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On episode 351 of the Impulsive Podcast, Bobby, Lee made one single joke which completely wrecked the relationship between the three hosts Logan Mike and most notably, George he's not coming back. Uh, is he really mad? Is he really mad? Oh, with a guy I Don't wrong. For context, Logan and Mike created the podcast back in late 2018, and it's safe to say that these two have always had excellent chemistry. Their personalities work well together, they seem to be pretty good friends, and generally speaking, they exhibit a similar level of status.

Keeping a permanent third host, on the other hand, has proven much more difficult. The first 150 episodes featured a third host named Spencer who eventually left the podcast to move to Hawaii after which the role went to Logan's childhood friend Mack who'd then also leave after getting into a fight with Mike over their difference in interests. On episode 219 in September 2020, the next and most recent third host was announced as George Jenko, introducing the third co-host of Impulsive My Best Friend George Jenko, who was certainly different to the George, was introduced as a more emotional counterpart to Logan and Mike as he had a reputation for wearing his heart on his sleeve, while Logan and Mike were almost the exact opposite. In addition to this, George was a devout Christian with discussion about his own spirituality adding another layer of contrast to what had previously been a non-religious show.

Outside of Impulsive, George practiced the art of standup comedy. It would be through comedy that he'd eventually made his ruin. One thing was glaringly obvious from George's very first appearance: he simply wasn't on the same level as Logan and Mike Logan has succeeded with everything from Vlogs to Prime. While Mike has overcome his own set of challenges and has proven himself as a fantastic interviewer who meshes well with almost every guest on the show.

George on the other hand, has always felt a little too much like, well, just another guy who Logan met at the gym. Logan I I I met him at a gym George never had the chance to refine his interviewing skills to the same degree as Logan and Mike which is only accentuated by his seating position to the right of the guest, making it much harder for George to engage in the conversation. The obvious imbalance between George Logan Mike and usually the guest as well leaves George with a needy personality and an overpowering desire for approval, leading to over-the-top questions and comments, often producing a clunky viewing experience. I need to know more about you Like how did you figure out that like this entertainment world was, was your calling.

That's what I was going to say. there's well I said it so but I was going to say but I said it. no, it's it's good. It's no, it's good.

I was already funnier than the kids around me so I was like I could tell the joke that they're going to make fun of me but even better and I made it about myself. So I was like making fun of myself like really really self deprecated myself. Generally speaking, George's attitude wasn't severe enough to upset any of the guests. However, on episode 346 with Shaquille O'Neal George was slapped in the face with a bit of a reality check for the first 11 minutes of the podcast.
George didn't say a single word leading Sha to confront him about his lack of input. Hold on. You ain't going to ask me a question. damn he waits.

he likes to wait until he's got BR Listen man. I I read the Bible line when they talk about David and Goliath I've never seen a giant and so like I' I'm literally just I'm a little taken. You've been sitting over here for 30 minutes and that's all you can freaking say Kidding me I was not going to say that's a question jeez I didn't I I'm just sitting I'm I you drunk is I have one question. Is there any chance I can for two seconds put these up so I can hear what's going on.

Take them all. you don't have to ask the prod, just take things off. Okay, after making the excuse that he couldn't hear due to his headphones, George sat quietly for another 11 minutes after which he was scolded again. what the are you doing here Chad Chad guys guys, I'm not I'm not a I'm not a big like humor guy guy like I know everything but I feel like the only way out of this is uh, trolling yourself and taking on the chin.

There's no other way out. I that's my take you just you do some some dumb you say, some some that goes along with it or like after making the EXC headphones George Sat quietly for another 11 minutes after which he was scolded again. what the are you doing here? Ask a question. he's your partner, he's the newest.

You might want to give him his twoe notice I'm on the clock I'm jeez, you're just sitting here like a bobblehead now. yeah no I'm so sorry I I didn't want to interrupt you cuz I couldn't hear but and it's safe to say that this put a permanent dent in George's confidence. He' already joked about how difficult it was to be the third host. in the past it's hard to be the third person on a podcast two very vocal main hosts and after the Shaquille O'Neal episode, it was obvious that George's confidence had fallen off a cliff.

and then recently I've been just getting really nervous that I'm not doing well enough for the podcast anymore. Only five episodes after Sha Rose to George Bobby Lee would join the show for impulsive 351 during which one single joke would send the show into turmoil. The episode began with Bobby taking a little jab at George by suggesting that Mike was call you have everything Cool friends, You have cool friends like this guy. What about here? Yet things became a little more contentious when George took it from fun to borderline aggressive.

Some people just don't like sucking dick. Now turn around and know the wisdom. I give you w before displaying more arrogance just a few minutes later. How about you? First of all, what's my name sensing George's clear insecurity Bobby began to roast George whenever he got the opportunity, you have a girlfriend? Yeah, unbelievable.
What? Why would you? Why would you do that to a guest on a show that's like the weirdest ever. What? You invite him on a show and try to to act like you're your, you're cooler and you're punching downwards brother. they're a guest. you only what the is that your girlfriend without Fame you wouldn't get that although the ultimate roast would come after.

George Went on a 2 and a half minute monologue about the struggles he faced in his life and I don't mean this in a cocky way but like dude, this put me on a very strong map and it made a lot of my Avenues blow up. So I'm very but I didn't know I was going to be here so it's like that's hey and was just a long monologue. he was just waiting I was let me just say something I loved what you were saying. it was just very long.

that's usually me, that's usually. but you know I got what you're saying and you really inspired me. George Can I say something? First of all, don't touch me. Do Not touch me.

My my bad. yeah we just need writers to edit that that like if we had a staff of writers, they'd be like yeah, we'll cut that cut that but essentially it was a really good mod. Usually when I do my comedy I don't have writers in the room I actually write my own stuff. Okay I could tell but um, maybe you should get a wrer.

But my point is for the rest of the podcast George went into his own little world except for when Bobby got his attention just so he could. All right George So sad. What I'm saying is that when you were talking we are for that 30 minutes eventually leading George to walk off the podcast, get in an Uber and leave without saying goodbye. The episode received comments such as: it's impossible to call yourself a comedian if you can't handle being slaughtered by other comedians especially the captain Bob himself George tells everyone he's going to be the Best comedian alive, but he can't take a joke from the legendary Bobby Lee It's like a badge of honor.

How does he think most comedians communicate with each other? I've always thought George thinks he's funnier than he really is and when people roast him, he gets super butt hurt. Like this generation things became worse for George after this video by Jamari gained well over a million views leading George to address the criticism in The Following episode of Impulsive by arrogantly stating that he enjoyed all the hatred I love that people were just commenting and getting so steamed. made me realize like oh I really don't care I want it I want to be in their heads more like I like it love how George is trying to act like he's not heard about this when he had to leave the Pod cuz Bobby Lee out of all people almost made him cry dude is a clown a week after George responded Logan appeared on Bobby Le I feel if you can to make that sement chat you got to you got to really kind of charge it up really hard and send it with full confidence cuz even then even though he had like time to process everything and whatever it still it still came across as like really insecure tiger belly. where Bobby took a moment to talk about George's Behavior what he did was unprofessional I was a guest he walked out on a guest.
If this guy right here walked out on a guest, he would be reprimanded before roasting him yet again. if you had walked out right it would have been like oh it's over but him walking out was just kind of like let's keep going Bobby and Logan then decided that they should get George on a call. You want to settle this right now? Yeah, I'm going to call right now leading Bobby and George to fix their relationship I Want to apologize Ch Ch your in my op, your role in things will change and shift on the Fly and you need to learn how to to adapt what your new what your new role is on that podcast. It was the guy who's getting on right.

Take the roll right and take that and that's that's just it cuz I like fighting it is really bad your negative value behavior on your podcast Bobby Lee you shut your mouth I'm apologizing to you I left you you were our guest I Want to pull back my apology then because I I I to cuz I literally did not feel sorry pull out, pull out I pulled out of the apology I Don't feel sorry but I will accept yours right? Um, and hopefully you know when I come back to your podcast, we can make it right. However, it was obvious that the whole thing had caused a serious fracture between George and Logan becoming most obvious when they're getting to an almost hourlong argument only five episodes after the Bobby Le podcast. I Know people that hate me that treat me better about my faith than you and you're my best friend. One that really hurt me is you told me I need a therapist because I believe in Jesus that one hurt me No I didn't I mean bro.

this guy this guy show up to the to the podcast What outside, what is it California in the Sun and Sh they're all t-shirts this guy looks like he's about plan Mount Everest What the No I didn't I said you need a therapist because Jesus isn't quite doing for you which is I won't stand down. No, you didn't What do I need a therapist for then Jesus isn't doing it for you and I I do I need a therapist for I Don't believe you're as emotionally mature as you could be I'm not emotionally intelligent could you? Could you pick a time and frame any day of our life? Here's one: 3 weeks ago, when you were sitting in that chair, you stormed off this exact podcast because you're upset about something a comedian said Logan did Apologize in their very next episode Together, my attitude towards you on that episode and my belittlement of your beliefs was not appropriate at all. However, George seemed to realize that his days on Impulsive were numbered as he'd create his own podcast before click baiting the first episode with the title. Why? George Jango is not on impulsive implying that he' left the group George Used the video to explain that this hadn't really happened obviously.
I'm not true. Yeah. I mean dude, there's a lot of things to attack on some and there all reasons why there certain way. I Think going straight to like religion sh like that it's just kind of out of pocket.

There's usually a bunch of things you could layer it out before that like still on impulsive guys uh for any of you guys that are like oh, their beef situation and now he's starting his own like Lane Even going so far as to say their relationship was as good as ever. Me Logan and Mike are in a perfect place. yet it was obvious that this clickbait video had annoyed Logan I'm just doing this for a couple weeks so then I could leave and clickbait that why I left impulsive you know it's that's good. It's a good strategy Crush it's been done.

It's been done many times and it's it works by who. Oh well. you can make a real living for yourself. You know we've seen the model resulting in more and more uncomfortable moments on the podcast.

You don't give a about this show anymore. Let's be honest. it's like bands that hate each other that have to get on stage every night and play for the audience like yo let's do our hit so we don't like we have to sit. That's not true I like Mike George well he's about to you don't only three episodes after comparing themselves to a band forced to play together George disappeared from the show without warning, leading fans to speculate on whether or not he'd been booted.

Mike refused to elaborate on the situation when asked by Aiden I mean they should have kicked him a long time ago I mean that that was garbage I'm just going to say that energy is just so bad it it looks so draining and like eggshell type. That's why is GE not impulsive anymore? Is that like you don't to answer that? No no I don't want to talk about that. Although only 1 month later on an episode of Jeff FM with Mike and tan Mojo Tanner accidentally said this. we are the new impulsive I'm sorry we are.

It's fine you having like a Rebrand like George is Le like this is it at around the same point in time George unfollowed both Logan and Mike on Instagram which was followed by impulsive changing their profile picture from this to this as well as their their Banner. From this to this, all of this had happened silently with no input from the hosts. However, on the 26th of April 2023 George would post a Twitter I wasn't going to talk but now I am oh no. Trust me, somebody like that who says what he says and who's insecure like that? Oh no, come on come on brother.

he was always going to talk. Are you kidding me? who? that behind the scenes replies on the post encouraged George to keep the drama private. Yet on the 31st of May approximately 1 month later another tweet was made dating I'm so sorry I can't speak about things not my choice I Do love you guys And for those of you sending me the clip of them talking, it's all love I've already moved on from that toxic environment. Confirming that he was no longer on the podcast, the post receiver apply slamming George such as mate you sat there not speaking for 90% of the time.
what are we missing your silence to which he'd respond by stating you think I wanted to be quiet hah haa. Yet this kind of statement is representative of why he's unsuitable for the podcast. He cares way too much about how other people view him. If you're the type of person who gets defensive and feels like you always have to be in the right, you're probably better suited to a Facebook comment section and not a career on.

YouTube Despite this, George has seen some Success With The George Jko show yet Logan hasn't been able to resist roasting George's low view count I Love this outlet and it exists because people watch and without people watching. I just have a show like me. What? I do Since then Georgia stated he simply wants to distance himself from Mike and Logan I'm wait, What? Being the right, you're probably better suited to a Facebook comment section and not a career on YouTube Who? Well, the views look really good too. Well, hasn't been able to what it says that guys, guys.

I don't I Logan hasn't been I don't like being a viewer kind Andy I think it's I think it's just cringe I think analytics are cringe I think for a guy leaving a show and whatever on his own I think this is doing pretty good for a podcas I get a question mark. You can't cook him for this one or that one. Whatever that, that's pretty good. For how consistent it is, this is pretty good.

I mean if you want to speak about it, an analytically about the analytics for somebody leaving a podcast, even yes, even if it's they're they're big YouTubers and it's Logan Paul You go on your own as this guy who wasn't the big performer right and the big guy, this is successful. yes, show yet Logan hasn't been able to resist roasting George's low view count I Love this outlet and it exists because people watch and without people watching I saying 20K 20K 20K Who cares about that? 12K Who get bro, Stop stop trying to Define people dude by one bad video because there's a bunch of other ones. It's It's so like bro. you make the we talk about insecurity.

You make this guy sound like like a absolute Alpha Chad of the Jungle that's just insecure calling out the one bad at the bottom of the list amongst all the other good ones people watch and like like a like a Chad Lord Um, since then Georgia stated that he simply wants to distance himself from Mike and Logan I'm at a point right now where I I want distance from both of them I don't want anything to do with it and I just move on which seems to be the best possible outcome for everybody involved. Okay, usually saying that uh, you could just kind of like move on in like a a more gracious way. kind of like you can kind of slip out of that question pretty much pretty easily without having to say that otherwise it kind of looks like the opposite though. yo.
this is X x on the be okay my voice as well that is. anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so s anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “How 1 joke collapsed a popular youtuber xqc reacts to sunnyv2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Half8n says:

    chat is so fucking stupid holy shit I cant

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nandi Lovric says:

    Clowns on the internet make them forget what manners is and how to act like decent human beings, no wonder

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars First name Last name says:

    I kinda feel bad for George since he was pretty much getting bullied by his "friends" every day, but I hate his arrogance and ego.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hunter Bronson says:

    George is definitely an insecure person, but who exactly would want to be in a situation where they are constantly shit on? After a while you get sick of it. If a guy who films a persons HANGING CORPSE tells you that you need to be more emotionally intelligent, you are probably not the problem

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradnewsbear says:

    George is worth 1000 of the worthless pauls and their worthless garbage content. Imagine being such a terrible person that you actually like and defend someone who scams and victimizes children.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy says:

    Dude just wasted the whole sub

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron D says:

    I regret watching this. Just more drama.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andre Turner says:

    Love bobby 😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reoki says:

    Thanks for reuploading someone else's YouTube video.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steak says:

    George didn’t handle things the right way but Logan and mike were really dogshit toxic friends to him

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guts says:

    The background music is too serious for the context of the video and slightly agitates me, like what in the first 48…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rat says:

    Okay one criticism, I don’t think it’s very reasonable to say his position of being on the other side of the podcast guest made it difficult for him to be part of the conversation. They’re in the same room ffs it literally makes no difference. My friends and I have no trouble sitting around a fire or table and all talking

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zqxito says:

    How does anybody not take George's side in this situation, imagine getting verbally abused for no reason all the time and when you speak up about it you're the bad guy. X's biggest L take I have ever seen

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