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Keep Doubting Kick. It's already taking over fire. Emoji Respectfully people that say stuff like this: Doubting Kick You don't understand. That kick makes twitch money like Kick is using Twitch's services and if Twitch really wanted, they could just buying a sh box Toyota for safety to look.

right now they're just sitting back like thanks I guess but also well I'm confused. Well, that's not how that works, huh? Go off. Queen Uh Well what guys I don't even have to be on the defensive here. I I Don't look like I'm like I'm like I'm like I'm brother, brother Amazon Isn't Twitch? When will people get this? There's a massive difference.

Honestly I don't really care Dam much. Yeah well AWS is am Amazon and Twitch is Amazon So in a way it is my D Okay so I think you need you need something to understand. Okay, you need to understand. This is super important.

Okay guys guys, I'm say the truth to you and you're going to be confused. but if you think about it I'm I'm right and you're going to be oh I Get it. Amazon has Amazon web services so servers right so are really really good for like video encoding and it's really good for video. So and then Amazon Bot twitch Amazon that's a top right and Kick uses Amazon web services to run their video.

uh, servers right? So in Amazon's is in Amazon's view of the world right? Amazon As a as a parent company, they're literally making money off of kick and losing money on Twitch It is not a flex to say that Amazon is a making money off of kick that is like the most counter. Flex of all time. you're Lally flexing that your site is a money sync compared to one that's making the money. What the kind of argument is this? I mean am I Am I crazy like what the it is but also I'm just a random streamer I'm just saying what I've gathered from Keep Doubting Kick.

it's am taking over fire emo. I'm right. Respectfully, people that say stuff like this in the business sense right? I mean Amazon should double down on Kick and drop Twitch. but I I'm just saying gu I still love Twitch I still I still love kick I'm just saying on paper on paper I mean I mean you don't understand that Kick makes Twitch money like Ki is using Twitch's services and and if Twitch really wanted, they could just stop giving these services to kick.

So off. Well right now they're just sitting back like thanks I guess Chad Mak Why Chad This is the same thing as as Faas you know FaZe Reason why FaZe um I I Want to buy Faas at one point, right? But I end up being you know I Don't think this' be a good idea to go into that realm of buy. Why? Because they have a bunch of overhead costs and they have a lot of money. They have a a crazy amount of um, salaries, costs, employees, right? And you buy phase you have.

You have to pay all these mother suckers. It's super expensive, right? You think about Kick. It still has a small small teams, right? So the overheads AR Very expensive. It's expensive.

The silver cost, whatever, for sure, right? But if you look at Twitch compared to Kick when they bought out the company, they have a fuckload ass. ton of overhead costs and salaries, employees. uh, things to maintain. it's so expensive.
that's the problem problem. Do you get it? Do you hear me? Yeah. I Hear you loud and clear. For starters, congrats on your deal.

Oh thank you thank you Million doll. That's right. Triple Trillionaire. Yeah, it's a T.

I'm getting I'm getting a whole um, I'm getting like a sweater made. It's like a big T It's uh, it's like a bunch of a bunch of commas. A trillionaire Anyway, all right, well deserved. I Don't know if you remember like a year or two ago when I said I think like the only Creator Twitch should not lose.

Is you right I Remember that? Yes. and so I guess Ultimately, I'm still glad it's nonexclusive. Even though they kind of lost you, you're still kind of here anyways. I know you just saw my take as a lot of people have.

so I just want to clarify like I for sure did misspeak when I said like twitch and Amazon um when I use them synonymously because yes, when Twitch profits Amazon does but not necessarily the other way around. Right when Twitch profits, say it again. say again when Twitch profits Amazon profits but not necessarily the other way around. Although there is a relationship there, you know like Amazon can fund Twitch in ways if it chooses to.

Yeah yeah I mean if were to go down and things like and and things are are going wrong, they have a lot more Escape Routes with Amazon because they own the service or whatever and if yeah, of course they have more leeway for sure I mean um, the money Amazon makes you know that doesn't necessarily mean twitch is making that money. So I get that you know I I should have instead said Amazon in my sentences instead of twitch right? Yeah yeah yeah, it's just because. um, it's just because I think my opinion was that on super costs directly right? Amazon Amazon being at the top right? um uh I know was the the like the actual point of the argument right? cuz I don't think em would ever like drop kick out of like out of baldness cuz it's a it's a profitable Venture for them they're literally making yeah they're literally in the the green right? um with with kick quite literally and I mean I Listen, this is not I'm not going to this. This is not a secret I'm not saying this at a SPID I Trust me, trust me.

I will never say anything out out of spite to anybody cuz I think everybody's chilling out right I'm not I don't think there's any like oh guys, these guys are bad and whatever but in but in comparison, um money when it comes down to uh, twitch is, um, it's it's a it's a it's a money scnc all they really care about oh Twitch, yeah to Amazon but I'm sure there are other ways that it's valuable. Obviously none of us fully know the back end. I Think what I was trying to say in that clip is just like in a sense Amazon and Twitch are on the same side and Ki is using an Amazon service and so it's just my personal Theory um that say listen um overall you know what I really like about people like C um they they don't give a like they they don't give like they're rud in reality. So when when I say oh the chat sucks this sucks.
This sucks this yeah yeah, you're right. uh we'll fix that and they're always open for for change or whatever right? So whenever if you if you're holding your tongue because you're scared of like hurting me, whatever or you say harsh words, whatever I don't care, you can say whatever you want cu no. frankly I don't even know enough about kick to say much I was just saying whether it's twitch or kick winning Amazon is winning. That was my point entirely and that you know if push were come were to to shove.

Yeah, yeah. I can imagine Amazon picking the company that they own over the one that they don't own. but that's just my theory I don't know for sure I don't know the back end of how this. Works how much data Amazon gathers from either streaming platform? how they value either one Etc right? I was just trying to say either way, daddy Amon is winning.

Um, but I shouldn't have said twitch cuz yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's it's a thing people make. Yeah, yeah, um the convention that I made um with chat is something that I that I um that I I start understanding it is that unfortunately? Okay, no. fortunately when you work with people that are growing and they're they're so small, right? There's not a lot of overhead costs, not a not a lot of employees, not a lot of buildings, not a lot of to keep on. Um, and B you're start from the bottom.

That's when the opportun is really good because overhead costs are pretty small right? So when when when growth is coming in, it's it's it's really POG right? So Amazon like when buy out buy buying twitch. The problem that they're sucking right now is that over costs are insane. It's why a money thing because on paper the servers are about the same I get it. probably have like discounts whatever for Twitch right? Because it's their own company right? They they own it.

So of course the the price they're putting on on on the Ser is probably less correct chat. It's like it's kind of how business. Works um compared to the one that they deliver a kick, they probably they probably have add a premium for themselves right? So so my thought: uh yeah, they do have cost Exactly. That's what I thought.

But the problem is that it's a money sync because all the overhead costs right? It's massive corporate there a lot of employees. There's so much, right? And it's why I was like I Would tend to agree with you that if push comes to shove, um they would keep twitch I Thought this is argument which I kind of agree with. if push comes to shove I think they say say it, um we're just going to do. we're just going to go to buy our servers rent our servers.
we're not people. Yeah yeah. I agree with that. take as well that they might instead.

I mean I don't really know if there's a I mean they might just sell twitch and be like we'll just sell you guys the service to kick and twitch and instead just profit that way without having to worry about the overall cost. infrastructure overhead Etc Oh, I mean that I mean Twitch would go bankrupt in in the in 24 hours? I Don't know I mean maybe wait, wait, have you ever okay if you don't do, if you don't do the cost of a servers at premium price right and you you were to to calculate the extra amount that Twitch costs on server, it is exorbitant. My Stream My running my stream on Twitch is a an absolute money burner. The fact that this stream is live and chat is watching CH is here.

We are. Literally we have a big pot and we are burning money. Ridiculous. Maybe that's a price someone wants to pay? I mean clearly Amazon wanted to pay it.

People have been paying it in the past or they'll just make everybody run eight minutes of ads. I Don't know. but I do want to clarify something which is I I Really Okay, Obviously you know I'm not a fan of the gambling stuff, so for that reason kick kind of leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. But I really really do hope that their participation in this industry will lead to just better opportunities for creators, especially smaller streamers, especially since we all know Twitch has been making like really annoying changes.

So I'm I'm happy to see like individuals get that bag. Yeah, that's really it, but so what? Oh, but also dexer or replies are still ass yeah slly Miss word something any title, any clip with any girl in it is just gross something I realized I get it's not the same ratios but M gam gamble overall is like laced or is part of it like if everything and when you think about it Amazon I mean don't a deal with Draft Kings Like lace everything Gamb gamb Gamba is everywhere Gamba is lace with everything G's gambas is everywhere. It's it, surrounds, it's dominates our world right? I mean Amazon Amazon runs twitch Amazon has to deal with DraftKings no don't they do that for like a a ton of amount of money? I mean it's they're not like they're not completely inem in that part either, right? So when you when you start saying uh um start comparing oh yeah but this is this is a portion or or has a gambling money Amazon funing Twitch also does have gambling money Uh u a link to it. so at that point I think you I don't want I didn't want to become like um like degrees though right? See that's say varant degrees Yeah exactly.

But are you going to be black on white about it or like U or on the I feel like it's kind of I don't know I think it's like an uphill. it's like an upstream arguments to make it. but I don't know. Uh um well yeah I it's hard for me to say black or white I think everybody's I mean everything is going to end up being a little bit gray.
but yeah yeah, what do you? Okay, you know what I had this discussion with with big streamers um you know we should do. we should want should do podcast CU I think since topics are very boring right? but if you put in the podcast it be more interesting because they're more condensed and they're more targeted and people know know uh and people want to listen for a long time. Yeah exactly. So then hold up uh and say you have a timeline right and you have Co in the middle I think streaming was like on its way up and Co hit and that thing was like massive peing, right? it's crashing lowkey I mean it's like half what it used to be.

Oh okay so I'm I'm glad you know about the stats in CU I I had to run all the stats cuz I I start thinking like okay so what I thought about when I saw this I thought okay when they were over here and they're looking at at at the rate at which it was growing they probably went like they probably went massive on that. Yo guys go crazy, Go crazy, go crazy, go crazy and people were very crazy about the market but now CO's kind of going down things been down like I think 30% or whether they were initially from 30 40% I would say 50. Honestly, it's it's a pretty significant amount of where we are now, right? Yeah, you know what's really scary. Okay, you know how Toast has like an Esports team and stuff right? Like streaming is one thing.

I think Esports is actually so close to dying Dy Oh yeah yeah, the sponsors are pull. they are pulling the out. Been here for years and they're like this looking like zero return. Yep, wait, it's really actually kind of scary and sad.

Yeah, okay, you know not only Esports I mean live content as a whole. have you noticed, um, all your friends, all your buddies every on? Twitch overall and maybe maybe CH notic Chad you know, tell you your streamers that you watch don't do that many sponsors anymore for games and whatnot or for games for for products. People do some like like food sponsors here and there right? But overall sponsors bro, we're talking like I think it went down like about 80% of sponsors of down. uh I think there was a big dip you know when everybody was like recession recession economy dying I think it was like it dried up for a little while, but it's coming back a little bit.

I think sponsors from what I've seen seen a lot of sponsoring streamers at least yeah there's a recession. but yeah. and I think yeah Chad there's a recession, but also at the same time I mean listen I'm not an economist I don't know what are the causes of a recession? what? but I definitely know that like they probably had to like boost up stuff because of Co or what not they probably like to like Juice It Up and at one point that has to come down somehow. right? Because right? CH isn't that kind of how that how that works coing in ad Yeah, they have to juice up and at one point that'll flatten out and what that causes that? The difference in between is that there giv a bit of recession right? It's kind of okay.
You know what? I'm really curious about and I wonder if you know anything about this has any like large Streamer in the past leaving Twitch impacted Twitch's numbers much. Um, all right I'm discussing Market strategy and being knowledgeable about this is um not like industry Secrets right But companies that been in the past have done it in a very stupid way. and um the way that I'm doing with Eddie in in the coming months I think um listen I'm not anything I think it's going to make J seat to be honest I it's do you think it's going to make me jump out of my seat? Yeah okay I'm jumping cuz if you were to do it right because I know how to do it right if if you would to do it right it would be done right actually I think okay you know how ninja was like I'm going to stream everywhere I'm Inova or whatever I actually think you doing a non-exclusive contract is being a Pioneer in a really really large way in this space especially as the the money's kind of trying up. Yeah I mean I mean I'm I mean I was super scared um CH things that I think people think like oh because Twitch made all these bad decisions right that all all what I did was like oh twitch is being weird I'm leaving I been thinking about this for months like I I mean I remember I S your D in the middle of the night I said like yo yeah yeah I remember we talked about it like almost a month and a half ago I don't know yeah so so a as I was at um I had to like kind of kind of really give it a try in my head and really get there mentally cuz I was never going to swap if I wasn't like fully there me if it's an it's all in pretty much right like it's I have to be I don't like doing half ideas I I I have to be in or not right? and that's why we never made a podcast I Understand Yeah and the way that I got there right is by intaking it.

Why did other platforms didn't work out? Why did mix didn't didn't do any good? Why is YouTu doing really bad And the way that they're doing their signings and the way they're doing things the way that that do not change the market are for key reasons. There's a couple reasons that I mean I'm not I'm not going to I'm not going to say cuz I want people to you know um I don't I don't want the Boomers over there the billion Andes to yo my okay I get it I'm not that people say oh, you know that's smart Okay, here's what we're going to do. Here's what we're going to do. Okay people say oh you know that's smart and and I get that I'm working with Eddie fulltime on like really really strong ideas and whatever and when that fails is Ed like the owner yeah um can I ask you something and you can totally not answer but I'm so curious.
um did they give you any Equity um can I talk about that? uh can I talk about that? That's a yes if he said can I talk about that Bas but you don't have to I got to okay listen I you were talking about I was looking at I got to choose this that no, no I got I got to choose whether I wanted, um, some or not right? Oh probably if like some of your pay was inity or which is whatever. but the real yeah. but the reality is is that I actually believe in the product like I generally do. So I also think you really believe in the idea of nonexclusive streaming? yeah for sure.

and then so what I thought What I thought is that Equity right means that if I go super hard right I get I get a part of what I do and I really believe that I've been criticizing YouTube twitch um uh Rumble I've been cring everybody in the past like what like 5 years I've been trying I've been sh on everybody for what they do with their signings and what and their contracts and the only proof that I have that I was right is that it actually succeeds and it does Better Than People expect it to be to do right and if I don't get there I'm a loser idiot. but if I do get there right and I have Equity I mean I mean that that's that I think that's very telling you and on top of that I get a reward for knowing right? I I I I get an incentive for being right with my with what I know and I think I think that's I think that's massive and I think it's very interesting and I thought um at the same time yeah I I I love streaming but I like the idea of like doing other things that are fun and whatnot and I kind of saw this as like a a a business or whatever. like playing like doing like chess moves or whatever and that's inter own right. I thought it would be really cool to all these strategies on on what we could do to make it better and holy it's fun I think it's fun right? Mhm yeah yeah, that's that's how it is I'm excited to see what comes of it I think I just think it'll make all large streamers think differently about their future signings which is really good.

Yeah, what somebody Sly asked ask her about the small streamers making on Twitch take it. what was that? Maybe that was when I said um, in my opinion, what makes a platform a streaming platform viable is when you see small streamers grow really, really large. Oh yeah, wait, wait. I said that yesterday I think that's what they're referring to but I'm not sure.

wait I I said that CH I is that yesterday I said that disc discoverability these days is um, so difficult that it's nearly impossible to make it um, purely on one platform. Um in in organically, it's awful. Um, so what was I think about that. What was your take that that you want me to approach and talk her to about? Uh yeah, that was my whole take I said I will be impressed when I see that happen.

So if you can make that happen. on Kick I think that'd be really cool. Um okay. I'm going to be honest with you.
I know TR had a lot of things okay and I don't know much about what what uh um what train implied because I'm new I'm new over there I'm I'm the new guy on the Block over there right? and I thought um his ideas for discoverability and like that are in my opinion things that will happen later on. Why? Because the core product and chat right now is scuffed right and I don't care to to to people. people have the right to have their opinions and they're right. The Chat: The chat is scuffed and core features are scuffed.

So what I was saying is that the core product right now right? there's a lot of problems with it right? Right? Like the chat? Whatever. I actually don't know. Yeah, yes. So now there there's a bunch of Co all I know is they crashed when you went on yesterday.

Yeah yeah yeah. so just like just like just like chat stuff um I I don't mind having criticism I don't mind saying like yo, it's scuffed, it's bugging out. Yeah so so the kick product has small Kinks that are some are big um that that are working on but feedback has been really good which is super which is fantastic but at the same time I think what people need to understand is that um when Tren has a bunch of ideas for like discoverability and whatnot right and I have to be honest with you um I think fixing a core product is main, needs to be rep prioritized and then and do all the because there's a he actually good ideas for Discovery like Clips like shorts like uh, there's a bunch of stuff you can do like U you know, like um, discoverable like clips and shorts and things that are like that make people like tick Tok and kick or something. Um, it's a little bit complicated there there.

There's a couple things that you can do of this ability that I've had to chat, knows chat, knows about the things that I've known in the past. uh that I said in the past for desability like really really good ideas and if you put those in then I think it can open up possibilities for um, discoverability that are good but even then can I tell you my honest opinion real quick? Yeah, Go good, Yeah good. So for example YouTube has amazing shorts videos VOD Live stream They have everything right, but still within their live streaming. they don't have good discoverability not just cuz they're not bringing traffic to their live streams but I think because something that Twitch has in comparison is a bit more of an ecosystem and I think it's good that in a way kick via like its socials and honestly like trying to make good decisions when Twitch makes bad ones is starting to create a community.

but I Feel like that's how you blow up small streamers into larger ones? Yeah, like the way that Lsf is tied in with the Twitch Community The way that people gain traction. the way that there are streamer houses and basically they're all on Twitch more or less I Feel like that's how you blow up smaller creators? Okay, okay, yeah, I mean yeah, you brought up very very valid points I Think these are all, um, really valid? Um, chat guys, guys, don't be. don't be rude. She is right about that.
Um, basically it. YouTube The F YouTube Is that like our voice cuz I mean if you guys want me to yell I could try yelling I just like um, yeah, we're that. that's a killer stream. Um, and if you just speak French all time, doesn't you know there's bunch of categories right? I Don't know.

Really fast voice too. Yeah. speed up. Speed it up.

See all the categories see CH You know, know. My thought was like is that on there's a bunch of categories, right? Like a bunch of bunch of things to to watch and whatnot. The thing thing with Twitch is that over the years it has really solidified itself as like for one category. like one big Shimmer one big one medium, one medum.

And when you're not watching one guy, the transfer to the other guy is really easy and the other gu is really easy And it feels somewhat the same different in style because the community is so like, fully like, uh, fully fledged out right and like the ecosystem is there for people to have stuff to watch. Regardless, it's why stars get replaced Baby baby B get replaced. It's what things can I go naturally like that when on YouTube there's none of that one What on YouTube Live streams one guy's live there there the guy has one zero minus 20 viewers okay, other category nobody streams it. Other category: one Gu has 3 million viewers.

other guy has zero categories on YouTube I don't know it's it's just it's garbage. It's so bad. and now I think YouTube views live streaming as a tool, not as a whole thing I Don't think they I don't think they VI it I Don't think they like, they view it as a tool for an individual Creator But really what they give a about is vaud. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, they don't care about like making a live streaming Community yeah um they.

no they don't know what they're doing over there. and basically when you watch a stream on YouTube and you want to swap, swap out right? One of the problems you know this gives me. This is free advice. Okay I said in the I said in the past, people don't swap from one stream to the other to the other.

Know happens right? People swap from one stream to a video. Why? Cuz on the side of the screen that having other streams, there's better video content to watch than than the streams are watching Joly or other streamers. So people go from watching a guy they like, the guy is like guys. I got to go to the bathroom.

They will click every time on the on the thumbnail on the side of the screen and they will never go back. right? And YouTube is killing themselves that way. That's what they want but doesn't doesn't make any sense. So if that's if that's what they that they wanted, there's other way other ways to do it.
They already own all the muscle for when it comes on to. um, a video content of the video format, right? So they don't they don't Not only they don't care about their life thing, they're actively killing it like they are quite literally killing their own streams by having the thumbnails on the side be better Content? Isn't that so odd? That's just odd. So why? Because they don't know what the fu they doing so there's There's no economy. There's no, there's no, uh, ecosystem.

disability. disability is is negative. You you have. You have more being discovered on YouTube by making a decent 10-second clip than making three 24hour streams.

Okay, you know it's all good content because discoverability is so so. It's why YouTube has never been a competitor and never never will be in that sense people'll say, but dude, they own that much of the market then I get it. Some big companies stream their mobile gaming tournament and some streamers some YouTubers over there get bored and they go live and that gives them a certain a certain portion of the market that is not. These aren't live streams that these that doesn't compete anybody that that is.

That's a nonf factor, that's why that's my thought about it anyway. thoughts I agree with a lot of what you said I just I feel like you focused a lot on its cons I think it does have a few Pros Which is that the Gaming Community like VOD on YouTube is insane and if you're a large Creator and you can tap into that through live streaming like you're probably going to have a good time with Po. The community that they have is pretty chill. Yeah, but in terms of live streaming, they have yet to do anything revolutionary.

Yeah? I mean you? Okay what you just said I Want you to go back to what you just said and really think about it. You said YouTube's vods are good YouTube is a VOD company mhm I mean inherently a VOD is a video YouTube is a video Service Company That's what. that's what they do right? That's that's their bread and butter. they make videos.

A VOD is a video right? So I mean of course their VOD will be good. But the whole point of live content is that the that the live content is good. That's the only focus that the live content is good right? So who cares about the VOD part of it if they they already do videos that are good, right? My point is more so looking at the greater whole of the gaming industry, right? Live streaming is like so embedded with gaming. That's why you know when you're a Twitch streamer, one of the best ways to grow is by putting out YouTube videos.

Um like if you put out Tik Tok videos. yeah you you can grow a little. But the number one highest like return on your investment from what I've seen is making YouTube videos because YouTube gaming is massive. Yeah, um so if you're a large Creator on Twitch or anywhere and you want a game if you game on YouTube because they have so many gaming VOD viewers you can still Garner quite a bit of viewership.
My point is just that they have high gaming traffic. So for example, like Among Us days bro, if Toast was on YouTube he would have had 200k viewers or some. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, 100% But Twitch Twitch doesn't have that same kind of external traffic. so if YouTube could direct it more towards live streaming like they would really actually have something there.

Yeah, um see I agre I agree with you I think I think what you're talking about is just um what? I in the past I've said it's just called like it's just I call it pure muscle. it's just muscle right? cuz YouTube the am the amount of people that watch YouTube the amount of people that that go around looking for YouTube to watch and and click on stuff on YouTube is exorbitant compared to any live any live actually insane. The amount of raw muscle they have compared to any other force. it it eclipses everybody.

times 10 combined right? Which is incredible right? And it's honestly I'm gonna say how it is this will this will sound out of touch. 200k viewers would actually be pretty disappointing. um to have if you compare the amount of people that they have and and then then the stream it cuz these numbers could be crazy. If they had the ecosystem that was that was built to sustain an environment for live streams, 200k would be nothing for them.

It would be like oh you would get you people that had 200k on the daily but just because they don't retain any live viewer economy then these live streams are like events. All of them are like events. You don't want your streams to be an event, you want it to be a daily commute thing right? And now they have no infrastructure to support that type. Who built in built in right? Is that it's built in? Yes, built in built in.

You just know about built-in Yeah. like luk, it's him. Yeah. Chad Chad Who's guy? He's best with bton Williamon Billyon empty I Don't I don't know why they don't want to bring more traffic to live streaming though.

like I I have no idea what the back end of YouTube looks like. So um I can't I think they only care enough about the live content part of it to enhance their Um video part of it? I don't think they have they I think they have zero confidence and belief that life C is worth on itself. Good enough to take away from their videos whatsoever. I Know and lowkey.

That kind of scares me like they must have run so many calculations to just decide it's not worth it. Yeah. I it's like what is the future of live streaming is a whole one and a platform that is dedicated to it like twitch like kick. Like? whatever.

You know. Yeah, if they cared they would have went all in on buying everybody out and everybody would have swapped because their content used to be pretty pretty massive. Um they only started doing not as big contract these days. um com before.
um I I think Love got a pretty good one because he's a very YouTube guy right? you ever I feel like L is like the best pickup for them. He's insane and streaming and so consistent. 100% Say say say it. Have you ever been offered a contract to go to YouTube Have I ever been offered one? Yeah of course really.

how much was it one damn did you ask how much it was? Yeah. Are you picking your toenail? Um yeah my my my small toe is so like I I picked my um my toenail so bad on the small toe that the nail doesn't grow anymore so it just comes out as like as like multiple like like little little little hairs almost and they they they they hurt. So why are you picking at it more? um because what what happens is that the the little the little hairs that come out of it or little like nail parts or they they end they goinging and that hurts like crazy. no no hear me out.

I Know people whose entire toenails have fallen off and if you don't touch it for long enough it's going to grow back like the little hairs are going to help a full nail grow back. Do you think? Yes, Yes. Give it two months Chat guys I'm going give it about chat guys I have given up on this toil I've given up entirely I Think you're just having a fixation bro. It looks like even red nail polish it's gone.

it's gone. For free. it's gone. CH It guys, there's nothing there.

No, it's a big scab I know you're probably like where's the nail going to grow it's from the little hairs like just don't touch it at all for 2 to three months. Okay what what if I wear like socks to that I remember not to not not not to pick it cuz I'm out of socks I'm out of socks. Yeah sure, you could do whatever you need to put a Band-Aid on it. just don't touch it for like three months.

Yeah, it got so bad I was out of socks right? and I kept I kept putting my shoes on without a socks right? And because the little thing is bleeding in there right then my shoe start smell like blood. you're ining your toe dude I know Stop. Um okay right? Well um any talk about um I feel like there was one other thing but I can't remember Oh yeah I was going to say have do you have insurance like life insurance? Uh nope you you're just asking to get killed. you're you're just asking to get killed I think if you that I'm asking to get killed I I I mean it's I mean every every crime duck I hear is people that have life insurance and they die they get killed I mean you can get insurance for a lot of things like you know how athletes maybe have insurance on like their legs or their arms Because if anything happens then it covers the pay for their contract.

You should consider something like that. Your contract is so expensive. well wait s more time. So like, um let's say you get like your hands insured.

What if I Ure my brain is rotten already. What? What can I ensure? What can I ensure then your body if you I don't know, get hit by a car and you can't do your job. Interesting. Um I'm not I'm not sitting for Life 2.0 Okay, whatever happens here is the end of it.
Okay, if it's if it's the end, it is the end. I Don't give a whatever's the world disappears when I disappear right? Your world disappears. which is the world? Yeah right, that's a main character I Respected Wa that's not main character. no it's not.

The only that makes the world exist is that I have the Consciousness to to see it right? But when I disappear the world disappears Pro Prove it to me. Well I can experience the world when you're dead. So um yeah. but as far as I'm concerned, um, you're only here because I materialize it Yes, excuse.

we're all just a figment of your perception. and Imagination and once you're gone, we're all gone too. Boom s. So then I'm not say for Life 2.0 Life 2.0 it's like my mom, my mom in the past.

I'm saying like the second part of your life you know cuz bro off or something, you're still living. it's just living differently I mean I'd still be able to do my job right on paper. no you don't think so. maybe you probably would.

Yeah but that was just an example. Anything can happen I don't I don't I don't have that I I I people don't talk about this insurance thing because I think that's I've seen a lot of crime doctor this people get it hurts no chat. isn't that the that happens chat like like life insurance stuff like that like I I watch a lot of like JCS crime docks like that's how people get hurt. you can get like you know it depends what kind of insurance you want.

It doesn't have to be like I die Insurance Oh even though that's what life insurance sounds like, there's a lot of ways to gamify it. uh uh yeah I mean it's why it's why I'm trying I'm I'm protected in order to get to my house you have to like jump on tiles and make like a password. uh and what not is like a bunch of like mini games. Um if you don't know you don't know you know I'm I'm not I hope no one knows.

um I'll leave you with one last question I'm curious what is like the number one thing you're most excited to change about? kick um everything quite literally? Uh um oh man um no there's everything I you want to like Promise the people you know oh the chat experience I want the chat to be literally this and better. Flat out this and better people say oh yeah, um I've already have a bunch of ideas that that's one thing people haven't been able to replicate anywhere else. Is it chat? Yeah, yeah. but then UMO and I have a small I have certain little things I'm not say what it is right, do jerking off in your chat.

it's this. so that was a boring answer. but it's true though the chat needs to be worked on significantly and I'm not I'm not doing I'm not saying that to on on kicking like I I I think harsh feedback is a very important space like that because the user is King people say oh people always say oh you know you know on Twitter always like streamer is King streamer Streamer needs Guys care about the streamer I Disagree. 100% % Twitch shouldn't give a about the streamer give a about the user because the streamer doesn't exist.
the user doesn't exist quite literally right? so it's very shortsighted to say share that take to be honest. Okay, yeah so they see every um, loss or win of a Creator kind of as the end all be all yeah but I don't think the numbers are really there to back in. Makes sense. Yeah, um yep, that's about it.

So very just the chat. I wanted the chat to be incredibly good and then I want discover discoverability to be fluid and um like I could have just I could have just rote this out as like a a normal thing right without any difference to my any count. whatever. But I generally want to do something that matters I want to leave like, uh, leave a mark.

You know cuz at the end of the day that that's that's what you are if you don't do anything of value in life, when you die, you die. But some people have died long ago and they're Immortal because Mhm, they are marked in time and they exist in people's minds and Consciousness at all times I feel like yeah, you, you've already made enough money to not give as much of a about that I Think you really want to do something cool? Well wait, who cares. Think about. think about that.

So listen. listen, let let that sink. Let that sink in. Let that let let that sink in.

Some people, some people okay, have perished decades ago, literally mols ago, right? And they're still alive and some people are alive right now and they don't exist. They're invisible. Think about that. some are alive and they're invisible.

Think about that. Think about that. I'm I'm saying it I'm saying it is like leaving a Mark you know it's something I learned. uh, you ever done philosophy before you? You Philosophy before.

Done philosophy before philosophy Philosophy? No, what's that I Don't know whose guy says this right, but it's like it. Who guy? It's like one guy. one random guy when almost memorable enough, but not quite who. Who? Who? Aren't you going to tell me? no? I don't know who this is, but somebody ceases to exist, right? Not when they die when people stop thinking about them remembering them I I Feel like that's nobody Nobody thinks or remembers Tumbl Quote They not anywhere.

No, it's it's a philosophy thing. It's I mean people. People can paraphrase philosophy and say oh, wow, that's so deeper, profound, right? But the reality is that there's a root to that. I'm talking about the root itself.

somebody. Somebody says that. Okay and and basically basically right. Uh, um, you know.

I I I think I think there's value to that I think there's value to that in in in that thought of like, yeah, you can do all that and amount all all that the money you want. Money is cool and all right. but to leave a mark That Matters To dare to do something that people will remember that makes you who you are as a pillar of your being right and that remains far beyond death. Thoughts: I Actually really like that.
Um, that saying When I heard it, you know like people essentially exist as long as someone remembers them. Yep, I Feel like you know it motivates you to make something of yourself to impact others in a way. instead of chasing the that people are always telling you to chase. That's frankly, kind of easy to lose motivation for.

Yep. I Respect it cuz the money that is a byproduct, right? Money is always a byproduct and people chase byproducts their entire lives. When they'll remember that, the things that impact the most are the things are the main product that it comes with. So it's it's you're working backwards to go.

and Chase byproducts right? When the whole reason why you're getting byproduct is that the main product exists and succeeds. To be fair, we also did make money playing video games. so yo yo yo take that. yo yo yo yo I I Performed on stage in front of millions of live viewers for days for wearing my jersey.

Roaring crowds, big spotlights, okay shoutcasters, screaming fans. okay waving the Canada flag up there. okay I was out this I was going nuts okay I was going crazy. it's not when you said performed on stage I actually think I thought you were talking about your stream.

you're performing on a stage every day. Honestly, not really. But yeah I me like when I was playing Pro People: people can diminish as much as I want to I was LeBron James I was I was the goat Andy Okay is your legacy Ah man and people might clown on that. Now when when it goes hard people will not clown.

They're going to act they on my side when they weren't and I will not let them on my boat. Captain Jack Sparrow is going to kick these mother suckers out Bonk off the plank and as I'm seeing the ship it's full bro. Only the Believers were on board. doubters out bust and they will.

They will subscribe and they're and and they will do it. Yeah yeah yeah bu you know I'm excited to see it. Nobody dares to believe. Okay, when when nobody, uh, when nothing is there to to to reassure them that the belief is good and and accepted, Nobody dares to believe.

Nobody wants to go. No one wants to be the guy out there to do it right. But as soon as things starts flipping it, everybody wants a piece and every wants to be part of it. That's right, that's right, that's right.

And I need to make sure that these Busters learned a lesson not to act this way right so that they can be a Pioneer themselves. All right, that's it. Are you comfortable saying who you're talking about or you just saying like random doubs? no, uh what you mean, What you mean, What mean what you mean by that like like who? who? the doubters? Oh okay, like just general doubters. Yeah the general doubters.
No. I'm not saying any name like Oh yo this Believe him M don't holdes like that because you want to know why you want, you want to know something important I'm let me tell the life lesson I'm life lesson. You want to know what losers do they lose? Okay I don't have to tell him yo you didn't believe in this right? You didn't believe in in that. You're wrong for that I have to tell him that every morning they wake up in the world and they are the person that they are and that's how they lose.

They are a loser in nature I don't know if to make them feel bad. they know that and I know they know and they cannot live with themselves and that's a punishment. They have to live in the body of a loser and that's not going to be you or me and they pay for Twitter Blue real what the is up all right Well I really like the energy see whatever the you do same let me know when the chat is fixed and I'll come watch a stream of yours. Thank you thank you.

Yep yep you got it. I Take care, have a good DayDay All right Take Care bye What do you do today? You play Val or something like that or what? What do you do these days? Uh yeah I am still a little bit addicted to Valerant I played only up a little bit I saw you started co-owning um GTA and I was thinking of doing a Paul siblings comeback. Yeah okay yeah oh yeah I have a bunch. there's a bunch of stuff I can't talk about that but it's going to be massive.

Maybe I'll tell you about it in due time. Yeah, just DM me? yeah. All right. take care and if you want to follow really what you I'm Diamond see when I when I boot the game yday it say I boot plat maybe I have another account I don't I'm not loing I'm not playing I just want to show something I can't I valant when I boot it doesn't load in like it says like do you have Windows 11 yeah that's why you can't Windows 11 Yep I had to legit do a what do you call it a restore or whatever I did T I did TPM well listen, maybe you can but if this issue started occurring when you upgraded, that's what happened to me and I I just I could not fix it I went into my BIOS I did everything that Google troubleshooting random Youtube videos would let me do and I never got it to work personally so that's just a potential fix I don't know the actual issue but yeah yeah appar.

apparently you need to you, you need to aable um secure boot Fast boot TPM 2.0 xm2 did that double double juicer Double Dash um install virtualization of Internet Nvidia double and I bought Riot blue and it still didn't work. So S&P 500 all that they have to own. They have to own. have to own all of it.

Uh and I I think chess. it works. Uh, this comp needs a reset. Um, hopefully you get it to work somehow.
Yeah, no no. I get to work to work. um also also I I got a weird popup the day I was playing Valerant right and it said um, it said said that I successfully mined a Bitcoin what? What is that? What it said that and Ma my game I just saw you laugh so hard on stream even though you're muted. Okay, bye see you next time.

Imagine I'd be Rich if playing valerant true made me big coins every game Everybody all right? Um, that's kind of what streaming is, so life's pretty good. Either way, Good. All right all let me know about GTA or whatever. Whatever.

Whatever. I'll tell you. Yep. Okay,.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “I am going to make kick better than twitch”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R00KIET says:

    Sounds like xqc wants to become jesus or some shit.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan H says:

    Man you were going to make OW2 better than OW too and what happened to that?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zombielols says:

    Pmao ncie

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HehexD says:

    My goat ❤

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LUXOBOIII says:

    Poki is embarrassing herself,she needs to keep quiet 😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Papa Ble$$ says:

    Poki speaking outta her ass like usual

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jo.R says:

    The way she always cuts X off when he’s talking or trying to talk is annoying af

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lustawaii says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vantsen nm says:

    the way poki talk, ahh i dont care but STILL TALKS ABOUT… my brain it hurts, people puting their noses in wrong place

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eugene Vakulenko says:

    I’m confused, is she saying that Kick hosting it’s infrastructure on AWS makes Twitch money? Because that’s the same as saying some random ass online clothing store hosted on AWS makes Twitch money somehow.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wilkie Baggins says:

    Streamers only surrounding themself by “yes men chatter” needs to be studied. These chatters are living in a Stockholm syndrome lifestyle

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars soap says:

    What is with of horrible bitrate in the middle of these videos lately

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STRID says:

    Almost threw up listening to pokiwhore’s responses….

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hamzxne says:

    poki was definitely in the gym binge watching jcs.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sailorboy says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuperFire64 says:

    Xqc starting to like his drawing and adding a couple details as the conversation goes on was hilarious

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