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#xQc #LilUzi #xQcOW

He's in here there he is, can you cam up extra now? Oh, yes, your base is open a lot okay! Oh my hair looks like i know i was gon na prepare for this, so this is the uh the number one streamer in the world right now. It's stop, stop stop. No, it is it. Is he he's modest, he's humble, but he is.

It feels weird to be number one. Doesn't it look at him? Oh um yeah, i mean yeah, i i don't like uh like rankings or whatever. I think i think it's kind of dumb he's number one, let's be honest with you rankings - is everything my man yeah um in certain regards right in certain aspects sometimes like. If you were number one and you lived in like dubai - oh my god! Oh my god.

You know what number one is in dubai: bro no was things different in dubai. I'm gon na take a piss. Give me a sec. I've never been.

I've never been, but i heard number one you could do whatever you want. Oh, i see what you mean. No okay, let me ask you a question, then what happens when you um? Let's say you as an artist, you um, you make up a good a couple good tracks like right now, right and you're like number one right now like in in this in this time. Well, number one: how do you feel well? To be honest, i don't think i ever went number one okay, but let me say, though, what if you i'm sure if i peeked like, like really close to it right with, like the billboard and yeah yeah? What how do you think you would have felt if you hit number one for even like uh like a week or whatever or or in a moment where you you actually were what happens in your mind, just walk me through it um well, i have definitely peaked At like, like high numbers, like i guess, with like exo tour life and stuff um, i i i i don't want to sound weird, but i feel the same.

I actually feel more like powerful and stuff when i'm not number one like when i'm like striding. For that greatness, and i'm like okay, this is gon na, be the one. This is gon na, be the one yeah like like, but when i'm actually number one, it's usually out of surprise, because it's never the one that i think that's number one going to be number one ever good, yeah. Okay, that's that's good.

Okay, then we're kind of having the same sort of answer here then so um, whatever model you have to get there, it doesn't stop when you do get there right, yeah. So, whatever made you made, you go there um. Whenever you get there, it's not like uh like it disappears like that. That mindset like disappears so that's kind of that's kind of how i feel so i don't so i don't like ratings, so they can clutter your mind with like some so many things, yeah like before you even get to like quote unquote number one.

I i even hate i'm not gon na lie, i don't hate many things, but i'm starting to hate like the the word number one, because i get what you're saying like i i get why you don't really like with that, but you still strive to be the Best that you can be like yeah, i get exactly what you're saying, but it's like you have this whole different picture of number one before you get close or get there and then, when you get there, it's like i'm not going to be one of those guys. That's like, oh, it sucks and i hate it because you, if you hate it, you wouldn't continue to do it. No for sure, but it's it's almost to a point of like okay. What is this? You get what i'm saying yeah for sure, so you so you try to make a product that you're proud of you're passionate about, and you want to make that the best and if that ends up being number one you're happy that it is because that's what you Strike you strive, that's what you wanted it to be right, but like, like the the main objective, isn't to be the number one: it's like the best product, whatever that, whatever that gets, you does that you feel when you do stuff right.
You want to make the best you can make it's, so i'm not going to say that it's just it's just so mind-boggling to me like i'll, sit there and i'll like i'll swear. I'll put it on my life, like i like, if i put my music on my life, a million times i'll be dead and the reason i say that, because every song that i always think that is like the one is usually like. The three four of the five - and it's always the one that i'm like this one yeah for sure. Yes, of course, that one are you crazy and i'm like well yeah.

I am a little bit like off, but i'm usually on point with this stuff and it's like then i'm like wow. Then then it's like, i start getting it then i'm like, oh from hindsight from hindsight right after after the fact before second possible, like it um, you always get it wrong, pretty much right, everybody yeah! Every time i don't care how how advanced i get in music. I'm always wrong bro! It's like it's almost a compliment to myself. It's almost like.

Maybe you know what it is. Maybe i like i, i don't give myself enough credit when i'm alone, because i give myself all the credit in the world because all i got is me so it's like well, i got i got my my girlfriend, but all i got is me when it comes To like my thoughts, so i'm just on some like exactly yes, i'm on some like. I know this is it, but then, when it gets to that point where it's like, no, that one's it, i'm like it, just it with me like not in a bad way. It with me, like it's almost amazing to me low-key, like it's like wow, i'm like so i went so like i think you know what it is.

I'm gon na put my putting my finger on it. It's almost to the point where, when i try to go quote-unquote traditional, you know what i mean. Yes, when i try when i play it safe and then, when i just go when when it's something that i just go left on everybody's, like ah stop playing uzi. This is what it is, stop playing games.

You know you still can do that you and i'm just like, but i just want the the best for me and i'm like wait so me just doing whatever i want is the best for me yeah. I connect with that a lot and do you feel like sometimes um the times that you do uh go traditional or do like are the things that are kind of hitting all the boxes kind of help. You create a question of confidence of of you being like. Okay, now i can do some of my stuff now.
No, i did that now i can. I can do my that's that's whatever that's true, but my music is like my children. So what so, usually when i'm listening, when i'm doing the learning process of something when i'm trying something new i'll, try it just like you said i'll, do it the traditional way then pick from it and then make like my experimental outer space type sound, but sometimes I'll go that traditional way, because it just sounds so darn good to me, because it's like my kid but the whole time. I got a better child over here in the cut you get.

What i'm saying for sure yeah i'm over here, trying to like praise the kid that's like scholar, straight a's and whole time. My kid that just got out of jail is like the one you get. What i'm saying yeah for sure - and i just feel like sometimes um - i get kind of scared that i kind of lose that essence of doing like whatever. I want that end up surprising me, oh, that that did well right and it was that whatever and things the times that i did focus and and try hard to appeal to something failed or whatever uh like, instead of losing that um.

The initial thought that made me do that one thing that was kind of whatever that did that is so well right, and so i got ta protect that story of my life and also another way. I think too, is like it's more mental than anything. Let's just say you like do something a certain way and people are not used to it. I think that like, as especially as a man, especially as the man, because in your world you're the man just like me, and it's like, i think you should like, even if they don't really respond to it.

If you stick to it long enough, they they love. You, like, i realize that, like people love us, they whoever love us, love us, whoever haters hate us it don't matter. If you do, if it don't matter, you can do the best thing in the world. I can like give away.

Every dollar in my bank account that doesn't make a person not hate me. It just knows that. Okay, i guess he's kind of a good person, but i still don't like what he stands for. I still have some music, that's fact.

So it's almost to the point that people that are riding with you and sticking with you they're gon na, do they think i could. I could walk around with swimming trucks on in the wintertime and the people that love me is going to do it and the reason they're going to do it because they want to get to understand me to the point of that they're connected and people that don't Want to be connected, just don't want to be connected, so it's like it's all a mental game. It's like a mental game. It's almost like those people, that's like quote-unquote.
The haters is like the agents off the matrix like they're, not even real people, yeah, because you do things that matter to you, your things that you want to do inherently and people care about what what you. What means a lot to you right and if you continue doing things that they mean a lot to you, the people will care about that. But if you do too many things that people care about and that that changes, then then you fall behind and you get lost, but i think yeah exactly. No, i'm listening keep going you're talking about it yeah.

So so i think it's sometimes very important to um. Even though people don't like it or doesn't appeal to everybody, do something that matters to me, something that i want to do. It makes me passionate and that will stay forever, because i'll always have things that i'm passionate about right. I will never run out right, but if i chase what other people want i'll always run out, you know and you'll always you'll always be a step or two behind, because if you do what people want they're already off that wave by the time they by the Time they typed or wrote something they want you to do this once you do that you're giving them satisfaction, satisfaction is not for them.

It's not like that. The satisfaction that they need is the experimental, the the the being open to something that they've never been open to like like okay, this is fire like you actually colliding worlds together, instead of just being just straight here, you go. This is what you want like. It's always supposed to be, i mean you could do it that way.

It's let me tell you something: it's a win in everything. Yeah, it's a it's a winning being lame, it's a winning being cool, it's a win and being a nerd and it's a winning being a geek. The way you look at life yeah, absolutely it's it's just it's always when if you have nothing going on and you're on here every day, just to be a geek, that's your life and you can get really good at it and you could be the top geek. You could like it's people out here.

That's like that, like a lot of a lot of blog sites that are very famous, are the top geeks in the world they're like the greatest, like it's people that look up to them, that intern for them. That hope to be just like them like it's it's it's everything is like the same in the whole in the world like it's, nothing, that's not different. Like everything is the same. It's just different.

You know scenarios and concepts of but yeah i mean i mean you had a lot of really good points here. Um yeah, i just feel like um just know. If i'm wrong, i don't mind, i just feel like for what you do. It seems like there isn't really a formula yeah.

There is for people that are that are in your industry to follow a formula whatever, but i feel like like like for you yeah. You have to put a lot of like what's you and that's what people really like and really appreciate it about you, i think, is just getting um stuff. That is you and nobody else can do it. Nobody can do that only you can do that.
Thank you. Um, i really appreciate that um it's like, but it's it's almost a gift and a curse because yeah it could be like jackpot like it could be like the the oh, my god. It could be the most refreshing thing in the world and then sometimes i could be so early with something that i do that the whole world won't get it and they'll get it in two years: yeah they're, not in that moment and by the time that two Years come around, it's somebody that got it that quote unquote to the world in their eyes, perfected it and then they accept it. It happens all the time.

It's very often i agree yeah, so it's just like you're, either too early when you're an innovator or it's refreshing like it's. It's never spot on like that's. Why, when it's people that have the formula they're usually spot on, because it's almost like a learning process almost to like me, like bro, i'm not gon na lie. I don't know half of the that people know like i'm just going off just every day, like i'm.

Just winging this bro, like i've, been winging this for so long bro like i've been winging it like for so long, and it just feels better that it feels better. That way, because, like with the formula of course, you're going to get rewarded in a timely frame, but when you're just winging it and you get rewarded, you feel like i conquered this like for sure yeah the yes. But if i just this sort of concept, i always think about um, it's kind of a weird way to think about it. I was like the golden goose and the golden egg right um.

It doesn't matter if you're somebody who just sits back and analyzes what other people do they're, successful and just copy it you'll always be a golden egg right. What you should strive to be is be the golden goose. You know yes, sometimes you're gon na you're gon na hatch, something that isn't that great right. But you just keep hatching the golden eggs and whoever whoever copies your egg will be late, because when, whenever you make something new and and that's that's an innovation you're always going to be ahead of the curve, you never mind vehicle.

But the scary thing is: is that sometimes the golden eggs outshine the goose, because the goose are usually like the creator of the situation and when you're the creator, a lot of stuff that got looked over was getting looked at by the golden eggs and the golden Eggs take that and they simplify it because maybe sometimes it's like too in a raw form and too crazy for people to understand and those eggs, they're really good at taking it and simplifying it and making the world be able to understand it. Yep and sometimes you can't even afford to continue pushing that egg, that you hatch that people don't like because they don't understand it yet right and other people can is that more resource or whatever and they'll keep doing it until until it's successful and they basically kind Of didn't really steal your thing, but they kind of did. I think this happens a lot in streaming, where uh in our world, where somebody that's very small swimmer that doesn't have any uh pull right uh whenever they do stuff. That would go big.
They don't right and it'll, do it once and see it will notice of that and it'll just copy it and it'll just keep doing it then, because they have the pull and the you know all the whatever then uh it becomes successful and they get all the Credit, oh man, this guy's an innovator, no he's! Not that's a golden egg bruh! I don't like that. I'm not gon na lie. I don't like that. Either yeah, it's happens.

I'm not gon na lie bro. I'm kind of glad that i talked to you like guys. I ain't gon na lie. T you got some cool friends.

I appreciate that bro yeah, he's cool he's really this guy, i can tell i like x. I can. I can that's why i call him x. I can tell i can tell that he's number one in what he does.

Oh thank you. Man yeah! It's just some of that and i know some people right. I i love people who just um do stuff. That means a lot to them and they just do themselves, and when i see that when i see a youtuber like that, it inspires me to be the same, i feel more like a free, be like hey man, you know it'll work out.

Just do your thing and i think there's not a lot of people that have that and whenever i see it so inspiring, you know it's. I'm not gon na lie and at another thing i don't. I don't like really like all the and when you're the golden. When you're the eggs, you know you're the eggs and it's like no disrespect to the like the golden eggs out there, but because you play a good, we play a part in this.

Where yep, you literally like help us really realize where the goose, like you really like you copy off us and do all what we do and it's like. Okay, you force us to stride to even to do something even more crazier than we did before. Even more better so like you need the golden egg, sometimes to beat the goose, because imagine if it was a bunch of just imagine if it was all goose running around yep yeah, it would make no sense and a lot of times you would actually lose on Stuff, if you, if you innovate, something they didn't, do well right and nobody, nobody picked it up, and can you doing it until until it went well, maybe you had lost something entirely and you can't really blame them. Some people you did like.

I understand people need to survive, people are part of this game and sometimes they do whatever they need to do to survive, and i understand that and they're still a player of the game. They're not like invalidated by it. I just mean that i i don't really relate to doing that and that's just what i am, but i understand what it comes from and i'm not gon na hit on it too much. You know i got a goose down there, bro crazy yeah.
That's that's! Not! Selling the goose! Well, i'm glad i talked to you guys, man, i wasn't it's um. It's kind of it's got light here. I'm gon na um, i'm gon na i'm gon na get to get some water and get started, but uh yo and that's me and you um using uh. That's right! Nice, nice, good, meeting, youtube, bro, good meeting you man, yeah, hopefully damn right man all right see! You later bro later man, what all right, uzi listen! Now i got tonight,.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “I interviewed lil uzi vert”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Haunts says:

    how do you know if you are a goose or egg? it seems like eggs take good concepts but make it their own. but goose just throw out shit and hope it hits. if I make something I take concepts i like and mesh them together does that make me an egg. probably but when I strive out to do something "new" I dislike it.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emmanuel Baligad says:

    one is high, one is retarded… which one is which? 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Lee says:

    xqc has talked about these ideas of innovation and authenticity in the past when talking about kanye's new album. Insightful to see him talk about them with uzi

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MANASH DHAR says:

    Finally we found a guy that can actually understand and relate to Xqc

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duo ws says:

    Wtf was going on here???? did anyone understand anything they sound like two high af men talking except that x isnt actually high he is like that naturally

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitchell Scott says:

    Sorry for comment spam lol this was refreshing

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitchell Scott says:

    These were great questions lol relatable in all aspects of life to some extent

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitchell Scott says:

    Man when they talked about the number one stuff it’s exactly what x said on healthy gamer. SpongeBob reference: “HE WAS NUMBERRRR ONE!!!”

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean says:

    Actual great convo. To me the eggs are the people who do one thing that makes them stand out but everything else they do doesn't come as close/ fall off. The golden geese are people like xQc and Uzi who are engraved as this special title in his niche/ their content never goes dry.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mystic says:

    Holy crap the insight if you could understand all that.

    Also can't believe he called him "Youzi" straight to his face lmaooo

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ezra San says:

    if you actually cant understand what they are saying they are talking about the mentality that you should have being at the top

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LevisSilly says:

    Ayo anyone know wtf they is talking about?!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars You are a sock says:

    This was actually good i wss expecting PepePains spam

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vis says:

    watching train the whole video was so funny ahaahahahhahah

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nowah blanco says:

    Uzi: sup x
    X: relationships are kinda lika rope

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Doosh says:

    there's no way we're not in a simulation at this point

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darkness says:

    X played that perfectly from start till the end. YOUZI OMEGALUL Clap

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