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#xQc #Alpha #React

Guy in the youtube battle pass. A new alpha male gets unlocked and you know know we have to make a video about them. You see goofing on alpha males. A special talent of mine usually because they're uneducated walking balls of cringe that lack any form of self awareness.

So i'm able to pick apart their pseudoscience like a goddamn surgeon. What they're trying to say i find it really ironic. Whenever dudes constantly talk about girls who are into astrology. Meanwhile.

They're the same men who repost stock images of wolves on their instagram stories with the latest and greatest sigma. Mail quotes. The guys who subscribe to these made up ideologies are usually so detached from reality. It would be a waste of everyone's time if you try to argue rationalize or even just sit down and listen to what they have to say because they're way too far gone.

There's boys at home these are the exact same dudes who look up tutorials on youtube on how to sleep with more women how long they should wait between sending text messages because i saw that the guy greek likes right and i thought it was really crazy as i was like that guy's really cringe thumbnail and they throw money at self help gurus guys like they're getting the tatty god damn strippers at a nightclub. I see right through their ultra machismo that they grasp onto like the golden snitch in harry potter or the oddball in halo. If someone or something questions they're fragile masculinity. I do know how to try so hard two years can i get a welcome what is that games or cpr however i will not administer cpr unless you're a hot female this is the reality if you're some fat dude.

And you've just had a heart attack and i don't really know you i'm gonna die i mean if you're a really good friend no not even if you're a friend you bet. If you're my friend you just can't be a go ahead a heart attack get the up late guys. I don't know when this guy tries so hardcat to to emulate chad have a drink cigarette cup of coffee back in the game having none of my friends would even have those kind of problems because i don't roll with little but if you're some dude. I don't know when you need cpr and then what's look at me.

Who knows cpr well me help him. No why cause. I'm gay. Well.

You got arrested wait. What real yeah. Anyway um. The first video is i'm getting more high tech.

With my intros as you can see so today's topic is girls who are baffled. What the was that i'm getting more high tech. With my intros as you can see so today's topic is girls who are baffled by cheating every day i scroll through facebook. I'm looking for a particular post.

I'm looking for those bimbos who whose man cheated on him and instead of sitting there like a good woman hey guys i want to be with you guys. This house is going to look like um like um. Um. You know what are the ones like model homes.

Or whatever the you go to ikea and they go room to room through ikea right and they looking in the mirror. And saying my tits are a little saggy and i don't know why i can't love you. But instead they want to go on facebook. Men are the enemy men are pigs.
Why did he do it i can't believe he did it i'm so confused. What are you confused about when's the last time you cooked him dinner. What who hurt this man. I mean.

There's no other way to like put that into words. He has a deep problem with women that is way too far beyond anyone's diagnosis. I don't know what to do in this situation. There is an absolute mad lad spewing on youtube do you suck dick on demand yes or no come again what see you guys as as as do you obey this dude's out there every day working and he comes home to hear from you and then you bro bro.

See see this is this one that i have all these like um. These like we like guys you guys. It it it's like the the the i award uh are coming back out of the woodworks. This is like a new wave of of i word we can't say anymore.

Unfortunately. Uh uh. There's a platform. We got what works prince it's intended that oh the girls make money the girls will make money.

Oh yeah. The girl was bitching uh in every scenario. Because the girls are making money okay what happens what happens is let's say to some sort of cosmic anomaly. This guy meets a girl that makes more money than him right she comes home hey.

What is yummy. It's tati ayo tati. Where's the chicken hey yo hey. Yo yo scumbag.

What the is the sandwich at where's the chicken. Okay. Where are the ribs at where are my glazed ribs. You dumb.

Where the is that you are the only female on earth. He's allowed to have sex with and when he wants sex you don't want it so. He has to go through his life sexlessly. Because you're a frigid.

Ass hoe. This man was either raised by a legitimate serial killer. Because the guy intends that that that that the guy. It works hard to make money and a girl has to bake food.

That's that's the that's the intended. He's assuming that that's every every day all things when when wh what happens when the girl makes more money than you are are you gonna gonna gonna be cooking at you like that what do you think like what or he's a multi millionaire. Okay and and and so am i so what what about it what about it does that mean that we throw all the things out the window. He's a comedian doing one of the greatest bits of all time.

And he's pushing the envelope of political correctness. Except. It's just flopping. He has a net worth of a hundred mil he dresses like a fake gi joe fight.

Auditioner living in a ikea set. What the are you talking about man. And it's not funny and you're confused. He cheated.

I don't understand why i understand why because you're a piece of oh okay look after your man. Bearer. Maybe. He won't cheat in all cheating scenarios.

100 of the blame is always on the female. The female yo. These guys are the same they are so cookie cutter stop wondering by this video. I mean dude.
I mean dude. These these guys tricks are outrageous. It's baffling. Yeah.

I said it it's true because if you looked. After your man. Properly let me tell you something man by the way by the way. I'm not kidding.

Um. Growing up. I had this clock right. Here.

This glock. Over. Here. You get the you get those at in the furniture aisle at uh at costco.

This is a costco clock are a lot more lazy than you give us credit for we can't be bothered. It's a comment go out there find some bimbo talk to her take her for dinner. Buy her some listen to her opinions on her favorite dog breed and scroll. Oh yeah your instagram filter.

Yeah i'll take the picture men. We don't want to do none of that where did this come from you got you guys as i this this is attire opinions on her take her for dinner. Buy her some listen to her opinions on her favorite dog breed and scroll. Oh.

Yeah. Bro. Bro. Leafy has a as a sugar.

Where did this come from this man really woke up put on a leather jacket decided it would be a great idea to turn on his camera and rant in his living room about a made up scenario that nobody gives a flying about he's quite literally doing this to himself this is already off the rails let me go to the comment section. Quick. And see if anyone is you know sharing some dissenting opinions or maybe they're agreeing with him in all cheating scenarios. A hundred percent of the blame is always on the female.

So um true 144 upvotes one look at the comment section on this video that is tells me that youtube has an actual problem with the radicalization of toxic men. These in cells burrow into these rabbit holes and cuddle with each other just basking in their misogyny. It's disgusting. The only logical explanation that i could possibly think of that definitely doesn't even scratch the surface to describe this man's attitude is that he was probably cheated on and then he internalized all that hate and this is the result.

The man's cheating is because you ain't looking after him stop being as you can say the feeling guy's gonna perfect brains rubber panes wait i mean sometimes it kind of is i am as well though. But um. That's kind of true. Though baffled.

I'm telling you right now why he did it so you stopped going on facebook with all these other girls below. I know i can't believe it my man cheated too cause you're all low quality pieces of a popular thing within the manosphere is to ascribe value to people. It is the cringiest dumbest. I've ever heard they often sound like actual children too i'm a high value male.

I don't with low value like get a grip you haven't touched grass in 30 years. Yeah. I i say the guy's pretending i think he's been adopted a boomer mentality from seven hundred years where you think it's okay to sling girls over your shoulder like a caveman and that they should answer to you every beck and call get out of here. Yeah.
Yeah. You're right i guess. We should probably watch this entire video. I should watch this video and finally and it's insane sort yourself out so you can end that confusion.

While we're on subject is cheating if your man does cheat the most stupid thing you can do is leave him nope. It's what elf out so let me put some makeup on do some stupidity please look after yourselves unless you put some makeup on do some burpees you got a gum sort yourself out so you can end that confusion. While we're on subject is cheating if your man does cheat the most stupid thing you can do is leave him nope. It's it's confirmed he was cheated on probably about a thousand times and i wonder why i wonder you're gonna leave the man you love the man you were head over heels in love with you're gonna leave him and find another man who you don't love who's still gonna cheat on you because you're still a trash what what what's the point in that at least keep the love going.

Why if you're gonna get cheated on at least get cheated on by a man you love not a man you half like dude those couches are sick they're so manly so ugly i half life like this dude. He's banging. My best friend at least i love him he cheats on me. But i love him not yeah.

I i think i i guess i i think he's just far. I think he's guys still trolling. I think his guys actually guys he's guess he's still trolling there's no shot there's no shot no it's just stick by him anyway now you're starting to sound. Like a real woman sort your out because get manicure stop typing.

Because it it doesn't make sense. But both sides can cheat okay and on top of that yeah i'd rather restart well either restart register. Entirely okay then then build me on a shaky foundation or whatever the right that's higher risk. And doing if i get under mental torment.

It's not it's not worth it just not advice to a yeah stop typing on facebook. Instead watch my manic episode on youtube. While i preach to an army of smooth brain goblins. So yeah.

That's who we're dealing with today in the next video biggest mistake. A rich men make with girls with today. And the next video is called the biggest mistake. Hey.

Which men make with girls you know what happens when you're a real g holy new challenger approaching mr. Chrome dome himself johnny sins wants his hair cut back jeans got the forehead of a goddamn beluga white wannabe jeff bezos evil villain that head is smoother than my ball sack after today's video sponsor. Manscaped this video is brought to you by. Manscapedcom.

And. Chris um. Yeah. You know wrong yeah.

Guys. Does that mean you have the actual video itself i'm gonna just watch the video itself you can chat you guys gotta give use okay okay this intro is just this is not it you know what happens when you're a real g. You guys aren't real g.'s so you don't know i'll tell you what happens. When you're a real g.
When you're a realtor you end up with all these chicks. Right. And when you have all these chicks. Hey bro bro bro bro bro blindly.

They listen to you why wouldn't they listen to you the best thing they could possibly ever get of course they listen. And what happens also when you're real g. Is that you're here you're there you're everywhere you're making moves you're making money you gotta go to poland you gotta go to warsaw dubai miami. Anyone who bro completely in love with me and of course they don't go out.

They're not allowed out like all tate's away so they go out with their friends. No no no no you don't go to the club with your friends i don't know what kind of bitch ass dude. Who's letting his chicks go to the club with her friends without him you know what i guess you guys i'm going to tell you am i as i'm going to break the code here chat you guys this this attire i'll tell you exactly what you're gonna somebody who isn't uh an insecure weak soy boy that's that's the who that that's exactly that's exactly who that is not that is chat as you guys i guess i wish people people would comprehend at these days. That this is the this is an extreme anti uh.

Chad. Take this is a massive anti chad. I don't know what is wrong with you all these days okay that that thing the insecurity is chad guys guys. I don't i don't have to look at my partner's phone at what they're doing at where they went who they're going who they're going to place with i don't have to look i have not even a sliver of a doubt or anything in my mind that that makes i have no thoughts zero all day is why because one i'm secure.

I know what i have i know what i'm worth right and i know it's not going to slip away to something better because i know that for that person and what we have i'm the best to fit. And i'm number one and nobody comes even close so what would i give a if if the person that i'm with is gonna go with number three's number twenties number. One hundreds well i'm number one why the would i care if if they're gonna be around people that are that are under what would i care. I don't i don't give a they think it's whatever they want is that what are we gonna think is this thing.

If you were securing a relationship. You you understand that that person is with you for you and you are number one out of all possible fits. I've always with its right. They chose you by you if you undermine that if you think that it's not true and you're insecure.

That's how you become number two by being a little and you can't go you can't go see. Other people and be around and go to the club you can't be with the people because i'm scared. They're gonna be better than me you you can't go out to people because they might be better than me so you can't see them dude. It's the opposite.
I know the fact that they they could look at all the options and they're still be convinced number one boom end of story. No you stay in the house. You don't go nowhere. You're not no restaurants.

No clubs nothing so because i have all these chicks sitting in their houses is that a bad thinking. Wow. I actually agree with an xqc take one day. Somehow you're gonna get a relationship right and you're getting up.

I'm not kidding you're gonna end up losing. It because you're insecure right and then your perspective is gonna change because of the doubts you had and because of the mentalities you had and because of all the doubt you had it actually became real the things you feared the most became real because of that root behavior. And it's entirely gonna be on you it's gonna be nobody else's fault. But yours you can say you can blame the girl you can blame the whatever you can blame the people you can even blame your friends that are that they pray around your girl whatever.

But it'll be entirely because of you and it's sort of they're bored and i'm going here they're never that's worse they all end up coming up with the same idea and their idea is this sooner or later. It's a full circle. They say well andrew they text it they text a nice long text and they say in a way like i'm going to be pleased with what i read that's what's actually amazing. They say hey i've got a great idea heart heart.

What no seriously. It's such a good idea. What she's like well you're always busy working. So.

Why don't i start a business. Too so that i'm not bored. While you're away. And we can make more money like i'm going to and they expect me to do yes arrested for human trafficking.

No i don't need you i don't even need women to make money why would i want you making money for what i have unlimited money i have so much money what i want you to do is just be pleasant and smile and comply and obey i want you to be happy all the time. See if this is this is this is the opposite against insecurity. What you want is a girl to feel fulfilled empowered confident that that makes them have energy and passion that's what fuels your relationship energy passion confidence that's what makes a strong bond not but worse than all that you want me to pay to start your business. That's what this real thing is every single time and the worst thing is women believe in all the crap they see about business online right like follow your passions.

If you really believe in your passion. Then you'll make money. Which is not even true. It's a simple concept because because if you're if the entire foundation foundation.

If you're thinking of your relationship. It's the fact that you have money instead and federal stability. What happens when the money is gone what happens when something bad happens and and you lose money the person then didn't build with you based on on what you do your mindset your your whatever. It was all on just money whenever you lose that one thing.
It's all gone then what know what that's the worst business advice ever do you think the chinese billionaire the concrete billionaire in china is passionate about concrete you think he's jerking off over concrete. I think he rubs his face on concrete blocks. No he doesn't give a he wants to get paid anyone out here has actually made me real money you know sometimes you got to do you don't want to do to get paid. So this whole passion thing is garbage.

If you still believe that then you should quit business completely so because women believe this junk then they come at you with one of their passions and usually around about 99 of the time and i'd know because i've had this exact conversation. Probably around 100 times with 100 different women and 99 of them. Said. The same thing.

One of them said pet grooming. Don't get me started. The other 99. Said beauty salon.

I want to open a beauty salon. Why do you want to open a beauty salon. Oh. Because you know i really like makeup.

And i'm really good at makeup and i watch these things on youtube about makeup and my friend claire is really good at makeup. And i know all these girls who need their makeup done and it's really hard to get your makeup. Done properly. And i will be the place you can get your makeup.

Done properly. It's going to become called beauty elysium and everyone's going to come and they're going to get their makeup. Done. And it's going to be a big successful business.

So i just need you to rent me a building and put gucci sofas. In and get me. A nice sexy sign and cover the whole place in flowers. And spend all your money.

Okay. Okay okay. Okay. You know what i'm thinking now.

I'm thinking. I'm thinking some of his some of his girlfriends probably actually asked him for that and it scarred him for life. I think i think it's hard to move on from the experience that some girl asked him for a salon. Because he got probably got with some i i i would all respect basic ass.

I'm sorry for the term. But when you act like this you get what you you you comes next to you basically has but for the same thing and you get tired of it because that guy's guys. It's like a cycle. If you if you attract basic ass you get busy experience of course.

You're gonna have basic ass rants about them like what 7 45 crawl out of bed with a cappuccino and walk guys. It's like it's like wanting to find your life partner at the club and then going to the club every day looking for a life partner you're not gonna find your life partner at the club of all places man look in there with my hair curl. The ceo in a little girl suit and look around all my customers and all the money. I'm making and have them do my makeup.
And then i'll go off for lunch at two o'clock. And we'll be millionaires up. And this guy's trolling women business works that wouldn't ever work. But this is how it works in their mind in their mind.

They're gonna have this little cute beauty shop and they're gonna go there for like 20 minutes and they're gonna about and everyone's gonna be laughing. It's all gonna be funny hahaha big jokes like sex in the city episode and money's gonna come from the sky. They don't anticipate the fact that every single organization that is primarily run by females is just a fest anyway. The staff are going to hate you the staff are going to hate each other the staff are going to start stealing customers behind your back by claire yeah.

See claire the video you don't understand why i would do something like that but i'm going to explain it to you yeah guys. This is not anything more worth watching to be honest. I thought it was gonna be sort of interesting somehow somehow. But it it's just stupid.

It was just really dumb okay well that was an eye opener uh. It wasn't but yeah um tonight.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “How pathetic alpha males get girls”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars notlengthy says:

    dude nothing is more cringe than a guy who literally admits to obessesing over alpha males and disecting them LMFAO WTF

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ignite-Sensei says:

    True Xqc Take

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Yoel says:

    People really coping because they cant be a decent human. Thats roughhh..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nitin Priyadarshi says:

    Clueless This has to be satire.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars QueenIU says:

    What color is your buggatti

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars REAPD says:

    This Phillion guy is unwatchable. I am getting annoyed every time he says something even though he has good points. It's just that he feels like a fucking critikal copycat + pseudo-science practitioner + someone who goes "toxic and fragile masculinity" and "ki** **l men" + yearns for feminist women's attention–kind of person. It gets on my nerves.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheese 2 U says:

    This is the peak human

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peedy pxblo says:

    Tate is a pure troll who’s working the game just like Lavar Ball did. But I’m weak @ the DryCritical comparisons. This guy is his son. 😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casual Satanist says:

    Let me say this.

    I wouldnt give cpr to a 200 kg ugly ass whale. Im being honest.

    Now tho, I would always give cpr to my homies n I suppose most people since im pretty sure most people arent that disgusting.

    But yeah, im not sorry for saying this. Someone of that fucking weight has only themself to blame for putting their heart n body at risk.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrZyCrYpTic 8160 says:

    I just don’t get how the youtuber that looks like a discord mod is going to roast (if you can even call his garbage insults roasts) someone who is richer, better looking, and gets bitches. He said Andrew is one of those males that “haven’t touched grass in 30 years” yet Andrew probably does everyday while discord mod sits in his dark room making YouTube videos. I’m not an Andrew Tate fanboy but his content is extremely funny and entertaining, and he isn’t sexist, he literally explains that in an interview, the YouTuber that was talking about Andrew is cringe and just outright annoying 💀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mob says:

    Crazy how all the people in the comments think he’s a troll / fake😹😹 Y’all must not know about COBRA TATE

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