of a video that I'm in I'm in which is up.

It's insane. Here's Aiden Ross Celebrating the Fall strike. Oh so this video was claimed by Eden uh Andrew uh I don't know if you heard it. Go ahead and end your tablet chat like it's 6 16 a.m We're having fun.

We can do like some debate if we want whatever, whatever, but it can't No, no I'm not even I'm not even trying to debate I just I just that's tough. that's tough. Well I guess I don't defend a weird I don't want to defend a weird Behavior But listen up guys guys. I Must Is this just his entire VOD is the whole video Etc et cetera, et cetera, anyone with a brain knows So if you play the video by the way, this is um Hassan's head moderator chat for the chat.
we stole eight thousand dollars. Who the are these people bro. He's like reaching new levels I don't know how the he's doing that I don't even have I don't have a head mod? That's not a thing Aiden Ross is worth so much money he'll never have to work another day in his life. Here he is celebrating one of his false copyright uh, claims that stole 8K from a YouTuber fraction of his size.

That's this disgusting abuse from YouTube's broken copyright system that needs to have consequences. Somebody who I think might be the biggest in the history of YouTube because you are his friend w that's not just enjoying his entire VOD That makes sense Um, yeah, I mean I could be wrong I think illegally. Um, you own the content regardless I think whatever happens on paper if I make a stream, that happens and then it ends up I own that content I I own it himself. Let's talk about how we got to this point, who this person is and what I own it for YouTube So this is I Show Speed.

He is the biggest, most watched streamer on all of YouTube right now. But in the summer of 2022, a lot of YouTubers who were talking about I Show Speed started to get copyright claims. Here's the first one I could find from a YouTuber called Omni Now Omni does commentary. You can see his thumbnail down there.

He makes great videos. his face is on the screen. He reacts as well I'm not just reposting Clips With that said, he tweeted not if someone else is in it and they'll sign the waivers I Don't think that's irrelevant I'm getting copyright claims for the I Show Speed clip in my latest video. disputed it and got rejected in 10 minutes by Thumb Media affiliate who I don't think even exists Yeah.

Omni Talked about this under one of my Uh tweets as well. This is like, literally, a company known for doing false copy strikes. YouTube is aware that they know, uh, that they are knowingly doing false coffee strikes and YouTube doesn't give a for the record YouTube Literally did nothing to this company they they have been doing. This Thumb Media affiliate is the one that also came after me as well with Aiden it's the one that Aiden is currently celebrating in this tweet.

You're wrong and biased has slam. Okay, so we're saying is that okay I Said it that whenever you make content on Twitch whatever and you posted that and it's broadcasted on paper until proven otherwise, you own that car. After 24 hours after a singular day, that content is now licensed to you, you're saying, do you want to sign a waivers They're on the Bro on the images and on August 11th 2022 I Woke up to this beautiful email in my inbox. I Love getting Love Letters from YouTube This email was not that they said hi Jabroni a copyright owner using content ID has claimed some material in your video it was copyrighted by DRM Protection for Cardigan Media by Aegis TM Claimed by Thumb Media Oh yeah, Affiliates Here you have it.
Chat. Big companies know what they'll do chat I'm not gonna put this other. they will claim your video based on a a word that appears on screen or was talked about and is it oh, we own that, we own that. we own that order.

Whatever right? So even though it appeared for zero seconds or maybe maybe it didn't right? Well, we own that. We own that. So we're gonna claim a 100 of the revenue on your 40 minute video because that word is ours. So we owned all the and Boom all the videos of them.

Cardigan Media by Ages team I'm not getting standard practice here. you have it identical. For the record a copyright claim was created for Content Andrew Take cannot handle my questions. Thumb Media claimed it on behalf of Aiden This is the video.

I'm right here. The entire content of this video is me debating Andrew Tate If anything I should be able to content claim Aiden Ross for trying to pose this as his own content as all he did was sit there like a dumbass I'm literally in the middle of the video. Are you out of your mind dude and his dumbass fan base turned around. This has 1.5 million views on my YouTube channel and they're just trying to what I don't know I don't understand how well if anything I should be able to write here questions Thumb Media claimed it on behalf of Aiden This is the video I'm right here.

The entire content of this video is me debating. Andrew Tate If anything I should be able to content claim this is a legal dog. This is legal dog. This is like this is like some insane Rabbit Hole of legality that will burn a hole in your brain because on paper he he makes a twitch Stream So then he he posted it and he owns a license but somebody's on it.

but in the video before and then it's a disaster. Aiden Ross for trying to pose this as his own content is all he did was sit there like a dumbass. I'm literally in the middle of the video. Are you out of your mind dude and his dumbass fan base turned around.

This has 1.5 million views on my YouTube you know what? I'm in this video right there I'm not gonna claiming that video, that one being talked about, the main video, the reaction to that and all everybody involved in any of this. I'll claim the whole Wazoo ball. that's like 100. they're just trying.

They're trying to take these views and trying to make money off of the video that absolutely is is, uh, a video that I could claim is mine. it's crazy. I'm on the video like that is the next level of of uh, copyright. Okay, could there because it's It's not even like I'm reacting to the video Aiden Rush Try to retort this by saying it's actually his videos.
this is his socials are in the corner. Saw a clip of it a couple days ago. Yeah. I should have never been kind enough to keep his socials in the corner.

That's what. That was my problem. That was my issue I guess I Never signed a release. Suck my I'll see you in court.

You stupid, you imbecile, you absolute dumbass. Holy you s okay, Okay, technically without Amazon if they if they're likeness maybe use, they have consented. You could have made the argument that when the call is consented It's Gonna Be Live No, you either make that claimer. I I'm gonna I'm gonna go on a limb on the legal limb here even though I'm not a lawyer and say you, you would probably easily make that claim in court.

that um, that the person knows what the nature of the broadcast, the nature of the content and they know that it's been broadcasted and will be used in some edits. Live content clip that uh, for a little. what an absolutely idiotic baboon-like thing to do. Like you signed a release.

What release did I sign you stupid? Did you pay me to appear on that Zoom call? No, you didn't suck my dick. You don't own that content. It's quite literally me in the video. See you in court like you're gonna do What do you mean you think I you think I'm not gonna pursue this.

You think I'm not gonna counter. Are you stupid? This is such an objectively I don't know what to do And this dumbass is also again, stupid enough to like do this. Not only is he stupid enough to do this, he's done it to so many people and most importantly, perhaps most significantly, he's dumb enough to gloat that he's false copy striking people. You idiots Look at him W Chat By the way I think at the time Hassan knew the stream was live right and they knew that there was like this podcast going on I think he was gonna be he was gonna be on the podcast right? I think Hassan had knowledge it was already streamed in him joining in what it does mean that he would be on that broadcast therefore would be on the license content.

He knows this for a fact. It would be way harder for him to proven in court the opposite. Where yo guys guys I didn't know it was live I didn't know that I was going to be used my leg is going to be used I didn't consent to this. that would be very difficult that would that I don't think you'd get a journey Hassan's head moderator chat put it up in the chat.

we stole eight thousand dollars from him W he needed that. Yes Yes W Yes oh Am I Wrong Yes, How absolutely idiotic can you be that you're like ball striking people and celebrating it? But here's the thing with: Aiden He's in the gutter, right? He's already he's already dog. He already knows that people don't like him at this point and he's made more money than God at this point. The reality is that the crypto gambling casino that runs stake paid him a fat bag.
He's already made a shitload off of crypto rug pulls about. you know, uh, getting his dumb ass fan base hooked on on gambling and numerous other things. And yes, well, he's still over here gloating. False copy strikes.

It's so incredibly false. Copyrighting is dog. I Agree with this one. I Think the video that I didn't put uh uh was definitely transformative.

Okay, but I that doesn't mean that I agree with everything because I don't think that works to brag about it too. On top of that, imagine being two different topics that you literally self snitch. Oh my God. Oh what a idiot dude.

But he literally said stole Like he said. First of all, the eight thousand dollars is not even correct for the record. I Don't think Internet Anarchist understands that like it goes into a separate pile when someone copy strikes you and you can counter it and take all of those. uh, take all those dollars back.

If the video is made eight grand overall, then uh, it doesn't matter. That means that you made that eight grand until they that's where this isn't You are 100 wrong. That's not literally the content in his own video on his own stream. VOD Well, yeah, yeah.

I mean and I changed when I post that, then copy strike and and that then you're then the metadata behind that content. If it's yours, it's licensed to you, then why not post that then Because then you do own it. So what's the risk? They never go to court. They threaten until you give up or back off in a month after you counter twice.

Yeah, 100. It would be so unimaginably stupid to go to court uh, over something like this when you have a false claim here. These people don't own the content that I posted the video I posted and a lot of the other people in this story posted are fair use videos which are completely allowed under United States Copyright law. You are allowed to show a piece to critique it.

You are allowed to show someone else's clip while you're doing a commentary video, especially if you're reacting to it. You guys want to know why. You guys want to know why. that's like legally permissible By the way, because this is not happens to be my podcast co-host made it legal precedent isn't name is Ethan Clyde through in his court case quite literally is taught in law books.

Now it's literally ridiculous. This is very important for the nature of transformative content. Uh, as a case law, it was. that's massive dumb like this.

On top of that, that is certain rules that like every content creator knows not to break. Ben Shapiro Stephen Crowder And the like will usually not turn around and, uh, false strike someone because like I'm responding to their videos no matter how big of a they might be, they understand that it's like an unspoken rule amongst it is ridiculous. That would be insane to do. However, there are scumbags out there Chad That is true.
People are weak on the internet and sometimes know they'll do. They'll They'll back and forth somebody right and argue and they'll They'll let there to be Clips be used. They'll use other people's Clips It should be a normal interaction on the internet unless they start losing and then oh yo yo. Actually, I'm gonna strike this because you could both like and it'd be a disaster, right? But it's like a rule.

Well, we all accept that like this. Let's not do that. Who don't give a about that, who don't give a about the unspoken rules that every content creator understands. There's a reason why so many people lose their minds.

Random YouTubers will get incredibly mad about this because it would ruin the entire space. That's what Aiden Ross is doing now. Gavin McGinnis Did this to me and no one really gave a why. one because it was behind a paywall technically and two I didn't pursue it I didn't really care enough about it and he's a Nazi you know what I mean Aiden Ross on the other hand, is maybe a little bit better.

supposed to be a little bit better than an out and about Nazi Which is precisely the reason why. especially as someone with like an online uh presence outside of Kik He should know better than to do some dumb like this. but he doesn't. Let's see what Hassan said he said um, make sure that's taken care of.

it's my new editor probably bro. My editor said Hosanna I think he literally posted your content. Look at the tweet. his video says you're Watermark Let me see that I mean that is kind enough to literally which was so.

which was so incredibly stupid of me and my editors to like leave his socials. It's like courtesy. You know what? I mean You said your watermark the do you mean dog I'm in the video. What the Are you saying? it's transformative.

It's not a replacement or a container for the original. It doesn't have to give me the the Law book on this. Okay, on on. Um, what what does the law say about the opinion on a broadcast without a signing a waiver? Uh um.

if there's like an intended thing like video in, its Market Which means the audience first is not the same audience. bro. it's not even transformative. It's me.

It's me. Me: There's chat. All right. I appear on a show voluntarily knowing it will be.

Help me out ready for me I Wanna I Wanna Know as a main participants but not the host who owns the digital media. Okay, okay, good, that makes sense. Makes sense. Okay, what if I do not sign any waivers or forms? That's a fact.

but his editor chopped up the VOD and added visuals. Incredibly scummy. And Petty Behavior that's disastrous. That's like I mean there Again, this will.

This is like a massive lawsuit. This is going to be a massive loss of money. that will be that will turn the case law pretty much right. It would turn this into a Chase slot and nobody gives a about and it would just be a loss of like two million dollars.
uh from all parties. Call to: Tate Hassan's so thirsty for clout was begging to be brought in the call. he could not get something. an implied consent or all agreement.

An implied consent berates on the nature of 25 and lightest. tall skinny crab looking sexy reels. Man, less than three? Yeah, Gtt has gone massive here. He's cooking like crazy.

Hello, excuse me I've been assigned however? Well, that's an argument. You could potentially have more leverage to negotiate on this dude. This is my Okay. It's essential to remember that the laws registered are very dependent on the contribution.

Okay, I mean a large situation. You voluntarily hop into a call on this corner. Yeah, you know. broadcast that two.

never join your event you're acting. There's a live stream for the public to the book to watch. There's a lot of videos, and then this has been happened in the past three, four, five times, right? I Mean dude, that's still. Uh, that's kind of like a landslider.

Relying on implied doesn't gonna be risky. Yep, true. All right. Then it's just a disaster.

All right. Classic, classic, foreign.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Hasan is suing adin ross for millions?!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AqworldsMew11 says:

    Hasan is right and adin gloating can be used to show he false copyright striked people maliciously.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bring Me the Monkeys says:

    Downfall of Hasan 🍹🗿

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThyUnholySinner says:

    Hassan is such a little baby

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dickenstom says:

    He’s a winner no dispute

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BerserkeR says:

    Lil bro took ages to find out what it was about, processing 2 words per hour.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enzo Raice says:

    how old is this how can he see the dislikes on vids again wtf??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freak Zilla says:

    🎶 Adin false claim that boy?… I don't know but Hasan so SOY 🎶

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShaquilleOatmeal says:

    wtf is a head moderator? every ban has to be finalised and agreed upon by them? wouldn't that just be the streamer 💀

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nossen Kanter says:

    "Socialism is when the rich sue the rich over intellectual property neither own."

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Visual Anthony says:

    i bet Hasan's arms get tired from patting himself on the back so often.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bad Juice says:

    The thing is that most people do not understand is that, you have the option on YouTube before uploading – to make your video unavailable for any reuploads by selecting "do not allow remixing of your video" meaning if any other channel was to upload even 10 seconds of your content it will get a copyrightstrike and be removed from the reuploaders channel permanently even before the upload has finished uploading. Unless that button was selected when uploading – you really cant sue people left and right because the uploader didnt select that option " do not allow remixing of your video" and were within their rights when reuploading the content. These are the rights on YouTube to my knowledge, no idea how Twitch works – but id assume its similar. So ether somebody activated that button after it was uploaded for some time, or Adins channel reported the video by filing a copyright claim report.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Five Pillars says:

    doesnt hasan just use others contents all day

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 690yen says:

    They don’t call him Lasan Crybabi for no reason 😂 biggest leftist loser around

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Bot says:

    Didn't this anarchist guy lie about the 8k?
    hassan cockroaches in the comments lol

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