xQc Plays in Ludwig's High Stakes Poker by Hustler Casino!
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#xQc #Poker #Tournament

Tom dwan on the left side of your screen, phil hellmuth, on the right. I am david tuchman. Thank you for joining us, we're going to be here for the next. I don't know six hours or so when phil just screams at someone watching these superstars play poker playing 100.

200. 50. 000 min buy-in. What the give us now that moment, all right, guys we're joined here and listen man, i i was doing my research last night.

All the players in the game, i was going through the story of your career, the former overwatch gamer, pro variety, streamer and bro. Your clips are nuts. I love it. Man yeah! It's really great.

I mean listen first of all, welcome here. Man. Thank you happy to have you here. So do you play a lot of poker, i mean, did you used to play online at all play online when i was younger? That's what i thought.

That's what i heard um i bought credit cards. I would load them up online and uh i'd, go at it and lose a lot of money and go in debt, but uh yeah, i'm here to make it and make it all right yeah, but i mean i look at you as like you're, actually professional gamer Right like when you're a pro it's a different than i've, been playing poker since 2008. I was 21 right, it's different when you're a professional gamer versus like an amateur. You got a certain mentality, clearly right.

Well, i hope i can learn fast enough and catch up to these guys i'll live on the fly and uh get the money. Are you playing at all you're practicing what'd? You do yeah like 10 hours a day and uh for real i'm going to make some money dude, you think. So, what's your prediction for the game? What do you think, plus plus plus a few hundred or what do you? What do you think? A few hundred for you: well, you could still. You could win a lot of money here.

There's two there's only two options: either. I do really good and make a lot of money. I'm happy or i go to zero. I'm not gon na stop at any point.

Like there's no point stopping if you go along with zero one way to think about it, yeah i see what you're saying though yeah you're going to do 100. No, i think, you're going the other way, oh yeah, for sure, okay, okay, okay, that's always all the way up. It's not all the way up. It's all yeah yeah, god stopping! I know a lot of your fans out there watching you want to give them a shot.

They might not see you in the poker setting very often the juicers in the chat uh on lovely channel, much love and thanks for all the boys - and i i'm gon na leave, you guys i got ta, go make some money but um. Thank you. Man! Much love it feels great to meet you man good, to meet you. Thank you, yeah.

Thanks for doing a good research, good introduction, i was gon na give away more. When i learned i learned a lot. It was great kind of watching the story. I mean ups and downs in the professional career.

I was like damn bro this guy. Hopefully it's working hard, i mean yeah. Hopefully that is up, though no you'll be good man. Good luck! Okay, thank you.
Thank you. Talk again, yep just moments away. From our first hand, sick, it's four thousand help me the double straddle botezz, our early big winner, but, as you heard, the players say we're just like four hands in a lot of like decent states. Live poker.

Do is like they'll get food that comes and they won't admit they're gon na give away reads like you know, on average, if we play probably, i get more reads from you or jimmy than you guys do for me right. But if my food just arrived, you guys are going to get more reads from me than i get from you on average. Are you only doing it? No, it's just like come on. You ordered you food, nothing and never happens the other way, but like on average right and you'll.

Have people come from online that haven't played much live or people that don't play that much poker and they just don't want to believe it? No one can read me. You know like and how much money did you bring 11 uh? We might have to support eating, he might go through 300 right away. One moment: yeah where's my own button. What's that? Oh, no! Okay! I'm! If you can promise me, you don't have aces kings or ace king come on.

I promise you anything, give me money. If you only want the four, then you can take it i'll, pull it one more, the other all right, i'm calling it once or twice once one time, oh my god, not a hot start, not a hot start, but there's a lot of diamonds in there. But you've got you played the hand perfectly. That's a pretty good start, no diamonds out there for kidding.

He needs running cards, appreciate it yeah. Oh my god. What's up here right now, decks full of aces? No! No! I'm bad! At reading. That was like a pretty good speech like the actually what it was is he interrupted me and i was like well this guy, i'm gon na try to hit him put on the doctor - yeah, oh my god.

If, if he gives another person 50k, we can all just put in the rest of the 50k right yeah, i'm actually sponsored by wpt and alex yeah yeah yeah, it's the it's the pitch, the double my juicer xqcl yeah, my heart's raising. How do you hide that, like, while they're playing against, like literally like no, no obviously like the first time, it happens like? What can you do, then you can be like yo. You can't do that and they won't do it again. That's crazy! Is that a fun game to play? No, no, like you're you're, even chinese billionaires, can't do that.

Like that's true, you know. But well that's not like you guys. I mean no matter what, if you have the hand or you don't if you're going all in dude your pulses better, be racing like yeah, i mean it's definitely way too much information box see this white doesn't deserve to see flops. He complains he doesn't see flops and he doesn't like this, mr value better over there.

You would have but yeah, because i didn't snap, i won the monies um. You want to sign that next dealer, whether or not they know who you are yeah i'll bet. 10K. There's only two dealers, i mean you might be able to buy from her it's like overcoat.
She doesn't even need 300., i don't know there, you go yeah yeah, we're getting it right there. There we go all right shot right. Do you have any more chips? I have i have another 50. okay cool, so i just didn't want us to be like all in dead on the table like if we all have 50, we can probably yeah yeah yeah yeah kings.com, giving away a 10 000 world series of poker main event see If you've ever dreamed of playing in the world series of poker main event, they are going to give one lucky person a chance of the night.

There we go. This is the first spot here. Then we get to see it. Okay, head over to the hustler casino, live chat and, on the top of that, the link is there, follow the directions make sure you subscribe to hostel casino, live and you'll be eligible to win a 10k world series of poker main event seat? Oh dude.

I i gave him a wide berth dude, a wide bird. I gave those cards a wide burst. There is coloring up, she's just got too many chips up over a quarter of a million already juicy. Looking ham right, it's been awesome eternity.

What do you do? It's pretty relevant, that's a great card. That's a great card to see. I like that phrasing. It's a relevant card.

I like that scene, it's good relevant! It's a good terminology, make it 30, raise it to 30k. Now the glasses doubled up early with aces versus keating's king five slime has the straight, though, once you realize she calculated all the money she want from chess and it got beat in one hand by the way she saved us all money, because he had seven deuce And he was, he was actually gon na win with the deuce of diamonds yeah. There you go instead of all of us all having to pay him 500. Each you're here, just one.

The thing is, is that you shouldn't act like a hero, but you had queen iv he's showing the floor. It made me feel bad, but i'm not stupid. Forget there's a stream, you just go. Look, i'm not cool x is right, get full x.

Gon na give it to you, gon na, give it to your ex gon na give it to you. Queens are cheap, don't know what phil has doesn't look like anybody else has much of anything people want to play with all right. I respect that 400. uh.

What are you doing? You're going back home, i'm gon na go, find a religion or something and try to turn my luck. Phil calls. So he has the best hand here almost always. I just i forgot my hand, there's plenty of them.

I know i just clearly what i'm doing in life is not working. It's not nothing, nothing's working for you! No it's just! We love that xqc has changed his glasses. I like these too. I don't mind i'll.

Take this one. How much do you have 200? Eventually, i have to, i did really yeah. Oh wow, you played that pretty subtle, a little soft, a little soft honey. I wouldn't mind it if you would have raised fifteen thousand exactly very quickly, yeah the way that that's all about that now.
I feel like my very natural stuff, uh and they're, like creatures like they're, not like we're, not switch it up. It's nutty actually just touch me: um, spider, it's great with water, come on 49 yeah, i'm not going to reward you for waiting till you get a great hand and then all letting fruit flop. Good man, it's a pretty solid possibility, though i reckon okay. What are we thinking yo as much as i'd love to 81 phil and both in the bedroom and out? I'm not going to tell you you know.

I know you know what you know what it was anybody else, but phil. I would have called him. I'm not going to tell i don't want to see the flop. Oh you know you never see it hey been there.

I thought that was a good hand too yeah this guy called me. It turned out that he took all the money. I also lost with ace king, oh yeah, take a look at our uh big winners alex slime. What did you xqc all up tom dwan now up? 8? 200.

tyler. You said it i'm here for a proof: hello, okay, oh my god, uh guys. I'm sorry like one out of every 10 hands is a family probably should agree start counting mentally because it's 1300, the most family move here. Phil fill with top pair mr beast, with top pair as well cool uncle okay, he he raps dmx at the party yeah.

That's true that is cool uncle moves, i'm the champion the best in the world uncle at the party. Nobody with hearts, oh make it five towers. I mean phil. Has the king of hearts he's got back door, but he's got the best hand right now.

Mr beast is gon na make it 5000, though not very family friendly, ludwig called phil calls as well. I don't think i i don't think i ordered it. Whatever yeah double check. I'm sorry can i have something: um are the kebabs out of order? They can bob the kebabs.

Is it gone forever? Is like a rare specie? Can i have thank you very much. Do you try to sound, confusing or no check? I know it sounds like you're doing it. I got a king, i have a king 10. shouldn't have folded that 69.

uh they're going to chop this up it. I think, if you are new to hold them, it's your best five cards, so both players are the pair of kings, jack, ten, nine kickers. So phil was ahead, but what the is going on they're gon na chop that one up but like not a lot just a little and then i lowered the amount five ways, but i i'm a certified weeb. So it's always japanese whiskey.

I actually don't like japanese whiskey that much i mean it's good, some of it yeah, i'm more snobby about that. A lot of it is like the really good stuff. Obviously i like, but but but i just like lost in translation, 10. 000..

Even woodford isn't bad wow right like a bourbon or something all right, um, but crown's pretty good, and it's like they have it everywhere. It's like a pretty basic yeah. I think that's, the key is them having it. You know that's why i usually like i'm just like all right.
If you got jackets, jacks they'll have it, but i get it i get it. It is come on man, that's a good hand, good fold, nice. I i had to keep betting. I had this straight.

Draw the whole time: it's been a tough couple hours for you x, my hands have been disastrous, though, do you feel good about the fold? Are you wanted to see? Oh you had a straight draw. Okay, you want to blind all in next hand x. Why not are you serious, yeah all right heads up blind all right, i'm down alone i'll, allow a blind heads of poland that'd be fun, i was so excited. I thought i love exactly get there this time not participate.

If you get do you guys know that, how much is this one all right jimmy? You know what it's time, man! What's up this it's my turn boy, i've seen one guy at the table play with seven two twice and win: it's not it's not a problem. It's my turn. Fellas, i'm positive. Now, let's go i'm phil hellmuth, that's what he said the line he did.

I'm phil help me nice morning. Phil hellmuth got a little clarification about that spot. I know a lot of a lot of you in the chat were talking about it and everything. I know.

You're bored you'll keep calling i'm not gon na change your mind, obviously, but you heard it from the uh from the horse's mouth so to speak. Hustle casino live brought to you by high stakes, poker productions. I am david duckman. Thank you for joining us on what is a historic night in poker.

Live streaming somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred thousand jimmy's got nothing people watching the show. Thank you so much for being here, mr beast, the pair of sevens. What is that 300 bucks just give it three? You know how they do it. Well, i think they might.

This is interesting for the people that don't know so. The first card on the board is the seventh year in seat: seven yeah, so you pay the collection so every half an hour they took 265 dollars or whatever twenty don't know. If you were bluffing and they always do it on the first part, is that just how it's called the time? How much do you have? Why did you? It doesn't matter, i'm not sure, and i think they, i think, they're going all in blind heads up what says you want action. Let me know, i think i'll set this one up thousand dollars who wins sure you want a thousand yeah you're betting on one of them yeah.

You pick you fat on me i'll put it on jimmy all right felix. I got you. What does that mean? It's a side bet: does it affect you in any way side? Betting you're impressed? Are you guys doing? Are you doing the two card version of the four card version normal just running one card, yeah? Okay, all right, let's go yeah deal, is face up deal you face lap, yeah, there's no reason after they're all in they want to be done. I guess your facial reaction will change because you'll know i complain.
You'll never know what he has. That's fair, yeah, exactly the same one. All right go ahead, you can deal. Are you waiting for ryan ryan deal the car yeah? What the some of us are buried here? Sorry, i i've got ta look give me your wheat choice, you're still waiting for them.

Six! Nine jack these got sevens. Oh wow, i'm looking at one of them. The xqc's only got twenty five thousand about hustler. Until they deal there, we go xqc.

Looking for uh an eight. Can you find the snowman i like that one, and was it not a jack? It was this. It should be all right so that one's a piece of flip your right card, my record yeah right right card: okay, okay, all right, okay, yeah, three, all right, ready, ready, one, two, three, seven yeah seven wins seven swings. Oh hi, you're! Welcome! No! Oh wait: wait guys.

He said no uh. I guess i can't take the call back. I can't believe three of the sevens were in your hands. Oh my god.

Actually you have more behind you yo. However, we did it. There is yeah the way you do it for nerds that is 100 to play, yeah tommy's, so tilted. I just want to test something real, quick.

I thought of look down at those, not the four give him the king uh, i'm pretty sure someone could see them in your glasses if they wanted to. I just noticed last round yeah yeah, yeah yeah, you shouldn't wear those. I can see your cards. Oh wow you're welcome.

I could have abused the out of that for those glasses it's time for the yellow ones, time for the yellow ones. 2.0. I want to know how many pair of glasses he brought. I mean he's already been on his third pair.

He probably has like six more in there. I didn't realize until after antonio's fun the art for those for those of you who don't know - and i know we've got a lot of viewers who might not be familiar with poker yeah. I mean phil hellmuth, i'm not sure why he's so short stack right now. I feel like he should be covering a lot of these players right here.

I'm surprised he doesn't have 600 000 in front of him right now, a little real real surprised by that are you, though you you've seen from i mean, listen if there's ever a time to top up to 600 000. This would be. This might be the spot for you, so i'm just surprised the great you know my guy phil hellmuth right. I'm just surprised that he wouldn't have that confidence in himself to to go in deeper here.

Maybe he thinks he's got that big advantage with that 50k stack. But just i don't know you got mr beast with 150 in front of him, so three million dollars retail, like 450 in inventory. I just told the story like three times he lost he lost it. He lost a ton of money by tweeting out i'm going to give people free chocolate who, like this sweet, oh interesting, king high flop, not the flop phil was looking for with nines.
It's exercise looks like alexander botez is absolutely crushing. It right now love to see that alex is uh one of my favorite players to kind of come into poker over this past year. Yeah. You know you dubbed her at the beginning of the show.

You said you know queen of chess, but possibly the queen of poker going forward and she's up at half a million dollars. I mean listen anytime, you win 500 000 you're you're thinking about playing more poker, so i'm pretty sure alex is going to be sending out more messages to people about getting in some more games. Now, bro, no they're, fine! No i'm going to look at them as long as you don't don't look at your cards, the rest of this hand, all right, um! Oh everyone wants me to do the better. Well, you're right.

I don't know what mr beast has, but, based on what else, everybody else has likely he's got the best hand here in an all-in-one joe's gon na call anyway with nines, not a believer. He has probably something good and he wants me to bet, but i kind of want him to bet as well. So it's it's fine dude! That's your call! 25. 25.

000. Did he make two pair 10-3? All right? Okay, i mean i have a queen, so you probably have a king. You got a queen. You got another great value bet by the way he got paid off with aceh and then fast forward, 12 minutes what the hell is doing on it's like impossible that i could ever be losing in this game.

The man just spent a queen, i called five thousand under the gun i got ta have nines or above and he better queen five for value on the river. I just have never seen such a bad play and then he said you win because he never can win with it. He was a really good hand. No, i was saying that, because i wanted to fold, i thought it was dead.

Of course, you thought you were dead, they're bluffing off their money to me. I assume these two are doing it all and again blind we've seen that once earlier, i love doing that, though. If you put a big bet out there, you're, basically not about it. You win how much money these guys make ryan.

Can you please steal the car i'd rather decide to call these guys a lot these guys like to gamble. I like this shout out to seanjeed watching at home right now wishing he was in the game right now. How good is it so they put all their money in blind here, yeah xqc, looking pretty good dominating beast: oh, oh wow, an xqc actually doubled up really early on first 45 minutes doubled up against keating had aces versus king five of diamonds. Doubled up was up 50k, but it has gone south ever since yeah.

Eventually, you got to win, looks like he's not leaving yet talk he's not giving up quite yet gon na reload here for some amount, whatever the this is uh, oh dick's, until 200 yeah, but i'm not going to play with this. It's not enough for the devil. Yeah, oh, oh, he's tough when you're up and then you give that back and then you end up down in the night yeah and then you look to your right and you got tom dwan right. Hey guys, can i show my hand or not? No, no! No! No, no, no, no good news is if he wins the hand, he's actually going to win a ton.
This is actually a great parlay form because they're playing the seven deuce game. So if he wins this, are you serious okay? If he wins this she's gon na? Like ten next, how do you explain to the new people what the seven deuce game is yeah? Basically, if you either bluff your way or you win seven deuce at showdown. Basically, if you win with seven deuce at any point, but you show it you get paid by every player table they've made it 500 per person. Okay, cool yeah: it's a way to create more action for your game and it really loosens things up, because when someone bluffs you you don't know if they have the seven deuce or if they got a three of a kind now keep in mind, he obviously can't Bluff because he's all in but seven deuce wins so he'll he'll, not only six seven times up, but he'll also get the additional bounty that comes with winning with seven dude.

So he could go from this 500 up to what he might not like. That, though, i mean normally with 500, you don't want to get seven deuce, but in this game it's not bad right. This might be the only time. You'd want the seven deuce with in this situation, but he's going to have to he's going to have to pray to god right now.

Tuck i might have had the xqc needs to run good energy. Yeah xqc has been streamer of the year multiple times, yeah he's. I watched a lot of stuff last night got a pair of deuces. He's, got the best hand.

No, that's not jack jack yeah, never mind but he's live. I just want him to have the best hand. I can't i can't help it right now. 20 of the time he's gon na win this alex also with a jack.

What's going on in his head, slime's got that back row. Flush draw. Oh, mr beast is gon na race. Interesting she's got the best hand here the 10.

The kicker does play nobody with a spade in their hands. Oh wait, wait. Do you see it exactly tough spot for alex here, she's got that top pair five-way. Most people are going to have a strong hand if they're put more money in here.

I don't know you want to. Let me sweat it. Oh yeah yeah! This game is not like that, though. Okay, this is a cooler for this game, so alex might get stacked.

Here is what you're saying well she's got mr b's covered so but yeah. If she could she might, this could be a huge pot without a doubt we're all calling we're rooting for a deuce right. Oh, are you kidding me xqc pulls ahead with the seven deuce if he wins this with seven deuce, that's gon na be amazing. I got ta hear the crowd, i don't think he's gon na be happy and she thought it was pretend for the first two hours she was lighting.

Everyone up, it was crazy. Alex is not afraid of the spade either dave because she's going to call 132 000 in this pot of course, river's clean. The jack 10 does play he's going to win a huge main pot. Xqc is going to win.
I'm sorry the sidebar xqc is going to win the main pot plus the bounties yeah. I kind of go all in oh wow i'll check, oh jack ted. He won that hand and everyone else gave him five points. That is a huge catch.

He won those you got me, wait, wait. You won that no, he hasn't done it with his five hundred dollars. No, he won the sun. He won the side.

Pod, there's literally no way. Well, technically, it's the main pod, the 500's. I got it holy. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you baby. Thank you yeah. He just 13xed his money.

You got one foot out the door now you're still in the game, shout out to mr peace, getting a lot of value there with that jack 10. got a raise and an extra straight there. That's not a bat, not a bad uh. If you're going to make a comeback.

That's how it's, how you feel take a look here, alex still up 488 000., don't cry for her wow ludwig up! 81. 000. he's having a good night, mr b. Still our big loser, but he was down over 300 000 earlier so now only down 211.

he's making a comeback here. Dave he's, i imagine he becomes the new bank and just wins like 400k off that if x wins, this he's a he's, a god bro. No one's going to give him action i'll, give him action i'll, give him action as well chance for xqc to triple up two hands. He can turn 500 into twenty one thousand true, seven, two, seven, two! Oh you're! So awesome holy.

Seven, two! Don't flip your cards! I just wanted to yeah yeah, i'm just fine me and you yeah, i mean yeah still into the death. These are actually my excuse he's going to have to avoid that's, not good. No, that's it. Mr beast can't lose the hands.

5. 000. ludwig calls drawn dead and hits an ace now, just the fourth spade out there. Both players - i mean mr beast - is not gon na love this card, your pot-sized bet here dave ludwig.

Just the ace four spades on board loses to any spade. You're just gon na call, you can show us i'm kind of curious. If you have a spade re-raise call. He makes the call wow and mr beast, with the unconventional value bet for the third time in the last 30 minutes gets paid every single time, hey um.

Finally, i'm not just losing everything back three different yeah they're, just like a lot, it's too much. There are too many aren't they listen big shout out to x for coming out for playing in uh playing some poker with with this group and for coming out to hustlers supporting the stream big shout out to his fans out there and uh. You know. Hopefully we see more about him in poker and see him giving the game a shot.

I mean he had a good chance. There i mean when's, the seven deuce and he had a chance of parlaying 500, pretty much pretty unlucky there with the queens right. Normally you get queens there, you think it's an easy triple up for me, but just wasn't meant to be for him. Give me.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “I played a $1 million poker tournament ft. mrbeast, ludwig, ninja, hellmuth, botez, keating”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Vasquez says:

    Mr beast looks like he has the most severe social anxiety I've ever seen

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Need Food says:

    Im comment 24 which is funnier then comment 23

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davit says:

    never thought i would see a mrbeast, ninja, and xqc collab

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Undiiviidual Is Bad says:

    Forsen Sebastian Fors
    Has lost 11 hands in a row

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tihetris Weathersby says:

    This guy knows how to play a $1 million dollar poker tournament

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CryVengeance says:

    gambling away my kidney was xqcL today

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Mach says:

    Xqc is truly loves gambling

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ButterChoke 97 says:

    Buk Buk Buk 🐔🤙

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian Ruan says:

    Lost All TrollsDespair

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaffety says:

    Xkc the poker legend

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NexyZ says:

    he fell from grace Sadge

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ImABigTumor says:

    Still can’t believe Alan lost $1.1 million

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THUND3R says:

    That is the legend Ninja!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars August says:


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