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#xQc #vegas #blackjack

Oh my no wayes I'm Scar pick UPN no I picked them up I literally picked them up. They go together. they go. You picked up two.

you almost had all three of them. another one there. no but like I don't like how he bunches them all together. Damn are you snake expert? Yeah I breed snakes.

You breed them. yeah I got a question though. How do snakes have sex though? they don't got dicks? Do they got two dicks up? uh this is Charleston white if I had two digs I ain't going to lie so um he's also a streamer as well. oh he is.

Yeah yeah I'm got I just play computer where you from Canada oh yeah you talk funny oh too yeah yeah. like you that I thought it was a snake was like dude triing out my heart's raising crazy. He plays video games. yeah what game you play? um all of them all them NBA yeah I couldn't tell what the table was at n no he just almost fell through this I thought you broke it though.

yeah me too. yeah I thought I everything What's your name? What's your name face? What is it okay could you like take it like give? oh I'm so sorry about that. Can you like give it to me I don't know I don't know how to pick them up you you talk F like me but can understand you don't understand me though. Oh I put a wig on are a little bit while we set up I'll G with X you want gam Oh yeah, let's go over here.

quick. look at that a you friend oh hell no bro he's looking cute. He looks like you if it was a snake. yeah can I get that one I want to see that Ew Dude? no I'm sorry Dom I can't you help the wife? oh oh did you put it back in the Box Really yeah okay good bro.

y'all are weird. bro who the bro that is Bro: who the we? we don't snitch wait wait why? why bro look at the picture bro it's my ex bro oh my God it's kind of cute actually you're weird. change it to Adept Okay, we're going to change it to no I don't I don't know who that is. Man on okay I went there so you can go there.

whatever. Yeah yeah. fair enough. Fair game, fair game 50 Wait did you guys a l or not? I'm only up 60 I want to go up like 200 but how much? how much you start with huh? how much you start with started with a line of credit.

this is what I'm up. it's uh 55 plus I have 15 in there 10 bro I thought we were go mad mode bro I got like we are okay okay and Dana Dana's downstairs too now Yeah yeah okay then we go mad mode. Then we had on Mad mode Felix Um real quick. You left, you left.

you left, your chain out there I don't want anyone like taking that. You know what I'm saying okay I thought it e here was chill uh I don't know I might don't me really that around me man you're going to start 100K okay we're turn that 100 to 200 cat get out and come back here. okay we can't we can't we can't if if we're going to see Dana we can't go like oh we have 100K we has to be more right we to go for like more 100 tomorrow. fine fine fine fine oh no tomorrow Dana is going to gamble us for hours but today it's just some chill so let's just do 50 to 100 today y we're going Li Char you're going to sit cheer us on yeah I'm Che you and we're going to give you bread aan no no a song I thought he was going to sing us a song oh No but a son and H3 Flex on him Flex Flex in the camera St bro no bro that's why what Char uh I think it was charging where at brother he he leaked the DMs I I I didn't like that? is it it's private DMs like yeah that was but that was so cool that you you flexed on them in the DMS that was cool as that wasn't the okay but I hold up yeah okay sure I'll take the credit.
but the the joke is is that I know how much his house is worth. it's it's a big house. the watch is not worth his house. that was the whole point.

but still bro that it was like a fake Flex like nah BR that was no flex bro I'm not going to lie you sh on him bro. whatever. Stop being so modest man. I'll take my du I'll take my two stop being so modest.

he shited on him bro real though Felix I Want to say I stand by you bro when you react to a video The Creator The original Creator can literally claim the video and take all the money. that's what I said. it's just so stupid and if they're really small I'll help them out I'll I'll do whatever they want me to do cuz like it's all about like making something good out argument was that he's reacts to videos but he the the the small creators get mad when he reacts to him but the small creators can claim his video and take it. take the money that's from his video.

Know crazyer it's not even them that are complaining, it's the people that that are have no part in it I know random yeah yeah yeah bro yo. Dana This is a one of the biggest nice meet you nice meet you man. Thanks for coming out of course of course U I See you're gambling already. This what we do where you from? um Quebec Canada Okay yeah actually I'm looking to uh start fighting no I'm just Kidd Did you guys come to the Apex today? Not today? No no we didn't go today.

We'll be there tomorrow though. Yeah we we had the uh Contender series fights over there tonight. No way. How was it awesome? Six it was awesome.

Yeah do you play? Oh yeah I play yeah he's a big Gambler like us he's the he's the generate for sure. he's a yeah yeah he's one of us. What are these hands man. every time 10 unless I need a 10 saw that shitty 11 too.

Okay okay yo Aiden talk to me I'm I'm like set on like multiple levels to to to get money out I just just you're good. you're good. we talked about it just you know what I mean what we texted I texted you yeah? what do you want 100 oh no I'm always set up for like uh for yeah oh you're good, you're good Okay cool so we're good yeah I thought I I just I I just want to make sure like if if we were going to go hard hard like I had like a let's start with 50 though I I had a big one Yeah yeah ready go ready Go! He he wants to do a line for 50 and I'm going to do 50. Okay so check CH 50 just give me give me all oranges and he wants to do 50 in his online.
oh I okay you want orange? give me all orange. Yeah we're going to run oranges. Okay yeah I wish I got I don't know what that means. What's the orange orange is 5,000 chips th cuz otherwise you get 50 50 yellow you want? All right gentlemen I'm ready.

All right So x what do you want to do you want Want to start out with five or 10 a hand? Let do five a hand. No no. five for I mean if you have a 50k B roll of course you're going start with 5K First good Lu guys um 100 100 go Come N double that double that I'm not against s uh um you got tap. Yeah yeah yeah.

stand flip a nine. There you go. Okay, fair enough. thank you.

45,000 more to go. Why you down? No no no no no I'm saying that's the goal we're going to get. Oh thank you so much two that now do me a favor. just T times Yeah I'm stand as well.

Come on thank you very much. It's funny when they're when when now now people in my chat they put boo they don't they they don't ever do that. now you're here they they s sh well I mean they're right I mean they are right. no disrespect.

sorry about that I'm not trying to no, you're good. We're good. Let's do it. Yeah yeah.

20 20 20 I finally got a face. Okay I will take that 20. Nice Nine 13 Oh I got 19. That's okay.

that's okay. it's a gift of the house cuz you know I bet she doesn't even have it. She has like a six watch. Watch it I Know the game I know the game.

Stop stop. You're making him look. you're making him look too cool. Now it's getting weird I know I have a mirror.

nine four you got my nine. oh man. nope and then I'm going hit cuz you don't have it. yeah you do okay I I got I got to keep it a buck.

Okay her initial card have been insane I know don't be as good then just slow down a little bit if you open up a hand by the I'm going open up a hand too. just let you know we're let's go even. Come on, we're good. I'll take a come on no.

okay I'll take that. don't man this has a stop 17 19 CP No okay 10 oh my oh 18 hit that 10. There you go yo X Drake is watching X this is Drake oh come on, you can't making me line through a camera like that. He's cheaping out on me.

You got to get dumble five and I'm a dumble five. You got to get bro we getting smoke These these hands are really hard though. You're not wrong. Horrible.

Look where we're going I took your eight I'm sorry it hits. That is a tough time. No about it, it'll it'll it'll flip. Look at this.

you know let's open up a hand. Fix You Know what? All right. Three hand total. Yeah I know Leo literally I took your T I'm sorry.

that's okay you o okay I just really messed the table. oh my god Oh I see how it is I see what we're doing today? Oh my God please oh my God uh bing n hey okay come on boss I'll take a bing so that's a good mess. might push push. yeah.
you want hit. Yeah. hit it. Oh noit stand it.

sorry about that I'm sorry I I won't do that again. Yes, stand. sorry about that I wasn't paying attention no Felix oh my God 14 17 Give me a 10 right here. The reason why I said hit is that um I saw a face right and there's only one on the table.

Yeah, that hurts I yo My thing is Lego a lot of the chat. you guys can fake logs Leo So back I'm going to go I'm going to go 101,000 right here. Oh you might you might be talking to a F in in chat. That's what I'm saying.

they can fake logs nowadays I don't even know if it's the real Dr St uh stand I guess Flip Flip a seven to be Just come on. that's good B oh my. God I mean I'm okay. good.

it's real there. Saturday Be very stressful. All right. Run that back tobo.

Finally I Get a face Yes dude. not bad. Stand it over 10. Okay, take it.

push y you pushed I'm good. got there. Um she's been having a lot of things under there to be honest. So I'm going to go and I got to hit it man man.

All right. watch this watch. Ready this? Oh hell no I mean hecky no sorry I don't try to Cur you going? You know what? I'm going tell you where right now now this is. this is 25 we go 25.

Uhoh oh you're with me. Come on. this is it Right here. 25 25 need to make sure um his limit.

It's cool. It's cool. Come on, let's get money. Let's get money.

Okay okay okay. bang play good good. That's right baby. Even money.

Take even money. Take even money. Take even money. Even money take even money bro.

What does that mean? What do that mean? That means you don't get the bonus. You just get the straight 25. Take it bro. take it.

if I flip over I got black. it's a push. Just take even money bro. Don't be stupid.

Take even money cuz that's a lot of money. Let them play his hand. Do what you want to do play your hand but you feel like she don't got a Bj Czy 25k. What are you doing Even money or or you not taking Insurance bro.

if you feel it, you feel it. I'm saying take how use the charger. You understand right? Yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no. I get it.

So so so Blackjack Giv me a push but the wind gives me just a normal amount. That's brother, brother, brother, brother. If you take even money, you get 25,000 profit if you push. take it even bro.

don't be greedy. Don't be greedy I'll take even I'll take it. he took even I'll I'll even it out I'll even sure. So even money, even money.

Okay, she's got a jack I Love that. Very very brilliant. Got let's see what she got Flip Flip you're good I'm not taking it three. Oh come please don't do it to me.

Don't do it to me. please. The 10 I know I know. Just do the 10.

Come on there you go. Okay dude, we are. We're actually back. We're actually back and we're at 50.
Okay, okay, that's okay. no problem yo. Drake we're both the generate gamblers. Let's put 100,000 on a 1 V One yo you're talking to yo, you're you're talking to Drake Last time I saw him gamble, he was making like a cross on the table right with the roulette.

Yeah for for like one mil Like Okay dude. Yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah oh hit no Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay Stand St yeah stand look at Pin What? 22 22 Okay okay there again I had to count. that's tough I got you My guy got Ace Seven seven double that double that no no no no don't double that. it's 10.

Hit it. hit it. um 10 stand I Have to stand here. Okay okay 18 what the how you get a L man that low was just lucky that was lucky Blackjack black Ja Wing Nice Okay okay we're good now.

no no wait no wait no wait I'm I'm the game abz could you get Eddie in here please get Eddie in here bro that's good. Oh man eating those WIS I got to work for them like like I'm almost there initially. Man you got it though bro three four got flip that in tough time you ain't got it Ardo uh n no insurance and now we're going to hit. Got a 12 What is that? 16 Hit it get Ace bro hit I have to hit okay we'll take that hit.

give him an eight or nine. There you go. hold on don't pre Come N no you pre seven oh pre. that's what's up Yeah you do that I mean I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah it's come okay boss oh my God this this this you have to do do I have to player game play I'm sorry I'm player game them 15 against eight hit hit that bro usually Happ yeah you had hit that you send it ho.

You got to say okay no I'm sorry bro that's my fault yeah no but um my card was yeah my card was can I pay back that 50 I didn't mean to go in there but screw it that's a low hit that y it again. sorry got 14 that's what Happ against against two I'm going to stand that's sure. No problem. it's fair enough push.

It was all right. You know what? I'm going to do a big hand right here. it is sometimes cuz I Want to bless the gang real quick Bless The Gang I want to bless the gang okay that am I good to go now. Yeah, come on, we're going to bless the gang No I want to bless the okay okay we're even right.

we're even so I hit the nend just flip a 10 and then and then 10 no no no 10. What is this 21 leave that right there. that's a that's a five car 21 bro I got to review the game here I get some some replay some Bowl yep that's a loss Yeah got it got it I had to to I had to verify it I'm going to you might fix table all right Uh where we at Aiden come on we got we got I'm going with five crazy that's you got it? No bro. I don't got got man.

Listen I have two tries to get a come on you got this. How do how do you kill that fast I don't even know I'm looking at you 22 what am I at now? Okay, you know. Okay okay, wait wait hold up hit. let me think about this one stand and then I just lost 45 I see what we're doing today he said I see what we doing today? Okay Aiden bro this remember the one time where we were really down we did something now put oh, you want to do it no no no no no oh my God not yet not yet yet.
One more one more one and then we do it. Okay fine. one more one each. Yeah one more one each.

Go 15 though. Go 15. Stop being scared. Oh my.

God oh my. God Come SC don't make no money Nine? No way. it just did that to us. Stay, come on, we're the same.

No okay, this going to be okay. You know this is 20 25. Hold on on is this is this like the hospital is I can clear a button for like another drink and I do that. how do I get another drink? Money: So so 30 2525 All right so $25,000 hand Go 25 yeah I don't know if the camera heard that it is Aiden's money Aiden's doing a gift to me being very nice I'm just saying I'm just saying you, you know what? Give me one H Stay out on this one.

Stay out or this one. Come on one want one talking about Yes bro. Stand out man. Good Thank you bro.

That was a great oh man. Not against 10 No 10. Way too rough. Yeah, don't don't don't just hit it.

No 10 yet? Okay hit it again. Hit that. That's a 10 right? That's 11. Go 10 Oh my God 15 15 you got to hit You got to hit that again.

16 16. That's still. that's still a 10 though bro. it's 50/50 at this point.

but 16 is let me run the M of my head stand. Okay big stand let him do his I'm sorry I Love this bro. Why I feel so like amazing when he doing my first mistake was thinking that's my first mistake. Well we'll see.

The next part would have been let's see what it is. Let's see what you would have won if you would hold up Tom hold up to you would have lost anyways bro man don't have it No no insurance 16 I I Kind of have to hit on that right? Yeah you do. No hold. hold on wait second.

Okay now that's 5050 you got to hit 16 16 against a you got I mean like it 50 Play Let him play Let him. Play Play your game bro. Play your game tell you man might make a difference Can you know? ask her she maybe uh give you better advice unless unless wait what what is recommend 5050 It's 5050 right? But I'm telling you the book says to H but this one is some people do have. but I don't read books though I don't read them dude x x you got to hit that you don't he to if I was reading books I would be broke being some whatever I'm of that life okay pH what are you feeling you can stand if you want stand if you want to cuz she can have a stand it.

look look no okay damn no you would have. you would have lost anyway. it don't matter but that's why it's a 5050 but it was closed though it matter c one second I'll see you tomorrow I got to run to a meeting brother all right love can I take man uh I'll see you at the slap later Who some you guys? Li that's what happened what end up happening I got my ass who? no what you what? Are you down tomorrow? uh we'll cross you tomorrow 600 you'll be all right tomorrow. We'll get it back.
That's not a hit that you got to hit that um I have to hit that So I'm going to go and do Bing b. It's okay. it's okay. Let me this.

Let me chill. Let me win this. Let me just chill. I'm I'm done.

You done? Yeah, let me let me get out of here. You're going to take it all back. So what you are Lisa I'm going take you though 1K up there one time put that 1K up there. one time it's going to hit 1K 1K let's go like this.

1K Okay, just ju oh hold up just for the second of it. I'm going to go l in Okay, you feel it right I feel it feel okay. that's terrible. That's absolutely that's I got a dou yo? Can we swap that for an orange and then I can just put orange down? uh no, because who does? Jordan yeah there's 2500 ships over here I got I'll just get back to you cuz that's how much I gave you for the camera.

So yeah yeah, just get back to yeah yeah. watch this I got you Jordan I feel it. Don't even worry you see. Watch this.

Okay ready stand. you have damn I lied didn't I won just give me uh. two oranges. Can we do that now? uh you can color it up last one.

I'mma cut you off yeah yeah. I'm off ready. it's just a Content you go in ready. Yeah yeah I'm mile I'll good 10 nasty I Love that g I'll get in with him.

come on, it's good stuff. bro. liquor is nasty. all that isach bad.

it's a 15 bro. that is crazy. No more no more am I just go one hand just go one hand I know I know I get mad I want to say last more you one more you done I'm I'm bro one more just one more it don't matter, just be up. why not just be up from we're good we're good.

just last one well let me let me get I want to go and then we're good I get that 10 back. you'll see right here hands are I'm ding still good still I'm a double I don't care. yep we H that face down 13 I have to hit it. Go ahead that's going to be a sign.

got to be a sign. Okay come on now he you're done Okay nice. okay okay I didn't get embarrassed bro Broo that that fist bum. Biggest gamble today.

What are you at one one one V one one one it's your turn. it's your. it's you bro I have 20K right? So if I go one and I win I'm that's 40 right to's ready. All right that's 40 I do one and then if I win I get 25 I only 75 Okay so it's it's like a a round I get it I get it.

Then you want me 7 Yeah, you want to just trash it? Okay yeah, oh hits Okay, it's okay. What do you got right now? 20 15 either way I got okay. Okay, one more I know you're I know you're going to do yeah, you know it. Oh my.

God always get 15. she knows she knows better than I do bro I'm the guy I'm the 15. uh you know what? Um I have to hit. Come on X just stand I can't 14 There you go.

Okay okay okay now then now then if I win this I'm at I'm at 25. just do one more. This is okay. this is the final chip.
Okay I'm cut off, take it 25 15 and I'm cut off I'm whatever happens I'm cut off here. You want you want this? You want this now. he's going to make it stand. You want it? Ped it.

go again. Okay, it's your last last chill. Think you? I'm go with you. Come on, let's go together.

Let me think wait wait wait you want you want to go goad I'm ready to go bro. Why do you do that? What? Why do you dig it? I'm sorry. okay damn I myself so bad. stand you got to split.

You can split that. oh he ain't got no money. Okay that's mine though. But yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know I got you Thank you man thank yeah come on you got you got to double that bro.

Hold up you getting another one from a some oranges. We have to double that I'm so I'm so sorry about that. Is that even a real thing? Do you split double? yeah you can against a two up. hold up prob big if you want to do it do other I can't not my money so I can't do it I know this is my money right I got your face down down you keep your investment okay you keep we got a big hand look lock in Stand um stand 15 F you talking about how much is how much is you keep 10 and I keep 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 one take it all I don't give a it's fine count towards the day I don't care 1 2 count count.

Okay so X right now I owe you like I owe you like U 6 70,000 hold what does he owe me then chat I'm I'm going to deduct after that bet I'm so confused. let me think real quick. X so look I have 75 now but but I got I got 20 right here forget I'm I'm I'm I'm going just cross that thatb out what I just put in screw it. so if it was five I'm supposed to be at 15050 you so you owe me 75 butus 20 he owes me 55 Is that correct? Yeah no you know need we need? We need to hire like an engineer to can do all this.

MTH I can't do that man oh man he gave me well it was weird cuz I was involved in that bet and I just won 10 as well count. Why do I just that up? My bad, you gave him 10K right So I had I I had 20 for myself. Yeah you gave him 10 and I gave you 10. Yeah cuz he double he double twice Dce but I double that twice saying the actual money is only half.

but if you want you want to count your investment half doubled it and then he split. So how much? How much does he owe me 125? He owes me 125. Wait wait wait real. That's that's not okay.

Okay the the worst case would be CU I No cuz hold on hold no no no no hold on no no no no no no 100. Why hold on you're you're very smart and you're very smart. Okay I'm I'm so so you took you gave him a total of 75 50 in this and then 25 in chip. so that's 75 total.

Yeah you had colored up two. Blues so I had a $10,000 hand or is it 15 10 right? He said the last hand last hand you and then so I got 20 and I and I just said you know what? he got 5,000 so you give him 5,000 to split. that's right and then I double so another 20 so that was that was 30k in the end right? But I told you screw that. just crash off the de cuz you know sure then then raw raw M how much is how much is cuz I don't I don't care 75k so you owe me 75 sure is that right? That's I don't think so I don't I only know the I think I think I think I almost 65 I think because of the 55 because of split5 with the 10 55.
so check this out right? So look my 10 cool when I put that five in I was like screw it you know what? x just crashed it off the I'm not counting that towards how much ow me but I doubled two it's either 6555 65 it's 55 or 65. want it back for you so you confused too Ang oh my God I'll take word it's 55 55 Me: doesn't matter I don't care I would say it's about right it's 55 just we need Rainman in this like holy you want to work with five or you done what's up So now if I give you this you ow me 60 do you want to work with that or now you're done yo yo. This guy is like I know you're an addict but like going better one hand better one hand watch look it's better one hand eight okay look okay of course you of course had to and it she going bust What is that? Please give me a 10 just a 10 you know you hav't no God dang it Tomorrow we go crazy. Tomorrow we go absolute Bon it's why I was like oh my like all these like little amounts we're doing right now right? and I owe you five 10K I like dude tomorrow we're going to go boners like this is good.

My N word okay you can come with my c word if you want to stop. funny bro you know I was um I think we're good right? Yeah, we're all good upstairs.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “I lost everything in las vegas”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P. Bawty says:

    Getting a bbfront of the money for the next hand in saying yeah you know it's only for content. Definitely isn't a cope for a gambling, addiction or anything

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P. Bawty says:

    Jesus Christ these kids are living such a crazy life. Xqc is good up to a million he says, without batting an eye… Good God

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turbo Table saw says:

    hows it fun those numbers dont mean shit to them

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Wade says:

    Great friends, nice video, the end was funny, I see there all good at math

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freddie Tick says:

    It’s nice to see him genuinely enjoying his gambling addiction

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! RedFire says:

    Im so sad to see x roaming around with thoses rats at least he seems happy ;-;

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PureCapsaicin says:

    Bro getting scammed fr

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cross rov says:

    the title is on point!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyson Beezy says:

    More of this yeahh

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Lawsky says:

    Lost Vegas

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candy Bag says:

    The secret to happiness is being insanely rich and gamba i knew it

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corrie says:

    The crowd he's hanging out with is cringe, wanna be gangster island boi looking mfs

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hans Gruber says:

    I would love to gamble with these fucking

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Kyser says:

    Dayum bruh

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael says:

    they're not your friends if they would steal your chain little brother better watch his pockets

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eduardo João says:

    Bruh does he have autism or something? Why does he always have his hands in some weird ass positions, i guess it might just be the goblin syndrome from not touching grass and not interacting with people

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